Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 28, 1930, Page 1, Image 1

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The Weather
TwiT Airir. Hir?ifrKx
V Y7"J Temperature
I II lllstiest yosUu-ilay ...7
I tA lament tills nihiK 4a
J 111 a I'nM'Iplmtlon:
J f A T" !' yi-NO'nlaj- oo
AaasaMI 'r . n. in, uniny .ofl
No. 98
Foreoist: Tonight and KattiMluy
fair Mimntimi i-iiiiiti)- iu-
nlshli moderate temperature.
Twenty-Fifth Year
Head of Great Fruit Dis
tributing Concern Confers
With Local Growers and
Shippers Apple Ban By
England Is Retaliation.
K. J. V. Hearty of Now York
City, lica (I of the fruit distributing
organization of ' the snme name,
ami one of the largest concerns of
Its kind in the world. Is in the city
conferring with local growers and
shippers, and Hugh Hamlin, local
rejiresentutlve. Ho leuves tomor
row after a three day stay.
To be mink, conditions tnruout
the country are not so good,' said
Mr. Hearty, "and I see no immedi
ate prospects of a change. The
buying power of the nation has
been crippled by. unemployment."
n economic law has been vio
lated , ami in my experience l never
knew ii n economic law to forget.
If die p rest nt situation was due to
financial depression, the correction
would' be more readily accomplish
ed, but now we are confronted
with an economic situation." It Is
not so much a question of money,
as of buying power."
I recently talked to the owner
of a large string of chain grocery
st o res, and he t o Id me b u s i n ess
was declining. I said lo him:
"How do you account for the
decline? People must eat.'
"Ills reply was: 'People are not
entertaining. They purchase noth
ing but the bare necessities. When
a nation is prosperous and there
is employment, they spend their
Kiiglniid Retaliates
"The new tariff law has created
a spirit of retaliation in Europe.
It has) always been my theory that
export trade was nn Important link
In the condition of our country.
Englnnd threatens retaliatory mea-
(Continued on Page 8, Story 1)
NEW YOUK, June 28. (IP)
Squadron Loailor KinKsford-Snilth
and his companions on the Atlan
tic fllnht of the Southern Cross
continued n full round of activities
today, hcginninK with nn early
mornlnc telephone call to Austra
lia, in which Klnssford-Smith re
vpaleil iilans to fly home from
London In August.
i'-.ihniK .10 nis motner irom
chenectady; N. Y... where he went
I law nlfht t6 make the call, he said
B In answer id her nuestlon;
"Yes, I am goiiiK to fly bnck
'rem England because I can get
home a little bl( quicker."
Friends hero said plans had been
niHcumed but nothing definite had
en decided so far as they knew.
' was believed ho might make a
last flight In nn attempt to break
Bprt IHnkler's record of 15 days
'row Kngland to the Antipodes.
Abe Martin
M 1 ' Kot a rtomI Joke on Dr.
"Piw. ,., n l)p lmMry
rimers I l)ene. nn' ho don't
'Miioti Innghed iob-
otho n,,r"l'- Here's nn-
nowerru'l nn' unonvernhlc
r)nient nmilnst VoUtenilT-iii
J"Mff w A(H)S- cnnyilate for
"ectlon nn nrt platform.
JV" IwnlilMtlon lias mtniiiieil m
"" bun, nn' put 'em to work
' ""J H kc pln" huntlrctls o' thou
""" of ntlior fellcru out of cm-l'tiH.nt.
Associated Press Photo
j RP' George H. Tlnkham (right) of Massachusetts accepted the
dare of Bishop James Cannon, Jr., to repeat charges made against him
without protection of congressional immunity by issuing a signed
icucjung nn cnarges
Discovery of Husband's
Body in Old Well Points!
to Triangle Cattle Rustl-J
ing Activities Form Back-1
ground in Mystery. j
LA HONDA, fill.. June 28.
(P) Recovery uf tho body of
Frank Itoderlck, 40, wealthy ran-;
cher, from nn old well on his
place near here, set officers to 1
work today on an alleged mur
der mystery with an asserted love
triangle nnd a cattle rustling plot
In the background.
