Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 21, 1930, Page 2, Image 2

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pxm two
Tocal and
15.000 Flsli from FMi Idike
Over 15,000 fish hnvc bnen taken
from Flub lake since the munon
opened, Jtotf Purr, game warden,
announced lhl morninK, and mont
of them have been taken out hy
women, pood looking ones too, lie
said. Flahlnw at Hiatt Prairie cun
tlnw to he R o o d. Mr. Puit'h
duufchter Dorothy, nine yearn old,
U boaHtlng of catching n 12-Inch
bafts there yesterday. A party of
people from WaahlnKton, D. ('.,
Hpent yesterday flshlnK at the lak,
and oil wore pleased with their
catches before the end of the day.
At Crescent C'lly
Among the local people who
spent Sunday at Crescent City were
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Allen, Mr.
and Mrs. Chaw. Clay, Mr. and Mis.
Larry Hchade, due Newberry and
Judge Norton.
Sandwiches 10c, including beef
and pork. Sandwich Shop, 21 N.
Bartlett. 123
Jtelurn to Vortliinri
Mru, A. L. Qulsenberry and three
daughters left for their homo in
Portland thin morning by trnln.
following a two week' visit here
with Mm. Qulsen berry's mother,
Mrs. Zon Arnold, and other friends
nnd relative.
Order now 10-Inch green pine
slabs; big loads, 4 tiers, $3.00,
Valley Fuel Co. Phone 70. tf
lfero from Distant Point k
Among tho guests from a din
lance registered at Med ford hotels
or Mr. and Mrs. H. Van CloroVr
and J. N. fltanger of Phoenix, Ariz..
M"; J. Aaron of Pittsburg, Pa.,
David Adler of Chicago; III., C. K.
Hoyden and Mr. and Mrs. If. T).
Herd of merlin, Colo, and A. AV.
Klllott and party of Fairfield, III.
Looao. squeaking wheels are dan
gerous. . Havo them tightened on a
hydi'Mttlc wheel setting machlno 'it
Flchtnor's Garage. 03tf
VIhKw Mi'H. J Inline
Mrs. J5. J. McKen.le of Sun
Francisco arrived on the , Shawta
this forenoon to ho the guests of
Mrs. It. C. Holmes, for two weeks.
Anyone who would llko a bar
gain in a high grado banjo should
call at this offlco and Inspect the
banjo left hero for sale; a sacrifice
regard Iohh of cost. 2Gtf
Pnrn Hmtr- Jtiniim at Axlilimil
Using his own alrplnne, Hob
West, movie stunt flier of Holly
wood, plan to make two partiehute
Jumps at the new Ash In ml airport
next Wednesday, according to plans
ho announced today upon hit re
turn from Lakovlew In eastern Ore
gon where he made three jumps
yesterday. West wan in Medford
10 days nut) In connection with
Jumps mado at tho Medford air
Loose wheels reflet and radiators
ctenned, Van's Oarage, 33 S. Dart
let t. Phono 208. (f
To Construct Heslitetice
C. M, Jlrower will spend iHOOft
to. construct . a residence- on How
Court, according to application on
fl to today at tho city building de
partment, - - -
Krystalglo kodak gloss supreme.
Tho Poasley's, opposite Holly thea
ter. . tf
Tho list of out-of-town callers
In Medford today Includes Miss
IhuIjcMo Hrown -of Kane's Creek, K,
N. Connoly of Hutto Falls, Mrs.
Paul .Martin of Central Point and
Frank Hponcer nnd George Kstes
of Talent.
Fqp best green slabs, nsk driver
or citll Medford Fuel Co. Tel. 031.
in Xlii Heir"
Mrs. C. Hkelly and Mrs. A. C. An
derson of Kugene arrived in Med
. ford this morning from Kimono,
where they will visit Mr. and Mrs.
O. 12. Cullender.
ip Southern- Oregon Electric. will
glvii A free clothe rack with each
'frno-Mlnulo washer nt sale price,
V7.fln. Limited supply. 121
The daily sales of Fluh
rer's Milk Bread are
steadily increasing aft
er five years of phenom
enal growth. There can
be' only ono reason,
"Outstanding qual
ity and service."
