if VHIM tll'l'1" a til yvi,uuuk(), r i L S PAGE POUT! 0 MIDGUT) MAJTi TRTRUNR, MTDFOUD, ORK(jQ.V, SUXDAV. .JANUARY 4. 10:51. SYNTHETIC 1 MAY AID DIVE FOR SEA GOLD Kansas Chemistry Professor Will Help Recover Eight Million in Sunken Liner Egypt. Many Improvements in New Models NEW YORK in') The Uh-.tH of n K;ms:in ehomistry prnfrHwor hlivo crossed the Atlantic lr help re- eovnr JX.IIIIII.UIII) -,,1 l . a ... . 1A.J.WI in the liner in gold sunk :e Ku.vpt. The professor, Or. J. Wiilurd llershey of Me J'iK'rriOn College, has been making tvnthctic air for lUS flaSHCS. Now it is pro posed to Use tint) of hiH iirtiflclnl atmospheres for divers off Capo t I-1 I n I 1 e r r e, - I-'uncc, working 4011 feet under the surface of the Atlniitie, hiiIviik- Inline rich cargo of the Ponlnsu f 1 In, and Orlenuil liner Kgypt. The bi-glnnings of this Hiory go hack to a niidwi'Klern high school. There u few years ago lleishoy, nhort Jn mature, (juiet spoken, -- ready smiling hut without furidH, wished to interest IiIm pupils in chemistry. Diamonds loo Snuill Mn he tried making synthetic diamonds hy the method proposed " vear-s ago by the l-'roiiehmiin .Mois ... k:iii- llershey obtained glitieiiiiK; biM- hut of microscopic smnllness. i.-.. lie wont tn MePherson college ami -continued IiIm experiments. He tool; the shining particles to ' - a meeting of the American t'hemi- " cul society ami delivered a sclen ." llfic report Hint they were real diamonds. His fellow ehemistH unitled, for even if diamonds, thuy were uselessly Hinall. llei-Hhey, purnulng hi teaching ' plinelples, turned to Hynthetle nt f mosphoren. He substituted other prises In place of nitrogen, whieh constitutes ahout St) percent of normal air and found helium and oxvgen belter for white in lee than . real air. . . Itonndaboul Results GTr Thus ho reported to the Amor lean Association for tho Advnnco tnent of Science at Pes Moines last '"" Muter. There were not. -ho many smiles this time. In fact home ward hound scientists from Dos Moines discussed setting money to assist Hershey. Commander Sloan Hiinenhower. r who will pavlate Wilklns' suhma-'-i lne under the north pole next summer, heard of the synthetic -air- lie. wrote llershey indulrlng . abour Its tine for divers, who get j'the "bend" from the nitrogen in ordinary air. -ffr llershey's reply waa so favorahle that IJanoiihower went to Paris .with a proposal for the KtfVpl salvors to tuko divers down In tho American suhmnrlne Defender and . send them Into the wroelt breath ing synthetic air. .1 JaseeaSBSg- -'Baiwtt' fete H These vievs sliow the new l'Jil Chevrolet six-cylinder co;ich model and he driving compartment of the sedan. The front seats are adjustahle, and the new clash has been refined and improved. Chevrolet lactones througaout the country have been working to capacity to build Chevrolets enough to supply the ever-increasing demand. Secrets of Air Photography BLUE FOXES NET iftf: if MARHIU'! IjLD, Ore., Jan. 3. ln i24 Mr. and Mi-b. K. N. I(, Huntley, Coofl county residents, seeured two pair of Alaskan Itlue fox from Alaska. Today the - Huntley's have 73 pair. Many of the animals are shlp pod to Kurope, Huntley suyn, for -M lireedlnR purposes, hrlnnlnK uliout J $3(Ht u pair upward. Of a reeiMit . . shipment of 3ti shipped to Kurope. together with 15 pair sent to other markets, more than JHOiiO was ;ii cleared, they report. The fur .