Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 26, 1930, Page 1, Image 1

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    II ' 1
r o G If
Mtofoed Mail Teibime fell I
Twenty-Fifth Year . MEDFORD, )UKOX, SSATnmAY, U'hY lim, 125. ;A
TPI PflDMfPi sincere inFiim D IQQ TRAflF Succeeds George Joseph AM f A Pf 3 r On&sf&L; PAMflinAPV
lllrUUIlMLll 5cerJe;SC,7eJiUUU I nnUL TZ ! nllllUUnuLll Mctorman Yawns VftlWlUnbl
HUH MNFiW U btl WT ULtAKtU B?plU MtltK S
; i i n nrfiiii T uun u"""1 w! ,i ft,ncc iuui i 1 1 1 i ll i iTi r i r r i i?a i 111 r 1 1 1 t s " . - 1 1 1 :T; i i&iiiii
v AS RFS Tl5"--iincbn cNtu w (At UAV I terrr-isW h jii
-i I I W SlLUULl Wesu-u ituyllu, who had I I tal V 1 I I fct I 1 ImU I ' Iwli I I '!i,Miis a .-t : I I I I I ivilf Hill
: , Ike iMl ( n miilmlw In Ihe Mi Wf-Si IF!', ' i
r'i Hlay. became a matador In IWPSSv i V ' X Ui$Xll ! 1
Fourteenth Ballot Brings Se
lection of Hotel Man
Kay Support Wanes in
Final Voting Meier
Complicates Campaign '
lection of Hotel Man XI, Jj Be Applied to Other Pro- . &&VZliw 2sS i
Metschan 20
Meier 10
Upton : 3 :
Hamilton 2 :
Ky 1
' lCIlT(iAM, July 20. (P)
UtiuKirs were current ks the
Jtepiftillcnii state central ituii
iiiitteo niieltidril balloting to
diiy that Julius 1j. Meier of
I'ortlaittt won Id enter the race
tav ftveriior as n iiulcKii
dent This would make ttte
Xovfiiilci cimtest n three
fonierrd affair with 1'hil
Met.seiian rrprcsenfing the He
pubtUuns, i;iard I'. Uafley,
ttie Democratic (tuitp, and
Me:er tlic lndeKndentK.
I'OHTLVVD, July 26. (fl5)
Phil MelHehan, retiring .
eimfriiiaii or ttjc State Cen
tral eoimulttee, was nomi
inttcd by tltc committee today
as Kepitbllcaii candidate for
Kovernor, tt succeed the late
Senator George W. Jwepii. .
Met Nef inn's mnim(in t-amo
on tlic fourteenth tmllot. In
seven tmilotH nfter the iiotm
ndjoiii'itmcnt letsclian ran hts
total of 12 vote np to 0,
one more than the required
Tom H. Kay. slate treas
urer. niHl diiricuc the mom
ins hallntliw. letMiian's out
standing Hnteiidcr, diMjijKMl
down to but one vite in lite
rourt,uth and final Iwliot.
His laecot vote daring tin?
day w us ten.
On (he other hand, dultus
I. Meier, win earlier in the
da;- in a letter to llw chair
man of the com mission, rte
c'iimsI lie would not in- a
c-ititltdafc, polled 1 votes on
the final ImHot. Tit Ik was an
Increase of seven votes in
m'vcu In Hot n.
IminediiMcly after w final !;i
lot Mes' Hati was asked to Kpeak.
"We will Htami HppuWiraii
prineipls," lie said in neecnttiifi
the no:nin:i(ion. "There will be
no attempt to throw dust in the
eyes of the people.
-The Kci...l.ika:. imrty has I .,, ,ful.UnB ,Ke . W, hli' ist sc' vi e commission, Kit to.ia.v
wayH been the jn'OKlcsslve iriy., t-cJuttvi's in the Brent disaster. i t Its t tile orricr is a comjiteic vU:
and has led in every forward l)lov- Jtclii-f workers showed Use kiHB ' tor.v f""" Orcson roinmisstoii,
meat. I am aroml lo he Jig stand- j .A ((teen year oM f;lrl wiio !tal jttst Jl? that if it Never had diine nny
arrt liearcr.'' heen reseucd after having lieen ! thinK else of eonsenilpnre this tarn
Mclsclian loll oi' his haviiiK serv-
cd as chairman of the cotnmltt'ie
for several years. He said lie had
not fcK "quite certain" he would
be rhosL1) and be bad been opposed
by sum "very able men.''
