o Medfoed Mail Triune The Weather Temperature illKlifMt yesterday 78 l-owrst this morning 46 I'rortpltntinn: Tu A p. in. yesterday .'. (Ml To r n. in. today .oil Forecast: Tonight ami Kiitimluy fair except Noniewiuii cloudy l night; moderate temperature. Twenty-Fifth Year FOURTEEN PAGES MEDFORD, OR ICG OX, FRIDAY, J LINE 27, 1930. No. 97 Todav By Arthur Brlibant Gambling Never Pays Providence Provides. We Talk of Drink. G. W. Hill Advertises. Copyright King Features Synd. Inc. Charles If. Waters, liis sav ings gone, killed his wife, liis daughter and himself. The money went in stock gambling. Gambling ' .causes suicides, ruin, poverty, sorrow. ( Bootlog whiskey causes soiii j suicides, many murders. leavc stock gambling and bootlegging alone and you will be able to celebrate each 4th of July cheerfully. The kindness of Providence supplies us with things when we need them. The ravens fed Hijah.. . ftor the Napoleonic wars Europe, heavily in debt, faced long poverty. Then came sleiim power, debts were paid, prosperity was great. - King and nobles in steel ar mor enjoyed leading miserable peasants ' to war. The latter were left dead, the nobles in their armor rode back. Then gun powder atid bullets went through the. armor, nobles and kings went home, wars became less frequent. The automobile made gigan tic supplies of gasoline necessary.- The country 'yields 'so much oil the oiL liien dfcn't know what to do with it. Finally, jn, fJ,v.ii)gelouds and togs, out of sight of land, make necessary information in mid ocean. And the radio supplies it. The fliers arriving from Ire land say that without the guiding radio, they could not have made the flight.. As we need things we get them. f ... - Lord Derby, home from his visit here, says it isn't, true that Americans always talk about money, "they talk about prohibition," says he "and how best to avoid it." lie discovered that we do not hntc the Hritish. Of course we .1... 'i ,1 iiiiw'i i, we nun i owe mem r .... money, it Europe tliun t mite this country, conditions would be better. However, if we have enough airplanes and submarines we need not worry about anyone's hate. The hyena hates the lion. The lion does not care. In the list of stocks, you ob- (Continued on Pag Four, Second Section) Abe Martin Hain't It nfroililii' ui siiitlntln' "Jer H newspaper to run onto a Picture o' somebuddy that hain't Ironhlc or hain't been murder ; 'Tlier now, be a nice little "jer, an- do.t milk(, thcm ufttj iiilT' 1 know whs him want. 1 II rtt ..... ... ., . ., -' iuunv iiH, v.-rj m-A. "me I go aovn town," said Mm Ills Hi,, w ' " .-i no nnoe, an Kile i ' ' "i-hand on her lap. arm I i . r -A WILDCAT 10 FACE TRIAL N MEDFORD Change of Venue ' From Portland Granted Duncan, Charged With Uttering Improper Language Over Radio Trial Oct. 7. .PORTLAND, June 27. () Federal Judge M. A. Cavanah an nounced today llobort Ciordon Dun can, self styled "Oregon Wildcat," would be tried on charges ot vio lating llio federal radio commission by uttering obscene, indecent and profane language over radio slation KVi;p at Jleilford, Ore., October 7. In an opinion nanued down Judge Cavanah overruleo a demurrer filed by the defense attacking the val idity of the radio act as unconsti tutional In violating the right of free speech and invading police power of the state. He uphold the defense's second motion asking a change of venue. The judge said it was evident from tho mass of affadavits that public sentiment was strong in Portland, and prob ably would Interfere with the selec tion of a jury. Duncan was arraigned and plead ed not guilty to the indictment charging him with violation of the radio act on five .separate counts. He Is at liberty undor SKOO bail. A delegation of Seattle business men were in court and told Judge Cavanah they understood a "pro tege of Duncan's was soon to slart a series of radio talks in that city." Judge Cavanah's opinion said in part: "The words used were cap able of having the tendency to lie indecont and obscene and