Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 21, 1930, Page 4, Image 4

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Medford Mail tribune
Diity and Bundty
publhbed by
ts-ar-B n. rif bi. Ptw f I
. W. RUHL, Editor
. gUMfTBB BM1TH, Hof
An Independent Nunptptr
Entered u u-cvnd elm mitttr it Mtdford,
Ortgoo, tmdtc Act of Mitrii 8, 18TP.
Br Mill In Aduiire:
DtUj, with Sundir. r ..T.60
Dally, itii HuiHlar, Bufiih.... TO
Utllr, K bout Hundaj, jr -&
Dill, wlOrtut Bundiy, Bontb 85
fluodv, orw yew 2.00
By Curler, In Adtnce - Medford, AihlainJ,
Jkwmllle, Ontril I'uinl, Ptioeuli, Went, Uold
WD) od on lllilmin:
Dsilf, with Bunder, OHinth I .TO
Dally, without Bundtr, month OK
1allr. tflltwut Sunday, one year T.OO
pelJy, erltb Bunday, one yar 8.00
AJ1 taraa, cash In adtanee.
Offtdal paper of the City or Medford.
Official pupr of Jackson County.
Heetlftijg Kull Lmed Wire 8ertlre
Tba Aiwclated Pteu la eicludittly entitled to
the um for publication of ail newi dhpaUliea
credited to It or otherwle credited In thl paper,
tod alio to tlie (oral newt published herein.
All rlghti for publication of vpeclal dlpatcbei
brreln are alio reaerred.
A, B, C. ateratfe circulation fur ill oolhi
ndin March 81, 1U30, u 4X2:4.
liallr average dlitrlbutlon for li nuutbi to
Mirth 31, 1M30 40T5.
Pretest net paid A. B. C. 4459.
Preaent nrew run, li06,
Adertllng ftc'irtwiiUl'lm
Offlcea In New York, Clilcatfu, Detroit, Ban
rrandico, Lot Anfetei, beattn, fuiriaou.
Ye Smudge Pot
(By Arthur Prry)
If tho higher Institution!! nf
learning were In operation now,
the collegians would he coming
home on their woek-cndH, wearing
"HhortH." ,
. PorBonal feeding of hiilonoy to
vanity, In a gay, soml-ldlotlo way,
continue!. '
Should or should not pancako
he cut wedgo-Bhape before pouring
on the Hyrup? CKngene HoglHtcr)
A Klaggei lng prolilein of propriety
In the oPimi .circles of society.
What does It profit a mold, to
journey to a lake, barelegged, and
then be forced to combat the mos
qultoH, by snunttlng on thum?
A Turk 15G years old, and look
ing It, has arrived in this country,
to get a set of falso teeth. He
claims he never had. a drink in
bis life. It's about time,
(Wallace, Nobr., Call)
The brldo Ih u .woman ,of
wonderful' fascination and rc
murkablo attractiveness, for,
with' a manner as .enohunting
as the wand of. u siren and a .
disposition as sweet as the 1
odors of flowers, and n spirit
as joyous as iho caroling of
birds, and a mind us brilliant
as the glittering tresses that
adorn the brow of Winter, and
with a heart as. pure us tho '
dowdrops trembling in a oor
onot of violets, she. will muke
the homo of her husband u
parudlse of enchantment,
where the heaven tuned, harp,
of Hymon ' shall ' send forth
those sweet strains of felicity
that thrill tho sense with the
estatlc pulsing of rhythmic
rapture.',' , -; , ,
It 46m not appear that It will
get hot enough this summer, for
any extensive roof tarring In the
hie. district, In accordance with
established custom.
A'; world survey of motor car
ownorshlp reveuls that In Abby
nlnia there' Is only one cur for
every 17,891 Inhabitants., Under
this, pro rata, each car hus 1 7
lights, and 891 horns only ono of
the. lights functioning. ' .
'F. "Wortman of riiocnlx towned
Bat. lie camo In a reculcltrnnt 4d,
which caused him to unleash ' a
mighty Presbyterian cuss-word,
namely: "Dad Ketch-It."
"Thi girls are draining my gas
olino tank? brains und my pocket
book. (Agony Col. Chlco, Calif.,
Knterpiise).- Now is the time tu
spray for codling moth.
The womenfolks are bailing
flies with vim and vigor, the more
indolent using a poor grade of
perfume, that Is supposed to drive
away the files, but works that way
only on their better Vfc's.
