Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 01, 1930, Page 10, Image 10

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yews '
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RO(JUK RIVISIt, Ore., July 1.
(Bpeelal.) Mr. ii ml - :Mrt. Jutin
JirudlnK. Mr. ur.d Mi-h, Clyde. Jtlwj-
er and duuKhter Nvclyn. und MIhh I fG to act "M noiur
Hyivia Jioehrecht enjoyed a picnic
np per recently.
, Mr. nnd Mm. K. J. Jatincr and
fton Hilly J.,ee, of Antoriu. uro visit
ing Mt'H. Jawper'H mother, Alr.
Jlurnn. Dr. JitMpcr Ih convuleHclntf j Wednesday,
xrom, a. recent njneHH, f
EAdl.M POINT. Ore, July
(Kpl.) Mt'H.' Ktiini'lK Campbell f
the Kh'Ht statu hunk Ih now uuuli-
Mr. und Mrs.' Frank nnd their
KUchU, Mr. and Mi-h. Inlow of Oak
land, ml., I,yle VanScoy, Mr.s. Hi.r-j
old VanHcoy and Mrn. Lottie Van
Hruy motored to Jiamond lit Ut .
N. II. Hurt, who visited tho pUHt
week ut the Fred Dcnlcr home,
returned to Aberdeen, Wanli., Mutt
day. Mth. Jlart und daughter,
Jnii, will rmuiii Jit Jtogue. Hlver
for thn MUipmer.,
(,'harlMi Muck of , Wolf (,'reek,
vlRited In si week with AIih. Mack,
who U staying with her mother,
.Mrs. C C Thompson.
- Oinndpu 14 1 evens, who had, a re
lOPHO lust week, is ltnprovllitf.
ftelutlvi'H called owing to IiIh con
dition Jiavo returned , to their
homtut. ,
Mm. M. It. Ilium Ih upending the
.week visiting Mix. Delia Dodge in
Mr. und Mi'H. Ciem-jfe Jilueteaux
of the hiKhway, are leaving on a
short time for New York, where
Air. - JJIueioaux hat. employ intuit.
They hnve been resident of thiH
section for several yeui'H und own
tho ItlueHteatix service... Htntlon,
operated y Mr. and Mt'H. HoIum-I
. Hoy KdwunlH hnu taken up
duties nt the lookout utation on
Battle mountain.
Dr. and Mix. W. H. Carey have as
guests Airs. Carey 'h wlster, Airs, C.
A, Bennett, und children.
Lawrence. MurqiifHH, of Yatnlilll,
wan a KUeat at the Hum L. Handry
home Tueuday.
H. 10. Klchmart wuh In Medfortl
Tueuday, and returned to ltoguc
Hfver with 1'uul Seely of Portland.
Thlrly-Hlx young people are in
attendance at the J'reHhyterlan
young people' conference hclng
conducted In Hngue Kiver.
M r. and M rs. C. At , Heed a ro
upending a few days In Hugue
JUver visiting at the Botkln und
Khepard homes. Mr, und Airs. Heed
lived Ih' Koguc Kiver several yeat-H
ui(0 when Mr. Heed wuh connected
with the Ancient Kiver Mining Co.
Mrs. Alice Kohhins-und children
Clyde anil It Lit h, wIkk visited with
Mr, ami Mt'H, J.. M. Whipple re
turned home tu J'Jugena Wednes
day. J( :, , , ... .
Deihart Witt Ih-vUltlng IiIn grand
parents, Mr. und Mr. Bill Witt.
Mrn. Robert Urimmett and
daughter Mabel of Klamath Kiill.s,
und Mr. und Mt'H, Alva DawH of
, duokaoiivllle, are vlaKlpK. fU -tho.
Uurflpld X-awa homo. - -
Mm. Khlrley Uilllngur und baby
daughter of Grants J'uhh, vlHlted
r.. DIlllnger'H mother, Mrs. Klch
urdBwucker, Jj'rldny. ,
Mrn. Murthu Smnnon ucenmpun
led Mr. and Mih. Boy tiuamou of
Med ford to CruHcenl City Huuduy.
