Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 15, 1930, Page 2, Image 2

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Iocal and
Via Dy Observance Totluy
. Th pcncrnl public Is invited to
uttend the annual Fluff day ob-
Bervnncc of tho Medford Elks
1 od kg to bo hold In tho city imrk
nt 2:30 o'clock this afternoon,
during which tho Klks' band will
play, and thcro win bo a rltuullHt'c
program of cxercwPH. Attorney
Horace Manning of Klumnth Fulls
will deliver tho address.
tic.a Brill's Hheet Metal WorkH
for radiator, fender and uuto body
repairing. '.C
Ijpnxe for EnKtprn Tour
Mr. and Mrs. Clarenco Kelziir
and F. W. Clray nnd daughter, Ma
rlon, will leave Monday by auto for
Oklahoma, Kanwi. Detroit and
Traverso City, Mich., to vlHlt rela
tives. They plan to be gone several
Tho Peasley's new studio nov
open, oppotdto new Ifolly theater.
. tf
Arriving; Homo from Kedmond
Tim members of tho Jackson
county delegation to the Htato
Grange convention at Redmond
last week began arriving homo yes
terday and tho moat of them will
have arrived by Sunday evening.
; Phono C42. We'll haul away
your refuse. City Sanitary Service.
Illg ltaln ur 18H8
. Mm, O. C. Purkeypllo recall
more than an "ordinary" rain on
tho day sho landed In Central
Point on the evening train from
tho noutli. June 29, 1888. A very
heavy downpour encountered In
northern California extended over
the mountains and Ttoguo River
Tftllny, and continued raining most
of the tlmo until after tho Fourth
of July. , That year It frequently
rained all during tho month of
August.; (Central Point Ameri
can). ' ' "'
'" Cut 'flower and funeral pra?'.
KamublHO'n'fl Flower Garden, 20X
Clark Ht. Phono 880-X. 82tf
Kam Ih laiiioii(llnklur
?. - M. Houston, city malls sillier
Inteuilcnt, will arrive homo tonlKn!
with a 6ro nnd bady tnnned face,
A charley horse, and perhaps with
a few fifth ho purchased . from a
tourist, an tho result of nn outln?
nt Diamond Lake since last Wed
nesday, y
-16-ln. preen pine slabs, large or
mnall loads. Valley Fuel Co., Tel.
76. . , . ,., ' auie
liiwvrN Nullo CoIIcko ' " '
. Colonol Henry II. Klchmon''
cavalry, ' now assigned to Orenon
Htate collene. CorvalllH, bus been
transferred to. New Orleunrf, wliero
ho -will bo iiHflliiiicrt to'iluty wltH
Iho orgnulifod reserves,
' "ld-tnch 'wat-er and play balls In
hilRht 'colors, special 98c each. M.
"tf, H. Co.' 1 '
Vfm4niiH fnsiltall(y ,
- 'Rorheotio has charaoterlxed our
new nixthod of muklnK fi'londs hap
py while thoy visit us as "fcroc
loua hospitality," Just because we
aro apt to rush tho visitor tfrom
placo to plate anl fatlgulnn him
rnthor than to talk nnd converse
with him (McMlnnvillo News-He-porter).
Chutincey Floroy . now . locate-1
123 ICast Main Ht. Insurance and
Heal Ustato. . 05tf
M. V. White ImimivtiiK
l. F. White, who wn serlotisly
injured In an auto accident In the
Hlsklyou mountains last Sunday, Ik
reported to be In a bettor condition.
Mrs. White will 'leave this woek for
California, wliero she will bo near
lor husband. ' . ,,'
A special value nt 11.50 In tho
ll-Hllk Artcraft hose Is making
tulto a reputation at Ktholwyn' n.
Hoffmann's. 80
iliNivy lrrliniUnn 1 ' '
Talent Irrigation' district water
users aro drawing heavily on the
MoraKe Httpply at the present time,
according to the Ashland Tidings.
' '16-ln. grcon pine slabs, large or
small loads. Valley Fuel Co., Tel
7. ' ' S44tf
Ktartlng to HckIhUt
Preparing for Iho general elec
tion next November, quite n num
ber of people aro registering pnrty
affiliations duily nt tho county
clerk's office. Persons who ltnvo
been In Medford fol' six months
and have not registered are eligible
and others who have changed pre
cincts aro urged to make nolo of
iiuch change nt tho clerk's office.
