PAOE 'ETOnT ftlEDFOKD MATL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, -OKFiON. "WEDNESDAY. . JULY ,0. 1W. iBAKKIElR 1 - - ' " i v.r-.11 RURAL AND SUBURBAN NVVS EAGLE POINT j PHOENIX ' EACil.R -VOI.VT. Ore, .Inly 80. (Kpl.) Martha 'Porter of climax Ik spendim; the week end at the homo of laieilo Coy. Junior Clements had the mlsfor- ; tune lo low his !uiy named "Hoots," rci'viuly killed l,y a pass-- 1 In;; car. ! Memliers of the relief torn mi t - tee. Kilslc I'oint Cianyi', have; made many visits to II. A. WVM-j mnn. who is seriously til. . Kranli (luerln of Portland Is en-j Joying a vaeation at tho homo of hi aunt and um-lo, .Mr. tint! Mr. Vrnnk llrown. Mr. Miller, fori-ninn of Itruwn'Ki ranch, was In Kaulo Point I'l l-j ilay. imiuueu in a liany iiiouoiok ."jV standard, with .Miss Kllon .May ami Mrs. William Perry. -Mr. and Mm Itoy Kmllli anil l.ylo ami Har l.arii, Mr. and Mrs. Xii'lt Volinc Mr. und .Mrs. II. W. Wnrd ami daiiKhter Knld, Mr and Mrs. V. U (.'11111111)111, I 'Mir I Htowoll, Mr. eYojl Uulton, Ktila nnd Mrs. llitterllnH, I.ovelaeo anil Mr. n tld Mia. Mrs. M.iliel llarniKli .Miss Elsie 'Wllhltt! rleilt nl tho Kaher & Chcrgwln store, loft for ('orvallls Sumhi.V, aec(iinniileil liy her parents. Mr. mnl! Mrs." I'. K Wllhlto, of Lake Creek to remain several dnys on huwlness. AV. C. Clements, manager of the local telephone lines. Is Just ' finishing the line In ( rater Ijike. .Mr. and Mrs. A. C Kent and iliuiKliler, Helen, of the Antelope district were In Had' roltlt Well-'o1 nesiiay. j .Mrs. Tallinn Tunttati' Is still 111' at ,the home of her sister, M rs. . ... ......y utile hopo for M rs. Tunmite'H n very. Tho yotlliK dauulltors. Vei ona and Vehna, of Mrs.' Ceo. It. Mr- ; .- Olelland, plaiiuntly surprised their wither with a party In honor her hlrthday nnnlversaily recently. Invited KlteslM were Mrs. I.ollii clnecade. Mrs. l.ottle Van Scoy tin llosn Mniith. J.vle and liar burn, and Mrs. Uorle McClelland. Junior CleinenlH was a visitor iWiilay at the home of Knld Ward. The children arc school chums. Mr. nnd Mrs. I'lnnk Dltswoith of Trail called on Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Ilaak Saturday. Mr. and Mr. Tom Clniicnde, Lvle. nnd Mrs. Myrtle Von tier llollell went to tho .Mel'alllster KurlncH und on to Klsh Lake Sun day. leturnltiB home thrnudi Hl'c t.'litlH. Tlao lioni'il of mdiool illrociois hold their rcBUlur .monthly mooi- . IttK Friday .tivenlnt with all mem- burn pt'OHent. The trillit'piirtatloll iliipstlpn wiik llu chief dlsuusiiipii , of the. ovenlK, j jliei Jlenslo lliiyon was irauiiib 1 In town Prlilay. Mr. JLnrson u( trull n iih u btisl- nosii caller at tln home of the Hcliool clerk. Kdlth eidman, Tues day nfuuiiooii. MtB. liurti'iKle Stanley rellirneil homo tuesilny from rortland, whine alio wan culled by tbe death of her foster mother,' Mrs. M"l' lley. . ' '' ..... llcv. ttipl Mrs. Kerson of Mcd tord, ntlundud the school Sunday miirninn,, nt. the I'rcshyterlan church and while Mr. Iverson uavo n short talk to the children Mm. Iveiron acted lis musician. They woro on rnulo to .Lust Cri,ci tii nltend their Hunday school at that plane. . . Amoni,' Rai;le Volnt CrunKcls tendliiK til" l'omuna session ni Luke Creek Sjaurdny were A. C. i llttelsnedt.' 