P3TJE FIVE 'EVERYONE IN SOUTHERN OREGON" READS THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE" flrEBFOftn MXTTJ TRIBUNE, MEDFOT?D, OTCF.fiOT. FRIDAY. .JULY 2r. 19.10. WAGNER CREEK i WAGNEU CKKKK, Ore.. July $3. (Speciul) Mrs. Art Htennett ind children of Crescent City, are visiting relatives- on tlie creek. Miss Jeunette- McNerney Is j house guest this week of .Missi Marie Summer. In company with a party of friends they enjoyed a picnic near Tnton I'reek Sunday. Alias Kndell Abbott visited Viih j friends in Meilford the first of the -week. j Mrs. C. E. Green and Mrs. J. I.. I Kriner were Medford visitors on j Tuesday. j Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sells were in town on business Wednesday. Howard Combs suffered a pain- ; fill injury to one of his hands on, Tuesday, getting it cu light in a pulley and tearing off two nails, besides lacerating the other fin gers. Mrs. Elinor Perkins and daugh ter Jean Ellen, were shopping in Medford Wednesday. Mifwes CJoldie Abbott and Marie Sonimer were Ashland visitors on Wednesday. II. T. Single was culled to Hiv erslde farm on llogue Itiver Tues day, on account of the illness of his father, J. D. Single. Mrs. J. L. Hrlner and daughter Riwo El fa, wero Ashland visitors Wednesday. L'ral Abbott was in Ashland on Tuesday evening. SummniiH Tor IMiblicatinn In lht Circuit Court of the State of Oregon In and For the County of .luclcson. M:ihou, iOhrman & Cimipfuiy, n . CoriHratloo, plaintiff,, vs. V. C. l'.rown. Defendant. To: W. C. Itrnwn, the above named Defendant: . In The Name Of The State Of Oregon, you are hereby required to appt-ar and answer the ecun plaint of the plaintiff corporation now on file ayain.sL you in the above in tit led Curt and Cause, within four weeks from the date of Hit? first publii-ation of this .Sum mons, that heiiiK the time desig nated In the trdi'i of publication heretofore made and entered here in by the Honorable II. I). Norton, Judge of the aid Court, within WIIH'II JUU ("'-HI l- "M'"" " appear and answer said Complaint,, anil you are hereby notified that If you fail to so appear and answer) paid complaint or otherwise plead i thereto within said lime, plaintiff will apply to the Court for judg-i ment against you by default for the relief prayed for In its com plaint, succinctly stated as fol-j lows: ! On his first cause of action in' the sum of cm hLs second j cause of action in the sum of if 1 til 5.(14. on his third cause of ae- lion in the sum of $4(i.ti3. on his fourth cause of action in the sum; of SllUiti, on his fifth pause of; action in the um of $S11.0S, on his pixth cause of action In the sum of $5.xr, on his seventh eause of action in the sum of $24.73 to gether witli $i0.(H) reasonable At- , torney's fee, on his eighth cause ( of action ui the sum of .