J nrfllj mrrm --'is !;! ' Mil- If i i 4.J ? - i . ' l lili Hil a i. it I'll ft in .yr,: 3 SI! lili nil M ill! III! lili !!!! fill illi till ill! i'H nil ii:: 111 lil S Mil I'll lilt i If i n mi t'li 5 Hi! ;PAOE SIX MEPFOKT) MAIL TRIBTJXE, BEDFORD, OKflfiOy, FRTDAY, JANUARY 2, 1931.. POSTAL RECEIPTS N. YEARLY BUSINESS; Robert Allen Montgomery Arrives on First Day 1931 To Claim Prizes at Stores CHARGE RESULTS Radio Program KM EX) (Mall Trlbuna-Vlrgln Station) SEE BEAUTIES OF (Hy I-.va I, en Ion) At 7 : L'3 a. in. New Y.-ui'h day, just licforc Die Hit ii rose to shine wlilti-, whichever color ho prof era I will he Kiven by tin; Handicraft! Simp. Ami the Met! ford National Hank hiiH a hank hook and an , The proRrpHNlve growth and de velopment of .Medium in the past ! " a worm juxi one year oioer, ll.f,l (,.Posit of 2 ready for year, both mnnerieatly and ffnan- the winner of firm right to tiio t jjt( P i,;n" to avoid htixlnesH de cially, Ib reflected in the loial post title of "Little lien" arrived at j ,ir(.Hon hy HlartiiiK a Buvlngs ac offlce recnlptH. the compiling of ! the Sacred Heart hoHpilal. to claim cUlti which haH just been completed by j nil prizen offered hy merchants or, An Hhistrated baity record hook, Postmaster Warner, and w hich Ml ford to the first baby bm n on 1 Which will be as much nppreciat- HNOW' U Krtin or a Utile over ju .i.imiary im. j h-w iniiiuies unci per cent over the receipts of last hi" arilval was reported to the yenr. I Mall Tribune by the hospital man- The receipts for the year Just nRemont and up to date no one ended were $1 OL',1 78. G, and th reeeiptH for the year were $92,04 1.88, making n gain of 530.78. . The receipts for the month Just ended, $11,407.15, were the largest for that month in the history of tho Medford pout office, being V.riSC.4(I more than the receipts for December fl year ago, w hich up to -ltmt time !had held thq lJcccRiher 1 record. 1 has contested his title Hubert Allen Montgomery, son of .Mr. and .Mrs. .Martin Montgom ery of I'hoenix, Is the correct name of the little brown haired hoy, who with eight pounds to bin (I hi' imnhi'i' im u,, Iti Dm a i f I 1 of rtwem-s. The .Medford Fur-1 M,H- '- suffering Injuries. Khe lihlay. 5 to 0 l'eoples' Kleetric -f Stote; I'opular llocordlngH; 4 news and markets by Muil . ,, . ,1 Tribune. fr Joe Mozell. well known local fi to 7rai.im,rH Kx(.unge , , ", , . V 1 -.; our Office Jioys; v utorms cf the season In tho Orator charge ,.t driving n car while ln-: ,.,,, nd Hnll 1 nn ' J Vewed yes' news digest: Murray and Pe who motored to the park en Harries. L'liC, , trance. A few oeoulo Kticcceded In Si ti. ft Pol.llh.r- llofftt iMlltfH- i a .11 i. t .1.- f both ctilH belnu damaged and I "I, , V . V , . . . " ",,V,I,K " miuii uimantc ue.vuiin uiu ...... ,. , .,, LIIHVII II JUIIU f"1"-"'""" j G I L I Oue ot the must beautiful buow during which alleged court h Ion his car collided with that of Mr. ; ;imi .i r. August i .nng. the iroinn nit tire ami Hardware company, j which no doubt guessed wrong on the buby'H Hex, haw donated a f doll buggy. It's a wicker Hey-wood-Wakofield model and ub- ince hat the inaiorit v turned , V 9 to 10 Venetian Nights; there und enjoyed several houra of lauen ny a pjissing motorist - iiinmv iiini.w Town l i.u " a.. ' 'l' to a local hospital where her hurts were dressed and she re turned to her home last evening Htanliatly built. j A five-pound chicken for the buliv's fatnilv to ftrnst noon is credit Jh ready to meet any con- j (,m,ing from the i.lhertv .Meat tempararles, who may seek his mil, ket and a box of Whltelaw's t'1'"- candy lor the mother from Col- He was sleeping soundly In the Vip's Drug more. A ja.flo mer Sacred Heart hospital nursory at ehandise order which allows the noon today, confident of his .,,,,. to .