( hearers do well along Hie coast of v;v Oregon, the glowers stale, the fur being heavy due to the salt mois ture In Hie air, ahum with a mlhl i; , climate. :GO(ySEiicn r GIVES HOT SOUP WASIHNHTOX. ; 1). C. Thei D, (.', o lltienoM Ain u, world's record distance plmto- Cajiliiin A. V. Steven" noted gra jih, first pictures from I lie air aerial photogra pher, took more of a wat'i-M)out, and an aerial than I.TiOii atrial p holographs, areas of the Interior, especially around the mouths of Hie Orin oco and Amazon rivers and the juimles of Hra.il. , Life History" of YntorsHnt The waterspout, a m I g h y, wriggling, .serpentine column oi water, was sighted near Ha'aJna. One clear and frosty morning in September, Argentina') mld wlutur, while flying toward Villa Mwceiles, the,xpedition'H airplane Climbed to dn altitude of 1,000 feet. "Poldngliis heaVy camera over the side. Captain Stevens snap ped t lung-distance .portrait of .M o u n t Aconcaguu. iJO miles a wji.v. I'pon ilevciopinK this film the white mountain ieak, as tar away as Albany Js -from Wushing toii. l). cM ht.wcd plainly, sup ported' by U)(t .muHslve Andean range. j 'l'vr Miles Iflglict Tlinn Kvoivst! Two years ago from an especial-' ly built Army airplane with Cap tain St. Clair Sterrcti as pilot. Captain Stevens took unother world s record photogniph liush-, v i II e. Indiana, from :i 1) . 1 f 0 f not ; an altitude almost two miles high er than Mt.. Kverest! "Air photographs represent a new instrument of science, In ad dition to their value to aviators and their pictorial beauty", , ex plains a bulletin from the Nation al Olographic Society, "Mapnuik ers utlli'e aerial pictures in pre paring maps ((ulckly and cheaply.) Oeologists discover In them new features and peculiar formations on the ea rth's surface which nro not ordinarily visible from the Hitmnd. Arr-haeologists use them to record new theories and facts about the habitats of ancient man. ''Whenever earth is flag or turn over, the surface soil is mixed witli that beneath. If the latter is' chalk an in parts of JOngland and Flanders this stirred up soil nev er becomes merged again in col or. Therefore, where man has dug a hole or ditch, this fact Is no ticeable by distinct blemishes n the aerial landscape. I toman en campments and r o a d burla! mounds, and zigzagging trenches of the World War are clearly discernible, "Aerial camera men speak as glibly of 'verticals' nnd 'obliques' as studio photographers refer to 'bust portrait;' and "full lengths. When the e a m c r a is pointed straight down, the resulting pic ture is a vertical and when it in held at an angle to the earth nn oblique. The latter are tho typesj usually seen in newspapers and magazines. The vertieloij have a more practical use, however, as it is from them that aerial 'mo saie mails are made. .Mast Keep l iriu Stance ' To take aerial ' photographs properly, the camera man must literally hang on by his tnes. A swift dive of the airplane into an 'air pocket might toss him out. His camera in extremely heavy and to keep it from vibrating in the wind a firm stance Is import ant. "Success with aerial pictures depends upon the ability of pilot and oh lit on i'fi oher t ,i eoo iterate. The tail or wings have n habit of sticking themselves into the pte turo at juwl the wrong time Cap tain Stevens has developed a buz zer system which he uses when Ford Announces De Luxe .Victoria panorama of the skyways