ASV Carpenter has gone to Cal
ifornia, being unable to wait until
Tho edttur'H Httontlon has bvpn
culled to one or two cltixftm of
thin community who wear winter
underwear througlt the Hummer.
"We nlnrtiey doull If wo cun tin
anything -uhotit it. Aftor enrcfu!
thought on the nnhject. wo huvii
nrrtvvd ut the conclusion thut the
folkn flro nn weaker minded tlmn
their friend who nndnt In wrr
Ing nummer underwear throuph
the winter, In fact, they httve
more arnumnt on their eldo when
they nay thnt henvy clothing keopn
the' hent out. We don't helievn
It though or we would he weur
Inff our overcoat. Lome oko man
reunited It In inability to understand
clothing ri'quirtMiiunttt for HoaonH
when hl wife hrnvt epio wotither
hurehemlnl ami with "prndlcully
itothinK on" while In iu miner the
wore fut-H und a coat. We a to
going to rontinue out oid-ftifthton-ed
Id en of dt?wlnK like wo want
to until iiume law reguluteK our
wardroho '(rthelhina. Mo., Do nut
. .. Pn-iwilns ( u bl net Hill
HALEM. On.. July II. m
).. McAllister of Hnlem, mruther
nf the fitnle legislature, will lie
In Portland todiiy to prepare u
negative argument on the hill pro
viding for a cabinet form of gov
ernment for Oregon. The argu
ment will appear In the volern'
ACCORDING to press reports, the American Bar Association
Citizenship committee declares the Federal Farm Hoard
program is a "vicious and and unconstitutional attempt to de
base our great commonwealth into a Soviet Republic" and "is
foredoomed to failure." ,
We don't believe many students of world polities will agree
willi this dielum." The Fiiihi Hoard is trying to stabilize Ameri
can agriculture, and return proxperity to the funnels of this
country. The corner-stone of this program at present is restric
tion of wheat acreage so that American production will more
nearly correspond to the American market demand and the
wheat price rise in response to fundamental economic laws.
IN OTHER, words, the Farm Hoard is trying to improve the
economic, condition of the American farmer, particularly the
wheat farmer. This effort may be doomed to failure, but it is
those organizations, whether Har Associations, Chambers of
Commerce, or self-seeking politicians, who are fighting this pro
gram of farm relief ami offering no substitute program to
achieve a similar end, are doing more to encourage a spirit
of Bolshevism in this country than either the Farm Hoard or
the aid emissaries of the Russian Soviet Republic.
FOR the seeds of Bolshevism in Ibis country can only grow in
a soil of unrest and discontent. And until something CON
STRUCTIVE and beneficial Js done for the American farmer,
this spirit of unrest and discontent will increase, the desire
for some radical political action grow.
Therefore, to claim the Farm Board program is encnnn)giir'
Holshevism is not only untrue; it is the very reverse of the truth.
In fact, the Farm Hoard, in ils sincere effort" to improve farming
conditions, is doing more to' discourage Bolshevism than any
(ither governmental agency in the land.
And those forces seeking to destroy the Farm Board, pre
vent the government from doing ANYTIIINC to better lie. con
dition of the farmer, and who at the .same time offer no prac
tical remedy of their own are doing more to encourage
Holshevism than any other influence, in this country or any
other. .
The Farm Hoard program may be doomed to failure, but
certainly not because it is Bolshevistic, too radical, but be
cause it is NOT RADICAL ENOKOII. ir it fails, the reaction
will not be toward measures less extreme, but more so. ,
IT CAN'T be pointed out too emphatically that, right or wrong,
the Hoover farm relief measure is the only definite program
that has been advanced. Isn't it not only good sportsmanship
but, under the conditions, the only sensible policy, to give it
fair chance; let the administration demonstrate its worth or
worthlessness, instead of trying to overthrow it, before it, even
has n chance to start '
If the opponents of the Farm Hoard had an alternative pro
grain of their own, the conditions would be different. Hut we
have yet to hear that either the I!, S. Chamber of Commerce, the
Bar Association, or any other
troubled world just how the job should and' ('ANT be done', ;.i
. They attack the administrative program tooth and "nil, bin
when asked just what they would propose, they maintain a dis
creet nnd suspicious silence.
CRITICISM of tho Farm Hoard program is perfectly proper,
tho more intelligent criticism the better, for through such
criticism the. program may be gradually improved. Hut the criti
cism thus far has been neither intelligent nor constructive,
merely vociferous and destructive.
