"EVERYONE IN SOUTHERN OREGON READS THE MEDFORD MAII, King of Jazz Will ,Open At Crater tan Every' featured artist who ap-1 pears in support of Paul Whit man and his band in the colossal all-Movietone and all-Technicolor "King of Jazz,, which opens at the Fox CreterUn theater tomor row, is a star either of tho stage, vault- vllle, radio or the screen. John I Boles, Laur La Planto, O 1 e n n Tryon, Jeanetia L o f f , Grace Hayes, the Rus sell Marker! dancers, the "Hollywood Beauties,' the "Sisters O, ' Paul Howard Al q r m a n, Paul Wliltcinan. ' Charlie I r win, Jacques Cartier. Billy Kent, Frank Leslie, the Brox Sisters, the Rhythm Boys, Tommy Atkins Sextet and Nell O'Day and George Giles are just a few of the famous names. All were chosen by John Murray Anderson, . the famous New York producer of musical revues, who directed tho picture, simply because they were the best available tnlent-to. portray the spectacle ani novelties which he conceived for the one picture. Mastery Thriller , Now at Fox Rialto A practical joke,, envy, murder and a piece ofrelevei'isKtutiiing by Ihe heroine combine to make a l-attlliig good, picture of VMidnlght Al,vstr,y," ' It. ,JC,. Q,'s latest bid foKottlirieka.. and shudders, which Is now. playing at tho Fox.Rlalto theatiltv holds ,the . Interest lliruughout i ami does. ..not disap point .ahowiudlence at the denoue mejit..it . .' '..t'.ju . ;.,, - i The scene is an old, but thor oughly modernized castle on a rock-hound Island off the coast of Cuba a setting where anything might .hnnuon. A house party Is in nrotrress. Outside a gale is lashing the battlements, and with in, a. group ,of. oddly-mixed char acters, are having a rather droll evening of it what with tales of erhosts and criminal deeds, nnu then the action begins and fans will irot some renl thrills out of this breath-taking .Illnlto. talkie, Store Antiques WASHINGTON, June 25. (IP) Some antiques have been taken from the White Mouse and put Into storage. They are wineglasses, 1800 .of them. , 1- , Figures , at the University Texas show the average age freshmen la lower, each. year. Harry Payne Whitney's Whisk Broom II, carrying 139 pounds, In 1D13 ran a mile and a quarter a'. Belmont Park in 2:00 flat. ' Notice, for 'Publication. Department of the Interior. U. S. - Land Office at Kosehurg, Oregon, May 21, 1930. Notion Is hereby given that Den nt t. zimmerlee of Trail. Oregon, who. on October 10th, 192 5. made Homestead entry No. 010000. for SE'4 SB 14, Section 5, Township 33 S., Range 1 E., Willamette Merid ian, has filed notice of intention to make final three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Chauncey Florey, U. S. Commissioner, at Medford, Oregon, on tho 30th day of June, 1930. claimant names as witnesses: Paul E. Sandoz, James Johnson, James W. Miller and Boyd Miller, all of Trail, Oregon. HAM ILL A. CANADAY. Register. Notice for Publication. , Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, ' ' June 9th. 1930. Notice Is hereby given that Mer rell Charles Palton, of Butte Falls, Oregon, who. on April 1st, 1929, mode Homestead Fntry Serial No. tlS43C, for N',4 NEVi and SE'4 NK!4, Section 3.1. Township 34 S., Range 3 E., Willamette Meridian, has filed notlee of intention to make final three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Chauncey Florey, if. S. Commissioner, Medford, Ore., on tho 22nd day of July, 1930. Claimant names as witnesses: Hen Kdmondson, Charles I. Pat ton, David M. Cleveland. Nathan B. Stoddard, of Ilutto Falls. Oregon. HAMILL A. CANADAY. Register. Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Jackson County. In the Matter of the Estate of Helen F. Rowe, Deceased. Notlee is hereby given, that the undersigned has been, by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, duly nppofnted adminis tratrix of the estate of Helen F. Itowe, deceased, and has qualified; and tti the creditors of, and all per sons having claims against said deceased, to present them, verifieil as required by, law, within sir months after tho first publication of this notice, to Glenn O. Taylor, attorney for said esiate. at his of fice In the Federal Building. In Medford, Jnckson County. Oregon. Dated and first published, June 11, 1930. LOTTIE V. SAMUELS, Administratrix of the Estate of Helen F, Rowe. Deceased.' Notice. Notice Is hereby given, that the Board of Directors of the Rogue Medford Investment , Company General Insurance Medford, Oregon 125 e. 8lxth 8t. Phone 1224 BRINGING UP FATHER i'M tiOMMA Coqi EVENT IF I HAVE ' ,TO HIRE A COO ' TO V... V rnr v THE NEBBS An Honest Face tSsSER MF4. CO STOCK DROPPED 10 POtMT5 TOOaV TO lS &NJD . THE NEVWS H,S MOT DOME EODV ArslV fcOOD . Ml I B8&lSl. . I t River Valley Irrigation District will ; Nv V SW Vt and H4 SE Vi- of Sec. sit as a Board of Equalization fori4, and NEH. NV Vt HK14 and hearinR objections or remon-;KE4 SEH of Sec. ir, all In Tp. strances and entertaining 8UKes-j37, R. I W. V..AI.. sultject to Sec tions as to the proposed assess-f tion 2 4 of the Federal Water Power ment within the limits of the pro- ; Act of June 10. j 20. (41 Stat., posed bond Issue to be charged I 1063). as to SE',4 of XEK of said against each legal subdivision or ! Sec. 13. smaller tract if held in separate! All persons claiming adversely ownership in the Rogue River Val-I any of the above-described lauds, ley Irrigation District at Us office ! should file notice of their claims In commonly known and designated this office on or before July '22. as the Hanley depot and wnre-i lMO, at 4:30 o'clock p. m. house on tho Pacific Highway be-I : HAMILL A. CANADAY. tween Medford and Central Point, . Register. beginning on the 7th day of July, i . 1930, at tho hour of ten o'clock a. m. thereof, , The records show the prelim inary determination of proposed as sessments against each tract and parcel of land In the district, and other dnta, is on file at tho office of the District, located as afore said, and may be Inspected by any Interested person.- Notice is hereby further given that said Board will continue-In session from day to day at the time and place stated in this notice and continue In session as long as may bo necessary to hear and deter mine any objections; remonstrances or suggestions by any persons in terested In the proposed assess ment and apportionment ; thereof and the board will change its as sessment and apportionment to such assessment and apportion ment as it shall' find legal and proper in any respect and in aueh manner as to make the Ba..-.e Just and in accordance with the facts, and that upon the conclusion of such hearing the Board of Direct ors will, by resolution, subject to the approval of the State Recla mation Commission .determine the proper assessment within the lim its of the proposed .bond issue to he charged against each legal sub division or smaller tract if held in separate ownership. .Signed nt Medford, Oregon, this 3rd day of June. 1930. BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE ItOC.I-E RIVER VALLEY IRRI GATION DISTRICT. By Victor Pursell, President. By M. P. Hanley. Director. By Donald S. Clark, Director. N'ntleo for Publication. Department of the Interior. (teneral Land Office nt Hoschurg, Oregon, June 20th. 11130.