't.osh Kline, .Mrs, Our- trudo Ilaak, Mr. mid Mrs. II. W. 1 Ward. Mr. . nnd Mrs.' It. T. Sen- map and W. C. .Cramlall. ' I Uila Viola Worlbliimnn, second lnUKliter of Mr. and Mrs. .loo Woithlniston. and uoniiu. .11.01 .. , of .Mertlotil were iiHirrn-n week ill the Jlithodlsl par.ionaKO " by the ptlHtor, l!ev. Alexander ti. Iti'linett. The bride's mother and '5 flstor and Mr. nnd Mrs. Hondas "'. Smith were III uUendnnce. " ' Mr. nnd Mrs. Wllllatu llolmali nnd family nnd l.urllo Coy went to Crater Ijike Wednesday. c - Walter AJarshall of lliownsliorn , . wirs In Kaule rolnt Tllltrsday oil school huslness. t Mm. Amy llrown purchased ' sonic very fine nprlenls tills week . ' f rem the .lames I,. Linn orchard. EDISON ASPIRANTS TO TURN TABLES IN QUIZ WKST (lUANC.i:. N. .1.1.. July 3(1 Some of the 411 boys who are to be examined by Thomas A. Ktllson 111 his Hulecvloli of tho re cipient of his anntfal scientific seholurslilp are jilnnnlnR lo turn the-tables 011 him: lo nsk' htm fur Inforniation fainlilur, to ju o s t Amerlenn boys. Have BRONCHITIS? Teir but thla advt. and ttr with Lat ua tell you how R.M.B. BRONCHITIS quickly and easily. . .. My nam IsC 4V- Maddresa la City and' State ' ' '"' 's" ' ' I'llliKNIX. On- July .HI. 'lainmiU'fi lirnlher Lain-at-tor and bin till -Ml. (iilllltllill'H I IHpeHal.) .Mr: ii'aiiiuin c .1. 1 will mill son . iiiotlu-r. Mrs. Kiiiery of Alameda, t'.ilif.. all- visitiiiK at the r.iummill home. Mr. anil Mrs. Koy llurloson spi-nl Sunday at Piute i-'alls. Mi'd. I.. o. I'asti'i- and daughter SyMI, spent last Tuesday at tllt 1101110 of Mrs. Koy Iturloson. Mrs. (lillo-i t I lermanee is spond iliK tin ki.iiiiiioi with her pan-nts, Mr. and Ml'.-. M. Shoots. Slia has hoon visiting with relatives and friends in tho valli-y. Alliort ('. Vini'i'tit of Hums, ore., neeoiupaniod liy Ills motlior, Mrs. l.ydia Vlnoent, mother of lir. Susie Standard and Miss Don thy llni per arrivi-d at tin; Dr. Standard hot, 10 Saturday. Miss Dorothy Harper is house KUest of Miss Kllcn May Standard this wool;. They were class mates at X'ampn, Idaho. .MIss.Malfel Kaiilllll of Itedlaml. I'al., niece of Itev. and Mrs. Kreil I .Sehell, is visltliiK at the Scllell i homo. I MIsn Lottie Watklns anil Miss ! l.ula Iloherls were week end vlsl- ! tor at Keno, iittendiliK the revival I services there Sunday. I Donald Must, ten year old son of I .Mr. and Mrs. Ilust was struck liy ja c-ir Friday -niaht anil yoceived 1 cuts and hrulses." ; .Mi. a ml Mrs. J:.iil M. SalKent nro proud parentjt ol a line liany 00111 r rioiiy.weiKninp 111 ikh. IMitnerllte anil ' t'.ilward Hurley. 01 ,-,pi 1IIKI icio, .in are visiIIHK " " " " " ',cs, . ,e, ra, and Charles MeClnlii this week. Miss Helen Niirrls led.' Inst week for San l-'ianeisco. she will he met In Sun l-'ra nch;co hy n J.rlend from N'ew York and will lie ontor- fliailicn wiiiic lucre liy till! 'ivini iraillo stall. She was acconrpanled 'to the train l,y .Mrs. (ieruista ami 1 Mrs Miles Ct,,.III Tliimhle cluh-wtll meet l-'rlday taftertioon at the hmiie of Mrs. (Seo. Drake. All luenilieis of the club jnie lli-Kcd to intend, j Mrs. Kred Damrherty anirdalldl-' iters returned Monday from a week's vacation nt Diamond Lake. Mrs. Ted Minefield enlerlulucil 'lit dinner Sunday, having as her KUestH Mr. and Mrs. (loriusta. In I (he evening Mr. ittnl Mrs. Shepherd ( were also Klicsls at the Lilt leficld 1 home. ; llnlph Wilcox Is expectiim: Mrs. Wilcox and I'lttntly to return home 1 th0 lMtlll. ,,,., f n,' Wl.( fl.m lhh. vucntioii trip to the const. Titenty-one meinlicrs of the ynlltitt people's 'society of Christian Rndeavor attemleil the Crater Lake Union Christian l-hiileaviir rally at Aslilatid park last Monday llldit The shield, awarded In tho society llllVIm; the lai'Kcst pereeutaite of members present was won by the 1'lloetllx society. tai.i:.t. -Ore Mr. nnd Mrs, ,M. '.Inly 30. (Spl.) l..,'.Hiuse of W'il- Hums of Mr reek tfteiti .vVOck end Itue.sts itptl Mrs. C. l', Kstes. .Mrs. ,W. W. llnbUin Is visltltiK Alu-rdecn, Wash., nnd other n0rli efn elites 011 a vacation trip. Miss I'artliena llertutt visited her limit and uncle, .Mr. ami .Mrs. Vm. Smith (,r Clendalc over the week end. Miss Ahby I.emliv: l.s vlslllnu her slsl'er, Mrs. Klvls 1,'ohrati of Klam ath i'-all-. MUs Nellie llnberts of Klamath Kails, who spent the week vlsltlni; her father, ('has. Huberts' or this city, and relatives pi Medford and Ashind. has returned to her hum.' Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Koss of the Walnulmeio farm near Talent have I returned frum a ten day.s trip to , San Jose and other California cities. I Mr. i'o..i is the laritest walnut larmver In the Koisue Hiver valley, j Vhlle In California they visited I some of the In rue walnut (jfovts incur Oakli ml and Santa Ann. Many farmers nf this vicinity have comiileled IrrlMatln.'; after uel lllm the hay off. 'This will be jthe last time for the sfaiun ns 'tile water Is netllni bnv. Several flsherniei rettirneil from llyutl lake Sunday evenliiK with Hue strlmis of und perch. They reported the lake rapidly itet Uitz lower. Mr. and Mrs. Klnm i:stes nml diiiiKhter .'ye, aeconipanleil by Mrs, I'ewvr.s and dauitluer Llinor. I'ft Tuesil.iy miiriilnK for itapdon and niher coast oities, fur n week's vam. Hon. Wayne llldrlib;t Is comhlnlna hinlnoss with pleasure In I'urtland this week. Mr. and Mrs. L. ,(. Hul,. left fnr M.llhneld Toes, lav mornilc. TALENT You the your name antl address, at oner. Prtscrlptlon check ASTHMA, it. M.B. LABORATORIES, INC. 1029 Alaska Bldn.,-Seattle, Wash.' where Iht y are l(okilii5 t f lr 1umI- It'.-ys llltl'ITritH, Mr, ;ind Mm. lenmnn tf WU 'U;iiij' fiiJlMl nl. Ill liunw ofr-A! iind M rM. lffi-t K'-nm-H if thi-s city . K. KfitKH ha l'cn employed ly Jh A iiHTifiui FriiitKrowerM uh-Kti-i;itin. Inc., tlurinj,' the t week, hulhlinj,' a Jars hIhmI on tho smith slilf of thf ):. cklnif houw;. Fayo Kkick was the nu-st of Mrs. .Sbrina Thatcher of Mclforii durlnn tho week, while YmvinK some den tal work done )y JJr. (.told sherry. BEETIXBATTLERS SET AXE RECORD AT CRATER PARK (i:ATi;i: I.AKK. .Ore.. .Tn!y.3. (HtJ.) Ur, Ciiiithcad, chief (r the hiireau of eniomo!oi:y, department of aKrii iiltui'e, W'n shim; ton, T). f '.. spent two, days recently in Crater l.u lie national park accompanied hy I'aul Keen, enl(tnoloKist, fiolnt? owr the Insect Infested areas In the lodye-polc jilne fore. -its of the Ciater Lake national park. f Jr. 'n Uheau commcntod on the effii-iency In haii'lllnpr control work in.-dde the park. As ;i result of his Inspection H was found that the white hark pine around the rim of ( 'rater ,a k" cou!d he treated ef fectively at this time of the year, as the beetles have not emerged from these trees; There are 1 H7 white hark pine trees around, the rim of Cn.ter Lake. A WTil of 1 0.4 IIS trees have been treated thla "spring. A u outstanding,- rerun, of the Insert control camp In the park which maysli.nd ns t record In any control projert art.i. was produced through rivalry between timber fi Hers In this camp within tho last few days when Hob May hue- and Hill .M untKomery, seasoned woods men filled Kill lodf-o pnle pine trees of average diameter in less than seven hours. E ItlAMOND LAKM, (He., July 110, -CHpl.) Heulstrations from Med- find at Diamond Lake July 0 to Include: Kred Wlese. J Adams, Uobrtn Kt earns, t'. W. Witkel'iolil. Ii. N. A'tlm and party, Mr. and Mrs. T'dlefson. Cen tral I'oint. 