-boose tlw food they House (Jrchestra. The storm started about 3:30 Sutiirtlny. o'clock, alter the wind had been ata A At bl I 11 H....... ..- .lt .11 Willi,, the cnlllsion occurred at ' , ,.,.,.wu. ..,.,,,.1 : "'""' "' .-. ... - tin jiiuni ui .uiu n.fjCi miuu ttuu ti cawt of news hy Mall Trlb- (laurels, and failed to open his' eyes when Interviewed. Therefe prefer. Is promised by H, K. ' .Marsh. i TAGS THIS YEAR The Kconomy .Meat Market is giving a home sugar-cured bacon In honor of the new arrival, C, .1. Hreier and Co. a pair of beau tiful hose to his mother and Peo ple's lOlectrie aiorr (he intersection cf South Oak dale j luiu r'wai i live nun, uie hi nwi nne by Mr. hang charges hat Mozell );n)f( wh driving a ear while intoxl- I oKriendshlp Circle: II Mil 111! I .IMIH IMKO.IJ. . Pndtlln,.' KW.r ll i,. Mlni'ff It V UIUI M. V It is alleged that Mozell was A deterialned effort to enforce the state dog license law will be made In Jackson county this year and plans are underway to employ u dog catcher, county authorities na id today. All flogs, whether in the city or c o u n t y, must wear county license tags ;y March 1 , un official announcement nald Horn found unlicensed after ma i vo i nui iii rtuojei-L ui siiooi- i ing or cause their owners to be hailed Into court to be prosecuted, j During 1930, less than one-half of' the dog population was licensed j resulting in the sale or approxi niately K0O licenses. their color In still undetermined hy the press but the nurses promise that they twinkle with success ami that his little pink and white toes eady to find their way first pa Ir of shoes. r will be presented the anv merchandise. Uobbins furnl victor uy Juan s htioo store. And tore store- in making the same his finger will be encircled with a' ()fivt- ,,u any juvenile furniture baby ring, the gift of Larry thai suits tho "lucky" Sehade. 1 Ills toiletries are coming from iifu fir-d oboioL'rnnh will be f 1,0 '"'"'it into the .Medford i'hnririacy. A coin- j u, .n at Sbangle's studio without plete set of Mi'iincu'M Is all ready J eharge. And his mother is going ami walling for Ills aproval. j i,, wear a pair of warm, comfy A sUk bonnet, pink, blue or 1 slippers presented ' by the Itooto'ry. d riving at ,'I0 miles a n h our n n d after the collision drove away t great speed and was pursued by a passing motorist, who wan only able to keep the tall lights of the fleeing ear in view until Mozell'p car went off the Hnctf ic highway Into n ditch near the Jackson Hot . ... . 1 ,. . , t i - m l Store; av s Hupr-Kervice springs and was wicked. The . N. .....H..i...r .....t.out i,n , , in v Station: .News I' lash oh by ft credit oil Mi"'"oK iiioioiiHi men ioiik .mm kpii to ine ponce Hiation at asu land, from which lie was brought over to the t-ounty jail at Medford baby's' y'ruay. neeaiise ui .io.en s iiiaiillitv l" -IBOY AND G!RL SCOUTS ! HOLLY HOVS SCENES ON 1 SATURDAY EVEl AT HOSE BOWL GAMEHOT SPRINGS DANCE 10 to 11 White King; Alex- 4-' tinder's Food Shop. 11 to 2 Film Tips and Talks; A Schilling Co. IV M. 12 to 1 Swem's Hook and fiift Shop; Heath's Drug was at Its height when nix cars, three going in and three coming out, nlnlled endeavoring to pass a rlioit distance