PAGE TWO JT.JJU 1KJ Big Bill Beats 11 3L - , - i IDIIS DEFEAT fveterat TYourices ": Basque After Turbulent Scene in Third. Set Lott Loses in Straight Sets. J ROLAND OARROH STADIUM, (Auteull, France, July 2D. fP) li'inncu imil tho United Btulos .wound up the openlm? day uf their I 1 1 ft 3 0 du-I tor the JJiivIs cup ull I even In fdniclea vlciorlcii with one (for the challenger onU one for tho t?lfender. . - Henri f'oi'hi't, French master, Mlefeiitort CleurKo Lott, of Chlcuiiu, .In, BtraiBht sets In the second match of tho opening day winning "0-4, 0-2, 0-2. Coi-hel' victory gave Franco. 1 he defender, an even break. Wk ,.j:lll Tllden, tender of the Anierlnan (forces, conquered Jean Horotra, In the opening duel 2-d, 7-r., tl-4, f-fi. ;( After a nervouH start', Tllden swept throuKh to hln "eighth major . trMirnn nt victory In succession ijover the houmllng Hastfuo. Tho match wan bitterly foug'ht and wan Ventured hy a turbulent scene In the third Ht when Horotra Hcorert a Horvlco item after tho American had lifted Ills hand to Indicate he wan not ready to play. The um pire ruled Tllden had motioned too late and gave the point to Horotra. Tllden at Height , 'Tllden. already rallying mightily lifter erring frequently In tho first act. rose to new heights after the upnotllng Incident and trounced Ilurotrn, parading through lo the first victory of the challenge round with only the final desperate effurt of thu Jlasquo In the fourth and deciding set holding him up tem porarily. The Basque rallied In the final set lifter Tllden had run the count to 6-1 In game. The Frenchman reeled off four straight games hut could not hold the pace and dropped tho deciding set 7-G. Onco Tllden, favorite to beat tho Hasquo, hit his stride there was no stupping him.' Ills cannonbnll Hcrvluo uced Borotra. repeatedly and ho run tho Frenchman nigged from baseline to baKellno in the third set. Horotra whb very tired when tho players slopped. , i t v . ' ' Ilosebui g. Quarters In "Tor liins building -remodeled tar.' occu pancy by Hoillhern Oregon Clan corporation, " Swem's 217 Eait Main Street ' .. mmm St i.VA A . EVENSHONORSIAS SUCCESSOR; FOR RRST DAY;T0 MOES TITLE 4 I H-Tdi -si-Sssdi A- A GREAT GOLF GAME FOR EVERYONE Children Well at grown-upi can now play golf to their hearts' content. Take set home with you this week-end. It's the Big gest five dollars' worth of fun you've ever bought, 1 MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED (PREPAID) PLAYINQ CARDS 3 packs $1 Ilrliltfp Blzp, rhmlirlc flnlnh, attractive colored backs. Saturday Bargains Heg, 25c Dennlsnn Paper Napkins; colored 1 ( check borders iOC Mntnl Flower Blocks; 3 size. Reg. prlco 69c to 1.00 ... Iteg. $2 Bench Kloppern; wooden g 4 doles a V Pitchers; 8; Ivory body china; ol- Cifl orful decoration! OvC SALE FLOWER BOWLS Values to 13.25 $1 All tho famous potteries such as Roserllle, Haonnr Wellnr etc. are represented In tbls July "clenn-up' sale of howls. All sizes shapes nntl colors. PERKINS LOOMS ttc Punt Mifkclson ! Associated i'ress Sports Writer. j (JIK'AllO. July 25. (VP) T. I'hllllp I'l-iklns, the methodical Ilrlloli today stood out as the heir nppul-ont to Jon Moo's western j amateur golf championship. j As the tussle for the crown. j dropped by .Moe yesterday, entered I the semi-final rounn. over the Bev erly Country club course, ho not I .... 1 1. tt.n ctontiif Inn lull a ItnitIO that apiiean-d Invincible to his three rivals .lolinny i.enman unu Ira Couch of Chicago, and Bob MeCrary of Ies Moines. Iowa, 1'ci-Kins, now a resident of New York hut still a Mdpe of ('.rent Bri tain amateurs, toured the cham pionship course with a OS, two strokes under 'par. yesterday to vln n dramatic, uphill skirmish In the quarter finals against .lack Westland, Chicago district cham pion. 'It was tlte best score ever carded on the course even though oflclitlH refused to accept It as a course record bectiUMe It was nmdo In match play. But tho score and great comeback had ItH effect nnd today he Mas ranked as tho than to bett't for the IKIe. : 4 Baseball Standings - By tho Associated Press. ,-' v. : l. ret. Oakland 0 4 Missions 0 ' ' 4 .r.ull Hollywood 0 4 .lilt" l.os Angeles 5 ti .BOO Kacraniento 6 8 .ntitl I'ortland r. B .511(1 San l-'ranclsco 4 0 .400 Seattle 3 7 .300 National W. I.. I'ct. Brooklyn r.3 37 Chicago 04 30 .SKI New York .'