Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 01, 1930, Page 14, Image 14

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Important Bodily Organ
..- Operates by Nerve
4 By U jr , Graft
The proper functioning of the
kidneys, above all other organs, Ih
essential to the maintenance of
noimallty in the hotly. This In
because the kidneys are concerned
with keeping the circulation of the
body normal so far as the quality
of fluid which they contain Is con
cerned. Importance of Kidney Function
' As It Is true that the blood Is
continually receiving new red cells,
new while cells and new serum,
it is equally true that It must con
tinually discharge the old, worn
out particles which are no longer I
or value. This it tloeB very largely
inrougn tne medium of the kid
' Abnormal Function
i-ei uh consiuer for a momen
the far-reaching effect that abnor
mal functioning of the kidney will
produce. First, such a condition
dams back the waste product whl
annum ue excreted. These ln
ducts are worse than useless. Thoy
are an actual poison to the tissues.
Remaining as they do in the cir
culation, they are panned time after
lime through all parls of the bodv
Being poisonous, , they naturally
airect first thoso organs whle
posses the least resistance, and as
tnis varies in different Individuals.
so the symptoms which arise from
such a condition are varied.
it happens that the lungs are the
weakest organs In the body, they
are the first affected. And so we
might go on and enumerate them
all. it Is for this reason that ah
normalities of the kidneys show
sucn rar-reaciiing results. Some
tlmea the poiBons ace ov ulate rap.
idly and this is true where the
abnormality In the kidney function
s very 'marked. In other cond I
tlons the accumulation of poisons
la. a very slow procesN, extending
pernaps over a number of years
and it Is only by a gradual pro
cess that, the resistance . of the
weaker tissues is finally broken
sown. ,i . ,
i The 'chiropractor." however. ' tin
lersUtuds the various abnormalities
which may result from, abnormal
functions -of these . Important or
gass, and la capable of arriving at
a correct conclusion, not only from
tbe symptoms employed but from
a thorough examination of the
spine, whch discloses that fact to
To Restore Normality
The chiropractor la an expert
' with- .thorough knowledge of
where the uorve trunks are given
ntf trom .the spine and what or
gans they supply. Having deter
mined, that, the, kidneys., actually
are at fault In their function, be
immediately looks for an abnor
mality In a certain region of the
apine. Being specially trained, he
la able to detect what sections of
the spine are displaced and in
which direction. . He . is further
trained In the technic of restoring
these vertebrae to their normal
positions. Having accomnllshed
tills, health Is the result as a nat
ural consequence. Why? Hocanse
tbe kidneys are permitted to func
tion normally and the poisons are
thus entirely eliminated from the
body and their effect upon distant
organs disappears.
No matter what other measures
are taken to afford relief to the
patient. It can only be done per
manently by removing the cause
of the disorder. As this cause is
a displaced vertebrae In the spine,
it cannot be reached by Introduc
ing medicines of any kind.
Time Element
There Is Just one point that the
patient should be apprised of, vli.,
that the time element la an Im
portant feature In his recovery. He
must remember that the condition
from which he In suffering may
have been developing for years.
This being true, the spinal seg
ment must have been .displaced for
years, and It has undoubtedly ac
customed Itself to the new position
so that It is firmly fixed there.
Time is required by the chiro
practor to alter that position and
to bring It again back to Its nor
mal place.
Remember that by putting off
action for weeks or months yon
are weakening the tissues of your
body and are permitting the ills
placed segment to becomo more
and more thoroughly and firmly
fixed in Its abnormal position. You
should see your chiropractor Im
mediately and permit him to ex
plain what Chiropractic will do for
your particular trouble.
(All Rights Reserved) '
SYNOPSIS: Uary Lou Leslie
comet to a parting of the ways
with Brinmor Whlttamore. Ue
thlnke her a -nloe" girl from the
country, and become engaged to
a night club dancer, Uary Lou,
however, reeotvee to Hve down the
' "nice girt" reputation and have a
good time without Brynmor. Tony
Titherington, a reckleea young avi
ator, akee her to parties and
Uary Lou ehortly loeee eom ol
her demureneae. Be takee her to
visit hie Aunt Bthelberta, a tem
peramental, wealthy evineter. Pre
viously ehe had refused to back
Tony Unandally on a flight around
the world. She Hkee Uary Lou,
and telle Tony that ehe will fi
nance hie flight It he becomes en-
laged to her. Tony ie in a dt
emma. lor he has sworn never to
marry. Finally he decides to talk
tt over with Uary Lou.