Mrs. Itoderlck and Will Wood
ring,' manager of nn adjoining
stock ranch, were questioned yes-!
terday after ltoderick's body had
been found under several feet of
debris nnd dirt which had beeni
thrown Into the well. Authorities
also djsclosed that they hail been
holding Woodrlng since May IS
as the result of secret investign-j
tlon. , , i
. Sheriff J. J. McOrnth said
both Roderick and Woodrlng had
been questioned several weeks ago
about the disappearance of cat
tle from neighboring ranches and.
mm Wnodr he ami .Mr. unu .n
nn.wick had made up the three
sides of the asserted love triangle. I
No formal charge has been placed,
ngainst either Mrs. Roderick or
Wire A-kol Warrant. j
Roderick's disappearance first ,
became known May 20 when his
wife told authorities he had
beaten her severely and had gone (
away with "a red haired girl." I
Mrs. Roderick swore out a war
rant for the arrest of her hus-l
band on a battery charge, but no.
trace of him was found until the
well uiMi M'ii in -" .11M,d
omrers Hio'iui'"""
when thev learned Woourinu
grading a plot of ground on the
ir,lori,l; ranch. They
.1,,,. the iriadlng work had
con led nn old well. Deputies then
unearthed the body.
ui.-irr Mcflrath said he
had I
, .i f,-,.m Roderick's !l-year
old son that Roderick and
ring had stolen cattle
Joining ranches.
from ad-
SAI.K.M. Ore.. June 2. 11
Arthur H. Benson, clerk of the su
preme court, estimate that about
inn applicants for admission to the
. i .rlle in the annual
" ....,";,... m i.. held hero Ju'yl
S nnd 9.
Final Wire Flashes
rivr-IW TI lime 28 (I3 Tlie stern wheeler "Tom flreene,"
f'ln in n iowneii packet, late today won the. L' I -mile Ohio river
parte" rare from the "Hetsv Ann" of l'lltsl.urgh by at leas, three
quarters of a mile.
?tlT 1 KK CITY June 2S. ()-Propnsnlj- for turning over to
the western stales I Ho administration f federal public, lands and
rei'lnmafijn projects were opposed on the Moor of the western gov
eninr's conference here today.
DI'TliOIT lune "S (Pi Joe Hchneck of the vaudeville learn of
Van and Sclin'ecK. died suddenly from heart disense at the Hook
Cadillac hotel today.
ii- i 'is Ui
niid 'rlncelon, today won Ihe Intercollegiate golf
nf America by defeating Uwrence Moller, Notre
and four to play In a 30 hole matjh. o
Otangp, N.
nnie. five 'nt
. ,. S
versitv todav won the national mien ,.u, .-- .-.. ..........
shin" He defeated Jnllut. Selipson of L-I.'fi university In four
C 3, 3 6, H i, a-ti.
r in i.,no
an lir 'lane crash 'at the commercial airport here today whg Iheir
plane went Into a nose dive
er "
against the churchman.
b. I IJII v nil
Democrat Attempt to In
crease Disability Pension
Rates Voted DownWill
Call Up Monday.
Tho new house Veterans relief
men mi re was unanimously report-
d to the senate today with minor
amendments hy the senate finance
An attempt by Democrats to
Increase the rates of disablllty
pensions was. defeated, 11 to 8.
Republicans on the committee,
with the exception of Senator Iji
Follette, Wisconsin, voted against
the Increase in these rates which
would have allowed a $(i0 maxi
mum instead of $40. Senator King.
Democrat, - Utah., Joined the. Re
' I
publicans In opposition.
The committee then voted unnn-
iinously to report the measure. j
Senator Watson, acting chair-'
man of the eommlttee, announced
he would report the hill to the
senate at once ami would call It
up on Momjay, I
The request of the American
Legion for n provision allowing
an extension-' of one year In which
to file suit for claims on war
rlsli insurance wnt accepted by
the committee without contest.
Senators Walsh, Democrat, of'
! Maachiisetts. nnd Onnnnliy. Dem
ocrat. Texas, sponsored an amend
ment to increase the disability
SAI.13M, Ore,. June 28.
