Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 07, 1930, Page 1, Image 1

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Medford Mabl Tribune
'Xwentv-Fifth Year
4 '
o ' -
By Arthur Briibane
The McBurney Point.
Are Women Brave?
Death By Drink.
Death By Fire.
Copyright King Feature Synd.. Inc.
Mv. Karnes, lii-ncl of tho
X'nited States Cliamber of
Commerce, tejls President IToo
ver t hat he thfriks eon cress
should be most cautious in
these "sensitive times." Xo
extra session. The less of
congress, the better for the
nntinn, is a widespread eon
'servative opinion.
On the other"' hand, every
surgeon will tell Mr. Karnes
that when there is great sen
sitiveness, there is often a need
of a major operation.
If your McBurney point,
low down on the right hand
side of your abdomen, is sen
sitive, your appendix should
come out.
In "these sensitive times,"
perhaps, this country needs
some major, operation. Who
will attend to it, if not con
gress? It may be a poor thing,
but it's all we have.
(ientlemen with big nevks
used to say l women should not
vote until they became as
brave as men.
They vote now, and have al
ways been much braver than
men. Consider for instance'
Miss Winifred Rpooner, Kn-
r lish, 23 years old, flying from
Ixmdori to South Africa, nt
tempting to make the trip in
five days.
Her plane was forced down
on the Mediterranean at mid
night two miles from shore.
Miss Spooner and her flying
companion who was not a good
swimmer were both injured.
This did not keep the young
, English girl from swimming
iUTn inilnu in shore through the
darkness seeking help for her J
A well known man, former
ly head by inheritance, of a
great industrial organization,
owner of - a famous racing
stable, possessing many mil
lions, was found dead outside
his door yesterday. Doc-
attributc his death to
acute ctliylism, or alcohol
A many with many millions
who drinks violently, drinks
usually because he is bored.
Money with no other inter
est except race horses end such
toys is boredom.
Almost, any man can sucaeed
in spite of poverty.
Few men succeed in spite of
wealth. Fathers that kill ef
fort in their sons by making
them rich, do them no favor.
In Now Jersey, Emll Wltzke,
I past 50 years old, ami a recluse,
hullt a funeral pyre of wood, paper,
pieces of furniture, in Ills room,
poured kerosene over It, lay down
upon It, lighted a match and was
burned to death. The agony last
ed a few minutes at most, smoke
mercifully ending It. But the
ilAth fills ns with horror.
0 It mlKht nrouse thought In some
who believe that Dtvtno Power sen
tences creatures that it has made,
to hum In more horrible agony,
forever and ever, through billions
of years, where "their worm diolh
not." What the vilest man wold
not do to a dog that had bitten
lilin, he thinks his god does, to
millions of human beings.
General Hugh I.. CoopfT. the
American hydraulic engineer In
charge of the Russian 0iterfall
project, with Its enormous dam, a
mile long, believes that Russian
Ideas will change, gradually, and
become less violently communis
tie. Ther will, or course. Commun
ism says to divide. Hnmarpheings
ore selfish, and bs Ihey arninvilat
more property the idea of dividing
Interests them less and less.
Those that want to see Russia
back up from the Karl Mnrx Idea.
(Continued on I'aga Eight)
Notre Dame Runs Wild To
Win 27 to 0 Over Proud
California Squad--Rock-ne
Squad Brilliant and
Dim Stars of Troy Ramb
lers Win All the Way.
CHICAOO, Doc. C UP) Notre
Dame'H overwhelming victory ov
er Southern California today not
only gave the Irish the national
football title under the Dl.kin-'
mn rating system, hut won Knute
Kockne's wurriorH permanent pos- 1
session of the Kidman national
intercollegiate trophy. Perma-.
nent possession required winning
the national title three time.s
within a decade.