'I'hoiuas It. Cantlne of tho V. H. Keoloicnl Htirvpj; Hpont the In ft tew days at Diamond Lake. Sheriff V. T. Jackson of lioso huiK renlHtered with a party pi' friends recently." The Ktiesls registered farthest from home t IUh season were Mr. and Mrs. K. 1. KloUe "f Ummuon. iturma. The seeoiut hlrllulay tlinnor of Ihr reason va nvrn hist week in honor of .1. A. Perry; 22 jitiests were present. The first was In honor of "Und" Kurd, who with his family Ih spending their fourth .summer at t he lake. Atter each dinner movies wore shown in the lobby. .Mr. Kurd showed neems taken at Diamond Lake afford ing Kucsts an opportunity lo wo themselves upon the screen. . II. Wclluiun of San Francisco Hupplomenterd the program . .With scenes uf natlvt; Ul'e in various parts of the old world taken dtn--luK his , recent world tour. I'iOKN'jxJ ptij; July ' SO.X (Spuolhl ) Iltt1cfirld hpinp was entered and robbed Saturday niKht durliiK (he absence of the family, Several valuables have been found niissinjr. Amoiift them an MIkIii watch nnd trinn of crys tals. No trace of the robber has een found. TALF.XT. Ore.. July '30. Donald Try or, s.-rlously Injuretl last Wednesday while w oik In; In the H. I. yards in Ax'iland when his rinh: foot was eaunht tinder the wheel of a moving rnKine.'iteverins all tho toes and part of the foot, is reported to be yetllni; alens nice ly at the Community hospital tu Ashland. riiOHI'Kl'Y, .tiv:;r July 30. (Spl.l- l-'rhlny afternoon a lueet Ins; of the .l:u-k.nn t'ounty Health tiWMiHntton una hel.l on tho vor:.n l;i of tli- !'r.sp-cl hotel. Mis ', niton. Mrs. Kenly nml Mrs. t'nr penter from Me,lfor,l wrrp pre-sent unit ui teil upon those ittteintlnu the hnportJim-o of th- work of K.-ttins all the women In this community aetively Interested. A membership e.lnviiss win ...on ) ni,ile. Thi.s I 1st i-lct extend ns f ir i s Trnfi. Mr.. -:. ll I tut ,1 of Mifor,i anil I iiiuhter nml son -In-lnw, Mr. and Mr.s. Jossr- Med:iri. nro spendinc K-vernl ilny nt Mr. Hind's cnldn. Mr. nnd Mi.l Sam Weleh's xrnnd d.nmhter Tiom Medford !. mi.kinu AJiem a vllt, on their ;o, Itlanket r.imh. Ollllls (irieye. sou of Mr. nnd Mrs. l.u.lo Crleve, w ho had h tun ills removed some Unto no. H.fV PROSPECT j 1 i by Mary Daliller0 , SYMirMS: Dnqo'r Uarltv. icar-iilil nkce ot a Tcxaa ranclur, if.HLtirn UUline lluwnrdfu vagabond Atnciiimi HnliUtr ot fortune, from aoute Mexican insnruenla. litay on a utteat at tlie ranch, How- d, i tciiia the rciipcct of all, itl ftiitlina old Jim Urn-ley, Dagger1 mile, and Dick Welling, a one urmrd Hnuli&lnnan who hda come to tlie rTii'-'i it toroct $ome past tinnltln ff tiirh lie rtSt'cr apenka. ltvljfii'7 anil Howard Aom heard of e'liih other prcviouatu', but their e. rnt:t connection remain, a mva trip Dnqner folia In loue viith Howard, uho liaa a clto ho doea not lore. Ha reatata the tempta tion to return her affection and leiura to ioln the Allied arm!, lit t'rnnee. Hanger ia heartbroken, hut Welllug helpa her overcome Iter orief by revcalino hte own paat tliatippoinltnent in love. Dagger re turn to her convent achool for another pear and gradually her aori oiv begina to fade. diopter 7 WAR'S HORROR STRIKES CIMtlNQ brought more excitement, with America's entrance Into 'lie war. Not even the Convent o;ild avoid the contagion oC ttilB. riioro were brothers and trlends of it-others going Into eervlce. Thore .voro socks and sweaters to be knit- led Tor the Red Cross. No longer lid Dagger Und dllHculty In gaining listeners for the dispatches the read In the newspapers or the theorlee of high strategy she formu lated. Mother Seraphlna twinkled at her ns she orated la the hall. "Are sou to be another Joan ot Arc, child?" smiled the Superior. A question which set Dagger oft on a brand new tangent. She read overy book on the Maid of Dom- rcmy she could find. Here was