Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 25, 1930, Page 9, Image 9

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Medfokd Mail
Second Section
Six Paget
Second Section
Six Pagea
4 ,
Twenty-Fifth Year
MEDFORD, ORKliOX. KIM DAY. .11' LY L(.", 1B50.
No. 12-1.
the 20 wiinessea lo the execution
was the father of the slain police
'man. j The trust cutunajiy, in the shop
ping district, was rohbed" while ti
rattling machine uun sprayed walls
laud ceiliiiK, terrovi'iiiK employes.
Konello's young wife was slain
j in New York after his confession
i because, police were told, she !
"knew too much." j
! Sam Stein, nought by police nH
jth(. actual slayer of "Happy"
I Smith, and a mysterious figure (
known only as lhe Cowboy are!
at large.
RUM FUDDLED !1 buhe falls j
Triple Exfution in Kansas
City for Bank Bandits
l Make No Statement As
DIAMOND LA K K, Ore., July 25.
i KANSAS CITY, Mo., .Tuly 25.
Three bank robbers who spray-
ed bullets into a Republican na-
; tionul convention crowd in a down
town district here two years ago,
were hanged siutultaneusly today
for the murder of Traffic I'atrol-
man James II. ("Happy") Smith, a
- victim of their fire.
They were Tony ("Udlypop")
Manginraeiiia, ' Curl Nasello, ma-
clilne gunner for the gang, and
John McHsiuo, driver of the bandit
One of five buttons pressed by
five deputy sheriffs released the
1 1 up at li a. m., sending o their
deaths 'ihree of the six bandits who
'. planned und executed the robbery
of the Home" Trust company June
; 14. 192S.
Mangiaracina and Xnsello were
v pronunced dead at 6:21 and Mes-
V sino two minutes later.
Jr Made No Statement
? The bandits stood erect ns the
nooses were adjusted. They de
clared they had no statement to
make. Prior to their enty into
the death chamber they reiteruted
declarations of Innocence. Among
SKATTLK, July 25. (P) Ralph
Kennt'dy, I'orthuul s a 1 e s m a n.
plunged from the fifth floor of a
hotel to the mezzanine four and n
half stories below here last night.
Hospital tiltcmhtnts said he receiv
ed a fractured skull and internal
J'ulice were told the fall followed
in alleged drinking party. Halph
Frank Werner and
vj. K. ivnri u nil nf Snnll n
Mr. audi.,..,.... ., ......
?!''a:. J; :VIe7'nr- aVX MIf b 'They were questioned but not heltl.
H. Smith. W. M. Clenienson. C. W. j
Ashpole, V. II. (lore. J. W. Wake-j PORTLAND, Ore., July 25. (P)
field; C. A. Knight and guest, John i Hurtling from n third story win-
I-1. Arnge, Ottawa, Chnaila; C. H. dow of a Third street rooming
Isaacs, Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Coleman, house this mornLng, Joseph Kea-
Arnold li. Coleman, Norma Mitchell, nt-y, 45, Woodland, Wash., logger,
Nnnspsi AdiiKtpd Father 's,,uKeK,Htr:itinn ut nittmonilYAri"str.mB
of victim Witness.
til Tuesday. They were enihu- In -inying
siu-siu' in their pralsi nf Oi'K"H straw Ih-i
si-ciiic ln-auty, especially of 'ra-:
ter lake.
Mr. Stoddard has decided to
use thaii-li shingles, on his house.
teorne Harbour, Dunham Oar
rigan and lluyden milesniati who
Is oft, -a soon here, has returned I
and was in '
an abundance
from their ranch.
IICTTK FA LI-S. Ore.. July 25
(Special) William lirainard
has returned from a visit, with
relatives at Korest Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. Crabtree of Forest fro m his vacation
Grove are guests ut the Parker town Tuesday.
and the Brainard homes. Mr. liotts. orchestra and
Stanley Grimes ami n friend ; lead r, was una hie to direct
from Springfield are spending a j band
vacation here. nesday
Frank l.tndstrum of Med ford It! Monda
here for a few days.
M r. n ml M rs. Fr;rtik 11 ughes
of Ingle wood. I 'at., visited at the
Stoddard home from Sunday mi
(Spl.) -Mr. and Mrs. Luke Kyun
band have returned to their home in this
the district from a business trip to San
of of Griffin Creek went to Itybeo;
bridge Sunday, July iu.
Mr. and Mrs. William Cherry and
family left their home in this dis
Iric't July 'l for Texas to visit relit
lives and friends.
Clarence Herifiud, who has been
in Washington for several months,,
ret a rued to his home in this dis
irirt a few days ago.
Mr. and Mis. Hendricks and sou.
l.loyd and Pauline Colwvll went to
Applegaie on a picnic July L'o.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoy I'
ST. r.oriM. .Inly 2 5. (A') Tho
suu-t uf their fifth day In tho nil
ttl.,y f-iuml Uale Jackson anil
lVin-.-t o'llnno "potting used to
t li I tin-. m-Min." At tht tnil ot thulr
til.' loKlllur hiiiii- WtMl- I I lt'i;ti, 1'nl. .Mr. unci Mrs. Hoy I vii'i'liiMti una. lourtti ,i;ty ulort at 7:11 a. m. lo-
Imt plans to be on hum!! .Mrs. I'oalu'cll has lvlunti'il frmii laui:ht,T, 1'alriia. fnnm-i'ly of Cril- ,lty. the monoplane (iroatir St.