$4 4o.4Nj together Willi $50.00 reasonable ; Attorney's' fee,-on his ninth cause ! of action in the sum of $l!X.Xo,l on his tenth cause of action In the sum of $105.5:!, pn hU eleventh cause of action in the wuin of ! J UO.ti.S, on Ills t welt Ih cause of ruction in the sum of SlO.llti. and on his thirteenth cause of action in the sum of $14.75, making a total judgment In favor of the WE LOAN MONEY To people to pay their honest debts. No Embarrassment Strictly Confidential Jennings Loan Office 5 S. Front Phone 161 nraHiiiminnmv FISHERMEN and CAMPERS How would you Jikq to gnt out of town for 'tlie -filimtoer nnd onmp along Hogite River, where It's cool nnd shudy? We hnve Just the place for you and you can lease u camp site cheaper than you can own your frontage. Good fishing anil swimming; 1 milcR from Medford. .Many de sirahle sites for rent at $lu per month. J. F. MACE Phono 314 Central Point FRUIT HAULERS We will secure your Public Service Permit and write your Insurance at very reasonable rates. CHAUNCEY FLOREY Phone 318 MIDWAY ACRES These fine ten-acre Sulinrban Homesltes are soiling to the buy ers who know values. Free sandy soil high and sightly good drnlfiage beautiful oaks anil pines electricity phone mall service near school only ten minutes from the clly on t lie new Midway Iload. You ran have every modern liury except high taxes." 10 acres for the price of a city lot. Don't he too late get your choice now only a few left. Total price for ten acres only $000. Cash Jinn nnd $11 per month. See Midway Acres today. Our car will call. R. V. WILLIAMS Phone 1518 BRINGING UP FATHER . WHAT ARE VOO THE NEBBS The Sun Shines Bright UDV 15 ALU PUFFED UP AUM ABOUT MS SUCC55 ' VJlTH 5TOCK - - QiDiTE A FevJ VMS A(30 Itvl , toOT oeln. plaintiff aualnst the defendant in the mini of $3.sr,.3!l, and $100.00 reasonable Altorney's fees, and for. the costs and disburriemeills of thl.s action to be tuxed; and will sell the property now held under attachment consisting principally , of a stock of goods, wares, im-r-1 chandisi', and fixtures In the Store! formerly conducted by you at fluid i Mill Oregon, as such property is I particularly described in the inven- tory thereof, attached to the return! of "the Hheiiff under such attach-; ment. ft nd also certain securities of! yours garnisheed In the hands of j tlie Central Point State Hank and t beinir placed villi said Uank as I collateral security to the loan made! by you to said Hank, ft list of! which securities Is attached to the I return of the wild Sheriff In i'atd attachment, to which writ of at tachment and ret u I'll re I ere nee is hereby made for , a more exact description of the property to be sold, as fluch writ and return now ftp pear on file in the abovo en tilled Court 'and Cause. Trilo v-M.nmni.d tu 11 1 1 ) 1 1 1 uh nil find served upon you by publication I under and pursuant to an order ! of the Honorable f . U. Norton. JudKe -of said Court, heretofore made and entered of record in i said Court and Cause on the 23rd I day of July. A. I).. 1!30, the date of the first publication of this I Summons is tne -Jin day of July, A. U.. 1H30. F. J. XKWMAX, Attorney for Plaintiff Office and post-office address: Palm UlllldinK, Medford, Ore gon. WANTKD MISCELLANEOUS WANTKD To buy livestock and poultry. Drop me u line. Ad ilre.ss S02 McAndrews rou3. V. O. Rox iMti. 12 5 'ANTK1 To hear from nwijer of land for wJe, for fall delivery. O. K. llawley, J'.aldwin, Wis. 12T. WANTKD Klectric pumping sys tem In good condition. State lowest price. A. C Ullytn. KiUHS IliKhwny. I'hiine i:I4.'i-X. l-'ll WAXTKD To miv for cash, good lot or close In suliurban home, preferably city water. Must he a bargain. Address II. T Tri bune. 127 WAXTKD I'KIVATK l'AHTVr with $1,000 to $.".