PSGE TWO Iocal and Personal California-ViumiLmJMH Ihw CucRtM from CalifmnlH ritf rft1 j it jytfdrord hiitln Include Mr. an-lj Mrs. Coo. I-Miler f Kan iirln-fi-1, Mrw.Tl: At, Hlmmons of'Hnntn IKwa, Oprtrude a Hueff of Hnrr-I"". Mr. n,l Mr. C.'W. Taylor, Dnrothy M. Taylor, K. r. HlifmionH, A. f Inl-1 Iimilcr; Mr. 6ml Mr. .1. R fttfArnn, if IOR AiiirHiw, M. A:- Wanly nf, Alhanrtbrft, Mr. and Mr. O. r,. 'r-j ulnp of (Jukland, Mr. ami Mm. , chftM. An4crHiin of U v. r)y Hill. . FranPH i McCiitrfcfon of Clam-; nirfrit. Mm. W. K. Monk, Min D. AMnfc. Mr; and Mrs'. II. N. liukfr. I MH: and Mrs, V. A. Krpklni nf Ha nnm-nto. T. J. TaliUtt of Avalon. I H. X. Lnwifnecllo of Vallfjo. TVj AV' Rmilh uf Pan (Jumin. John; Mhxln of San -DImro. and the ful- lowing from San Frnnciwn: Vrc.j O.' H. Hhuwlflf. (. V. Hh:ivl"i Mr.! and Mrfl. K. V. l.rtumntv and Mrs. (Ipo. M.oli. (JiirfttH from Ih Antfeh Mv. and Mrn. H. W. Weaver rrom AnKflcK an visltlnK Wrn. Thur mand and fahiily Tnt two w.-cks. Mr. Weaver, who In a city employ In Loh ArnoV-H, Ik ffitlf favorably ImpreHfled with the valley and BpendM much of hln (line finhWiK Irr the vni'lotit lake and Rtreamn, Smlllt Coiiidcte Vacation Mr. and Mrs. C. (I, Smith have returned to this city from a two weeks vacation In Idaho. ,r. Hrnith Is now preparing for lh opening of Medford schools Sep tember 2. Ersklne MurIc Studio. Plann. clhsslcal or rapid popular course; KUltor. Piano tuulnji $:t r.. Room 14, Hpftt'la Ifldf. PhOhe 8G3-K. If Hetttnicyl to Medford Mr. and Mrs. Ktanley-Jotie.(,Hvho trove been making their -home at the Hut let- apartment at Ashland, hove returned to Medford. Mis. Jones has been n Mndetit at the Southern Oregon Normal school. One , llufldhiK Application C i. HwetiHon will Hpend $(i.ri to construct a lunch stand on Souih Fir s I ree t , a ceo rd i n g to an a p p i ! -cntton on file today at the city building department. Sen Rrlll'- Sheet Metal Works for radiator, fender and auto body! repairing. lf Slnto AcTluVnt Record There wen eight fa (all ties In Oregon, due to Industrial accidents, during the week ending August?, according lo u report prepared by the stale Industrial accident com mission, There wen 7S0 accidents reported during H week. ' Pruetts Arrlvo from K4u(lk Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Prtiett ar rived I.ihI evening from the San'S Clara valley, Cal., lo make their hornf lh tiniitltMrf Orepird, and will pprtlcipitle n the. harvesting of the Mrwil'penr eTo jf, Wfl hnv that particular motild Inff for your individual pichiro. Th-Pennleys, opposlto New Ilollv (heater. tf Out nf Town V lull on . Mr. and Mrs. i-l A. Hildreth of HuKe Falls, Dnn Foeller it the Hatchery dlHtrirtnnrl Mr. and Mrs. .lames Wltle of Bertgle were nmoug the visitors In Medford today. trs. flattery ftedu-iiN Airs. Ktninii flattery, who has 'been vacationing at the Klliott cabin at Shady Cove nnd, collecting cn'ma ft bultwi for the New York murlicls, ntiirned to her- home In Clranta Pass yesterday. Loose, squeaking wlieelH nre dan gerous. 