Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 20, 1930, Page 1, Image 1

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    The Weather
(Forecast: Tonight ami Sunday
unsettled; probably with rtiln.
N'uriuul leuipcruturv.
Highest ycMcrdny S6
I.oMist this nioritiiiic
'lu p.m. yesterday T
To ft H.iii. imluy ... .0"
& J
Twenty-Fifth Year
No. 271.
Public Works Bill. $116,
000,000 Passes Senate
$45,000,000 Drought
Relief Voted Last Night
Money Available Soon.
W.SiriNTON, Dec. 20.
l'lUfilik-iMI JbMivur toitiiy
signed botli emergency relief
hills one iiiroriutlng 91IH,
noO.UIIO roe public works, anil
the oilier ntillioriJng l.l.wili,.
00(1 for (trough! loans.
The senate today rejected .the con
ference report on the $1,084,000.
000 treasury-postoffico appropria
tion hill, sending it back to con
ference with the house.
Congress completed the emergency
relief legislation today.
President Hoover's signature
alone is needed to enact into law
the $U(i.fl00,000 public works ap
propriation, and the nulhorization
for $45,0(10,000 for drought loans.
Unemployment conditions were
depicted as requiring more ade
quate relief measures in the sen
ate debate, which preceded final
approval of the construction bill
there. Senator La Follette. Repub
llcau, Wisconsin, and Walsh, Dem
ocrat, Massachusetts, joined in de
ploring the pitiable conditions.
Vice-President CtirtiB and Speak
er I.ongwarth had to sign both
bills beforn they went to the White
House. Meanwhile, preparations
for the congressional recess over
the holidays were resumed.
Aside from the work being done
on the senate and house floors, a
good deal of attention at the Capi
tol today went to the senate cam
paign funds hearing. Robert H.
Lucas, executive director for the
Republican national committee, tes
tified about his havln.T paid more
4 than $4000 for campaign literature
seeking the defeat for re-election
)t Senator Norris, Republican Inde
pendent of Nebraska.
NEW YORK. Dec. 20
Three men held up an Amsterdam
avenue branch of the Seward Na
tional Bank nnd Trust company
today and looted the vault uf j
stocks, bonds nnd money of an
undetermined value. They escnped
in an automobile.
Nine clerks, six men and three
women nnd a special officer were
in the banK shortly after the
opening hour this morning when
the holdup occurred.
on pu n rw 9ft
mils hv 'tlie flrm'of Meier & Frank I assured of safe and capable man
to the. slate board of control to fur-; ngenient for water department Bl
uish supplies to state Institutions,
and contracts awarded to that llrm
on December 5, are held by the
hoard to be legal, notwithstanding
the election of Julius L. Meier to
the governorship , and a request
from the firm's attorney that they
be withdrawn has been denied by
the board.
Abe Martin
i i r r
What's become n' the feller hn
unit to say. ".lot fine." "lien nk
cl limv oviw'tlilns c o in I n'
nloiig? Mchbo I Ji-t Iliu'Klne "
but a dry cinirrciiiun nllu miiHK
like cloves lo me.
tCnnyrght John K. I'll'-' "-'('
Queen's Present
For Protege Is
Manicure Outfit
LONDON, Dec. 20. W) i
Queen Mary's Mile girl, Ivy.
is going to get a comb and j
fr trufh and manicure scl from I
v itf lint u. il Mit i-ai. ui
J she is Queen -Mary's little
i girl, nevertheless, adopted
under the protege scheme at
f I'l'iiu-ess Mary's homo for
i- children at Adllestone. The
ijueen sent a great box of toys
for till the girls and the spec-
4 ial gift from her own pro-
tego carried Iho card: "ItpNt
wishes front her majesty the
Veteran Member and Pres
ent Chairman Praises Co
workers Continue Board
Is Final Word.
Earl C. Caddis, who has been
chairman or the board of water
commission for the past three
years and a member since 1925,
has given out the following state
ment in connection with his res
ignation, to take effect January 111,
which has Just been handed to
Mayor A. W. Pipes, and which is
due to the fact that he feels ie
wants a rewt from public duties.