(1,000 to loan money on first-class first mort gages. PA HI, flULDKN 11 So. liiveinidc. tf WAXTKD To trade Idnho resi dence property for Medford resi dence or acreage.' 1. C. Oarlock, Chamber of Commerce. 1 09 1 f WANTKD 2nd hand goods. Junk. - I'at's, ITiOO 1'runo. I'll. &47-I,. 133 WAXTKD Local ond long dis tance hauling. Insured carriers. We guarantee to nave you money, llawley Transfer, 619 N. Kiver- side. I'honc 10-1 l-.V I:"i5 123 East Main 16 North ftfvertlde WLL. WHO TOL-O VOLJ TV4Vr V."I I LOOK6.D Ll MA-POteOSJ ?vuHO THAT ME5SA66 OF FLATTeRV NOUR HEAD SHOAJIMii 5UCH FOtl THE OF VOUR dmv r WJU. tt' Tl. Brll Synji.jic I Ti-J. Maik Ri HKIil WAXTKD MAM? j WAXTKD 100 boy.i between the nne of 12 and IS years, who actually live on the farm within f0 miles of Medford. to do a lit tle prospecting during iheh- spare hours for reliable Medford firm. Address In own handwriting to llox 077. Medford, Ore. 14D WAXTKI) SITUATIONS WAXTKO To cure for children by hour. Mrs. Rummer. Phone I 1333. JjM WANT KD Children to care for by day, week or month. Ph. I!ti3-R. 124 WANT KD Position as housekeep er or cooking. References. Phone 1233-L day time. 1U". MA R RI Kl.) MAN. experienced in ail orchard work, wants position fts foreman. Rest of reference. Write Mux Kf Kagle Point. 124 WAXTKO Housework by compe tent woman. References Rox WA. 1 2 8 FOIt KENT MISCKMjANKOUS KOIt UKXT 5 acres with mod ern house. Acreage for sale. Phone lllll-Y after 7 p. ni. 124 FOII UKXT 4 front office rooms. Hubbard ISros.. Inc. 12S FOR RENT Oarage. J3.00 per momh. 325 South ltlverslde Ave. tf . FOII RKNT FI'ltNlSIlKD KOOMS -'Oil UKXT l'urnished upstairs. 3-room apart m i n t. i:lectru; range gai-age. $15 per nio. Phone lOTii. 12i TO UI-'XT Large sleeping room In private home. No children. 420 Park Ave. 125 FOII UKXT Largo front room, clove in: hot and cold wati'r. bath. 20 So. Fir. 127 FOll UKXT Furnished sleeping and housekeeping rooms. Palmer Uldg. Call 4U7. 124" FOR ItKNT Nicety rtlrnlshcd sleeping room, adjoining bath; motlerato rales. 325 South Riv erside, tf BOARD AND ROOM 139 So. Cen tral. Phono 1211. 83tf PLEASANT room with board at 71 B K. Main. Phono 723. UStf FOll 11F.NT APAIIT.MKNTS FOU UKXT Film. Apt. 2211 Xo. Ivy. 130 FOIt UKXT Furnished apart ment. Adults. Phone 50S-K. 127 FOIt UKXT Furnished apt: gar age and private bulb; pleasant location, close In 305 K. Jack son. Phone 3X1-M. . 120lf FOU UKXT Furnished, newly painted and papered apartment. 310 Portland. 127 FOIt UKXT Cool furnished apartment, garage; adults. Tel. 1432-X. 127 FOIt UKXT Cool furnished apart ments; gas, garage. 616 North Central. 12C FOP. It 10 XT Small furnished bouse, apartment, garage. fii4 w. mill. ii7tf FOR UKXT 3-room apt. with prl- vnto t.nto tnnn luifi-Y. niTr- . . Medford . Investment Company General Insurance Medford, Oregon 125 E. Sixth 8L Phone 1224 Q rAKE- iTOP "THT L-AJUQHIN)'- . C- Si) .fir,' iJVMi. li.t'l E-Yaiurr St?i . Iiw., Umt Rritain SENJT SHADES OF TT-tATS DI5DA.IIsJ COmTISOI IT S BUT THAT 1 TICKET OM PAPA'S U S. fat. Ottice HvXA WANTED FICMAIiEl WAXTH1) Woman to caro for baby during working hours. Tel." 15S4 lifter 6. 