That fiiilK'Niutorliil Problem
In picking- the Republican candl
date for governor, a Malheur coun
ty committeeman hutt uh much
voice as the Multnomah represen
tative. Population doesn't count
for anything. And just about one
half of the 30 counties ure In east
ern Oregon. Albany Uemocrat-
Here from C'lnMiiiiiitl
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Purlcliick of
(iielnnati, Ohio, nre in Medford
visiting their son, Ityehen M.
dack. Mr. and Mrs. 1'mldaclc visited
relatives in (southern Colorado nnd
the Grand Canyon before, coming
to Medford. While here they will
visit Crater Lake and other attrac
tions In the valley.
Hemstitching, plcotlng, pleating,
button making and hose mending.
Handicraft Shop. 2 57tf
Former KtwltlWit Visitor
Mr. and Mrs. Collins of Hoek
nway were recent visitors In ttil.-s
city at the home of Mr. i.nd Mrs.
A. C Hubbard. Mrs. Collin, who
was formerly Miss Inez Kitchen,
used to live In Jacksonville and is
well known in Medford.
Instruments furnished nnd leg
sons free for 30 days to nnyone In
terested In learning to play band or
orchestra Instruments. If you enn
not learn you have not invested cent During the past three,
years over 100 bovs and girls ,iave
started In this manner. Call nt
the Palmer Music House nnd gc:
your Instrument, appointment with
tenchcr and comp.ete dolnl!s of the
nVin 13 J
California nt .lioiols
OuestH from California at Med
ford hotels Sunday Included A. H.
Mcintosh anil mother, Mrs. G. Hob
Inson, Miss M. McMurray, Mrs. M.
Crawford, Mr. nnd Mrs. Win., .1.
Neely, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Collin!.
B, H. Young and family, Mr.. and
Mrs. A. F. Thompson and son of
Los Angeles. Mrs. M. I. Lloyd, 1 -nier
F. Hrown of Knglewood, Mrs.
M, F. Oliver and Mrs. L. H. Wlltson
of Piedmont, Marlon Young of San
Jose. Mi and Mrs. A. Murlolson
of Maywood, W. H. Alexander and
family, W. W. .Mender and family,
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Hlmmons. Mr.
nnd Mrs. G. W. Itoherts and Irene
Rutherford of Oakland, Mr. and
Mrs. It. V. Nash and T. K. Nash
of Ha n M at no, M r. a ml M rs. Hoy
II. Klllott, Alius B. Klllott und Lu
ella Armltage of Herkeley, A. .1.
Maker and family of Sacramento,
and tho following from San Fran
cisco: Julia It. Hutton, Mr. and
Mrs. K. J. O'Nell. Mr. and Mrs. 13.
It. Ilrazel and Mr. and Mrs. O.
Perennial plants cost money
when you buy nt planting time.
Why not start plants now from
seed at a fraction of tho cost. A
full lino of perennial seeds nt the
Monarch Seed & Feed Co. 120
To VIMt Parents
, Mrs, John Hosklns will leave
Medford this evening for ItoHcburg,
where 'she plans to spend a week
visiting her pa rent -j.
Provost fleauty Raton, specializ
ing In 14II lines of beauty work at
lower prices. 11 So. Orange, Ca!l
303-Y. 134
GucxtM nt Klllott (Hbln
Nancy Heath, young daughter of
Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Heath, Is spend
ing several days at the cabin of
Or. md Mrs. B. Tt. Klllott, Shady
Cove, as guests of the Klllott chil
dren. Phono 542. We'll haul nwny
your refuse. City Sanitary Service.
Improving Play Shed
The ground floor of Ihe Lincoln
school play shed, which has been In
poor condition for some time. Is
being covered with decayed granite
and rolled with oil. Horace Hub
erts Is doing the work with nn
terlals furnished by tho Standard
Oil company.
Gladioli, nil colors, 25c dor. Sam
uelson Jlower hardens, 20S W.
Clark. Phono 8X0-X. . 113tt
Gob!. Hill Teacher Signed
The following teachers have been
employed for the ensuing year In
the Gold Hill schools: High school,
George MelNlnger, Paul A figs tend,
Mildred Orr. Joy Ingnlls and H. A.
Holla; grades. Mahel Moore, Min
nie Sargent. Kthel lledgepeth. Min
nie Guy. hnd Maude Hoblnson. The
new teachers nre Joy liiRalls. Ku
gene; Mabel Moore, Medford: and
Kthel Hedgepcth, Central Point.
Permanent waves Puart Cro
nulgnole Nestle Clrcullne spiral,
Hoseborough Beauty Shop, 13 8,
Contrnl, l'hono 3112. 2l
Motor to Lake Tnhoe
Mrs. W. Wr Hunkln and son, H.