Chapter 16
'T'ONY wanted to introduce the
subject tactfully, but be was at
a loss for words.
"You made a bit with Aunt
Kthelberta," be, Anally blurted out.
"I'm so glad you think so," Mary
l.ou rejoined.
In her own mind Mary Lou knew
that Miss Titherington had liked
her. Hadn't she gone so far as to
kiss her good-bye?
To ber. It seemed that the big
gest obstacle to capturing Touy
was out of the way. Mary Lou had
iieen clinging hopefully to this
ought never to marry. It wouldn't
be very pleasant to be In constant
anxiety over my safety, would It?
"I simply can't Imagine any sen
sltlve girl doing It. Because ol
ber, 1 would hesitate to take risks
and then I'd never establish
those records. I've sworn to sacrl
lice everything for flying, and I'll
do If
Mary Lou hesitated before she
"Don't you think a girl would
take tbe risk. If abe loved you.
'She might, but I wouldn't lei
her. why should a girl suffer foi
my sake? You see" bis voice
dropped, "I never can forget aboui
my own mother. Dad's accident
killed her. you know. And do you
think I could stand the strain ol
flying If I knew the girl I loved
might have to face "
Stop!" Mary Lou bid her face
In her hands.
There, you see bow right I
am?" Tony queried triumphantly.
"I 1 suppose bo." .
"That proves conclusively that
marriage Is not for me." Tony ar
gued. "But look here. Mary l.on. 11
you'll only consent to become en
gaged to me for a limited period.
I'll be your slave for life.
"No one need know of our ar-
"I aay,1
Tony haiarded, "you're not offended ?"
Medford Building
Stewart Building,
Liberty Building " '
Tbe Chlropractlo Health Bureau,
ear of the Medford Mall Tribune.
Medford Oregon.
Please tend me, without cost or
obUgatiou on my part, copy or tbe
ear Booklet describing Chlroprao
Ue Health Service. -
(Paid adv.)
thought ever since they had left
Ham Orcen cottage.
All sort of hopes and fancies had
beea flitting through her brain. She
was roused from a trance to hear
Tony saying:
- "You'll probably have a fit. but
Aunt Bthelberta actually suggested
that 1 should become engaged to
you!" . .'- ., .-.' .
i Mary Lou's head swam. This re
mark didn't seem tq lit Into her
picture. . '
-."That was funny."
"Deucedly funny quite ridicu
lous, In tact."
Mary Lou suddenly felt sick.
"And she's set on It." Tony re
lumed. "She said she won't fi
nance my flight unlesa 1 become
engaged to you."
Mary Lou was limp. "A-and
what did you say?"
"I snld you'd laugh at the mere
Tuny seemed to think It was a
'She persisted In ber nonsense.
too," Tony frowned. "She won't' let
me have a penny unless we become
engaged." .
"JWbst are you going to-do?"
Tony slackened his speed. "I'm
putting It up to you. Mary lxu.
My -fate lies entirely in your
"Do you mean that you want to
marry me Just because of what
your aunt said?"
"Heaven forbid!" cried Tony In
dismay. "I've no Intention of mar
rying anyone, my dear, nut I'd
sure be gratoful If you'd be sport
enough to become engaged to me
for a time."
Something stuck In Mary Lou's
"I say," he haiarded, "you're not
"No, not offended." After a pause
she added, "Do you mean you
don't want to marry until you fall
In love?"
A stern look crept over Tony's
"Not even then, Mary l,ou."
"But but why?" .
Tony was silent for a moment.
"I'll try to explain. Mary Lou.
although you're the Drat girl I've
ever taken Into my confidence."
Tony was more serious tlun she
ever had seen him.
"As I see It. an airman like my
self, bent on establishing records.
rangement. When the flight la
over yon can pretend you're bored
with me and chuck me over. That's
simple. Besides, we'd get a great
deal of fun out of It, with everyone
getting romantic over us, and our
knowing all the time we were
boodwinklng 'em.
"It'a for you to decide. I won't
blame you If you refuse, but some
how I don't think you will." .;
He turned his attention again to
driving, and gave ber a chance to
think it over. ' y
Mary Lou knew that Tony's am
bition was centered on this flight.
And she realized, with that practi
cal streak which Is woman's heri
tage, that half a loaf Is better than
no bread at all. Even tt she never
married Tony. It was something to
have been engaged to him It only
for a time.
"All right, I'm on." Tony was
too elated to notice the strained
note In her voice.
"That'a great!" he exclaimed.
He looked at her, and ber quiet
nesa made him uncomfortable.