James Molt of Salem today
n,,,i hi wii
nounced his wilhdruwnl from the
content for upenkei'shlp of Hie
noune oi mi- ! -B.i-....u..
sain ne woum ."uimiuii fihhk i.uu-
ergun of rortianu. i ne uncer;.iin
ty of the guliernatorlal situation
caused by the death of fleorge W.
Joseph, and the fact that other
members of the Marlon county
delegation are pledged either tJ
Lonergan or Herbert Gordon, were
given by Mott as among the rea
sons for his withdrawal.
Mott Is not enthusiastic in hl
support of Lonergan.
1'ai-ilotis Two.
SAI.EM. Ore., June 28. (VPl
Governor Norblad yesterday grant
ed conditional pardons to Orvllle
llenl nnd John Knight, both of
whom were received from Un
county. .November i. 1927. to serve
10 years for statutory offenses.
;eorge T. Dnnlnp. Jr., of Kast
Clifford Sutter of Tulani
(4'i Three persons were Killed in
feet In the air.
Objection to Wife Attending
Services Ends in Attempt
to Slay Five Minister
Attacked at Close of Final
. Prayer.
2S. lA) Frank Rom, II?. wanted
for the fatal shooting of tho Rev.
Kilkar U. Wood and the wounding.
of two members of his congrega
tion last night, was arrosted to
day on a road on tho outskirts
of the city, lie had a pistol In
his possession, but offered no re
sistance to arrest.
Police said that Ross made a
statement to them in which he
admitted thai he went to the
I mission Intending to murder Wood
Ibis wife. Mrs. Mildred Ross, the
t tatter's sister, Leona Kuhn, and
Leonard Towne. He said, aceo ru
ing to police, that he had been
practicing in a, woods, shooting
at a target.
The shooting occurred at the
close of services in a small loth
street mission which the Kev. Mr.
Wood has conducted for severul
yen rs.
As the evangelist uttered his
closing prayer and stepped down
from thf platform. Koss, accord
ing to witnesses, rushed forward
and fired a single shot Into the
minister's body. He fell to the
f(oor rtPatl.
1-1 red at Wife
I Wheeling about, Ross fired
point blank at Mrs. Ross, who
I was sitting In a front pew.
Towe, sitting In n rear seat In
the hull, attempted, lo stop Ross
and wan shot In both legs. Itoss
ran out of the door und disap
peared. i Mm. Ross and a sister, L.eona
Kuhn. bad been attending the
mission services for several
m0IU,s. Ross objected, nnd, it Is
,,, . i,n(,nmB particularly bitter
because on weverul occasions Towe
called at his home to drive Mrs.
lioss and Miss Kuhn to the mis
sion In his automobile.
On April 4 Towe hnrt Rorh
arrested for striking him when
he stopped nt tho Koss home for
MUm Kuhn. A few days later
Koss. was arrested on complaint
of the Kev. Mr. Wood for having
broken up his services.
AUSTIN-, Texas, June 28. (P)
Aroused over the shooting of Air.
and Mrs. H. h. KKKer siiortly he
fore noon today, a group of citi
zens of Uound Hock near here,
killed the negro who was alleged
to have attacked the couple.
The name of the negro was not
lenrned. He was said to l)ave beenn
,-in employe of Kgger.
Kgger and his wife were tnken
to n hospital at fleorgetown but it
could not be ascertained whether
their wounds would prove fntal.
The negro was suid lo have gone
to the logger home about 11:4S a.
m. nnd shot Kgger through the
head and Mrs. Kgger through the
breast. The negro escaped from
the Kgger residence In an automo
bile and fled toward this city.
After killing the negro, the mob
was reported to have left his body
lying In a field.
Inventor' 's Goods
Piled On Curbing
As Fame Evades
PORTLAND, Ore.. June 28.
OT't For tho second time In
six months, the furniture he
longing to C. I. Houston,
inventor, was stacked for 100
feet nlong the curbing In 4
front of the house from which
he was evicted.
JInnston was evlcte! from
another house Inst December
nnd was so Intent upon an
Invention he left his furniture
4 stacked on the curbing for 4
several weks In the snow.
The Inventor told police his
Invention would soon mnter-
4 Inline nnd there would be no 4
more evictions.
