Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 28, 1930, Page 2, Image 2

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CntTlcWpimn Wwivm " " ' " "
' A InrRO picture of '.Tu'clif? 'Wil
liam OolVIC of -this city, newly
elected Jk. H. coromandpe. wan
printed on the first pane jf F'l
ilnv'B edition of the Kusen" It.'Kls
ter. The picture shows Past Com
mundcr Giddlon Htolx of Salem
tlllkillK things over with tho ne'V
C!. A. n. commnnder. Inserted iH
another picture of Jllillte Colvltf,
"who. has held many John, includ
ing; one oh an Indian flRhtor, po!l
tlnlan. soldier, lawyer and school
Niiperlntondent." the story renda.
Dance till 2 o'clock. Gold Hill
every Saturday night. Ml'.f
Amillicr Knmlwlt'li Slaiitl
Ceorge j'alen will spend S2I0
for a sandwich stand on Nofth
lElyerslde nvenue. according to nn
application on file todny at the
city building department. An ap
plication was nlso on file for the
Valley Fuol company to establish
a woodyard nt the corner of Sec
ond and Kir streets. ,
Dance, Dreamland Sat. night. . fl8
Front Distant l'tntx
liuests at Medffrd hotels from
a distance Include !r. and Mrrf.
11. T. Illenecko of Pittsburgh, Pi..,
.Mr. and .Mr Ted Lewis, A. J.
Himonds, Miss E. Oanton, Mrs. K.
l-ejotis of New Vork Oit.v. B. -M.
Hcanle of Omuha. Neb., A. II. (JlltlK
of .Minneapolis. Minn.,. .Mr. and
.Mrs. )l. U Stem of Muskogee,
Okla., Tl. M. CorKO of St.. I.ouls,
Mo., V. Blume of Vancouver. H, -..
Mr. and Mrs. I... J. Smith of Vnh
tngton. D. C, l.aVelle Itoozer of
Ames., la., Mr. and Mi'Si, Pnoige
llamllLon of Jlonnlulu, ,H. TS .- . ,
"Oet'n permanent wave before the
Fourth. Rnwman's 'Henttty Khnppc.
Phono .17. .'' ' '103
Vrnnnrlnfr for duly 4li
Ashland took on a gain nlmcs
phere todny as flng streamers were
placed -on Main street In prepara
tion for the HIr Fourth celebra
tion. Ashland Tidings.
Mrs. Mnhol Hall, director of the
School of Arts and Crafts nt Asn
InnU this summer, will tench
courses In weaving, block printing
and ".costume . design,... beginning
,luno an.. i , , .. i '
Teu'ltocrtllls ltOl(iitel
Juno. has been n busy month fni
Hergeant Orover Owm, who c: -ported
this forqnoon that he en
listed. 10 men In the United Suites
army in Med ford. . Ilo has made
nu enlistments since June 2. when
recruiting activities were tempor
arily discontinued. ' ,. . .
For best green slabs, nsk driver
or enir Medford Fuel Co., Tel. 031.
Visitors from -llffHchurg:
, Mr.vnnd Mrs. Ilnyco Allen were
nmonit the Uosehuru people spend
ing yesterday,, in. this city,
Thore Is a month-end speclni nt
Ethelwyn 11. Hoffmann's offering a
selection of dresses and onsemhles
In main nnd printed chiffons, crepes
nnd rnjnhs nt 'the very spncli.1
prlco. of 13.00. : - . . . JtlO"
Rvnntt Pnmlly Kouirns - "
Mr. nnd Mrs. Clnrenco V. Kvnna
and flani;htor Hetty returned
night from ,n. six days' motor trip.
They traveled the McKonitlc hlgh
wny to Kugeno and from there 1o
Portland, where bttslness was com
bined with pleasure' Mr. Kvnns re
newing the stock for, his Utister
Hwwn shne storo in this city. .
Siskiyou Summit Lodge open fo.'
the stjminer. (thicken dinner 7Tic;
nMii tea room lunches.