..411 42 .038 St. J.ouls 40 44 .6011 Pittsburgh 43 47 .47S Boston 422 47 .47H Cincinnati 42 4H .4117 I'hlliidelphla 31 35 .300 American w. . i ret. I'hllnilelphla 04 32 .007 Washington ., .....08 3tl .017 New York .....:'...54 40 .574 Cleveland 40 4.7 .610 Detroit ....... 466 62 .404 Chicago1 37 65 ,4U2. Boston ..!;..'."..' :'.'...36 63 .31)8 Hi: l.otlls '.'.'. 30 68 M3 Gift Shop 'k ';. i i t '. ) ';' . "Play in your own backyard" with the Garden Golf Course $5 For tho sot of 51 pieces . , . toes, hazards, and "holes," You can sot this up on any lawn, no v.n.n linn, .. ,.1 n 1 1 4 imn,wi uvn onti.... Vacation Stationery Flub Kinde Hnen paper, mo dium la rue folded sheets, plain envelopes. Fresh Films In Stock to Fit Every Site Camera DEVELOPING, PRINTING tlono In our own Inhorntorlrs hy expert workmen. Send Us Your Films "You'll he pleased with the results." Keep your Vacation 9p. MEDFOUD MAIL 1 U Borotra in Opening Girl Swimmer Clean H Ipiip M;uH-on. 1 7-yonr-nld tit distances from 10( yards to SKATTLK (jT) Five more rec-j 1 500-meter figures to claim 16 onlH atul llelene MmliHon will hold I recoKnized recordH. nil the word's HwimmiiiK tmirks for I In competition this year, Helene women from 100 yards to luOUjhnH eollceted 11 world's nuirltB meters. The 17-yenr-old hiKh selund j?hi who is heiiiK hulled ns the greatest Womini swlnimei of nil time, has only to Hhntler the fino-yard. fiOD metcr, liHMi-yiird. Kioo-moleh and STAGE f 1ST FIGHT PORTLAND. Ore.. July 25. (A1)- A fist fight which other mem- herd of tho Portland Heavers made no attempt to halt, took place just before the Wednesday night kiH' between Carl Mays ami John Wal- j ters, Heaver pitchers, it was re i vented last night. Club officials ! had attempted to hush up the affair. I Mays suffered a broken nose and Ian injury to a rib, and 'Walters was badly bruised about the eyes, face and lips. The fight took place 1n the eluh house. Other players knew It was going on. reports say. but derided to let the two pitchers have It out. It is reported Mays and Wallers have been unfriendly for some time. BKRMN, .July 2r. (P) Max Hchtnellng, world's heavyweight champion, today whs rescued from Scharmeutzel hike, southeast of - u SICKNESS IDE HER HI FALL OUT AND TURN GRAY A Specialist Started Her to Using Lea's Hair Tonic Which Ban: y v ished All Traces of Gray x nnd Stopped It Fall- " Ing Out ;iT HAIR AS YOUTHFUL AS WHEN 20 YEARS OLD "It was ten years aejo that a Mpell of sickness caused my hair to begin fallinK out, and turning gray and at that time I was told In bo ffin uainff Mm. Idea's Hair Tonic, It is wonderful what it will do for the hair and an occassional appli cation to my scalp has kept my1 hair perfect ever since then.' de clares Mrs. Aitnes MarfchAU, who like thousands of otherB hnve found Lea's the finest preparation lor the hair that money ran buy "Since getting such splendid rc - sails myself, I have often urged nnd growing out thicker and more others to try It, and they too have beautiful. If the reader' wishes to obtained the same pleasing results, (ry Lea's Hair Tonic, let them ob Kven some of the brauty shops use tain a bottle of local druggist, or it since they learned of what it send dollar bill, stamps, money or will do. from me. So you see I der or check to the well known am a sincere endorser, and gladly Lea Tonic t'o, llrentwood, . Md. end my picture that you may I hoy gladly fill your order by mail clearly see how nice my hair is. and guarantee absolute sstisfac I would hate lo toll you how oldition or money refunded if in six I am for you would never believe weeks you are not entirely pleased it. My hair actually look like ill and delighted. TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, Needs Only Five World's Marks For Sweep From 100 Yards Up To 1500 Meters StMtllu IiIrIi wliool girl, tills ycr l,.Vm meters, slio needs only five In from JiM) yards to a 'mile. Four tif the five shehns not yet gar nered lie Intermediate hetween her sprint speed and her milu endur ance drive. ' - " ' 1 Consequently It is regarded as