(Assncinll-d litNK SMrlK Writer)
I. OH ANCICI.KS, Dec. ti. (fl'l
fiockne's Uough Kider from No
tre Dame, prancing hehind mirac
ulous interference. " staged their
last hrilllant charge today and
trampled Southern California in-
to a 27 to 0 defeat.
Paul ' Buckley" O - C o n n o r. I
transplanted from halfback toj
fullback and one of w-ie Knute's'
few Irishmen was the youth who
spread the alarm to the Trojans,
with Marty llrill and Jlmchmont
Schwartz galloping closely at hit
Their swift dashes struck ter
ror in the ranks of Coach How
ard Jones' over-tamed eleven and
carried the invading troop from
South Bend through its nine
teenth straight triumph in two
glorious seoHons.
Unlike their ancestors of myth
ology, the men of Troy could find
no Hector to lead the vaunted of
fense, with the result that thru
sixty minutes of 'the nei veVhul
lering spectacle. Notre Dame's
goal was never ta much as
threatened. '
Defeat brought the number of
reversals to four for Southern
California again: t one victory In
Its Notre Dame series. It was the
most decisive trouncing either
team ever accepted in the annals
of the Intel-scholastic lay.
More than li'l.oon frantic foot
boll followers shouted and groan
ed throughout the startling fray,
which stamped Coach Rocknc'x
Ramblers as probably the greatest
eleven the country has seen in a
Southern California's halfbacli
found their Interference
before the rushing Rockne line,
nnd their pnssing attack was
pierced with constant intercep
tions by the secondary defense
when touchdown.. mirche. se-.m-d
well under way.
Notre D.inifH nttaetlm
hnfflins ut no U mc rot
the Trojan defense organize lt f
.iKuinni Mir mi. tui.i n,.,,-
i n.m tne Hiari mere
u..v 3 i M.r ;
Dame walked rht down ih
field from the openinK klckon..
Kouthein California rose up
, Ml 1 lM,,"L " ' " '
downs, hut ft hnd pass from Tio-
irin center Williamson was re
covered lv Culver, Irish tackle,
on the first play.
Uke a flash the rider chained.
Hcnwariz inppeo a no ii-j.ini i""
to Frank Curideo. the unparallcl-j
P( lllill U'l Itili- rv, 111!
the remainliiR eluht yaidn un-j
touched by Trojan handn, and thei
Batne was won.
It wn only a Uw plays later
that O'Connor's lone eventtul
journey of SO yards brought the
second touchdown. Southern Cali
fornia had moved well Into X"tre
Dame worinn reuionH when Mai'- i
shall Dili field. Trojan quarter, ri-j
covered hnd pass firm center,
nnd displyinn a marvelous bit f
heudwork. quickly kli-ue.l over
the goal line an Hie Hue rushed
, nlm I
Tho yiu-d-s'nvlng feat wus of no
avail, for nn the first play o'-
head work, inilckly kicked
Connor broke away. Itwasar-I
verse and laleral from Brill which
pulled Troy's seci.mlan- delense
nside O'Connor filtered through
the line Cut hick to the side-
i..... -.'j i i.- -....i ..r.
ter'nlvotlng nwav from Plnrk.t 1. 1
Trov's star halfback. !
The second period went with-
out a score, altliouuh Cailibo
passed to Dan llanley across the
goal line, only to have the play
called back and Notre Dame pen-
ollzed for holdlnc.
Conch Knikne. In n gesture of
respect to I-irrv 'Moon'' Mulllne.
fullba. k tvhoP Injured knee pre
vented him from tatnp the ton
tesi, seot ine oiinin ine...i.-
Calif., youth Into the game on I
the klckoff for one play and 0'ien
replaced him It was Mullin"' lat
... v....- ti..n,n i
Then A" parade of the PeyKli
P.lders started nguin. S.
sifted throoiih fur a run of "
... . ..i ,
Hni-. All .111-1.1.' I ' .? '"
Troy's seven-yard
One of those d.-nioralirini: lat.-r-i
als, Schwartz to o'l'iinin'r, brot
the tnui'lidown. That drive was'
i;ti vards In oven plays.