Orcgi'ililans ut Hotels ;
, m-sltlents of Oregon registered
at.'Melfiird lintels Include Mr. and
Arn.rji.' It. Pooley, Mr. nnd Mrs.
U.'K. Toner of 'Kugene, r;. .l.. jian
sen '-'of Salem, and the following
from I'ortlnnrt: II. W. Holden. J.
H.' Mammons. Oh, Rchmelster. Alice
W. 'Wlckwlrs, c. J. ljilr, M. 11
Croli .1. W. Wolford, Leon Downs
.1. M. Povey. O. .1. Hill, C, K. Haw-
lllns, H. Y. Nesbet, H. P. Harrison,
Mr. end Mrs. IP. H. Dunn, Mr. ftnd
Mrs. A. II. Casllcs, LaWandn Fcn-
laysnn, Mrs. t'nrey Joseph nnd H
LI Moe.' v.,.
Choice Rlndloll. cut flowers nnd
f nheral sprays. Samuelsnn Flow
r 'lardcn, 30S t:Uttk St. Phone
8S0-X... . 3tt'
Aiwtt 'Mnilfnrit Position
Jec rtapp of Kugene has ncce'
ed ft poslilon with tho local Amer
ican Railway Kxprcss office and
wllr'be located hero Indefinitely.
Mr.'Hiimi had heard much of Med
ford before coming to the city nnd
was . glad lo locate here.
Dance till 2 o'clock, Ctold Hill
verv: Saturday night. SIMP
Visited Their Urnndir.otlipr
Conrad Jacobson, Oopen man
oner nt Casper. Wyo., and slstev
Mrs.. II. A. llondster nf Medford.
visited their grandmother, Mra. A
N..Wsc, over the Inst, week end
Oold Hill Mews. .' V.
Dance. Dreamlnn.l Sat. night, fts
Ilomovnl lo Her Homo
M'ns. Oscnr Sabln was removed
In hor homo Thursday on Austin
street from the-iHrrert Heart hos
pital, where sho had spent the
preceding 10 days. ,
Chicken dinner t.t , Club Cute
Sunday, 6c complete. us
(Inn Marriage Lionise
Tho county clerk's office Issued n
marriage license this forenoon to
Arthur J. -Hancock, an. or i racy.
Cal.. nd Norma Wllhrlch, S8, of
1,00k 75c, $1.00, f LPS buys any
summer hat tomorrow nt the r.m
n Lou Hat Shop In tho M. M
Ht ore.. Now silk and felt hats very
special SLOB. "
ii..mb vtsitikra Vostonlnr
Mr. rtnn Mr. 8. D. Dnremtis "f
Ashlohd' mndo buslnesa trip to
Medford yesterday.' .
Hon Jdiys Flvo Eggs
When City Recorder .ludd H.
Pish of The Dalles went to Rather
the crrs recently he found that
pno White I.ouhurn hud Kid flv-.
That one hen produced all the ck
was evident in a thin inembrune
Joining the white pellets. The
largest was about the size 'of a
prune, graduating- down to the
fifth noout as big as a green pea.
All were perfectly formed as to
shell and contents.
- C'hauncey Florey now. located
123 Hast .Main St. Insurance and
Heal Kstate. Citf
C.uest Leaves for Xoj-th
Marcus Dall, master in tho
Thatcher school,-. OJal, Cal.. who
has .been, a guest nt. My. and Mrs.
F. Corning Kenly and sons for the j
past, week, left last night for Port
lend. . ,,
Dance; Dreamland Sat. night. US
Koi-iiioii tin Itoatl Work
Jackson county court is this year
supervising the expenditure of
funds from halt dozen special ror.d
levies. The majority of tho special
levies, approved by the taxpayers
In the districts benefited, are in
the . Medford area. Sometimes
when folks In this area read of
the road work being done In that
district, there Is a tendency to pass
Judgment without knowing tho
facts of the case, and accuse the
county court of centering nttention
on one corner of the county. We
should not fall to differentiate be
tween special levy .road work and
the general maintenance and build
ing work provided out of the gen.-
eral fund. Ashland Tidings.