-. Notice is hereby given that Oeorge Earl Stephens of Rueh, Oregon, who, on July 6. 1H29, made Homestead entry Serial No. 018624. for E'4 NH'V, NWVi. Section 2fi, Township 38 ., Range 4 W., Wil lamette Meridian, nan filed nollre of Intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Chauncey Florey, U. K. Commis sioner, at Medford, Oregon, on the 28th day of July. 1030. Claimant names as witnesses: Kloyd .McKee. of Medford, Ore.: Abe Kromllng. Edward Kuhli, John O Urlen, all three of Applegate, 0le- . HAMILL A. CANADAY. Commissioner or Jiegister. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. United States Land Office. Roseburg. Oregon, June 12, 1330. Notice Is hereby Riven that the City of Medford. Oregon. lv its duly authorized officers, on May 8. 1H30. filed In this office Application to Purchase, No. 019065, under the Act of June 14, 1926. (44 Stat.. 741), as amended by the art of April 13. 1928 (45 Stat., 429) the NE'i. NH'i NW'4. '4 NW'H find tit of Sec. .11: Wti NWV4 NBV4, S'4 N" E H , and mv of Her. 1J, XKU. NE" N'Vi. 84 NWV4, WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Young lady wants housework by day or hour. Tel. 1411. ' ' '' WANTED Work by man and wife: experienced ranch hands, (icn. E. Crnndell, Medford, den. Del. 100 HOY will do light work for room and hoard. Phone 9U6-U 6 WANTED Housework by day or hour; also sewing; experienced. Phone U48-W. 96 WOMAN with two girls of school nee wants work and home on ranch or farm. Box T5. Midon Point, Oregon. ! pire. That to be the TROUBLE' OO IT- UKrJ THERE'S MO USE " MOW VOUR STOCK'S .'I v' ... 04''--- 1 ", 'VOUR FACE 15 AM IMOICATlONI OF A FALUIKJCS MASKET 5WOI1OJ'T GAMBLE LAUSH AJITM A LOSS THAT FACE VJHAT A f fCyrlJ. tqjO. byTht Btl) Syndmlt. Inc ) Tfidt CUSSIFIEO ADVERTISING RATES . Rate per -wont for first instrtion, 2c; tach tuccecdina Insertion, lc; minimum 25e. Index your ads with For Sale, For Rent, etc, and count these words as well as each initial, telephone number, etc.. as. a word. Classified ads in advance and not taken over phone, unless advertiser has monthly account. No allowance for phone .errors. : ... i WANTfcll SHSCKLLANEOCS WANTED Local and long dis tance hauling. Insured carriers. p We guarantee td Isave you money. Havvlev Trnnnrer, til!) A. River side. Phone 1044-X. 125 WANTED Large quantity second crop alfalfa buy. Medford Pear Co., .Medford. Phone 17-K-5. After 6 p. m. 'Phone 58, Central ' Point: ' - -101 WANTED To buy a small home In town or outside of town; very small payment down, also small monthly payments, hut if we take It It's a-aure sale. Give us full description of place, loca tion, price, number of rooms, If clear or not, in fact tell us every thing about It before we look at if, get busy. (Cox J. D. Tribune. 9 5 WANTED To rent, nicely furnish ed home by couple with two chil dren. Guarantee hest of care. References. Karl Baker, Ever Shady Auto Camp. 95 WANTED .Sheep pasture for flock of 140 ewes. L. A. Salade, Jr. Phone Centrnl Point 18-X-3. 