south of the en trance. The large flakes, falling rapidly, oltKCurod the sKrcra from the rest of the world, while the snow was shoveled away with little difficulty and the cars started on their way j aguin. Among those who made tho trip wero Kenneth Anderson, Hall Heed, John Bohncrt, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Bohnert, Willsie i'ruitt, Geneva Hurt, Mr. and Mik. Aubrey Nor ris, Babe Griffin, Kllow Mae Wil son, Frank Van Dyke, Paul Gad dlsj Vera Humphreys, Venita An derson, Melvin Writ-ht. Darrell IiiHtice Taylor's court for arraignment this fere- noon. Attorney C M. Uobefltsi appeared for him. Mozell reserved! the time to enter his plea until j jiiiiiiui y ii ui n; a.m. j uogt ia wliii hi iiii cuumy jiit early this afternoon. To I-'llm ."iO.IMMI-l'oot .lump. , w1;c;ki:L K(J, lOermany. (A) How it feels to jump out of a bal loon at 50,000 feet altitude is a sen sation nought by Willicm .Markgraf. youthful Munich aeronaut, who is having a baloon built 'here for the experiment, He will take a pic ture camera along and make a film record of his spectacular leap. Mall Tribune. i to 2 ftdld Seal; Pan 'J)an- d.V; Helen tlfle Laboratories. 2 to :i Happiness Train; Popular Recordings. . 1 Htison, Kern Harbaugh, Virginia .1 to 4 KMK1) presentation. Reed, Mr. and Mrs. A.len L'nder- 4 to a KUUlies' 1'oriod; wood, Jean Falliu, Margaret Hens- Popular Uecording. ley, Kva Noalon, Moore Hamilton 5 to fi-ltoy Scouts: News !aiid Pete Wilder. and Markets by Mall Trlb- une. Vi G to 7 Heebo Service Sta- tion; Cecil and Sally. f 7 to s Lets Oct Asxocinted: News Digest; Myrtle Street I i u A I ic, ore., ,jan. z. iit-; BEAGLE 8 to 9 Weekly Itevl. w. fill. j ' tl I 111 jn 1 i I II IL K ! II o U n e Orchestra Hoy and Clrl ScmitH will liro.id-l .Medfurd Iheiileitioers will see ensl over KMKI1 nt fi:iri Mntiirilny i todiiy tile oxi-itinir Kiime pluyod evening. .lohn Hnvder nnd l!"e' yelenlay In tile to,. Hmvl l,y the C.iult will tnle imrt It, -Hob .mil j Wtinlllimtim Hlnte and Alal.iinm lleuv.- ii Ix.v Micul play. .l-in leniii". i:ei.i-(.'e olsen of tho Molly I'e.-me no, I Arh-ne Tuher. nmilH theiiter iiunoiinced thl.s moriiliiB. or Min. llore will render iiluno l-'or Ihe I'ntlie reiort of the Kumc boIoh. D.ivld Moore will piny the:"rrlved on the train thin mornlnsr hiirmonlea. other niimhei H will w,ln "'-eiien n oin uie i oui miuiem L. given hy the ghl scouts, of Hoses. This unusual service is The Jackson Hot Springs dance pavilion will he reopened lor the New Year next Saturday night and plans are being made for a large attendance, Horn Provost, manager, said when in Medford this fore noon. He had been operating the, Seven Helps In One For Difficult Coughs From Colds I being extended Medford people by i Oriental Gardens for the past sev the Holly theater along with the oral months hut gave Iuh last dance v Town L IIC, h o w I n g of "-Sunny," In which Marilyn Miller In starred there last Siitnrday night. The Pep Peddlers will furnish the music for the opening night. The party is expected to attract (Utile, a number of Medford dancers. CrenmuUinn in a better help ihnn """frome coughi need. It combined even -Major lirjp in one, to do the bent that ;..l)icn know for any cough from cnKls. There !s creosote the world' su preme hflp--blended, emu N Hied and palatable. There are white pine tar, wild cherry bark, menthol, ipecar. etc. Bach in bett for a certain type of cough. Hut even doctors might "'disagree on what is best for your. So expert have