"I say, you'll thmk I'm beastly
conceited, but there er Isn't any
danger of your growing too fond ol
me, is there. Mary Lou?"
That piqued Mary lou'e pride.
"Of course not!" she said sharp
ly, and laughed. "You're the last
man In tbe world with whom I'd
fall seriously In love!"
Tony sighed contentedly and
grinned. "Well, that's reassuring.
I suppose I'm not tbe type you ad
mire?" "I like you well enough to play
around with." Mary Lou Hod. "But
the sort of man I'd marry would
be quite different serious er in
tellectual . . . belter looking, per
haps. . . .
Tony chuckled.
"That's a bit of a sling, the bet
ter looking part, 8(111, you're Jus
tified In having your own Ideas on
the subject."
It set Mary l.ou laughing. Some
times, she had found, It's better to
laugh than to cry.
"What's the Joke?" he demanded.
"Is It on me?"
She shook her head. A knowing
voice whispered to her: "Mary
Lou, tue Joke Is on you!"
ICopyrlght ItSS Uaysle Orelgl
Mae Mary Lou played htr cards
cleverly or not f Tomorrow the
game of fnake-ballava starts.
Democrats Welcome Back
to Fold Members Who
Helped Hoover Party
Now Closely Knit. .
liioim-tloii of Poultry
I RKHKDA, Calif. (A") Federal
I Inipei'llon has been Instituted In
I the new poultry canning plant of
PORTLAND, tire., July 1 IA1 I"" Hunnynied Klntinre corporn
An nttpmliinl nt the Zip. thrllllnv I ""n which, with n flock of nearly
ride nt an amusement park here, j 500,000 hen. operates the largest
threw a burket of wuter over Ur. Poultry mneh In the world.
I-:. II. Flora. Portland dentlat v. 1
ler.lay when the dentlnt'a clothing
raitiiht fire from matches he enr
rletl In his pork el.
Flora was riding the Zip.
rARlS.-HP YVlvet hat ar in
dicated for fall and winter. Thy two fur mem, openlnn curb mar
were worn when the Oram. Prx , fcet nt Oxford, N. C. nold Sir!
rare at Ijincrhamn attracted tin- worth of sur,tlui pro, luce the flmt
lituy uf th Intent ntinlri, I day.
Akn l,mo Iht I III.
rKN'ni.KTON, July I M
Mm, Nettle Hrown filed milt In
circuit court today eekln(t $10.
000 from Mrs. Ada ttrown for
nlleRed alienation of her huahand'H
Curb Market t1mir1.l,r
KALKIOH. N. C A) Twenty-
NASHVILLE. Tenn. ' JP) Ten
noKHco DemocratH have welcomed
back Into the party fold thone
who helped President Hoover gain
a 40,000 plurality In the Htute,
no the primary campalgnn - are
going uIoiik full tilt.
Nominees will be selected, for
governor, junior United States
Henntor, 10 congressmen, ' Mate
nil Iron d and public utilities com
missioner, and the state legisla
ture, hy both pur ties August 7. I
Despite the fatrt . that President I
Hoover was victorious two years
ago, Tennessee re-elected demo
mils to the offices of governor,
senior United States senator, rail
road commissioner and to eight
of the 10 seats in congress.
The first and second congres
sional districts In east Tennessee,
where - Republicans were elected
always have been Republican.
Cordell Hull, veteran repre
sentative In congress from. ,the
fourth dUtrlct, and Andrew 1.
Todd, MurfecHhoro capitalist and
land owner, nre In the race for
the Democratic nomination to the
senate spat held by W. 12. Urock
of Chattanooga.
Mr. Brock Is filling out the un
expired term of the late Senator
,nwrence D.. Tyson of Knoxvllle.
He wns appointed by Clovernor
Henry II. Horton.- ,
Senator Brock has remained si
lent about his intentions after his
term expires In November, It
will be . necessary to elect a sena
tor for the short term November
to March and for the six-year
term beginning In Mnrch. Hull
and Todd seek only the long term.
Governor Horton, Democrat,
who succeeded Gov. Austin Peay
upon the latter's death In .1927,
and was re-elected the next year,
Is seeking ronomlnation for a two
year term.
He Is opposed to I E. .Owlnn,
Memphis attorney, who. 'Pledged
In 'his .opening, nddress' Xnnt n
would effect an annual reduction
of $2,500,000 in the cost of ope
rating the Mate- highway ;,ppart
1. (Jry The monoplane Colum
bia, veteran of a trans-Atlantic
flight and once holder of a world's
endurance record, had another
exploit to her credit today, a non
stop flight to Bermuda and back.