99 WANTED To care for children by duv. week or month, In my home. Phone 263-Jt. 95 MAN of high Ideals, from respected fa-mily, with personality acquired from considerable travel, wlahes to meet homo-loving lady, or widow with small children. Ob ject matrimony. AAA Mall Trib une. - ' 95 WANTED Family washing, $1.00 up. Write Route 1. Box 468, Medford. WANTED Second-r.and goods and junk. Pat's, 1506 Prune. Ph. 647-L. 102 WANTED Lawn mowers to Sharp en. 1 guarantee your lawnmow er to cut Just as wall aa when new. Call and deliver free. Tho old Liberty Repair Shoe, 19 N. Fir St. Cbu. FIcher, Prop. Tel. Ml. ttf Kill ltl-TNT FtttMSIIKD noo.Ms FOR RENT furnished room, private home: quiet neighbor hood; close in. Phone 1577-X. , - 95 FOI! RENT Room and board. Phono 769-H. i fall nt 14 Cot tage; also warehouse 25x100 feet. tltf HOARD AND ROOM 339 80. Cen tral. Phono 1211. - 83t FOR RENT Nicely furnished sleeping rooms, first or second floor. Rates reasonable, 325 South Riverside. tf FOR RENT Attractive room, board, reasonable; garage. 33 N. Peach. 74tf PLEASANT room with board at 716 E. Main. Phono 723. 63tf LOST .. LOST Ilosuon female. Call Dr. Stone. Reward. 96 LOST White gold oblong wrlst- watch. Reward If returned to 146 H. Ivy or Mall Tribune. 96 LOST Black geyholder. Mm. Waller A. Jones, 45 Barneburg road. Phono J144-X. Reward. itf r; ST t wamT Too to COME OP TO (vV MOOSE AM' POT OOT 3GR.VN4T -WHO REFOSE-bTO OO AFTER BElIM' VOO IS THAT 50 3O1M0 - :.. im2 some ridiculous commemt from - VOU i SOO-l'M SOINJS TO SET ATAW OF VOO CArlT iaushims WITH SWELL Muh Rf. U. B. ?,t. Office II KI.P WANTED FEMALE WANTED Soda-lunch girl for; drug store fountain. Must lir experienced, neat nd quick. Call' 91. 95 FOR RENT HOl'SES FOR RENT Good 7-room house, close In; shady yard. Phono 1042-W. 101 FOR RENT Portly turn. 3-room modern house, S15. Tel. 1569-L. 96 FOR RENT 2-room furnished house, S14 mo; 2-room furnished apt. $14; light and water fur nished. 325 South Ivy. 95 FOR SALE Modern, partly fur nished 4-rm. house, large screen ed porch, garden, berries, fruit trees; cast side. Easy terms to responsible party. Call at 414 S. Riverside. ' 100 FOR RENT 5 or 6-room modern partly furnished house, electric range, garage, wood house, chick en house, nice lawn, sbnde, flow ers, berries, paved street, close to grade and high schools. Call 837 W. 2nd and see house, or Phono 964-L. tf FOR KENT 6-room furnished house. Phone 224-R. 79tf FOR RENT Furnished houso at 1510 W. Main; 4 rooms and bath. Phone C. A. DeVoe. 76tf FOR RENT home. 59 1378-R. or SALE Rose. Mrs. Model Kyle. 72tf F09 RENT Unfurnished housw, Everette Court;- - electrlo stovo, plenty of built-in, large garage. Phone 238. 304tf FOR RENT Homes. Furnished or unfurnished. Brown & White. 17tf HOUSES FOR RENT ana SALE Call ins FOR HF.NT APARTMENTS FOR RENT 3-rm. furnished du plex, close In; bath, elec. stove, breakfast room, sleeping porch, garage, enclosed yard; adults. Inquire 240 S. Grnpe. tt FOR RENT Furn. modern apart ment for summer months, cheap. 135 N. Holly. J 95 FOR HUNT 2-room furnished duplex, $18. 216 Haven. 9llf FOR RENT Apt. 806 W. Main. FOR RENT Furnished apt. with garage and private - bath, front entrance. 306 E. Jackson. Tel. 381-M. 83tf FOR REN1 n-room furnished apt., 2 blocks from library. In quire 804 East Main. Tel. 287-J. 74tf" FOR RENT Strictly modern 2 and 4-room apts. at Flndlay Apart ments, 503 S. Holly St., evenings and Sundays. 68tf FOR RENT Spanish duplex. 10 So. Newtown. Mrs. Kyle, phone 1378-R. 7tf" FOR RENT 3-room apL with prl- ulgbath.PhoneJ015-jr65tf" FURNISHED house, 2 onfl 3-fm. opts, und garage. 604 W. 10th. tf FOR RENT MISCI-'.LLANI-XJI.'H f6r RENT Oarage, $3.60 per month. 