Alter hit; brief talk (he stale
cvmmttice took a 'iO-minute recess
and adjourned to a hotel for what
was announced as a business ses
sion. Abe Martin
t Jutlsp .I'-mij A(Kr Kcc of h--.(!
ttiink. tt thm't Mfm ho ton not iwf fr n rlwtion
loiter nui than yl-Phijr when . frm to $;5oo in Xriinry 1 HAl.KM. Cre.. Jtily SV- tA
thrr rmnied uitll niirtKwtt tt decr e ed popuh-n if hin n,- i borglar who enerei the MmUTa
nttbr. - VhBt Ibtnie W ithout ajtrtet. An -pinion hy Attorney vi hom iwr )Pt ncht evidently
MiMher" "Thr dnnc1tol feller; .dral Van Winkle hohl that the J was a peron of lanty habit, lie
pmpo-ci- to if inst nlht hot lil21 lnltan on th Irtiatllla 1 'hanperf iwrfcs before left tb
atdn fivl i owhf nfforrt him' snM-rewrvntton nr population piare. f!ia Mr. ivijt' footwear
llw Tauney Ajptc, Unlaj under the new census, he took several jnetea of jewelry.
HEVU,I,H. Kt;iJ, July t
A bu J I f )k Ji t scene i n
tiie filming f a mwvie be
cam to rt'iilistu when the
bull lt'itj?d ivci' ii fence atul
charged Into a crowd. Five
persons were Rortnl ami one
is exported to
Dtostro Uuylto, who had
the part of a mtitadui in the
Iilay, becitmc a matador in
fact and finally kiihd the
The picture was being
filmed in the jlaxa maew-
t i'H n 7.n . A la rc n u m her of
people had jiiitliered there to
wateh the actors and the
Bodies Hidden in Quake De
bris Present Menace for
Survivors King Views
Devastated Region
Group Burial Necessary
..JIOME, Uniy, July 2i. (py Ml
official recount of casiiaities ob
tained tip to H o'clock fast night
was issued tills morning, placing
the dead from Wednesday's earth
quake at 2115 and the injured at
liven these figures probably wilt
be augmented, as it still is Impos
sible to estimate the number re
maining under w recited buildings
In the four provinces devastated
by the earth's upheaval.
Ity AiMfruc llertltnsr
Associated Tress Staff Writer.
Italy, July 2. pt
King Victor Kmmauuct arose early
today to comfort the earthquake
sufferers in his second day of in
spection in the regions devastated
The royal train pulled into the
nearly-mined station outside this
city at ti a. m and the kiiiK was
vigorously applauded by a iargti
crowd. Kocty-f tve minutes later
lie left for Melfl proper in an auto
mobile, accompanied Ity M. i-.eonl.
under-seeretary for pulihc works.
At At elf i the kins saw scenes of (
destruction reminding him of war i
amai . J Embargo On Pulpwood May 111 j
trnKt. a ia.Kc ducts of Soviet Domain ,vKV . i s
people iml gntlierni (lioic (o ub.m f$'Clk: 1 i' :" '
aclo,s an,i ,he Dumping of Lumber, Iron pMlk Jk 'Vi !
;tJayf. i snipmenis irom tne Uinutnnta nasin
j Luxcr he visited the largo lent Portland and Seattle, ll. il. Co
1 i.. e . t rev. (nentbet- of iitt ntii) miblif
inl.u under a mass of wood and
stone of her wrecked home since
lienM? Thrvaie
The must difficult, pintle of the
relief work presented Itself today
In the form of urgent measures
against disease. Bodies still In the
ruins begun to offer tlic menace
jstich disasters always present,
j In some places the situation was
so bad thai aii excepting the relief
f forces, who worked with sanitary
' equipment, were removed to a eon
; siderbie distance.