If sufficient finances can f be winning will be raised, Bedford's prize swimmer, t'.urdon Turner sent to Toronto, Canada, to take part In the big Wrlgley wwlm Au gust 2". Mrs. Kve Benson has attempted for several days to in terest local organizations to make the trip possible. Tho expenses would entail approximately $700. If finances are assured within tho next few days. Turner, -a graduate of Med ford high school. WHI begin a strenuous training period for one month, under the j tutt.Ug,. (lf F o u r ri e r. The j M,ntrrd Chamber of Commerce hiH (ho nmlll,r linar t.nsidera- ... urC()ninK . m-esent in- j dilutions, tbero Is some doubt! i whether the trip ran ho made. Turner Is regarded ns one of tho' best swimmers In the state and In a swimming meet nt Klamath j Kalis last year, took an endur ( ance prize. Berlin when his motorboat capsized during a storm. The champion was speeding his. boat when It upset In rough wa tor. Another motor racing coming along behind hauled Max out and ho appeared nono tho worse for his spill. did when I was a girl of twenty, and not a sign of gray," continued Mrs. Marshall of Komulus, Mich. Thouxunds of men and women use l-a's though even an expert cannot detect it. 1-ea's works so nicely and gradual, the day by day improvement, and disappearance ot gray is seldom noticed by friends, hut in a few weeks time the user is am mod to note the closest search shows no gray hair. The hir and scalo aoDear healthier i OREfipy, FRTDAY, JULY 25 1930, tins 'ctiptlriiWl 1 1 AVorliVs- swlmmln- records f(r woincii. CnmieUiii lei'medittlc murks for ii closed monoioly wIlliiiiK tho rnngc. highly prohahle that when she, turns her. attention toward them, they too will go her way. , The Seattle mermaid clipped 14.S seconds off the mile hiark at the Xationnt Outdoor Hwimming tour- nament In Kos Angeles In July and she. should have no trouble signing up the 1 r00 meter 'record when she goes after it. With Rod and Gun In Rogue Valley i ('.: ' -By Ernest Rostel and Dick Green Trout thrive best where the dally maximum temperature does not ex ted fiS degrees and the temperature variation throughout the day is not too great, accord ing to general opinion of sports men. Many people once believed that trout thrived Jiest where the water was coldest, hut many fish eulturlsts now deny this theory. Among; others, .lan Metzelanr, biologist of Michigan, believes that extreme wntor temperature una kept many plantings of yoiinu trout from .matui'liiK. Trout shun water that Is either too warm or too colli, nnd tho same holds true for other fish., A stntgeatlon oc one way of eontrolInK temperature Is to plant n fringe of hrush or small trees nlnnK the hanks of small Ntreanis which nre hnrren of cover. The Rogue river nt the present time Is ns low as It was last fall and steelhead fishing Is reported to he tho poorest In recent years, yulte a number of Med ford fish ermen have made trips to the river nnd have had little success, llr, F. C. Thayer reported yester day that ho has boon to the river several times during the past week nnd has not lieon successful since ho landed a good slwd steelhend nearly two weeks ngo. The steel head nre not moving In tho river nnd recent reports Indicate they nre congregated In cooler side streams nwaltlng better condition!". In the opinion ot W. P.. Cole man, state superintendent of fish screens, the closing of the ltoguo river to commercial fishing n few years ago In that area from (Inints Pass to Hell's (late has re sulted in n lilg Improvement In the number of salmon reaching the upper water!' of the river. Pish, fortunate enough to es cape commercial fishermen at tho mouth of the river, always mot sure capture when thoy ran Into the nets of commercial fishermen near Crams Pass. This method practically cleaned the river of tlsli. The catch of six salmon, one of the best of tho season, was re ported by Kd Whiteside. H. It. Doltrich nnd Hoy Smith. Thoy made the catch last Sunday In the Kokoc river near Trail. Davis Cup - Challenge i rMTnuf nn it nn'.Tiinrr iiiilf Tir In past record swimming, j sprint performer was one thlnj? jam! n distance swimmer another. AVith Helene ne distance seems to j look the same as