Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 21, 1930, Page 8, Image 8

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    1 i
Air Tour Due 3 P.M., to
r Open Program at Port
Committees Named City
Council, C. of C. and
Legion Co-operating.
Tho offlclul ftchedulo of the Pa
cific North went (ilitour, aponnured
by th? National Aeronautical att
Hoclutlon, brought to thlH city to
day by RusHetl La who n, vlco proH
ident of the nHHoclatlou, itunieH
Monday, Auguiit 4th, bh dato for
tho Mf-dford Htop, It wan announc
ed (hlH morninp, following a meet
ing of representatives of tho cham
ber of commerce, city council air
port and American Luglun com
mittoen .with Mr. Luwhoii. Tho
celebration to be given under uuh
pices of the Med ford i'owt, Ameri
can Lotflon, following official dedi
cation of Mcdford'H new airport,
will bo held on tho name day.
Tho program will open with the
arrival of the fleet at 3:00 o'clock
Monday afternoon.
. Nanio Comiiillti'CM
CommltteeH appointed today to
luindlo tho colebratlon and dedica
tion arritngementu are:, Hcety Hall,
chulrnuin; ticket committee, .Hob
Deuel: tmfflc, Lt. O. O. NlcholH;
publicity, Horace -Bromley, l!. T.
Baker, Herb Gray, Ham Friedman
and Earl Fehl; police and parking,
C. V. Tengwald; dance, W. H.
Fluhror; ceromonlcH, J. O. Orey,
K. M. WIlHun. It. B. Hammond,
Afnyor A. V'. IMpen, J, C. Thomp
son and Hcely Hail; field, Fred
8c he f Pel; hoxpiLallty, VV. H,
(Mooko) Mulrhead.
. y Aerial NtunlH
Htunt hIiowh and all typeu of ex
hibition, flying will follow arrival
of 'the Iurget tilngle fleet of alr
planoH ever bunded together In ono
troupe in tho Iaclflc Norlhwem.
Ftindd for financing tho Medford
ntop will be partially rained from
the danc6 to be given In the hang
ar building on (he preceding Kut
urday by the local pout of the
American Legion.
The jirogrum will bo In chargo
of the Legion and tho dedication
! In charge of tho city council und
chamber of commcrco commlt-
ThO flOOt Will HtOp -Ut Cltll'H
In Oregon, WaHhlngton und Idaho
between the dato of July 2tlth und
AugUMt bth.. There will bo ten
night btopH and eleven noon atopH
hr tho J0-day Jaunt. Melford Ih
fnrtunnto In being chosen a one
of. the cltieu for night atopH. The
planca will arrive bore at 3:00
o'clock, giving plenty of tlmo fur
tho threo hour ahow.
Tho ooniplete llnu-up le:
'July ZD -r- Vancouver, WiinIi.,
leaving at in n." m,; Yuklma, Wn.,
fur' the "night atop.
;.July ao-'-PaHCo, Wnah,, noon
atop; Kpokuno. Wanh., -night atop.
.Jul . ti 1 Moucow, Idaho, noon
ntop; C'larkHton, Wash., and Lew
laton, Idaho, night atop, arriving
at .3:00 P- m. ,
Augunt 1 -La Orande. Ore.,
noon atop; Baker, Ore., night atop.
Augunt , a -Pendleton, Ore., noon
atop; Portland, Ore., night atop.
: August D Tillamook, Ore., noon
atop; tialem, Ore., night atop.
Align-! 4 NprhigfleM, On.,
MONDAY, .1 1 ' LY 21. 10:10.
noon atop; Mcdfortl, Ore., night
Augunt C Hllverton, Ore., noon
atop; Corvallla, Ore., night atop.
August tl KcIho, WhhIi., noon
atop; Ta co m a, Waah., night atop.
AugUHt 7 t'hehalls, WaHh., noon
atop; Keattle, Wan It., night atop.
Augunt It Port AngclcH, Wanh.,
noon atop and finlah of the tour.
Will liifft"Mmto
Tho Pacific North weat Air Tour
aHHoclation will be Incorporated
under the Ijivvh of Oiigon ua a
perpetual body to handle the air
toura of the future, Mr. Lawaon
atatcd today. Knell n-preHcntatlve
from tho different cities will Horve
on the boai'd of dlrcctora of the
Dave Long, manager of the Boo
ing field, Heiittle, will be president
of tho association for thin year.
Curtiaa L. Hill of Tacoma, vice
preHldent; C. K. Seavey of Baker,
aocretary; ClmrlrK HeyrmlflH, Kll
vtrlon, treasurer; HuhhcII Lawaon,
chairman of the hoard of directors
and Maurice F. Wright, executive
Farmer family
Man, Wife and Son Found
Hacked to Death in Burn
ing Home Brother Finds
Grim Tragedy.