1 1 two Ihem tightened on a hydraulic wheel netting machine at Flchtner'B Oarage. H3tf Kfifffrtte Cnmterf Husy The cannery of the Fugene Fruit (ltuwerst association Is now rushed wltft string hemsi At the height ot.'thft season af least 20 tons will he the: daily- output, tt fs etnted. From NtaiQ Voitits , Among . the Oregon gueHb a( Medford .hotels nre 11. It. (h.btiel of HHlem, It. O. FarnH of Hums, II. E. Hume of Newberg, and the fol lowing from Portland: Adela lilehl, K. It. Ross, V. t Johnston, Holhy .Pblpps. H. H. Howe and party, nnd Mr. and Mm. II. K. Heck man. Free shampoo with $1.00 marcel or finger wave In bobbed hair Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Shell on Croqulgnole perma items, 7.60. Wotkv guar inteed. llow tuhn's lienuly Hhopp. Phono f7. Workliia In lYtill H. llllewo of l'lili-ai:n In In Oils oily for thr mimnu'r nml 1 oiiKitpil In nr-hnrl wnrk. ,i1 H. Quality that it long remember ed after price is forgot ten is tho renson for the undisputed leader ' ehip of Fluhrer's breads Svw Truck Kervliv The Kclnklnif Truck fivicp, which hu been In the trucking liuslnoHM in fiold If 111 for the four yt'firn, Iiom put In a branch of-j fin at 301 Kouth Front ntn i-t. thin city. Act-online lo Mr. IMnkJnir, Mix truck ratinimr frorn one-ion In a nix-ton truck art now pmnmvil j to do fruit ha u II tif; or hauling of any kind. IJctiim Siimitloii (iinni Motorist k In Houthcrn Orctfnn have fhown K""rl rooperr.tlon Iti the purchase oQlitlJO auto HcenHcs,! HtMfc Traffi rt-rcennt C. P. Talent! fluid today, ile arri-sed 1 tnotor-j ltn lant ffwk for failure to pur- ( chase plates, hut this week has been unable to find any offender.! MotorixtH who have not purchased platen ,-jie ke'-plnt; their ai h Jii sirai;e until bey do. Mr".- t.lielv Seriou-lv 1(1 Mm. .r. W. Lively, who lu.s been J reeelvhlK treat m"nt In the Cum-! niunflybosjiJtal for the past wee!i, j t.i ripoft'd to M- Seriously Hi today.' Anyone who would Hko n bar- fc.lln In a hiph Kiade banjo whoubl1 tall at this office and Inspect the! banjo left hcr forn:ie; a naerfcj regardless of cost. 25t( U Uty Totkiy John C Thor.son of Peall Ian" j Is attending to htf-dnc.HH matters In j Medfor d today, John Peterson of! i., wno p empioyeii ai thi. Veu-I.rv 'S ....I. ,.i 'e,.ii.... also si luislnrH visitor today, Dance In Ashland's cool Litbii Park every Thursday night after the band concert, flood floor and excellent music. Auspices (tf the shland Litliians, Will McaW TniMf S Troop ii (f the. rater Lake council. Hoy Scouts, will be In charge of Lloyd Showers during M ix Pcirce'rt viicatiftn at Diamond lake, t was state today. ' DrcKsmakliig. and remodeling nt the Kanhlon Shop, 421 Mdfoi'd Mblg. Mitt. Harry Andrews, Tel. 1IHI. Mf I'm'.-rgne OperalioH Mrs. l;ii7.abetb Phlllipji,, 70. un derwent on .pcralloti this morning for mastoid, and la reported to he wetting along nicely at the Sacred II. art bo.spilat. Personality goes into every cut and wave given In the Medfonl Menuty Salon, pieatd Just north of droeeferla on N: Central, l4fi Vlhll Relatives Hero U. H. (iee and rumity, who ar rlve in this city a ahort time igo frorn I lo I bind, Minn., to vinil Mi. Oce's ulster. Mrs. dcoruc Wilson, left yesterday for Olympla Wash., where they will make their future home. , . Tren props at Hlg Pines Lbr. Co. Tel, No. I. lOXtr Mm. toffs :u Diamond Lake Mrs. Neal Slewar;, Misses AHeen and Mae Mordoff