1J7 1Y)U 1 tlG XT IIWt'SKS Sl'ltl'RRAX HOMK S-room mod ern house and six acres land. Two miles from city. Ram: milk house; chicken house ami other bi'ildiims. Kleetii.- water sys tem and piped all over place, j A 111 trees; trim tree ; .soaue. rpstars can be rented In two apartments, llox 4Ti, Tribune. K!: FOR Rl--'T Nearly furnished, modern home in Central Point also room and board at ' No. f Laurel St. Imiuire No. Laurel St. FOR RKNT Motlern 4-rooni holine. 14 1 So. Holly. 10 FOR RKNT r-room house, fur nished. Phono !Mi4-L. 15 FOIt UKXT S-ronm house. Call 6'Jti-It. FOIt UKXT by the day or week ex,lu.'.ive cabin In nits.: I hour drive from .Modtord. Didightfol Kvfivlbinii furnished. Call l-I. ' tt FOll HKNT W. 10th. -6-rbom house. 010 11 ltf FOll UKXT Comer North Pacific highway and Iterrydale Ave., small partly furnished house. $12.r.O. 1 1 Itf FOII KKXT 4-room cottago, los So. Oakdale. tt FOU UKXT Homes. Furnished or unfurnished. Urown & White. I IH SINKSS Orl'OItTl'NITIKS FOU SALK On account of illneas 1 must sacrifice my al most completed rooming hou.xe including furniture $1,5110 cash, ltalanee easy, lie ready to open 5 days. Xo trade. Inquire 37 r, So. Central Ave. 121' FOU SAI.K Splendid going res taurant and cafe business, good location, doing nice business, clean stock and complete equip ment. Priced for quick sate at $2200.00. Seo Charles A. Win;; Agency, Inc. 12' Siono.nn Uuys nn Ice Cream and Candy Slore. Last year'n salea were fiver $15,000.00. p.est location In Orescent City, opposite Kn ,l..etu T.'illiln Theater. Xew and up-to-date fixtures. Stock In I first class condition. Ileasonable rent with long lease to right parties. K. L. Kendall, agent, , Crescent City, Calif. 125' COfXTUV STOUR FOR SALK Oil KXCIIAXOK Including store building: modern living quarters; garage; gas pumps: oil room: dance hall: post office; 4 acres ground: plenty fixtures and stock kooI-. Coed jtchool ami hlah school 2 blocks away; dairy and orchard community. Ineotne $250 to $3T,o per month; will take small farm In cxehange. Priced right for . money. C. II. P.KKIiK AC.KXCY Medford. Oregon, or F. L. Caton. Sams Valley, Ore. FOU SALK APAUT.MKXT House. 2 aparl menls, all modern; blu' corner lot. parages. Sold y'ar ago for $05oa and prleed now at $4T,(i(. (inly $:(() cash, one apartment take c.ire of balance. ItivoHtigato at onee. Place in A-l shape now. C. It. UKKIIK. AOKS'CY Phone k!)5 16 South Itartlett (Kxeluslvo Agent) o 121 PAHTNKU WAXTKD Will sell half Interest In old established real Qcstate business. Former owner is retired. Full price $350. p.ept location in town. No ex perience needed. Wnto Tiibune Uox 60. tf ' 7 $S0:t tT.-TELl. '4u "i n OUST MOTHINJ& OVIUW L H.'E. SOD OisEH 6TO-:C AUO 1M BtrrwEENJ eemqoo ad ruwT fou the DOKJT MEAM A THIWo CAM WRIT MV aXI. THE PRICE-. OH DUMB '. OUST &oeoERtNJi3 ONi im&eciutv I MATKIMONIAIv WtH'l.l) UK K to meet lady. 4.1 to rr(. tbject matrimony, liux T. P... Tribune. 