fur thai reason could not be termed as anything but enervating to the morals of youth and the matter of finding whether this tendency exist In fact is a proper problem for a jury." , DRY ENFORCERS SAY NO! GUILTY OF SKATTLK. June 27. (IP) Roy C. I.yle. suspended prohibition ad ministrator, his two assistants. William M. Whitney and Hurl Cor wln, and R. L. Fryant, former pro hibition agent, and deputy sheriff, itifi,t nnt miiltv to the recent grand Jury Indictments charging them with bribery and corruption in office, when arraigned in fed eral court here today. I'rlor to the appearance of the accused men, Judge Charles f. Mnrliirllv. chief COUllSCl for tile defense, filed a demurrer to the indictments on technical grounds. The fifth man accured, Clifford T. .McKlnney, former assistant U. S. atorncy, is under K'0"0 bond to uno- in ennrt here Monday for arraignment. He was In San Fran cisco today I'nitnri stiitcs Attorney Antnony Savage and his chief assistant, Tom E. Wolfe, represented the govern ment. E RECORD IS NEAR CHICACSO, June 27. M) -Confidence that a new world's endur ance refueling fight record for airplanes was In the offing pervad ed the ground personnel at Sky u P i,-nnri tndav as the 'City of Chicago" passed its 374th hour aloft at 6:40 a. m. i ne n-.. ter brothers on the ground said i, milters In the air would stay up as long as the engine lasted and that It sliouiu we gouu iui hours. BLAZEDESTROYS G. GRANTS PASS. Ore.. June 28. lpl plans were formulated today for the possible rebuilding of the Rogue Klver Box Factory, destroy ed by rire last night within esti mated loss of 10U,000. Lo to the Swede Basin Lumber company, adjoining factory, was estimated nt 40.000. Origin of the fire was undetermined. CORRUPTION Co-ed Beauty Associated Preaa Phala Gladys Bailey of Pelahatchle, Miss., was chosen one of the most beautiful co-eds at Baylor College nr Women, Belton, Texas. Lighting and Heavy Deluge Take Toll in North At lantic States, Provinces Bolt Sets Blast in River Project. (By the Associated1 Press) Scores of lives apparently woro lust in 'thunder, hail and ruin storms, w h i c li nffccted Hevcral northeastern states and provinces. Ontario and Newfoundland par tleularly, Thursday, The more- serious unpects wove: Brockville, Out. Thirty wore killed on a drill boat when light nlng fired explosives In the rocky bed of the St, ljuwrence river Capreol, ont. A passe ngrer coach of a train bound from Win nipeg for Toronto plunged into the flooded Vermillion river. The loss of life was uncertain today. Sudbury, Ont. Several trains were stalled and many motorists Htntmled by landslides and wash outH after a 14-hour rainfall. J,uinsden, N. P. Three fisher men were drowned In a hail storm which sank 30 boats. Upper New York State Two were drowned a Buffalo when a gale overturned a boat. Buildings were unroofed. A 35.000 gallon oil tank was fired by lightning at Olean. Pennsylvania Scores of build ings were unroofed, telegraph and power poles leveled and trees up rooted by severe wind and elec trical storms In central and east ern parts of state. A farmer near Carlisle was killed by a lightning bolt. E A drainage demonstration, under the auspices or the county amnt and Arch AVork, resident drainage engineer of tile department of ag riculture, will be given Tuesday. July 1. at the W. II. Watt orchard, one mile south and west of Vor bles Crossing,, commencing at 2 o'clock In the afternoon. A Buckeye trenching machine wilt be used In the demonstration, and orchardists will be able to ob serve various stages of construc tion of a small drainage system. The meeting' will be featured by a discussion of local drainage prob lems, with particular reference to present drainage conditions here. The meeting Is one of a serl"S to lie conducted to apprise orcbard ists and farmers of the need . of care In drainage. "tlround water is an insidious enemy of the orrhardist." said En gineer Work. "Unlike Insect pest or blight, It cannot be detected, generally, by