combined in t ree v muNion oil major helps in one. This bt denl with all conditions in a most "ffective way. No narcotic in it, . Cfcomulhion -ia for people who -h to do the- utmost, lu coughn from colds that hang on U is essen tial. One dare not trtiHt such coughs to any lesser helpv Hut don't you think that any cough calls for the best help known? ' Creomulsion cost a little more than some helps $1.25. Hut your druggist guarantees it. So tt costs vou nothing ff you think it fails to Vender help that is quick nud com plete. Careful people, more and more, drain mi this maximum protec tion. Une it promptly. CKEOMULSION - Cor MHtltcuU Cougha tront Colda BY BLAZE !N CARGO BIG TIRE FACTORIES 10 INCREASE OUTPUT SKATTMC. Wash., Jan. 2. (A1) Kim of unknown origin In the holds of tho steamship Mttllko of tlvjo Mat son Navigation mm puny here earlv today" caused dfttnage estimated tit Sinn.uuo, Approximately l!r)0 firemen, Hi pieces of apparatus and two fire boats, the Alki and Hnoiiunlmie, fought the blare which starled In No. Ii shelter dock aihidnhlps and oulckly siuead alt, for three hours before the flnmnn were controlled. 7:00 to 7 : :(0 p.m. Armst rung (Junkers NIK" service to Kdt, K 1 1 tj, KOMO. K(5V, K"KI. 7::io to S:uo p.m. lllio Theatre of the A f r N 1 U : Her v I ce to K(i. K HQ. KOMO, KOW, KKl, KKKI. KTAIt. S:00 to H : 1 T p.m. Amos 'n' Andy Mtf service to KOO. K 1 1 (J, KOMO. KOW. K ICt'A, KKSll. S:l r to x:30 p.m. Hrownbllt ing after a five- days' vacation. Desmond Sweet is back In school apaln after being exposed to the mumps. Desmond was; lucky nnd did not have them. Mrs. Cornwall spent Christmas vacation nt her home in Medford and Mm pointroy at her home 111 the Meadows. A number of friends gathered at the home of Mr. .and Mrs. Ii. H. HecKmiller Friday evening and played kiiuics. M rs- Parks' comic readings were enjoyed us were the pranks she played at the expense of those present. Mrs. I.,ura l-'otO't and three sons of (ircsliam. Ore., are Ktiests at tho Charles Sanderson home this week. They arrived December 21!. Mrs. Kuust and Mrs. Sander son are (.'ousfns, Coval KouK of Oresham and Milton and Lawrence .Sanderson are spend In; a few days on the AKRON, Ohio, .Tan. 2. p) Firestone Tiro and Rubber compa ny officials today announced fac tory working houra will bo Increas ed starting Monday. The (ioodyear Tire and Rubber company will replace the sl-hour four-day. week with the eight-hour five-day week as previously tin tmitnced. ' ' 3C BELOW COST SALE COMPLETE CLOSEOUT ON MANY LINES JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE BELOW COST SALE ALL DINNERWARE MARKED 32-Piece Set S10.00 value $4.95 A special window of wonderful values for $4.95 H Waite Rugs $4.95 Chinese Chairs $4195 V,' Fireside Benches Covered With Damask, Velour, Art Dennam Special $4;95 Table and Bridge Lamps, complete $4.95 Cambridge Glassware Below Cost A SPECIAL WINDOW FILLED With ARTICLES FOR ONE DOLLAR S6.50 Fern Stand and Pot $1.00 Embroideries. Chinese, values to $4.00, close out $1.00 Godey print Parchment Shades $1.0Q Hand-Carved Cigarette Boxes with Jade Top BELOW COST Beautiful Ice Box Sets. Special $1 Entire Stock : 'M- of Pewter Ware lo LESS iM.otmi-K nr HiTVU'c to M.i. i hP,.,i ,vi,., r Kik CioLk. visitiiiK KMQ. KOMO.. KCW, 'Ivb'l,.t , wnlii' Irapnlni; i-iimn of I.Cstcr Asliworlh and ltnlpli .Mil ler. They expert to return New Yenrs clay. Iliirnld Kims Is eonrlni'd to hi" home this week with the mumps. No other eaws have heen reported. ' Friends