10 tki: ri' iK KX I P -One gray stallion, weight about 1U0U hs brand 77. Address Robert Fernlund. Rrownsboro, Ore. 1-t" 1ICKK1 VI IF YOUK UOQ Is nilaalng, call S69. IStf MIStTHitjANKOV'h LoCIS IIOSS. for two years at au tomobile sales lot n?xt. to public ,, market, is now luualei) with Mr. (iarfield, 310 Kast Sixth sli t. 124 OR. RLAZOS' Prescription for Poison oak Htops the itching at once. Heath's Drug Store. Ask Fred. J-'" Vr. ' MA VK "vour rnrnltur reupholster " I cd, reflnlahcd, reglued. Phone 110 LI -K FOIt KXCIIAXOK KO 1 1 TltADK on flood fi-room llousi! In Medford. a 21) acre farm, rlose in. Will pay stone ca.h difference. See Ilanfster & Chrisluer. Phono 057-.I. I 2 " FOll SAI.K or TltADK for light car. 2 acres good level land. Phone 447-W-2. 125 FOU SALK or KXCIIAXOK 27 acres, good 5 - room modern home, close In. Housch for 20oo chickens, good barn, household goods, teams, one cow and heif er. COO chickens all for only $C00O. Ileasonable. down pay ment and balance on good terms. Severtil acres In alfalfa. Deal Knight, 20 N. llartlelt. 12ti FOR SALK OR TltADK 1 largo safe; will sell or trade for small one. Pinnacle Packing Co. 113lf FOIt KAIjF LIVFSTOCK. 'Oil SAI.K One gray horse, 8 years old, weight about 1500. W. II. Ilolman, Kaglo Point. Phone 4-F-02. 124 FOII BAIjlC DOCiS AND PETS FOU SAI.K Shepherd puppies. $2.50 It taken at once. 214 Col lage. J25 FOR SALK rowruY FOU SALK Leghorn pullets. Start laying soon. 7 5c. phone 341-.I4. 13' FOII 8AI.R ALTOMOHIM'M OAUDNI'.lt Touring Car. good con dition, cheap, or trade for piano, llox 7. Ashland 126 FOU SALK Ford plrk-up, 1H25, A-l condition, .lust had com plete overhaul motor, transmis sion and rear end. All (,'ood rubber. Ituv from the owner. Inquire between 6 and 7 p. m. 702 W. 4lh St. 126 (loOD I'SKl) OA US We have a good selection of used cam ranging in price from $50 to $250. These cats aro being sold at half prleo. Alt.MKTIto.vu MOTORS, INC. 101 So. Itivereide. 124" FOll KALIC IIOMFS FOR SALK Well built 6-room home on Oroveland Ave., Siski you Meiirhts, 00x11(4 lot, large oak shade trees, fruit trees and berries, lawn and flowers. $3500. Charles It. Ilav, Realtor. Medford llldg. Phone 3di. J 24 FOR SALK OR THADK Desirable house and lot In Medford for acreage, for few (lavs only, "el 1015-y. 1517 W. Main. G4tf IF YOIT WIHIf A KICK L1TTLTC HOMK on the paved Pacific highway, we can sell you tracts from 1 are up on very easy terms. Prices from $250 up. liP.OWN W II ITU, I:(ltor. Holland Hotel llldg. 7tf . a HOCSKS FOIt RLXT AND SAI.K Cull 103. O m By Geofge McManus I. .vj EVERV TIME. THEV e.A,RK.' ..-a-. ... This is the Time roii STEP OUT AmO DO WHILE Ht.'S llvj inJCH j I V ft tl ' "" ' 7-7s r ' This is the Time roii fam.viV to ( .UMtM THE Cn-Ltj COME INJ IT MliiHT SET HIM SACK. A FA TOO HAPPV . SATISFIED FOIt SAM? iiomks KOU SA FiK Small house, larue ' lot, with lovely garden, shade : trees and flowers; beautiful view, I Central Point. Small pnvm"M i i down, balance S10 a month. Call; I forenoons UI14-U tf , FOR SA LK or'TRAOK by Owner . Jisna.iio equity in 0-room mod ern hflme in Albany, ore. Full basement, f u r n a c e. fireplace. Ruilt for a home. J. W. OritMby. I SIT. Haven, Medford. iMione 443-W. WHY WAIT to build, when you can trade In that vacant bit or j small car oh a dowa payment I r. .vim in uini'i'i) lionii in (llenn oak 'Court. 