The burial problem also became
more acute today and Instead of
giving "the victims separate graves
it became necessary at some points
simply to dig trenches and hold
i mas funerals.
j There remained no doubt from
a property viewpoint, at least.
Mclfi, Rio Nearo, Ateifa and Ha-
polia were the wort stricken,
1 there being hardly anything but
i ruins to greet the eye in those
! towns.
J The country people expressed
deep gratitude to the relief work-
ers for their untiring efforts and
) self sacrifice. The soldiers have
i voluntarily taxed themselves one
! fifth of a month's pay In order to
j aid the helpless.
1 Turner said the sy.vpenaion will
MJLi rfAiiL1'""""""1
i SAM;!. ro, July 2.
Embargo On Pulpwood May
Be Applied to Other Pro
ducts of Soviet Domain
Dumping of Lumber, Iron
and Coal Protested.
Treasury officials today indicated
the embargo against iiussian puip
wood might be applied to other
soviet products
Seymour Lowman, assistant sec
retary In charge at customs, said
depart mental investigations "were
going right down the line" on a
series of other Russian products,
including anthracite and manga
nese. Pulpwood was barred because of
a tariff provision excluding goods
manufactured in whole or in pari
by convict labor. Lowraan said,
however, tha customs service was
able to apply heavy duties on for
eign products coming into the
United States under conditions
technically known as "dumping."
Manufacturers in the United
States have protested that anthra
cite, manganese and lumber was
being "dumped' by the Soviet. The
term is applied Jo foreign saira of
prices considerably below domestic
price. It also embraces reductions
under known costs of production.
l-.owman said he had heard the
International Paper company and
other purchasers of Russian pulp
wood were contemplating protests
but iidded he had not been official
ly Informed of complaints. He. also
said the treasury bad not jtaken
cognizance of reports 1hc soviet
government was threatening re
taliation for embargoes against
Russian products.
SAl.KM, Ore, Jetty fi. flt
Klutcd at the order of ihn ititer-
lstH(c conttMccc cotnmisslon rcduc-
I ls grain and grain prodm-ls rates
" western nisirivt and re-es-
Wihinft the differouiiai belwfn
alone wonld justify its exisfenci!
Tha order, he said, means millions
of dollars to Portland.
As Ear as the Interstate com
merce, commission order applies to
intrastate rates, Corey said, 11 con
forms io the slate commission's
Riain rale order of 3324 in which
it prescribed maximum intrastate
distant rates and prohibited in
creases In lower rates to the, scale
?iKTLANO, Ore., July J.
ip, .nri Mays, righttianded pitch
er of the I'ortland Heavers, has
been indefinitely suspended with
out sala-y, Thomas h. Turner,
president, announced 1oday. This
action follows a ciab hou?o fii
fisht between the ex-ntajor leaguer
and John Walters, another Heaver
pitcher, two days .
Maya, il was said, suffered a bro
ken nose nd rib f met ores, lie
has been confined to his homo
since the encounter, Walters has
a swolb-n jaw, split iip and assort
ed hrulsce
Vldl MetNe4ut
Mrs. Dale iackson Injured
En Route to Lambert
Fieid With Breakfast for
ST. LOUIS. July Mr.
13alc Jackson, wlic C one of tlte
pilots of the endurance- plane
Greater St, Ijouls, now in Its sixth
day above lambert-Kt, .Louis field,
was injured ibis morning in an
automobile accident whiie on her
way to the fieid lo aid in sending
breakfast up to her husband and
hia companion, Koresl O'Hrine.
She received cuts on her fore
head and one knee when her car
struck u telephone pole as site
swerved to avoid tt collision. Mrs.
O'lirinc, who was driving behind
Mrs. Jackson, tools breakfast to
the fliers,
Jackson was advised of the acci
dent in a ntte sent up during the
morning refueling. Ai. I;Ji a. m.
today Jackson and ('Urfno seek
ing to regain the refueling endur
ance record, had been ujt 122
I'OKTl.AXn. Ore., July fJi'i
Private, funeral services for Slcc
ra Wilson Adams, wife of Jester
Adams, managing edilor of the
T(drjram, were held al a p.m.