and Mrs. Mary Mordoff f Medford left Saturday afleinnnn for Diamond lake where they will spend seven,! dnyw. After the visit to the resort, Mrs. Mor doff will return to her homo In Medford. The three girls will re turn to (his cy Tuesday. Klam ath Falls News', Blocks $.r.r.O on night delivery only. Valley Fuel Co. Phone 70. .... if Begins Her Vueadon Mm. Lyda King, roiinly nurse, began n vacation of two weeks to day and will probably spend It at se'aslde resorts. Let m haul away your garbage and refuse. Phone M.', city Sani tary Hervlce, a S7 tf Mai'ilngo LlecnscM Today The county ejerlfa office Issued marrlnge Ureases today to Harry Scott, r4, and Mable Kenyon. both of Chlco, Cal.; Clarence Ma' tern, 42, and Mary Itlchards, rn. both of Schilling. Cal.; . . House, -'. and Lola Crawford, 1 (I, both of Htna Mills, Cal. f Ireen labs, forest wood, coal; summer prices. Med. Fuel Co. Tel. :ii. lictf Vni'nllnu In Ashland Lea K linger of dates An! company left today for Ashland, where she will upend part of h week's vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mm, ll. A. Kllnger of that city. Dr. elms. I". Jn'.inson, n,ntit. Si,,....llzli,. n rxtrai'lliiK ml clill ilnMi'F, ilnilislry. A.xHoi'lnl,',! with lr. I'lilpps. 'h,in I -I ii 3 . I'lilpiw niiii,-. l-iir 'I'linisriTifii to M,iiriM ".lunlnr rett-rn, ,.inpl(iyr, nt IK,' Hlntp thonlt-r. will In, mmsC'rivd tri llio Ni.w II, illy Ihonlrr In Mel foi',1 MunnMIni,. within !ho next lv, wi-ck!:" wny tho (InintH I'h?h tNiitrh'r, 1.,'t n writ,, yutii' flrn lnnm-!WU'' Curl V. Ti-MK-wnlil, lluU'l Ihllnn, IIIiIk., Plume! una. it ,1a culm Bedim fmiu Trip Mr. nnd Mrs. ,1. W. .lacobs hfive ret tttned from a t rip t o ( 'rater Luke, Klamath Kn)l ntu) Duke o' the A'rtod.t, n i TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 1'iHI s.xi.K ;n hon.i nf hlch mu.l, , iiM-rnNfv an,l .trrj.,.vi,. ri',-h. fall .1. IT KHlllilSpr. nil.' ,,ith nf (IrnntM I'ass nn I'aclflo hiijh. way. l'hnne rt04-J-3. Ill W A NTKI Kxl'rlt-nrf-,1 wnllrpaw. j t'. H. 'iif., Homh Knilil. nil IVANTI'M Housework l- rttmpp ti nt wnnw.n. Iln-t t. W., V ,11 !l.un tl Knit l.l..; r,-r!n. in,l,'rn ttl,-.-,. , tvMt si,!,.; $3'jr,0, ray li-nn,. 'V'l. Kit:1 -v. IIP 1 t-'o MAI.K Aimrtmrnt Wfwt , inulinuso ,'1,',-trl,- rala: ul, h,,l l water heal,'!-. ln,iliir 17 Altlumtl. I N! VN'Ti:i TD HKN-r Haw party wht, will a O S'1'1 P'r nuinth. froiO Hrpt. tut ta July 1st. f,n nu,l well futnNh.Ml luttn,, with 3 l,.,lr,,i,niN. t'laj. "A'' rt-ntor. fllAlli;V I'l.KHKY rimlH- i; I K.ul .Main. m. IVfEDFORD MATL JIntil at HoulctlH ! Dr. und Mrs. ;. W. fln-KK ,,fl A h land h nd M r. und M fa. fa u 1 Maclionald of Mcdford wero dlff- n gut'mn at (vlMf at K;kIi Point Sunday. Wiiliu Itcmm North A. O. Wa'i, afwintant rtilonal forester, left last evening via Crani patH for his headquartern in Port land, after haviiiK pri! f week In. M Ml ford and vicinity on ('later na- tional forest affalrw. ( Ih'luriiK from Vacation ' IJIdcn If ed ford itturnc'l Snndayj to (Irani Pas- from Med ford, where he bad ' been spending f H'l'cl vac-'HOMi viilitiK r-la lives. ' " dreeti slabs, the b'ttr kind from Medford Fuel (Jo. (jnler early, j Phone (i31.'- ' 102tf ViTiion Ku.vk'-ud.'iil w.'