rwninK. -1 vily 2S. a visit tit Crater Lako of a few tin t'roek. itro nuivitif; to I'rospeet. ' l,-,uis. in wliiclt they are seeking
Mr. :ind Mrs. J. F. Marion nreiilays. , -Mr. aii'l Mrs. t. II l-nterofl were to regain their lost endurance
renio.lelltm anil palntini; their .Mr. anil Mrs. K. II. Itnss and fant- ih sis of Mr. and Mrs. Charles championship, entiseil lazily above,
hotise. Illy of Hoss luno anil .Mr. and Mr. ( Voacl al the Topside orchard. Sun- Uimlx-i't-st. ImuIi. field, everythlni;
Mr. ami Mrs. John Allen nro'and Mrs. S. O. Slearns and family ' day. .Inly -". apparently functioning well.
iliclllili'll the lollowillK
V. K. l'hipps iiuil family.
CUM AX. Ore.. July 25. (Spl.)
Uattlesnaki-s ani numerous in
this district. Mr. Wertss killed
one Wednesday, 40 inches lnmj,
which had 12 rattles. A turkey
discovered It.
was fatally injured. Police said
liquor was found in the room.
Two companions, William Kenny
and lonahl Kaherly were held for
ilttestioniiiK by the district attorney.
EVANS V'ALLKY, Ore., July 25
(Special) Karl Jackson killed
a lare rattlesnake at the Hrowiis
worth I trot hers' ranch Saturday,
which was of very lare size, hav
ing 13 rattles and a button.
Seaside. J. II. Hemperly open
ed "Chan Tso Lin" tea room at
T.eHomesido studio on Ocean Way.
APPU-X.ATK, Ore.. July, 2I.
(Spl.) A number of fires started
in the national forest reserve this
week. Two fires on lower Hig Ap
plegate which burned about a half
acre each, were reported Monday. A
larger fire nt Humbug burned about
30 or 40 acres and is reported pretty
well under control, though several
firemen are watching It day and
The Eighth
1 -1
(If Present Stock Lasts)
Ok Boacrf fidli ZauioDed
We're now shooting this
Golden Arrow Special
straight to Boys! It's
a winner, with dash
and flash the "el
lows" want!
While You Ride!
You Can Buy It on
Easy Terms
Only $5 down will deliver it to you I Pay
the balance in easy payments the modern
way to buy!
Ward's prices on Bicycles are always low I But we are
offering a FULLY EQUIPPED BICYCLE at a still
lower price as a Golden Arrow Special during the
coming week.
Buy One Eor Your Boy
at this Astoaishingly Low Price
Here's a Golden Arrow Spe
cial with real class! A Bike
that looks twice its price!
It will bring you style and
The Uwnt price at which we
hT tter ottered tally
qvlppctf Mcycta.
The Features
1. Bright Indian Red Color itlj
gold head and gold striping.
A beauty!
2. Delta bullet type electric head
light I
3. Comfortable Troxel shock ab
sorbing saddle.
Auto type horn. Reflector on
rear guard. Parking atand and
package carrier.
The last word in safety Coast
er Brakes I
CeMriffkl 1939, by
Uomtgomrry Word & C Inc.
117 S. Central
Phone 286
Medford, "Oregon
LOW COST MILEAGE . . . that's
your big reason for choosing the
new "Vitalized Rubber" RIVER
SIDE. More than 30,000,000 miles
of actual road tests on our 18-car
Test Fleet have PROVEN that in
miles for your money RIVER
SIDES are way ahead of the field!
NOW the greatest RIVERSIDE
we've ever built is priced at the low
est level in our 19 years of History
making tire values! This word to
the tiro-wise is sufficiently.
Super-Service Riverside-
20 x 4.40 $ 9.50
:) x 4.50 10-75
;;i x -.': 15.5
:u x C50 j 20-50
6-Ply Heavy Duty Riverside
12!) x 4.40 7.85
:io x 4.50 8-25
:n x 5.5 1.1.65
:! x o.oo 13.10
4-Ply Standard Riverside
:io x :v2 el. o. s $4.98
:w x 4 9.;i
x 4.40 5.55
:m x 4.50 6.35
Trail Blazer Tires
an x 4.40 $4.79
x 5.oo (.(J5
:n x 4 7.49
:io x vi el. o. s 4.29
Tires and Tubes in ALL Sizes at Propor
tionate Price Savings!
Ride on Treads of
'Vitalized Rubber"
The improved rubber in RIVER
SIDE treads is called "Vitalized
Rubber" because of the way it re
sists weather and wear. It is
tougher, stronger, more resilient
than any other kind. In Riverside
tires and tubes it means far more
miles fpr your money I
Riverside De Luxe Battery!
Guaranteed for 2 Years
With Your Old Dattery
Plenty of power the year found
with a Riverside Dc Luxe Bat
tery. Packed with pep that will
fill your motor with renewed life.
For Fords and other light cara
Autos for Slogans I Enter the Contest 1 Packard . . . Buick
. . . and Ford Sedans and 197 Super-Service Riversides for
the 200 best slogans for Anit-Oxidant Riversides. Dupli
cate prizes in case of a ticl Contest closes August 31. Get
the details at the store. . '
nil-, isfii" ilisTMwssMiiiisiissfrMlssssatissf ir -V nn Si arUntmsfaA nfssiii iwiiri1 irlfiMnn
117 S. Central
Phone 236
Medford, Ore.