Mrs. Adams died Thursday t a
maternity hospital, Khe Is sur
vived by ber husband, her fHthcr,
W. if. Wilson of Medford, a broth
er, Theodore, ttf Si ed f rri ; two
other brothers, Itoy of Aurora, lii.,
and Clifford of Itosevlile, :l., and
n siiter Mrs. Lawrence !sten of
Folsom, Cab
AIt!.!.OTOX PA UK. Cliicasn,
July 25- UPt Visin JJJ?,
iy HM I'rlro JJaifry of lxins
Ion, K'y., today won Ihe t5,8
ATiinRtttn h&nrfjrap, urifb Curaip
rr?nl and The Sal Ihtrri.
I'ien lUAc was a Ing xhul
No One Wants Scrambled Baby;
Hospital Facing Damage Action
riUCAflO. Jttly The?
tiny bondb' of boy t the William?
Wat kins bom h Income, f r j
the lime hein, the baby nobotly
want. J
The William Waik.inK' dnt 1
wnt him; neither hi the thrh?
f iambrfrerj',
'i ailew m ?-if to b laitevl
Infj he;n wtti-fP-'l lht Ihe baiy
l have ! mine.4 rl4 Mr. Watkfn
'H(it t.iy I 'Qn't know. I lav
hijo a tawyw ot t Kf I'll1
R't ?nt a writ r i)iiH. "
The Watklnn auorn-y, fS!ri;tt
Hara, ft PI "ev-ry leal re -.
sotirv will b iifl tf 't th1
rijrbt ba(y In fb right hom.'
Mr. ifcJn!irctr w? mor bo!
Ralph Ince Snags Seif With j
Heavy Fish Hook, Whiie
Angling Off Santa Mm-
ica Coast,
IX)S ANGKLKS, Cai., July
iJPi i?alidi Incc, itlui pjetnro
wrodttcej' and act seriously hurt j
yost wniay when a heavy lish hok j
W& bis srali, ioriay i believed in ;
he reeovoyiR. j
Atlaehes al ihn Hnliyw&sxti Cons-j
inanity bospitat saiii Jate was owl j
of danger late last ninhl aaiess an
i infection sets lit. i
i I nee, a tirtdlter of the late Titos,)
j luce, film -directttr and prolucer,
was hnrf wbilo fishing lit 1Si
'miles off lb Krtnta Monica coast, j
'J'he book on his line bad become
jsnauKed In seawertl and Jnce $g-
fKt heavily Jo free it.
Tho liae aad hiwk snapped irk
jasaittst his head. linieddinR thi
;li!ok sharply ttt the base of thci
i skull. i
i Although the Imst was headed
j shoreward itnmedifttcly, it was!
nearly fonr hours later when itw.
j book wan removed at a howplfal.
i With invn at tht time were iitor-
Collier, Kalhrya C'niwfnyd d 1
ji.etia llyams. They said the honltJ
J was lntbc.dled at toply in lace's !
I skull they Hero unable, to remove;
4 i
St A ire., J uiy 2 . tP
lOarl t'ars, the "sK-k chhcr
whose- eiiveer in crime was Check
ed by arrest Friday afternoon, was
born and raised in fJaiias, tie was
the turn of Manford 5ears, a iuiias
wiiwm keeper, i'oanj? Jey, who
attended Dallas achunh wp to the
'lhth grade, was In fail ies
than it week o and passed tie
time ot day with C. Yt. Huula'tfe,
Oaihis telephonvs cschan mft-
SAl.ivM, Orn., Juiy 26.
(rea Adams. Siitmim av(alr, i
pltttinlttg ut ttiUtl an airplane Jwr
itts the tiatitc it' that ity atross
the wmttnetit t Nw Yrk next
mnth, Mayor I. V,, Ktmn, it'tiUt
JJffn3rir?J( and Walir Ar3-itttftt
wy& been niwln(ffd tsy the
hfT if poiuiiiwre t pv-pan a nfo-
"Listen." he said, "tho toby I
we've, cot ntw N K'tinK la tay j
tight In thlf house. I've pt a c
biwyr, too, ami f tenow ty
riiihln nd I know my own on,'
ftej-r" i
The thlrl vt'ri af experts hat
been ftmmflncl In th" e!e. At-i
rny J'hr h renfetel ft
vrmip of mother t wmbi ;ml
rrffpr tataeth7. arf i' ?v If i
their opinion they feej
fothr le knw Iwr d infant-sf-r
fh h.-i c,, t ft'e or-,
j-Jijr; i. nnw)j' i lbt h.