.s amrmtj thi' Klamath Kails residents pend Ink yesterday in Mediord. Hlncki $'i.r,u on nlKht delivery only, nlley Fuel Co. IMione 7'i. tf Floyd Harts Home Air. and M rs. Kbyd I fart, 'Y-n have been ftpdni n thf past t w-i days In San I'rancisco, retimed to M d f o r d (his morning tVn the Shasta. Driving to Han Francisco Aug. 10. Will ta ke olio partsenger. 10. A. Smith, Copco. 143 Itrickcr ai Seoul Camp Wm. Lee Hrlcker. bical scout ex ecutive, ift this niotnUig for Li.k' o tlie Woods, to make pivparafons f r closing up the camp f .-t tin summer. Several scout.: accom panied him oh the trip. Phono We'll haul away your refuse. - City S.tnllary Service. 337tf To Visit Cralcr Lake Mr. and Mrs. Frej .1. Wilmot and gliesls, M I'M. O. A. Street and smi ioe of Puiliiiaji, 'Wash., and Mm. ii. I.. I'atton of Columbia, Mo., will .spend tomorrow at Crater lake, Both Mm. Street and Mm. Patlon an sistres of Mrs. Wilmot. . Blocks $.V'.o on night delivery only. Valley Fuel Co. Phone 7tt. tf Organ lo Move Oranges There Is a strong possibility that granges will be organized at Bell view, Valley View and ' Applegate. according to1 Arthur ltrown. stale deputy grange executive, who has been in the county for shoTt time past In the Interest of further grange organization, lie was spend ing yesterday with Km met t Nealon of the Hams Valley grange. Hemstitching, plcoting, pleating, button making and hose mending. Handicraft Shop. Ufi7tr Make Home Here Mm. .1. F. Conklin, Mm. Olive KutHey und Mrs. Fay Klliott, who have been vacationing for some time In Hnniilton, Iowa, arrived In Med Toid this morning, i.nd plan to make their home here. For best green slabs, ask drlvor or call Medford Fuel Co., Tel. 631. or,tr Oaley.s Movo to Medl'orrt Mr. ' and Mis. John D. Oaley moved to .Medford Saturday, ami will make their home, at the Schil ler aiartmen(.t for the remainder of the summer, and then return to Lugene for Mr. O-iley's last term at l lie I'nivemhy law school. Ash land Tidings. Dr. .louett P. Bray has returned from the east and has resumed lila practice. Offices, 30S Medford Bldg. 147 Mr. Chancy Leaves ... Mrs. Newton C. Chancy state president of the American Legion auxiliary, left this morning on the Shasta for Baker, where he will preside- over the. state convention of the auxiliary. Dance till 2 o'clock, Clold Hill every Saturday night. S!ltf ' :'t J j l f ?r thone f :, 4 Holmes 4 Insurance 4 Service HARRY MARX. PAINTINO . Tinting, Paper Hanging Phon17W JOHN H.: LOCK Painting Decorating Plna Interior- Work v 8peolalty , Phone 118 3f : Women's HoMt $1.00 pair 8iS( from top to to with French W& TBIBUNE, MEDFORD, lteturT fnm Kiit'eni Prof. A. J. Hanby of the Junior high whool ha returnj to Med ford nfter pendln-? the pant six w-ek aitendinK the mj turner nchool un at Ku--ne. II. V. Uuatln. principal of the .lack.non Hchool, and H. I, t'ornwell of thi Junior hich school, are remaining In Ku Kcne for th Heeond lx reekw es- xlon. At DlHmurol lAkc W. W. Allen )Aft this morning for Diamond lake, where he h fiendinc the 'day on businefls. TJa nee in A sT la n d 'a cool T.I t h la Park every Thursday nhfht after the band concert, flood floor nnd excellent music. Au.Mptces of the Ashland IJthians. 