Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 14, 1930, Page 1, Image 1

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    f i
Medford Mail Tribune
The Weather
Foreeatt: Tonight and Sunday fair,
with rising temperature and low
er humidity.
Highest yesterday 84
Lowest this looming 46
To 5 p. m. yesterday 00
To 5 p. m. today 00
ITwenty-Fifth Year
No. 84.
I !
1 1
I Local Men Refused Floor at
Hearing As Knowledge of
Alleged Menace Utter
ances Merely Hearsay
and Not Permissable.
RAMSM, Ore., June 14. UP)
H. S. Merriam, horticultural In-'
Kpei-tor from this district, was
retained on the Htnte horticultu
ral board today when the state,
board of control refused to accept J
his resignation. ?The resignation.
conditional in effect, was sent to
the board after statement made
tiy Merriam here as to a "million
dollar mystery" disease which had
Imrely escaped federal-quarantine
were questioned by fruit growers.
At the meeting todny charges
, wero made by wooumirn truit
(growers that the entire trouble
; hiui developed because of wplie
work on the part of the Salem
Capitul Journal growing out of a
local fight. They declared the
Capital Journal was against Mer
riam because of his efforts to oust
Fruit Inspector Van Trump of
this county "and also because the
newspaper Is opposed to employ
ment of n county agent by Mar
ion county and It feared Merriam
was attempting to unseat Van
Trump In an effort to foist an
agent on the county.
Reporter In Denial.
Don Upjohn, reporter for the
newspaper who quoted Merriam's
statement, denied any animus on
the part of the newspaper, assert
ed that Merriam was correctly
quoted ' In his statements at the
m.Ptmir nnrl that this hf.d been
eonflrmed by a dozen or more !
fruit growers at the meeting, who
(Continued on Page 8, 8tory 1)
Charging that the shipping board
tells the house merchant mnrine
committee "to go to hell" when
information is sought on Its ship
sales activities, acting Chairman
l-onhnch today demanded the
rules committee approval of his
resolution for an Investigation.
The New Jersey representative
complained his committee had
been unnblo to get Information
from the board, an Independent
agency, because It Incited author
ity. His resolution, calls for an
(inquiry by a select house com
mittee. Saying It might be disclosed
that foreign Interests dominate
the American merchant' marine,
lhlbach contended before the
rules committee that the hoard
ignored in some respects the pol
icy laid down ,by crtjigress for dis
posal of shipping lines.
"Thev ' tell us to go to hell."
he declared. They laugh up their
sleeves. We want to know whnt
Is the motive behind this atti
tude." "It mast have been long after
midnight, fer I mil rcodln' n bed
lime sinry to my little in when
I m-ard what I took to bo a pistol
shot," said Mrs. Iofc Bud. testify
In' about a shootln' wrapt". "Next
to a woman's Intnltlon nier hain't
.anthlii' u rertnln as pens," sold
Moo Klto as lie sot down nt a little
dinner party last nlgbu
Abe Martin
Mail Box Joke
Costs Autoist
' Heavy Penalty
PORTLAND. Ore., June 14.
(P) Hairy Witte was' fined
$250 in. federal court here to-
day for knocking down all the
mull boxes along the road be-
tween Wood burn and Mount
Augel. ..
K Witte, prior to pleading
guilty to the chaise, told the
court he did it as a joke. The
federal attorney told lilru to
fr use better judgment in earn- S
ing $50 monthly to pay off the
Horticulture Board Adopts
Standards for Cannery
Fruit Effective July 21
Maturity Definition Only
Change Made.
SALEM, Ore., June 14. (P)
The state board of horticulture
meeting here today declared grades
for Oregon standards for cannery
pears and set the new grades in ef
fect as of July 21. 1930. Represen
tatives of Hood River and other
pear sections were here. No vul
ley. shippers appeared at the meet
ing. This Is the rinal hearing to be
held hy the board on the subject
or graues. i ne sraue ruies uuiui-
Kiea stanu me same us uimmcu v
previous hearings in pear growing
sections, except a change was made i
In the definition of "maturity" un-
der the new gradings, the defini
tion as follows: ,. .. .
"Maturity 'means having' resched
ule stage of maturity which will In
Biire the proper completion of the
ripening process. Pressure test of
fruit with skin on at time of pick
ing chall range from 22 to 15
pounds with 5-16 inch plunger or
the equivalent range with a 71-10
inch plunger."
The rules set out definitions for
Nos. 1 and 2 grades of pears and
culls as well as designating the tol
erances and definition of terms gov
erning grading.