J. Herrlan and family have gone to
CaliforniA to motor to Lake Ta
hoe nnd visit Hill Herrlan. who is
now located near that resort.
Let Us haul nwny your garbage
and refuse. Phone 64S, City Sanl
tAry Service. 3 S7 r
Moro License Today
.Over. 30 auto licenses wero Is
cued this forenoon at tly sheriff's
office to Medford nnd county mo
torists nnd Indications were that
nearly as ninny would ho Issued
this afternoon.
Knt snd drink nt Huson's Whnt
Xot. 6 th nnd Ivy. 126
VUItnr From Washington
Included among Washington reg
istrations nt Medford hotels are
those of Mr. und Mrs. D. C, Mor
ris of Yakima. Mr. und Mrs. John
H. .Nalcs of ' Vancouver, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Unbind II. Jones of Tacoma,
and Mrs. S. sheeley of Seattle.
Green slabs, the better kind from
Medford Fuel Co. Order early.
Phono 631. 102tf
Tho Marriage l,ieetim
The eouniy clerk's office K-nied
nmrriaKe licenses today and Sat
urday evening to A. C. Mullenax.
44. nnd Ruth Llnsay, 29. both of
Klamath Fulls, and to Donald
Dick, 2. of Richmond. Calif,, and
Murra C. Murray, 25, of Yakima,
Dnneo till 3 o'clock. Gold 1! It
every Saturday nlKhtt $9U
liellevo In ICarly llln!
Koniethlug new In the way of
sight seeing was . demonstrated
early yesterday morning when
John Wlnterhaldcr of tho Cozy
Nook, drove to the Sardine creek
country to visit a reputed haunted
house with sloping floors. Ho ar
rived at the scene at 2:00 a. ni.,
took a good view of the building,
looked Inside .and lost no time In
hurrying home, lie was still un
able today to explain what he hud
seen. .V
Free Swim For Boys
!MedCord boys the age of 13
years and younger will bo guests
of Fire Chief Hoy Klllott at a
swimming party ut 10 o'clock to
morrow forenoon at the Natator
lum. The boys are requested to
bring their own suits If possible
and to leave their name and ad
dress with tho fire chief at the
pool. The hoys will proably listen
to an address on fire prevention
to be given by the chief.
Green slabs, forest wood, coal;
summer prices. Med. Fuel Co. Tel.
631. 116tf
Hot urn To Homes
Mrs. Jt. G. Johnson of Canon
City, und Miss Dorothy Illldge of
Glendalo, Ore., left this morning
for their homes, following a sev
eral days' visit us tho guest of
Mrs. W. M. Hoblnson.
Dressmaking and remodeling at
tho Fashion Shop. 424 Medford
Mldg. Mrs. Harry Andrews, Tel.
1181. tf
Ijcavc For Portland
Stato Traffic Officer C. P. Tal
ent left this morning for Port
land to spend several days at
tending to business matters.
The Blue Flower Lodge will open
again Sunday, serving their special
chicken dinner for 75c. . Arrange
ments for parties can also bo mado.
Phono your reservations to 341-H-3.
. - 117tf
Shopping Hero
M rs. W. R. Morris nnod . Mrs.
Rimer Hull were In Medford this
morning from the Table Hock dis
trict shopping at local stores.
Chauncey Floroy tiow located
123 Fast Main St. Insurance and
Heal Rstato. 05tf
Eh Joy Plnile. on Itlver
Mr. and Mrs. Kd Payno of Eu
gene, who are guests in this city of
Mr. Payne's mother, Mrs. Mary
Payne, wero guests nt the picnic on
Hogue river yesterday Votween Klk
Creek and Trail, attended by Mr.
and Mrs. W. W. Gregory, Mr. and
Mrs. Kd Whiteside, Mr. and Airs.
H. II. Oeltrlch and family. Mr. and
Mrs. Hoy Smith.
Treo props: A Inrg stock always
on hand. Tel;-USD. Medford Lutn
her Co. 78tf
Llmo for all purposes at Med
ford Lumber Co. 78tf
Mrs. Colo Vacationing
Mrs. Ida Colo Is spending a
week's vacation at Mnnzanita
bench ns guest of Mr. and Mre
Sunrise Drlvo-in Station, 12th
and Pacific Hlwny. Sandwiches,
cold drinks; popular prices. Tray
service to your car; lots of room to
park. Drlvo out. 120
Danco till 2 o'clock, Gold HIM
every Saturday night. 8'Jtf
Ijiko u' Woods
Among those who havo been
spending a week at Lako o tho
Woods are Mr. and Mrs. Jack Aiken
of Oakland, Cal., and Mrs. Myrtle
Punkey and children of Medford.