Anderson's new studio of Pho-
otgrapby, ground floor, 407 Knsl
Main, opposite Plggly Wlggly. !!
Hush Is lleglilnltig
The sheriff's office Issued over
1 00 auto licenses yesterday and
more were expected to he Issued
today. To obtain a' llcenso at that
office, applicants must present the
certificate of registration . for .the
last year. If the certlfleato has
been lost, applications must be
sent . directly to the secretary of
stale at Salem.
Clearance sale of summer hats
and shoes nt the Rand Hox nfli
Shoo Box, 22.1 Fast Olll Ht. Hat
values to $10. CO, sale prices S3. US.
$2.08, $1.08. Shoes values f. to
SC. sale prlco S3. 05. hoo values
$.1.'.ir, to $4.11 !i, sain prlco $2.05. 100
On School Itiiiinl 40 Ycilrs' '
J, K. Wealherford, who for move
than 40 years has. sat continually
as a member of the Albany school
board, has assumed tho chairman
ship of that body again.
Summer hats going nt 7rc, $1.00,
Sl.08. The ICmmy Lou Hut Shop
In M. M. Htorc. " 100
llore from Henr State
Among the California auests reg
istered at Medford hotels are 'Mr.'
and Mrs. D..A- Vounian. Mr. and
Mrs. M. Chrlstonson, H. Saiil. Mr.
and Mrs. A. O. Casteel, W. Dahlen.
lona C. Smith, Mr. nnd Mrs. II.
Meyer- of -Los Angeles, - Mr. and
Mrs. F. II. Heed of Hilrllngame,
Ted 'Heed of" Monterey'." Mr. 'und
Mrs. IV. -H. Noack. Mrs. M. L.
Dnud. Oeq. W. Daud of Oakland,
O. K. nnd E. J. Tracy of Chleo,
Mr. and Mrs. It. O. Ijiy ot Stock
ton, Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Atkinson
of ttebastapol, nnd the following
from Hall 'Francisco: Mrs. Kttu and
Ityron Coleman, Mr. nnd -Mrs. Vic
tor -Cranston, Oco. IThl, W. II.
Scott. 10. J. llosenenur, 10. K. Hnell.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Dick Ponlnnd. Air.
and Mrs. I). Williams. Mrs. F. A.
Post, Mr. nnd Mrs. L. L. -Davidson.
Kor best green slabs, nsk driver
or cull Medford Fuel Op. Tel. (131.
I.nst week! L. A H. and Hot
point F.leclrlc ltango Halu. South
em Oregon lOIcctrlc. 08'
Visitors In litlfortl"TMlay
Mrs. W. 11. Watt of the Hide
pendence district. Mrs. Poling and
daughter, nweneth ot North Phoe
nix und fleorge D. Williams were
among the Out-of-town visitors In
Medford today.
Old-fashioned brush nrhnr camp
meeting nt Kngle Point every day
and evening to August 1. Kvery-
body InvlU-d, 08
'Let us haul liwny your gnrha'gi1
and refuse. Vhono 842, Ity San
itary Service. . 387tf
Local .Man N'iiiihmI Defendant .
N. C. Vosterfield Is named do
fehdnnt In a .civil action filed In
circuit .court yesterday by the
Itrucc-ltrough corporation of Cali
fornia for $330.-25, claimed to be
du eon account. In ntiother civil
action filed yesterday. .1. o. nnd J
H. McKliinoy nro defendants In a
suit filed by the Oltien's bank of
Walnut drove. Mo., for S180.
claimed to be due on a promissory
note. ... . , . ,
At Ethelwyn 11.. Hoffmann's you
will find all strnw hnts formerly
nriced lip to $20.:10 grouped Into
three Iota , $1.05, SI.H5, $8.Uii, luu
New 'fella nnd silk hats, Onge
models, special $5.98; other mod
els $1.98 to $3.0S. The Hand Hox.
