MEDFORD IIXTL TRTBTTNE, MEDFOKD, OHF.CiOX. TVEDXFSD A Y. .TFLY 1 6. 1 9H0. PXfiF, FIVE ;t. I pi h V f : ML ADVICE BY EXPERT AT LIONS MEETING Retailing was the Subject" cover ed by Prof. H. T. Vance of the school of. commerce, Oregon State college. in his address today noon at the regular luncheon of the local Llonn club at Hotel Medford. The lesson brought to local mer chants was emphasized by the use of -four -lantern 'slides, 'wrtfch il lustrate the value of co-operation and the dangers of petty practicesJ in competition, Oregon State college is inaugur ating a -10 year program of con strucUve. work for merchants, Prof. Vane stated, having realized the need for research work in this de partment. This need is evidenced In the fact that- 30 per cent of the peo ple engaged in the retailing busi ness Tail- each year, he stated; most of them because of lack of Information rather than capital. "The- retailer Is here to serve the public," Professor Vance ex- plained, "whether he realizes it or not. , The public Is becoming serv ice wise , and .demands , service." He. pointed to the woman as the . person to be considered first, show ing that the greater-part of .the American dollar is xpent by her. He urged merchants to be ready to adopt new ideas In merchandis ing, to listen to the opinions of others and to be. considerate of their competitors. Quoting Krank lin', he said, "The-man who learns from .himself alone has a fool for a . teacher." The merchant who Is constant ly 'complaining because customers buy "Out of town was condemned by.the speaker,' who. stated, "He should be spending more time try- ing to find out why they buy out of town instead of reading hat bands.' People don't wilfully go away from home to buy." A questionnaire sent out to cus tomers of this state, brought back an enlightening list of reasons why people .do not tradent cer tain' shops. Leading among the reanons, quoted by Professor Vance were: Indifference of sales folks. Ignorance of merchnndlso, haught iness, too much insistence, errors I and delays in service and poor and j shoddy merchandise. Necessity for advertising nnd 1 dangers of exaggerating the qual ities of the product in advertise ments, were emphasized by Pro fessor Vance, who stated, "The un t truths told by some advertisers in endangering advertising for all' of us. What the people- want is in formation." Banjo Jackson, fiob Emmens and Jack Bier ma entertained the Lions with several musical num bers during the luncheon. Plans for the. July chamber of commerce forum, which will be held ot Friday at Hotel Medford were announced by C. T. Baker. The main address will be given by Oolvin, Brown, manager of the United State chamber of com merce. PATENT ,STRY : FLOUR PRICE CUT POUTLAXD,' Ore.', July 16. UP) Family patent anJ pastry flours have been reduced 20c by the Sper- i ry Flour company. Easy midsummer, prices prevail in most fruiu and vegetables. Cireen corn has gone down to $2.75, a crate. ' new potatoes to 2lAc a' pound, Oregon tomatoes.tQ .$2 and 12.25 a lug. .. m . '. The cantaloupe And watermelon markets were unsettled berause of the variable weather. A few days of warm weather would perhaps deplete present supplies. The egg and butter markets were fairly steady, especially for tho-top, grades. , THE MARKETS Proline.' i Bl'TTER AND KUGS:' Fairly steady for top grades. Milk (butterfat), poultry, coun try metis, onions, potatoes, wool, nuts. hay. cascara hark' and hops, steady and unchanged. Livestock. PORTLAND. Ore:, July i.'lP Hogs 100; steady to weak. (Kift or oily hogs and oastlng pigs ex cluded.)'' Light lights. 140-ifio lb. fin. 5-11. 2J. Llfht weisht, ISO- r J Here's More Free Jokes About Did You HearThis OnAhniri N ft . T s ilWWXffilYI are TEUOMI - and win a FREE PASS to see theCOIIENS i, olien: do to ffet ' Kelly: ' Cohen: k IandKELLYS 5COTlAND 200 !bfl.'