Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 16, 1930, Page 7, Image 7

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    ford Mail Tribun
Second Section
Six Paget
Second Section
Six Pages
Twenty-Fifth Year
Xo. .115.
Pole Removal Allows County
Heating Plant Progress
, Central Point Road No. 7
Will Be Widened and
Straightened, y;.
Th'e Postal Telegraph company's
pole, which stood serene In the
middle of the right-of-way for a
Southern Pacific spur to the road
oil heating plant of jacksan coin ty
has finally bee?, moved, and work
on the construction of the spur and
plant is. now proceeding apace.
According, to County Engineer
iPaul Rynning, the unraveling of
the red tape around the pole, de
layed the county road oiling pro
grain three weeks, but by hustling
it will start about August 1st. The
healing plant will be in operation
by that date, and the first hut oil
will be squirted on the un paved
portion of the Kuch highway, and
the Sams Valley-Medford highway.
Preliminary coins of oil have
been placed on both these roads.
The final coat of oil is heated to
a temperature or nuout 4uu de
grees, and Is hauled to the work
In ashestoH covered, tanks, to re
tain the torridity. The intense heat
Is necessary to receive the highest
If present plans carry, it is
hoped to apply oil this season to
the dust flies thickest, and the
travel is heaviest.
To Improve C. P. Koncl
At the county court session this
morning, the. first reading of the
proposal to widen, straighten, unit
gravel Central Point market road
No. 1, extending from Central
Point to the Crater Lake highway
was read.
Miss , Georgia Prultt, a land
owner, along the route, attended
the session, and was informed that
the county would fix her fence,
and' transplant the hedge in her
front yard. Miss Pruitt explained
that the straightening of the road
whacked about five feet from her
front yard; and she was anxious
to know if the damage would be
repaired. Assured . that it would
be Miss Pruitt entered no further
protest. 4
The county will start prelimin
ary work on the road within a
week or ten days. The road at
present Is narrow and, full of
sharp curves, and there is consid
erable fence moving and changing
of channel of irrigation ditches tu
be done.
it was also reported that the
work of grading and graveling of
several roads in the Prospect dis
trict had been about completed,
funds for which were secured by
special levies.
The remainder of the mid-week
session of . the county court was
devoted to the transaction of rou
tine business and matters.
' '
Mayor Pipes Pumping First Gallon Blue-Green Gasoline
OF L 0. 0. F.LODGE
The fallowing nffli'ors fnr .1ccl
foid lotlKP I. (). 1). V. fnr , tin
current six nninthn' term were in
HtMlccl Inst nllit liy Krunk
Thompson. 1). D. (!. M., nnd staff
of Central l'nlnt:
X.' A. Mciul, noble grand: O. O.
Hull, Vice, Cirnnd; CI. J. l'reseott,
It. 8. N. O.; U T. Dike. I,. S. N. f!.;
I.. D. Sprinter, It. S. V. O; S L.
ISntemnn, I S. V. ti.; Eil T'ulmnn.
w.mlen: Ohnrles rmv. conductor:
MONMOl'TH-Stretch of high-j ALBANY Portland Gas & Coke
way north of town will be im-; company leased quarters In Ore
proved In near future. I gnu Itank building.
Colvln U. ltrown, manager of the
commercial organization depart
ment of the Chamber of Commerce
of the Tnlled States, one of the
fnresmost outhoritlos of the coun
try on cooperation in industrial
The G II more Oil Co., Ltd.. which I
recently entered the Pacific North
west and announced plans of ex-!
pansion and development that calls!
for an e x p e n d i t u re in e x e es s o f
$1,000,000 i year, recently opened
a branch in Medford, and Dun
Mcpherson, manager of the Pa
cific Northwest territory, was greet
ed by Mayor Pipes, who pumped j
the first gallon from' the big red j
and cream colored pump.