(Continued on Page SID
I bs&S &Jxt
Marion E. Snydergaard, 15, of
R. Bodenhamer, 20, of Johnson County, Missouri, were named the health
iest farm girl and boy by the 4-H Clubs. The awards were made at the
International Live Stock Exposition at Chicago.
8 Million C ars Pounding Boudoir of Fine Lady Un
Nation's Pavements Not! earthed as She Left It
Worth Anything Worn- 1941 Years Ago Artis
Out Vehicles Blamed for, tic and Commercial Val
Accidents. ue High
WASHINC.TON. Dec. ti. (P !
Taking the American Automobile's1
word for it. there will be 8.01)0.-j Nineteen hundred- and forty one
(ion cars pounding the highways' years gn a I'ompellnn lady of No.
of the country at the end of l!i;lii .t vla Ahlmndanza, set .her dress
valued at less than 15 each. ing table In order, arranged rings
, ; '
actual age of vehicles from reg- ascertain the commotion out
j isli-ation tabulations and the av-j where an avalanche of ash-
erage life of vehicles. t es and lavn from Vesuvius was
-f th(i vmaK(t ()f !(,5 ar(l $,r(
,ind 8noo,Oi)0 cnr. formliiR 2 i
I v ( "lt "f thp 1011,1 'radon '
navP ,m,Ned their fifth birthday.
-h , f h autoinoldle1
industry docs not hat an f 'my
value vehicles purchased
Thnma iienrv. nresident of
. , . , h
i on. our h I k h w a y p of Bo munyj
worn-ont vehi'h d nrinK nun
Pfi,-...,1 in therein"'
ccidents and fatalities,'
Inmiediute puyment in cash to
However senator v annernerg. ;
Republican. Michigan, who solicit-I
e.l the opinion of theatreasury sec-
retury on this proposal now before
congress today submitted a counter
nronosltlon to Mr. Mellon.
The Michigan senator who has!
urged some action upon President j
Hoover, proposed In his new plan ,
that the governnicnt)glve the vet-1
eran a government bond, equal to
the value of his certificate, and
which Is negotiable nt paP thus
avoiding necessity for flouting n
huge loan In the present bond
market to get the funds.
Secretary MIlon HTrinmed up hi
opposition to the rrmh payment In
"It seems, therefore, that the
proposal to pay off the adjusted
service certificates at this time
ivtililfl be iiciinst the hew! Interests
of the veterans, unjustified n n
matter of broad economic policy,
and s.-i-lotisly detrimental to the
,.i.ii ,i,.i.i .. .ii...- ..i ii,
' ' "
i'1-nilt.-r.t. !
4 .
Tim Wrellifr ;
' Oregon: Oenerally cloudy Sun-
1 day and Monday, rains on coast;
no change In temperature; fresh
solltheast wind offshole,
m,.i..h.,- ,.,,,,,. , ....... ,...-. , ... - . .
World war veterans the face value . afternoon. Work was stopped and;
of their bonus Insurance cerlifl-j the governnienl nlltborities notl-,
cates is opposed by Secretary Mel-; fled. Yowprrtuy the remainder of!
lort. I the ol.Je.-ts were taken from the.
Associated Pitss Photo
Grundy County. Iowa, and William
roMPKII. Italy. Dec. C. lP)
-"' . 'a ......
ThR iOV!rnmenl (.xmva.
torn. polinK wlih pi k nd hovol
Uu.(jU(.h thp d(.h. K illcove.efl
tn roum ,he Ioft ,t, wlth j,w.
rii,L.. ....rri.,VM and
necklaces iniaci and still Klitter-
! heauty. In djiiininK rooms other
n ..r wh..i ...ct in.n
.,.,,.. , ' .i.u.
Anient: them are kitchen lots
.,.i B.i..
chased f iK'iros represent I n the
twelve labor hercules, and two
ih used nilver sirvices. one rum
pbMe In all ileiallH for four per
son,' a number of silver spmms,
and a silver Jujr.