from IfeaRle. Sams Vai ls I'-I'-KI). KTAH. SMS lo (I: IS p.m. Tone Pletures .MM' nervier hi Klit), KHU, KOMO. K(!V. KM. !I:1B lo !l:3H p.m. lllll ISIIIy Hoys XHU servlee lo KOO. !:30 to 10:0(1 p.m. Metropolitans Kl-I, KKl,. MO Miiit '.nan HUHMi have been ititl ed in Kiu-.'fh mines in the last 10 ejir-. One Dozen Sets Only Sugar and Cream $5.00 and $6.00 Value $2-95 WONDERFUL VALUES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION . Come Early and Get the Specials Many Articles One of'a Kind See Our TJ TDTC T'lE'XC See Our Windows W UJ 1 O Ijir I p Windows Wilson's and Pig'n Whistle Candies Made for Those Who Demand the Best MIC service to KOO, Kl-HD,! i., ,m,i the Meailows were in- KOA. ' . vited to the hume uf " Mr.' and 10:00 tn li):;to p.m. Mystery Se-, yVH VtiU inu.,v -UsL Saturday . rial NISC nervlce to KiO. KSl. eveniiiK to spend the evening KUA. dancing. Kvery ' one reported a 10::(u to 11:00 p.m. Paeirir No-, K,HUl t)ulP ;)ml the evening ended mads NIK.! Her vice to KCH), wtth lunch. KOA. KSI,, 1 0 : 4 ft to 11:00 p.m.l AIr and Mph Lrnvson and little 11:00 to lli:00 p.m. -Dance H Rirl of Kale Iont were Thursday chcslra NIK'. Hcrvtce to KOO, QuestH ot the Ulackman home. l.-irl I." O I ' .... , e El.. "ine unaries nunner hum huuhj nnd MiM. Anna Sanderson and Dornlhy wpent Christinas at the" M. F. Yotins home in Willow SprinKH. Mr. nnd Mrs. (Irant nnd on, lcna)d. nent ChristmaH In Med- TUIA), ore., .ian. z. (Npi.i un fol., wuii friends, account of Chrlsthms pros rams at school as well u Sunday school nnd tlie mailing of ClnlstinaH packages and preparing for Santa Clans at tho homes, there has no heen so much vlsltinrt or news to con trihute. Mr. and Mrs. -A. Track have had the pleasure of a vied l from Mrs. Tracy's hrother from near Tort land for several days. Mr. and Mr. Ilunniiel n(ertn)n ed at (rnltnias dinner for four tern. Mr. nnd Mrs. V. II. I'eninuer were visitors at the 11. F. l'aukey home Saturdiiy eveniiiK. j Mr. and Mrs. H. H. t(annr en-: l4rtnined at d-inner Sunday even Iuk lit honor or Mr. La Hair of. IteUinRhiim, Wash., who is her son- I a -law's grandfather. lie ts past ! S5 years of one nnd came down' flione to npend ti holidays with ' Mr. and Mrs. lilenn LaHarr. I Covers were laid at dinner for Mr. and Mrs. I.. Truck and Mr. i i;nd M v. ttknn La Itarr. Uesides the honor Kticst and the hol and I hostess. Mr. antl Mrs. Tule and Mr. and Mrs. Ilamor were anions those whol attendtMl the Ci uiiiie instil Hat lo n i hehf In the Medford Arnwry Mon-j day nlKht from (hi community. j Mr. and Mrs. U. i. Ilamor at-I tended the Masonic dinner and in stallation hold in Central V'dlnt S;it- uidny evriiini?. ' 1 CENTRAL POINT i CKNTHAI. TO I NT. Ore.. Jan. L. ' Spl, Mr. and Mrs. A. iyrell and I ; children of Jacksonville nnd Avis ' and Neldn)eii Avers were dinner 1 it lies (x at the A. T. lithrope home Sintd;iy. 1 Toe infant -i hild of Mr. nnd Mrs.1 ' W'llford Walki-r Is vcit til at the : ' hospital In M-dford. I M ss (ieiMldine t-'ot and MUs lorthy I.liohe'k of Medford were, ! visiting hifeh nehool on Tuesday. ; Hoth (tin were former high iclmol students here. 1 Jiinied laMhroprQ who hus hern , spend in several d.in t homo, re-, Earned on Tuesday to Williams j crtM k, her h hn rentvd the! j Hartley farm. The annual dinner of thf W. 15. C. has heen postponed lo future date. The InstnlUtion of offtersi ' v ill t;.l;c l ku 4 j j'l.totit l I Western Boy Amazes Mother "J. C... .Ir.'s sttimarh was often upset and he had very little iippelile," says Mrs. J. C. Hradlev, Mesnuilc. Pallas f"ntitil- l'ev,i "f le ivn leverivh anrl l.i. I...ll. I fniwi.l lln W'lc constipated. "My nmtlier alwnys used ("ali fornia Fij Synit, so I derided to pivc my Imi y sonic. 