. Don't miss the big millinery sale
lit the Hand Itnx. 223 F.aat 0th.
tints viiluex (0 112.50 nt 11, 12. OS,
J3.IU. livery hat a great money
Vaver. 5
HttKr-hiirar Tax Ivy
' A special '10-mtH ta to te levied
(gainst nil of the property In ltose
hurg In being conslilered by the
Mty ipouncll to meet a Ttond Issue
tif 340.O0O due In September of
this year. The money derived from
In bonds ann used 20 yearn ago
for Iho first street paving.
l'abllo Market Grocery nutter
Sftc lb rgga 2Sc dos., all stnndnrd
coffee 43o. 3D
IPAvmt nn Vain) Ion
. Miss Delphlne lllnek will leave
today on a vacation of two weekrt,
which la to Include a trip to Itulnlcr
National Park In Washington. Miss
Hlnok Is ntenoginpher at the localj
nrflee of Jh Northern (!allfornl,i-
SOuthetn Oregon Development as-,
noclatlon. '
- i . i
" jet OS haul away your garbage;
ml refuse. Phone 648. City 8nn'.-j
tary Service. 387ttj
'ew S'ume In Training I
Miss Jean Allen, n recent gradu-
nte of the Bend High school, has
entered the Hacred Heart hospital I
training school for nursen, begin
ning; itudiea there las( week,
Polilitt 3M Years Ago
"Capt. O. O. Applegiite of Klu
m'ath county, spent last Saturday
In AHhland. on his way to Minnea
polis where he will attend tho Re
publican national convention an one
of tho delegates from Oregon,"
said a news Horn It) tho Ashland
Tidings juHt 38 years ago.
Geo. A. Pohnert, General Truck
ing, at Flchtner's Garage, Tel, 180.
.McMlnnvllloV New Fire Unlet
Kxeept In emergency cases from j
neighboring towns or when a fire i
in adjacent territory may prove'
hazardous to the city, the city ;
council of McMlnnvillo has directed!
tho firo chief not to take the fire
apparatus beyond the city limits, j
For bent green slabs, ask driver
or call Medford Fuel Co., Tel. 631.,
Visit National Park
Charles Foster of Portland and
Allan Spa Hiding and Paul J,uy
spent last Friday at Crater L-uke.
For best green slabs, auk driver
or call Medrord Fuel Co. Tel. 031.
VMtH Moving on Gnints Pass
Grants Pass will be the mcc-a
of the resident members of the lo
cal lodge of Klks next Tuesday
afternoon and evening to partici
pate In the festivities incident to
the Inauguration of a new lodge of
the J. P. O. order In that city.
Klks will be present from all pari
of the state, and xume from ndjoin
Ing states.
Artcraft silk hoso "Dulcole," tho
latest In MmterleHH' hosiery, nt $1.95,
has arrived nt Kthehvyn B, Hoff
mann's. 80
Portland Milk situation
KIghteen more shippers of milk
to pasteurizing plants have at
tained ihe grade B rating, J. U.
Jennings, chief of the Portland
milk division, announced yester
day. These shippers brought the
total up to 7fl" who are producing
milk that when pasteurized by a
grade A plant becomes grade A
pa.sleurlzed milk under tho rtov
milk ordlnnnee which becomes of:
fectlvo In Portland next October. me write your flro Insurance.
Carl Y. Tengwnld, Hotel Holland
Illdg. Phone 9113. tf
Salmon I'MNhlnjr Poor
Fishing for salmon and steel-'
hend In the river has re-!
suited In little success, according It
P. C. ltlgham, who spent n day on
the river the latter part of IohI
week. He fished eight or ten hour!
nnd hooked only two fish but was
unnble to land them: He reports
that there are only n few nngters
trying" salmon fishing at tho prco
ent time.
Chnuncey Floroy now locate 1
123 Kast Main St. Insurance and
Ucnl Hslato. 05tr
Another Itnngi'r ott Duty
Norman Ashrxaft left AHhla'ttd
yesterday for Crater T.ake to hnvo
charge of the oast entrance of the
national park. Hl.i family will re
main In Ashland visiting with rela
tives. ' "'For' best green slr.bfl. ask driver
or, call Medford Fuel Co., Tel. 631.