another. j To prove her right to the title of the nn-ntcsl woman swimmer of all lime, she has not only broken 11 records hut has defeated the record holders with ease. Recalling President Hoover's visit to the Rogue river two yearsjnf, M-anal league game, beating ago on a fishing trip, the follow lug recently appeared In the Christian Herald: We were seated on the porch of the Hoover home in Washing ton, looking out over the garden that Mrs. Hoover had kept very much in Its native state, writes .Uan Poling. In a moment of re laxation I w.ild: "I know the rinest spot for trout in Oregon." Mr. Hoover grinned and re plied: "Ves, that's what they all aay!" He was reminiscent for a mo ment before ho picked up tho conversation to tell of the trag edy of a southern Oregon trip just after his campaign for the presidency, when he found half n dozen reporters and two moving picture machines In tho stream ahead of him. After an interval of silence he concluded: "There is just one thing more Intimate than fishing praye.r!" (. Coast League Yesterday I'.y the Associated Press. , : R. H. Missions '... 2 10 Portland 6 -11 l'lllotte and Hoffmann Ortman and Palm. R. If. E. Sacramento 10 10 2 Los AiikoIcs 0 10 3 Thomas, Koehler and Wlrts; Walsh, Peters, Clubler, ltallou and Warren. R. H. E. Oakland 10 17 2 San Francisco B 10 2 Hurst and Lombardl: Perry, Turpin, Colemun and Oaston. R. H. E. ftollvwoml 1 .1 1 7 1 i Seattle 4 13 1 Vdo nnd Severeid; Reuther, Krause, .Hanson and Borreani. OLD FOE OUT IN FIRST SKAtTTX July '25. P) teslib "WHitrnt Oartt'i. former Kverett rrsiilont, wns victor toilay over his ottl rival, ' Doe" Snpll, for merly of Taeoma. for the first time In five meeting nfter ro vealinK a ncwly-fouml ripht-hnnd pum-h. Ho knocked Sncll out In one minute. 14 seconds of a scheduled eluht-round hont Inst night, with Turk iVinpsey ns referee, LAME BACK ACHES, PAINS OR STIFFNESS ' RELIEF 0VERN1CHT MIKE MARTIN'S LINIMENT.. DIRECTIONS WITH BOTTLE TNAtNII. 7V! I I FEW CENTS ALL DRUG STORES PITCHERS ALSOTHREE WAY TIE" HIT HOMERS IN ADDS INTEREST MODERN GAMESIN COAST RACE - ) ; ; Lively Ball Takes Thrill of; j Circuit Clout From Major! Contests Brame Leads, List. By Illicit S. Fullerton. Jr. Associated Press Sport Writer. About the . time Iiabe Ruth astounded the world of baseball by hitting 29 home runs in one sea son, a feat described In the next official baseball guide as "a regu lar mastodon of a record." it was something almost as amazing when a pitcher knocked the ball for the circuit. In the current era of long distance hitting, with the Babe traveling along far ahead of the pace that brought him the current record of tit) homers, it is fo com mon for pitchers to hit home runs that even the moundsmen who do It hardly get a thrill. Ho fan this season 15 pitchers have hit 2S of the National league's Ti-13 homers while eight American league moundsmen have driven out nino homers of tho cir cuit's 4:1!). iSrvtn JJrame of Pitts burgh has hit three home runs to lead this array while a few days ago Phil Collins of the Phillies connected fur two In one game. Kolp (Jets One Ray Kolp of Cincinnati was the only htirlcr to tui'n the trick yes terday. Jlis homer in the second inning of the first ga'me between the Jleds and J4rooklyn gave Cin cinnati a 3-0 lead and with one later run was enough to win the game 1 to 3. Brooklyn came back and took tho second game 9 to 0 before rain- stopped them in the sixth inning. The Cubs were unhampered by the weather at Philadelphia and after 2 1-3 hours of slugging came out ahead hy a 10-15 score. The same storm that stopped Brooklyn's proceedings, gave tho New York (Slants a 10 to 0 triumph ovr Pittsburgh. Boston's Braves won the remain St. Louis fi-4. Babe Ruth ngnin provided a big feature of the American lengue's day hy clouting his 30th homer as the New York Yankees defeated Detroit 5 to 2. and put Ituth 12 games ahead of his 1027 pace. Koxy Homer Helps Jimmy Koxx, Philadelphia's long distance star, also hit a homer and although it was only his 27th it meant more at tho time than did Ruth's. Koxx's circuit flow was made in the ninth inning with the score tied and gave the Athletics an 8 to ti triumph over Cleveland. It also put the A's five games ahead of the tottering Washington Senators, who were the victims of an uprising on tho part of the Chi cago White Sox and lost a 10-4 decision. The Boston Tied Sox threatened to make another change in the Anierlcan league standing, coming within a half game of St. Louis with un 8 to 5 victory over the Browns. FOR Ifl CENTS Corn, Callous, Roots and AD Come Out Pain Gone Instantly iittlOES DON'T HURT RESULTS GUARANTEED Many n man and woman has ex- claimed O-Joy when they found i their corns and callouses gone pain gone and shoes hurting no (more. Pay a dime for an envelop nf B!v A T . . 