1 1 surely surprised mt to see how quickly it stopped hi? feverishness. elenred his breath nnd lonuo, rogitliited his bowrls: iniule hiiri a strong and energetic boy again." The quirk, safe way to elr.in?e and resulule (he bowels of bilious, head iK'ln', ,eonsipaled ehililren is with California Km Synip. Give it nl Ihr lirsl sign of bad breath, roaled tongue, lisllrssnes or feverishness. Uvery child loves its rich, fruily llavor nnd it wis nilhoul griping 01 discomfort. Appetito is increased b its use; digestion is assisted: wp.il stomach nnd bowels arc given ton nnd strength. Khr fitly years, doctor have en dorsed this jiurc vegetable product The (trmiiir is always tnarkod by thi word Culi.fhrnla. Ijok (or that whet buying or you may get an imitation Why Give Up? Give Nature a Chance to Restore Your Health and Relieve Your Suffering Quick benefit and relief are almost sure to follow the use of Herb Treatment. If other remedies have failed in your case, do not give up hope. Let Chan & Kcng. the most ex perienced and the old reliable herbalists, with years of practical experience in herbal science, have an opportun ity to prove that their nature's herb remedies will relieve your suffering where all others fail. The prices for the herbs are absolutely moderate. Stomach Trouble January 1, 1931. To Whom It May Concern: 1 have been suffering with stomach trouble, burn and sour, for six years. Have tried many kinds of medicines without relict. After using Chan & Kong's Herbs for three weeks, I am entirely well. J. W. McBHlDH, Central Point, Ore. Blood Poison Dear Chan & Kong: I never paid out any muney with more pleasure than footiim your bill for curing mo of blood poison. 1 had the disease for some time and thought that might make it more difficult for you some time and thought that might make it more difficult for you to in lesB than two months 1 could put myself on the buck a well man again. f If I keep my head you will never see me around for any trouble of that sort again but. take this from me, if 1 should need a doctor for anything else it will be to you that I shall go first. 1 shall tell my friends antl hope it will result in more business for you. Yours truly, (Signed) V "' SALVADOR AKMENDAKIS. 1241 Fifty-first Ave.. Oakland, Cal. High Blood Pressure, Kidney Trouble and Bronchitis Oakland, Cal., March 6, 1U30. To Whom It May Concern: My home was in Klamath County, Oregon, where I have lived all my life. The altitude there is 35U0 feet. About a year ago 1 became very 111. I was treated by different doctors for several months, all of whom advised me to go to a lower altitude, as 1 had high blood pressure, kidney trouble and bronchitis. : Then I came to Oakland, California,- aiid friends hero advised me to eonsult Chan &. Kong. 1 did, and have taken their herbs for ten weeks. 1 now feel completely well, and have no more symptoms of high blood pressure or of bronchitis. Mr. Chan says 1 now can live in any altitude. MltS. MARY OVERTON. Ileswlck, Cal. Indigestion Yielded Readily to Herb Remedies Messrs. Chan & Kong. Gentlemen:. ' Alter suffering for several years from my stomach and kid neys, I had the good fortuno to read your advertisement in a local paper. ' .