325 South Riverside Ave. , ' tf FOU KXTHANHK ' FOR EXCHANGE High-class pear orchai'd. modern, home, heavy crop; trade for ranch, su burbiin home or city property. 50-scro dairy ranch, located on Evans creek: rich neep river bot tom soil, good bungalow, burn, some fruit, alfalfa, ladlno clover, oats: 17 ares under Irrigation, balance sub-Irrigates. A high clans ranch. Trade 'for " small suburban home near Medford. THE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 44N. Klversldev tPhone 1496. FOR TRADE- Tlot point. 'oleetrlr range. iKenew. for milk cow; I mile wet of Agate school. Geo. F. Russell, R. 1, Central Point. tA, I'LL, immale emough to IKISURE A OAWS PLEASAMT AMO EWOOVABLE . EVPRE5SION SO VOL) WOKIT HAVE A CMANICE TO BLAME A SEWiOOS LpOI TO MV FIKIAMCIAI- "?ccriviTtE5-r ,w ' v-vg"- TOr-lE- 11 '" 1 1 L 1 ; - - 1 L)Ol1' ) V. r r-4 vljVV-OlsiE.? KI ' i l ltf.SIVF.KS DIRECTOItY ( Vi I now are J?m''m I I ? n i - -1 ! T Ufa I ' I , - V ' SintUAY ABSTRACT CO. All- .' . Jl' ', M ' PI st--' slruuls of Title, Title Insurance. f I -CS'j : ' -t R AW f IS Rooms 3 and 5, No. 32 North j,NU, I DEMN? O'BFtlEKj'H j Central Ave., upstairs. vj' T j v!j3 A FELLOW CAsj'T BE. A Sit seraous-MiNJOED vwitwout disaw- sas amo evey moiimims I'ICKEI) VP IF YOUR DOG Is missing, call . I lStf m'SINF,SS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Cottage grocer stock, fixtures: partly furnish living rooms; $500 cash: re $15 month. Dally mall. B 79, Tribune. 98 "OR. SAJJE OR business. . Mill RENT A good service station nnd store In good location Ail 99 gust Johnson, 21 Genesee. FOR SAI POULTRY HAIiY CHICKS Leghorns, Hods and Barred Rocks, 13c euch; spring friers. Weslerf leld Hatch ery, Jacksonville highway. IHI FOR SALE 850 R. I. Red pullets, 1 Vii ml. N. W. Central Point. P. D. Lofland. 96 FOR .SALF LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Fresh cow and Call 411 So. Newtown. calf. 98 FOR SALE 1 buck. 6 ewes. 6 lambs. 4-Corners Service Station on Medford-Sams Valley road, 95 FOR SALE February ewe lambs, - Shropshire bred; low priced. L. A. Salade, Jr., Central Point. 18-X-3, . 96 FOR SALE 2 young cows, Just fresh. Phone 697-K-l. 87tf" FOR KALIS AUTO.MOHI LKS LESS THAN $100 VACATION CARS Ford ICoupo i tSO.OO . iliollln Delivery 75.011 Star Sedan 50.00 Ford Delivery 7 5. an Stude Light 6 Coupe 90.00 THE O. V. MYERS CO. S. Riverside, Phono 464. Open evenings. 96 FOURTH OF JULY SPECIALS -AVo are giving you a very low prlco on used cars for the July 4th special. Don't buy a license for your old car: let the other fellow do It. Bring In your car and arrange for one of these: 1928 All-Amerlcnn Oakland Sport Roadster: 'wire wheels, new rubber, A-l shape $650.00 1920 Oakland (roach 350.00 1927 Pontine Landau Sedan 450.00 1928 Pontine Coach 425.00 1927 Oakland Sedan 450.00 1927 Essex Super 6 Sedan.... 375.00 1927 Htndebuker Dictator Sedan '. 450.00 Hudson Speedster 150.00 Ford Sedan 100.00 SANDERSON MOTOR CO. Your Oakland and Puntiac Dealers. 101 FOR HALE 1980 Ford coach, opr erated 60 days. Terms, $550 cash. Phone 347 during office hours. . 80tf FOR S ALII HOMES DELIGHTFUL suburban home. close In and new modern house; . one acre land: tinder ditch ami deep well fur domestic supply. tepidly developing neighborhood.- Will exchnnge for Idaho property. See HOLMES for llO.MIvS, Nnsh Hotel corner. I l 1 FOR- SALE Attractive 7-room bungalow on west 'side: hnnl 1 wood- floors and fireplace, sun porch, basement with hot water furnace, large yard 90x130, with shade trees, flowers and vines, double garage. . Priced reason able. Chui-li-s R. Ray, Realtor, Medford Hldg. phone 302. I01 FOft SALE 5-rm. modern stucco. Just completed; beautiful Inside finish, Iflrge garage, attractive surroundings, lawn, shade, etc, Pay like renl. Box 71, Tribune. 