Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 25, 1930, Page 2, Image 2

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I oca and
1 mi ford IttM-ovvrlni;
; iFriond ot ChaH. Dunfonl, who
sustained injuries in a fall from
(a- barn In tho ApleK"te district
a short, timo ago, are clad to learn
that he is in a much Improved
condition at the Sacred Heart hos
pital, where he 1h rfcelvlns treat
ment. lie. is now able- to nelv
Normal Session KikIh Tmliy ' tiilirornlau At J lutein
Today murks tho twmlruition of; Bear slate rvmVnts reniHterrd nt
the flmt six weik scsinn of tin local hotel Include I'oMy Smith
are Southern Orvnon .Norimil nrhool at and dauj,ter, .Mr. and Airs. . a.
Attendance fur 1hin set-, MatKun, Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Stand-
Itnnkruptry Petitions Flic J
I Harry C. Skyrman, local referee
j In biinkruptcy, reported three pc-
j t!llon on file today. They
i as follows: K. M. Hobfnson,
j blllth-H, $I33U.2U. exempted
I sets, ni; CeoiKO Oliver, llabill-! The second h1x weeks mi miner
ties, $6,01'J.63, Jno aets; liriuce sesjilon, IhkUih Monday, JuIy2K K. Conner, Atty. V. Conner. Mii
Oliver, IhthtlitleH $17H, exempted and an CMpially larse enrollment K. Rooekes, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M.
aaets, $87. bt expected. Thin Hfsslun which ' Nuttal of I-os AiiKelen; Ned
ends AUKUHt marks the close ; Sparks of HuMyywooo, r.r.
lia- Ashland.
as- fofi has reached the 3.'ii mark. ' bury Mrs. II. Loan, Mr. and Mr
! FMiinic In ftoinio
G. Forest Hell. Mr. and Mrs. W.
i.l......... .... I ttiwiin ul(l lilt
J .1 a ,h ,, i-i....iv..d l.v T. G. PaitiiLk ii nil K. M. Pi
of Crater Lake, the work of II. It. j AJarel chanter No. 3. Order ...of ( tackk
Harwood, are ultrucllni; consider-i Eimtern SWr, WW the sold cun ; today.
able favorable attention at the prewnted by liert liarnea of;
chamber of commerce where they . Grants Fusa. wno 18 a memocr oi;n.
I .HemstltchlnB,.jlcotlrigr pleatln,
at-rbutcon making, and hose mendin
in Hoguo rlver HaniHcraft Whop. 25"i-
were placed on display this week.
. From Distant Section
Among the tourists and others
from, distant polntH arc Mrs. C. K.
Fenn ot Tounock, N. J.. Marlon
Humphreys of Omaha. Neb., Ji. It.
, Hurrcll of St. Louis. Mo., and Ca
milla Alle of ChlcaKO.' lll.
BlockR $r.50 on night delivery
only. Valley Fuel Company. Phone
7i . , tf
JIumo From Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Atwood re
turned homo from Portland yes
terday where Mx. Atwood had been
In the hospltiil slnco the 1th of
June. Mcs. Atwood says . she Is
certainly glad, ,to get back homo
Sandwiches ioc. including beef
and pork. Sandwich Shop, 21 N.
B&rtlott. 123
leaves For lleaUiiuarlers
William C. Fitch. San Francisco,
manager, perishable freight depart
ment, Southern Pacific company,
left today for his California head
quarters. Mr. Fitch In a Spanish
American war veteran and worked
with W. Y. Crowson ot tills city
on tile Manila Times, first HnKllsh
paper, oil the l'tilllllililo Islands,
during 1898. .. ..
Dance till 2 o'clock at Jackson
ville, 'Saturday night. 125
Drives New Austin j of tho normal school work, until
James Dally returned early, this September -2, when the fall t'-rm
morning from 1'f.rtlanu. driving a1 begins.
