Is SI !l. l is PAGE TEN medford mstl TTirmryrn, arrcPFOKP, orcrcoox, Wednesday, july 'no, 19m NORBLAO TO AID IN PORT DEDICATION Medford Will See Many Plane Types "At Port Dedication Aug. 4 Governor Will Be Speaker Monday Ceremony Lo cal Fliers With Air Tour ists to Arrive for Celebra tionTickets Ready. r. Two Meilford filers, John WntiKo find 13 II IloHcmfoaum, are lmrtlclnants In the flluht of tho 1'iicKlc Northwest Air Tour, unil will appear In tho program of taunts and night flyinir to follow nirlviil of tho fleet In this city Monday. Auuut 4.. uccordlng to iinnouncement today. Tickets for tho celebration to he sponsored by the Medford post, Amerlean Legion, which will begin nt 3:00 o'clock In the afternoon at tho local field, went on sale this morning at tho Chamber of Commerce building and will bo placed in several business houses, according to Hob iJeuel, chairman of the tlcftet committee. flov. A. W. Norblad will bo one of the chief tfpeakers at the ban quet to be held at the Hotel Med ford ut 6:00 o'clock and the of ficial dedication of the (120.000 airport, scheduled for 8:00 o'clock In the hnngar building, it was re ported In an Associated Press dis patch from Halem this morning. 1octorH Await Day. Over 4000 letters hnve been received for mailing in the spec ial dedication flight from the field Mondny morning, C. T. linker of the chnmber of commerce stated loday. All letters, to bo marked with the .special cachet must bo mailed at tho Chamber of Com merco building (not ut the post office) not later than Huturday night. Residents of tho valley are urged to take advantage of this opportunity to toll friends in all sections of the United Suites that Modford's airport has been officially dedicated. Tho spectacular program ar ranged as fitting celebration of the dedication and arrival of the fleet from tho north will bo cli maxed with a dance In the hangar building Immediately after the dedication program, which Is In churgo of tho city nlrport com mittee. Most of tho pilots and the team of commercial stunt pilots signed up In tho tour nro from Portland. Mint Dorothy Hester, present holder of the outside loop record tor women. Is from tho Hose city as nro Tax Hnnkln. Dlck Uankln and (lordon Mounce. I'lliils M-.HMI. A list of the pilots and their towns, which docs not Include the late entries, follows: Portland Jack Clemenco, Jack Cox. Tex Hankln. Dick ltnnkln. t.lenlenant (lordon Mounce. Miss Dorothy Hester, William Hasinas sen, William Young, Cecil Pound er, Cnry H. Johnstone, Barry Iv Coffee. Hans Mirow, Chase Oar- field. Ed Hhlelds. Major How ard C. French, nnd MusboII iJtw min. Seattle Htevo Mills, I. lverson. Thomas P. Htlmson, King Hlard. mint Kldsmoro. Don (Irnhnm mid Major Dave !ogg. Spokane Nick Mnmer, Major V. C. Haines, Hnrlnirrield 1.00 Inmnn, Hurt Mc.Manlinus. (Ucndnle Alx Bennett. Vancouver Lieutenant Carlton K. Bond, Lieutenant E. I. T. Ken nedy. Oakland D. C. Warren. Corvallls Klmer K. Pnrmenter. Moscow Cleorge Woodruff. Hnlem 10 F.yerly. Hod Muff Floyd Keadle. Htyn Mnwr lohn Hlumn. Slllwaiiklo Hdlth Foils. Sllverton Al Adams. North Powder H. A. Alexander. Bui-hank Frank Durban. Helllnghnm H. A. Ilurnker. Henverlon O. A. Yates. Kelso Al (Ireenwood. Port Angeles Mnurtce King. Medford John P. Wnnge, Hill Itosenhnum. I.os Angeles Hilly Williams. At large Dudley M. Steele. Itlchfleld Oil; Elmer Hronte. As sociated Oil. PRE-AZTEC CITY RUINS LOCATED TOUTCA,. Mexico. July 30. -(P) One of the richest nrcheoloKtcul finds In Moxlro In miuiy year win announced today with the discov ery of the pr-Aitee city of Cn llxthihuncn, a hort north of Tolucn. fOlcvrn temple, a numher of pyramids and many vulualile speci mens were found, according to first reports. Heveral excursions are being planned In the hope of further discoveries. : : : -mmmT1 II ' ,J5rr'-..... TWz - a. The four airplanes above will be among those arriving here with the Pacific Northwest Air Tour to take part in dedication of Medford's aimort. The shies Dietured represent the most modern developments in sport and training aircraft. At the top, left, is a Bird plane, entered and flown by Cecil Pounder of the Pounder flying serv ice; upper