"Yes. It's true that my resig
nation ns a member of the city
water commission has been for-
. roea .u major . i,.Cs
'"Phji netl'lU.ira nf tnpl' n nn t tin I
commission comes to a very few, "ess man early today, the first
of Medford's citizens and 1 have all-woman robbery of record here,
been fortunate indeed to have but they escaped with only a triv
beon selected as one of its mem- ial sum becnuso they were. women
hers from among the many pro- and accepted a courtcBy from their
gressivo citizens or our city.
I'rowl r AchU-viMiiiMit.
"To have had a part in bring-
ins to Med ford a supply of water
that Is without question the hest,
Quality that could be secured byi changed his mind when one. of
any city on this earth is some-jthem drew a lurffe pistol.
thlnir of which I feel mifhtyl ciimhlnR in his car, they ordered
proud. To have served with sucn
excellent citizens as Harry 1.
Walther. A- en Arn"
, splgcr. the late II. I.'. lAimsden
i and F. C. Dlllard In bringing this
project to completion has been an
outstanding pleasure in my P"0
lie service.
"The newer members of the
conmlsslon. Dr. P. O. Thayer
nnd Ed M. White, who have been
Bl,relnB since the completion of
the new system, have contributed
nmtor.iillv hv their counsel In
solving the many problems that
must be solved by the hoard.
lutiMirtant Duties.
"If anyone, thinks the operation
and man.tgement of Medford's
water department is Just a mat
ter of routine, they are greatly
mistnken. ns there are numerous
Important pnblems each month
that must be analyzed. Investi
gated nnd pa.-sed upon Just as
with any privately owned public
Just so long as Medford keeps
n hoard of its earnest, clear
thinking citizens ns supervisors
'of thi department win sue
l et me leave this message with
the citizens ot Medfird: Hack
up your wuler commission and see
to it that this plan of manage
ment for your million dollar water
sytfcm is continued through the
future years."
Oregon Weather.
Unsettled tonight and Sunday:
probably rains In west portlo.i and
local snows In the mountains;
normal temperatures. Increasing
eouthcrly winds off-shore.
PISA. Italy, Iec. 20. (tf) Gus
tavo Sulvlni. actor son of the fam
ous actor, Tomaso Salvinl, died yee-
terday at the age of 1 .
Pretty Cashier Subdues
Bandit in Restaurant By
Clamping on a Headlock
FASADK. Cal.. Dec. 20.
When Charles It. Orr. 2T, and
broke, looked Into a cafe here,
yesterday nnd saw pretty Carmen
Toff tenure. 21. rit the cashier's;
desk he didn't know MifN T'tffl
mirp wan a product of a North
t mknifl wheat ranch v h re men men nd c are womn. M
necesnry. ami hereby hang
I following:
' ' Stlrk 'cm up and pive me the
r.ifh iliawer!" muttered orr.-mt-!
Ing a ptMol at the )etty :-bler
after deriding this wa where his
Christina t-tncking should he
I filled.
Mi Tnffbnurc obliged P'-
' 1 I i I ' ' H
-4 ' ' H( J ' --,
4 ... .,.F r-tr , (,...
A divorce suit on file In Los Anoelet assoded Tom Mix. hard riding
eowboy ol the icreen, had galloped away from home and didn't intend
to come back. Mrs. Victoria Mix filed the lull saying he left several
weeks ago.
Stylish Pair Stop Autoist On
Street Near Capture
When Victim Goes Home
for Money.
HOLLYWOOD, Cal., Dec. 20.
Two styllshly-clatl young worn
h M kldnllne(t a bu9
Allan Carson,
the victim,
said the women asked him for a
ride ns he stopped his. car at a
street Intersection. lie refused but
hiin to drive to a secluded spot.