surface examination In the early stages of encroach-' ment. Sub-surface e x a m Inatl.m must he made to detect the pres ence of ground water. A recently created high water table in bear ing pear orchards wilt not only di rectly kill or limit growth of trees, but may lie the Indirect cause of physiological troubles such as win ter kill, sour sap. black end. fail ure of the fruit to "lie. and ex cessive drop of fruit. Agnesfl Construction of suspen slon bridge across Rogue river, near here, will start this summer. SCORES DIE IN EASTERN RAIN STORM DEMONSTRATE DRAINAG WORK ON WATT TRACT MITCHELL ANNOUNCES DRY LANS Closer Cooperation Between State and Federal Au thorities in Enforcement Aim Newell to Continue in Oregon Post. WASHINGTON. June 27. (P) President Hoover said today If congress should limit tho scope of law enforcement commission's In vestigation to prohibition alone as provided today by tho senate tho larger sphore of invcstlgatlvo work would be carried on ' by prtvato .subscription. WASHINGTON, .luno 27. (P) Attorney General Mitchell Is mak ing plans for closer cooperation between state and federal authori ties in the enforcement of prohi bition laws. In a statement published today lie mado this known and outlined other plans for administration of dry laws by his department which I on .1 illy 1 will tuke chargo ot the prohibition bureau now in the treasury department. "The moral obligation to take measures to enforce the eighteenth amendment." ho said, "resta alike on federal and state governments. Tho power is concurrent and therefore the duty Is concurrent. For these reasons It was necessar ily understood that stato govern ments and the foderal government would each tako a part in tile en forcement. , . - . ' "Those states which have re pealed enforcement statutes and whose authorities do not perform a proper share of the work, there have been and will continue to be grave deftclcnees In enforcement.." Tho department, ho continued, will endeavor to "soctiro that de groo of enforcement which can only come through the united ef fort ot state and federal govern ments," supported by "tho large body of citizens" who believe the law should be respected and obey ed. WASHINGTON. June 27. (p) The department of Justice today announced the names of the deputy prohibition administrators who will be In charge of the enforcement districts of the nation after the department takes over the enforce- .ment ol prohibition on July 1, In cluding Wilbur K. Newell, Port land, for Orogon. Baseball Scores I American. Kirst game: Tt. H. K. St. Louis X .10 3 Philadelphia 2 11 5 Batteries: Coffman and Man ion: Grove. Shores, C. Perkins and Cochrane, Schang. Second game: K. H. E. St. Louis 3 7 2 Philadelphia 8 11 0 Ratterios: KImsoy and Kerrcll; Mahaffey, Quinn and Cochrane. Chicago at Boston postponed; rain. Doubleheader Sunday. . n. n. b. Cleveland 11 10 0 Now York 7 12 4 Batteries: Hudlln, Miller, Jab- lonowskl and Myatt; Pipgras, Car roll and Dickey. n. H. K. Detroit 4 7 0 Washington 0 10 2 Batterlep: Sullivan and Desau tels; Crowder and Rucl. National. n. H. E. Brooklyn 6 12 3 Chicago 7 12 0 Batteries: Luque. Moss and Lopez; Bush and Hnrtnctt. - It. H. K. Philadelphia 4 12 1 .Pittsburg 8 9 - 1 Batteries: Wllloughby and Da vis; Melne. Elliott und HemsTey. n. K. K. Boston 6 12 0 Cincinnati 7 11 1 Batteries: 8c I bo Id. Brandt, Prankhouse and Hpohrcr; Prey, Benton and Oooeh. Beautiful Bolivian Stirs Citiiens LIMA, Peru, June 27. Spurred by thft martyrdom of a beautiful young Bolivian girl, who with stirring words had urged the men of La Paz to be men and strike In defense of their liberties, a mob In that city Sunday waged a vain and deadly battle with police. Uendrirmes, mounting machine guns on trucks, repulsed wave after wave of enraged citizens, until finally forty or more lay dead on the streets of the mountain capital, and morn than 00 lay wounded. Pigmy Wife Of Best Grade Is Worth A Knife NKW YORK, June 27. P In the Belgian Congo a pigmy wife of tho better