143 Here from lNlnt Polritu Included among tho murlst and others from distant tiolnts regis t -red at Medford hotels are Mr. and MK K. 'H. Kpntildlng of Ho- ton, Mass.. Mr. jnd Mrs. W. I. Leech and Rilrten Leach of Oedrir Itapld. la.f Florence 'rritvford of Vancouver, If. '., Mrs. IT. ( Wat fon of .Burton,-Tex-v and Mrs. A, A. Williams of f'artiing, Mo. . For best green slabs, ask driver or call Medford Fuel Co. r-Tel. C31. . .. ,. , y. . 65tf Arrives from Portland Mrs, A; K Jennings of Portland arrived on the train frojn that -city, at nopn today, nnd plans to make her home here. i IJnnce till 2 o'clock, Clold IUM: every Saturday night.. , 89tf J(Hs Tlirongli Iedfoi(l Hill Hutherlin, who wns formerly; a frequent visitor, in MedTord, p&ss-.i ed through the city on the Shasta today, returning to fci home In Se attle. Mr. -Hutherlin fs with, the Southern Pacific company, and wan' recently transferred to the-mirth-, crn city, .,, -. ' ' Dance till 2 o'clock, Clold HM1 every Saturday night. . 8'Jtf Joiepliluo I. . O. F, Ph-nln The Orants PasH ltebekah.s, .Odd Fellows and families will hold a picnic In the park of that city, Thursday at :3n, Krystalglo kodak gloss Hiipreme. The Peusley'fl, opposite Holly thea ter. tf Din kens Itcliini Home M r. a nd M rs. W. W. Di n kens, who recently purchased a ranch In tho Meadows district, returned tothelr nOw home kiHt evening, after a two days' visit here with relatives nnd- friends. dllruy Irt City Today ' V, B. (Jilroy, engineer heading r the electrical fiah Hereon experi mental work being carried on by the diked State, fisheries. Is in Medford today eonferrltiM with lo cal sportsmen. 'iADRIENNE'S " " " v AUGUST CLEARANCE . . . our great sale still continues Ohe-rrtwOnnthrea tliat is the way alert women are buying at this shop these days. The clever styling and enchanting lines of noted Parisian dictators of fashion are, to be found in dresses-coats suits in this sale. Better Dresses ' Vnllii's It. fl !).!)"). .Voui m'q qe NEW FALL OT? ON", TUESDAY, ''AUGUST 12,' 1930. Prenlon Ranch In Ijiw Suit The sum uf l-'U.UOO is sought from the Preston Ranch company; by N. O. Hawkins, -administrator; of the estate of o. Haskina, kilted, In an accident at the ranch In 1 H H . 1 j Papers for the damage action wero j filed in circuit court today. The' ; deceased was 41 years of r.Ke at' f the time of his death und had an expected earning power of $28,(100,' t according to the complaint. ! Hero from Washington ' ;uestH from the tnte of Wash-! Ini?tfn rRlsterd at Med ford hotels : Include R, J. rnrdiher. r. W. Aber-' 1 crobie. f. V. Klknn. R. C. Heily ,- f t Seattle and Ft. Saitu rnd two sons; ' of Aberdeen. Many dobltH fiftm ( Yesterday forenoon there; wer S5 transient, jobless men around 1 the Chamber of Commerce build-; ing awaiting word- from the em-; J f-loyment agencies that work whji ; at hand, and today a count revftal-.j led 15 les. They-had 'either left town or had found employment! Quito a number of (he men an-; I peared fo he incompetent help with' appearance of- tnahimy to hold down a job If they were offered work. ,; Visits Her Mother Mm. Chns. Wormian of Hilt, Cal., is in Medford visiting her mother, Mrs. H. f. Moore.