1 1 ' ti . i' v-uuj, bum ..tilers, rresa Ita wafer, thin ns caner. on thn jcorn, slip on shoes, pain is gone. 'Later peel off wafer and out comes corn, callous, roots and all. Abso lutely guaranteed. No bulky dough nut pads or burning adds. Just a wafer, thin as paper. Avoid higher .priced , substitutes. O-Joys ara newest, best remedy yet. Six for di. t druggists, BASEBALL LAREVIEW I " I vs. ' . MEDFORD .SUNDAY j 1 S: 30 f M. at Fair Grounds Ladies' 25 cents A pitchers' battle between .. Best and Baker Fifty per cent of net pro ceeds to go to Frank Chester to defray doctor and hospital expenses. JOHN H. LOCK Painting Decorating Fine Interior Work a Specialty Phona 118 II Missions Share Pinnacle With Acorns and Shieks ; As Portland Cuts Red Win Column. By the Associated Press. The Missions are no longer alone In first place, ns Portland beat them last night, 5 to2, with Oil man besting Ted Pillette on the mound. The Reds scored In only the sixth inning, falling to bunch hits. Sacramento knows today what it is like to trim Los Angeles, altho they still trail in their series, hav ing beaten the Angels, 10 to C las'i night as Kay Thomas struck out seventeen men, and held the Angel hits scattered. Oakland won from Fan Fran cisco by 10 runs to 5 nnd by five homers to three. Coleman, Seal relief hurter, knocked two four Jiaggcrs, as did Arlett, who hit one right handed tiud the other left. . Hotlywdod is in the three-w:iy tie. having again trimmed Seattle easily, 1 :i to 4: The Stars' seven runs off Ruether in the fourth round put the game away. SHE SUFFERED Willi BAD CASE OF PILES Doctored a Lot But She Gain ed No Relief Simple Remedy Finally. Found HEALS AND ALSO RELIEVES PAIN "I suffered oo with bleeding piles I could hardly lie down or sit down at times. The doctor seemed un able to help me, and I was afraid would have to be operated on. I already had suffered more or less this way for severul years, and tried salves, and lots of other things. Then I saw a Colac Pile Pill advertisement in the St. Louis Times. The first bottle was nearly gone before ! could see results, but after that they proved as good as can be. They are healing to the bowels, nnd relieve that dreadful pain, and knowing how many wo men suffer, I gladly write to say you can refer to me as. one who praises Colac Pile Pills, always,", writes Mrs. W. H. Copcland, Sud; heimer. Mo. Thousands of grateful men and women have found these little! pills, taken with a swallow of' i water at meal timis, go deep down : inside to- the roots of the trouble, and healing, soothing and banish , ing the cause work, almost as if by 1 magic. No salves, suppositories or X ' ugly operations anymore for them.' f ;If the reader suffers with piles in any form, obtain at your druggist or direct, and use on positive guar antee that treatment will banish; pain, and symptoms to complete satisfaction or mono back. If j out druggist can obtain of his job-; oer ior you or send 7ac tor regu lar bottle, of 45 pills, postage paid,' to Colac Chemical Co., Brentwood,. Md. . ' WM. HARVEY . Talent, Ore. You are Invited to present this coll pon at the Mail Tribune office "i receive two TO A TALKING PICTURE i, PROGRAM: AT .THE ftCTHKMl In t mint I Til lillaaas f As a Subscriber Guest of the MAIL ' TRIBUNE WATCH THIS 8PACE. If you an a subscriber to the Mall Tribunt your name may appear here tomor row! Onry subscribers' names will be published and, during the dura tion of this offer, all subscribers will be fllven an opportunity to en joy FREE shows as" GUESTS OF THIS PAPER. NOW plAYINQ "Dance Hall" FREE TICKETS