- Dolph Cluyer of Mod ford, son of
Mr.-iihd Mrs. Koy Cluyer, Hpent the
wek end with IiIh grandfather, K.
HtevenH, ;
'Lloyd-Hmlth Ih Greeting a houHe
on )n i property and IiIh family will
tnuVft In uh noon uh It Ih flnlnhed.
Hev. and Mih. C. S. HurrlH of
Albany, Ore., Hpent.. Hunday In
Kokuo Ktver. Kev. Hanin occupied
ihm pulpit of thu Jlopu 1'reHhyler
lAh .church.
,k MlH-- Vern Orr hu iih tier Iiouho
iiieftt MIhh VYIIIluniH of Aledford.
Mtv und Mi-h. Kugene Moore
entertained Tuenduy evening with
party ' honoring Mih. Jllram
Afoore'H blrthdiiy, mother of Mm.
Aldord. A laigo number of fi'lentln
eiljoyed curttH until a lutu hour
When refrpKhmentH were Herved by
the hoHicsH, iiHHfKted by Mm. Clyde
Klnger and Mm. Jack Stuwurt.
, K . V, Taylor of the Kvunn Valley
blue fox farm,. jay vIkHoih are
Welcome. Mr. Taylor hn forty
young foxeH and ten old ouch.
Mih. Kd Farm accominnIed by
her niece. MIhh Anna Dean of Ouk
MhihI, 1'allf., vinlted Mm. Kva New
tun on Sardine creek Thumday.
Mr. and Mih. George, March were
in firuntM J'uhh Sunday.
Mm. Ji'Hmo KlchardHon, Mm. Ed. j
Jonen, Aim. Kldon Oluauon and '
Mih. Krni;ntlnc KohIH returned to
their homes Thumday fro m
lOugene where they attended the
(1. A. It. and W. It. C encamp-:
ment. 1 1
. Ukh Wllda Hlchmond left for;
Crater Luke lunt week where Hhe
will fpend the KUinmcr, MIhh Hlch
mond attended thn Oregon Htate '
collego the pant year. I
On lawt Thumday In (Jrantn J'ass;!
occurred the marriage of a former
Central 1'olut girl, Al Ikh Bcggy
Thin-man to JoHeph DunlelH, Jr., of
Mcdfurd. MIsm Thurmnn resided ;
here with her purentH, Mr. and
Mih. William Thuiinan und has
tunny frlt'iidn who wfsh her much1
hftpplneHg, ,.t i
-Mm. Bert Hedgepeth In reported.
ill il-4 m-r m-d m II II 11 11 II II ILJ ll-r' vil II I &.l
Aim. Violet .Spencer returned
Wednesday, after vUiting In Can-'"" wi''k llwt'
adu for Hix month". i
AIIhh Crandall nf 'iriffln cn-k
viniteil lunt week at the homo of
Mm. Lottie Van.Scoy.
Marcellus liowe ((f Central Point
vinlted hi. c i) u n I ii, Mm. Annie
Hwazy, Weduenday.
Theron J one. ca 1 1 lema n ; of
OranlH IJaHH, wan In Kaglo i'oint
Monday, .
Oeorge Holmes Ih busy making
cement blockH for a foundation for
a barn which hr in going to build
for tiuH Nit'liolH on IiIh ranch near
the river.
The (Jreb hrothern entertained
their nlHter and brother-in-law,
Mr. und Mm., Miller of A.slUand,
with n turkey dinner at the home
if their parents. Air. and Aim.. John
(reh. Thursday. Invited guetH
were ltlnncho Walten. Doi-fn J Inn
ton and. tJertrurlc, Krelenbui'g, - Mr.
and . Mv$, .Miller left Alonday nrtuiv
noon for AHuraH, Citl., to make
their future home. , ;
Mm. teo. Bf.rker ami elilldren.