In the room believed to have
been that of the lady of the bouse
were found a mirror, a perfume
container, two pairs of Bold m't
enrrinnn, two heavy old brace
lets, three palm of gold earrinus.
thirteen j;obl r I n ii s, two gold
set Wlln pi ei'louH s i o n r n, linn i
thirteen gold and thlrty.-thrce-sll-ver
The first discovery was of six
ilvar plates In a box Thursday
" -
"bile the artlMIc uilue of the
relics is considered Incalculable,
Iho cinnmr.-lal prices of the
metal and Jewels alone would run
Into hundreds of thousands of
dollars. The pieces are splendid
'V preserved
anil show superb
i I
FOI'TII Hl-.ND. Ind . Dee. r,. M'i
A student demonstration in cele-
"ration of .Notre names victory
over Poutnorn t aniornla was
"'""'"o n-in'.i o. i. i.ino."i v " t
'school inef.ct. ic,
- , . . '
ioiiihiiik no no pro is.-.i rot'iiiiiii
In front of a theater the youths
were preparing to rush, the pre-
feet, In u f.-w cryptic sentences. In-
formed the gathering "such things
nre tint ih.m- by Notre Imtue men."
The gathering iiilckl.v dispersed. j
Aged Folks With Weak Res
piration Perish Strange
'Visitation Bewilders, and
Gas Attack Rumored
European Shipping Para
lyzed. .
BUCSSKLS. HelKium. Dec. (!.
(ff) Villagers in the Meuse valley
went back tonlKht to tho homes
from which they had fled In ter
ror before a" wall of fop which ap
peared to- he driving death be
fore It.
The fog had lifted, nnd with it
had gone the mystery with which
it hail been endowed. The public
health commission' asserted after
an official InvestiKutlou that the
more, than three score deaths at
tributed to the foK had resulted
from nothing more mysterious
than weakened respiratory nysteniH
of the victims.
With few exceptions all of those
who died were more than 50 years
old. A third of them tuiflered heart
ailments and were known to have
had chronical bronchinl trouble.
Tho doctors said It was the cold,
smoke-laden fog unci nothing else
which choked them to deuth.
The Tok left 64 d end in el hi
villages in its wake. .Many otherH
were made ill and nearly all the
resident, of that part of the val
ley of the Meuse suffered scrioun
inconvenience from it.
Kvcn after it had lifted the
terror und bewilderment which it
hnd Inspired remained. The sim
pie peasants and workmen feared
to venture out even into tho sun
lit streets, and many of them re
mained huddled together In their
dwellings for hours. During the
height. 4 be manifestation those
ivhOfis lYnislneH'; ren.ull'ert "thViri to
go out muffled theni-ielves with
handkerchiefs, senrfs and impro
vised masks, recalling the inllu
env-n epidemic of lit IS in the same
part of Belgium.
Norses nnd cattle, which were
a bo seriously affected by the
mini, were, driven Into the homes
where they might he protected
from the damp. Whole families
rushed to the homes of their
neig-hhors to give one another
aid und comfort In what some he
lleved to he h o m e mysterious
manifestation of providence and
others thought was a new poison
ens a Mack in some nnd den war
of which they hud not heard. All
were terror-slricken.
LONDON, Dec. . (P Hol
land and the continental seaboard
hcuan to emerge this morning
from the Impenetrable fog which
turned the past two days into
n Ik bts.
HHAI.KM, Ore, Dec. 0 W)
lxs esllinaled at r.o 0,0(1 1 result- j U(.rre midnight deterred his part
ed when the D. A. Ijirlner com-j,,,,,. Murtn i01.0i, from entorlng
Pliny's warehouse was destroyed wh(,n , returned to tho holol last
by fire here today. nllnl ntter nUl.ndlng a wrestling
iJirmer himself Is believed to, ,..,. w.irh i,vtilc hiul il...
jhuve been the hiavlert loser, since
IliMl mil Jiu.i.iil) insurance on
a building valued at about $7
ami. A quantity of Kilt, bales of j
nops lino man ions oi p. i '"i-
en in ine oiiiioiog were iniiy
j sored. The hops were worth at
present til-Ices about lllti.oaa.