'ready to move in. Terms to suit buyer, phono la", or 3l-U. FOR SAMS IITCATj KSTATR WILL SKLL or KXC 'I L XII 10 choice 40 acres near ocean for valley. What have you. llox 7, Ash land. 120 FOU SALK IIOI'SK and I.AIIOK LOT. Sewer connections 1700. Kssy terms. Also real harg'ilu 111 100-A dairy or stock ranch L. (1. P10KKLL 204 K. Main Phone !1 130 (IOOD FARM Ilt'V Tahl.- Rock district: 50 acres all level rich river and creek bottom land. In cultivation. Family orchard. 0 r n house, barn, silo and out buildings. Total price $4. Sou: S500 down. Italaace on easy terms. ALSO 30 Acres on Hlu Applegate. All river bottom III cultivation and under free wa ter right. S acres alfalfa, 7 acres clover, family orchard. House, barn and 2 chicken houses. Price Includes farm Implements, price i il.r.no. See D. K. Millard. 423 K. Main. 14 FOR SALK LI K 10 RKNT WTl V KVKItVONK SIIOI'LD OWN A llo.MK Howard Park: clly water! fi-ronm bouse; garage: 3-4 acre $1800. $100 cash: balance $20 per mo. 4-room house; city water, 3-4 acre. $soo; $50 cash and bal. $15 per mouth. 3-room bouse; Cherry park: 1 "j acres Irrigated land; good well. $8511; $50 cash and bal. $15 per month. 2-room house In Cherry Park 1 tt acres Irrigated. $750. $;i0 cash, bal. $15 per month. 1 Acres In Wlldwood Parle. Nice shade; $5110. $50 cash and li.'.l lance $ 1 0 per month. .1. C. ISARNIOS, RIOALTOR Phone 40!) 15 H. Central 125 FOll SALK or TRADE JO Acres Orlffen Creek. new 5- room bungalow, splendid soil, fine location. I'rico $4000.00. Terms. ALSO Splendid Camp Ground site in Medford. close In. THK REAL ESTATE EXCIIANOH 44 N. Riverside. Phone I l'J6 FOU SALK Splendid Stock Farm of 278 acres with good outside, range, 100 acres of good creek bottom land 32 acres of upper land Irrigated ami in clover. The balance can be irrigated. The place is all fenced. Price $16,00(1.00. Terms. ( MAI NCEY FLOIHOY Phone 318 123 Kust Main 12 FOR SALE Fine homeslte, 100 foot frontage (Jueen Ann, ad joining Crater liko Park .super intendent's home. $500 down, balance eay paymcnta C in terest. S'.-e owner, M. N. llogan. 127 WHAT do you tTiInK of this t ncrcs smooth, tillable land, 4 room new bouse and garage, woven wire fenced; main road, 1 mile from town and schools, $1 1"0. HIIOWN WHITE, Realtors. Hotel Holland Rldu. 1 1 7 1 f FOR SALE 2 Jnrgft lots on West Palm street, facing north, $150 each. Call forenoons. S64-L. tf FOR SALK Finn lots, 2 blocks r-ottth of Main St., corner 9th and So. Holly. Phone 587-.I. Owner, 206 So. Holly. 127 WHEN you think of real estate, think of Brown & White. tf -r-V SATISFIED MOVA rriifed c--0u.!c.. 7 I By SOL HESS fam.viV to AOMCT SHOPPiMi3 HIGH oPilCITS BIT fiUT HE'5 AnJD selp- MOVA IHU SAIilC HKAfj 1-:STATI3 Foil SAUK 10 nercs irrigated. 3 acres largo pear trees, 1 acre raspberries. Fine house. - Full price $nm. Win trade equity for equity In house In Medford. 11 S. lilverside. tf FOU SALK Here Is a chance to secure nice close in 4-rni. house on pavement, with electric range, nice lawn anil flowers. Price $;tooo; $200 cash. Xeat new 4-rni. home: bullt lns. Price $isoo; $100 cash. C1IAHXCKV Fl.OUKV Phone 318; 123 Kast M"i". 