v. J p:nK.FOTiR MEDFORP MAI IV TRTTJUNK,' MftPFOTtD, OKKCiOV, FIN DAY, JUNE 13, IfKHV tfi. Here's Value! Ward Day Price 12V2C PERCALE . . firm soft weave In clear colors! Huy at Ward Day Price while you can save! Colorful Bargains Ward Day Price 3 for S1.00 CRETONNE PORCH PILLOWS muffed with soft cotton anil attrac tively shaped. (Say print designs. Uuy for Vul-uo! Library Special! Ward Day Price $5.10 MAGAZINE RACK . . . walnut finish . . 2 deep, roomy pockets, deco rated bides, iiy nil smcuntf nee them! Value Champion! Ward Day Price $1.98 BOYS' TAN BLUCH ERS . . . tho smart, sturdy shoe you have been wanting . . . now strike a great low price for Ward Day. All sizes. ,COME EARLY! GET YOUR SHARE OF THESE rtjs ATinivi BARGAINS WHILE THEY LAST! A Super Special! Ward Day Price 63c Regular $1.00 Size LISTERINE ... is al ways needed as an an tiseptic In every home! Ward Day special! Laundry Bargain! Ward Day Price 5c IVORY FLAKES . . the famous laundry soap flakes at Ward's money-saving price! Regu lar 10c package. For Your Boy! Ward Day Price 69c CANVAS 8HOES .... are the voguo during vacation time!' Rein forced, and sturdy. I ,1-T ll t Real Bargains! For Your Car $1.10 LEAK PROOF SPARK PLUGS For Model T Fords and Chevrolets Greatest of All Great Ss Starts Tomorrow at 5:uu than 550 Mont,,,:. , 7.61 m. n am & Co. lietail Stores stairs Tomorrow more the merchandise, and priced it rialit ,u r, w't ,. vn i.7..V'9? l w"' "i i'ie uiriniest purses J top of the adveemenethelS.8 Itt Su ts at $14.8o! VUMEl See tv 1 11 11 . f Y Vnil mill nil tit fMKrmrr fi t Get Your Share of the Trous Ward Day SaviSga! givuiini. ivociuanoiit i,oi...s.. .....1 -..1 ;.. 1.:.. ...... if II,. ,,,,,,. WoVn ,1..,. 1 f If'" iilllll-n III I HIT 11IMIUV ol. the coinpam. vve e purchasci, ..1 .....1 .,r 1 1 .,- j?.. . 1. . : ..: 1 . i('"ml in h i i ii ui.ui ui iruhii, new Mo the level of lln tlii'il'i iisf ihii'khk! mer Play Croquet! Ward Day Price $1.00 4-BALL CROQUET SET . . . complete with wickets, imillols poal posts. At a whale of a MEHKOIM) MAlFi 'l'l'lHUNIV MKI'KOKlV Ml.'WiOX. FRIDAY. .irXH in. V.V.Ci jiinaaMi mm facie FIVE VACUUM BOTTLES Outing Bargains! Ward Day Price 69c . . . kct'ps foil or liq uids hot or cold for hours. RS I Mm For Your Windows! Ward Day Price $1.10 WINDOW 'AWNING . . crlorful beauty in stur dy striped awning with attractive scalloped front. Worth $1.75. Hat Box Special Ward Day Price $3.95 HAT BOX that can lie used as a general un ity traveling: bag. It's roomy, strongly nindu nnd smart in appear ance. A Pargiilu: 3E LUNCH CLOTHES Ward Day Price 39c Regular 75c value 'M'x'M't inch lunch cllh. Cmiis in blue, rs, yellow and green plaids. Thin i a flashy Item and an unusual value Angler's Bargain Ward Day Price $1.00 FISHING ROD . . . all steel, interlocking join Is. Worth $1.C.!! Oct It tomorrow! Motorists' Special! Ward Day Price .$1.49 LUGGAGE CARRIER Rives you more room inside the car. Folds inio coin pact bundle. Usually sells for $I.U. Toilet Value! Ward Day Price 6 for 29c ELDORADO TISSUE Take advantage of this special price and slock up tomorrow. A 550 Store Buying Power Value I 2 -Piece Suite $1.75 WEEKLY 2 Magnificent Pieces Ward Day Price oAVlINub IIN LVLKY ULrAKliYltilN l on Fjractically Every Home and Personal Need! Read! Act! Buy! . . . . SAVE ON BOYS' UNDERWEAR!..... Guaranteed Not to Rip T Ward Day Price 59c NAINSOOK UNION SUITS fnmoiis Commander style! Reinforced at strain - points. NAINSOOK WAIST SUIT . . 