YAKIMA, Wash., June 14. (P)
Leet Vaughn of .Fox, Ore., was ac
nuitted last night of a I'lrBt degree
murder charge in Benton county
superior court In connection with
the death of John Thomas ' near
Prosser following a robbery in a
box car May 28. He was convict
ed, however, of entering the box
car with intent to rob and robbery
Vaughn's two companions In the
escapade. Kddle Tester of Pendle
ton. Ore., and Jesse Tooley of
Woodland, Wash., pleaded guilty to
second degree murder charges and
were sentenced to 10 years In the
slate penitentiary.
Indian Bill Approved.
WASHINGTON, I). C. June 14
Pi The senate bill to provide
fur enrollment of members of the
Klamath nnd Modoc Indian tribes : bring reconciliation of Carol and
nnd the Yahooskln bands of the his altlcnn wife, who divorced him
Snake lndlnns belonging to thewhen he left her to live In l'urls
Klumnth reservation In Oregon, In exile with the daughter of a
was approved by the house In-1 Humaninn business man, Mme.
(llan committee toda. i Mngda Lupescu. '
Absence of Mayor Leaves Critic
Without Target For Verbal Darts
of the
only a few being aware
f..t llritlnril
i,n. lw.n
. i j u
without a mayor of any kind the
most of thin week,' due to the
fact that Mayor A. W. Pipes, who I no head
left last week on a visit of twojnt. i Mr.
weeks or more to his former)
l ...I.I. Iha llilnn. I
nuine ill, mi.,. n. ...
... .A.. . ...i !.
ping to look after some business j
at Portland, nnd that Councilman;
K M Wilson, acting mayor, nas
spent the most of the week in
Portland, ntlending the annual ;
meeting of the stale accountants'
as --Delation.
Mr. Wilson was expected back
In the city some time this after-i
noon nnd Mayor Plpes'wlll proh-1
ably be back home some time'
, -.!,
Among those few persons know- municipal government Is retained j Kltzmnurlce. Mrs. Albert Knut- j, The weather outlook for the
Ing of the mnyorless town, the and If he himself was elected j mnn, Constance Tnlmiidge. Llla week beginning June 15 Is given
most worried was Earl II. Fehl. mayor next fall, he would ulimjlw, Hetty Compson, Man Sunday. , as follows:
The Sixth street editor and the-j himself from force of habi heiMnrle Mosqulnl nnd Adeln lingers Far western states: The outlook
nrer builder Is expected to start terminated the conversation. lhusftylnnd. Mrs. Lf.ella O. Parsons Is for fair weather with high tem
regalnlng weight and mental poise ! declining to put himself "on the, will be matron of honor and Hal peralures In the Interior and fug
as soon as Mayor Pipes returns' spot." Howe III bo best man. along the coast.
mmm jij .MmmayC? - iwiiinii imwnwawBw,,
ft: a, 1 '"'ssa1
Carol of Rumania (left), who renounced hit royal rights five years ago to go Into exile with a
woman companion, has been declared King Carol II by the Rumanian parliament. He gained the
crown after a spectacular airplane coup d'etat, believed to have been arranged by Prince Nicholas
(lower right). Carol', son Michael, who ruled with a regency council, becomes crown prince and
there are Indications that King Carol's divorce from Princess Helen (upper right .with Michael) will
be annulled and the pair reunited. Queen Marie (below, center) heard the news of Carol' return
while en route to Oberammernau.
. . . n n;i ' (iencwlcn, lleving. Mitcncii, ru
Rumanian Church Does Bit;Hmmons nml o rarreii.
tn Hps Ritt in caro S
HouseHold Queen Marie
VIENNA. June 14. -news
agency dispatch
VP) A'
from Bu-,
chai est states that the Rumanian
holy synod today annulled the
divorce decree of King Carol and
Queen Helen.
Queen Mario was believed today
to have smoothed the difficulties
which have kept King Carol II
and Queen Melon apart, and to
have prepared them for recon
ciliation. Queen Helen was prevented from
greeting Queen Marie at the rnil
way Ktation Thumluy, when she
arrived from (Jerinany, hy a slisht
cold, which confined her to her
apartments Tilday Queen Marie
went to call upon her dauBhtr-in-Jaw
nnd counselled her nt some
After her departure It was an
nounced that when Queen Helen
had recovered from her indiposl
tlon the entire royal family would I
j hold a reunion nl the palace of ,
I Queen Marie. Court circles
I lieved that this reunion
I to the city, although he felt much
better wnen loin mis iiiuinuit,
II1UI lilt. lll-llliH ni'ijui
A i.urgomeisterlcss
town with
throw verbal bricks
Kehl's lilen of nnw -
thing." It seems to :hlm that
,k. Unm tr,rn flilt. nnil he
, mrr .'.i,.,. ,." ......