THR DALLKM. (tV) Three rob
beries of business establishments
netted robhe flQO lanlffht.
: Baseball Scores
NKW YORK. June 2S. (A1)
Babe Ruth hit his twenty-eighth
home run of the season and his
second in ; successive days in (he
fourth Inning of the second Yankee-Cleveland
game today. The
bases wore empty when the Ha be
connected with Holloway's delivery
for the homer, giving New York an
S to 1 lead. "
K nth hit his second home run of
the game and his twenty-ninth of
the season off uliatto in the sev
enth inning. Tho bases again were
empty. The homer increased the
Yankee lead to 14 to 1.
R. H. K.
St. Louis ...... 6 5 0
Philadelphia, l 8 4
Collins and Mauion; Walberg,
Eurnshnvv, Quinn and Cochrane.
II. K.j
C'hlt-ilKO 2 S I
DoHlnn 4 It 0
Henry ami Tula; MueKiiyden ami
t:i-vi-lunil 1
Now York l;l
II. i:.
7 8
IS 0
Brown, Khoffner anil
Johnson and Dirkoy.
- Si'ooml sump) H. IT. K.
flnvi-luml 2 5 3
Now York 14 IS 1
Ilai-ilor, Kolliiwny, (IHulto anil
Myall; Sheriil ami Dlokoy, llon
koiikA. . Nllllolllil
R. II. K.
KoHtiin 4 1'-' I
CJim-lnimli fi 12 I)
Caiuwoll, Ilixsoy, Stnilh anil
Cronin: Kolp, Johnson, fampboll
and Snkeforlh. .
(Second gn me) R II. 10.
Philadelphia (113 0
Pittsburgh 4 9 1
Henge and McCurdy: Ghagnon
and Bool. '
It. II. 10.
... 2 7 0
... 4 9 1
Malone anil
Phelps and Lopez;
I Inn ncit.
ION'DOX, June 2R. (Pj Mrs.
Luty' Tlunt Ptors, eminent phys
ician And dietician of New ' York
and I,os Angeles, is dead in Lon
don of lobar pneumonin.
Dr. Peters, who came to London
recently with u delegation of about
100 American physicians to attend
meetings of tho royal sanitary in
stitute, died last night In n nursing
She had been tnken 111 with neu
ralgia on board tho steamship Adri
atic while en route to Europe.
CHICAGO. Juno 2. ") Wltn
In 15 hours of equaling the world's
non-stop refueling record, tin
plane "City of Chicago," piloted by
John nnd Kenneth Hunter, broth
ers, continued Its grind over Hky
Harbor nlrport today. At 1:J0 p.
m. they had been in the nir HIS
hours. The reoord, held by the
"St. bouls Ilohln," Is 420:21:30.
A broken oil tank, hastily re
paired at 12:40, almost caused an
end to their attempt. Their last
word was "All well. We. shall beat
the record."
ni nn a nn nnriTiirno
uniortbu Ditu I nnKo m-o"n 'ivi"
..r-.r, ..n rxmnnr. nniiiror uiinninno
NtAK Am KhliUKU uiinut WAtimuito
IlAKUn. Ore.; June 28.
r'.eoige .Milter, chairman of the
Republican central committee, de
nied today that selection of n It1
puiMican enndidote for governor
will be discussed nt a meeting of
state committeemen to be held nt
Pendleton next Monday,
Eighteen committeemen will at
tend the conference which, it Is
understood, will have ns Its pri
mary purpose the dlscusnlon of
matters of Interest to eastern Ore
gon, aside from gubernatorial
VO.VKRRH, N. V., June 28. (Pi
Colonel Wllllnm Hoyce Thompno.i.
fll, mining magnate nnd philan
thropist, died nt his home here In.t
night nf pneumonin.
t had been an ivalld for the
last four years after a stroke of
His mining Qnterests included
copper in Montana, diamonds In
Africa and jrulphus In Texas. He
also was connected with banking.
OAn'annual shooting match fol
lowed by a dance 1 held at Wnr-
renton. Mo, It dntes from ISjC.
Newly weds Lost
1 i 1 ' ' "-.