- . The relief which occasionally came to me as a result of taking prescribed remedies invariably vanished as soon as 1 quit doping myself and as a result I was prone to great discouragement. Ail of the usual symptoms in cases like my own and a whole lot which I couldn't describe kept me miserable headache, backache, ner vousness and dizzy spells, so I was quite ready to try anything which held out any prumise of relief. After only four weeks of your herbs, I am entirely well and must give all the credit of my recovery to you. Yours truly, (Signed) MILTON P. SAXE, 771 Turk St., San Erancisco. Stubborn Cafee of Asthma Quickly Relieved by Chan & Kong May 13, 1929. To Whom it .May Concern: Eor four years I suffered from asthma. I trietl different reme dies and doctors, but to no avail.- Nothing seemed to give me relief, so hearing of the cures effected by Chan & Kong, I went to them with little hopes, but to my surprise Chan & Kong told me that 1 could be cured. 1 was doubtful at first, but gave his herbs a trial. After taking the tea for one week, I felt greatly relieved, and continuing with his herb treatment for two months I am glad to say that 1 am entirely cured with no trace of my asthma re maining. I unhesitatingly recommend Chan & Kong to nnyone unfortunate enough to suffer from any sickness whatsoever. Chan & Kong indeed understood the Chinese herb treatment. ' "' Verv truly yours, (Signed) " ItKTT.V HINCKLEY'. i li-'Nii Harmon Arc... Oakland, Cal. Chan & Kong Herb Co. The MOST Experienced and Eminently Successful Herbalists - 331 East Main St., Medford, Oregon Office Hours: 10 A. M. to 7 P. M. Sundays 10 to 12 S4Ln junoi jr11-" -v iro sff LAXATIVE-TONIC fer CHILOREr At Geary and Taylor the San Frn ciscovisitor findsSnnFrnncisco'sfinest hotel. Here, thoie who appreciat environment ol to be found travelers retu able atmosphere Clift, physktl neil yet old with Its I located in the verj turn San rrancUi here theGiftgues the better hops tbops. I he more itn at hand not more from its doors. Outstanding in it to etery guest's c management taki the beautiful pul the structure. T perhaps San Kranlj live hotel rest.ii teen Honrs abeic decorated "and rlc intii-lrnt r"Orn u li a la carte serr: the diner a furt MJ cisco'i multitui shlp-stfewn Day, the leemine lif Oakland and Berkeley (urging up to ine mils on tne opposite shore miles away. The view from here is truly marvelous, a sedative to tired nerres, a delight to the jaundie-d eye,a pick- me-up i to the jaded appetite.' On the main floor are two other eouallv f.m. ous restaurants, the Florentine Room plightfully airy. main lobby.11 nc ao guest l room, ejirh Numerous suitea v desired siic and 11 room furnish light fixtures are csigni.es neciallv P. Many of the f notice of th fo luxuriously are ruisnea. best reasons for I- rendered Clift t that both Mr. owner and Mr, Iter, both reside this, of course. h of the manage, of the guests is i that no Eiiest to object to tha tmosphere of yjjl service that inn oresent rinv . ods ot hotel lloinitalitT. Al. though the Clift is a major hotel of San Francisco, although It is rated at supreme in service and value-giving, yet the rate there are surprisingly low. The rates start at 3 sic-ilc and In San Francisco ...at Geary and Taylor, b this Fine hotel. Here a warm, per. tonal service It assured each guest. Every room outside... each with private bath. Three Famous dining rooms. S Garage in connection. VV Rotes . . . From $3.00 I' fij single, $5.00 double. r5j3 THE I ICT III' I -fe. -K v 111. CT.ASSIFTFiT) ADVERTISING GETS RESULTS