Complete Court! Kixin
The construction of the flro 'de
portment tennis court Is still under
wy. but Is exported to be com
pleted In n short time, according t
Fire Ciller Hoy F.lllolt yesterday.
The erection of backstops Is tho
only thing holding bnck the com
pletion and In until this Is done the
firemen will continue to enjoy the
gentle game of croquet, played on
the name gruund.
It Is time to Insuro your hity nnd
grain. See ,1. V. Wakefield Agency,
or Phono 17. 80
Good 1Imm! Hlvor Crop
Wllh nil danger of frost at an
end and with crop conditions fair
ly well established, Indications are
that Hood Hlvor valley will har
vest nn excellent crop of most tree
fruits, especially apples and pear-i.
' Wood Prices Lower on fir, onk.
etc.. In load lots, delivered direct
to x;ou from wooda. erdcr now
before kho nodi nnd snvo monev
nt our stijitmcr prices. Phone 833.
F. K. Samson Co. 88
Much TrvHil Oil Well
Cftl c. ' Wells, deputy United
States mnrshal for southern Ore
gon. Btntloned in Medford. hut
whoso chief duty seem to be the
tntnnprttilrtn' of the many prlsone-a
hound over nt Ktnmiilh Falls for
limibr Imv vlolnttons, Into tho cus
tody of the federal court at Port
land, Inst Wednesday mode such n
trip with three accused of violating
(he Iirohlbttlon laws, Cal knows ev
ery polo nnd most all the tnM weed
along Ihe vallrond tracks between
K In math Fn(l.s and Portland, and
Medford and Portbmd. nnd could
make tho drive between tho two
places blindfolded, so many railroad
And nuto trips hns he made be
tween those points for nevoral
years pnst.
on hand. Tel. C"t). Medford I.unt-
uer co. 7tf
Attend coimnentMMunit
Guy nnd Bob Kelly will leave
Medford this morning by motor for
Eugene, where they will attend the
COmmeticement program nt the
University of Oregon tomorrow
mot nlht; TVelr sWr'MUs-NTtifjory
Kelly. Is n mdnber of the l!30
gi'fidtlMtlng ptflVw, ; 4 ' ':
Off 13 Down 13 Months to Pay
At least $13 for your old Range oh & Modern
Oas Range, Water Heater or Refrigerator
Southern Oregon Gas Corporation
Telephone 526
Field lntmger Hero
Htewart it. Muhofi of Portland,
field manager for the Woodmen of
the World, U spending a short
tlmo In Medford attending to bul
nesa affairs concerning tho lodge.
Mountain air, home care, country
fare, .swimming, riding, fishing,
hiking. Kates are reasonable, the
time Is seasonable. Itring ua you:
boy and fill him with joy. Mrs.
N. F. Glut, Trail, Ore. 85
School Friends Meet
Schoolmates at Btanfleld 11
eastern Oregon who had not seen
each other for five years, met ac
cidentally at the Medford ulrnrt
yesterday, when Raymond Mhvh
of the elty HUpennte ndent'H office,
and Dave Heese, new announcer at
K.MKI), tho Mall Trlbune-Vlrgl-1
station, spied each other. Tho two
young men had stood beside cacti
other for ten or fifteen minutes
until ihey finally recognised enen
oilier. Five years had made a de
cided difference in facial 'appear
ance. Special rtntcK now nn furniture
moving, i-tp. -tiirmll or Iki'ko loailp.
Wp am Insured ennicrfl and do
local and Ions dlKtnnco liaullnK.
l-'or riul'k. rcliablo service Phone
833. 1'. K. Samson Co. 88
All film!' lo Hoc Jolin
An pntliuHhiHtlc reception was
Klven John O. Iloylc. former pres
ident of Klamath'1 Hotary club,
at the Friday luncheon In Ilersll
herner'a Telican grill, for Mr.
lioyle came over from Medford
to nddreHs ItotarlaiiH on the sub
ject of "IClectriclty and Hb Deliv
ery in the Consumor." (Klamath
' t remslitclilnn. plrntlng,' plcntlng.
button niaklni; and hose memlln;;.
Handicraft Shop. 257tf
Here I'Ynln Portland'
Al Mnulton of Portland arrlveJ
In Medford hint week to spend a
vacation here at' the homo of his
uncle, Allison Moulton.