right, new Waco plane.entered by and flown by Tex Rankin of the Tex Rankin school of flying; lowert left, a fleet biplane entered by the Shields-Clarke flying Ing service and piloted by Les Meadows, chief pilot; and, lower right, a student Prince training plane, manufactured in Portland by the First National Flying 8ystem, Inc. METRO UN TO HUG VISIT MEDFORD DEDICATION Leo, Best Known Animal of World, Coming Monday On World Tour To Dine at Fox Craterian. WOMDER MOTHER COW HAS 50 DESCENDENTS The best known whole world come Monday, August 4 nlrport dedication, animal In tho i to Medford , data of tho In tho perHon E CEMENT PLANT IS PLAN FOR PORTLAND Three of Leo, tho hugo lion that roars his supremacy rrom within tho "Ars Gratia Arils" scroll of tho trado-mark design which ho has holped to make so familiar, Leo will perform nml eat 2fi pounds of raw meat In front of tho J''ox Craterian theatre at 2:30 p. m. Monday. Ills ontourngc consists of two magnificent motor cars and one palatial motor truck, and n stuff of five escorts. All of tho convey ances readily Idelitllled by tho re splendent fashion in which they have been decorated In red anil gold. Hides In Style One of the motor cars furnishes transportation for Leo's advance 1 representative who visited here two weeks ago to bring word that Leo was on the way. The second motor car carries the Calllaphone, Idea's own private band accompani ment, for Leo is fond of his music nnd Is nlways In a much better mood to receive bis thousands of guests after having been serenaded by this Instrument. The third unit of the motor assemblage Is the splendent tumor truck which is Leo's cage home while on his world tour. The entire array will no doubt provu' of exceptional Interest to everyono In this city as Leo pa rades through the town and makes ins more intiiuule personal appear anco in front of the Fox Cralerlan theatro at :So p. in. Captain Volney Phlfer, Leo's trainer and confidante, has as sured us that on the occasion of their visit to Medford ho Hill be hnppy to direct Leo through his repertoire of tricks nnd antics which prove him to bo a beast of far mure than ordinary Intelligence. MAN'S TRAILS ARE USED FOR PLANT MIGRATION LARAMIE, Wyo. (A') The passes of the Heckles permit not only tho mingling of peoples but of plants, says Dr. Aven Nelson of the University of Wyoming. ' Modes of travel to satisfy their wnmlorlust wero devised by the plants," he snys, "long before we ever dreamed of automobiles and alrplanep. The embroyos of the cockle-burr nnd Cottonwood tree ride and fly, with more security than wo." DISEASE GIVEN TO DOG THROUGH TOOTH IN TEST viknna-How n dog was given n disease through a tooth wan described to tho Vienna Med ical hoc let y by Pr. l Itonenow of the Mnyo clinic at lluvheittor. Minn. Tho experiment wan offered to prove that Infection travel from n decaying tooth Into the Kyatem. The tmi'torlfts of n gall Madder In flammation were placed In the dog's tooth, nnd the dtnoanc d veloped in three weekn. TOWA.VDA. Ph., July 10 vP) ?! Laura, "wonder mother," Im dead Her direct descendants, all bene factor of mUfiklnd, number 60. UNCLE SAM WANTS NO GIANTS AS ADMIRALS ANNAPOI.IM. Md.. July SO I'ncle flam dislike to have htn adintrntft clanta. An application for admlKKlon to the nn vul acad emy, 6 fret nnd 4 And f2H. ruin heen rejected heeaune he In too bin. . Opowtn Weather. Generally fair tonight nnd Thiirn- VETS VISIT NANCY NANCY, France. July 30. D The mayoi-H ,,f the four towntt of the St. Mihiel Hector tmlay hook the handM and putted the back of the dounhboy who on September lit. I IMS. delivered their townspeo ple from the enemy. The veterans of the A nt, ' ltaln bow" division. revlwitliiK the battle fields invaded aain llaumont, I'h nil , Knoy an,) St. I tiiuxuit . where they found little resembling the war days. The veterann will continue their tour with Nancy as their bnje. fhenFbod Sours lots of folks who think they hv "Indigestion" have only an acid eon- onion wnicn coma no corrected in five or ten minutes. An effective aiili-.'iil like Phillips Milk of Wits ne.ia swn retores digestion to normal. Phillips does away with all that sourness and gas right