,. v , . - , , -100
On Health Work
Miss Nellie Jacobs Is In Portland
where she will spend the next lo
days In. the Interest of the Jackson
County Health association. Oold
Hill News.
Tjist week! U A II. nnd Hut
polnt Klrctrlc Ttnnttc Sale. Smitli
crn Orciinn I'.lcctrlo. 98
A special value at ll.Sff In the
nil - silk Arlcraft Ikikp Is niaklni;
nultc a reputation at Hthelwyn li.
Hoffmann's. tf
Dlvnrtv Docrw (irnnlcd
The circuit court yesterday nrnnl
cd a decree of divorce to Mora J
Itniley from Irene Italley.
Mrs. Illlllnus nf H. Itlversldo Ave.
says that Dr. Hlnros Poison Onk
Prescription completely cured h.r
in two day. It is sold and guar
anteed by Month's Drug Htora.
Driving tn Los Anuelea Juno SO:
want S pnsseimcrs lo share -x.
pene. Wrllo Mr A. V. flreen,
K.iHle Point. . . .,
(illilltH Pass Hoy Better
llayford lllatt of Grants Pass,
who recently underwent a. major
operation at lie Sacred Heart hoi
pitul, was reported today to- -;e
showing continued Improvement.
.See Brill's Sheet Metal Works
for radiator, fender and auto body
repairing. tf
Dance till 2 o'clock. Hold HlMi
every Saturday night. Klltf"
Prom!- to Claim lliiii, Too..
A Douglas county pioneer, JutUe
William Colvlg of Medford, has
been honored. Yesterday he Was
elected commander of the Oregon
department, Grand Army of trie. j
tcopublic, at -tne unnual state en
campment In .session at Kllgcne.
Judge .Colvlg for many years lived
In canyonvllle and was a prom
inent figure In progress in . this
county. Itoseburg Xews-ltcviett-. .
Phono B42. We'll haul awav
your refuse. City Sanitary Service
Tree props: A large stock always
on hand. Tel. C2. Medford Lum
ber Co. 78U
Ilahy Clinic Postponed
The child welfare clinic sched
uled to lie held next Thursday by
tho county health department In
Medford has been postponed until
Thursday of the following week,
according to an announcement to
day. The health department will
also hold a clinic on Wednesday
of the same week at llellview. Ap
pointments lire urged to be made
early. . . .
The iPensleys new studio now
open, opposite new Holly theater.
Last week! L. & H. nnd Hot
point Electric Kongo Sale. South
ern Oregon Electric. 08
Aslilatiil 1'lggly Wlggly Cluinge
1 L. o. Anderson, who has been.
manager3 of the Ashland IMggly
Wiggiv store, has.dlscontlntied his
work there and his place has heen
taken by W. J. .Emerson of Klam-.
oth Falls. . ...
Tree props. All lengths, 'regular
size, cheap at Medford Lumber Co.
For licit ureen slabs, ask driver
or call Medford Fuel Co., Tel. 031.
lloictt for Die Host
For days George. Lounsberry has
been making regular trips to Me-.l-foi'('s'cigotf course to set
a new record, nnd yesterday wns
finally . able to , come within-,. 12
strokes of equalling It. Ilo made
two holes-ln-one nnd then -when
he enmo to the 10th ho shot Id
times before he wns able to make
the hole, which caused him to lose
out on his nmbltion. Reports had
it that Mr. Lounsberry had made
a score of 44, but luter it devel-
ped .that he had forgotten to
count two holes.
Anyone who would like a bur-
gain In a hlRh grade banjo should
call nt this office and Inspect the
banjo loft llore for fe'aU;.u sacrifice
rcgurdless ot cost, . .,, , :2ttP(
Carl V. Tengwald, Hotel Holland
iimg. (I'liono tins. it"
.Mill ill Reduced Kirel
The Owen-Oregon Lumber com
pany Is not shutting down, but Is
operating-ut redtlcetj. speed. James
H. Owen, manager of tho concern,
located at Medford, arrived In the
city yesterday from BOllthorn Ore
gnu and Is registered at the Hotel
Portland. Oregonlan.