The Dlue'Flower Lodge will open
again Sunday, serving their Bpecial
andl chicken dinner for 70c. Arrang-
tho Jacksonville chapter. -Mrs.
liarnes is past worthy grand mat
ron of tho order.
new American Austin car, attract
ing contilderablu attention when
he was driving around the city
this ioieijocq.
Loose, squeaking wheels are dan
gerous. Have them tightened on a
iiwiuuiic win;:. BciuiiK nmvmne "i brakes, Uon iAUri-ner
bicntner's Unrafce. yjtf auUj on ;.neva avenue Inst Wed
nesday, crashed
pole, according to an accident 're
I port at the police station today.
From Neighboring City i
MIjw Myra Taylor of Ashland
made a b u si n ess t ri p to M ed ford ,
Mrs. F. A. Hickman of San Dcmlas,
Mr. .nd Mrs. W. W. Masoir and
son of San Jose, Mr. and Mrs. L.
A. Wins, Mr. and Mrs. It. K. Dixon
For best trecn lao, ask drlvpr and son of Sacramento, Mary A.
or call Medford Fuel Co. Tel. C31. Grfdley of Oakland, Mr. and Mrs.
G&tf C'T. Hiird of i,oiiK l!mch and the
" following- from, San . Francisco:
Pole J'anir Too Coe : Herbert Hogem' and family, Mr.
Skidding when he opptled hl.s jtnd Mr. A. A. Dicks, Mr. and
driving nri Mrs. .Toy 'A. Sackett aiji daushter.
Mrs. M. H. Iiowman. and dauyh-
fnto a telephone mi and Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Jtun-
yan. !
ments for parties can also be made.
Phono-your reservations to 341f-.
H-3. 117tf
Prevost Beauty Salon, apeclalra
Ins in all lines of beauty work at
lower, prices,. 11 So, Orange. Call
3C3-Y. 134
Tinting, Paper Hanging
Phone 178-J
Anvone u-hn wnnld ll!r n hnr-! 123 ,'nMt
Bain In a high trade banjo shouhll ,teaI Estate,
call at this office and Inspect tho
banjo left here for sale; a sacrifice
regardless of cost. 25tf
Vlnlt Oregon Caves
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Luy nf 13aRle
Point and their gueaU, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Bullook and son I'M,
of Oakland, Cal., spent Thursday at
the Oregon Caves.
Mr. Rae LeJTeyre, formerly with
tho RQqboroulv Beauty Parlor,
will: be. with the, Medford Beauty
Parlor, Hturtinic about July 28, or
29th, For appointment,1, phone
191, 12G
tyrcr Law Violators Fined,
John Harris and Joo W'ilHon.
taken with fresh deer meat in
theirs p9HS,etiHl(n: U closed sen uon.
were, finci), ISO eacU when they
tippqur'ed In police court this wonk
at Gold Hill, Deputy Game Warden
Boy Parr and Deputy Sheriff Lewis
.leniilnns made tho arreats.
Dressmaking, and, romodollnff nt,
tho Funhipn 8 h o p, 424 Modfonl
Bldff, MS't Hftrry Andrew , Tel.
11,81. o tf
Iteturn Froin, Yoscnjlto
Kdwrttd, Ueamcs. and Farwoll
lenloy havQ returned from a mo
tor trip throUKh California. , They
spout' several days visiting In Yo
somite. nptlonal park and ut Lnko
TahoQr ; f j
r .OcllQlous Baked Beans, Boston
stylo, at Ivy St. market Saturday.
Orders taken fpr dqllvory, 124,
Virom, Stato Pointy
Amoim ho Orogonians reglstqr
ed .at, Medford hotels,, other than
thnsQ. from. Portland, ore Carl K.