The paper, worth aooui iiiu.
000, was owned by the Oregon j
Pillp and Paper company. Kortyi
drums of peppermint oil. valuedj
at about $24,000. was destroyed.
There was uncertainly about the
ownerellip or the oil. A speedboat
owned by Lelund Hinllh, valued
at $100. Furniture anil Indian cu
rios owned by persons at Cliema-
j wa limine scnooi. anu inner in
' nllure owned by persons who are
scattered about the entire coun
try were Included In the loss
I'lremen were in danger when
I ammunition and tanks oil In'
the building exploded. .
N'NA. Dee. 6 P Charles
, i
.evlne. freed of a suspicion of,
alemptlng to counterrelt
l-'rench coins, will return to the
I nlted States shortly lo perfect
plans for n solo roiind-tbe-world
air flight to be noroinpllshed In
Iirteen days, lie sain louay.
ine i.uin wno arin.....i no.e
the flint tnilisailantlc airplane
iasinger breathed it sH'h of re-t
ffb . i , i.f
ni-iiiiii im-ii-.i ." a'-.
leiinn ae qitlcKiy as poss -
Ktrst lie tried for nn airplane,
Ins iimnl means of travel, but
was unsuccessful. Then he bon'lit
a second class railroad ticket to
Knows Too Much?
Associated Ptts Phott
Detroit police believe Margaret
Owen, 23-year-old actress, sweet,
heart of "Diamond Bill" Delia
bonte, held for murder, was poi
soned because she knew too mu.:h.
Margaret was to testify before a
grand Jury. She is recovering.
Army Surgeon Pictured As
Slaying Wife To Marry
Texas Girl Jean Doyle
Sought In Bottle Killing
of Gem Salesman.
KANSAS CITY;. Kun. Deo. 0.
(r-j-A picture or Ainjor t'nnries a
Hhepard ns plotting the death of
his wife that he might marry blond'
'J2-year-old Grace Brandon of Hun
Antonio, was spread before a fed
eral court Jury today as S. M.
Brewster, United States district at
torney, outlined the government's
case In the murder trial of the
army medical officer.
In contrast, Hurry S. Class of
defense counsel depicted the 60-year-old
tuberculosis specialist us
a kind and affectlonnto husband,
worried over hlfl wife's addiction
to liquor, disappointed In his home
life and naturally becoming at
tracted to tho pretty Brooks field
stenographer during his short po
rlod on duly nt the Texas post,
taking n course In flight surgery.
Pollco tonight were looking for
Jean Doyle, 20-yenr-old blond, In
connection with tho slaying und
robbery In a hotel here early today
of Sum Frank, 06, a Jewelry auc
tioneer of Memphis. Jewels and
money to the value of about $6000
were taken.
Krank's unclad body, with
mouth gagged nnd hnnds tied, was
found In his hotel room this morn
ing by u chambermaid. A broken
Ihiuor bottle with which his skull
had been fractured, a partly filled
liquor glass, nn empty drug vial
anil a woman's heauty compact
told the police a story of a drink
ing parly thero last night. Numer
ous clgaret butts stained with lip
slick adiied to tholr duo.
A Woman's Voicn nnil tnnirhtnp
SHulnir from Krnnk'a rnnm ahnrilv
cnp(1 nvuiion.
The woman beln soiml.t wi.a
declared to huve checked out of
llll(ll1PI. i,,,,,., Ilt bout 3 u. m. to-
,v, after having sei
,r Ver for her effects. Police wen.
, . . , . . ... - h
Iler in the day.