8AI.EM, Oio., July 21. (P) An
an iwlfroct outcome l a hcarlim
hold horo Hcvciiil weeks ago when
un effort was mado to oust Maflon
county's horticultural coiiinilanion-
er, S. II. Vun Trump, in charKeB
Indeed by II. S. Mdrrlnm, memlior
of tho stalo hoard of horticulture,
a group of Wood hum IV 11 1 1 Browoi'H
huvo lulil heforo DlHtrlct Attorney
Caruoii und iiiinlorn of tho Btulu
hoard of control new charKos
f;iRiiinnt Van Trump.
They aver that Van I rump has
hoen colloctiiiK Inapectlon feeH for
aeveral yeara on slrawhcrry iiIhMh
phlpped outHide the atato when
thoro Ih no ih'ovIhIoii of law for
auch ItiHpectlon feeH.
Vun Trunin hliiiBolf reudlly ad-
mits recolvinn tho money for aueli
feea hut conieH hntdt at the charKeB
hy declaring tho feea wero author
ixnd hy an action of the Hlivto hoard
of hortlculturu about seven yuai'H
Clyde (.. Klfblniir, who haa re
turned to thla elty front the Clti
ona M Hilary Training camp at
Vancouver harracka, brought with
him a medal for inarkmnanahlp,
won In camp competition.
Other Medford Hludcnta, who
have returned from camp and are
cnthiialaatln In their pralae of tho
brand of henna cooked there and
the activities offered are Thomaa
H, KmmeiiH, the golf champion,
Itoger J. Heudlnu, - Donald 10.
Moore, "Junior"-Port or, Dolwln O.
Htiiart, Hill 1 Walker and Cheater
I. Webb.
Young Klchtner will apend the
1 an miner vacation working In hla
father's garage, whero ho went on
i duty ttils morning.
Attack MliilHtei.
VIENNA, July 21. OP) Advices
from J luc barest this afternoon
stated an unidentified student en
tered the home office and fired
threo revolver shota at Constuntln
Angeleacu, acting minister of tho
Interior, wound I ni htm serio'cly
' The $32,000,000
Oregon Market
ANNUAL lurnovr of
$32,000,000 provldci Eugcn
rtildtntf with mplt money to
' purch, tny tdvcrtlitd good,.
Selling them li taty through the
evening end Sunday Regiiler.
Agriculture, timber, end manu
facturing have an annual turnover
of $8,000,000 each. Public lerv.
Ice companies, wholeiallng, and
the Univertlty of Oregon do another $8,000,000.
Five hundred retailer, and 38 wholcialeri (plus five farmcra co
operatives) make Eugene the retail center for 60,000 people. Buy.
erf arc Increaiing loot Eugene'i population, now 18,872, gained
76 In the lait ten years, while the county grew SI .
Meanwhile, the Eugene Register's circulation grew 73 faster than
the population. Only four newspapers In Oregon carried more
than 5,000,000 lines of advertising last year three of them are In
one city, the fourth was the Register. More classified space (over
;. ;" 1,000,000 lines) was bought In the Register than any other dally
of the same tlse In the country.
" ' Small wonder that local advertisers (who imow) prefer the Register.
Its dominant circulation alone would make for that
Every 4mf 510,034 Ortjien bttvttrt rad tht-M twt!v
MoftitMn Ntwtpaptmi
AHH Atlerimn Oren City ffilfrpriit
GrtjttH Pm tmrnit mUm C.pttml.J9vrtmt
l rait MtraW-Ntwi Tttt Dalll CtVaaicft
rtlonfT ' tan FrantlM Lai Antli
(if aCLCrNV jl
O H I 0 O N
. Copy of an d recently run In Printer. Ink by twelve OregcA news
papers, of which lha Mail-Tribune is one, by Mogensen A Co., news
paper representatives.
f JEN EVA, HI., July 2 1 . (!)
The Charlea A. Anderaon family
man, wife and lS-year old aon
were hacked to death with an ax
in their fiirm hofiie early today.
An attempt to eraHC the crime
by setting fire to the houae fail
ed. Tho body of Charlea Antleraon,
r5 yeara old, waa found ncroaa hla
bed, the deep giiHhea of the ax
blade upon hlti head and body.
In another room lay tho ' aon
WIlliH, who had been cut and
beaten with the weapon but who
waa atill alive. He died without
r'Kalning coiiscIoukiichh.
The body of Mra. Anderson, 4S
yeara old, waa found on the liv
ing room floor. Healdo her lay
the blood covered hand ax.
Her brother, Charlea La ran n, 40
yeara old, waa niiiiihing In u win-
dow. attempting to enter the burn
ing house, when nelhbora, attract
ed by the Hlght of flamea, reached
the fa (-in yard.
Ouatoniera In the I'nited Slates
make the manufacture of lhUor In
Canada a luerittlve biiHlneaa, O. l
Alemlerfer, recently returned from
a trip to Toronto, told mom bers
of tho K I wan in club at the HoK'I
Medford at noon luncheon today.
Despite tho fact that there 1m no
prohibition law In Canada, the
apealter aald he aaw lews lntox!ci.-
tl oil there In tho ordinary courae
of oventa than ho would see in the
Hulled HI lit oh with, prohibition.