grade can be purchased for a good sharp knife, while oth- 4- ers not1 so comely may be .'hud for a pinch or so of salt. sV" So declared Mrs. " Delia J. 4 Akely, first wife of the late 4- Carl Akely, upon returning from a ten months' stay in 4 the African jungles. Boat Engaged in St. Law rence River Work Torn 1 to Bits As Lightning De tonates Dynamite 12 of Crew Are Rescued. UllOCKVILLE, Out., June 27. (JP) Explosion by a bolt of light ning of several charges of dyna mite ill the rocky bed of the St. Lawrenco rlvor was blamed today for doath ot 30 men, killed when the blast , tore the drill boat, J. B. King, to bits. Only 12 membors mf tho crew of 42 were rescued. They woro pick ed up by U. S. coast guard cutter 211. Soveral of thorn wero severe ly Injured and, ,, wero brought to hospitals here. Tho drill boat, owned by J. P. Portor and Sons ot St. Catherines, Ont., was engaged In blasting a channel through Brockvlllo Nur Tjffc: off-. CpckUurn Island on. the eastern frlngo of tho Thousand Is land group yesterday when the explosion occurred. Several holes had boon drilled in the rock and filled with dyna mite and tho day crew was drill ing additional holes to place moro dynamite when an electrical storm broke over the river about 4:30 p. m. Many of the night shirt woro BHleep below tho decks. Witnesses said they saw a flash of lightning dart down to the boat, followed Immediate by a torriflc explosion. Tho air was tilled with debris and the drill boat had dls appeared. Some reports wore that there had been a large quantity of dyna mite aboard the craft which had been exploded by the flash. BARTLETT PRICE SETTLED JULY I The price of Bart lot cannery pear for the 1030 season will not be fixed until a meeting of the California dinners' association. Monday, July 7. Tho California price is used as a basis through out the Pacific coast districts. The scheduled meeting for thin week wojs held, but no action Uilcen, the ground of unsettled conditions, ac cording to word received here. Ono of the chief factors In t'le present situation Is flaid to be tho large cannery "carry-over" from Jast year, and the economic situ ation throughout the land. The Bartlott crop of the Med ford district has been estimated at 1500 cars. BRITISH BAR APPLES ACCOUNT FLY MENACE LONDON. Juno 27. UPTho British board of trade today issued an order prohibiting entry Into Creat Mi-ltaln of low grade Amer ican apples between July 7 and November 16 each year. The action whs taken "to eliminate the risk of Introducing 'apple fruit fly' " from the United States. Girl Martyr To .Attack Police Tho demonstrators then look the bodies of the girl and a boy stu dent comtnlon whom tho police also killed and carried them to every part of the city, exhibiting them as evidence of what was called an outrage perpetrated by those whose duty was to defend. Again Monday when a public bur ial was sought for tho dead the police dispersed the crowds with gun fire and others were killed and wounded. Public excitement grew end continues. THIRTY DIE yn BOLT HITS CRAFT AIR HEROES ILL COME WEST SOON Kingsford-Smith and Crew Planning Non-Stop Flight to Oakland Hop Will Complete Girdle of Globe By Southern Cross. WASHINGTON, June 27. OP) Charles Klngsford-miih nnd the crew of the ocean-spiuining South ern Cross aro to bo received by President Hoover at the White House Monday at 1:30 o'clock. NEW YOHK. June 27. tl'l Cmiimpi'm- itf i,,iri nn,l Allnntle' and just 2fi00 miles from a com plete circumnavigation of the globo, Squadron Leader Kl.ngsford Smith and tho crow of tho mono plane Southorn Cross today wero honored guests of tho City of New York. At dusk last night, 0:30 stand ard time, tho Australian flier sot his big black monopluno down at Koosovolt field, completing a 3000 mile flight from Port Marnock, Ireland, an epic Journey Inter rupted only by a 24-hour stop for fuel at Harbor Grace, New foundland. Tired? Not so very. Tired ot flying? Not a bit of It. As soon as Now York gets through telling thorn what