"Since wo started distribution of!
our patented 'GUinoro Itlu-Oreeii
gasoline' In Oregon, two months i
ago, we havf had innumerable re-
quests from independent service
stations In Medford for It. Wo Im
mediately made a survey of this
market and decided to provide dis
tribution and sales facilities to
serve this territory, says Mr. Mc
"Clllmore 1 tin -Green gasoline Is
different from oil other gasolines.
It Is treated with a patented form
ula that gives it the desired prop
erties otherwise absent in gaso
lines that ore not so treated. The
ingredients that are added also give
It the peculiar riluc-green color
from which its name is derived.
V. G. Snediror. chaplain; A. M.
Clark. Inside guardian; N. C. Cha
ncy, ontsido gunrdian; Carl Pear
yon. U. S. S.; M. W. Jarmln. L S. S.
Holdover officers are K. 10. Wil
son, recording secretary; L. O.
Howard, financial secretary and
H. .1. Calder, treasurer.
GOLD ltKACTI Oregon coast
highway In this vicinity being Improved.
Close-up Test
Claudette Colbert
Paramount star, "Lux
Toilet Soap keeps skin
smooth for the close
up." YOU, too, have a
. close-up test to pass!
GOLD HILL, Ore., July 18.
(Spl.) 'Phil Robinson has sold his
mine, "The "Wedge," on Blrdseye
creek, to Snlem ' canltnllsts. The
company has organized and renam
ed ine mine . t ne Aiayueno Mining
At tho present time, they are
working.. 10 .men nnd expect to In
crease tho payroll. Five truck
brought in, three, from Portland
anu two rrom l,os Angeles. Tiiey
are bull-Mng roads and preparing
for a 1900-foot tramway.
There's Witchery in Lovely Skin . . . says Hollywood
HOW people thrill to the charm of a
beloved star when the revealing
close-up brings her NEAR. A severe
test of beauty, 45 Hollywood directors
declare, that only the girl with exquisite
skin can pass.
That is why the famous stars take de
voted care of their skin with Lux Toilet
Soap. "It takes such beautiful care of our
skin," say 511 of the 521 important
Hollywood actresses who use it regularly.
YOU will want to try it. For you, too,
have a close-up test to pass! Admiring
eyes close to YOUR skin must find it
98oflbe lovely screen complexions and radi.
ant complexions everywhere are cared Jor uilh
temptingly soft and smooth alluringly
lovely in the most trying light.
Use this fragrant white soap for the
close-up complexion every girl wants.
Order some and begin today.
s ft
popular M. G. M. stan
"It's so refreshing!"
loved Fox star: "I al
ways use it. It'i a joy."
Thbi hiKWdlent atlncks 1 cr.rbon,
loosens It up ami cauttes It to he
illtu'hai'Keil from tho niolor with
tho extuHlnt khks-
"Siiles nf mil' Knsoline have now
passiMl the 7, 000. Oho gallons per
month point, and nro continuing
their Rotntationai increatiu, atul our
ga.ilioo Hales havo outstrippetl oil
ottit'ra in ratio of IntM'eaHe. The
Oilmoro Oil Co.. I.lil., Ih tho one
large hulepontlont nil eonipany, and
the oldest now on the Paeific coast,
and we propose to always remain
an Independent and favor Inde
pendent service station owners."
George Alford, county commis
sioner nnd apricot king nf the val
ley announced this morning;- that
his apricots woro now ripe and
ready for sale, nt hit) farm In tho
Pern Valley district. This an
nouncement has been awaited for
some time by many housewives of
the city nnd valley, who claim
these particular apricots have no
equal for canning nnd preserves.
Tho prices for the apricots,
wKhih MY. Alford calls "cots." will
vary according to size and quality.
The range will be from 2c per
pound for the culls, if uny, to 6
cents per pound for the No. 1
Apricots throughout the valley
have started to ' ripen this week,
and the crop will be large nnd of
excellent quality. , ,
Colvln 1J. ltrown.
nnd commercial activities, who will
nritlrcs.s the Medford Chamber of
Commerce noon forum next Fn-
j day. ...
