Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 07, 1930, Page 12, Image 12

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OlfKdOX, TJirifSPAY, ATTOUST 7, '1930,
TALENT, Ore., Auk- 7. (Hpl.)
Mrs. Butler of SpriiiKfleld, Ohio,
urrived during the week and In a
Kucat of her brother, . F. Parka.
Mrs. Uuller came three thousand
mUca to vfalt relatives and tho fam
ous Jtogue Itlver valley.
Mr. und Mrs, Archie Ksted and
daughter apent Sunday ut Urania
Mrs. Win, Smith of Glendulo Is
spending the week with relatives
Jn this city.
tiocul people returning from
coast points during tho week were
Mm. Powers und daughter Kllnor,
Miv and Mrs. Joseph SplUer and
MV. and Mrs. (J. F. Kstes and
daughter Fuyo. They report tho
coast weather very favorable,
i Mr. and Mrs. Eugene U Uuxtun
of' Vomona, Cal., are guests of Mr.
und Mrs. Lylo Lumo of tho Talent
auto park.
Mra.O. V. Gosett of Medford
was a dinner guest ut the homo
of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cosseil
Tueaday evening,
ionald Try or, an employe of the
Sou thorn. Pacific, who was recent
ly Injured in the Ashland yards,
was sen,t to the Southern Pacific
hospital in Man Francisco, where
they found it to ampu
tate his foot. Donald is a'realdent
of this city, having lived hero from
Frank Works returned home
Hunday r, after, un, extended . trip
through southern Calif orla. .
A birthday party was given ut
the home pf Mr, and Mrs, Harvuy
Walters during the week, In honor
of Mrs. Walters and Mr, Quacken
bush. A very pleasant evening was
Hpent In' Visiting and games.; Thow
present wero Mr, and Mrs,f Duvl
son. Mr. und Mrs, Kearl With row,
Mr. und Mrs, U U, iiullcn, Mr, and
Mrs. Uone Cameron and two daugh
ters, Mt. Hoswlck, Mr. und Mrs.
J. C. Ottinger, Margaret Klmes,
Mr. and Mra, Tiny, ii. C. Hill, Jas.
Walters, Kdward Walters und the
honored ' guests, Mr. und Mrs,
Wueckenbush and Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Walters. '.Refreshments
were served at a lute hour. M.'a.
Walters received some very usy
fu) gifts.
LAKE CItKIOK, Ore, Aug. 7.
(Spl.) Mr. and Mrs. Ktl Meyer,
Dorothea Meyer and Adolph and
Henry Pech wero among those
wbo enjoyed looking down on their
neighboiH, uIho their own farms,
when they went for an airplane
rldo during the airport celebration
Monday. Mrs. A. U Pech prefor
red to enjoy the celebration from
ttie ground.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Culbertsoii
and daughter, Barbara, and their
nephew and little neighbor girl pic
nicked in Lako Creek park Sunday.
Mr. und Mis. Ktl Meyer visited
Crater Luke, Diamond luko and
polnlH of in lores t en route Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. ii. A. Moyer and
daughters, Helen and M illy, are
spending u few days visiting And
ley Meyer at McClouu", Cal.
Mrs. SeirielU and Darrell New
strom made a business trip to town
Tuesday with Mr. Howies and Mr.
Almy. Mr. Bowles has had to make
several trips to get his hand dress
ed but it Is geaing along nicely
now and he thinks it will he all
right soon.
Mr. and Mrs. T. h. Fallow en
joyed several days' vacation at
Uike of the WoodB. Fred waH with
them, also Karl kept house mid
looked uftor things while they wore
Lowell and Golden Zumlei, with
Frank Nygren's help, uro doing
qulto an extensive Job of remodel
ing their house before winter uots
Sovoral young folks of the vi
cinity enjoyed a swimming party
at Lake Creek Tuesday evening,
. PHOKNIX, Uro., July 7. (Spl.)
Dr. Susie V. Standurd und dau
ghter, Ella Mae, accompanied by
MIbs Dorothy Heppor, left Mon
thly for a vacution trip to Sou
Aide, Newport, Portland and So
nttle. . In Seattle they will meet
Dr. Standard's son and wife and
daughter of Cordova, Alasku.
