PAGE TWO TUEDFOTCD MATL TRTBUXE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY,- JUNE 13, 1930. -'- r . r' . i i...; '.i -H' - ji ; ; .1 ,HOi -(Hi II -ho ln i mm 1 1 .I'll vii Ml oil a: tut Ik nij li it i : i i lull' y 1 1 ! .ani i S!)i n rut Sill -A .ft!" tv ?Mii HI' .1-1 .Mi of V, i. 3 Tocal -I 'Personal arid hirtgo Tnylnr I-oiivoh on Vacation Ono of the last official nets of !dpe Glenn O. Taylor prior to 'jjmrvinfir early this afternoon on hl Vacation of a month, which will nko him and Mth. Taylor and the jlutter'H parentH, Mr, and Mm. Car It in, on an .unto trio to North Br,- Jkota and through the western itatea to ChicaKo and Canada, was ho marrying at his hum liiHt even 5ns of Alta Levenson of Gait, or Sacramento, Cal., 1 8, and Arthur W'binar, 23, of Lodl, Cal. ConfciTlnt With Fire Chief Captain Geortre Htokow and K. A Taylor, deputy Hiaff" flrV mar'nTTaN of Jportlund wgre .in Madfurd to- flay conferring with Kir Chief Roy EJlitftt while n route hy motor Vi Martrhfield and other coast point. Hotpolnt and U & H. rftnKe m1e. Southern Oregon Klectrfe, 83 Howard In Clly C. II. Howard, formerly of Mad- ford, now operator of the Bta'e line between Klamath Falls: and Chfloriuln, was in this city yeter- day on business. i Ml Niiilih Goinjt in X,. A. . Dunce till 2 at Gold Hill Sat. MIhh Vvonne Knilth, and her nlwht. 84 mother, Mph. Audrey Hmfth, and " 1 1 . little Hlnter. JMiyillH, wre in Grantx f I'hhh Thurtiday InspertinK their I properly here. MIhh Hmlth plans to leave her norm in .Med ford for Los Anseies next week, where she will ko to uummer school. The HnuiliH formerly lived near Wllder- vliie. Grants J'uhs Courier. HARRY MARX. Painter of the Hornet of Men Tinting, Paper Hanging Phone 178-J Hiitimlnl anil h. & H. ranei mile. Pom ll i-rn Ori-Kon Kli'i'Irlc. N 3 i - paId! i - " INSURANCE ! W3EN Clierrle on Murk it A feature of the city public mar- Km tomorrow win to stocks or home prown cherries, hut logan berries, blackberries and raspber ries are still mlutln? and will pro'j ahly not he ready for another week or ten days. The booths in th market have all been rented an -"H urn I in ins Arrive for FIsIiIiik ' ff' Mr. and Mrs. Kredk. K. Jlurn Jiam of San Francisco arrived in ?"o vny ywnwiuiiy m it-iuuin 101 n ousy nay in expected tomorrow, flom time in ineir summer coi Choice Kladolas, snapdragons, sweetpeas and mixed garden flow ers. Get our prices. I'hone 390-L mes YOUR HEALTH fs your wealth. It's as near aa your telephone. Call 1290 for apK)intment. OR. CHARLES R. 8IMKINS Over Woolworth's 8tore Russian Massage. Electrotherapy Chiropractic nse on the Hokub river, t enjoy iho fishing season. 9 Hotpolnt and L, & 11. range eal Southern Oregon Electric. 83 t . rrom DUtant PlaeeH Guests from foreign, countrle Tgistered at Med ford hotels yes .terday Included Mra. H. Parker and I. Tarker of Knglund and A. B. Dickson of Scotland. Others re itered from distant points are Mr and Mrs, Edgar P. Korensen n Hayton, Ohio, ICugene Frye of Hud son, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. II. Hpen tier of Huffalo, N. Y. v Fresh Ocean Fish! Extra spec Jal 'A lbs. fur 25c; 7 lbs. fiOe, or .lfi lbs. $1. Why hot can or snlt down some? They're good food and sel- qom available at these prices. Can ning. paltlng or Jimoklng informa tion. A, O. Adams, 221) Bessie St Phone 1B22-X. 8.1 TcntH at Summer School TestH were given at the local Rummer school this morning, nnJ the results will, be posted Monday morning. Weekly tests are