Treo props. All lengths, regular
size. Cheap at Medford Lumber Co.
Freo clothes rack with each One
Minute washer purchased from
Southern Oregon Kleetrtc at ale
prlco, $87.50. Limited suppU. 121
FOIt SALK Hero is a chance to
secure nice close In 4-rm. house
on pavement, with electric range.
nice lawn and flowers. Price
$3000; $:00 cash.
Neat new 4-rm. home; built
Ins. price S1K0O; M00 cash.
Phone 318. 123 Kast Main.
. . ..... 1 B
DM. HLAZOS' Prescription for
Poison Oak stoitri the Itchlntc at
once. Heath's Drug Store. Ask
Fred. 126
LOST Tent, on Crater Luke high
way, Sunday. Heturn to 13 So.
Peach. 122
WANTR!) To buy livestock and
poultry. Drop me o line, Ad
dress S02 McAndrews road, P. O,
llox 31. ,121
WHY WAIT to build, when you
can trade In that vacant lot or
small car us a down payment
on new ii-room slucro hoflie in
GJenn Onk Court, ready to movo
In. Terms to suit buyer. Phone
105 or 315-H.
Voil HUNT S-roinn nimi'tmpnl.
Cull iifu-r i t. m.. 209 W. jMi-k-min.
12 J
KOIt ItKNT FurnUhtil room,
iilry front corner, pretly view.
12(15 Knm Mnln. KM
VOU SAI.K S-ilny-oUl holfor cnlf. '
Phono Mi-'W. 1:S '
FOIt 8AI.K Wood taw. 3o. Jnck-i
sonvillc hlnhwny. acront from!
Itiikrr'! more. Hev. Theuniler. !
, 1211
THAYKMNO represontnilve of nn-'
llonally known concern wtinlH)
dcnk room ,r oTflce spneo In es-j
labliNhcil office, prefernhlv wltht.
un nitorncy or Inmirnnco or rculi
crtale firm. 1". O. llox 459. Moil.'
foiil. 120 1
KOIt SAI.K Api'lcom. thai larc.
ileop tn-rinue Henhplm Jtcanly,
rliicnctl in Innv. (Jeo. Alforit. '
Ki'tiwer. rhone 19-F-3. 126
OlMMiltTr.NITV for youim man to
loiy into paying service Matlon.
Ismail Invenliiif-nt retiuireil. llox
t carp TrllMine. 121
KOIt HAI.K 5-room Knllh cot-j
laKe; harttwood flotre. fireplace.
electric raiiKe, water heater. Hox
( care Tribune. 121,
WO UK WANTKll.-lty man of Innft
experience In fruit and vegetable
huMlncff. ricklim. ituttlnv up or
nelllnK. 121 Crater Lake Ave,
l'hone 395-M, Kl
j'roiitouiig- .M'W All-lino . (j
jr proper nnanciai Hacking can
be obtained, a San Francisco In
ventor, whp was In Anhland today,
would establish a dirigible air line
from Oregon to California. The
dirigible, the, .product of his own
Inventive mind, has never been
constructed ouUddo of a' model and
em bodies the ilsc of 'airplane wings
to increase its speed and lifting
power. .
HrowiiK at Diamond Lake
Friends In this city of Mr. and'
Mrs. Walter Hrown, former resi
dents of Medford, are Interested In
learning that the Mrowns are now
vacationing at Diamond lake. They
make their home In San Francisco
nnd are remembered here by many
friends. Mr, Brown is a son of L.
li. Brown, former miller of this
city. - - 1
Picnic supplies at Huson's What
Not, Open evenings and Sun. 120
Home from San Franciseo
A. -S. Rosenbaum returned yes
terday from San Francisco, having
taken the excursion trip.
Free load kindling with- 3 big
loads 16-ln. Inbs. Valley Fuel Co.
Phono 76. tf
Special rates on fruit hauling.
See us, before contracting hauling.
Wo' can save you money. All first
class equipment. Insured carriers.
Phono Medford 332, Gold Hill 1 1 -T.
Relnking Trucking Service, 303
South Front St. 133
Orcgoiiiuiis nt Hotels, '.. f
Among Oregon guesU fit local
hotels are Krlhfo Todd, David Mel
drum nnd D. V. Hartley of Salem.
and the following from Portlanq:
Mr. and Mrs. A, B. Katz, Mr. and
Mrs. F. H. Miles, Mr. and Mrs. W.