They searched mm nut tounu oniy
$2.70. With a show of anger, they
told him lo drive home and "dig
up" more money. ,
Locked In Apartment
But in accepting the usual cour
teay of a gentleman, they erred ns
robbers. Carson Bald he unlocked
his apartment door and ntood aside
allowing them to enter first. In
stead of following them, ho snap
ped the door shut, ran to u hall
way telephone and called police.
Amused at this turn of events,
Carson walked back to the door,
expecting to hear aome genuine
feminine temperament. Ho did, it
was-a cniHh. Ho opened the door
(n time to see one of the women
kick out a balcony door with a
rustle of skirtH. Doth of them
leaped to the ground nnd fled in
the darkness.
An nttack on Governor C. C. Young
and his attitude tovvnrd pardoning
Thomas J. Mooney and Warren K.
Hillings, serving life terms n.s the
alleged bombers of a preparedness
parade here In 1!U6, was Issued
here today by the Tom Mooney
molders' defense committee. The
statement was signed by Anna
Mooney, Thnmns Mooney's sister.
The slatement accused Governor
Young of "stalling" and of being
afraid to act in the Mooney cas
for fear of the "people" If he did
not pardon Mooney and of the "In
terests" If he did.
tlnlly. She dropped the cash
drawer 1ut as Orr reached for It.
Then O-r made n mbtiiho. He
clooped 'o scoop up the contents
of the fallen drawer and the de
mure ray ot went into in tion.
She hurdled the dcnk and land
ed on Orr s neck, on which he
damped n hold that would not be
broken. Vhn On- was thorouchly
subdued Mis Toffhnilre entrusted
him to the of several nviie
cirM'imers of the cafs and m Ibd
I'm Rlid vou fellow were
her," Orr tola hN mnle Hti.irds
Pnile Mi Tof 'lemire whs tele
phoning p'li h"ndi"firterH, 'She
, ni'Kbt OlVo ki'lrt me,"
Eighteen Months in Leaven
worth and $10,000 Fine
Given 'Alky' Racket As
CHICAGO, Doc. 20. (P) Krank
Xitti, a Caponc sung leader, was
sentenced lo 18 months in Ieaven
worth prison today nnd fined $10,-
0(iu after pleading utility to i
charKOof evading income tax pay
Internul revenue agentH pro
duced evidence Nitti'H tax for the
years 192ii, 1926 and 1927 totaled
$IS.23, on an ineome sained
chiefly from wiles of alcohol and
gambling. The Income wan placed
at $842,887.
Two fines nf $5,000 each were
imposed on Xitti, and three con
current terms of 18 months In
prison were meted out.
'District Judge Charles B. Wood
ward allowed Xitti a stay of com
mitment until January 10, to per
m.t him to spend Christmas at
home and arrange his Mi1n.? af
fairs. The wtnte has failed to prove
vagrancy againut Jank Guzlk,
wealthy gambling house proprietor.
described by police a ' the bui
neas manager for AI Capone."
PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 20. IIP)
V A unit tn rinn-ii- t.lir.fl frnln thft
Norblnd - for - governor committee
was filed In circuit court hero to-
day by Hay Fennell, secretary of
! the local chapter of tho lien
Kranklin club.
The complaint llnta seventeen al
leged causes of action, charging
the committee is liable for adver
tising, printing and engraving fur
nished by 17 firms at the request
of the committee.
Defendants In the ensa ure fins
Moh'T, Kenneth liausT V. V.
Itanks, T. A. Kweeney. T. It. Hand
ley and Samuel Powell, listed ns
members of the cornmlttro which
is said to have organized to pro
moto the candidacy of Norblad for
governor prior to the May 1 (1 pri
mary. 4
A SHI. A NO. Ore.. Dec. 20--(Spl,)
Activities of a fed'-ral prohibition
Bitent stationed in the Sickly on
mountains, alonic the Pacific hlfih
way. Biive arrival oi" liquid Christ
mas cheer a decided set-back this
Chailes Dryer, an electro sales
man, whit claims he was not trans
porting any liquor for the purpose
of sellinir It, but only hrinclnir it
to OrCon to niv to electric customer-,
present inr each with
KalloOof whHkey, was arretted
with i ciirifn of U7t gallons of al
lek'd moonnbine. He is tn appear
in the office of the '''ft"'' Hiates
iN.mnilw oner. Chauncrf Fbo-ey,
her- nvxi Monday.