a girl after her own heart, A girl who had ridden fuiU fought and arguod equally with men, counseled a King .and led armies to battle. How sorloue was the change that war nnd wrought, however. Dagger did not fully realize until the June day she left school, when she de scended the convent steps to dis cover her uncle at tho wheel of the ranch ear. "Mac'e enlisted," he InformeaVher. "The boys are goin' fast." "But can you drive, Uncle Jim?" "I'm kind of skittish with' the damn' thing." he responded: "but I can make her go." . "You'd better let met have that wheel," Dagger answered sternly, and pushed him Into the. adjoining seat.. "Wherog Dick?" :i "Bossln' the ranch. We've took on n parcel of Greasers to ride herd. Hell, It I'd iknow,,tlila wore what war meant I'd have been for Hughes." ! "Old darling," sho said. And painfully careless: "Has pick hoard any more from Blaine Howard?" , 'Wnd a letter must be two months since," Mnrley answered. ""Blue. He seemed to feel had 'bout us comln In. Dick didn't say anything to yew on purpose," . At the ranch Daggor's first object was to get Welling In a corner, and pry tho lettor fromThlm. "I tore it up," the Englishman told her. "He was done In, the first big drive and all. And he eald we noople didn't know what we were getting Into. . Wo were right to come In, but we'd have a stiff time." "Hut why didn't you send it to mo?" . " 'Only make you unhappy." In a way, Dagger was happier than she had Veen for A year. And ilio had less time than ever to think of Howard. Almost, she was Domiciled when the crash came. rihe had been twenty miles across ho rnnge to check up on nn out ying herd, and rode in to Cnsa the purple dusk, quit" Joy fully i, tired, looking forward to a wUi, a chat with Dick and early od. Dick, himself, came from the tonse ns she dismounted; and she .looked au arm In his, pleased that Re should have paid her this little attention. "What a day. Dickey," ahe sighed, never glancing nt him; ''but It is grand to be bone-tlrcd. Oooohl 1 couldn't worry, If I had to." 'That's good, dear," he answered, and something In the restrained note of his voice sent her eyes hit ting up to his. - There was a shadow In them that rhllled her, heart, Ono hand flow to her breast as sho tried to speak. "What what Undo Jim " "We've had a letter. Dagger." To save himsolt he couldn't say more It was sho who quavered: "Hownrd?" Wolllug nodded, "Come Inside," he said, the words strangled In his throat. Sho cjung to his arm. bent over slightly, her steps dragging, as they piieaed from the dusk Into the oftly llt .living-room, where Jim Marley rqso to aicet the in. a glass of Hourhon in hand. ."Yew better take this, honey," he nltl. ttnwotitcdt.v gentle. "Where is It?" she asked stead ily, tossing off the whiskey In a siniilc Rtilp. I Walllna .il'vlnrii. nlie mount Hip INACTIVE !N SUMMER KAtil.H ITIINT, Ore. July .10.- (Seelal I ' christian Hndenyor of the l'lei.l,yterian thureh will bold no more meetiiiKH ilui-itiR the hot weather luit tll rename aoinotlmo In Soraomlier when they hoir- to have Mr. W. II. Vntlnu a leader.. There w ill he tin more moetlllK of the Civic Improvement rlnh ' Until the middle ot September. when the president, .Mm. v'oi ft oritan w ill set the date. j l'arent Teaehers association will nt moot again until iho lnt- N for xhv onminu schnol whrn ltn prtfHjilrnt, Mrs. Kuby JiilU't linn letter, and drew from bis poekeVa couple ot sheets ot paper, bearing the letterhead ot a la,w. firm: "Cut ting, Mar & Howe," with a Wall Street address. The neat, typed lines were blurred and wavery, but she forced herself resolutely to