K. Clancy, Mr. and Mrs. J. h.
Turner. Rldon Davis. J. M. Brown
field, B. Smith, R. O. Montgomery
and R. D. Hartsook.
Wo have that particular mould
ing for your individual picture
The Peasley's, opposite Now Holly j
theater. tf
Returns from Aberdeen
Following a 10 days' visit with
their daughter. Dorothy McCargar
In Aberdeen, Wash., Mr. and Mrs.
T. H. Bedwell returned to Med
ford this morning.
Screen doors (fixtures free).
Medford Lumber Co. Phono 620,
Klamath Falls Visitors:
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mallcnnax and
MIsn Myrtle Mullenax of Klamath
Falls spent yesterday In Medford.
Even swimming won't change a
permanent wave. Get dno nov.
Bowman's Beauty Shop, Phono 57.
Good tree props should be uni
form In size and quality, Como In
and look our stock over. Woods
Lumber Co., East Jackson and
Genessoe. 11D
Miss Asplnwull Here , ' -
Miss Mildred AsplnwnlV;'rouU
leader of elementary, Rnglishfteacn
ers In the city school system,-who
Is spending the vacation at Hugo,
Ore., and continuing with course
of study work, was in Medford to
day for a conference with school
For best crecn slabs. asU ilvlvor
or call Medford Fuel Co., Tel. 631.
. 05tf
Dance. Dreamland. Wed; and Ha
Dynge's music. Ladles free, gems
75c. 123
In San FrnncJsro
Mrs. A. H. Drury Is In San Fran
cisco visiting her father, J. W.
Cool lunches at Huson's Whal
Xot, 6th and Ivy. 120
Chaiiricey Florey now located
123 East Main St. Insurance and
Heal Estate. 6;tt'
Livestock Burned- at lilaiualli
Eighteen head of milk cows and
six head of work horses were burn
ed to death last Wednesday night
In a fire which .resulted In $10,uoo
loss to Oscar Campbell, whose
ranch, one of the finest In the
county. Is two miles east of Lor
ella, Klamath county. A large barn
and farm equipment were de
stroyed. Owr & garden fun of perennials
for a few cents. 1 Plant seeds now
for next year's blooms. See us for
perennial flower soeds. Monarch
Soed & Feed Co. 120
Get a, free Duco finish clothes
rack front- Southern Oregon; Elec
tric If you buy a ' One - Minute
washer at reduced prlco of $87. SO.
, 121
I . - . . . U
at Burelson's
Wednesday and Thursday
See Tomorrow Night's Mail Tribune for
" Our Greatest Dollar Sale
Itetiirii From Brookings
Plans for the construction of an
18-hole golf course by W. G. Ward,
manager of the resort at Brook
ings, were to bio in Medford toduy
by Dr. H. C. Mulholland, who re
turned from that place Sunday
night with Mrs. Mulhollund and
daughAr, Marjory, after spending
three du.s enjoying the swimming,
boating, fishing and other sports
offered there. The beach Is bor
dered by the ocean and the river,
Dr. Mulholland, states, and Is nn
ideal place for picnicking and
swimming. Many Improvements
have been nindo at the resort and
others In addition to the golf
co u i so are under consideration.
Fishing Fair
Mr. und Mrs. Harold Larsen, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Hess and Mr. and
Mrs. Leo Williams, who spent yes
terday fishing Ihe Rogue in the
Bybeo bridge region, report the
fishing fair but picnicking fine.
. Plant your late beets, carrots,
lettuce, turnips, spinach now. En
Joy fresh vegetables from your own
garden. Buy our tested seeds for
best results,. Monarch Seed & Fe?d
Co. 120
After State Fair MukIc Contract
Tho Rugene City band, a. mu
nicipal organization, Is seeking the
contract to furnish music for the
state fair nt Salem this fall.
See Brill's Sheet Metal Works
for radiator, fender and auto Uody
repairing. tf
Leave for California Home -
Following a short visit here with
his brother. Leo C. Garlock of
Rcall Lane, F. W. Garlock accom-
Pftnled y his family, loft today for
his home In Santa Ana, Cal.. com
pleting a motor trip that had taken
him to Montrose, Colo. Rn route
to Oregon on the Durango, Colo.,
highway, Mr. Garlock experienced
a motor mishap when his machine
turned over as the result of blow
ing out a tire.
