MEDFORD MSIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREflOy. FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1930. RURAL AND SUBURBAN NEWS : PHOENIX EVANS VALLEY PHOENIX, Ore., July 25. (Special) Mrs. Alvln Inman who has been confined to hr home for the pant week becaue of BickneHs, In able to bo up and around now. Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Young drove lo Crater lake last Friday. Mr, and Mm. Gernmiu were din ner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Miles Gummlll lust Hat-, urday. M rs. M lies flum ml 1 1 is employed at a real citato office in Medford, but is at home now on her vacation. Mr. and Mm. John Gammitl left recently on a vacation trip. They will spend several days on the coast. Mr. and Mrs. lUttler were din ner guests at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. I.lttlefleld last Friday. Mrs. 1'aske was recently culled to California because of the death of her uunt. Dr. Paske accompa nied her to California, and then returned here. Mrs. Paske went on to Missouri, where her aunt's body was shipped for burial. Mr. and Mrs. Norrfs and dau ghter, ; HHfn, returned Sunday EVANS VALLKY, Ore., July 25 (Special) Thin valley haa. had several days of foot weather, the thermometer goinn to 102 on two days. So far there has been enough water fur irrigation, but it Is getting low. John Meeks of Provolt has called on most of the farmers engaging threshing for hlH crow, The crop looks very good this year and Riven promise of good returns. Little Paul PI mm If k, son of Mrs Don Dimmlek, had his ton sils and mlenolds removed Mon day in ( J rants Pass and spent Severn 1 days with Mrs. Carlos Megerle, who took care of him In Itogue Hlvor. Mrs. Sid Smith who is In the state tuberculosis hospital in Sa lem, writeM that she Is much im proved in heal tii and is gaining slowly. Mrs. Hugh Moore of Weed. Cal., has been visiting her brother, (Jeorge Peers and his family, re turning to her home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hoynton of Grants Pass and Mr. Hoy n ton's daughter, visited Mr. and Mrs. phens, bringing Mrs. Carl Ste phens home after a nix weeks' visit with them in Willows. They returned home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. liierdsly spent Saturday in Medford on business, Evans Valley blue fox farm is undergoing improvement by the owner, Uolnnd Taylor. Fourteen new pens have been completed, with several more Under con struction to take care of the 40 new pups. All are weaned now and are fed twice a day by Mr. ( Taylor, who makes his own pre-j pared ration, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Pe Molne nnd Mrs. I Molne's mother, Mrs. Plakely and children pienlced Sunday at Prospect with Mr. H. Hlakely who is employed at that place. Mrs. Moore and Mrs, P-ruhn, duughters of Jim Owens who have been visiting relatives here for the past week, returned to their home Thursday accompanied them back to Klam ath Kalis. Miss Gale Cantrell of Medford Is spending this week with relatives here, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Sellers traded their home neur ftuch last week to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hrogger for their properly in hast Medford, Mr. and Mrs. Sellers, who have been living in Medford since the first of May when they moved there after the Newberry ranch on Ilig Applegate was sold, of which Mr. Sellers was manager, Intend to move into their new home this week, Tom Clark of Portland came (his week to spend some time here vis iting with his sister, Mrs. Fred St rati he. Mr. and Mrs. George Cavfn of San FrunclHco ore spending the week visiting the lutter'a sister, Mrs. Hurry Burr, Hester Knutzen of this vicinity and Mrs. Kuth Kimball of Butte Fulls were married July 5 at Yreka, frld have been hauling hay to Itngue Itiver for the past week. Volney Oden made a trip to Grants Pass last week and had some teeth extracted. I -rim r nnm I: lAbLtKlM it 'i fmm n f.iir..Inv immitinn trin nt 1 H- Moore Monday. Npwnort I Mr nncI MrM It"1!'" Mitttlunn of Mrs, nalph Wilcox and three children nre spending . a couple of weeks vacationing at Bund on. Mr. and Mm, Shepim! motored lo Grants Pnss Inst Sunday. In the evening they attended the f'hlco, Cut., arrived Saturday to visit the Clyde Ringer family Sun dity. They were taken up to Cra ter lake. Mr. and Mrs. George Stldham and son, Fouls, visited their dau- church services at Methodist sl'tor, Mrs. Jack Steward, Hun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred O'Kelly