de cipher tbem. , , , ... "We regret to Inform you that among other papers ot our client. Mr. Blaine tloward, forwarded to us, with his effects, from France, we find a communication from you. evidently In reply to one he had addressed you. Prior to the receipt of your lette.. Mr. Howard was re ported missing In action during the first week ot May last, we are In formed confidentially, ou the Somme front "His body was not ldentllled In the sector occupied by the British troops, and his name has not been Included In the lists ot prisoners or enemy wounded communicated by the Imperial German Govern ment, An attempt by the Red Cross and allied agencies to determine bis fate has so far been fruitless. It appears probable that he II dead, although " . Dagger read no farther. The let ter fell into her lap. Her eyes were quite dry, but somehow, she was unable to see. "Whero's your hand, Dick?" she said. "Thanks. I " And for the first time In her life she fainted. Wavering back to consciousness. Dagger was aware ot Dick's face close to hers, and her uncle's voice reiterating the refrain: ,.,VDatnned It I ever reckoned to see Dagger faint! Damned if I " "Damned It I'll ever do It again," she murmured. "You know. Uncle Jim, I sort ot made a fool of my self over him." "Nothln' ot the sort," Marley re torted. "Yew hush.. Dick told mo 'bout It. Huh! Feel shot up, my self." In the desperate hope of finding a trace ot Howard old Jim wired some Washington officials ho knew, and Welling cabled rolatives In Lon don who, he hinted for the llrat time, were influential. But these .efforts produced only sympathy and endeavors which were fruitless. . -The one concrete result was the Interest In Welling ahown by nis friends at home, and Dagger was touched by the combination of sur prise and pleasure he experienced at the dlscovory that he had not been forgotten durfng his. exile. "Fancy 'Bull' Crlchtou being TJfjder-Secrotary of- Munitions," ho exclaimed. "And here's, my cousin, Wonlock poor chap, he says two of, his b'y; have gone West." He hesitated. "That leaves only the little fellow, and It's an old title." ' "Is your cousin a lord?" Dass'cr asked Idly. ----He nodded, and switched the con versation to the topic of their .search. Slowly Dagger came to -realize Howard was gone, but un flagging physical exertion no longer numbed her pain. And her unrest was accentuated by a cable for Welling. "I say. I say, Dagger," ho was so excited he could scarcely speak. " 'Bull' Crlohton's got a Job tor me. Horse-buying. There's a commis sion over hero, purchasing for the array, and I'm to be on it. Doing my bit, nt last." "That's line, Dicky," she an swered, curbing the dismay Hint Hooded her heart. "I wish 1 could do mine." Sho tried honestly to like her Job. but the flual straw, tne ulti mate aggravation, came In a letter from her aunt Kspy in San Antonio, announcing the enlistment of her two cousins. - "I'm feeling right lonesome. Alls." her aunt concluded. "Why don't you come down, and visit me a spell? It's about time Jim Marley under stood you aren't a boy to spend your life gadding around a ranct with a pack ot cowpunchers an I peons." "Undo Jim," Dagger announced calmly. "I'm going to San Atitonlo." . "Why, sho, now, honey!" He ejected his chaw Into the tlreplnce across from her. "Whatever'd yew want to do that for?" "I'm tired ot the ranch." "That ain't no wny to talk. J need yew." -"Get a foremnu." Ills cold blue eyes softened as he scanned her features. "Yew ain't lookln' like yew should," he conceded.' "Maybe a week or two " She kissed him. He had taken her ultimatum better than she