Kleanor, laurlna and Fred, return-!
ed to their homo In Kugene Wed-J
nesday, accompanied by AIih. Jjda
, H. JO, club met wllh M t'H, Mollii
D. ItarneH, June 2"i, wllh L'l ludlcTi
iireHent. who 'naflHed tho time In
piecing unlit block and other fancy LAKH ('HBIiK, Ore., July 1.
work und made further plans fori Hpeclnl) Air. und Mr. Ollmore
01 AHhland nto upending two
weckn' vacation at Ho da HprlngH.
Mr. and Mrs. .loo ltateman und
two koiih of Centtalla, Wash., ure
vlHlitng at the home of Mm. Butu-
Mm. Ida .lack mm,
home ut Dead In-
-nijJi;kson: c:We-:K. Orb.Juiy
1 . (.Special.) Al m. 1. C. JoneH 1
called ut thu .Mm. AIuvh botne Fri- ;
,ia'- i , . j
J' AL Centem and Mr. Oreen
were in AHhland Friday morning, j
Mm. Jou Hkeetum culled on Mrs. ,
L. C. JoneH Wednesday. )
D. C. Bute wuh out to Aledford)
Friday. ' I
Mm. Black Hpent a few liours j
with Mm. J. AlnyH Tueuday.
Mr. and Aim. Kushuedd were In
AHhland Thursday.
Ann. AlacDowfll and family wero
out to I he valley Friday evening.
(Jeo. MtrAnally and wife were In
Ashland Monday.
Claud Cnrk and family of Cen
tral l'olnt Hpent the week end at
Jas. Alacliowell'R.
! i nr nnrn I
LAlAL bKttl
I --.-.1 I I ,f
the annual carnival to bo hold in
Alvln Hmlth hasn't been, feeling
well for ihe past week, but U bet
ter now.
Aim. Grace Cowden va in Kaglej nuin'H moth
Point recently on im.ilutsH. J at her minimi
RAMS VALLKY, Die,. July 1.
(Hpepiul.) Nine bablen and children
Wfcre examined nt the baby clinic
held hero lust week by Dr. It. C.
Wtlhon and Lydlu King. A very
nmull percentage of the little onen
titedvd medical attention, revealing
that Hams Valley can produce good
bah tea nH well uh other products.
The Hundny hcIiooI group gath
ering held ut the nchoot house was
well attended. The Sunday m-hou!
iivrvlrea and children's day pro
gram were held before noon when
all recejwed for a bountiful basket
June 20 about 1C young people
of the community gathered at the
W. W. Kdlngton home and gave
a farewell pmty to A. B. Collett.
Hunt -Valley school principal, who
left for Portland to attend summer
Wm. StrniiH, who ban been em
ployed for tho pnnt Hevenil yearn
In Kin math, county, returned home
this week to enjoy ii hu miner vacation..-
Mrn, John Hull and Mi hji Fran
cm WHun were purchaHing raHp
harrlM In the Phoenix district Fri
day. I
. Mr a. O. H. Johtmon and Hon Fern
hav returned from Iowa, whoro,
ttiu hltonded the funenil of Mm.
Johmton'fi brother. They were ac
companied by John Johnson. The
v Johnaona report thut Oregon road
ara a bletwlng nfter 1 raveling over
other ntate roods on their trip. -;
Mlm Betty Wllnun in visiting her
HUnt( Mm. J. M. Dodgo ef 'M.-.irm.!
MIm Llutl Cooper of Oakland Ih
vlhlBnff htr obiter. Aim. Klclmid
Moore lock.
. Clevo WUson of William vlited
relattven In thli dlntrlct Thumday
nhd Friday, and called on Medford
car deal em from whom ho pur
rhnted a car In which to return
fV party wuh held by Mr. und
Mrs. Theron Taylor on the. Crnlei.