TOPI-IK A, Doc. 0.(P) Uphold
ing the Kansas Sunday laws, the
stale supreme court today held
Seventh Day jj'vontlsls could not
admissions to motion picture
snows on inui uny even tnoiign
they observe nnother day In the
wk .. ,.. .,,.,,.
Tno c)llr,., ruiinl. wn,
opinion nfflrinltg conviction of Al-
, ii,.ii, nn.l hi. tr.n i...
,.,. lf ,,nK u,niOTun, t()
n ,h(.,lt,,r , Mnnt.,,0 n Vliitii.n
nf n ,i(llu((1 fnrbiifing sale or ex-
Iposuio for sale of goods, warts or
merchandise on Sunday
, . .
PAItlS. Dec. I. (JV) Senator I
!....! i, , . .. . ,
i...uin, .nice iremier OI .
france Hnil H dozen times cabinet
minister, was trying tonight
; conciliate Frnnee's many political
parties In an effort to form A cahl-
nPt to succeed the defeated Tar-
'died ministry.
Effort To Identify Lone
Fingerprint On Fatal
Stabbing Made Probe
Into Triangle Case Con
tinues Intimidation
Charged By State.
PORTLAND, Ore.. Dec. ti. (.4
Investigation on the alleged knife
murder of Mrs. I eone C Bowles.
;t:t. ' iwomtnt'iu rortlulul HOctet
womiin. was resinned here io -
Nelmm C. Howies. 34, ritnllt, relief program threatened to ex
aml his former neeretury. Irmn !. paml Ilbovp h recommendotlons
lnieks, 2S, known as Airs. Irmnt
Umeks Purls, accused of ,he O" V t Capitol Hill,
murder, were In the county Juil Calling In Senator Watson of
awalllni; action by tho grand. Indiana, the Republican leader,
Jury next week. They waived pre- Ml. Hoowr urge(l trlct economy
limlmiry hearing of first degreel
murder charges In municipal, "nd pictured a prospective deficit
I court todny. 1 or 3S5,ooo,000 for this fiscal year
Mrs. Howies died in Mrs, ParlM' j Instead of $180,000,000 On the
( apartment November 12. A knife( basis of the contemplated relief
Iliad pierced her heart. Yesterday ; work.
a. coroner's Jury, by unanimous Later In the day the house ap
verdict, found the death wound ( proprlatlons committee decided .to
had been Inflicted "with murder- cut down the emergency unem-
ous Intent" by Howies or Mrs. ployment construction 'fund from
I'aris, or hollt. I $160,000,000 to $110,000,000. Mr.
Three more persons, early tden-J Hoover had asked for $150,000,
tlfled with the cose, were finger- 000. .
printed at police headquarters to- Senator Borah, Republican, Ida
day in on effort to Identify a lone ho, about tho same time offered
print found on the blade of the the suggestion for a two per cent
death knife. Increase In Income taxes next year
(leorge Mown', chief deputy in addition to discontinuing; the
dlHtrlct attorney, nnd police de- one per cent reduction in effect
tectlves, uest!oned severnl new this year as a way of averting-the
witnesses today but declined to deficit. , , .
disclose their identity or thoir Earlier the agriculture commit
testimony. They said, however, tee in the house had added $5,000.
severnl new angles had been dis-i 000 to the $25,000,000 nrooosed hv
closed. I (he administration for drought re
Police said several nttempts nef but voted down the $80,000,
have been made to intimidate t ooo figure unanimously approved
slate's witnesses. Mrs. II. W. yesterday by the senate agriculture
Howard, said to be one of the : committee. . '
chief witness, was seveerely bent- There still was cooperation be
en at her home lust Tuesday eve-, tween Republicans and Democrats
nlng. She was ssld to be renover-( n congress' tonight for 'speeding
ing louay. a ponce imru m m
talned nt her home.