had anticipated. "It's not that I'm tired of you, darling." she consoled him. "You know that, don't you?" Cvm4i. MO. OtfitU a4 CHnt) Dagger plunge, into th gay. carelcsn social whirl of great army camp, and A ntvt attmlrr enter, tier life in tomorrow', chapter. ; LAKE RIM THRIVING i CJi.VTKK LAKE. Ore.. July an.! (Spoelnl.) The small mountain ' hemloek tree, planted near Vk-tor Itoc-k on the rim of Crater like. I honoring the birthday of the late j Stephen T. Mather, past l.ctor f national parka llleely. g .Ri-ow-tui; I The lancer w ho found the hem- j jjj a,,M'k ahl he had to tenrch for : man)' hour hefoie fludlilK one 'hat la-fitted the event. This one. ho wil'l. wiik Ihr ti ii 1 y perfect speci men np Tninii. un majoi ny "'lPi1i "' ' When You I rt C h EARN y 1 jF& jp" r 11 Fruif Pickers J if! 1 4ccotlnf Q7 8 j ... . :' ... tiiniiiiiiimiiHiim Ii ii v x a a iMr jut v '":' ii Our c urt action aqainst Bob( Crowde,r andjiis Ivy Street Meat Market was-actuated by false' rurno'rs, that-he discontinuing butiness. We wish to apolobie ifor thisaction and regret the damage such publicity may. have" given to Mr. Crowder-and his meat market. 'J-..- ..ri ' ... - ., .,. SWIFT & COMPANY GIVE YOUirolfcflARD PROTEgmonMowl BM-P.OUR GUTHRIE a CO BALFOUR, BUILDING, SAN FRANCISCO Internationally Famous ... HOTEL Alexandria LOS ANGELES Distinction Comfort . Economy Located in the veiy heart nf the husinr-M tlistriet , . . MODERATE PRICES) 7a lonniR. vanning water, private toiler !mi reams, each with pi ivnt hath M" tK ms. o.-irh with priratn Imth. . ..' Also Special Weekly A number of larito and heauiiuil 4 ami .i Win suites 1'iroproof Parkins nnd linrno.- Kneilitit's (1(im by Cil'.tu.- si i-i.-o to :unl from mil- fumes williont f-jfl l-lliil LT.O l'fititfi) llnliuti Cafo Ah'Najnlt ia Hi ifclsinr,1- Fiuiiitnin r,nin-li I. rill ( iiielena Alexandria Hotel Company K. ('. i:pri.i:v. President , he ' One of ht Hamilton chain of Hoteli This is the time of year when cover sprays of oil and nicotine can be used to control codlinc line inotn, apntrjs, scale ana tea spider ... 1 here is , onespraycombinationyou should knowabout PLUS NICOTINE This fine summer oil with a virulent form of nicotine added has been used with great suc cess in past years in the Northwest. NICONA-a light oil cniubion, with nico tine already added,gives the same control with great convenience in handling and use. Keep in touch m'lb our nearest repre sentative for the latest information on spraying times, formulas, etc., or urite INSECTICIDE DEPARTMENT "It costs no more to stop at the distinctive , Alexandria than at the average hctel" and Monthly Hat P.m-.iok Inn Cnffor- Shnp CllAUI.KS 11. HAMILTON'. President and Maunsini: INrertor. Hinsle IVmhle ill . In -! t! . .-. II la $1 SI to S'7 " to JS $7 to S10 W. G. KINDRED ifi'iWi W. 4thJ iMcdfosd- J .-1 .. . i You are, lrvlted to present this cou pon at the Mail Tribune office anf receive two : , i t ' ; TO A TALKING PICTURE PROGRAM AT THE Aa a Subscriber Guest of the 'MAIL TRIBUNE WATCH THIS SPACE. If you art a subscriber to the Mall Tribunt your name may appear, here tomor row! Only subscribers' names will be published and, during the dura tion of this offer, all subscribers will be given an opportunity to en Joy FREE shows as GUESTS OF THIS PAPER. NOW PLAYING . "Undertow" Women's Hose $1.00 pair Bilk from top to toe with Trench Heel JOHN H. LOCK Painting Decorating . Fine .Interior Work a I Specialty : Phone 118 Insurance First 'Insurance Agency - A. Li HILL, Manager Phona 10S SO N. Cantral Medford, Oregon it FREE TICKETS ! hi. j a.i .ii iti ra Man Tribune ads are rea4 h