5ir FOR SALE 6-room new homo; acre of berries and irardon, $3950. - Bargain; easy terms. Siskiyou Heights extension, Kecne Drive, phone 744-R. tf FOU SALE $1600. new collage, 9 acres, 10 minutes from Med ford. Box 10V e-o Mall Tribune. s.-,tr FOR SALE OR TtlAUE Desirable house and lot In Medford for acreage, for few davs only. Tel. 1015-V. J517 W. Main. 64lf 3 By George McManus SHE'S Rl(HT V OUT OF LOSIKJ6 DOUSW . I DOWT KMOW THAT AMVISODV CAM BUT SOME SUVS WAVE- A WAV OF .CO IM& HAPPV VUt-ieM TWE.V AlKj'T-MV FACE IS. AM MONJE3T BAROMETER OF MV FEEL1MS5 IF T. TTaV TO MAKE. IT ITAIMT.ITS MESS FOll S A I tV HO.MF.S FOR SALE Cabin nt Lake oti Woods, west side. N. S. Simp-' kins. 1-52 Oak St., Ashland. 97 l-'Oll SALE Ri:.L KSTAT1-: SMALL Sl'lll RIIAN ACREAGE Wanted to exchange for partially Improved mountain ranch with llmLted water rights. See HOLMES for HOMES, Niush Ho tel corner. 10 1 CHICK EN RA'NCII - 10 acres, fenced for chickens; 4-rm. house, chicken houses, good crop of wheat; only $1400; easy terms. L. G. P1CKELL. 204 E. Main. Phono 918. 101 RESIDENCE SACRIFICE 6-room modern. house; bullt-lns; wired for electricity; rango and limit: fireplace; garage. Only $2500; $100 down, 1ml. $25 mo. Also 1 3 U acres; 10 acres In bearing llnrtlett pears; with crop, JII500; $2500 cash, balance casje: This Is closo In and a good buy. FOX POTTING l!H, 14 N. llarlletl. Phono 1159. i , 911 FOR WALE 3 acres on oiled roud: bargain: terms. F. E. Collins. 6 miles out on Midway road. 101 FOR SALE NEARLY NEW 4 ROO.M MODERN HOUSE wllh large sleeping porch, on paved street: gai-uge, lot 55x104. Priced for only $2800; small down pay ment, balance easy. Rents for $32.50 per month. DUAL & KNIGHT, 20 N. llnrtlett. 100 FOR SALE Or exchange for Med ford Improved acreage, 80 acre at Williams, Ore.. 1 mile to grade school and high school, also store: 5-room houso, good barn, outbuildings, good orchard, pears, apples, etc.; good alfalfa soli, wonderful for garden and grapes; free water and small reservoir; l'nr storage, lots of timber and free range for stock. Address i It. O. C Mall Tribune. 97 A FINE SERVICE STATION LOCATION ' , Fine lots, situated on 2 main thoroughfares In Idoal part of ,Medford. Fine for service sta tion or garage. Flno trees. Everything clear. Write "Prop erty Owner," caro "Mall Tribune. tf FOR SALE Little rnrms close In; City water, electricity nnd a.11 of a city's conveniences without tho high tax; comfortable 4 and 5 room houses with water to the kitchen sink. We sell these" to responsible parties on terms like rent, No down payment othor than the regular monthly rental, WOLD & WOLD, 16 No. Riverside. ! WHEN you think of real estate, think of Brown & Whlto. tf FOR HALE, trade or lease 90 acre dairy farm. Box 47 Tribune. 98 BROWN & WHITE Realtors. We have 2 modern bouses clear of Incumbrance in San - Diego, to trade for good diversified farm here. ALSO strictly modern 6-room house close to college in Corvallls, to exchange for suburban here. AIto, 4iio acre stock . and dairy ranch. Klamath county: 70 acres alfalfa, 130 grain, balanco pas ture; 200 acres Irrigated, piico $1 5,000 Clear; will take up to 4.000 In trade, $3,000 cash, bal ance back on place. Horses nnd machinery go with place. A good dairy herd also for sale. Holland Hotel Bldg. Phone 130 921C Kill KALE MISCI-XLAVFOIIS CHOICE g4nilloll., cut flowers and funeral sprays. Samuclson's Flower Garden, 208 Clark St. Phone sse-x. 95tf FOR SALE machine. Neef. -9-b.ink Wnles adding Phone 1136. j. II. 96 FOR SALE Bed, dresser, kitchen set and chairs, 3.17 West 2nd St. stove, chitp. 