given st the school, nnd grndes nt-? checked each Monday. f Extra- Extra Extra t At tho preamland hall Saturday night, alrls will be eolected to compete In the national beauty contest, 84 ViH-atliin tit DitimotMl J.nke it.Mr. nnd Mrs. Hoy Wakefield Plan to leave Med ford this evening to spend the week enfl t Diamond lltko as frliests ,nf Mr. nnd Mm. Will jlansen at their summer cottngu. ... , . Dance till 2 at Gold Till Snt. night.. , , 8 Jllss TliiniHn tlmiin . ,MIsb (lernlil Thnmpaon, on hr wny homo from I'itiReno to Mort ford, atopDOil in OrnnU Pn Thiir Uiiyito vllt hnr illHIor, Minn AII :b Thomn8onf. who. In employed at fouch'ii arUK Htoro. .MIhh Thomp son olio took part In the blons club luncheon prownim ot the Cave (hop. Hhe hnn boon nttendlncr th.') I'nlverHlty of OreRon. CiranU Courier. lit Ii'dy inntlnir to bo to Portland In Scuttle will Bhnro expense, Tel. JOM-it. ' "81 Oivironians ht llolol.n ' . . -' AmohR OrettonlanH nt Medfoi'd hotelB, other thnn thaqo from Portland,- hro P. Ci. Onlllxon, J. J. O'Hrlen, Thou, WIlllnmK, K. S. lleydenlnirk, O. It. , Cnmpbell ot JiiiBitno,. H. M. Pltemnurlee, Oeo. II. Oruveii. R. W: llnldock. -Mm. Lottlo Gardener and Alma Powel on of Salem, F. P. Hlpe of Cor vnlll.. Mrn. Maude Williams of Mend nnd Mr., nnd Mra. J. W. Pot ler of Albany. Wo HpoelultKo Jn .radiator a.n.1 fender repnlrhiR nt Vnn'a Oanm.?. 33 fin. Harilett. Phone 2nS. '! iFresh Home-Grown Strawberries . . - 1 1 1 ,. ,-t. . and a delicious home made filling are the features of our regular week-end Special. Wo believe that every fam. ily should avail them selves of the opportuni ty of these Strawberry Marshmallow Rolls at " 14c each A generous sized roll which will serve at least five people.. On sale at 8:30 A. M until our supply is exhausted,, ., . or call at 325 8. Holly Ht. Visited Their Son Mr. and Mia. Henry Hhnffor af Meiirord were vlxltlnir in Axhlan Wednesday with their Hon OeorRp, Tree Props. All length, resulnr size, uneup at Alentoru Lumber t:o 78tf Slop In MLXlforil Mlsa baurn Dent of Hollywood and MIhh Verna McKeehnn Cllendale, Cal., stopped In Modfor l today to visit H. O. Ilest. Tiny will leave on the evenlnR train fo Halem. Daneo till 2 nlRht. at tiold Hill Rat 84 Alitopd to ItiiHo .Slum- Mrs. Minnie Vermeer of ford and Mrs. A. II, Wlssl Clranta Pass started by auto Wed nesday morning for Portland to ut tend the rose show. . ' Med line' of Screen Doors (fixtures free) Metirord Lumber Co. Phono C2!t 78tf KiiRcnn Tallies Milk Ordinance . The proposed city milk ordln ance of Kuuene, which would hnv- ralsed the standards of grading and Inspection of raw and pt.stcurlKid milk marKoled In. Kugene,, was tablod by tho city council. , Tho ordinance has been up for soverfu weeks and has caused a great (lea of discussion. Milk producers gen erally opposed It. Wood Prices Lower on fir, onk, etc.. In lend lots, delivered dlrecl to you from woods. Order now before the rush-and . save money nt our summer prices.. Phone 83 J F. K. Samson Co, . .. 88.. Visit In New .Mexico Miss Lottie Wntklns left this morning for Artesln, N. M-. where she will spend several weeks vlsl. ng her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Watklns. , , : t nance till 2 nt Oold Hill Sat night. 