2 to 12 years! 29c. $6450 Enjoy this Suite Now! $7.00 monthly You en n't iliiplicnttt tliis; Living Itnnni Suite viiluc Any where! Only the tremendous linyiiiK l'over of f."i0 Stores vonld poKNihly lirinp; yon such an chihornlc Knits ns this HOUMjH SAVI.NO price. The liii'ue roomy duvenport mill comfortable Lounge Cluiir lire heiiiitit'ully upholster ed in dusky taupe and rose .laeipiiii'd velour nn iirtistio color ensemlile. ltuy it NOW. You save DOUIMjK! Also in Mohair Covering, StJf7!).5( 5-piece Eastern Birch Dinett Set in assorted colors .....$19.95 Inner Spring Mattress, 54-in .,...$15.65 to $33.50 Coxwell Chairs, in assorted colors $17.75 and $27.50 Occasional Chairs .' $5.95 to $8.95 These Play a Good Value Game! Ward Day Price $3.95 T E N N I 8 RACKETS that Itilntr you a volley of, liar Kuina! Ilullt for sniiishlnit play, they havo a full round ed fruco that Rives alrenmh lo your Htnikes. They nro I'unl values at this price! .... Bargains In Lingerie! 1 Bloomers, Step-ins .Combinations Ward Day Price 59c You'll like tho lustrous iiialily and tho amnrt styles! Well tailored to ulvn it slim llnu! !Sc values! . . . Save on Silk Hosiery! Regular 49c Value Ward Day Price 3pr. $1.00 PURE RAYON C 1 o a r weave that looks well after frequent launderliiKS. Lovely colors In this IiIk Ward Day Sale! Choose yours tomorrow! .... Refrigerator Bargains! Regular $15.95 value Ward Day Price $10.95 35-lb. Size White enameled steel linlnn will snve your Ico anil food! Insulated with waterproof sheeting. Hardwood case, tiolden Oak finish. Free Ice with every box Healthful Suits for Kiddies! Children's Sun Suits Ward Day Price 39c CHILDREN'8 8UN 8UIT Keep the kiddies healthful under the sun In those ador able knit sun suits! Especial ly low priced for Ward Day. Uo sure to buy! Bargains In Play Suits! For Boys or Girls Ward Day Price 39c CHAMBRAY SUIT8 ... 50c values! Here's Rood news for overy mother! All seams bar tacked, reinforced where needed. You'll save money on this biR Ward Day special! Sizes 2 to 6 years. ...... A Bargain for Baby! P.nmner.Q Ward Day Price 39c ROMPERS AND CREEPERS ill cunnlnR styles that make baby look moro adorable than ever! Gay prints and plain colors, neatly mado. Mothers . . . here's a chance to Ret style at a money-saving price! 5!c Values! Athletic Shirts and Shorts! For the Men Ward Day Price 39c ATHLETIC 8HIRTS of comb ed cotton. They come In as sorted colors and all sizes. Trim, smooth-flttlnR models. BROADCLOTH SHORTS come In a ranRc of new pat terns; cut full nnd roomy. 39c This fur Pretty Lawns! W.rd Day Price $1.00 LAWN 8PRINKLER will keep your lawn as fresh and green ns a spring rain. Revolving type. BUY NOW! Hind's Honey and Almond Cream! 50c Size Ward Day Price 39c A splendid Intiim for sunburn! ddo ro-no! !lc size. W'nrd Ony Trice 19 ljef-Kiss Tiile. .'I'ie size. Ward l'ny. 1-1S Miuvclle l,etnon liotion. W'nrd lny.... 19 I'nuut'nline. Title tuhe. Wind Pay price 37 liny Hum Lolion I.V vtilue. Ward Uny 19 l.iluc Venetiil. H!V value. Wnrd Day.... 21 C o Melbn Knee I'owder and Skin Cleanser. 1. -'." vnlue. Wjjrtl Pay price 59 Mulsified Cocoanut Oil Shampoo! 