- - - - Select New Brunswick New 'B0in.swick Palmer Miisic House 'We Sell Main and Bartfelt Midne 788 C. H. Isaac W. H, Flukrer Dresses and Suits (Jliil'fons, prints ami silk ijiiits. -Vnlui's lo $12.95 MERCHANDISE ARRIVING DAILY ADRIENNE'S Distinctive and individual Ajarel for Women PI'OtoKraplii'r Meet Tonight Members of the Southern Ore-! Kon Photoitraphers' association will ( noht tneir regular nusinean nit-rini this venin(E in one.of the Medford studios, following a 7 o'clock, ban quet at the Hotel-Medford. , May Kinje Conradie of Klamath JTullH will preside over the meeting. Wwl Kim at Fart Mr. and Mrs. George Condrey of Medford were guests in Klamath Kails ov;r the week end, vlsltintf Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cofer-and Mr. and Mrs, Roland Cofer. He tun is to Medford Mrs. Douglas l-Tayes, formerly Miss Frances Kellogg, who has been employed !ri rt real estate of fice In Chicago returned to Med ford Sunday.. Mrs.' Hayes Is a for mer graduate of-Mdford high and in well known here. She wan mar ried to Douglas Hayes . on Au gurtt 4th. They plan to make their home. here. . v : ., ."00 Picnickers at Crater fjike , Roy Henderson. , who was here from Crn(e,r lake Monday, says the campers nnu nienu'Keprt hi ine aver.'ige .uf .500 on: a Sunday. Pay fioldVra Toniglit , ., . its "payday", this evening at the Arnmry.. - Your Happiness. " Hats H.iliuiop' tiC Silk ' Hals J.U. $1.95 Silk ami (IporuvMp ('oats $12.95 1 - - ' Last Times TONITE ' " ' " Gales of Mirth .:. and an Ocean of Fun .... JACK OAKIE in nin n rrw pai'mi u i Mki n i n nrrt DMUullLUli UttUHLit AWflNGi DEPARTED Ten mM-e local merchants were; unwilling contributors to -a--W check , "Niirt litre last Saturday.1 The checks ranged from t." to $10. and weie passed oy tt woman who; signed her nnmo a? Mr". Rv ; Stewart and Mrs. Hoy Mai-tin. gi'-' ing the address of tilfi West loth street for both names. I The bilked . merchants were making their appearance at the nollee ftation today with the I'r -. .... Daily O j "THE SAP hKUM bYKALUSL", : ' STARTS' . fJT''- Tomorrow f . ' , A modern maiden's" idea of virtue $ . . . h cour-aat of- one -girl to be Si 'wr.ert -tempted the easiest A 1v way ... it is the pinnacle of sue- qg&fw!? :-:.., ' cess for beautiful '! y r1 . . : ,: m 1 - oM.d gMpcr Our v' (Bliishutal y ROBERT MONTGOMERY JVifci - , ANITA PAGE EE'' ALSO. DOROTHY SEBASTIAN IMwy ' BEANY RUBIN In UAYM0ND H&CKETT fW : "BROKEN STATUES" . J. y.; ' FOX TALKING NEWS Maer Picture ; ANOTHER BIG LAUGH HIT Starts TOMORROW FOR TWO DAYS ONLY wh EL BRENDEL playing Ecmeo to three eweet little hard-boiled gold diggers. Ltast Times TONITE I WW. HAINES n , if w 'WAY OUT WEST" j worthless paper, returned from the Medford National bank, wlu, n lei prtet! .it. had no account enteral under "thi jnany if Stewprt or Martin, . Birth 1 Porn to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark a vh: weighing i) pounds, 2 ounces, at Purucker's Monday, August 11. CielIs Capture Willameltc. SALKM. Ore,. Auir. 1'J. ;a fir the first time in 10 years; mure men than women will be enrolled lit Willamette university ;.t n,u opening of the college year in Sep tember Marjorie White William Collier, Jr. Frank Richardson 4k . Vj vfv .-i -i i ry I t