Individual wet and dry advocates
were converging upon Washington
tonlgh with one group seeking to
harmonize on a single substitute
for prohibition and the other to
plnn a nutlonwldo drive In Its sup-
stutement from'F. Scott McBrlde,
superintendent of tho Anti-Saloon
league, that "for tho second time
In the history of the dry organiza
tion the dry forces nre getting
ready to carry on an nggresslve
nationwide program to v overcome
wet activities."
KIOUX CITY, Iowa, Dee. 6. JP)
Notlecs wore pasted on tho doors
of tho Kloux National hank und the
First National hank, the two old
est financial institutions here, that
they had been closed by unani
mous vote of tho directors late to
day. The notices were posted about
two hours at'T the banks closed
around both Institutions,
were not affiliated.
I'l.NI.KV, Ohio. Dec. K.iPl-
The bodies of three high school
students were recovered tonight!
from the Ice-locked waters of oldn death rote from $.6 per 100,-
city reservoir, in suburban ltlver-
slde park.
The victims were David Davis,
10. (lien l.ovc, 17, nnd Won Whit
lee. 10. A hjjlduy lark led them
across the partially frozen sur
face of the reservoir nnd the Ice
A fourth member of the pnrty,
cloe Kdgington, to, escaped nnd
summoned nld. Kfforts to revive
the three were futile.
Ill'.Itt.IN. Dec
T) Four
times louay ine nrueilltlg govern-
ment repulsed the vigorous attack
of the opposition In the ltelrh
stag nnd at the end of the parlia
mentary ttr :;.itor. lood clearly vlc-
Urges Economy and Sees
Deficit as Relief Meas
ures Threaten to Expand
Parley at White House
On Drought Area Aid.
WASH INCTON, Dec. 0. (yP)
rraldtMlt-iIoover moved todny lo
,"!1" the brakes to congressional
mo emergency relief measures but
It was obvious the ' cooperation
pledge did not Include endorse
ment for any specific program.
Representative Aswell, . Demo
crat of Louisiana, announced he
would carry to the house floor his
fight foi- a $eo;iOO,000 drought re
lief fund and he predicted it would
be approved.. . .
No specific measures were men
tioned in the White House parley
but Watson was summoned within
a few hours of the time for tho
senate o start consideration of the
$00,000,000 drought relief bill. ;
Watson believed the $25,000,000
; Included In the senate bill for food
for the farmers was unnecessary
In view of the determination of the
Rod Cross to- meet this situation
but there wus every Indication the
( w ,,w MBini. UIIUI1 IIIU lllgll-
er, figure. , . ,
International uerlal transportation
has brought a new health hauird
for the public health, service to
cope with.
Surgeon General Hugh S. Cum
mlngs said todny In his annual
report to congress It had brought
the danger that cholera, bubonic
plague and yellow fever would
be transported aerially across In
ternational boundary lines.
He urged world-wide reports on
epidemic diseases and whole
time all-purpose health organiza
tion In rural districts.
His recommendations for or
ganization in rural America, only
is percent of which Is now pro
vided with such service, followed
closely the plun outlined by the
White House confsrence on child
health and protection.
ljist year the United States en
joyed good health generally, the
surgeon general reported, but cer
tain diseases showed Increases,
Smnll-pox, prevontnble bv vac
cination, advanced from m,K6
cases In 1 n J 7 to 41,458 cases. In
1029. Pellugro, which Increased
000 population In 1S4 to 6.1 per
100,000 In 102$ was held to S.5
In 1028. Meningococcus meningi
tis, also on the rise for several
years past, showed a slight falling
off. Infantile paralysis, slight In
1920, showed more than usual
prevalence In 1930,
BERLIN, Dec. . VP) As one
of the Immediate effects of the
Itruening emergency financial pro
gram's passing the Reichstag, ho-
. te and restaurant guests from'
Monday on will find no white rolls
on the breakfast table.
Under tho new law bakers may
sell pure while breads only up to
4nu Kriiinn aim men only lo private
contain $0 per cent rye flour.