It apponrs no more than fair that when the U. S. Chamber of
Commerce., the Har Association committee, or any other organi
zation, demand the repeal of the Farm Relief Act immediately,
they first explain what (bey propose to do to help the American
farmer when this demand is granted.
Certainly, only those who have some definite alternative pro
gram are justified in demanding the abandonment of any farm
relief measure, before there has been a decent opportunity to
put the principles of that measure into effect.
C'orrot't this Nontoucc: "I'll lie lioncsi wit b you, sir," snul
tho waiter', "that dish with tho KrtMih mime is table sertips tlis
uised with a tliossinc."
Sinee his mother ami fathers
Limlber will fly naturally. So
the day he was horn.
Some eolleyre men climb high,
n little superior to "uneducated"
A tiritie says America needs a new religion, omelhiutr, per
haps, thnt will ease the conscience and yet not cramp the styl
What this country needs is a
N Lr'i ,6er our I (oKAfl wHtiieliC ' I (A- me. uvc ituies j- wiAtRe. no lct's go to crwAt)A vou knouA I I ? j Avm, mutt, --T r NO. you stay I
c,1!!,tr,'DT, J WILL UC 60 EL-Jft At-it GOMC, ,T M W GO FROM I AM . S& AMCRtCA TLDcm'T W A H6ART- J HOMl X
An L A SrART?tj LoOKS L,kt W'L1- rl!ilL -miiouGH THe. RIGHT V K ; J "f V TAK NAG GOTTA HAVfe
I,V. J '&,A So TO TMt crank V" OP GLASSeSJ - g&gJQ ALOWG.' J SOMEBODY TD j
I ITIT (-V "'WL llr: .-J i rf' I.. q o fcTy souvenir. i
organization, have informed a
are fliers, says llrishane, ymm j
that explains why .lob cuisimI
anil .some never cease to feel
men like Ford ami Ktlison.
good five-cent tip.
They're the Most Important Part cf the Trip
,,,-. n.... nut.
i 23
' Mirlila before
c will a
ohl.nrnril for .
I. Iff run
'In mini I lie
alicitiTfii hi p
li hid uf dojt
Ntfjmriile inr
llona (if nimi'i'
HI ii ruinating
du vice
ItulM! the
Wurkcr Iti
prvcitj ur Mime
ivrtiiliilntf tu
I'd nil
Tim ii In A tri
bunal I'ifiuli pro-
Tut into larn
N trine
TlKlll NI-UI
Cook (ML-r live
Union of Inter
Solution, of Saturday's Puzzle
A f a RrgSeEraRATrTE
L 1 C M)T A NilE TON
mmwwiE alE3
Alvfe gLjATEN PU R
lTe y r o sesHrede
AIL 1. E NO R glL E N E S
Sp v e R Be o riAES
L0 WfWg L E G A N C E
A 0 A SjjR E IrilC O N
4B. .Nnrroit iirini
me ii tn I fntirica
41. I'arty
411. Outlook
bi, Olm-rtf
SO. fWini liimf
Li. l-'omiliiif mr
fiH. Willi.'
fill, i;inh'ii vors
fil. ;n-nt l.a l. e
lit. Sen re In il n -
or hit
(1.1 Ancient- Irion
fnmily k rim ti
(!l, . mi-rlcnn n.
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I . L I I I rt I I I I
Persona! Health Service
By William Brady, M D
Rlgnftd letters pertaining to persimal health ami hygiene, not to disease, dlngiwul or treatment I
lll be anxwereri by Dr. Ilraily If a itaniiel iclf i.ldrussed envelope U encioneil. Utters nhuuli) he
brief and written In Ink. 0 tnif tn I tie larite numbfr of letters received only a fee ran be aiunered
nere. No mly tin m rnndi t gierien mn ron'orming to insirueuona. Aftares ur. wiinam tirauy
In eara of The Mall Tribune
Infection of tho Hkin, pNporiuHy
of tho foot nnd particularly tho
skin between the toon, by n kind
of rinKWorm fun
Kua called trlcop
h y t o.n. hitH hvj
conio q U 1 1 v fa
miliar to ;eople
who p ntro nizo
b n t h uiattibllh-
montH, Hvinini(iHtl
pool . jtfymna.-:
rUiiiim or other
I-lucoH whore one
w n 1 k h a bout
barefoot or poHHibly uhoh sllp
per or mmdalu which other per
HutiH have used, and the popular
term for this trlcophytosis, titiea
or rltiKworm of the feet Is "toe
itch." ( One nostrum vendor, tak
ItiK his cue from tmoth'.M' who
populnrli:rd u medical term for
foul breath, has' attempted to in
troduce a fluttering name for thin
toe Itch, so that polite people may
discuss It ut the niht club or
In confer I'lice or wherever oxelu
five people do their chatthm. Hut
It is toe itch, by whatever name
you call it.