. ,i .iih lb. dire
situation that, realizing how mel -
nnoholy It would be if the city
manager or commission lorni m
government Is decreed by the!
voters, he Immediately composeu ,
nnd had printed a few rholcei
slams ngnlnst the proposed newl
form of administration.
Mr. Tehl Is a very canny Indl-,
vldunl and politician. That la
why when asked If It should so1
hnnnen that tho present form of ;
Baseball Scores
St. Ixjills 5
llrooklyn 0
liatterlest H a I I n h a n. Hnid.j
Ilhem and Wilson; Elliott, Phelps .
Chirk nnd Lopez.
, ' . 'I; "ir. "K.
Chicago 8 10 0
New York S 8 1
I Uatterles: Malone nnd Taylor;
n. h. e.
I Pittsburg 1!) 21 1
Philadelphia 12 10 1
! Hatlerles: fhagnon. S P e n c e r
and IHml: Sweetlund. Nichols.
Smylhe, Wllloughby, Elliott, Berg
and McCurdy.
T 11 V.
i Boston ...
..2 10 0;
Batteries: Benton
tttxey nnd
Sukefnrth; Sclbold and Spohrer
Philadelphia 2 fi 1
Detroit 11 1(1 0
Batteries: Mahaffey. Shores
and Cochrane, Perkins; Utile and
PoHton 8
t'hlcaRO 4
Mr Kay den and Hexing;
McKain and C'rouse.
H. 13.
13 2
ft 1
Engaged for Over Year
No Honeymoon Until Pic
tures Completed Famed
Beauties Bridesmaids.
LOS ANOKLKS. June 14. W)
Hebe Daniels nnd Ben Lyon,
screen players will be married at
i 8:30 o'clock tonight.
friends of the couple.
notable film personages, will wlt-
inp.. thp ceremony which will be
, held In a Hollywood hotel.
'ne couple securen a niense 10 .
, wed two weeks ago. at which time
j Miss Daniels announced they had
' ,..,: .,,..
year, but hud postponed the wed-1
nuig nine mini B ie ouio
loved ,eneh other."
There will be no honeymoon,
she said, until the completion of
productions In which she and Mr.
Lynn lire now appearing,
Miss Daniels announced ner
bridesmaids will be Mrs. fleorge
Associated Press I'hoto
Initiative Petition Against
Public Service Commis
sion Hits Snag Court
Ruling Cited. .
OKI V1 ft limn
14. (VP)
tii, wict u......
0 Acting on advice from Attorney
General Van Winkle, Sucretury of
statu Host yesterday refused to
approve an initiative petition for a
measure providing for abolition of
t lie Htnte public service commit-
sion. The attorney gonernl pre
pared a title for the measure some
months ago, but stated that court
decisions since that time Indicated
that the petition might not stand a
court test, one of tho main objec
tions being that the word "refer
endum" appears suvorul tlmos in
the petition where "Initiative"
should appear.
(loorge Ilylunder of Portland,
who is responsible for the petition,
said he would go ahead with the
circulation- and declared he could
get the required 15,000 signers by
July 3, the last date allowed for the
filing of petitions this year. If the
attoiney general refuses to accept
the completed 'petitions it was in
dicated that a mandamus action
might-he brought In court to tost
Its validity.
It was reported yestoiday that
the attorney general expected to
approve the petition.
ALTOOXA, ln June 14. P)
Wily Arnold nf ChlctiK". winner
of the ImllnnupoMit Memorial day
hup, uiid thi- Altoona
flax day race to hia laureln to
day, traveling at an avnranc of
lir mile on hour to lead tho
field hy nhout four mites. Uea-
,11)!, iiuholH, Pa., was aec-
Weather conditions were per-
A crowd of ahout 40.0UQ
, sweltered In the stands,
Minnesota and Wisconsin
Suffer Heavy Damage
From Friday Evening
Storms Many Injured j
Tl . t. Unnnltnln I
iaieii iu nuayiidia
Farms Hit.
Hy I he Associated Vress
A series of tornadoes played
leap frog across southern Min
nesota and Wisconsin late Friday
and when they bad played them
selves out. there were six dead.
un Injury list of more than three.
score and property damage esti
mated at more man 1,000.000.
Five persons died near Menom
inee, Wis., nnd a man was silled
at Randolph, Minn. More than 30
wero injured in and near Ran
dolph; a score were hurt around
.Menominee; twelve wero Injured
at En ii Claire, Wis.; four at St.
Paul Park, Minn., a suburb of St.
Paul, with scattered casualties
in other sections of the two states.