Chairmen in Each County to
Form Committee and Co
operate With Court in
' Giving Jobs.
SALKM. Ore.. Dec. 20. t A
cheek made by the state employ
ment commission "hero yesterday
showed that up In Wednesday
night of this week, 52S men had
boon Klven employment in the
state under the emerneney pro
gram for unemployment relief. It
wnn believed that by the end of
next week lf.00 men would be at
work. The nu'mbeiM u( the com
mission that organized the st:ite
wide movement urn tJoverniir Nor
bind, State l.atfor Commissioner
drum and Chairman li. U. un
Duzer of iho slate highway enm
iniMsinn. Van Duster estimated that be-
t w e e ii J 0 .0 ho and 1,000, "00
would be necessary tu carry fur
ward the program. .Yesterday's
mssinn gaw most of its time t
the election of county chairmen
for the movement who will form
committees to co-operate with tlv
county courts. Governor Norblad
will send instructions to each
chairman. A mom- ihe chairmen
appointed is Carl Tengwald of
Medford, for Jackson county.
PEHIMOAX, France. Dec. 20.
(p) a Senegalese soldier named
yeenda. who went suddenly Insane
yesterday, shot nnd killed three
persons and wounded two other .
continued to hold 2000 troops at
bay a todny from a subterranean
vauK ln which hp tooit refuge'
Throughout the night the con
tingent of soldiers kept guard
near the vault, which is a part
of Tort Herrnt, under command
of Ilattallon Chief Jacomy. A reg
ular Hlege' was decided upon by
the commander after two noblters
were wounded In attempt to cap
ture the Senegnlese.
The beach and waters of Tomalesi
bay, IJ0 miles north of San Kran
cinco, were Hearched today for tho
bodies or eight of the nine persona
believed drownod when the finhlnK
launch "Helen" capsized.
One body, Identified n that oi'
Mm. Helen Krease, was recovered
laHt night. She was the wife of
Jack Fi-ease, who was believed tn
have piloted the "Union" on Its fa
tal entitle ThurHday.
SAI.KM, Ore., Dee. 20. p Kn
couraged by the success of last
year's Christmas holiday fire pre
vention cumpuign, carried out with
the co-operation of fire chiefs. State
Fire .Marshal Clare A. Deo has
launched a more Intensive educa
tional effort for this year. It will
reach into every community in the
state. As a result of the U2U fire
prevention and Hlfe conservation
program not a single fire was re
lorlnd during the holidays.
LA flVKKAH, N. M., !ep. 20
(A') Why should a happy bride
cry? "I Ktiess It's Just tho hublt,"
nald Dorothy Kehastlan of the
screen, cxplnlnliiK Iho tears when
becoming Mrs, William Moyd. The
license indicated she had been di
vorced. "The name doenn't mat
ter." she said about her first hus
N K W YORK. I ec. 1 2. fIV"
Home nf the natty horses of New
York's mounted jwdicemen have
been sick from Reneroslty. Ho
many folks have been huylnn ap
ples from unemployed and feeding
the animals that Police Commis
sioner Mulrooney has put a stop
lo such gitts.
Juit like the gridiron hero ol the story books Is Freddie Slnnled
The Associated Press AII American tackle from the University ol Ala
bama, pictured hsre In a huddle with lour (air co eds and classmates.
Mail Early Slogan Has Ef
fect in Local Receipts
Postal Workers Keep
Decks Clear.
A huge quantity uf Incoming
ChriKtuuiH parcel an loiter malt
from all over the nation to.gltul
en the people ot Medford und vi
cinity arrived in the city this noon
on tho train from the north, far
larger than yesterday's arrival, and
much tho largest ot the week. As
much, 11 not more, is expected to
urrtve Sunday and Monday, depend
ing on whether tho people general
ly throughout tho United States
have heeded the warning to mail
early. The recelpTs up to this noon
."how that this warning has had n
great effect.