to South J while Jacob Onyer took ground j where the airplane circled it and America , were brought back re cently , by a Xational Oeographh Society expedition whieh explored the air routes from Washington, photographs and Kredi'i iek Sim-j photographs were taken from it pieh made observations along the! Kt,,rt to its dissipation living the 1,'JOO-mtle route which . included j complete "life history' 'of th manv side trips to little visited i dread phenomenon. ' w . . .January 1st Silent-Shift Syncro-Mesh Transmission and Torque Tube Drive in Eight at $1025 f. o. h. Flint, Michigan OOQUnXi:. On Jan. 3. (jr)- , The chumber uf commerce at Cnqufllp isjictlng tin ii registration i dcoot for uin'iuployed who art' ' .v wit In if work on utate highways, under tho oniPrgency plan adopted ,. bv tho state highway roniniiRslon. Moio than firty have gied their nppllc.'iHon. The wages wilt be ' i A n day. ' .The Foursquare church here U Hiding . in relief for the poor by tl. establishing a soup kttchim, and Is .. , l upptving hot soup daily to those . out of work. Huslness concerns - nnd farmers ore donating to the nn church campaign and mom horn of - tho. oi'RniiUotlnn are ' dnlng the , work. ., m A1 IMnrktfi-t lnH I'ln Jloys . N KW .VoIlK (Ai Hrny I'ltwk- 'Aurrt- Hotith(?rn - Callfoi-nUk's All- t lAinerlcnn halfback, l of Kranco 'tirrmrifi rtescont. He In nn oxcel- n,' lent cartoonist but is studying architecture nnd has one- mm e . t vrar for study nnd college foot- -ball. . ImpnrtR nnd oxpm'tN of Inn An -'win Imrl.or for the flrnt nine innnlhs of 11130 Rhownl m.lim. jiciiw wore ynlu1 ill II 1 1 .41)5 ,4t! iinil ImiioiH Ht 137,381), 147. Now linick announces two new ind vitally important features in its Series 50 Valve-in-IkMil Straight Might: Silent-Shift Syncro-Mesh Timiis mhsion ttiid Torque Tube Drive And these additional features arc offered at no increase in price! This means that you can purchase any one of the six Huick body types listing from $1025 to $1091 ami obtain Syncro-Mesh Transmission, Torque Tube Drive, Valvc-in-Mcad Straight Tight l.ngine nnd Insulated Ilody by Fisher, exactly as in Ruick's three other series. Value such as this explains why Huick is w inning more than 5t out of every 100 sales among eight-cylinder cars in its price range while 14 other manufacturers share the remaining )(. Own a Buick V.ighl. Its bigness unJ brilliance mean true luxury. Its ft:iJ,tbi!ity ami mure tb.nt J(K).()(K) miles endurance mean true ecvti'ttny. A t small car in tratte will a ery likely take care of the ini n (layment. ; c; l: n ii k o A L 1 O TORS O u I Tlic Vk1rw. Jusl niinnuun.il Itv 'jVr'3SfJ: ' fj i f tho l'oiil Atntm. Jumpanj. M'he VrW'&i! f I interior, of the Joi(l Vli imla i il t?- ffiji , Vs S it 1 1 4 rilit) oilers a lira mile of Ins 'fei k ADDITION' 'of o Vi,U.rin t.i thn VWJ cars was ..oi.ih-o.I hy ..he !,,! fvhtXRP" H 4tf4lPJi Motor C,,u,. tea, itj Tlie Victoria Is Imill aloii- aW? YVf$ iMm Cve,y ,, .U,cs ,,, feffcf PAl5lirS H a very ui.Un. live ,, -T IT VMf 5 nice. Tlie rejir- o1 ll.c bod. I 14 1 HM U curves gracefully out anil 'loiui " JsilV'l I from tho boll line wnilo. the linl & WXtWk sCSk ?W " I shield, the only our ,.f it, 1:1ml U kUMJ &M Wt T 1 t slants at... ploasiiii.