12C TUN HOI'IILKS COl'UT at .Long I'.each; all 3-rm. apts., heated with gas; Income averages $320 per mo. Struct to be widened and become part Intor-Stato highway. Completely furnished: 5-garage shed. Cash value $30. ooii. Win trade for good land In llogue Ulvor vallev on cash value basis. See HOLM ICS for HOMKH. Nash Hotel corner. 124 FOR SA LF MiC1;LLANF.OUS CIIKA.M SIOl'AllATort 750. lbs. per hour. I'sed losx than three months. Fully guaranteed. Reg ular price $120.00. our price. Slid. (10. .Monarch Seed & Feed Co. 12l FOIt SALK Klectric stovo nnd water heater. Call IOads Trans fer Co. 125 FOR SA 1,10 Washing machine, excellent condition. Client!, 225 Talfnt Court off South Central. IILOCKS $5.50 on night delivery nitty. Valley Fuel Co. Phone 711. tt FOU SAI.K 3(!-lnch loom for olaln and pattern wenvlng. M. 11. Hall. It. Route No. 1 Hot 55-A. phono 857-X-2. 126 FORT PA UTS O.enerntnr, starter, and other parlil. Prices lower than wrecking companies. Ap pleale, Central. Point. 125 FOR SALK 3 burner, wlckless coat on stove. cost to.uu. Nearly now, $1.60. Tel DU6-X. 124 FOR SALK Apricots. Three Oaks Orchard, Phono 40S-J-1. 127 FOR SALK Peaches nnd apricots now ready at llrookbank orch ard, ilrlng boxca. M. J. Norrls. 125 FOR SALK Apricots. Top Notch Orchard; 3 and 4c. Tel. lilu-JI. 125 FOR SALK Apricots, that large, deep orange Ilenhelni Beauty, ripened on trees. Oeo. Alford, grower. Phone 19-F-3. 126 FOll KAL10 -Fancy apricots, now ripe. It. C. Ward, Fern Valley, phono 19-F-2I. 125 WOOD ISAUOAIN Oct your win ter's wood now at lowest prices, llawley Transfer, Phono 1044-X. 146 FOU HALK Kxtra' good wheat at $1.65. Mrlng sacks. Phone l A. Dcvoe, 3 miles west and '.( mile ,,,iilh of Medford. 1 IVtC FOU SALE Used sewlnir ma chines; all makes, $5 up; terms If desired. All makes rented and repaired. White Bewlng Machine Co., 24 North Barllett. lltf FOR SALK Furniture. Buyer as sumo payments. 412 North Ivy. Phono 745-J. 45tf WK PAY CASH for mohair, wool, hides, pelts and Junk. Medford Bargnln House, phone 1062. 27 No, drape. tf FOIt garden nnd field plowing, sand, gravel snd sediment. Tel. 012-j. Samuel llaleman. sacks Sacks sacks. Hare 10.000 good used barley and grain sacks. MIODFOItll BAROAIN HOUHB Phono 1062. 27 N. Grape St. ' 7tf UNDERWOOD Typewriter Agency, Sunstrand Adding Machine Agcy, Sales Rentals Hervice. (4 N. Central. Phone 111. Rebuilt machines, all makes. iitl FOB, "HAIilS MISCELLANEOUS i Foil SAI.K dirts' bicycle, $10. on. I 220 X... ivy. 130' ; FOR SALK dood early apples for cooking anil eating. The BaKley j Ori-hanl. Talent. 131 I'Olt KALE Tllton apricots, free from scale and (lipase, 4c ll. j Sonwon boKins 21st, lasts two wi't'kti. i.inn Orchard, Easle : Poinu tt ' 10-ln GREEN SLABS 4 Horn JTi.00: free load kinclllnft with 3 1 IiIk loads. Yalley Fuel Co., Tel. 76. tf F(H SALIC Oraln bags and twine. Monarch Seed Co. 107 tt Ton SAI.K Worm pullets with I.cc's ci I z z a r d Capsules now. i Monarch Seed Co. 1 07 ( Foil SAI.1-: Kkonomy Dairy Kly Spray actually kills fllea. Try it. .Monarch Seed Co. 107tf OI.AllIOI.rs blooms. Wood Car dcn.s, 73S W. 11th