Mrs. Bruce llayman, who lives
West . of Phoenix, underwent a
serious operation at tho Commu
nity hospital in Ashland on Tues
day. ' She Is reported us doing
very nicely.
Mr. und Mrs. Win. Jlnetto and
dnughter, Kay, und son, Curl, of
Merrill, Ore., spent Sunday at
the homu of Dr. Standard und
, -Mm Hov. Jewell of Merrill,
frrc, was a guest ut tho home of
ltov. F. F. Sohell und wifo on
I Miv and Mrs. Andrew Ileum ro
unicd tho latter part of last
veok from their vacation trip of
tvh wcoks in California.
"Mrs. Tom Madden and Mrs, A
A. Sauor wore Sunday afternoon
Visitors of Mrs, Juycoeks at t
county imor farm.
7. (Special,) Frank and Davo
Stotls of California were up the
creek calling on old friends Tues
day. M rs. L. C, J ones n nd da ugh tor
called on Mrs. Mays Tuesday.
Mr. Green was out to the valley
J. W. Bailey called at the
Hchuolto homo Sunday evening.
Miss Dorothy Dodge nnd Miss
Anna Schneir visited Miss Ruth
Mays this week.
Mrs, Jus, Mac Dowel I and Mrs.
Chas. McCanna spent Saturday in
J3. J. Center is home from Port
laud for a few wooks.
Herman and Francis Schuetto
called at tho Mays homo Sunday
evening. -
Mr. Bushnell und fumlly have
moved on the Stotts ranch.
D. C. Hale and family went to
Mod ford Saturday.
And its mil hiqh
Golf Course -
TJF.RF. the novice lis much
1 fun at thcexpm! For Binft
new course hit been developed
wrth everybody'! pleasure in
mind three sets of tees .... .
exciting short holes . . . a fine
5 1 0O,OtK) clubhouse munificent
itw jll the tme And you cm
compete lor the Punci of X'lt
7yA offered by "the Banff Golf
Club to guesn of the hotel . . .
other competition) from week
to meek.
Ciolf isn't all however. There'
delightful swimming, hone Kick,
hiking, tcnnii. dincmg and
entertitnment m the e enm j.
Ctt httratHTt wi rttmt ,
VK' If Of ac on
OActilAjtMi.Pjmngri Off4
r Pacific
SAMH VADD10V, Ore.. Aug. 7.
(Special) Dally vacation Bible
school under tho direction of D. D.
liundull of Medford, opened in
this district Monday, and will con
tinue until tho end of tho week.
A, C. Vllnon and son, Charles,
left Wednowlny for a coast out
ing and visit , with relatives at
Camas valley and Marshfield,
which will Include tho Duhl fam
ily former Sums Valley residents.
Pear picking in tho Van Hoo
venhurg and smaller orchards ho
Kun this week. Tho pear crop
In fact, everything looks good, to
tho pear grower this year, except
ing tho price,
MIhh Klsln Straus returned Hun
ony evening from tho excursion
trip to Alaska, offered members
of tho school teaching profession,
Miss Maxlno Coblclgh returned
to her home at Talent, after .visit
ing two weeks with her aunt, Mrs.
Aila Kust.
Mis. J. A. Cook and niece, Mrs.
loleta Ktclnmotj! and children vis
it! d friends in this dlrtiict Friday,
Mrs. Stolnmotvi and children arc,
guests of Mrs. Cook at Clold Hill
and are residents of TuHu. Oklu.
UIVIKKA. Ore., Aug. 7. (Hpl.)
Miss Kmmit Ouunyaw of South
Holly st root, Medford, who hnn
been very HI at the homo of her
sister, Mrs. Ueorgo Ianco for the
pnut threo weeks, was taken to tho
Community hospital Sunday. Mr.
nnd Mrs, Lance are staying In
Medford to bo near her and her
bother, Hoy Ouunyaw, has been
sent for.
Those from Medford calling on
Miss ClaiiHyaw last wee wero Mrs.
Maude lainm, MInh Jemte Martin.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Ottoman, Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Thorn, Mrs. W. K,
IfSne, Mrs. Kntph Woodford, Mr.
and Mrs. DoWKt nnd Mr. ad Mm.