" prepattnc Paper in n I low.
aa 4ame lt alnt the Kn-i
jtJfWflfwl honoltttl, to h1 Hied in J
JAhoif of WutHins parly this we?k.
Buckley Uoi GuSfy Forcing
Tribute From Bootfcgger,
Assertion Aiieged Victim;
igneo raper wiinoui
Knowing Import
DKTJMHT, July Wiih
a Jniy tliMiiv-vstwi as his re
quirm, t Jera hi K. t.icrryl ineiiley.
siain radio amomncer, was hwriwi ;
lo Ml. Olivet cemetery
SinuUrtttcousl.v with the fcnvor
of Hockley's ity tnty th
svave Thomas t Kvnnvd, his;
law parie made puhiir hh affi-
((. t:t;c.-M t t tt-m t tistjjjtr
it the oiao who was known for
his txleMtifi uttaks the aa
derworhl, Thonmjjuis of persons llnvl the
streets as the hiy was visrrlwt5
front the home lo Hi. resry"s
llta CatholU- eharch for the-
last services. Moi of the crowd
bad known Hockley only s a;
voire on the air, an invisible
speaker who ehamptoned their
cause and xmctii their fa If -f win
ed opinions on old a;e pensions
iHHHicinal g(tvertiet, crlnto and
many other tjd's.
iaMr-l a ll.
The affidavit siven out by Ken
nedy was siKmu! by r-Yanfe t'bwk.
adinltt.'d iMih-KRer. Si stated
thttt Chock unwittingly had itaed
a statement jfiven hitn by Tollcoj
t'oiimilsssloijer Yhnts O. "Wllcaxi
two flays nfter th sla.vinjr
bbh the aileKation was sAh
that lUicfeby had forced hlnti
Chocki to eater th htlefixiKi
bHslness iwl then aitempteii tx
cwJJwt front Itln.
jlrenriUttff t "hk, newest
atfidavit, t'ommisstoner WiioK
obtained hi sisnal to si docu
ment he did nl nmiesiunri aoA
whh h he catckt lit read, 'JmtJs!
said be cnld utt read rJnsiiwh
nntt tiiat be whs hlc to ;r;p
the iKnfiefinrt of the ttett
as It was read to him. H sahl
w siened It only berniiso he
frarvd ite wild be sent i 3il'
Baseball Scores
it. Si. K.
i'!)i!i!'i!! i IS
Karasttaw, iUmmyi hb! Vwit
!; iintiiia, fianiw ami AJyaii.
Hi. S W
(!!fin '5
Xiwfiary antJ .'yiniu. Sjwijyvr,
Si. IS. K.
!m?miK!i !
3SVr York 5t Si 9
iJriinsc, i'naSHon n! !i!BfeP;
FilxiJJnon and jih.
R. 5f. B.
Chtatsn itf 2i B
PniiiwlrfJfhSa 2 !! 3
!Ws!ea and Hntt;
Viiioijj;i5iy ss) !!bv!.
5?. 3J. E.
Cincinnati i
i!riyti SS 5
May, ji!mm and tiK i; t'fei;5i,
J5ijnHii, Vmsce i i.-jwE,
HAf,fvM, fre., Joiy 2,
t'iv fatal aeeldnt t of a ttJ
l t-l inducttiai inlhnp
i---t-t t-rt ti iat' ltidn?trii
avviib-ai vwmniltoH tr the week
emiins July 2. The itllt-
WWZ J. St. (JIWI'1 K'tttK
l ilic f ihr ; A m one itrown.
Port 1k t mtinan : Tony Krral
tily, ehoker-wttfr; t. Hnner,
i'ortiami, fwl foremftn; Italph
I'arker, fwerj. -bokr-'tt'r.
Kf.AM 4Tii f'i.ii, r , JilJy S.