,, ,
Dressmaking and remodeling at
tho Fashion Shop,
424 Medford
BIdg. Tel. 1181. "
Slnbs. big loads, 4 tiers, $5.00.
Small loads, $3.00. Valley Fuel Ca.
Phono 7C. tf
Returns from Portland
Mrs. SuhIo Rhodes returned this
morning from Portland where she
hr.d been for the past two weeks
attending "tho Apostolic camp meet
ing. Let me write you fire insurance.
Carl Y: Tongwald, Hotel Holland
Bldg. Phono 993. " tf
Chauncey Florey now located
123 Kast Main St. Insurance and
Heal Estate. C5t
Betty Stctinctt Improved
Miss Hetty Stenuett. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. 'A. F. Stennett, who
has been ill for several days from
complications following pleurisy,
was reported to be In a,n improved
condition at the Stennett homo
this afternoon. , ,
' Anderson's New'SttidhV'6! Pho
tography , ground floor, 4 07 R. ,
Main, opposite PIgglv Wiggly. 13ni
Come to our store for both. Poor sacks are
a handicap the minute you start to move
your grain. Portland mills are refusing to
take grain in shoddy sacks for storage or
export. ' '
W Monarciy5Seed,&,Feed Qo.
323 East Main
lU'turn from South"
. A; .C. Wilson, of .the Groceteria
and Gerald Latham of this city,
accompanied by Albert Elliott und
Harry Fulks of California, Mo.,
have returned to Medford ftoni
spending the past week motoring
through California. They went' us
far south as Tia Juanu.
Great Admirer of Senator McXary
O. H. Cole of Ashland was umong
the Medford visitors today. Mr.
Cole is a great admirer of Presi
dent Hoover and Senator McNary.
Tree props at Big Pines Lbr. Co.
Tel. No. 1. 108tf
Week -End on ling tie
Miss Gladys Murphy was guest
over the week-end of Mr. und MrH.
Clarence T. Noo at Clarmae lodge
on the Rogue.
Danco till 2 o'clock, Gold Hill
every Saturday night. 89tf
Glider Airplane with each 50
cent purchase at our fountain.
These sturdy little gliders dip, loop
and do all sorts of stunts.
Ice, cream, all flavors, is 50c a
'Got It at MagiU'fl." . 122
; '
Carlton. Carlton Mfg. Co.'s
sawmill resumed operations.
(The dramatic story of
Is love (for. a man; she
' ; believed deadA -
I Don't miss a single in
stallment' of this in
tensely interesting serial!
July 23, in the
Mail Tribune
Phone 260
A check-up of students at the
Southern Oregon Normal school
at Ashland revealed that 3T stu
dents will be graduated In the
mid-summer clays, over 300 stu
dents. Including 17 men, nre at
tending Ashland summer school,
which will close in six weeks.
SALKM. Ore.. July 21. (tP)
Eighty-three Htudenis will he grad
uated from Oregon Normal school
at Monmouth in the mid-summer
class Wednesday of this week.
Death Valley Well Salted
Thirty-four billion tons of salt Is
just a curiosity In Death Valley.
This dspqsit Is on: the floor of the
valley 310 feet below sen level, j
. Air washed and cooled with
Medford spring water
will thrill you as the rack
ctcering gangster in this
soul searching romance . .
cradled in the shadow of
prison walls. -,
Our Gang talking in
You will be surprised any producer had. the
courage to make it
World's oldest horse race
.. . . Rumania's new king
on the job". . , Bobby
Jones wins again.
Mat. 10, 25; Eve. 10,
where the sun sends thermoniu
t'6 i;ii and moiein tho shade d
Ing summer months. .
Odell. Mello-Glow Chct-se f
tory started operations.
Pen Owners and Buyers
Come in and see how Parker',
now Duofold Pens and Pencil,
nre changed in 10 seconds Iron
pocket stylo to a desk set ta
pored shape and back aKain. .
If you owji a iParker Pen, brint
it with you and soe how to gei
a taper free to convert it.
you are thinking of a pen fn.
yourself or tor a gift come k
how getting a Parker Is like Met
ting two pens for the price o'
one. Saving the prico of on
Pocket Pen pays for the Desl
Base, yet given you a Desk Set
and Pocket Peu, too. Cap and
clip free.
Ask Fred
Tinting, Paper Hanging'
Phone 178-J
Keller Sisters
He Is a captain
... of men, but sheK
commands a bat 1
talion of hearts.
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