D. H. Pvrrle. Hr many frWnds
here hope she will soon he b(rtter.
Grange Notes
.iacksonviI'M-: ;ilm;i;
The ivgular buttlneos meeting of
tho Jarknonvillo Orange will bo
hMd Frldto.'. August 8. ut 8:30 p.
m. It ( hoped that the fine at
tendance of lat meeting will In
repeated Friday evening. Although
different In rhnracler, an equally
good program hits been arranged.
. Tho number of most interest will
be a debate on the subject of mar
riage. Kvoryono is more or lens
Interested In this topic and It !s
expected that some new and pe.'
tlnent fct will bo delivered for
this occasion.
Thosp debating are Henry Con
gor, Henry NHdermoyer, Nellie
Notdermeyer and Mr. Anna Han
ley. It 1. hinted that the ladies
will debate against tiie men (as
usual). If (here are enough mem
bers present to warrant opening
with tho program, the lecture hour
will be hold at 8:30; otherwise It
will come at the regular time in
tho meeting.
Tho lecturer has invited Mr. and
Mrs. Brown to be present at this
meeting. Mr. Brown la district
deputy of the counties of southern
Oregon, while Mrs. Brown is a rec
rcutlonul leader and has promised
to help with tho program.
Advertising Agency
Manager Pleased
Southern Oregon
Herbert Cayfort, San Francisco
munaKcr for Beaumont & Hohman
Advertlnine agency, was in Med
ford "VeneHday, leaving In the
evening for the north.
The Beaumont fc Hohman agen
cy plftcn the advertising for the
I'aiOfic (Jriyliound line and Mr.
Cayfort la making the trip from
tian Kranciflco to PoOland, via tho
Pacific highway, calling on tho
agcntH for the company and will
return via the coaat line, making
the trip on the regular Pacific
Oreyhound line of high-clasa buaes.
Mr. Cayfort was delighted' with
the scenic beauty and the evidences
of prosperity all along the high
way, and particularly with this
section of tho state and .the won
derful prospects for fruit and other
PHOENIX. Ore., Aug. 7. (Spl.)
! Arrangements are being made for
j tho reopening of tho ticket offce
land express office ut Phoenix. An
! nounccment of the name is expect
I ed to he made sonn. Frank K. An-
dcrson of tho Phoenix Pharmacy
will be !) charge.
8AL.EM. Ore., Aug. 7. (fl) Roy
Cannon of Portland, Multnomth
county rchool superintendent, was
eiecieu prroiwit. v
County School Superintendent a
aoclatlon at the cloalng session of
It annual convention here today.
Martha K. Mulkey of Coquille. Coos
county superintendent, was elected
vloe-prealdent, and Maybelle Ro
mlg, Baker county superintendent,
The association went on record
by resolution in favor of free text
books. . . . '
Oufur. Remodeling of Kan
sene sehoolhouse undcf'aiv
77ie tire pictured i
the handsome new
Goodyear Heavy Duly
in the 4.50 21 ie, ,
(formerly 30 x 4.50)
imBW Meaavy EDmiity
. 55 i i its J
You can. buy this stunning new Goodyear Heavy
Duty Balloon one of the best-looking and best
performing tires ever produced at a price almost
anyone can afford.
Crude rubber is now the cheapest it has w"
ever been, and as a result you can get
this special Heavy Duty Goodyear for
only a dollar or two more than you had '
to pay last year for an ordinary tire.
JWowis the
time to get
great new tire is recommended for tough service
for the heavy car, the fast driver, the rough
and rocky road.
Fresh and original in design, this super-standard
Goodyear is the very last word in
fine appearance, rugged endurance
and dependable performance.
Extra-stout and extra-massive, this
If you want the biggest money's
worth you ever got in a tire, buy the
new Goodyear Heavy Duty. ;
" know all about this great new Heavy Duty, and I indorse every
word Goodyear says about it. It's the best looking tire you ever saw,
and my customers who have bought it tell me it's even better than
it looks Drop in the next time you're down ' this way. I have your
size in stock. The way prices are now you'll never get a better chance
to let your tire dollars do double duty." charles c. furnas, pr0p.
, .
Medford Service
...... Go
Pacific Highway
and Main
Phone 14