42o Size Ward Day Prict 36c Mak- hair soft nnd ploapy. Kxoel lent for srnlp. m HMf il IT Save on Metal Beds! Ward Day Price $6.35 A BROWN ENAMEL EO BED with, solid panels will beautify your home! Artllne tub ing, seamless main posts. VHtT T ST0LS f ?qS 1CI&ARETTESW END ' W KOTEX 1 5c I "r;r I nn p $ carton I TABLES T 29c 1 1 P A UU I f 1 Assorted Colors I Famous Toilet Soap FA' A Kji Only a limited supply A A Think of It! We're of- i offered at SAVINGS W m AQ ML Splendid bai-Ralns in M lk hn AT lhk ieHiK you Kotex for 'Ik. Limit 20 bars to ffl fflK DLZjO J ML deep-pile absorbent Fj Limit 1 carton MWh. A 4f" II almost half! Hurry 111. nhs. cllstomer Jim' jf. T,,rlIish Towcls! JMik "' CI,sU,mer JwmK 4llm '4for$1'00 J ''mM km mim sSMk Jm AW. r MU AH mS wm BP r K.M vn'waBf k m m A w n m ; r o Save! NOW! ' Children's Dresses Worth from $1.69 to $1.95 Ward Day Price $1.39 Adorable littlo frocks to keep little girls smartly dressed at less than seems possible. Gay prints In the-most becom ing styles. Sizes 2 to 14. Shiart Hats :.' Offer Great Savings! Ward Day Price $1.00 Buy from our amazing bargain group! Hats of every type for every oc cesion at Wurd Day Savings!' oummtr Directum New York Regular $5 to $14.75 Values t .. ( Vjtljay Price GYRATOR At lowest price ever offered In the $155 Class! Ward Day Price $74.95 Proven to be as fast and efficient as any washer built! It's yours on Ward Hay at the lowest price ever offered. Absolutely lcakprook; extra capacity copper tub. See it demonstrated to morrow! liny it at Ward Day Low Price!- $"i Down $(l Monthly! Ironer Ward Day Price $39.50 Latest type open-end Iron er for use with the Gyrator or Maytag Wash er... Save $10 at Ward Day price! Sold on Easy Terms B . a S)llr,k ?k Thwro.'iire Frocks with. sleevea-but ho filmy 1 . . Printed Crepe Chiffon . . . Georgette . , . Yonl! smartly drt'haed nil summer If you buv aeverf- these iidniable liftle Frocks! Of course you'tit more than cue when you nee how smnrtly tlievylert and how inexpensively priced! Flutter ing iu that make you think of cool breezes . . . deep ) collars that tipple gracefully . . . short tdeoilth cunninK bows . . . and no sleeves at nil! Thpnro.are Frocks vH1k sleeves but so filmy and hat you'll enjoy wearing them. HOUSE and STREET FROCKS Ward Day Special $1.39 l.cnlnv Value; 2.0() New novelty fabrics, lioth print ed and plain, prints and piques, and many better quality sheer fabrics, printed voiles, batistes and dimities. HEALTH COOKER Save Fuell Save Labor! $1.00 Cool an entire mral over one burner ot any itove. This Health Cooler relaina the natural flavora of meats ami vege table. Extra heavy aluminum, iteam tight cover with safety (team vent. Regular $1.50 Valm Ward Day Price $1.00 east GREEN ENAMEL WARE. one Is a bargain. 4-qt. Kettle ltl-ln. Round Roaster 1'4-qt. Rice Boiler 4-qt. Convex Kettle 3-qt. Colander Pan llri-qt. Percolator These Are Most Adaptable! 89c Ward Day Price SLIPOVER SWEATERS . . . tile Kind you have been wanting to wear under suits anil witb tuck-in skirls. All sizes and an attractive assortment or colors. Of superior quality thai proves their 1IICH V.M.l'E! MEN, HERE ARE YOUR BARGAINS . Hundreds More in the Store Save on Union Suits Ward Day Price 49c 75c Value ATHLETIC UNION SUITS . . . tlio llRlit coul welKlits you want, in roomy, comtort ablo patterns. They're great suits tor tho fellow who plays tennis or golf! liny 3 ut this low price! 