$ll4l.fiD. fMetUum weight 200-200 lbs. $10.2ri-1.2'S. Medium weight 220-25o:ib8, SiMB-ai. Heavy weight, 2r0-29O lbs. good and choice. $9.50-10.75. Slaughter pigs 100-130 lbs., good and choice, $10 10.75. ! Cattle 33, calved 10; n ron ml steady. tfheep 600; quotably. steady. . Flour a net Sugar. 'PORTLAND, Ore., July 1C. () FLOUR: Lower;-' (City- delivery prices) family patent, 49s, $0.40; whole wheat, 4X $5.50: graham, 4!s, $5.30: bakers' hard wheat, S8s, $6.00; bakers' blustem patents. OSy. $6.40; pastry flour,. 49s. $50. 'mI'OAU: Steady; (sacked basis) cane, fruit or berry, $4.90 per cwt-.; beet sugar, $4.70 cwt. . ; -; t Wall Street Report NRW YORIC, July 10. P) The new bull forces In the slock mar ket successfully repelled today the sharpest bear attack thus far ex? perienced in the brief upward1 movement. Losses of 1 to 4 points recorded early in the day were mostly regained, and several shares, including. Standard of ( N. J., Cioodyenr, Vanadium, Lomliert; Worthington and Hershey Choco late, closed Up' 2 to 3 points. Au burn Auto was up nearly 14. , The close was' firm. Rales ap with U. S. F. & G. Go. ' , p , i OFFICE AND PACKING HOUSE 516-520 S. FRONT ST. ... ; VA Ticket Winning ' Cohens and Kellys kclly:' "My llttlo (laughter lias swal lowifl u gold sovereign ami linn to lip oM' laUil (in. I wonder lr Dr. Itnlilusoii Is to bo trusted?"' ; s, , , , , ... :t Colu'il: : "Without n clmibt . ho Is alisor lutcly honest.",' ; . ', .. t. LOUISE Aixrix. lloulc 4, l)ox Kelly (who was lo bo a palllienrpr nt Ills friend's funeral): "Say Cohen what Is a mlllieaier?" '..ohou: tlnlc a, polar bear Is a llfc animal vot sits on do lee." Kelly: "Well, I don't think I would lie one; not even, for u friend. " , WAVSK l'KKHl.F.S, . , , 227 So, Central; . "What does a soldier have to a military fimera!?' , "I don't know." "lie has to die." . JKAX PrtOCK. - 407 N. Oakdnle. proximated 2,400,000 shares. Today's closing prices for 15 sel ected stocks follow: Am. Can 120 Am. Tel. and Tel 217 Anaconda; 49 Cpl. Gas 60 Curtiss Vrlght. 7 General Klectric (new) 71 Cleneral Motors 44 Kennicot Copper 3i Mont. Ward 30 Radio Corporation 414, Sears Rosebuck 07. S. P . 119 United Air Craft 00 U. S; Steel 104' Int. T. and Tel 46 ' Mail Tribune Evening Broadcast 7 ' Changed Ther time of brondcast of news Items, markets ami weather ports every evening over the Mail Tribune-Virgin radio station, has been changed from C : 1 5 p. m. to 5;45 p. m., 30 minutes earlier, be ginning today. The breakfast nnd noon reports by this paper will continue at the same time. These reports furnish the news exclusively from Medford for the people of : southern Oregon and northern California, and before any other newspoper,jHjy . -i I GROWERS . ; General Fruit We can accommodate C. H. Eismann of Our Office Represents OLIVER; RALPH & CO., Ltd. Fur Clad Beggars Of Crater Lake Invade Pockets To Secure Morsels (By. Myriltt Hush) t . CRATER LAKE. Ore. July 16. j (Special) If you wero to viyUV Crater lake now. and were to seat! yourself upon some log or rock near the lodge, you would sud-1 denly find yourself the object of much interest to n number ofj liny, fur-covered animalrf, namely. chipmunks. Their interest! doesj not lie chiefly in you: but In the( fact1 that you are, perhaps, the possessor of food. j Nuts, crackers and certuin kinds of candy are especially prised. They will do almost anything to; gain these much-loved morsels.! They will stand up and beg and"' sometimes they will even put onj a pretty good fight for you. ! A day or so ago one f the j guests at the hotel sat on the ve-j randa, having filled hln pockets and hands with nuts. He Waited but n few moments. There wusi a streak across the porch and a Utile chipmunk stopped a few ffttt from him. raised his four Inches of sleek, brown body nndj peered with little bead-like eyes at the man. ' The man lowered his band' TO ALSO FLEAS ANTS BEDBUGS ROACHES MOTHS FLIES ' Mosquitoes, those cruel little car riers of infection, are vanquished in the first skirmish. They can't enter a bedroom where Fur-Tox is sprayed. Harmless to people. Use it regularly for