H.ulenboitf and K. L, Hansen of
Siilnni,, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Taylor
ii f Eugqnq. AHcq P, Pelut'Hon, and
Mi;, and Mr.s. C. S. Haippton and
jinn of Tho Dalles, and Mr. and
Mis. CYC. Archbold uf HosehurK-
, Illocks. .$,3.6(1,101). n'lglU floUyqry
ojjjyjyallp Fuel Company. .Plione
A rich, chowy cako
cookie liberally filled
with ground, sugared
date's. 'This is a 'new
item with' us' which we
kno.w you wil) like,,
They are. doubly attrac
tive at the sgooial price
we will sell them Sat
urday ' f
the dozen
On aalfl at 8:30 A. M,
Oome early to avoid be
ing disappointed.; Re
mmbfir we have ; the
largest assortment of
breads and pastries in .
Southern Oregon,
Flhli CaiiKht
Ono of the largest trout ever
caught In Klamath county 1h on
display at Connolly llrothcrs lore.
The finh, 37 Inches in length, and
weighing 21 1-K pounds, w.ih
caught at the mouth of Wllliam
Bun river by John V. Cole of Chll
ouuln. Connolly's report many large
cute-net coming In daily from Wil
liamson river. Klamath News,
'I.tme for all purposes at Med-
Chnuncey Fiorey now located ford dumber Cfl. 78tf
3 KflMt Main St. Insurance and; ' J . "
CGtf : (iras Fire IaisI lglit .
' '' i Tiff" Vn dnniirtment U'.m rnllcil
Vl" 111 '"'" 1 mat cviin to Knat Main strnot
.Mrs. Miiln-1 Harn-tt i,f Mi ilfi.nh ln PXt InirtttKti a nmnll grass fire
l visiting ii tho houm' Kucst "fithat rpBulL-d In no damage.
her HlHler. MrA O. V. l-Vt-lK-h nf : '. v
Suthi-illn. iliiHGhui'H New- Hj-j Danco till 2 o'clock, Gold Hill
vH'W. - ' ' ' ' ' ' ovory featilKlny nlnht. 1 - B9tf
Loose whoels rwet and radiators
cleaned. Van's Garage, 33 S. Bart
lett. Phone 208. tf
Mrs. Cold, iloro
Mrs. U. H. Cuhh nt I.o AnKeles
arrived on tho Shasta this morn
Inif to ho tho Kuest of her sister,
.Mrs. u. M. Holm. Mrs. Cobb for
merly lived In .Medford.
' KrystalRlo kodak Rloss supreme.
Tho Peasley's, opposite Holly thea
ter, tf
Vlslllnir lAH-nl Aki'iXh
M. K. Hpiott of Portland, of
tho United Hiatus Fidelity nnd
Guaranty company, Is a Medford
visitor today, calling on his local
Instruments furnished and les-.
sons freo for 30 days to nnyono In
terested In IcarnlnR to play band or
orchestra Instruments, If you can
not learn you have not Invested
rne cent. Durlnir the past "throe
yeors over 100 bova and girls .iave
slnrted In this manner. Call ot
the Palmer Music House and Bot
your Instrument, appointment with
tonc.lrr and comp ete details of tho
plin. 132'
Ono fyiilliliiiu; Application
.top. .Mol)I'eh will, spend Sr0 lo
reshlliKlu a dwcllInK on Murray
avunuo, accot-dlf)f to. an applica
tion op fllo today at the city hullil
Iiik department.
Special rates on" fruit haulins.
Reo us heforo contractlpg hauling.
.Wo cun save you money. All flrst
clnsa equipment. Insured carriers.
Phoilo Medford 33i, Gnld Illll'j l-.I.
Kelnklnp Trurl(linf Service, 303
outh Front !t. 133
Danco till 2 o'clock at Jackson
ville, Saturday nlKht. 12!i
l''Oll SAI.K .Mijdcrn 4-room home
on KiiiNi iniveii sireei. fjnsi
xwmi. I in.- ..i.i.iiir. ouu t-Hll.
FOIt SAI.l'l Modern fi-room home.