after meal. It prevents the distress so apt to oe- , cur two hours after eating. What a pleasant preparation to take I And how good it is for the system I Un like a burning- dose of scsla which is but temporary relief at best Phillip Milk of Magnesia neutralise many times its volume in acid. Next time hearty meal, or too rich a diet has on th lent discomfort! try PHILLIPS I- Milk ; j To Visit (Jovenmr. . . : SAI,KM, Ore., July 30. (P) f'npt'tln S. Oba. commander of the Japanese training ship Talsei Maru.t i now in Portland hirbor. will nav I nn offiefnl visit to Oovernor Nor- the Jnpnnee consul at Portland. hlad next Friday, accompanied by NARCOTICS R1NGSTERS ARRESTED Leaders of Several Gangs Gathered in By Federal Agents Turkey Source of Huge Supply Detec tives Pose As Peddlers. Pete Deagostinu were taken Into custody in Washington. Narcotic agents reported they had tio ounces of heroin in their posses sion. The acting director said J. a. Swinford, alias J. A. Kincnid. alias Reno Red. was captured In the Woolworth building in New York. Nab -Two III New York. Jj. J. Williams, who lives on Long Island, ' but was taken Into custody in New York, was de scribed as the leader of a fifth gang and Frnnkie Fields, who nnr- ! cotlc agents mid operated nt tt'il. I mlngton. Delaware,- also was ar I rested In New York. The Investigation began about two months ago when an anent of one of the rings in Washington offered to sell Illicit drugs to a narcotic agent. Agents then posed as peddlers with the result they traced nar cotics coining into the Atlantic vculinard to a Turkish source. The narcoics director said the ring headed hy lipinto imported more than $1,000,000 in narcotics each year and Norfolk smugglers as much. WASHINGTON, July 30. (IV) Hurry J. Amslinger, acting di rector of narcotics, announced to day division agents had arrested he ring leaders of several gangs who have been importing millions of dollars worth of narcotics Into this country from Turkey. The largest gang, he said, was headed by Tony Laplnto. who lives on Long Island and was known as Black Tony. Lapinto and Frank Deseo were arrested in New York. "Boss" Versasce, prominent Nor folk. Va.. Italian, and Joe Repor tella were arrested in' Norfolk. Sam Ferera, .Toe Anzcllone nnd riflqalfled sdvertlwinggeTw results.. SUMMER ITCHES VANISH ivben antiseptic Zemo Is usodr Soothing liquid Zemo brings wonder ful relief to bites, rashes and prickly heat. Its cooling touch also soothes the pain of sunburn. Thousands are discovering comfort in Zemo when they have itching, peeling toes. For 20 years it has been used to clear away pimples and itching scalp. Fine for mosquito bites Get greaseless, invisible Zemo today and keep it handy. All druggists. 35c, 60c, $1.00. I'M' r-i 1 1 n minion uunar uon-j cern Will Utilize Walowa County Marble Mountain Deposit. PORTLAND, Ore., July 30. (P) j Announcement that u three mil- ; lion dollar 'cement plant will be, CHtahlfHhcri hore wan mndo late , yentenlay by offlcerH of tho Wal- 1 Inwa Jjlmo. and Cement company, ' owiuth of proporty Including i Marble mountain In Wallowa county. The plant will employ ; 300 men. ' I.ewlH il. IUIIIh of the Tidewater 1 Timber company In president of 1 the cement company. ! t'oiiHtrut'tlon Ih expected to Htart i within three or four months. I ' Or. Scott Haiti tho company con- j U'oIh nix thoiiNand acres of patent- en innu in waiiowa county, in tin ) center of which Ih .Marble moun- j tain coutalViinK mlllloim of tons of, marble. j This marble will be quarried. 1 shipped to Portland by rail, and ! will be manufactured Into cement, i burned lime, paper rock for paper mills, nitrates fertilizer materials 1 anil other products. COMING MAIL TR BARGAIN THIS ANNUAL LOOKED EVENT WILL OCCUR SOON IBUNE DAYS FOR lllll SEPTEMBER 4, 5 & 6 AT WHICH TIME YOU CAN SUBSCRIBE FOR $goo a Year This gives you a paper every day in the year, seven days in the week for 41 a month The Mail Tribune Gives You the News First From its Full Leased Wire Associated Press Reports, its own News Force and its unsur passed Rural News Gatherers. Everybody Reads the Mail Tribune o o 0 You Know the Reason! Khe 21 children, I .a urn w.iKlrt