- iniiile.' K..1 K L4&"f F iowiug .1 xtyle which lun. ana,., d P llIf Ik 'ff preat ))o;)iilarltv in Ihuimo. ihe ifs llsiS?vf li ' i " top and reai quartoi . ilown to lhell WiiAi'Z. tan pyroxyitii-coiiicu inaiori u P57V 4$ j 7 which atioid a striking control K"? I-t body is avaUuble. A Mar? wheel mounted on hi. angle on the rcur and cowl lamp. lurilit'i uuliunce tho oxterior appearance. The iHterior offers a now noto of luxuriouncss In 11 small cur. The two Iron, scats, both ot which are iid.lnatuhbJ, fold com pactly forward. The rear seat, ttdh -Hit ;n iii real nt eithor end, iThcie are curtains on tne rear 1 Jow and coinlortahlc-, while the and Mturter windows, hardware in lloor of the Tear .compartment -in of satin finish. nd window par-doprcsMcd- tu jnoVide-.ample Ipg nlsh mouldlnps are of mahogany loiim. '. . finish. Adjustable inside ruu Hpholstcry niay ; be had In vinor is provided, citlicr a deep. moH mohair or a . The Victoria ia mouulsii on the hcautifiil, durable lJcdiord cord. I standard Model A chassis. opera t inn from a hi;,' plane. Two bu;::'.cs means turn rifiht. three left, and four keep straight. 'Oood aerial obliques must be taken from outside the cockpit, because interveninp; Klass of it cabin window would detract from tlie clearness of tho picture. Some times the temperature approaches the low records reported by Ad miral iliyrd at Little America. Therefore, when flylnj,' at hih nltlnidesi. special etothlnt; and liquid oxygen must be provided for the crew and the camera is often electrically heated." Kon State game he intercepted pass and ran for a touchdown. 2-lH-Pound Tackle Anile PULLMAN, Wash. () Glenn 12d wards, Washington" State col lege's "Terrible Turk" named tackle in the All-America consen sus of the Associated Press, plays all over the field although he weighs L'ltS pounds. In the Ore- Anmtetirs Help In Ktorniw OMAHA, Neb. Radio ama teurs continue to prove the value of their privately owned stations. During recent snow torm in North Dakota and Nebraska, with wires down, they made possible reestablishment of communication with initiated sections. Hundred of messages were handled. DDDBB DEPENDABILITY ncrtnvni IDoilge lirotlieri present a new Uocljje Siv niiil a new "Oiulge iiiij lit tl ic mu.st lieaiitilul, comtortiililc and a Lie cars in Dotigc history. & It contin ues to lie Doilgc lirotliers convic tion tliat tly most important tiling aliout a motor car is tliat it lc n good notor car so ileswucil anil so tuult ot souiul materials tliat it 'nay last Ion anil operate ilcprntlaoly. V A I. ,new DoJje Sim anil Eilit Jeinonslratr that it is possihle to in corporate in cars ol IXulye quality at Dodge Brothers traditional price levels a measure of heautv, sif and performance . far beyond anything that moderate pi'icc has p'reviou.vlv commanded. I he value represented O in such cars will he iiigantlv :ip- O parent to every motor car hnv.'r. OO ' fA Ul Kint titled j trtnlilnttitt CIIMt NKW lU.AUTY-.Sl'AilKLlNi:: COLO IIAIl.MONtKS-l.XOUI.Snr. INTERIORS - 1 N C R K A . 1. D COMI'OIT-VIK Wlli:-r.I..S-f!NER. FASTER PEL FORM.mCK-MOKO. PIECE STtEf, II 0 1) 1 1..S - INTERNAL 1 1 Y D R AC 1. 1 C linAKES-MANY OTMI'.R REFINEMENTS 'lieu ifiwlnv A.'';!'' four r.r.J.U .ric.-,l i:m $ i ; ' , ,!l tk (. .,. Ii. lU,rt. Cunlw . . 8l ll' Ct, iiwi,KuJ,i,riceJ a . '" t- t. All .ri,-,., f. . I,. Ij.-ton. .-fU.in ill .Wi'pJ ii'un -J 85 SCHERER MOTOR CO. 38 40 North Rivcrsldo Phono 73 O WHEN ' DETTER AUTOMOfllLES ARE BUILT RIIICK WILL I1UILD THEM O O O O G o o EAKIN MOTOR CO. . o o 1618 South Fir St. Phone 304-Medford, Oregon