Illllll V.OIIU. I'l'lOO ,il,lUII. fiill
l.-HOO.M modorn house. Price
2.2ll. SI Oil ra.ih.
123 Kast Main. Phone 318
ll'GU HAI.K l.'.soil electric washlnK
machine. Kxcnllenl i-oiulltloi
t l'l.r.n cash. 712 .w. 4th, 125
TIIK AI'I'KAI. of people, cllmato.
soli, mountain effect and en
f'ral environment Krnws Krentor
In the Kniruii. Itlver valley when
country homr are considered.
A'hy. wo "diseoveretl" a tract
this week that combines R' placer
mine, alfalfa hind, a lovely homo
on a no, i, l rnml, water for pump
Iiik. tho rlBht land for pears, mid
as our first prospect says. "It's
o n e ii p nt the price." See
IIOI.MUrt l.'()ft HO.MliS, Nash
Hotel forner. i3u
WANTKII Children to care for
duilmt the day, and per hour
1X03 West Main. 127
Knit SAI.1C 5 Acres of pears.
Good terms, by owner. Phone
2 .i I . 1 .,
WANTKII Competent maid. Good
pay. nice home, very small fnm
H.v. Call Sr. i '4
WANTKI) S neres unimproved,
cow In. Ilox IS7, Klamath
''"I"- 128
Ullf SA1.K I'nuntnln, rnnfoctlnn
ery, lunch. driiKs and stiiKe de
pot: clean, up-to-dato stuck; do
HiK fine hlinlni: thrce-yeiir
leiife; small overhead; will' In
voice. Car taken in as part pay
menu. Host reasons Tor seiilnV
Talent Confucllonery, "
Jtiiwley, Prop.. Talent, Ore. I 'll"'
TQNITE andfSjttMrday
The Legion of the
Damned . . slWere They
Desperate men . . . cunning . . . cruel . . .
cchemlng . . . Life reels past them in a
crazy mirror . . . Here In "The Big House"
the brave . . . the craven . . the strong
. . . the weak . . . have one dream '. . .
All Talking Comedy
. " ' M Lr? .l -
' Summer f)f $$
Bargain OC C m4A 1
Last Times TONITE
If you are going to
st,ore your grain,
by all means use
good bags and
strong twine. See
us for both.
323 E, Main Phone 260
Vina Dolmar's LIBERTY MAGAZINE Story
Dance Hall"
Continuous Shows 12:30-11
. South Sea
& finrv linlamp.rl heant.V
J ' i
who stirred men's blood ''-J
, . . spengo divers . .
terrific under viator
' aSt terrific under yjnter fCJr
JjJl .ha.tUa'wlthja jitiut L jf.
SfeiCSCifji sea monsrcr. iL.
NllSA$Tnia--ClORGEF.MARIOH fl -1 I
1 ' ft s
TMJUtiO ff' 8
ALSO ' Xi'' Wjf I
MICKEY (Hlmsein McGUIRE 'rMr'J 1
' In his latest talking Hugh hit i. j W jp 1
Novelty'Act "HAUNTED SHIP" .. tt I
, KRA?Y KA- Sound Crtooq KfSr'!
the home; qf bread like mother made
Keep Prosperity at Home
NTA.. 4-kA mifncBlixT hAma nnvfnllfi ftrt mrkTiAfti7or) ha at thiR time Wltll TIA
tionwide unemployment it ia o easy to see the benefits of buying home products
and the fact that Medford and vicinity has felt the depression least may be attribu
ted to the loyalty tpf Medford folks to home products. ,
A reminder, however,, is never amiss so leVbe sure .that we keep our payrolls by
buying none but Medford rnade products wherj ay?tilble. and there are a. lot of
them besides some that add to Medfprd payrolls, by buying Medford boxes.
First of all buy Medford Butter the one item that furnishes the biggest industrial
income you can easily know it by its carton for Medford butter is always in a
Medford wrapper.