A preliminary estimate placed
the daniuge at Eau Clalro and
Menoinlne nt more than $500,001);
at Randolph more than $200,000:
the region around Austin und
Oslo. Minn.. $75,000; with other
damage nt St. I'nul Park; Mun
son Illll, Minn., nnd Ullsworth
and the vicinity of La Crosse,
The Dead,
('hnrlrs Wolbcrt, 42, Ice
company oiiorator near Mo
nomeo. Mrs. Wolbcrt, 3H.
Lnul Unities. 25, employed
by Wolbcrt.'
Mrs. Curl Kaiser, 10,
killed on the Wolhert farm.
William lrnpix 45, sec
tion rorcmaii, killed nt llan-
dolpli, "j-- ' ' :r..J
Klghteuh persons were taken to
a Menomonee liosplal. . Tho storm
circled three-fourths of the way
around Menomoinee and damage
wan confined to rural territory.
At the Wolbcrt farm, three
miles west of Menomonee, the
house was leveled and the barn
unroofed. There four persons
were killed.
Several persons were Injured nt
the Pino Point cottage colony
north of Menomonee and many
buildings were leveled. One mnn
was Injured nnd several barns de
stroyed nt Iron Creek, 8 miles
east of Menomonee.
Several persons were In nn ban
Claire hospital with minor Inju
ries. At Knu Clalro the Pioneer Fur
niture company plant suffered
loss of $100,000. The third floor
of tho main building, the roof of
the factory building, two other
structures nnd the boiler plant
were destroyed.
Hotel Unroofed
The roof of the Henuregard ho
tel nt Knu Claire was blown off
nnd carried ngnlnst tho front or
the Security Htnte Hank building.
Hundreds of trees were blown.,. 16,
down In the west section or mo
city, tenring down wires and
blocking streets.
Theodore iverson, among the
Injured near Menomonee, said he
was not aware of the storm until
he saw ft car blown past his win
dow. Ho and his wife protected
their threo children ns a stove fell
on him.
Two National Guard units wero
mobilized nnd nt the scene of the
Randolph disaster within an hour
of when ench company was called.
Forty homeB wero wrecked or
damnged and several business es
tablishments were leveled. Only
a dozen residences were un
NEW YOltK, Juno 14. lP)
Almec Hemplc Mcl'herson, Cali
fornia evangelist, returned on the
North Herman Lloyd liner Europa
Inst night from a pilgrimage to
the Holy Land.
Modern Chinese Lady Missing After
Filing a Divorce Suit In Portland
PORTLAND, Ore., June 14. P)
Tho taciturn tongues of Port
land's Chinatown wagged freely
odny over the latest development
In the divorce case of Mrs. Law
rence Chan, wife of n leader of ho
younger set In the Oriental conony
who, with her two children, was
missing mysteriously
Tho divorce suit, Itself, was a
sensation In Chinatown, especially
after the Impressive marriage of
tho petite Chinese girl In 1922.
Pending the divorce action, In
which Mrs. Charr charged her
merchant-husband with cruelties
and asked for 1100 n month ali
mony and the custody of the two
Local 'Vice
Cut to 22 Cents
at Texaco Tanks
3 The price of gasoline has
3 dropped (o 22 rents n gul'im
8 al Texaco Oil stations, accord-
S ing to word received this after-
noon hy C. C. Lennanl. owner
ami manager of the Texaco
' Superside Service station at
tlie corner of Riverside and
The new price heenme ef-
feclive al 1 o'clock.
Congressional Action Fin
ishing Touch in Year and
Half Battle Measure
Now Goes to President
Hoover Cheers Resound
WASHINOTON, June 14. (yp)
Tho Iiouho today udopted the con
ference agreement on the tariff
bill, completing congreHHional ac
tion. Tlie action brought an end tothe
yeur-nml-a-hulf-oUl tariff struggle
and Rent the measure to the White
Hoime. The senate took final action
yesterday by n vote of 44 to 42.
Administration leaders In both
houses believe President Hoover
will sign the measure after he
studies Its manifold provisions and
obtains comment from tho treas
ury and other interested govern
ment agencies.
The vote on passage was 222 to
- SpGultnr Lungworth Btgned .the
bulky document to the accompani
ment of wild.cheera from the Ke
mibllcun Bide.
' Associated Press Sport, Writer
ANCOUVEH, H. C, June 14. (fl)
A "Don Moe" finish was virtually
the only hope of Nell Christian,
I'oi tlund professional, retaining his
I'aciric northwest open golf cham
pionship todny.