- ijli -iHcM . riii. i!!tn-
ir ot-fcr, wilt R trtai hre 1
)iy ine kiiiinst t Hiiiyj
fSwff, 'ii!i)iiin ! Jic!sft?f. s
SSarrn. iitrih if -Srni and ia
sanity wtti i- anwS hy i(!fnj
(!!!, it nnc tiav.
J'i ASJw; WSiiim A.
r;iii)eswyiii f ibe ir
crtinp;iy iiftf irtS;iy 5inis
th' v Wiling e?wtMra?we'iihljt
ut tieiltig r
t i r i Klin'iwti-tit
,v;.ft-vsi whib- pibtisssjf u
v v . y 5'v s v ri-A y , a i hebi u y.
1 raff it- fr i-isht
p?-i.e;i pa sert1 w5rbei
ihr- ?nolrmrt!fl sljjp ibe rar4
dismount ant go gclbping
li a trgsi(i"e. lils t-Mi
wwle o(?.
It tk . wctstr vrtti
teer iwljwcs evpnsi mlnuivs
j j
ip niinorM!
io unuoLn!
VttUW Hh Mil
Bedford Man Earned Chair
man at 6. 0. P. Conven
.tiot? Smith laminates
C. . Gates at Opening
of Candidate introduction
I'OilTf.AXO, Ore,, Jaiy tf,
ffvw ffieer f tha tato
nubllvHU CVsstrsiJ pomisiitist, lrt
et l(e ycst.rly r; Flyl S.
Cook, lortlawl, ehalrnian; llarokt
Warner, IVnifetoa, aeereiary; VVii
iis K. Ciarfc, i'wylfami, treasurey-
ti, J, rmttb of JiiJtison, Just
tttsht niintet C K. 3t ,
frscr mayor f Metftortf, high
way commlsshmr anst i-onst tit
'fbit, .jatis bi ms whis K
ye) iiJ, bail Jivil hi ibo state
ami Merifwrf jii tho yrr of his
life, "and whether wnJatei &r
not will owntlaaa to live ihero hap
py anil eontenttvl tho rest of ?ay
iy," lie jM'tiel nrctltl, ef
ficient, hst?sllk-e -cUtttlstratlt
with cciy . xsltet basis.
Jr, A, h itltt-ck'ssrhy, WrlMt,
jiombsjsir-il Tom Ji, Kay h ojso wh
hm hJK wm'VmJ the siato iss 'tiss
ieiit? i a treusHi'er ami
nan who wivr-if ih state rh
awavi, W, il. JivaKe itentoa
HOliTUAXtt, Ore., ,3oly Z.tfft
15y a yoJB. of lo J2 i2h 3tc
pubjtviiii mts rntral tommltti
tiy threw 1 th mlh of
fnw ffieii f Aiaitaj?jh lh?it
hafhiioi? n eaarfJrfaies ho hy rSS
call, Tho a(tlnv had St carried,
wookt Itave tle hallotlng verhal
l jtultllc ttel of wrltteci d
Til twelve voi-cs In ?avr ver
bal ballotlnsc w-cre cast by tfete
from the. folbvartiig e5ti;
fteaton, t,yii(, lira nf JiMsr-pbim,
JVhth, Aiiherv Mri&, M&r
row Jilaitnonaih, 7 i 1 i a jh e & k,
Wahlafitoa, Vamhilf,
tiiirAtu, til., jiy
jvsbjjfly t'htnan f hb'j?:o ws;
ib woattrn amateisr jcolf thstni-
fthhip tmlay by &&tinsc hli
yaaa feifaw fawsaiaw fra Cteh,
fiar and twa.
Johnny rarre.U, ttnrtioe.Ji, X.
V., (srofosi-lonal, hlrt a ono-trJ;
Jean" ivr tho fJHrf in fbs T-bols-f
'aaaiiian Rif rb$phbjp-
w& aiwail half Jh field sllll alay
lae the tt raai. f-'arrell w;red
v& n Ida lt raad fr vi hle
ttlJ o? TiK
ffAJ.KM. fr Jwiy a.