So, let's watch this a little. closer let's, not provide prosperity for another city at
the expense of our .own. .
Home style and has that old home.
flavor ,
Mb. loaf 3 for 25 c
l i-lb, loaf . . .:. 10c
Buns, napkin or parkerhouse rolls
Doz. 15 c
Summer Food Supplies
Graham Crackers, a 2-lb. carton . . 27c
Zweiback, pkg. 14c
' Another package . 1 c
Ice Cream Wafers, lb 29c
Ice Cream, qt. 39c
Extra Large, Klamath Lettuce
Dry Onions, 4 lbs. . . . ... ... . 11c
Green Peppers, lb. . ............. lQc
Casaba Melons,, medium size, each. 19c
Citrus Granulated, Soap. Powder,
pkg 29c
Citrus Powder, pkg. . . ,. v 19c
Life Buoy Soap, the. best hot weather :
bath soap, 3 bars 20c
Ivory Soap, the large lSc bar 4 ,for . 43c
Crystal White Soap, 8 bars. 2.5c
Marshmallows, Miss Jane Brand,
1-lb.. carton 23c
Peas, S, P. C. Brand, No. 2 cans, 2 for 25c
Peaches, Sun Blest Brand, No. 2 can,
3 for 55c
Bottle Caps, box of one grpss, ; H . ; t
2 boxes 33c
Malt Syrup, Budweiser, No. 2 can . 49c
Mazola Oil, finest for salad? or fry 'I '
ing, qt. can, 39c
Drifted Snow Flour, 49-lb, sack . v $1.63
White Downj guaranteed hard wheat '
rnp.ney back, i; not. satisfactory, , :
49-lb. sack, . t , . $1.53
Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 2 pkgs 15c
Shredded Wheat Biscuit, the old. j .:. .
original lQc
White Sta.Txma Fish, flat No. h can 19c
. . .-. . . , .... 5c
Pork and Beans, Campbell's, old style
1 8-oz. or larger, size can, 3 cans . . 25c
Chocolate Malted Milk, 1-lb. can,
. Borden's. (Drink Shaker free with
. each can) . . . 43c
Root. Beer Extract, Hire's, bottle . . 23c
Scott Tissue Toilet Paper, 3 rolls . , 25c
Salted PeanuN. Ih. - lKo
Buffalq Matches, carton of 6 boxes. 13c f
Parker's Potato Chips, A pkgs. .... 25c
Crisco, 6-lb. can, . $1.35
Folger's Coffee (10c pkg. tea free
. with each can) lb. 40c
Canvas Gloves, men or women, 3 pr. 25c
Heavy Red Top Canvas Gloves, 2 pr 25c
Lawn Mowers, we want to move them
$9,69 mowers $7.98
$9.39 mowers . , ....... . . . $7.63
Electric Irons, Hot Point . .$3.25; $5.39
Regal Electric Iron, made by Hot
point and fully guaranteed .... $2.39
Goodrich Garden, Hose, 50 ft. with
couplings. ...... $4.83
Ice Cream. Freezers, 2rqt. size ..... 89c
Water Bag, Deser brand, 2 gallon. . 93c
ThermoCiJug, stone lined $1.39
Stone Jars, 6-gal $1.49, 12 gal .'. . $3.23
Fitted with bale handles for easy
.;""? j j handling - , ; ,-
Women's Light Shoes
Blondes & Whites, good styles and
patterns formerly up to $5.95.
Tomorrow . $2.95; $3.95
.Women's Sandals, formerly $4.85..
Choice $2.89
Breaded Veal, Creamed Peas and
Carrots, Potatoes, Buttered Bread,
Coffee, Iced Tea, or Milk. ;
: ' or .-.'
Choice of Cold Meats, Salad, Buttered
Bread, Coffee, Iced Tea or Milk
Double Sundaes 15c
o o
Lots of 'Parking Room