118 By SOL HESS CAMT 66T A LAUGH LOO SlAO VJHEM AM AWFUL Hill SA I ,F M 1 SCK.I ,LA X EO US FOR SALE Large lllng cherries 9e per lii.; also orders taken for apricot. C. C. Clemens, 869-.1. III! FOR SA LE Child's bed ?3, at 3 I 5 So. Riverside. 97 FOR SALE Child's enameled bed In good condition. Tel. 1273-.I. 97 FOR SALE Myres automatic elec tric pump outfit, A-l condition, at less than half original cost. For particulars call at 325 So. Riverside Ave. tf FOU SALE Royal Ann cherries pick them for 6c. M. J. Swing. Intersection of l'ac. hlway and Midway road. 96 HING AND ROYAL ANNE cher ries. Woodford'.), Gold Hill. Illttlo pluce. 93tf FOR SAlJE on the tree, ' fin Creek. --Chori'ie.s, picked R. It. Ouches, Clrlf- Plione 867-U 97 FOU SALE"Whent, 2o lb.- Nealon ranch, Central Point, lit. '1. 95tf FOR SALE Loganberries,; $1.25 per crate; ' blackcaps and red raspberries $1.40 per crate. Bring crates If possible. 3 miles east of Phoenix. Harry Steele. 92tf FOR SALE Combination electric rango, like new; electric hot water heater, all installing equip ment, complete $100; also rasp berries nnd loganberries, $1.00 per crate; plpk them. W. Llllle, Houston road, , Phoenix, first house to left across tracks, 08 FOR HALE Garage equipment, air compressor, complete unit; Sioux valve re-facing machine. Box H. A., Tribune. 98 FOR SALE Wheat. $1.95 cwt. wbilo It lasts; one 2-burner oil stove, $4.00. K. E. Morrison, Phono 539-J-3. 98 FOR SALE Kecond-hnnd Cletrnc model K tractor, ono Fordson tractor, one Bean power sprayer, one 10-ft, hayrake. HUBBARD BROS., INC. . I)5 SECONDHAND bncK for sale. Big Pines Lumber Co. . tf FOR HALE Fatten fryers quickly nnd profitably with our futtcnlng mash. Monarch Seed Co. 81tt FOU HALE Automatlo eleotrlo range, also model A Ford coupe. 344 South Grupe. SACKS HACKS SACKS. .Have 10,000 good used barley and grain sacks. MEDFOItl) DAROAIN HOUSE Phono 1062. 27 N. Drape Ht. 79tf A QUANTITY of 2x4' In 6-ft. length nt a bargain. Big Pines Lumber Co. tf UNDERWOOD Typewriter Agenoy, Sunstrand Adding Machine Agcy, nines iientais service. 34 N. Central. Rebuilt machines, Phone 112. H makes. - 66tf FOR SALE Cletrno In good work ing order. W. H. Arnold, R. 1, Box 31. Tel. 523-R-2. 67lf FOR SALE Fordson parts. W. H. Arnold, R. 1, Box 81. Phone 623-R-2. - 67tf FOR SALE Horry cups $6.50 per 1000. Monarch Heed Co. tf FOR BALE Furniture. Buyer as sume payments. 418 North Ivy, Phone 745-J. i 45tf" FOR RALE 10.000 common brick. 8,000 Wlllamlna rug face brick at cost in carload. Can be seen at new Holly Theater building. Karl H. Fehl, agent.- . . 83tf WH PAT CASH for mohair, wo ol, omen, peits ana junk..- Mod! Bargain House, phone 1062, No. Ornpe, J . Ifor FOR SALE Used sewing- ma chines; all makes, $6 up; terras It desired. All make rented and repaired. White Sewing Machine Co., 24 North Bartlett. lltf FOR garden and field plowlnr, sand, (ravel d sediment. Tel 12-J. Samuel Batemau. Ma 1 TRIBUNE" FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WHEAT and rolled Barley, 2o a lb., $;I5 a ton; baled alfalfa, lc a lb., $17 a ton. Phono C. A. DeVoe. tf WILSON AUDITING COMPANY T;ix and Corporation Counselors. Auditors and Accountants. E. M. Wilson. C. 1'. A.: Lelnnd .1. Knox, C. 1'. A.: Lloyd Showers. -ilieity Bldg. Phone 157-11. Bicycles BICYCLK REPAIR SHOP Work guaranteed. Auto locks and key.s for all cars. 19 X. Fir St. Tel. 2lil. Chiropractic Physician DR. K. W. HOFFMAN Chiro practic Nerve Specialist. Office hours 9 to 12; 2 to 5. 