Screen doors (fix.ttirca free)
Medford Lumber o. Phone 02:
Ohnuneoy Florcy now located
123 East Main St. Insurance und
Iteal Estate. . OCtP
Sook.A. C. llocNinlllcr
The Oregon Htato Motor associa
tion has been asked to locate A. C.
ItuesmllUir, driving, .a 1.10 llulck
coupe, carrying California' license
No. 3T71I63, who Is reported to be
In the vicinity of . Crater liko,
Hoesmlller's mother Is reported to
bo very ill and it Is desired that he
return to his home at once.
Dressmaking and remodeling at
the Fashion H h o p, 4U 'Medford
ltldg. Tel. 1181. tP
tonse, squeaking wheels nro dan
gerous. Have them tightened on a
hydraulic wheel setting machine ut
r'ichtner's tlarage. Ulltf ,
liow .Swiym Tliurstlay !
Hot) Hammond with n 41 and
Miss Hussette Slonnett with r5 are'
holder .of low-cows made Thuri-J
day at .Mo (I ford's miniature golf'
course, , i
Chauncey Florey now locnted
123 Hast .Main Kt. Insurance nnd
Ileal Kstate. (!5tf
We specInliEe In radiator nnd I
fender repairing nt Van's tlarage,
33 S. ttartlett. Phono 2os. tf
Gilmore Blu-Green Gasoline
rr-. A Treated
.k i
Ninth and Riverside
Holier Ijiwm Fingers
Homer I'ollins of Kurt Klamath
sustained injuries tu his right hand
that necessitated the amputation of
his fingers while roping cattle on
the llackler ranch Saturday. While
roping a steer Collins' right hand
became entangled In .the. rope. ,
I-ime for all purposes at Med-i
ford Lumber Co. , 7t 1
Chicken dinner complete, 65c.
Sunday, Club Cafe. 98
HlK'li-lllkliig 1.11(1 Arrives
A young red-haired boy from
Portland, Maine, was at the loc-il j
Chamberpot Commerce-.this morn-
lng. and received a letter of In-j
torductlon from Ted 13aker to the ;
secretary of the Portland chamber i
of commerce. The lad Is racing I
with another boy to reach Portland,
Oregon, first. Until are hltch-hlk-Ing.
Having left Maine April 22,
he has to he In Portland July 22.
Hemstitching, picoting. pleating,
button making and hose mending.
Handicraft Shop. 26"tP
Small Crass Fire
,A grass fire at Kecno Way and
Kast Main street, culled the fire
department late ..this afternoon. No
damage was done, and the firo was
quickly extinguished. , , .
'Club Cafe 'dinner, IITiC complete,
Sunday. ' 8
'Dangerous Paradise'
At Rialto Tomorrow
Xancy Carroll's first starring
picture, "Dangerous Paradise," all
talking picture which comes to the
Vox illinllo theater tomorrow, is a
story of Intense love and gripping
adventure... In a . .
South Sea island .. .
locale, tho ac
tion .moves thru
climax after :cll-
-m a x with
breathless speed
to a logical but
happy ending.
Pur sued . by
throe villainous
men, hunted and
beaten, but tin-,
broken in spirit,
Nancy Carroll
flies to tho man
she loyes, forces
him to protect
her. 'and, as he
fights for her,
Richard arlen
wins his love. It
is. .a1 ppwer.ful:-thejne that carries
everything before It. . It sei'os .und
holds the attention. Kichnrd Ar
len Is the leading man. and W'arnvr
Olnnd has an important pnrt.
The Socictf Lion" to
Show atCraterian
Jnclt'Oukle imd Lsweat's Cnll.i
ghcr, who teamed so well in "Clo.-e
Harmony" and "Fast Company,"
will be seen and heard again a-
their : , own .....wise-cratiking.. selves i
when . "The So- . , ' ' ',' ' I
clal Lion" comes
to the Fox Cra
terlan the aler
tomorrow. . .