Dry kindling 32. SO per load. Vol
ley Fuel Co., Phone 76. tf
Able to .Sit 1 )
.lames drey, who has been a pa
tient nt the Sacred Heart hospital
tor two weeks, was able to flit up
yesterday ami is reported to bo
Hbowlng rapid Improvement. Ho
lias been suffering from a severe
attack of influenza.
The Pcnsleys' new studio no.v
open, opposite new Holly theater
Now iMr Mile Plnnnctl '
Tehtntlvo plans have been sub
mitted to Coos Hay business men by
flenrgo T.ove of the Breese Aircraft
company, for passenger, mall nn i
express service, on nn Oregon route
that would Include Coos Day. Eu
gene, Portland, The Dalles, llcmi,
linker, Klamath Fnlls, Salem, ltose
burg, and Medford. Tho llreese
company Is planning to get Its line
In operation and obtain a mail
contract when the service. Is estab
lished a sufficient time a qualify
for auch a contract.
Ifl-ln. green plno slabs, large or
small loads. Valley Fuol Co.. Tel.
70 34-ltt
Jliiro lllgliwny Improvement
Two dangerous corners on the
Pacific highway north of Central
Point are being straightened bv
the stalo highway department anil
nre those dangerous curves in the
Willow Springs section. One Is 1
few hundred yards north of the
I site of the old Seven Oaks station
nnd the other In In front of the
John Anderson property. At tho lat
ter place, n'fiteam shovel' is busy
cutting away n bank which had
made the corner a blind one. On
the other corner, a new piece cf
highway Is under construction.
Cholco gladolas, snnpdragons.
swoetpeas nnd mixed garden flow
ers. Oct our prices. Phono S90-T,
or call at 325 S. Holly St, 86
Out -of -Town Vlsltum
Included nniong the visitors In
MedfArd ywterday were James
Martin of Antloch, Hazel Taylor (2
llntte Falls. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. llnrli"
Stanley of Hngle- Point. Mr. and
Mrs. tleorge Henry of llrowiu
boro. Cbnrles Hockersmlth of
Meadows, nnd Paul Masters of Ash
land. Anyone who would like i bur
gain In a high grado banjo shoubl
rail at this office nnd Inspect the
banjo left here for sale; a sacrifice
regardtess of cost. U.'itf
Old Mool Bridge Cone
The old steel bridge over the
Willamette river at Springfield,
having carried traffic for more
thnn 30 years. Is now out of the
way. Home of the miterlnl has been
taken to the Coast fork east of
Creswnll where thy county will use
it on n now spun Tho work of
raxing the old structure was fin
ished n week ngo.
.I101CB niniiumn, , niin I'll i "mmo. j
swoetpeas and mixed garden f low-j
ltt t . tKn inill 1
CIH. HI'l pill I iiuilU VK-v-t.
or call nt 325 8. Holly St. 86
Arthur Holandor left yestordiy
t.-kt- rVnlnK 1)1 lift vvllPI'lt t Willi
spend the summer working for tho
park service.
Tree props. All lennths, regular
slr.e, Cheap at Medford Lumber 'o.
Pnrr.VWN Williams Vtvk ,
lHiuty (irtme Warden Uoy Va.-r
spent ye'stH'da'y,'n'ftrhnxn' oftoc?.
tnu up on fishing cotulitlons tu the
Williams . t'reek section, "
Auto Touiirfs Penniless
There were three families of auto
tourists camped yesterday along)
the Hear Creek near McAndrewe
ford on forbidden ground and each j
had a tale of woe to tell whenj
Chief of Police McCrodle appeared)
on the scene yesterday to-order)
them to move on. One family had,
a baby In arms and in another i
there were four children. The j
third family was entirely destitute, j
The gasoline tank was dry and,
they did not have sufficient funds;
to buy one gallon of gas. llow-j
ever, the husband declared he'
thought he would bo ubl to navel
a Job tomorrow. j
Screen Doors (fixtures free
Medford Lumber Co. Phone 621. i
f'hitiinocy Floroy new located
123 Knot Main St. Insurance anil
Itciil Kxtate. 6Stt
One MiiiTlatrc License
The. county clerk's office issued
a marriage license yesterday aiv
ternoon to Herman Htorz, 23, and
Miss O. Fernandes, !U, both of Wil
lows, Calif.
Wo specialize In radiator an:l
fender repairing nt Van's Garag-:.