Assnefatcil I'ress Photo. !
Mv. nnd Mis. Will in in II. AlbiH nl' Cnrmel, Cal., dlsappeariMl on a t
(Lingei'ou trill I'roin rntrbnnks to Dawson, Aliisku. They mrrletl n j
small vll'le and Cow provisions. An extrusive search I'm- them was
16-Year-0ld Lad Shows No ;
Emotion When Finding;
Read-Will Be Sentenced
VANOOUVKIl, Wash.. June 2.
A1 A Clark county Jury last niKht
convicted Clifford Douglas Camp
bell, 16, of the second decree mur
der of Mr. nnd Mrs. llenjnmin
The North rups were killed the
nluht of April 30 In a dynamite
blast that reduct-'d their Inrm home
lo splinters, Campbell wus arrest
ed and on May 3 aliened ly con
fessed he placed and set off the
Campbell was alleged to have
dynamited tho Xorthrup home be
cause they had discussed dispens
ing with hia services as a chore
Campbell exhibited little or no
emotion throughout the trial and
remained calm when the verdijt
was read last nlnht,
.Sentence will not be passed until
the statutory time limit for filing
motion for a new trial has elapsed.
HMAN-nilAI, June 28. if?) Three
hundred thousand nntloiu.llHtH nnd
rebel troops fought to a standstill
today In a vital battle In northern
Monati provlnco, to decide the fate
of China's government.
Koch side threw fi.OOO reinforce
ments Into the lines n)onn the
I laichow-TuiiKktvnn railway as the
northerners hurled, themselves
rvK'ilnst the nationalist defenses.
At nlMhtfall th outcome was In
doubt, but additional troopn were
beltiK niched to the main sector
between hnnfend and KalfanK-
PKNDLKTON, June 28. (P(
The I'matllla county farm bu-1
reau nt a meeting this week, set)
a wage scale to be used during I
the coming harvest season. Hcpn -
rator operators will be paid 7
to $10 depending on the muchlne;
caterpillar men, sack sewers nnd
Jiggers, $f to ."; header punchers
$3 to $4 nnd the mime, to truck
drivers with team drivers $1 to .r,
cooks $2 to $3 and roustabouts $3.
TheHe were considered In keeping
with com) It Ions over the wheat
Electric Chair Ends Long Career
Of Ohio's Most Unruly Prisoner
cnl.l'MHl'H, O.. June 28. (A1)
Death in the electric chair early
toduy closed (he long criminal
career oi weorge iiiiams, os-year
old robber and killer.
Maintaining to the last the defi
ant ntt It utile (hut had character
ized his actions since he was sen
tenced to die for the murder of a
Cleveland pollremun, Williams en
tered the death chamber shortly
after midnight nnd was dead nt
Williams was one of the most
In A, .a Wilds
Til ui uiuum
; Preparations By France to
Fortify Frontier Cause of
Action Mussolini and
Ministers in Discussion
Defense Problems,
ROMlj, Juno 28 () Tho coun
cil of ministers, with Premier Mus
solini presiding, today took up na
tional 4lefcnso problems und Issued
a statement suylntr tho action was
taken been una of France's prepara
tions for fortifying her, Italian
"Several problems inherent to
the national defense,' were nken
up, accordliiK to the official com
munication. In order to raise more money for
defense the ministers, on tho
IJuce's recommendation, decided to
raise the tax on exchange transac
tions and to work out a method of
exactlnK the tuxes frum firms af
fected by It.
In this way. tho statement said,
It will bo possible to Increase the I
hudKct of the ai med forcea of I
Italy by a half billion lire (more
jthan $1MI. ooo.QOO) at the beRlnnlng
of the 1U30-31 fiscal yenr nnd with j
tthe sum for lateryeurs to be deter
Kor th next year Ihe army will ,
receive 300,000,000 lire more, the
navy 10,000,000, aviation 80,000.
000 nnd Ihe black shirt mllftlu
20,000,000 for equipping and nrm
TKIUtK 1IAUTI0, Ind., June 20.