Ltiko highway last week for Ihoh
non Blllle, in honor of n eighth;
blrthdny. Invited Hchonl , chumH'
wore 12a rl, JOlnier find Alary I lai'"
nUh, (irace, Henry and Mary Kllen
Holman, Luclle, Dorothy and .Sam
my Coy. tKddlo Dahack. , M-.irlin
Perry, Viola Jack.non, Beth Cintt
cude, Christine CarneH und Biliie
Taylor, Alothem assisting Mm.
Toylor wero AlrH. Alaliel llarnis'i,
Mih. Alary Taylor, Mm. Ilecea
Smith, Mm. Florence' CarpoH nn:1
Mvh. IJlll teWlimirHf"--tfi' i
Tom t:ny, after Htien'ding a two
weekn vacation ut the home of Air.
and Aim. A.
ha.i returned to hl homo here,
Aim. Mattle Itrown returned
home Thursday, after spending a
mouth viHlttng with friends und
relatives In Portland, Seattle und
Vancouver. B. C.
Dorothy Wllhlte, wludmt at the
lOugle Poipt high ami president of
tho local ChniHlian Fndeavor ho
clety, and clarence Vernon Monla,
oldest son of Aim. Jacob Monla of
Lake Creek, were uulctly marrieil
Sunday morning, Juno ut the
Flmt Christian church pamonage.
with Kev. CiU'innn 10, Mell offici
ating. They will be at home to
their many friends in Medford "
North Ivy street.
Mr. und Mm. John Oreb. Air,
and Mm. .Miller, Aim. Myrtle Smith
and hod Alvln. Alamhu Whaley,
Johnnie. Clareuce, Foster, Alvln
and Harold Orfh motored to Ale
Ailister BprJngH Sunday.
Among guests nt the Stinnyslde
hotel Sunday were Dr. and Airs.
W. Howard and their guests.
Mr. and Aim. Krmwt B. C,rove.
Juyco and Jack drove of Kugle
vllle, Cal.: Air. und Mrs. K. O.
Smith and children, 10n .May and
Mark Smith: Aim. Martha 10, 1M
huff,,Dr. and Mm. tlregg of Ash
land. Mr. nnd Aim. McDonald and
non of Medford, Mr. and Mm. CU.r
ence Iloe and family of Hold Hill.
Mr, and Mm. Boh Dawson of Trull,
Mr. nnd Aim. I loyal Brown. Mr.
Henderson, Huh Nichols and Todd
Whaley of F.agle Point. i
(1 In ii.
r ii
l !
I v
SALHM: V Ore.,"' July lv-(P) A-i
Htate building program to cover n
period of Homo yearn in tho future
Im advocated by Sam A. Kozer,
Htuto budget director. In u Ktate-
OriHsom nt Cllmax.Nmeut made public Sunday, llodc-
clareH that mich a program . Ih
ncceHHury if the constantly grow
lug number nf Htate wards nre to
be cured for ndetiuutcly In tho
penitentiary, the Insnno bospltolH.
feeble-ii) inded homti and other
Htate iiiHtltutlotiH.
Since, the Insane hnspltul i at
Salem Ih filled to capacity und the
Pendleton Institution Ih uppronch
lug that point he thinks It may be
necessary before many yeui'H to
build a third state hospital for Ihe
DL'TllolT.' July 1 .
Ham Chnffee, 17 years old, of Day
ton. Ohio, won a trip to Kiimpe
and a $'Jio cash prize In the open
ing event of tho third annual in
ternational competition of the Air
plane M'del League of America,
which started here today.
'Chafee won the senior Hcnlc mod
el competition.
The junior championship In the
nam n do Km went to Kenneth Aludle
of Detroit.
The flying contests. Indoor and
outdoor, began thin morning ut
(irosse Do airport.
(Special.) Miss Lenta Hessel
gruve, who has been teaching ut
Aminos, Calif., Is spend lug her
summer vacation with bm parents.