Then, too, the mailing out from
the city of Christmas presents and
letters was still on in large vol
ume today, having shown no de
crease from the past few days.
This mall, however, is mostly con
signed to Oregon and adjacent
states points, the crest of eastern
and middle west sending having
Ijeen reached earlier lu the week,
Uosplte the hlg volumo or Yule
tide mail arriving on the trains
dally the experienced postoft'lco
staff, wilh (he aid or Heven tempo
rary luexpei iencod men and the
use or several Crater national park
motor trucks, has been a hie to de
liver each day's receipts by even
ing. In addition, the express company
has received and delivered many
Christmas packages, and the liusi
ness by that method of truusporta
t ion is still on, and will he for sev
eral days yet to state and out ol'
state points on the coast.
Prlno Convalescing.
LONDON, Dec. 20. (A) The
Prince of Wales, who has been
ill with a chill, Is making satis
factory progress toward complete
recovery, a bulletin from his resl
dencn. York house, todny said.
DA OliANDK, Ore., Dec. 20
(A) -Frank K. Kotmn, city corumls-sloner-elect,
died yeslerday utter a
week's IIItichs of pneumonia.
Busy Week For First Lady
As Relatives Gather For
Christmas at White House
WAHII I Nf i TON. I ec. 2 0 .(TP)
U'llh hom-comlnK relatives, pub
lic appearances nnd private parties,
Christmas w ee k will be c n w d e il
for Mrs, Herbert Hoover.
'I I or son Allan, whoso arrival
homo from school wns occasion for
an Impromptu holiday party Inst
year, Is expected here next week.
Mih. Herbert Hoover, Jr., Is pbin
nlnn a flying visit from Ashevllle.
N. (;.. to spend part of Christmas
eve with her children, PcKV Ann.
Herbert II!., and Joan, now nr.
cupylnt; a third floor nurney at the
White Hounc.
The cheerful word came to the
While house that train conneetions
would permit the younger Mrs.
Hoover to tuck tier three babies
in bed at the While limine on
christOiai eve, iif'nf they had en
Joyed their tree i.9,d toys, and still
be with her huahund at Dine P.riar
cott.'ice on a Carolina mountain
buc rb 1 1st mas mornlmr.
Mrc. Hoover's niece. Janet K'irKe.
will also be n holiday White House
visitor. Attending an eastern
m-hooi. she coil Id not cross t he
continent to California, where her
tnoihet, Mrs. Jean Henry I.nrjr is
Police Claim Confession
From Youths Accused of
Many Thefts Nabbed On
Accused of having participated
In quite a number of local car
t Herts and stealing luggage out of
autoa, Olenu Stringer and Kvnn
Crow. Mpdford youths, were pick
ed up lhl morning by Sheriff
italph . Jennings,, pear Central
Point, and were being held in the
county Jail. Stringer 1h a two
time loser, having already served
two terms In the .state training
school. Crow hud not been ar
rested before but hud been tinder
surveillunce for sometime.
The youths are said tu hove ad
mitted stealing two autos last night
nnd abandoning them on lleull
lano, near Central Point. One car
belonged to Floyd Hart nnd the
other to Mrs. Justin Smith. The
cushions were removed from both
machines and a temporary bed wa
made In a farm granary near the
lane. Officers say tho pair spent
the night there and wore walking
back to Medford when apprehended
this morning.
Two suitcases, taken from the
auto of J. J. Stelger, were recov
ered with the discovery of the cars.
Tho boys uro accused of taking
this property also. They ore also
connected with the theft of two of
tho four cars taken in Medford
Friday night and abandoned tn the
Itenll lane section.
They were to be given prelim
Inary hearings In Justice court this
SAIJ'IM, Ore., Dec. 20. Ml
Tho resignation nf Judge J. U.