(A) The bodies of Wesley Oak
Icy, fi ft. Mrs, Clara Hnncy, 28, und
.Mis. Itnncy's five year old son
were found today In Oakley's
apartment under circumstances
lhat Indicated the womun hud shot
and killed Oakley and her son nnd
then committed suicide. Mrs.
Itaney had been employed as house
keeper In Oakley's upartment.
NKW yonK, June 2. (A)
William Woodward'n Gallant Fox
won hi flfth rnBeeutiv three-
year-old stake race today as he
carried off the honors in the
Dwyer stakes at Aequeduet. The
Fox. with Knrl Kande ngnln in the
saddle, defeated l'lfford C. Coch
ran's Zenefo), an added starter, by
one and one-half lengths.
.unruly prisoners ever placed In the
, death house. He cursed the guards
land threatened to kill them. Re-
centty he hnd Insisted thnt he
wou,,i ..h.n( thB
neat tne cnair. Heverai
days ago a bl kjack wan found In
the death house and It was be
lieved he might have planned an
attempt to kill himself with it.
Williams, known as a hardened
gunman, spent two score years fol
lowing a trail of crime that led
through Ohio, Michigan, Illinois
and Missouri, He was blamed for
nt least four murders.
Chairman of Washington
Convention Demands Re
peal 18th Amendment
Wet Delegates Claim
Control of Confab.
CKNTKAMA, Wash., June 2S.
iAi A dripping wet keynote speecn
by Willis IS. Mahoney, temporary
chairman, launched a drive asuint
prohibition shortly after the Hem
ocratic slate convention opened
here today.
Mahoney's election n temporary
chairman was unnnlmous. He de
mnnded repeal uf the 18th amend
ment and return of the .state con
trol of liquor. Delegates repeat
edly roared their upproval as M'l
honey condemned tha prohibition
Another Indication of what w.u
Kcnernlly admitted to be u wet
landslide was the definite bindlim
of King county's 117 , votes to tht
wet side by the unit rule. Pierce
county wels debated whether to at
tempt to upset the unit rule un
der which iiH 44 votes woutd so
to the dry column.
Prohibition forces were orgunU
Ing to oppose any attempts to In
clude any mention of the liquor
question In the state platform, but
the wets claimed control of tho
convention by about a 2 to 1 vote.
I'nltrd Front.
Tho wets modified their plan of
campaign, however, by' withdraw
ing a plan advocating a change) in
the state bone dry law. This plan
wus sponsored by Oeorgo Downer',
Belllngham, chairman of the, plat
form committee. Thlfl plank found
considerable opposition among
King county delegates andwaM
withdrawn to guarantee a united ;
wet front, .
Mahoney ranked prohibition as
the Issue- which; ( 'overshadows
every other question ln: the public
mind today." He added that he
In a total abstainer: 1 : ; : : '
"The 18lh amendment," . th
speaker concluded, "was horn ' n.
Intolerance, has lived on corrup
tion, but will die by the hand nl
POItTLAND, June 28. (A) A
total of 344 mills reporting to
the West Coast Lumbermen's as
sociation produced approximately
108,000,000 feet of lumber during
the week ending June 21. This
represents a decrease of 4,000,
000 feet, compared with produc
tion of 342 mills for the previous
New bu nl nous from the rail
trade wan about the same as the
previous week and domestic cargo
orders were moro thun 5.000,000
fuel less than previous week. Kx
port orders dropped uhout 750,;
000 feet from the volume of the
previous week. Local orders de
creased about 5,000,000 feet.
Reports from 222 mills showed
totnl production of 145,893,000 '
feet, orders 135.300,000 feet and
shipments 145.928,000.
Orcgmi Weather.
Fair tonight and Sunday; warai
er In the Interior of the west por
tlon Hunday, Moderate west to
north winds on the coast. t
CHICAGO, III., June ,28.
Why don't somebody print the
truth ithoiit our present ' eco
iioiniu Nitnntion? We spent six
yours of wild buying on credit,
(everything under, the. sun,
whether we needed it or not)
nnd now we arc having to pny
fur 'em under Mr, Hoover, and
v? are howling like a pet' coon.
ism Wkw snsudCka, .
P. S. This would be a great
world to dance in if we didn't'
have to pny the fiddler. ' '