nnd Mrs. O' Kelly's mother, Mrs. Tryer, of Grunts Pass spent Sunday ui Ilvans creek plcniclng. Dick Hlcliman and father, C. K, Hichman, attended an auction sale at Gru ntw pass Wednesday and brought home some nice tur keys. ' Mrs. Clyde Gnlhrenth was a Grants Pass shopper Wednesday, j Mr. nnd Mrs. Jack Steward and children spent Sunday afternoon 'Klamath Foils. G. Vldurettn at 'Crnfer lake, purchased leajw and, furnishings Mr. and Mrs. Teo Stephens and of Midway hotel on South Sixth children of Willows, Calif., spent stroet. I Sundny and Mlndny with Cal Ste- chtirch to .hear Dr. Temple who returned with them and spent the Hlght at their home. Mrs. Lawrence Mehassy and sons, Lawrence, Jr., and Donald of Anlloch nnd Mrs. Wilbur Jones nnd Wilbur. Jr., of Klamath Fulls worm guests at tho home of Mr. nnd Mrs. A, N. Sollss this week. Mrs. Mehassy, a niece of Mrs. Rolls, formerly- Miss Maude Now-; bury and Is well known here and' In Medford. I fill Tim will no axilla unn..t Dick Richman nnd Frank Ulght -last week here at the Juke A hniri. hnnn hnllllnir h.l V tO ' ir miiuzeu nonie, wnere they were met by a charivari crowd. Mr. and Mra. llernard Mullson of Medford visited on the Aniilegute Sunduy. AHhlund Y. M. C. A. boys, 'about 25 in number, camped at Squaw Luke and visited last Sunday at the HlK Applegate Sunduy school. Their secretary. Mathew Thompson, led the congregation In singing. The boys returned to their homes Wed nesday and the younger boys will make a visit to the camp next week. The Ashland Camp Fire Ciirls In tend to come before the camp closes the lust of August. MAILT r I I ITS DIFFERENT Puritan quality simply cannot vary. While it is in the making, me chanical eyes known as "Con trolled Temperature Process" con stantly watch the heat assure exact uniformity in every single Can. No variation or unevenness can exist. Made of the finest select barley and hops and offering you 10 greater quantity than most other brands. Every good dealer sells Puritani LAIiEVIEW ROUND-UP BOOSTERS' CARAVAN to Visit MEDFORD SUNDAY, JULY 27 BIG HATS LOUD SHIRTS and NOISE To remind you of the Big Show on Aug. 30-31 and Sept. 1 at o Lakeview, Oregon TABM-: HOCK. Ore.. July 25. (HpecLal) Propping of trees In go ing steadily ahead here in several pfur orchards where trees have a larger crop than can be supported. Threshing of grain is going ahead hero with yields so far reported light. With prices of grain far below cost of production farmers tiro storing in granurles and if prices do not advance 'will feed to stork nnd poultry. The hot sultry weather of Tues day caused much suffering hero among men nnd horse in the har vest fields. The Wlttle combine outfit nf Central Point Is harvesting the hnrley crop on the W. 13. Morris ranch. Pears are sizing up in fine shape In this district and It is the opin ion of many that picking of Burt Iptts will begin the first week in August. Vs. C. 'Hamilton, superintendent I nf the Table Hock ditch, reports that it wa necessary to blast out some eight Inches of the floor of the head-gnto owing to the ex treme lownesn of tho river. He also reports that all orchnrdists in the district nre now using an abundance of water. Several families from the Sams Valley and Beagle districts, spent Sundny picnicking on the banks of the river south of the Ncalon ranch. Members of the Sams Valley Ornnge were treated to a wonder ful talk on fraternallsm Inst Sat urday night by Walter Mason of Portland. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ralph Wilson and sons Harold, Ira nnd Dwlght, are vacationing at Crescent City and other nearby resorts. j Mrs. Clarenco Morgan who has spent several weeks here with her daughter. Mrs. Frank Hart, left on Wednesday evening for her home In Pasco, Woflh. t Twenty-four punlls have enroll ed for the Dnily Vacation Rihle school which opened Monday, and! will continue for ten days. The teachers are Mrs. Davisson, Mrs. Dickey and Minn Hoffman of Med ford. Tom Wright and family of tho Redskin orchard visited relatives at Lake Creek Sunday. The MIhsca Henbrooke, with Miss Nancy nnd John Oreen of Mil waukee, Jack Hendricks and John Hen brook of, Omaha, spent Sunday nt Crater Lake. 1 BELLEVIEW ! il : ; ! APPLEGATE APPI.KGATE, Ore., July 25. (Spl.) A much enjoyed flHhlnK trip was made Saturday to Diamond l.nko by Mr. and Mm. Leon Offen hacher and son, Klvls, of thlH vi cinity and Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Jacksonville. Mrs. Jay Arnnt Bpent several (lays last week ut Ashland vlHltint! rolutlves and