heroes thoy are, they cxpoct to tako tho Southern Cross on a non-stop flight to Oakland, Oil., completing for Klngsford Smlth a flight around the earth that ho started on May 21, 1028. Tells of Flight. Bathed and dressed In frosh clothes, a Into dinner of ham and eggs consumed, the major lolled back comfortably In a big chair In ills sulto at the. Hotel itooo velt and talked of flying. , Tho Pacific flight was tho harder o his two ocean crossings, he said. " '' '- ' - " v ' "The Job of navigating a plane to it tiny spot in tho biggest ocean Is too difficult to try very often," ho said. "With tho Atluntlc wo at least knew that all wo had to do was keep on flying and wo were sure to strike America." Tho aviation business thus dis posed of the Interview turned to moro personal things. Kirst, his flancoo, Miss Mary Powell of Aus tralia. "I'm to be married In Septem ber," ho said, and grinned to ahow the prospect was pleasing, ' but it won't Interfere in tho least with my flying. My fiancee IlkoB flying almost as much as I do and she's been up with me lots of! times. Mother "Umvorrled. "My mother? Bho never wor ries about mo. In fact, sho seems to have aublimo faith In mo. My father, who is 78 years old, never worries about me either. "Did I carry a picture of Nel lie Htewart? You hot I did. I'm superstitious about that, and I al ways take It on dangerouff flights." Nellie Stewart, now 78 years old, was KlngBford-Smlth'H boy hood Idol, the great actress of Australia, when he was a lad. Ho wrote to hor for an autographed photograph. Hho sent one to him, which he has carried since. Kveret Van Dyk, big slow, spoken co-ptlot on tho Atlantic (Continued on page 7, Htory One) COTTAOI5 (HIOVB, Ore., June '11, (P) "John Doe," a transient, was In ft Kugone Jail today await ing charges to bo preferred against him by "Gottfried Thlm, Kugenu truck driver, who told authorities Doo smashed the radiator of nls truck with a rock because ho re fused to glve,hlm a ride. While Doe was held In the Jail here, city police received another report that another "John D'e" was hurting rocks at automobiles after drivers refused to givo him a ride. CLAUSE IS STRICKEN WASHINGTON, June 27. The house bill to authorize OOO.ooo for the establishment of a branch national homo for dis abled volunteer soldiers In one of the northwest Pacific states, pass ed the senate today. Tho meas ure now goes back to the house, for , concurrence tn the senate changes, one of which struck out tho provision that the homo shoiMl be located at Koseburg', Oregon, Heads L to Cops s 5 ask. j? M Associated 'teas I'lioto John H. Alcock, first deputy commissioner and a law enforce ment veteran, has been named act ing commissioner of Chicago police. Hearing Prevent Merger of Youngstown and Bethlehem Companies Halted By Act of Attorney Manchester In Melancholy Mood. YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio. June 27. (I1) Trial of tho suit for injunc tion to prevent, merger of tho Youngstown Shoot and Tube com pany, with the I.tethlehcm Htoel Corporation camo to . an abrupt halt today wnen L. A, Manchester, chief counucl for the Youngstown company, shot and killed himself. Motive for Manchester's suicide was not Immediately known. Ho was rumored to have opposed mer ger of his company with Bet hie horn although In tho trial he was on the side upholding the merger. Judge David G. Jenkins was in formed Manchestor had shot him self as court was being opened for tho third day of tho trial. He ordered adjournment until Tues day. The shooting took -place In Man chester's offleo. Tho fact that ho was dead was withhold for sovoral minutes. He was married and had one daughter. Manchester was roported to have been In a melancholy mood for tho past two months and associates said ho was particularly doprcKHed last night. His death occurred at 8:55, Just flvo mlnutos before court opened. HOPEWlS IN WALL STREET MOW YOIIK, June 21. !?) The latest glimmer of speculative optimism In Wall Street was very nearly