There Is l9t least one other con
dition, perhaps two, that claim
the tin in.1 of toe Itch by priority.
First, bookworm Invasion is Keti
erully through the skin of the
feet, In areas of the southern
spates, where the soil happens to
be polluted with hookworm larvae
( by the primitive he bits of the
p -epic living ihero). Persons who
(jo haroftxH In cueh places are
likely to develop "dew itih."
' uround Itch" or to; Itch," the
effect of the hookworm larvae
penetrating the skin, especially the
soft skin between tho toes and
; ov r the Instep. Whitfield's olut
1 ment Is .lust s good for this type
it. I'll MB Of a ROll
II. I'Mivlure of
ItrltUh hullo
K. I'erufei
il. Tii in kt urtliHlc
3!:i. I'rinii
i. 'i. littriiiitlon
in. IVrtiilnliiK to
ii. hhv ine live ,
'iti. Aniorlciui lllj
like (limit
3(1. Science of ex
ucl reiiHdiiltiit
VS. tJhlttcho
IS. I.uml Kur-
roiimleO by
n titer
87, tfei-untt
3.S. Talked like a
40. A In lie herb
41. ClirMliJii Ma
1(1' (if hliUth'
ciiHteril l.uicon
43. Itttliii'it fn very
title driii
4i. 'ifrcliHH con-
sona nttt
47. rriifhtcn
43. lliih rnrrliiKt't
cotlo(. ,
50. MoriiM hreiilh-
CI. Jimrncy
ZH. Olii mini for
en rly
At. liifniit'ii ImhI
5. Orjrinin or -vis
R. riuesR
I. OoiIiIcm of
t. HcMitltcrcocl.
8. rormerlj
4. DcehlliiK
6. lilml df nifftt
8. French plnrul
of 3.1 don ii
7. Slaves
5, Kt iilllicl
I). I'lunilcr
l). Shite of tiring
1 t-'ur feiir thiil
of toe itch as It Is for trlcophy
tosis. 1- um not so sure about the
third type of toe itch, for I be
gin to t'uspeet It may be ringworm
after all, but for nmny years we
have recognized an obstinate Itch
ing condition, especially between
the toes, associated with cracking,
swelling, maceration of the skin,
and we have assumed this was
somehow due to excessive sweat
ing of the feet, which usually ac-
eompanlei' It. No matter whether
It Is so .caused or not. In practice.'
Whitfield's ointment or n similar
formula proves a fairly satisfac
tory remedy for this typq, as well(
as it does for the others. j
Some cases do not respond at
till to this remedy. If I had toe
itch or anything like it nnd failed'
to find prompt relief from the
mo of Whitfield's ointment and
complete cure In two- or three
weeks, I should quit fooling and
hotfoot It to 'i doctor, oven a 'skin ,
specialist If I hadn't a good fnm-J
lly doctor. I
The formula ns given to the
medical profession by Whitfield, j
nn Kngltsdi physiclnn, Is:
Hcnxolo acid 25 grains
S'aMcyllc acid 15 grains
Soft pnraffin 2 drams,
Coconnut oil enough to make 1 oz.
As n rule thii should he npplled
at night, and washed off next
morning, and continued each night
for n week, then rest off treat
meet for a week, then nnother
week of treatment If necessary. 1
At the same time It is important
to destroy the parasites or fungi
in the stockings. ', shoes, slippers
nr other foot covering. The best
means of doltw this if probably,
by soaking them with forma Ide- j
by do solution. Kormnldohyde so-
lutinn comes In standard strength
of aomethlns like 37 per cent
I solution of the gas in water. This,
is to be reduced considerably, sayj
' one ounce of the standard "for-,
Imulln' to four or six ounces of.
water. Thua reduced, U may be;
poured In each shoe, swished
around' and drained out, and the
shoe left to dry out a day before
wearing it again. Stockings may
be Wet with the same solution
and hung up to dry.
A Good Sale IMun.
A wife whose expectations have
not been fulfilled sends a sample
of the medicine and a few of the
follow up letters she has received
rrom a mall order charlatan
whose heart (to hear him tell It)
yearns to help all unhuppy wives
whose hopes of motherhood have
been disappointed, for $3.00 with
order or cash on delivery, as you
prefer. The correspondent says
she Is not going to try the treat
ment until she sees my answer In
this column.