frlonds. .Minn Lucille Arnnt, who Is attend Ihk normal at Ashland, spout the week end here at the home of her narentH, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Arunt. Mr. and Mrs. Walker Lewis, who live at tho Federal mine, are hav ing lumber trucked from Medford this week for the new house they Intend to sturt building In the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Benton Pool and daiiKhter, Maude, spent Sunday vis ItliiK the former's brothor. Wort Pool, nt KiikIo Point. j Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Unities of i Central Point spent Inst Sunday i pIcnickliiK on Little AppleKnte. They ure looking for a location. ; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kubll and , family of (Irlifin Creek were after- ternoou callers Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Denton Pool, i Mrs. Hitttio UiKiui and Snin linn j dell of Jacksonville were Sunduy I dinner guests at the home of Mr. uuil Mrs. Anstl (illson. I Visitors this weok at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Itavenor In eluded Mrs. ltavenor's mother. I Mrs. Kllznheth Itavenor, Mr. and : Mrs. Don Kddttmlon and llirnm I Moore, nil from los Angeles. ' Mrs. I. ula Struutschr and dnuith ' tor from Sacrameno are here visit ing her cousin, Mrs. C. W. Culv. j Amng those picnicking at the Applegate Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Anderson and daughter, ViMiita of Medford. and Mrs Hlunche Gregory and son and daughter of Table Hock. Mrs. Mary Pnrcell Is spending the week visiting relatives near Medford. Mr. nnd Mrs. lledgpeth and two sons, Don and Clint, and Miss Ki ller of Williams Creek were motor ing on Little Applegate last Sun !loy. Several year ago the liedge Jtehs lived on the place now belong ing to .Mr.and Mrs. Jay Arnnt. John Lartnell and Miss Percy Jones of Klamath Kails spent last week here visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Itavenor. Kverett Havener HHLLEVIEWV Ore., July 25. (Special) Herbert Hayes return ed to his parents home last week after making a trip to California. Mrs. I,, i). Parks, who has been ill for the past week, is much improved. . , Mikh Klla Merryninn arrived here Tuesday fur on extended vlnll at the home of her brother, T. A. Merryman and family. Miwr Mildred Andrews returned to her home last week from the Lake of the Woods where she has been enjoying a vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Klinger and dau-l Rhter, Leah, of Medford werej guests nt the J. II. McCinckcns In Valloyview Sunday. I Mrs. Klchard Sheldereiter gave n dinner Sunday In honor of Miss Marjoiio Norton's tenth birthday. Guests were .Mrs. Dolores Norton, mother or Marjorle, Bllllo Norton, Mrs. Klnehnrt, Joe Ulnehart, Lou Iso nnd Helen Sheldereiter, Rollen and Walter Sheldereiter nnd Mr. and Mrs. Sherdereiter and Marjo rle Norton, the guest of honor. Mrs. James Putmnn nnd Mrs. Thompson from Ashland visited Airs. George Andrews Sunday. Miss Until Newbry was ono of tho crowd of young people who attended the party nt the home of David Gnffneys Thursday even ing. Air. Walter Longstreth and mother visited nt the James Hayes home last week. V. V. Hawley is suffering from a stroke of paralysis. William Harney of tho Chris tian church was a enller in this neighborhood Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Fred Homes Is visiting In Portland. She expects to stny until the first of next month. scamps For those who love the great out-doors, and wUh to stay awhile where nature has worked its great- eit wonders ... the Canadian Paclflc Bungalow Camps pre ent a most direct appeal. SVvcn delightfully situated comfortable camps mid hun dreds of lofty mountain peaks, on lovely lakes and beside swift rivers afford a never-to-be-forgotten vacation. . .comfort, simplicity and good food with moderate charges , , Low Summer Fares now In effect. Get literature nnd plan to got Canadian Pacillr Travellers' Cheques Cootllhe World Over. Canadian Pacific s oit V"i pAHKottr mi isqiwtr rTiNOMni!ii No Need to Worry IEEE Props You can get all you want At Any Time Any Place in Jackson County DELIVERED in the Orchard Strictly No. 1 1x2. AH lengths, made of Jackson County Timber tied up in bundles Price $2250 for 6000 ft. MEDFORD LUMBER CO. PHONE 629 J. H. COOLEY, Pres. and Mgr. . HARRY ANDREWS, Asst. Mgr. Creamery ANNOUNCES Reduced Milk Prices EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1ST Quart . . . . 10c Pint ..... 5c Gold Seal Milk is Pasteurized THE ONLY SAFE MILK . Phone 51 0 North Fir St.