M r. a nd M m. llewselgra ve. M lsn
HcftHrignivo wilt return to Ammus
this fall to tench the coming year.
M r, a nd Mrs, Kd Furru spent
Sunday in OrtmtN Pass.
Miss May Field of Ashland spent
the week-end with M Inn Janice
1 leiogruvo.
Air. and Mm. Lincoln Savage of
(rants Pans were visitors ut the
(lenrge March Imino Ibis week,
Mr. and M ih. Bert Hostel re
turned Sunday from n two weeks
vacation ut their cabin on Untn
MIhh Owetidolyn llUltun Ih
spending part of her Hummer vaca
tion witli her slater, Al tss James
I: ,M
PottTLAND. Ore.. July I (.fn-4-Dorutliy
Hester, III -year-old Port
land uvlatrlx. flying a small bi
plane, today held a "fimt" In avi
ation circle that will bo hard o
Slu completed threo outstdo
loops out of five attempts yesierday
to thrill a crowd of 3.ntm persons.
The difficult aviation feat was tic-
compUslied by upldc t
down at 3.00U f,M'i at L'OO miles
hourly and then Hwlnging upward j
to complete Ihe loop. j
Tex Katikin. Portland aviator, j
who last year made 1 S consecu-
live ootc de loops, Ktid Mlw lies- j
ter't performance w: perfect.
Inaliillod nnd, Manufactured for tho
now home of MuFiicrson'n
i' By
New Locution 113 N. Front
Phono 143-J
Announces the Opening of
f';T .
as :! ... '.v.' . - jj vt itta ki if jf 10 A. M
i.yl nW fit
An Old Established Medford Store in a Fine New Location at
.."Vv Til. -iWif'tl -,- y-. ..- ! . .ii i v
You are cordially invited to visit and inspect our new store
tomorrow. You are NOT obligated in any way to buy . . . just
come and have a smoke on MAC . . . We are, proud of this store,,
which is the finest between Portland and Sacramento. ' t
A 100 Medford Institution!
lit . .-I ' ' ' 1 - - -' r -I' K
r I. t .' I . f I ' Vjl . S . I 1 ' V,
Materials Furnished
5 by Medford ; :
'GohcerriS' -
in cm k
Now Medford's
Finest Store for Men
A Tribute
to Medford Industries
W'v cordially invite you to -visit ,
iMcPlicrson's. . . Just as wo arc f
lu'oiul of our new store, so should
the whole connnunitv be proud of
Mcpherson's . .. . it is a 1(H) per
cen, Med lord store ... a tribute
to Medford industry and Medford
work men.
The fixtures,' built by Trow
bridge' Cabinet Works,. . . a Med
ford. concern with, -a substantial
local payroll . . . are examples ol
what home industries offer. These
fixtures, we believe, am fully the
equal of .those 'made, in Urand
IJapids or any other city in the
I'nited States.
Mcpherson's have always be
lieved in patronizing homo indus
tries. We believe everyone in
southern Oregon will be proud of
this store, as it is an example of
the fine products of home indus
tries and the ability of Medford
Special Opening
Values Tomorrow
ifm x ii
tr,&t I !. HI ,
i !V f i i t'i (, I j ii
All Work Done
' rLabor rt
A Finer IStore For
1 The Well Known
Lines We Feature
Keller-Heiimann-Thompson ,
Rochester-made Suits
Mallory and; Hardeman. Hats . . .
Nettleton and Weyenberg Shoes
Hamilton-Brown Shoes
Ide and Argonaut Shirts
Spalding .Bathing Suits
Benjamin Franklin Sweaters
. Can't Bust 'em Work Clothes
. Munsingwear XJnderwear .
and Hosiery ' " " 1
..... , n
Rollin's Hosiery
Ide and, Crown Middie
).;;,, ..
Ambassador Caps
Pioneer Belts, ' Suspenders and
McGregor Golf Hose' " ' '
Everything in Men's
Apparel uhdei' Onb Roof