Oaklo, In the
title role of this
film ., based on
the humorous
story,, "M arcii
II 1 m h e I f," by
Octavos ltoy Co
hen, will be seen
and. heard as
tho garage me
chanic iwlth in
a v tn y - taught
-skill at polo who
trios. to go nign. ip.y.
hat when he be- In
comes a member of the polo-'tcjlm
of a rltr.y country club In his' home
town, lie Is a wow at polo but
a palookn at pink teas, and thus)
ii ne ions on ms social lllgn
horse nnd finds solace In the arms
of .Mary llrlan. tho plain little girl
who nils been waiting for him all
(Inllaghcr is his chief abettor
and partner In wise-crackery.
A'Japnnese farmer nenr West
moreland, Onl., produced $20,000
worth of tomatoes from 1 fl seres.
t You
1321 North Riverside.
High fast Cos at No
i : " TTT,
InviteiUs To Your Next Blowout.
i i . i , , ,
"t ,
The iiBlowdowA 'ttVeu fof 60,000
ncren In the Crater National forest
on the south fork of the Rogue
river will be closed to travel on
July lHt for the season, because of
the extreme fire hazard due to
awe amounts of fallen timber In
that area, which obtains Uh name
through ho many trees having been
blown down there about four years
ano. The area will bo plainly post
ed. warnlnK travelers to keep out.
The areas of the Owen-Ore&on
company nnd the Pelican bay tim
ber sales are anions the timber
sales of the Crater National forest
closed to all smoking nt any time
of the day or ninht from July 1st
on. the forest headquarters office
here announced today, nlso on
account of the fire hazard. This
rule will be enforced until all dan
ger of forest fire abates with heavy
rain next fall.
The companies concerned in the
timber . sates always forbid their
employes smoking anywhere in the
togging area except In camp, and
then only with certain restrictions.
Not only would much valuable
timber In these logging operations
areas be destroyed by a forest fire,
but valuable machinery of the
companies vould also he jeopar
dized. The above regulations are inde
pendent of the regulation becom
ing . effective on July 1st on all
forest lands of Oregon nnd Wash
ington which bnna Hmoking while
traveling 1n limber, brush or grass
arens, except on paved or surfaced
TIiIh means, according, to the
regional director, C. J. Buck, that
if u forest visitor wishes to smoke
it will bo necessary to. stop while
smoking and to put out alt lighter
material before continuing. Ac
cording to the records of the forest
service, many fires are started
every . year . by campers, hunters
and fishermen traveling along for
est roads and carelessly tossing
aside lighted cigarettes, cigars or,
' -.
Vincent ;Jjaflrandi the;l?-fear-old
trmnp boy bwho .hag Jen ;re
covering from an attack of mumps
at the city jail been given
a homo. .Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln
Cray icnme down from liuch yes
terday and took tho boy to their
ranch, where he can havo nil the
milk he wants to drink and the
food he wants to eat. Vincent
appeared huppy whcu' llrs. Gray,
elderly woman, buttoned him up.
carefully in new clothes and pre
pared him for the country trip.
The boy promised to stay with
the old folks and help them with
chores on the farm. It was tho
first time he had a home since he
wns n small youngster.
FOfl TiK.VTS furnished sleeping
rooms. l30 X.- Ivy. : UNI
LOST Lady's tan soft hat. Flnrtnr
plcimc return to tliia office. i.Xtf
li-linoM modern houso, good out
tbulldlngs, r acres fine garden
soil, 1 aero irrigated, balance
sublrrigated, (.iriUO; $500 down,
bnl, terms.
Itt Acres, 2-room hox house.
$K".1; $50 down. $23 per month.
3 Acres 1 7-yr-old pears. Ilart
letts. Anions. Cornice; complete
equipment. lHtimate crop this
year i!0 cars, s.l.oon.