At the end of the first 36 holes
yesterday In the 72-hole tourna
ment, Christian trailed five other
Pacific northwest aces with a total
Duncan Sutherland, diminutive
Vancouver pro, led the field with
an even par figure of 1 46. Ilert
Wild of Relllnghnm and Joe Mo
sell of Medford, Ore., were close on
Sutherland's heels with 147 each,
and Phil Taylor of Victoria and
Dave Illack of Vuncouver were rid
ing In third place with 1 B0 each.
Johnny Jones of Seattle was even
with Christian with 161 and unless
the Waverly club pro pulls some
birdies out of his hat today he will
likely give way to a new champion.
One of tho last morning players
to finish, Joe Mozell, of Medford,
Ore., breezed Into second .place,
ahead of Sutherland nnd Taylor,
with a total of 221. Mozell shot
a 74 on the morning round, scor
ing even pur on 17 moles.
Cafo Mnn HcnteiKX'd
POUTLAND, Ore., June 14. VP)
Wilson Itogers, proprietor of a
popular cafe here, today wa sen
tenced to two years In the state
prison when he changed his plea
from not guilty to guilty of a
morals charge.
i children, she was granted a re
straining oruer enjoining 111 nun-
hand from molesting her,
While friends of tho Oriental
society matron were seeking her
whereabouts, the usually deserted
streets of Chinatown were t alive
with gossip. They recalled 'a rift
between tho Chans In 1027 when
Mrs. Chan first filed for divorce.
Chinese societies Intervened nnd
tho Chans patched up their differ
ences and resumed their place In
the Oriental sun.
Mrs. Chan accused her debonair
young husband wlh quick temper,
numerous threats to kilt her and
with being cruel, cowardly nnd
Only a Miracle Will Save
Capital of Shantung Prov-
ince Is, View Nation
alists Also Fall Back in
Kwangsi Province.
SIIANtlllAI. June 14. fl) A
Japanese dispatch Urom Tientsin
tonight said that 50,000 northern
rebels crossed to the south bank of
the Yellow river fifty miles north
east of Tsinnn, eapitnl of Shantung
"Only a mirncle will enable the
llilllonallsts to retain Tsinan," the
dispatch said.
HANKOW. Juno 14. The
nationalist govern ment army suf
fered reverses today and was un
able to Htem the Kwangsi province
rehelH advance toward Wuchanff
oppusile thitt city on the Yangtse
river, said unconfirmed dispatches
from the battlefield forty miles
Houth of Wuchang.
The nationalists were reported
rotreating toward Wuchang, a
walled city of 000,000 Inhabitants.
Tho government military officers
In I lankow began conscripting
coolies, taking them to the south
ern environs of Wuchang, where
they were forced to dig trenches
and construct other defensive
The coolies were gathered by
armed soldiers with motor trucks.
The soldiers dashed through the
streets, seizing all laborers found.
Otherwise,' conditions were quiet.
as the people awaited the outcome
of tho struggle for. possession of
Wuchang, Hankow and Hanyang,
sister cities of 1,500,000 people. -
Fighting begun today between
nationalist government foroes and
southern rebel armies, 40 miles
south of Wuchang, across the
Yangtse; river from, this city. 1
reviiIebS ;
CHICAGO.- June'. 14. (VP) Re
vellle Boy won Che 150,000 Amer
ican .derby here this afternoon;
Onllant Knight ' was second and
Xenofol third.
' A pitiless sun beat down on a'
crowd of 3. CO? racing .fans who
sweltered In the i.-at to witness
the twenty-iiicond running of the
American classic at a mile and a
The race was run under clear
skies and over a lightning fast
track. From an overnight flold of
fourteen, an even dozen accepted
the Issue.
Oregon Weather
Oregon: Fair tonight and Sun
day, rising temperatures and low
er humidity over tho Interior.
Moderate north to east winds on
the const.
UOSTOX, Mass., June 14.
Kvcrybody says, "Why don't
we get more fine high, typed
inpn in the senatcT" Well, New
Jersey (joes on national exhibi
tion. I saw with my own eyes
in Mexico the wny Morrow
pulled tiH out of a terrible sit
uation by replacing polities
wilh national honor and di
plomacy with . common, seuse. ,
I honestly believe he is., the
most competent man I ever
met and awfully human.-. Few
states ever have such chance.
If New Jersey turns him down
they just revert back to their
usual oblivion. . Any. man to
run against him would have, to
have more cfrotism than state
pride. Yours, .
km IkMutU tiiiml
P. S. I guess this German
boy is a fine young man but
the condition the boxing game
is in, it does seem -rather 'ap
propriate that its champion
should be named Schmeling;
we know of, no sport with a
greater odor.