Air. Alenderfer deacrlbed por
tions of the big Toronto ceremo
nial and told of the visit with bis
mother In Michigan. Ah another
Hpcakei on the program. He v. Alex
ltennett told of his trip to Seattle
and to Aatorla, telling of the ae -livlly
of tho Astoria Kiwania club,
Miihl to be one of the moat active
In the slate.
Imiuliictt by letter today at the
police station Indicated that Med
ford mluht bo a pert for mlHslmx
Mra. Wank wrote from San
llornardino, Cnl., seeking Informa
tion of her brother. William Thor
Nelson, Who Ih believed to be in
this vicinity. Mrw. Mary Converge
wrote from Modesto, Cal., seeklnc
her sister. Mra. Sara Lumsden, 3e
yeai-M, believed to be living n
southern Orejion. Mrs. K. Hprlnu
er of laiita Monica, Cat., Is anxious
to locate Itev. Kdward McHride.
who laat was heard of near Med
ford, receiving treatment for n run
down condition at a apiinga report,
lie hail been carrying on revival
M n Ma hie Miller wrote from
Seaside, Ore., seek Inn her father,
42. believed to be residing In the
Thompson creek section.
Lawrence Hrown. son of John
llrown. who formerly resided in
Central I'oint, Ih on? of six Pacific
coast pilots In tho American Air
derby, which starts today from le
trqlt, Mich. Hrown Ut flying Cali
fornia Cab, ,o, 4.
TVo trip lnclud"N 7,000 miles,
with n stop at Atlanta on the At
lantic coast, Loh Angeles on the
Pacific coast, one In Ctah. after
which they will return to Detroit.
Lawrence Hrown Is a cousin of
Mrs. Cnrold .1. Parker of this city.
WAHIIIW.TON. July 2 1 . tV
The seizure at Xognle. Art!,, of
two lots of p tu in a from Mexico. In
fested by the fruit fly. was report
ed today by the department of
A. S. 1toentmuni. district pas
aenyer aent for the SoutluQn Pa
rifle company, nturmil r sierday l mi ,.uhiikit i.u irom "'" Alil-riAILtJnUUMJr TUil
from San Prancweo io wnicn cny inn. wiui , ..... puinAPrt AMn CPDKAMF
ho accompanli-rt tho Mrnnian liar- Kc.inj; to Anui-li-a. A rot urn LHILAoU AIMU irUNAIVE
ty of 62 Modfurd pooplo who had; limit of 1- I'ejvd was
i-l on the
Ml Modford Klid.'iv evenlllK. tal;.
iiiB advantage of low nttos to Kan
Fian'i'o and l.o.s AiHT'1!''. flvr
Modford Crator Tjiko Ohiowhy.
S'l'. I'AL'I.. .Minn.. .Inly 21. VP)
' .AriTincrn'-nt for an air-rail
hookup itli a :i-honr .as-ni!ir, A.shland. cherry crop In this
...rvi.o h.twoon fhl.a-.o and K,.o-! r k30'U00' ie
; ltoot & pinkos, oiioratins th Ash
kanu wan annoiinicd here todayi luni, j..rut tonilKi,l5.,
hy ill.- Noi thwcsti-rn railway. j 1 .
Chantto from rail to nir or llir N'owhorj;. Fred OulliclKe pur
m rail will Ijc mado horo I i-hasoil 1'nrlty liakory.
New and Finer AlbElectric Airline Radios
' areffere
fearless, undaunted bringing lasting treasures of glo
rious radio performance! They sound the depths of true
tone value! They soar the heights of sharp selectivity.
Six great new AIRLINE CONQUERORS The Balboa, The
Cortez, The Alexander, The Galahad, the De Soto, The
Coronado are here! And the splendor of their radio
performance lives up to the glory of their namesl
New Personal Tone Control
Radio's Greatest and Latest Achievement!
The Airline Conquerors bring for your pleasure radio's
. latest achievement, PERSONAL TONE CONTROL! It gives
you radio reception as you choose to hear it. Turn the
selector knob to "bass," and the mellow, moving tones
of the tubas, drums, and bass viols swell into bold reson
ance. Turn to "treble" and the sweet voices of the
violins linger like pleasant memories.
The Airline Conquerors bring you almost unlimited
choice of the finest programs on the Air. They have all
.the features, the beauty, and the quality of the most
expensive radios on the market today, yet Ward's prices
save you from $50 to $751
are ' ffere'-' .. I
'midXmtMSk The Airline Conquerors range in price from ?
WMMWMmM&P- $79.00 to $151.00. A small Down Payment Z
IW-mHXmHBi' WPpaM brinSs any one of these champion enter- 1
WSWAimFtMWMi tainers to your home, and the balance you '-
'M carefmMn convenient payments, as low as :
ftftf CmeinLandHcarThcscFine,Ncv '
Mill llll Illllllsssss llllllll'lIBIIII'KiPiBaB'
' -'O