Ki So. Central. 4'hone 400.
ize in a fine article for eastern
shipment. H. ). HemlnMton on
Crlffin Creek. 102
Can 6efc
BIu-Green Gasoline
-r,' at 'the 10-Mile Post
Greater:, CfoT '."" 11
Phone 520
JUNE 28, 1930.
iwiAmrr infiMnnn
v unnr vv m r
I I If II 11 1U. t IIIIIWUI - r--- '
rniviHRnnM rw.iujiij
I VL1I III W W 1 ' w
... " 'iMr "I
Only a ghost of Its former self
wns the public mnrket this fore-;
noon, with but two or three
booths occupied. On past Batur
days the mnrket was busy with
all the booths filled and patron
age heavy, but In view of the dls- :
contlnuunce of the market after
July 1. over SO per cent of the
booth holders failed to make their
appearance, today. Those that
did come were loud ill deploring!
the closing, action of the oily of- j
flclnls. . . i
One booth-holder who had been .
coming to the mnrket for years.;
with dressed poultry, declared thatr
farmers were generally ngalnst
the closing in view of the oppor- j
tunlty It ..gave them in having;;
some Independence in disposing of;
their produce. .
She declared tho money re-1
celved for a. mnrket day's effort
was usually left with Medford;
business establishments for other j
supplies before tho end of tho
day. .
Tho market will be open for
the last time next Monday. Ilov-
ever, several petitions are being,
circulated In Medford In all effort ;
to keep It open, especially during
the summer months, when con
siderable produce Is mid, retail
and wholesnle, the lnlter to out-nf-coiinty'
P.EN'D, Ore. P) A string of
thirsty pack mules was repulsed by
a mother swan guarding her young
when the mules sought to drink In
a stream near here.. The swan. at
tacked the beasts ot burden, with
wings r.nd beak and drove them off.
Killed hy Traill.
POHTI.AND, Ore., June !!. (If)
"Pen Owners and Buyers"'
Ooihe iti and see how Parker's
new Duotold "Pens and Tencils
are changed In 10 aecquds front
pocket style to n desk set tap
ered shape and back again. ,
If ynu own a Parker Pen, hrinK
it with you and Heo how to get
a taper tree lo convert It. If
yon are thinking of a pen for
yourself or for a gift come see
how getting a Parker is like get
ting, two pens for the price o
one. Savins the price of one
Pocket Pen pays for the Desk
Base, yet gives you n Desk Set
and Pocket Pen, too. Cap and
clip free.
The Rexall Store
Sunday Dinner
Hotel Medford
Dinner $1.25
' "The Food Is Better
at The Medford
Painter of the Homes .
of Men
Tinting, Paper Hanging
Phone 178-J
Is your wealth. It's as near as
your telephone. Call 1290 for
appointment.- -. . .
Over Woolworth's Store
Runian Massage. Electrotherapy
Chiropractic -
Highway at Jackson
Lewis Chandler. 78, vSherwnod, Oro.
was injured fatally when his auto-
mobile wns struck by li Southern",
Paul Whiteman -r- John Boles iii ' - -;
Continuous Shows 1:30 - 11
Coming TOMORROW continuous 12:30-11 p. m,
After .yti'u'yo exposed your film, send il licrc
for DeVeloiiiiis ""d Pi'inl ini", wiili Hie iissiw
fin'c ol' getting llie liest iiossihle results. . ,
The kind Hint ypu'll ,he 'proud to show your
8-Hour Service
Special Prompt Attention to Mail Orders
217 East Main St. "
You Can Get
Auto Park
pp.elflc train near Tlnum iM., ,
He died In a hospital here
hours later.1- - s . t ,rri
A B r o a dway
way butterfly
who couid not
resist the lure
cf the West.
Mickiis .(.Hiiiuself) McGuire
Mickie's Master Mind"
i" I '; ' '
'I 1
Phone 1037-E
in "
f KodakFilm k
... .'...din