Answer U strikes me this
would be a healthful plan for all
readers to follow. If they will
just resolve not to bite till they
get the O. K. from me, the fakers
are going to find poor pickings
among our readers! I am glad
t nffor Hiieh advlce3 as I can to
any wife who has failed to con
ceive after three years of marriage.
but I really wish tney wuuiu uux.
bother me about It until three
years have rolled around without
a bimbo In prospect. And before
we start any argument at all, I
want It distinctly understood by
the silent partner In this little
affair, that I believe the husband
is the- sterile party in at least
half of all barren marriages.
That's all here.
That's All There I.
In the hope of saving n lot of
postage and a bit of my own vaiu-(
able time tat ieasi "
want some free always ns
snrp me It Is valuable), let me
way here that
1. 1 am not prepared to tell
readers which physicians In their
community employ diathermy ex
tirpation of the tonsils.
2. .1 have told all I can tell
about the method here, and I have
no further particulars or infor
mation to send to anybody.
i t niir, nil nnd sundr that
diathermy extirpation is, to my
mind, the method of choice and
that It is now available In every
town where physicians are at all,
progressive. I
How Much for Ilulhlliiff n House?
I am interested in your new,
method of removing tonsils by j
diathermy. Ptense give me full j
particulars nnd tell me how much.
It costs. (15. H. W.)
AnRWer It Isn't my method.
tho I'd prefer it If my tonsils
were to be removed. Diathermy
fxtlrpntlon of the tonsils is some
thing like building a house, mm
cult to estimate cost until you
know Just what is to be done. Do
yOU aSK a UeilUSl I" immc . ...... t
rate for treating your teeth, or do
you ask him to give you an iutu
what the cost will be after he has
examined your teeth?
(Copyright John F. Dllle Co.)
Brisbane's Today
(Continued from oge one)
(Continued from Page One)
Tampa Morning Tribune, wishes
the world to know that In percent
age of population increase Florida
conies second to California only.
Florida's percentage gain is three
times that of the 27 states thus far
enumerated. For one that lost
money in the recent slump hun
dreds will make Florida fortunes In
years to come.
Two Annapolis midshipmen will
be dismissed, 15 others sovorely
punished because two young wom
en, disgtised In Annapolis blouses,
were allowed to dine in the naval
acaileniy's mess hall. It was wick
ed to nllow the two young women
to see the mysteries of the mess
hall. Hut the two young men now
tp bo dismissed might have made
good soldie.8. The secretary of
the navy might read over again the
lustre of young Nelson, greatest
flKhtiug sailor of all time.
When captain of a Hrllish shin
that was coasting up nntl down our
F' ores, during the revolution, he
saw a girl in Canada, fell desper
ately In love, twnudoned his vessel,
worst of all crimes. Ilia friends
carried him back to the ship by
force, kidnaping lilm to save his
teputation nnd honor. Sometimes
energy wasted In n foolish direc
tion means energy to be used later,
When Wolfe asked for a chance
to capture Quebec, he strutted up
Quill Points
Maybe peuple now tell that kind
of Bloiiea In the livint; room he
cause there aren't any livery stables
any more.
It's no wonder the underworld
Is bo rotten when you observe the
kind of Important citizens it pals
One explanation of radio pro
(jrama Is that esuH and vegetables
long past their prime can't em
barrass a loud speaker.
Ono aflvnntogo In being poor
Is thai the fellow who says
yim are a (Trent Riiy hasn't u
note in Ills' pocket tlint needs
Culture is widespread, but in re
mote regions there are ri.ces still
so benighted they haven't even
heard of, a hole in one.
They say that Hollywood dancer
who got a black eye really Is a nice
girl nnd never acts rough unless
she's drunk.
Americanism: Celebrating our
freedom from iKnana; wismng
we were as free as the English.
Poorhouse: A place for tho con
finement of the. poor. Usually call
ed a Jail. .
Modern sin is much like slipping
your shoes off. It isn't vulgar if
nobody sees you.
The easiest way l keep
peace Is to let your wife de-eld-:
all the unimportant (pies
tioas and never have any im
portant ones.
Daughter and her -'boy friend
have an endurance record, nlso.
They stay up until 2 a. m. without
Civilization: Madly cheering a
hero who can knock a little white
ball In a little round hole.