Roger O. Williams, a trans-At
lantic pilot, and Errol Boyd steer'
Ing the Columbia by the nai-Iga
tton of Harry E. Connor, hopped
off from Roosevelt field at 4:01
a.m. (e.B.t.) yesterday, found the
speck of an Island 800 miles away,
circled above It In a tropical down
pour then headed hack, . landing
at Curtiss field ut 9:03 p.m. "
At Hamilton, Bermuda, the
filers dropped a sack of mail.
The fliers said they had no
trouble in finding the Island, al
though it la a low lying spot In
the Atlantic and they were trou
hled with fog part of the way.
A. E. Bnnwell, executive secre-
ary ot the Southern Oregon-
Northern California Development
association, will represent that or
ganisation at a tri-county mineral
conference to be held nt Weaver-
llle. Calif., July 7. Shasta, Trln
Ity and Siskiyou counties will be
represented and the nssoclutlon
us Invited, to take part In view of
similar conference it will hold
t Grants Pass July 15.
It la thought possible that these
hree northern California counties
may be induced to join the local
association, which has for its ob
jective the general development of
the region it serves.
bodying the Intest features of
broadcast equipment, KYA is com
pleting a new $75,000 station here.
, Equipment of the .old station' will
be Junked.. ' ' '.
Two of the most "recent develop
ments will be utilized according
to (.', E. Mnrrlson, general mana
ger of the station. Screen gtd
transmitting tubes will be used
which will permit KYA to modu
late 100 per cent.
KYA operates on 243.8 meters.
WASHINGTON.-) An order
designed to prevent broadcast sta
tiona irroni i 'stepping up", 'power
beyond that licensed and- to dis
courage applications for increased
power has been issued by the fed
eral radio commission.
The order, definitely limiting the
maximum rated power of trnni'
milters used by stations, also pre
scribes a standardized method of
determining operating power.
Types of equipment as specified
as . well as the maximum power
output which will be allowed each
class of fit a lions In the future. ,
1 t!
PORTLAND, Ore., July 1
Uncle Jim" Whttford, who was
orn at Shaddaso Kour Corner.
ew York. October 30, 187. the
ear tnut stnle Abolished slavery,
led at the KoreM Grove Masonic
onip yesterday tn the age of 103.
o was a member of the Masonic
gantzatlon C2 years.
Whitford came to Oregon !n
S70 to cruise timber.
Beginning with his 100th birth
day in October. 192 7. the event
has become n statewide observ-nni-o
In Masonic circles.
DETROIT. (Jfi More than 1800
arrests have been made with radio-
equipped scout cars here since
Detroit Installed its police radio
station a little more than two
years ago.
In . one month police records
show, WCK flashed 3322 messages
to units of the police department
with cars making 1512 runs In re
sponse. In 176 instances, the cars
arrived before the criminals
Mr ALLEN, Texas (P The
Texas-Mexico border's most pow
erful radio stntion will be in
operation by August 1.
The r 000 -watt station Is being
built-in Reynosn, Mexico, across
the Uio Grande, because the fed
eral radio commission wns unable
to issue a license for operation of
such a unit In this section of
Studios will be maintained In
McAllen and Reynosa. Programs
will be broadcast simultaneously
from each.
for the night of the Fourth
Flags wave, drums beat . . .
the livelong day. is filled with
the ;olor and sound' that
mark a nation's birthday.
And then, at night, to top
the day's bright pageantry,
a million lights are born,'"'
Flags of light . . . the night .
of the Fourth will
lie alive with them ,
this year, for folks
are finding in light
the simplest and
.most beautiful
"Ytsr Partners
means of expressing the
"spirit of '7(5." You, too, ean.
join in this great patriotic
pageant, simply by stringing
these "gayly colored lights at'
your doors and windows, in .
your front yards, or where-, :
cvtr their cheerful brilliance -.
wijl -be 'most effective. ; ,' " '
(io into your deal-;
er's shop and se
lect your lights for
the Fourth . '. . he
has a complete and
varied assortment.
For1 More .Than Twenty , Years He's Been Relieving Lams
; Back; Sore, Stiff Muscles, Swollen Joints, Sprains,; ..
! Achy Feet, Rheumatic Pains and Kindred Ills
. of Big League Athletes
Greatest Living Expert On
Keeping Athletes In
Perfect Condition
buffered rears. He Tried
fcverything, bilt Found
No Relief
"1 know Man, nil ault.t-M m
doubt ate whtn I say thrir I roubles
from piles and hemorrhoids can
now. bf banished I don't blame
inrm oeesme. 1 suffered twelye
years and durinr that lima tried
everything carried in a drug store
or sum irouoies wnn only partial
or temporary relief," declares Rob-
en Higgina, rh. li.