84" About N'nrlilail's Photos UovA-rnoiv.N'orblnd has billod.Uia, stato for J 12 to rover Do pholo- Rrnplla of hlnmelf, bill, Mr. Joseph Mr. ,t'orbott, Mr. Hall. Mr. lien nelt and Mr. Jeffrey will have to pay for their own, The OroRonlan. Special nates how on furniture moving, etc. Small or largo loads. We are Insured carriers and do local and long distance hnullng. Kor quick, reliable service l'hon" 833. V. li. Snmson Co. 88 ComliiK from Washington Mr. llrtd Mrs. Lester and twj children will arrive here soon from Knnnewlek. WnhM .and will make tholr home In Medford. Mra. Cox Klrnco U'haley) formerly lived hero. ,, ., . H. B. J-We have the largest assortment of picnic breads and cakes 1 n Southern Oregon. Packed and wrapped in sanitary picnic boxes and waxed paper. v sanii d A Choice gladolas, snnpdroRons, swectpeas nnd mixed garden flow ers, lot our prices. Phono 390-1. or call at 326 S. Hoily St. , 8li Memories of VinK Ago " A man riding a hlgh-wheelei', velocipede down by the courthouse this forenoon brought County Judge Alex Sparrow hurrying to the window lo watch the ancient contrivance In nperntlon. While watching, his face took on wise smiles nnd he told of mnny falls he had taken from such means of transportation years ago. when ever the small rear wheel struck a rock or bump, the only thing the rider could do was to fall several feet to the ground. Attention, Young Ladles! The I.lons committee will be nt the I) run mlu ml hall Saturday night to select beauties for, tho national contest. 84 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Mil. AND. .MHS. CHKHRY and daughter of-'Angeles: 'Please call nt my home nt imcrVM. U. Iaw. 83 TiioHormniHi-in toy itostnn bull, 8 months old; nlso very fine new steethead rod, cheap. 712 W. 1 1th St. St (U)l high lot; paving nnd side Walk paid up. 735 West Jack son; .";0.- Woods Lumber Co. ' ' !t!t" POIt SAI.IO Itnby turkeys; or will trade for windmill, pipe, or what have you? John Mace, Central Point. - - xr. ICXPICIt IK.VCKI) young woman wants cooking on ranch. Phone ! 1 7 - J . Fountain J.tilgc. 84 TUB PARTY Is known who took me goggles, etc,, from tho plane nt the airport the first uf th,. week, and If they will return snme no questions will he asked. 84 IIOAKU AND HOOM 3311 So. Cen tral. I'hone 121 1, SSif" FOR hunt It-room furnished eotlage. garage. 825 K. Jack son. Phone 74II-W. 84 KOR SAI.K Whent. II. 5 ewt. while It lasts; one 2-liurner nil ?Lnvi V- ,:- E- Morrison, Phone 3!-J-3, - . . 88 M( l- wel rnrnlttod hunmlow. 13.. month; for rent June' 22nd . ndiihs only. 10011 W. 4th. NG Foil -K RNT Modern t-rrn, house. 415 Ilealty Ht. . g -A. TONlTE and Saturday Hail a Great New Star! The Metropolitan Optera's Finest Voice Now on the Talking Screen With tho personality of a hero IP 777T : 1 TH, area,. (jggS est of all - i '-;:a; v ivi- "M .; .WTSL" I musical .a 'fm IjfelSil 13 rjf romances t:-: 1?jf 4 mjeu . . (25c) Tomo rrow ONE DAY ONLY '1. Continuous Shows 12:30 to 11 ii A COLLEGE HERO-RACKETEER MAKES GOOD IN THIS EXCITING . - - i r ALL TALKING ACTION PICTURE HIDEOUT" JAMES MURRAY with KATHERINE CRAWFORD ALSO "TARZAN the TIGER" ; ; Lnst Times TONITE All Talking Ccmedy "CRAZY THAT WAY" with " JOAN BENNETT KENNETH MacKENNA . AIo OOR GANG COMEDY TALKING NEWS O Hey Kids! mickey Mouse CLUB MEETS at 12:30 Tomorrow Installation of Officers BOY SCOUT Flag Day Exercises Grocetek THE HOME OF BREAD LIKE MOTHER MADE COOLING FOODS FOR HOT WEATHER With the coming of hot weather comes the "desire and necessity for a change of diet. The heavier foods so much enjoyed throughout the cooler months are not o palat able neither are they so good for ypu 4 jf v s ,iv ;ml ,. Salads, fruits, light cold lunches not only taste better, but are better