33 So. Bartlctt. Phono 208. t!
T.lme for all purposes at Med
ford Lumber Co. 78tt1
Fiml IVrfeOt Vetltlon
The first petition to be 100 per
rent In the accuracy of Its signa
tures was found yesterday by Mis
Vera Childreth nt the county clerk's
office, where she lias been check-
I .... nailllnn tli..t hutiA hnon
amendnfent on the ballot at thi
Reneral election next November to
close the Itojrue river to commer
cial fishlns. Most of the petitions
have at least aeveral signatures the
siKners of which are not registered
voters. "
. DreBsmakinB and remodeling tt
tho Fashion 8 h o p. 424 Medford
Bid. Tel. 1181. tf
Choice gladolas, snapdragons,
sweetpeas nnd mixed garden flow
era. Oct ourlp'icea. Phono 390-1.
os, call at 325 a. Holly St. 8a
Crater Uike chapter No.
32, It. A. M. Kegubir
Convocation and work
In the M. M. degree
Tuesday evening, 7:30
p. m. - Ity .ovder of thu
nigh rviest. '
I. 13. SCHULEK, Sec'ty.
FOR U 10 NT Sinnll furnished
house; 530 Ho. Central. , Fred
tireen. - 85
FOR HA1.10 OR TRAD 10 X e w
npitiliMii .sin ceo iiuuhc, nil in mi - j
crn. r ivv very iiirnw iuuin, awim
Tnlng tank, basement and, gar
age. Large living room with
rock fireplace. Bnlcony.v circle
stairway. All hand wrought fix
tures. AV. V. Prickett, across
froin . Oak Clrovo .achool.- ,!,v-!7
Federul Knight Truck, dual1 tires,
Just tho thing for fruit haul. W.
Prickett, across from Oak
tirove school. 87
FOR HA'LK Household furniture
and garden tools. Wood lawn Or
chard, 1 mile east Central Point.
KOR HA LB 1 SIN), new cottaEe,
9 acres. 10 minuter frntn Meil.
ford. IIox 100 c-o Mall Tribune. I
WANTKIJ I'.olouna bulls audi
beavy hows. I'bone K,.,y. S.")tt.
UENTbKMAN of Rood .itandim;,
consldernte and Kcnerous mind
ed, wlahea to meet lady between
2K and 41). Object matrimony.
Address .Mail Tribune, l!ox AT.
..... . s.
LOST Kemalo I'eiHinn cat. mal
test toucbed with oranue.' - Kc
willd. 1'lione r,;!l-,l-l. s.l
Alail Tribune arl. Am m h
go.ono xeopift every dnv. tf
City Cleaning
624 North Riverside
... uQ
: 'CT .
OTffiGOX, SUNDAY, MUXE 35. 1930.
Tho 1930 frost season for the
ICoguc Itlvcr valley, which was one
of tho most fortunato In local
history in the way of causing xu
llttlo damage to fruit and so few
frosts Is nt an end, unless there
should come a miraculous change
In the weather. The special
weather apparatus used by Floyd
Voting, bead of tho, government
frosts, is at an entl, unless there
ment, nnd his assistant. Hoy Rog
ers, was all dismantled early last
Mr. Young left two weeks ago
to Inspect tho frost stations nnd
crops In tlie Washington fruit dis
tricts, nnd from there to go to his
homo and headquarters at Po
mona, Calif., leaving Mr. Hogcrs
to handle the situation here the
remainder of the season. Mr. Rog
ers left tho middle of last week
for Charles City,, Iowa, to take
the place of tho weather bureau
head there wlillo tho latter Is on
his annual vacation, nnd will be
engaged in such relief work tho
remainder of the summer in var
ious purls of tho country.
Van Valer of Calousa, Calif., were
m a r r i e d Wednesday afternoon,
June 11, at the Christian church
parsonage by Rev. Carman 10. Al ell.
Clarence W. Byrd and Nellie
Boren were married on Sunday
morning by Rev. Carman K. Moll.
Both were residents of Talent and
will make their home south of
Prices stashed foi- quick clear
ance of summer hats at the Band
Box, 223 Kast 6th. Look! $1.00,'
$08 and up to $5.98; every hat
worth three times these prices. 85 j
Notlco is hereby given that dis
solution having taken place on1
,1 line (i, 11)30, of the partnership I
known as tho Diamond F Fur j
Farms, with their headquarters In i
the city of los Angeles, we, the
uudeVsigned, former members of
the aforesaid partnership, will not
be responsible after this date, for
any debts contracted by any one
under this name.