'I m a druggist myself and
when I say Ihia new internal way
of getting rid completely of pile
troubles i, best I know whereof
I speak. One of the clerks in (he
I lore lold me how wonderfully
these new lolsc Pile Pills had
lielped his wife, so I took a botll
dome because 1 was suffering ter
rible at that lime and I want to
say they worked like magic. I
never dreamed a pill you awallow
u I ,,nl coula " quickly ban
ish all the pain, discomfort and
symptoms. Colac Pile Hills are
the best remedy for this painful
affliction I ever heard of and I
recommend them to cuiinn.ri"
continued Dr. Higgina. a well
anown druggist of Lornthe. N. Y.
Thousands of oeonle .v.n nu.
of long standing terrible cases
bedridden have been auirklv ri
of their trouble. Anyone may get
ine same aausiactory and blessed
relief, vet manv hitat m I
druggists hesitate to gel a stock I
il ia so hard to believe such Iron. !
blea can be banished so easily, ;
without expense or loss -of lima ;
from work. Just imsgine being ,
free of psin. comfortable either :
working, aittint. walkinr or sleen.
ing once more. Colac Pile Pills ar I
backed an by guarantee of results ;
or money back, bv nationally
known Colac Chemical Co, Brent. I
wood, Md, who will mail full sis
bottle, postage paid in plain wrap. I
per, on receipt of 75c in si amps or I
coin, if roar druaciat kaaa't ab.
tamed Ik em yeU
We want to introduce the
reader to Mike Martin, who
probably knows more about
keeping a nerson in lighting
condition than anyone else
living. . For over 20 years at
various universities and with
the New York Yankees. Cin
cinnati Rods and now as train
er of the Washington Ball
Club, Mike Martin has won
fame as a lightning quick fix
er of sprains, pains, aches,
Mike Martin is a genius. He
can take men claimed to be
too old, stiff or rheumatic to
play baseball at all and make
them as frisky, vigorous, sup-
Washington Baseball Club
pie and quick as a boy. Mike
Martin knows his business
ask Herb Pennock, ly Cobb,
Geo. Sisler, Lea Meadows,
Ray Kremer, Walter Johnson,
Alexander, Chief Bender,
Nick -Altrock, or any of the
big stars of today, or the past
few years. They know. Ask
the trainer of any of the Big
League Ball Clubs'. ' ,
Mike Martnin has had a little
folder printed, telling how he
quickly banishes stilt, swollen
joints, achy, lame backs or feet,
various rheumatic pains, etc. He
has arranged with leading drug
gists here in town to sell you
generous sised bottlci of the lini
ment these great "Stars" use. He
has made it a long time for his own
use. Athletes on other teams kept
Mike busy making his "Mike Mur
tin Liniment." Trainers, caaches,
colleges, big league teams nil over
tne country buy it bv the gallon
fmm fiWo Nnu, Mil-.. M . .:..
swamped with demands for this : ""lm,nl or " rUrg tour oubo
liniment and directions how to
use it, has employed a big sales
company to distribute it and they
u.a supplying all the druggists
Mike still superintends the making
of it during odd times between
acting as trainer of the American
League Washington Ball Club.
If your drug-gist hain't lecured s few
bottls of Hike Martin' Liniment, aak him
to get It. Thero I, no other liniment like
it. It worki like nrL4ed lightning even
in casea of chronic lameneha, welling,,
atllTiic.s or pains, yet la so milU It can he
used on a baby's skin. Hike Martin'a
Liniment is unquestionably the most ef
fective, quick, sure, up-to-date remedy
made. Big ieague players couldn't atTord
to fo..' with weaker, alowcr remedies. Ho
one else should.
If your drutrglst fiaa some remedy of hie
own he prefera to sell just write Mike
Mart n. Tralnar. n.ll P.-L w..i,(natn...
I D. C. IT-.:. for folder and two ounce boi-
Platinum and white gold
Kings of exquisite, In co
like designs set with dia
monds of sparkling bril
liancy rings of captivating
.Larry Schade
YaLf fivorlte Jewslsr
Since 19U
Make Reservations Now
July 4-5-6
. -V
Spend the Fourth of July the Cool
of the Pines. Good Fishing and Bathing
Large Lodge for the Convenience of
Our Guests.
Phone 883 Medford
for Reservations