In lien of a ah iwad cvtalred
fflr fwrntH (h( "fily ttrt l-
-fr tbr operation ot ttne
hii. a yty JMi may b r
eptel. nridrr the iaw, a
tfti hy Attorney tfenerat Taa
Winkle In tvjily t n lwfiry hy
Wiiham K, lvman, litrht ftt-tarp'-y
fr Ca ratJJsiy
f n ft I lit AC ft"T -C-CM A f .MK.
?Gr&zn& crcharst Srked By
0. P. Committee Re
fusal to Adopt Joseph
Platform Letter to Cook
Cites Dissatisfactions,
las h., Sleler, 5ortiaaa aierthanU
toihiy aiivJseri ih& itepbii'aa t'E-ss-traJ
iMjmftts-e he wili mS be-
fssib?aie for nflssslnfltlon. ais v-
i a is-t t er t & r-'iwy i S?, Cw5f ,
ehalnaaa of tlw eonsajltiee, h&
skel that U any vote re c-xst
tor hit they lc not counted.
tiff save, as hl r(ii th
rwmtj?E that ib rmmlttw has
rieiiineri s& fliiwirf ihs- piatfoym f
the late nominee, rs W
Meier1 Wttec was rerelve4 a.
few mlnnt-ca ht-3,c lttl-3ti3: was
ti start,
"We- have yrarhtii a jiJa i
f reRra Tehea men fow
are trae and hetleve as Mr. J&
jih leiteF3, tt taa4 ap aad
b-c counted," th better ea'l .
it voallHMP;
"May i flsis. ibat, tsoid y
rie i?e east ft?r jn& at rsvms
laatlnff -iviax-eatiea taday ar JiMf
alter, tliat clt raiea he ait
Mitb n-A tttat yeac e;iarilttc
rins not fnsl-;?i- te e i
yossr EansJ&tatK.
T asfe Shi fcwaiss Its jtett.
form and priacSpJe &f Jb& 3ai
C'earKe -Jaaeaa have hM- iiS
regrlMa &n serapaed fey aar
lelltirative. iv3y;
ls thl hee 1 eannafc
Mjbswriisss to yowr ftrweMre wltc
a flv&es 1 & er re-l ha t o
caadldaies r meaaars!;
"J ask iala feecaasa ia Tay Tainrf
tltc j?eelal lteret i that stale
hv reaeni Into tlte very aear
vt the sty wttti a-A 1 c
t-fftxrt on ih& jart f a SBoortty
f the atata ctatyai pomsnJltssft t
tp saefe Jatereats fr r
l the rights t the aeaple aaf
esftlltlfls the phllc;
il ylffWwt to perntlttlne
aaraa to i& in contwKtlflR
with fiifias th& varanpy on tine
ticket cawed hy iho drth if 5r,
3ienli, thinking t wdKfci i f
iwrvl'e; t th ette; la thlafeias:
Sho nroetliiro of hl oemtnltiea
wiii iw BHtb that It -cli le
"Oenlleaaea the iiley pannat.
Ite 4ttne i therefar rep-f-st -
Jwiiy BsJs .vo flwe snar-e that my
5wbm hti nt l ufie-a dlreetly
r iarfireiiy iirJn ywr j?r?ce-sl-taj,"
huse zmmmm mm
AfKS Om, J5iy 2- W
f!l-lt at WiUaraettw fvwS-iy
stna5ve tit JtSS.SSS Jast b
raiwii the tttitti hy OcJ-fM-i1
S if it Ss o ; ivnte
of tJs ffir 4 ne. Jiaffelsiiffff
SANTA 5JOXJCA, i'til,, JSy
2tJ. iSte ?tis Kfws ta
;rpnatefi sojbs ssojifj- for jar-
hnt fnt zi Vujttk? ettteriaiasisaf.
5ff aad Jsread s5 srigars up
to it'S s5 sit
ft 1 tfc-wJ eattirjiPK
a!Swis3s s a drfsssrlioss. lint
if ific Bs8t.'i5ir Sss 5tSe
jitl jfraji? wiiJ ?! a sk
ite itx t tnke t fets iiteaifeSy
raS wrraiJs scsjt t 'timfmi at
A 5? iiix itf
sssittitg iti -.;' i wfc
Ssraitf She t'eai-Jls at Jis5y."