Ho will take fnr his text "The
Uusiness Man and His City a re
view of what organized business Is
doing to develop tho communities
In which hl activities arc carried
on and to solve its common prob
lems. Mr. ltrown Is probably the most
outstanding authority on commer
cial organization affairs In the
United States. Mo follows closely
developments In this field In every
section of the country, travelling
every year many thousands of miles
and his counsel Is sought by cham
hers of .commerce, ,1a ..the ,. small
towns as well as In tho largest
lie expresses the conviction,
based cm his wido experience thftt
tho commercial organization or
chamber of commerce movement lit
emerging from Us formative stage
and U constantly developing along
more practical lines.
POHTIjAND Lighting system
will be Installed in-Vaughn street
baseball ground for' night baseball.
VALE Highway In this vicinity
will be oiled by J. C. Compton.
opened fnr business.
Tempting, fragrant cups of
cof fee charming touch of
good living. How satisfying
they are when it'tM.J.B.You
just naturally relish this
tmootheT,Ticher coffee flavor.
. 12-cylindered vacuumizert
' used exclusively by M.J. B,
teal in all the coffee good'
nesi. That's why every cup of
M'J.B brings an extra rith
nen to win your coffee taste.
And you will find that you may
Be sure your next grocery
order includes M.J.B.
Hear M.J.B'b "Demt-Tnsse
Itcvue every Wednesday, 8:30
to 9 p. m.,' over KOIN and
.. Columbia Network. .
PORTLAND." July 10 (P) Mrs,
Alice M. McNaught. state presi
dent of tho Jackson club. Demo
cratic candidate for state repre-;
sen tat I ve, and life-long supporter
of the labor movement. Is dead
nt , her home here. Bhe was at ,
one time associated with the late,
Samuel P. Gompers in organiza
tion work, nnd was an early ad-:
vncate 'of women's suffrage and,
an active proponent of public,
welfare measures. )
Mrs. Mr-Nought was born In
Khelhlna, Mo., in ISiiti, and was '
in siiccewslon n printer, labor or- j
ganlzer, homesteader, suffrage!
champion, dramatic reader, house-;
wife and political lender.
She came to Portland 18 years!
ago. ;
Lux Toilet Soap lO?
Radio's latest nnd most out
standing achievements are on ex
hibition here, says Clay Wit ham.
Tho remarkable new engineering
triumph, tone control, which Is
Introduced for the first time In
the new Phlleo sets. Is a feature
of the- display.
Perfected by Phlleo engineers,
it allows the set owner to regulate
the tone of tho programs he re
ceives exactly as he prefers them,
giving him an opportunity to in
ject his own personality Into the
programs ho receive. They, aro
four tone settings, running the
range from brilliant tone, through ,
bright and mellow stages, to deep '
tone, in which the buss instru- i
nients are emphasized. j
Another feature of the new j
models Is the station recording
dial, which permits the net owner j
to write. In the names of tho sta- j
lions he gets right on the dial :
Itself, so that when tuning in he j
need not refer to kilocycle num
bers but refers directly to the1
name of the station.
The Phtlco electro - dynamic,
speaker has been greatly Improv- '
ed; the new combination radio,
and phonograph model includes an 1
Induction disc motor perfected nnd
offered for the first time nnd un '
electric pick-up that was develop- ,
ed only after months of Intensive '
research work,
The iurnlture Jn which Phllco's
extraordinary set .are housed are
beautiful pieces of cabinet work.
Many other new features are In
cluded in the new line, which may
be seen nt Wit hams Huper Hervlcn
Class F '
Shares in this class of stock are purchased at -$60.00
and mature at $100.00 in approximately
78 months without further payments. An earn
ing of $40.00 over that period of time indicates
a higher rate of return than offered by any in
vestmentplan with the same high safety factor.
30 North Central
' This investment plan is designed for the person
desiring to reinvest the semi-annual dividend in
the most convenient manner.
: ', Organize 1909
flat ton, L'lghth and Itlverslde.