5 Piece . . Breakfast Suites Ideal for small rooms! t $19.95 You'll bring your homo up-to-date wltn a' smart suite like the one sketched! Prop-lent table, s (l d d 1 o seat chairs. Your choice of j&J Natural Oak, Green, Gray. Rig Valuo! This Year's Shirt Buy! Warrl Tiav Prip.o $1.00 BROADCLOTH SHIRTS . . . fine quality . . . cool . . . and with smart attached collars. They're tailored for full, roomy comfort. $1.49 Vulues! Here Is a Timely Bargain! Ward Day Price $1.00 20 GALLON GARBAGE CAN . . . Just nl the beginning of summer, when a refuse can Is a health necessity, comes this fine bargain! Corruga ted galvanized Iron. Noat! Get This Super Special! Ward Day Price $2.95 WORK SHOES . . . rnK"lHr $'..2'J valriOM . . . mmrni-lahle euKy-to-wi'ar hIiouh of the tniinhcf(-wpHri;iK leiilhcr pro duced hy fumoiiH (nnnrn. KHr mnrc fool comfort than MiIh low prico has evor hefort MEN'S SUMMER SUITS Light, Cool, Smart TjJ.iffll Man, What Bargains! V S Regular $24.50 values "" Ward Day Price :-, SS $1J.85 A Boo tltuso suits tomorrow, men, mid, , 'mj0l$k L f It'll take you just about a minute to Sjblt ' lsSK.1 'ifAM ""' y- No mailer what suit l (fft l MfM J f ''' Wt Kood-looking, H I WM V cool-fecllng fabric that holds a press $ 7 iMMWW! WKAR8 . . . Plus the smartest VFVxJ M WWllW f tailoring that has ever been offered f "if CZA -few MMW "ywhe t kucI, a low price as this. j1mJW MMmMpW r It's a Ward Way Special! y All of your summer ' , 'Xi'V' TaIImP V clothing needs M fA i :v'jtF'' "'mSP V PAJAMAS ! 1.4! Wfl ' 1 t V 'M TIES! Worth ' S STRAW HATS. K.0 S Act on This Shirt Special! Ward Day Price 50c WORK 8HIRT3 ... an ex tra special Ward Pay bar gain! lOvery shirt Is worth 7!tc . . . Tough-wearing blue cbainhray . . . cool, comfort able, roomy fits . . . stoutly rl'tclied seams, buttons on to slay. It'll pay you to stock up tomorrow. Save on Trail Blazer Tires! Ward Day Prlc $4179 29 x 4.40 TRAIL BLAZERS . . . tho toughest, most massive and rugged tlroB ever sold at this low price! Vitalized Rubber treads, deep-cut for skld-sufo driving. 15,00(1 miles guaranteed! Other slbes proportionately low priced. . 8old on Easy Payments Father's Day- -Sunday, June 15th Ward Day Price Remember Dad with a Tie from Wards New assortment of patterns -and colors. Hanging In price from 49c to $1.19 Look at This Work Value! 7 Ward Day Price f $1 .00 MEN'S OVERALLS-low back u nil high back styles. Mado strong and durable.' - Heln forced for rough wear. Men! Make these savings on Ward Day! Prices Punctured! Ward Day Price $1.00 "BIG BOY" TIRE PUMPS. ..worth $1.49. Steel construc tion. 22-ln. rubber hose, biass connections. Super Value! Bath and Shampoo Spray Ward Day Price 59c $1.00 value! Kne el a I bargain. Nickel plated spray head. Coty'H Kih-i' I'owder mill IVi-fiimr $1.00 vnl-ili-. S ociiil for Wnrd Day. Choose lOri :in, I'liris. Cliypre, or lAimitnt. Dtrn'l miss this siMiHiiliniiiil offer. . flQr Wnrd Dity I'rici! Otliiiw, frcckli! ci'i'Hin. . 1.15 size (9 .lolmson's Miihy Talciiiii. !!." enn 1( ColKiitc's Tooth 1'iiHti'. 'J.'k: size iihe.... 17f? I'lilmolive Sim viiifc ('renin. U'ic size 28 I,istcriiic Tooth I'aste. 2c nize 15 Special Tomorrow! 50c Tube Pepsodent! 28c Insure yourself clean healthy teeth! Buy now! Special Ward Day Pries $3.65 ; 50-FOOT LAWN H08E ... a t4.H5 vnlue. Ulnck rubber Inner hose with outer armor of live red rubber. 3 117 South Central phf286 Medford, Oregon