extinguished by another bear drive In today's stock mar ket. The huge deireaso of $371,000, 000 in broker's loans failed to stimulate short covering. Wall street has been more Intorestcd In bank loans on sucurltles and these loans have tended to In crease. Tho sinking spell which the market suffered most of tho day was dlsHlpalcd in the final half hour when short covering caused rebounds or 1 to 2 points. Al lied client kal mado up nil of its 7-polnt decline. The closo was heavy and total sales , approxi mated 21,100,000 shares Today's closing prices for 15 se lected Htocks follow: Am. Can 115 Col. fins ,.: 1 Am. Tel. and Tel 206 Anaconda 50 CurtiHs Wright General Klectrlc (new) 68 General Motors 'A Kennicot Copper 38 Uadio Corporation 34 Heading 103'i Sears Hoebuck 1 United Air Craft 50 ir. H. Steel 155 Mont, Ward 32 S. V HI , ChrlKU'ti Hoy at Baby. OS IO, Norway, Juno 27. 7IV The baby daughter of Crown PHeo Olav nnd fPrfneoss Martha was christened Reginald Alexandra In the rojgnl chape) today, 0 COUNSEL IN STEEL SUIT IS SUICIDE BEAR CAMPAIGN DEDICATION OF AIRPORT IS ASSURED Announcement of Visit By Northwest Pacific Air Tour Expected to Com plete Plans Legion Post Come in August. nuii,rt.Mj, ore., June 'it. un Kussell Uiwson, ae'-onautical gov ernor for Oregon of the National Aeronautical society, and member C tho Aero club, said today plans for the Northwest Pacific air tour will be completed in a week. Klghteen eitiea In Oregon and Washington hav0 asked to partici pate and others aro exuected to offer facilities of their airports. The tour will start the last wojk In July and contlnuo through Au gust. More than 50 types of planes will be represented. I uiwson said the purposo of the tour Is to demon strate airworthiness of present day equipment, test emergency airfield facilities and prove the reliability of planes in the. bunds of compe tent pilot. Stunt teams will ac company tho tour and will stage shows over each field. Sanction of the National Aero nautical society will bo asked for the event. , . , Cities included in the itinerary tu date aro: Tacomu; Kelo, Van couver, Wash., Sllvcrton, Spring field, Tillamook, liugono, Salem, Modford, Klamath Kalis, Baker; La Grando, Burns, Pendleton, Pasco, Yakima, Wenatcheo and Portland. Announcement of - the definite formation of plans for the North west Pacific air tour means th-il Modford post of tho American Le gion will go ahead with their pro posal to dedicate the new $130,000 airport upon arrival of the aerial amnadn; here, according -to Legion officials tortayV E. T CHICAGO, June 27 (P) Alinon E. Roth, Pftlo AHo, Cal., today was named president of Rotary Inter national as tho result of elections yesterday In which ho defeated Raymond J, Knoeppol, New York City, tho other nominee. The volo was 2216 to 1119. Among directors elected were Clinton P. Anderson, Albuquorque, N. M., Claybrook Cottlngham, PInevllle, La.; Richard C. Hedkc, Detroit, and Howard W. Sclby, West Palm Beach, Kla. Directors and the .new president will eloct the vice presidents. . Roth is 40 years old and busi ness manager of Stanford univer sity. The Palo Alto club' named him president In 1925 and 1926, and in the following two years he served as district governor. Ho has been a. director and second vice president of Rotary International and a member of Its community service committee. CHICAGO, ,fmio 27. Hir(J in wiiiiflhiiiK ('liitiHKo ought -to put on billboards and nnitoiu)i.T to th6 world : "No innocen iiihii Iiiih bueii munloeil-litre n'mte the World's fair in '!;!. ',' And hIno, rival giuiffs do riot, murder cauh olliwr, ; they aro killed by members of their owtt KiiiiK for "holdiiiK out," nhfl iin "double c. r o s s i n g." A "square" (faiiKster can die in this town of old ane, and an innocent citizen, to be shot here, would have to commit suicide. I tell you this system has a lot of merit in it. Wbtild not it be great if banker "bumped off" thu crooked ones. ; ' . MM MsHtM ssaskstsTks. ROTARY NAMES ALMON ROTH NEW IN rROGEHS