for you and be sides they keep you out of the hot kitchen. . and it's so easy to have them whether for a home meal or the weekly picnic outing our Delicatessen can supply your entire needs and at no greater expense than if you prepared them at home. " ' u So stay out of the kitchen as much as possible get more pleasure from your outings by avoiding the fatigue from advance preparation add to your leisure time and spend no more. . This is just one more service possible only at the Groceteria. Bread Bread, rolls, cakes,' pies and pastry in abundance all home style. . Cost no more and keep you out of the kitchen.' ' Mb. loaf . l-lb. loaf .3 for 20c 10c Buns, Napkin or Parkerhouse rolls,. . Doz. 15c Delicatessen Fried Spring Chickens, average 2 lbs., ready to serve, chicken!..'.... 43c Potato Salad, " pint:.'.'..-..-....'...:.:.....1;. ..;:...i.:.15c .Combination Salad, pint .......25c Cabbage, lettuce and egg, or carrot and " lettuce salad, pint 20 Shrimp Salad, pint-.....: ::..:...:V....".....'.':.:..35c Cold Meats Roast Beef, Roast Pork, Roast Veal, Baked Ham, Cheese, all varieties. Hard Boiled Eggs...... 3 for 10c OTHER THRIFT ITEMS Home Grown Artichokes picked today, 2 for . , -.. Watermelons on Ice, lbi ;. ..., v, i 4c Sunkiat Oranges, small size, doz. . . 33c Field Ripened Tomatoes, lb. ... ..... 10c New. Cabbage, lb. ,.. . ...... 3c New Potatoes, 5 lbs 22c Certo, 2 bottles . , 49c Parker's Potato Chips, 4 pkgs 25c Peaches, Del Monte, fancy halves or sliced, No. 2 cans, 3 cans 59c Jello, all flavors, 2 pkgs. 15c Shredded Wheat Biscuit, pkg. .... 10c Mazola Oil qt. can 39c Bulk Salad Oil, bring your own con- tainer, qt. 35c; gallon $1.29 Domino Matches, carton of io small boxes, 3 cartons 20c Pickles sweet, sour or dill, Yolo . . brand, pint jar, choice 20c Pure Fruit Preserves, S. & W., 31b . . jars, choice of Damson plum, peach, apricot, pineapple . 63c Shilling Free Deal See Shilling Co's ad elsewhere in this paper. Freshly Roasted Cof feer-3 very fine blends, . ... . . . . ' . 33c; 38c; 43c Water Set pitcher an dsix glares . 98c Big balloon free. 25c Camay Toilet Soap, Procter & Gam- , . ble's companion to. Ivory, 3, bars . 23c P & G or Crystal White Soap, 8 bars 25c . Drifted Snow Flour,, 49-lb. sack . .$1.75 White Down hard wheat and mighty good, 49-lb. sack $1.65 Puritan Malt Syrup, No 2 can 7! . .. 43c Garden Hose Goodrich Rubber Co's best quality 25 ft. with coup lings . . ' . ... ..... . ... . ". . . $2.49 50 ft. with couplings . . ..... $4.83 Royal Thernios Jug, stone lined. .$1.69 Rubber Half Soles, pair .......... 25c Huntington Rubber Heels, pair 28c Wax Paper Waxtite, 125 ft. in cut ter box ........... . . . . ....... 23c Star Can Opener . 43c Mop Sticks 15c Electric Hot Plate, two-burner, vary ing heat . . $6.98 Glass Mixing Bowls, green or pink, set of 4 . . . , ........ 69c Water Set pitcher and six glasses . 98c Atlantic Wash Boilers, extra heavy s copper bottom, ...... . .$2.89; $2.98 Galvanized Garbage Cans. ., 98c and up Fancy Lettuce ................. 3c Wheaties, 3 pkgs. . . , 29c Shoe Department . . . . Choice of a wide variety of women's sport oxfords, pumps, ties; all the new est patterns. $2.95 $3.69 $3.95 BOTH STOKES Fountain Lunch Chicken Dinner REATIY AT II Fricasee of Chicken, Noodles, New Potatoes, Buttered Bread, Coffee, Ice Tea or Milk . ; . . ,'. . ; .;v ; : .;. .. 25c Double Sundaes ., 15c 6th and Central Gates 6 Lydiard 6th and Grape SAVING WITHOUT SELF-DENIAL LOTS OF PARKING SPACE 1 : . c