' The four words commonly used
to e x p r ess the maximum In flat
tery are: "Where were you edu
cated?" Old fashioned women nursed
their griefs much longer than mod
erns do. Jt was.the only fun they
Correct this sentence: "Henry
sent me a picture of the resort
hotel," said the friend "but didn't
tell how many blankets he was
sleeping under."
and down boast:ng so much thut his
superior was tempted to dismiss
him. But he did climb the heights
nf Abraham and take Quebfic. dy
ing of wounds on the battlefield.
'"I hero is a cure Mr exuberance,
none for barrenness," that should
he remembered by critics of youth
ful foolishness.
Assurances of protection to .lews
In Humania by the recently return
ed and presumably reformed King
Carol, amount to little.
At liukowine 3000 armed farmers
announce their. in:eni:on to "llnlsh
with the ShumiteB and authorities."
They turn ugainst the government,
declaring tiiat it tried to protect
the Jews."
If those farmers would read the
history of Portugal and contrast II
with the histories of England and
Holland, they would know what
happens to nations that persecute
and drive out Jews, and to nations
that treat them justly. Wait until
Kussia comes, as it will, into the
hands of un aggressive conqueror.
MAUTJXSIiruc. W. Ya., July
21. (JP) The bodice of throe chil
dren, who apparently had been
killed and then hurled into the
waters of a quarry hole near here,
were discovered by four hoy to
day. The children were between
the ages of six and nine years,
lllshnp VC(N.
LONDON July 2 1 .( Rlshop
James Cannon, Jr.. of the Method
ist Kpiscopa! ehun-h nun married
at Christ church. May fair, last
Tuesday afternoon, to a Mrs. Me
Callum. It was miulo known today.
Do Yon Remember?
(From files of the Mail .Tribune.)
July 21. 1920.
Sandy Hook American defend
er defeats Shamrock IV" by one
second, for American cup.
Dllmp C-10 falls into sea.
Slacker Hergdoll's -brother sur
renders, and Oraeks take Adriun
aple, chief world events.
Medford Legion plans amateur
minstrel show.
Roys warned not to swim In
Bear creek In sight of people.
J. A. Perry recovers from In
fected hand, due to clam shell
Dr. E. H. French returns from
Los Angeles, Calif., as result of
earthquake. .
(From files of the Mail Tribune.)
duly 21, 1H10.
Lynching' of negro porter In
Grants Pass narrowly averted.
Hunters prepare for opening of
deer season August 1.
Worst forest fires In history
sweep northwest areas.
Crowds flock to Natntorhim.
Attorney W. 13. Philips and City
Attorney Porter Neff write long
letters to this paper on water
Dr. J. M. Keene leaves to at
tend Republican state assembly
at Portland.
Leon R. Hasklns Is camped In
the, hills in the rear of Dutto
ty Mary Graham lioimcr.
The Utile Black Clock had turn
ed 'the time ahead rso John and
Peggy could travel in a very fine
submarine, capable of going far1
ther down In the ocean than any
other had ever
been able to do.
They were see
ing the creatures
who lived in the
ocean. The sea
nnemones were
like b e a u 1 1 ful
flowers but thej
wore really living
creatures. Peggy
mxv a star fish
give one of his
arms away to
prevent being
caught by ,an en
"He was afraid
he was going to be captured," the
Little Black Clock said, "but he
will be able to grow another."
Then John saw a sea-urchin giv
ing Its Bpine away.
"We'll see more of some of these
creatures before we finish all our
ocean .traveling,' the Little Black
Clock said.
Now they traveled through
warmer wnter and saw coral In
sects living in rocky bottom. John
had nn Idea they were covering a
good deal of ocean territory, for
the boat would rush to one place
and then to another.
What fascinating sights they did
There were barnacles swimming
about and then attaching them
selves to floating seaweed. John
and Peggy had often seen these
Qn rocks.
But of all the wonders they mar
veled mostly at the flowers they
gazed upon and which were really
alive! 'Peggy loved the Portuguese
man-of-war flowers so dellcaely
'blue und with such graceful long
"They could poison you and give
you nasty stings If they wished."
the Little Rlack Clock sail.
"They're alive, too."
"How did they ever get their
name?" John asKed,
"In the old days, when Portu
guese and Spanish pallors were try
ing to outdo each other, the name
was given to these Creatures and
It has belonged to them ever since."
the Little Black Clock explained.
"Oh. there Is so much Mill to be
Tomorrow "More Oeenn Sights."
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