Campbell of Oregon City, who l
to become a member of thn su
prenie court on .lanuary 1, has
been received by (lovernor Nor
blnd. Tim governor does not ex
iled to appoint Campbell's succes
sor until the latter part of this
now residing In the Hoover Palo
Alto home. !
Kver uracious In aiding welfare
work, the president's wife already
ha .attended a Walter I teed hos
pital sale of Christmas Rifts made
by disabled soldiers. Her pre
cbriMmas Appearances will include
the salvation Army Christmas par
ty and the Central t'nlon Mission
ChriHtma tree, both providing well
filled bam ers it ml xlft bundle
for poor fa milieu,
After she hn watched her hus
band In the annual presidential
role of llKhtlnx Washington's out
door community Christmas tree.
Mrs. Hoover will be free to serve
as hostess at her own two Christ
mas parties. The Christmas eve
party will be for "the White House
family the president's own
household, his secretaries, physi
cian, and aides, with their sons
nnd daughters. The Invitation Is
i dispatched to the youngest child
of each family, who Is nked to
come and bring his brothers, sis
ters nnd parents long with him.
The Chrislmns night party Is for
"the official family" the president
and his cabinet members with
their Immediate households.
Finnish Ships- Piloted By
Brothers, Strike in Dense
Fog 36 Saved by Ship
Remaining Afloat Many
Survivors Injured.'
COl'UNHAOEN, Donmnrk, Dec.
I'll. (1) Forty-five persons aboard
tho Finnish liner Oberon, Includ
ing 17 passengers, are believed to
havo perished in the icy waters of
tho Cnttngat off Luso isluuU last
night when the Oberon collided
with the Finnish liner Arcturus and
The Arcturas, standing by after
tho collision, saved 36 persons, four
passengers and crew members,
many of whom are seriously in
jured. Tho fog was so thick at tbs
time It was Impossible to see two
yards ahead. The Arcturus had a
bad hole In her hull and Is proceed
ing to port
The tragedy was heightened by
tho fact that the captains of the
two boats were brothers, Kris Hjelt
commanding the Oberon and Ossi
Hjelt the Arcturus.
36 Rescued
The captain of the Arcturus ra
dioed that he had 36 people from
the Oberon safely aboard, but he
requested a doctor and medical sup
plies be sent out to meet him since
many were seriously Injured.
The fog remained so thick about
the scene of the collision this morn
ing that those aboard rescue ships
were unable to see tar enough
uhoad to locate life boats or sur
vivors who might possibly be afloat.
Pi A largo diamond ring on a
finger ot Jeanette MncDonald, for
mer star of the speaking singe In
New York led to the discovery
that Mlsr MncDonald Is engaged
to Uobert Kltchio, representative
of artists In the film colony.
The ring was noticed on Miss
MacIoniild's finger yesterdny at
the Fox ttndlo. She admitted the
engagement nnd said the wedding
would take place In the near fu
The outlook for tho week begin
ning December 21 was announced
hero todny by tho United States
wenther bureau as follows:
Far western states: Generally
fair In California nnd Nevada,
with temperatures occasionally be
low normal. Unsettled at times
In Oregon, Washington and Idaho
with occasional rains west of tho
Cascade mountains and occasional
snows to the eastward with tem
peratures near normal.
HOLLYWOOD, Cal., Doe. 20.
Senuto Iiiih been in session al
most n month nnd just passed .
the very bills President Hoover
siiRKPstpd in the first hour thnt
it met. They could have pass
ed 'cm the second hour, but
that wouldn't (jive 'cm a chntieo
to denounce. A foreigner corn
inn here and reading tho Con
gressional Record would say
that the president of the Unit
ed Slates was elected solely for
the purpose of giving a senator
somebody to call a horsethief,
and the dumb part about it is
they have played right into
the president's hands, for there
is nothing the people believe in
any more than someone tho sen
ate is denouncing. Six months
like that and Hoover would be
elected by acclamation.
15 J