comfort. The pleasant odor lingers only long enough to do the work. Not a by-prod- , uct. Fly-Tox is a formula developed at Mellon ' Institute of Industrial Research by Rex Re search Fellowship. Refuse substitutes. Sold' at grocery, drug and hardware stores. '' FLY-TOX ii sold all over the world CALIFORNIA RIX SPRAY CO., DQNICIA, CALIF, (6) Qi9Joc.R.S. CO. , KILLS THEM ALL GUY Bond Covering : i "if: With Connections in All Principal Cities of ' United States, Canada and Europe growers with advances Before making which was filled with nuts, to. the floor and before he could veallw h the chipmunk had Jumptd Into his hand, eaten the nuts, and scurritnl into U. lap sniffing around fur more. When he dis covered the nuts in the pockets he filled his, cheeks until they bulged out like a pair of side burns. The chipmunk Is very business like, lie dues not make any un necessary trips. When he has filleil thfsu little pour ties on each side uf his cheek, he hurries away tu bury the food. lie makes a comical picture as he jumps around with his cheeks hanging down and looking as though they were about to burst. Sometimes two or more , chip munks will make a dash for the same food youree and then- comes the fun. They stand up on their hind legs, und slap each other, squeal and then chase around and around. Very little blood Is shed, though occasionally an un fortunate fighter loses hjs tail. Then ho will hide his head in shame and seldom venture forth where he can be seen. FLY-TOJC KJLI.S RlES. MOTHS MOSQUITOES fcrtCHES.FlfAS BEDBUGS, ANTS ' ' 4 W. CONNER, iitoe kfmi) Will Operate Under TRUST Disbursing Officer Signing or make guaranteed packing and selling connections see us. Also LONDON ,; M .fn, A flrMm Medford, Oregon ' However, we remember one Ut tle follow'iluii lust bin tail in that . niannm- once and he actually took K'eat pride in his diminished length and' became the pet of the cominuilty. .' . . , So when you plan to visit Cra- i ter Lake, fill your pockets full of nuts and bring a camera and you can be sure of plenty of good entertainment by the chipmunks. l.iptoii Mas Lumbago. LONDON. July Hi. iA) Sir Thomas Lipton, ill for a week with a bad colds, was suffering from lumbago today, but his phy sicians said there was nothing very grave nbout his condition. Mall Tribune ao nre read by 20.000 people every flfty. tf Charming Modes Now Go at Captivating LOW PRICES It's, time- to make room for our ad vance Fall arrivals, so hundreds of delightful fashions in our present stocks have been repriced for imme-, diate , clearance. There are charming frocks for day time, sports and eve ning wear ... at reductions that are1 simply astonishing..,..You will want to wear many of them into1 Fall', s o here is your opportunity to buy now and take advantage of exceptional', savings. : $Q'95 ''iMfflfi 1 $qo.95 "mmii 1 -uAOpN the Cinderella Way ; inni Mgr. i'if t' advances on any variety i Distributors SCENE OF BfjtfE A fire of unknown origin, but thought to have been caused by some one dropping a cigarette or( cigar stub hi the building caused j a lively fir on the Frank Dut- ton ranch near Sterling yesterday) afternoon, which spread from thej burning building to the hay field; and burned over an area of about1 All Checks on CO FUND of Pears or Newtowns. O. C. ODELL IN CHARGE OF PACKING k Telephone 676 one acre, causing much damage before It wao gotten under con trol by two forestry men from the Star Ranger station and the men at the ranch j '' ' '' '.' The fire started-in an ojd stamp mill used aa a . storage fhed for a threshing machine anil some hay. which were totally destroyed along with the building. They ,vere haying In the ranch field at the time, and the' spreading of the flames into this field burned considerable hay and!; some fenc ing. 1 " The report , of the- fire, on file nt the Crater National, forest of fice here todnyj doen- not estimate the loss. Frank Dutton Is pre sumed to have owned the. thresh ing machine. ' : ' ', I ?! This Fund