Cleo.' W. Cooke, Clifford F.
Thorpe. Harold C. Cheatum, Mark
.T. Kennedy. Clyde P. Wilburn,
Verdie K. Klsesser, James A. Smith,
Paul .f. Koetz, Bruno B. Kiner. 8(i
Trademarks ' Copyrights
Free Booklet on Request
Registered Patent Attorney
802 Corbett Bldg. Portland, Ore.
Basement Medford Bldg.
Tho only Exclusive Electric Motor
Repair Shop In Southern Oregon.
PHONE 90-J-2
" Electric Motor Repairing
Armature Winding
Made to Look Like
New with our
. Modern Cleaning
This i.s ; 1 ht time , of
(lin .vi-ar for vaca
tions, jiicuics, boat
ing; ami at the sea
shore. Look the Part
with freshly ejeancd
sport clot lies
Are ,
Just phone
474 and our
driver will
" i ... .
Dyeing Works
Phone 474
Quite a delegation of Medford
Klks aro planning to take part in
Ihe ceremonies of establishing a
new Klks lodge "1 C.ranta Pass next
Tuesday evening when a specltl
program Is being ui ranged In
A bi'j banquet will be served .it
6:30, followed by initiation of mem
bers at 7:30 and dancing followin-r
this. The (iranl.s I'ass members
formerly belonged to the local
lodge, but sufficient strength llaa
been shown for the establishment
of a lodge in tile "Climate City,''
aside from Medford. A temporary
organization has already been ef
( ,.v
k EVERY iWfiM&P -i
5EATA WUBAftd . t
"1 1 FOX-MOVIETOMEt7"i?;7
II MUSICAL ' .: .. 7
i 1 WrW -sg feijl
li wine: . : m . t ",
II l v fefMKW l
w rKT inn
. MM,
Sa1R1 "4 Vv Ar a scream! Just wait 'till
f lsSi'-fe fetegd ,w Ollmpse them as the boarding h J''
y,llVfrkfl V- 51 . who clean up in Wall Street. The P "
ST .V ,?y the riU as only they can. Then come. t
V?!2Tr?,5!?)V" - "V-d?: dlik Admission Z
COMEDY of Wa? Vfe X , '
SAUOM. Ore, June 14 fP) Dr. i
I.. K. (IrlffHIi, 02, assistant super
intendent of Oregon state hospital
and a prominent alienist, died hero
today after an illness of several j
months. I
Dr. Griffith had been associated ,
with the state hospital for 30 years
During the last 25 years ho had
served as assistant supcrlntendcn' . I
Ho was born near Salem In ISOSj
and graduated from Willamette J
university. He then went to the.
1'niversity of Tennessee where he j
gradual in medicine. He return-1
cd to Salem soon after his gradu-j
atlon and has made his homo hvro
ever since. j
I Classified advertising gets results
jGJitter' Clamor-Cayety Girls
05 SUE
jDatttty "Darling Dancers ft
in his latest all
talking laugh hit
and tho
TOirr nmmfimr
at 12:30
FOR A DAY! And then
jum vitiiv iui iiiu lunusv null
Medford nnd vidua...
fair, rising tcmperatu,,, 7:
humidity. Ulul V
Oregon: Sunday fair, ,.,,,
pcraturcs and lower Iiuiiiim,, "'
Interior. "'""illy 0)f
Local Data.
'l oliiperuiuro teleg).... 41;
1 Ugliest (lust 12 brs.) j
I.uwcst (last 12 bis.) jo
Uel. Humidity (Pet. 1 Hi
Precipitation tiueliesl .1111
State of weather c(.
" Cki:
Total precipitation slnco-!.-'
tenibcr I, Ht2. is..,., ,n(.h t-
Sunriso today. 4:35 . uT
Sunset today, 7:4s p. ,.
..1- WJ ." 1 1 UTf'i I l.soN,
lis i;
f 5
Continuous Shows 1 :30 to 11 P. M.
" "
1:30 to 5 P. M.
. 25c
Kiddies a Dime
Eve. 25, 50
I 1 3 ' ' -
Continuous Shows
the Crash! VA
ukui wusu unu juu