203-201 'Liberty llldu. Office phone 580; Res. phone 790-11. DR. JOUETT P. BRAY' Suite 308, Medfoi-d Bldg., for chiropractic service. Thursdays by appoint ment. Office phone 1230. Klectric Molor Repnlrlnf; L. C. SCIIAFl'.I! Armature wind ing, electric motor repairing. Complete stock bearings and brushes. 33 X. Central. Phones 9II-.1-2: Central Point 174. 371 F.yo Specialists DR. D. A. CHAMBERS, Optome trist. Eves examined. Glasses fitted. 404 Medford Bldg. Tel. 188. 352tf F.vHrt Window Clouiiers LET GEORGE DO IT Tel. 1171. House cleaning. Floor Waxing. Oriental Rug Cleaning, specialty. Financial WE LEND MONEY to worthy people to pay their honest debts. Pacific Coast Credit Association. 423 .Medford Hid., Medford. Ore. Freight Transportation LONG DISTANCE HAULING Mi'dford-Klamath Truck Lino Dally service. Bonded .carriers Speclnl rates on load lots. Auto Freight Terminal, 36 S. Fir. Tel. 1033. lulernatinnal Motor Tracks: I N T E R N A T 1 O N A L MOTOR . TRUCKS Fnctory Representa tive Motor- Inn Garages 'South Riverside. Sales and Service. Money to Louli . '- 6 ' TiOinr Tlmo Real Fstato Morutago Loans) i'Iwiiik i:ilj ' CollHl'iei-cui'l Flnanco Corp. r ,) AledforiL Oregon . DO YOU- NEED MONEY? Wo make short-tlrae lr.ans. All trans actions confidential. 657-J. Ban ister A Ohrlstner, 317 Liberty Bid MonniiH'titK THE OREGON OiRAXITB CO. iVlonuments. E. A. Hicks. Gen eral Manager; P. M; Kershaw. Sales Manager, 302 N. Front St. In luting nnd Pnnerhnnglnsr PAPEKHANOING .Oc a roll nnd up. Dick Newman. Tel. 314-J. PAINTING. Papering, Knlsomln lug. Interior decorating, plain or fancy. Patch plastering and Job carpentry. Better Jobs for less. Phono 1609. M. A. BLISS & COMPANY Paint ing, paperhnnglng and Interior finishing. 302 Crater Lake Ave. Phono 1604. 41 Piano Instruction FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher of Piano. Modern classical and popular methods. Special supplemental- course In popular music for beginners, any age, or those who Play. Successfully taught, itlso, by mall. Arranging. Song lyrics set to music. Hr.lght "Music Studio. 318 Liberty Bldg., Medford , O re.l 'hone 72 . Pi-Inters nnd Publishers ' MEDFORD PRINTING CO. 'Has the best equipped printing office In Southern Oregon, llookhlnd ing,. loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 37 X. Fir St. Radio Service RADIO HERVrCE on any mako radio. H. O. Purucker, 22 South Grape street. Office Phono 835; tiles. 1442. 881 finnd anil Gravel . -' -'1. C. A. HARTLEY Sand nnd Gravel plant. Clean washed sand and gravel; crushed gravel, all sizes. Phono plant 1203 or office 127. Rprnylng IF YOU want a good Job of spray ing dono on' your trees and shrubs nt a rensonablo1 price, Tel 1039. 36 2 ' ' Storage : WAREHOUSING Storage, Distri bution. Medford Warehouse, 310 South Front St. Phone 816. Transfer EADS TRANSFER STORAGE Co. Office 111 N. Fir Street. Phone 315. Prices right. Service guaranteed. DAVIS TRANSFER & STORAGE. Service guaranteed. 20 H. Grape St.. Phone 644, or residence 1060. Furniture Upholstering- I FU It N ITU It F. It F.U PI to U4TKR B II - re-flnlshed, re-glued. We carry a full lino of upholstering sam ples. A. N, Thajbault, Tel 696-R, ,.. s ' I it ;"s I? !! it ;' it' ':,U,