St.; 50 varie ties. lUStf lirslNK.SS I1IHECTORT Abstracts MUltUAY AliSTRAOT CO. Ab stracta of Title, Titlo Insurance, Hooms 3 and 5, No. 32 Nortb Central Ave., upstairs. JACKSON CO. AllSTUACT CO. Abstract or Title and Title Insurance. The only complete Title system In Jack son County. AtMYHinttintfl Wlf,SON AIMJITIXO COMPANY Tax and Corporation Counselors, Auditors and Accountants. K. M. Wilson, c. I'. A.; Iidand J. Knox, C. P. A.: Lloyd Showora. Liberty llldg. jhono157R. Chiropractic IMiysIclnn UU. K. W. HOFFMAN Chiro practic Nerve Specialist. Office hours ! (o 111; 2 to 5. 203-204 Libertv Jtldtf. Officd phone OMO; Ues. phono 7H0-11. ru. jouirrp p. bray suite aos, Medford lildg., for chiropractic Hervice. Thursdays by appoint' ment. Office phone 1230. Klectrlo Motor HepnlrlnR L. C. SCHAFKR Armature wind ing, electric motor repairing. Stock bearings and brushes. 33 N. Central. Phono 'J0-J-2. 371 Fyc Specialists DIt. D. A. C1IA.MHKUS, Optome trist. Kyes examined. Olasses fitted. 404 Medford Uldg, Tel. inn. , ?5?tfj Kxpert Window Cleaners LKT OI0OUOI0 DO IT Tel. 1172. House cleaning. Floor Waiting. Oriental Uug Cleaning, specialty. . Financial WK LEND MONEY to worthj people to pay their honest debts. Pacific Coast Credit Association, 423 Medford Hid., Medford, Ore, Freight Transportation LONO DISTANCE HAULING - Medford-Klumuth Truck Llrl Dally service. Bonded carrieij Special rates on load lots. Aull Freight Terminal, 36 S. Fir. Tel 1033. International Motoi; Trucks INTERNATIONAL MOTOl TRUCKS Factory Represents tlvo Motor Inn Oarage, Sout ltlverslde. Sales and Service. Money to Loan f Ixine Time Ileal Estate Jf () MortKngo Ixmnl IMiono 1S9S Commprrltil Flnnneo Corp. ?' Mwlford, Oregon DO YOU NEED MONEY? Wl mnke short time leans. All tran actions confidential. 657-J. Bam later & ChrlBtner, 317 Liberty B4 Momiinunts TH13 ORKOON OUANITK CO. -. Monuments. E. A. Illcks. Oen ernl Mannger; P. M. Kershaw, Sales Manager, 303 N. front St. Pnintln'fr nnd Piiperlinnirlnic PAPEHHANOINO .0o a roll anl up. Dick Newman. Tol. 314-J. M. A. BLISS & COMPANY Paint Ing, paperhanglng and Interior finishing. 303 Crater Lake Ave. Phone 1604. 41 Printers and Vtihllshcrs MEDFORD PU1NTINO CO. Hal the best equipped printing office In Southern Oregon. Bookbind ing, 'loose leaf' ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 17 N. Fir St. Itodlo Service RADIO S Kit VICE on any make radio. II. O. Purucker, 22 South drape street. Office Phone 335; Ues. 1442. $$1 Band and Gravol C. A. HAUTLKY Sand and OraVel plant. Clean w&shed sand and gravul; crushed gravel, all sizes. Phone plant 1203 or office 127, 8irnylnir IF YOU want a good Job of spray ing done on your trees and shrubs at a reasonable price, Tel 1039. 3 Rtornfro W A R K HOI ISI XO Storage. Distri bution. Medford AVarehouse, 119 South Front St. Phone 18. Transfer 10 A DS TRANSFER St STORAGE) Co. Office 111' N. Fir Street, phone 315. Prices right. Service guaranteed. DAVIS TRANSFER & STORAGE. Hervice guaranteed. 20 8. Grape Ht., Phone 644. or residence 1040. Fnmltnrp Vpholstortnjr FURNITIIRK REUPHOLSTERED ro-flnished, re-glued. We carry a full line of upholstering sam ples. A. N. Thalbault, Tel t-H,