Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 12, 1930, Page 10, Image 10

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.mole ,
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Hill I
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-III :
- Medford mail Tribune
ttilr ind Bundir : M
Published bf
it-ir-ia ft. r su . . inmitt
An Independent Newipiper
loured u ttcood due Bitlrr tt aMford,
Oregon, under Act of Mirea 8. 1879.
;VJ . "n In Ailiiote:- .
;',' ,' tut, tuk tmm, iter r.
;.. " Dull, lln Bunder, moolh T9
; : I..-:. flillr, vllbout Bundir, rear 6.0(1
.'." an talljr- vltnoyi Bundir,- asmta......... . . .6S
.i Bundir, one jeu 2.00
. ,V Cirrler, In Adrinre I. MnKord. Aiblind.
ul " AKUontlllf, Centnl i-outt, Mswui, Went, Uold
- . JIM ul on
V'j " Illllr. WIUi BunJiT, rnonlb. .......... .14
J:.v lautr. without Bundir. Dontl
'.,-:. l'tilf, without Bundir, tu rev f.00
IMir, IUi Buodii, am rev., M.V., . B.00
Ail lermi, eva IB eaium.
Offlrlil piper of the Citr of Medford.
OnVlil pAper of Jwfcsua Count r.
... HreelTlnc Full Leued Wire Ben lee
The Aieoeliled r-rwe b eieluslrelr entitled to
the im for publleitlon of ill neve dlfpetebes
credited to It or otherwlw credited In thle poper,
3jTVi tod eleo to tbe lonl newe publlibed herein.
..,).. All rltbU lor publleitlon nf tpeclil, diipeteoei
jerelo ire I! to rnmra.
A.. B. C. irer&ie clrculition for ill onuu
!li- ondlnl Mireh 31, 1830, rn ma. .
Daily iterate dlvlrlbutlon fer Ml nontbj to
!,! Hl'fb 81, IKSO 4075. . ,.,
Present prm run, 4878. " " "
Adrertlftlng MrpresentatlTe,
M ft MAlllk'UUU 1. I'ilUIIIUV
Ofricei 'in 'New York, rhlciio, Detroit,
"lnt frinclsco, Loi Anielee, Be&ttle, Portlind
Ye Smudge Pot
(By Arthur Perry)
-hni-j The wenthor turned nff pretty,
haforo it got hot enough for chain
ln to Htlck to seats or pants.
in. "Tho rinittio flnnBM hnH nothlnir
' nt nil to do wllh IIhIi, iih HUHitct(d
We never ceoHO womlerlnp; how
- the Mftinn elet'ti-lc current, coming
.Rv Into a homo over the Bame wire,
'iVfVwIH freeze Ico crenm nnd holl your
Hotin nt tho Hiime time. (l-'nlr
Piny, Mo., Ailvocnto.) MnrvolH
1 never ccane.
Gnno; wnrfnro In Chlcnico Ih nn
rntiRh as it enn Ret, without Inject
Injr the reliKlouH queHtlon.
(ItoNeliiirK: Xoh'h Itcvlew)
I)enr Nnncy
If a reHpected 'wotnnn wan
nppronched in the prertenco of
wellto-flo people hy u-rouRhly
tlreHHed tntoxlcnted innn. nn
entlro fltrnnser to her, whnt
mould ahe do? ANXIOUH.
r..'p ilns anybody Htoppetl to ponder,
how much more luw-riown the nil
- round cuHnodneKH of Carol of
llumanla would , ho it hln name
- wiib Hun.' . - i'.'
! "Mllldewod, Hops" are prevnlpnt
' upHtnte, 'und - few . thouKht the
tlnnqeH,yould over get that .bad.
Thin fact htiH never before been
T. )ublihed, but Clttra Bow In
rhecker ; addict. Hhe Ih an Invet-
rrate unil inournble playor. .Her
f1"- paRHlon for checkers han often led
her to ntuy up until tnldnlRht and
nfter. ( Denver l'oMt) With thliiRi
like thiB Koinft on, iB it uny wonder
tfj people enn't Bleep nlRhta,
Nails have started to run Into
'the hare feet of the young.
.Plana nro afoot for tho forma-
. tlnn of a Bow and Arrow club.
e-.i!;hore, and this means tin roofs for
T'' automobiles.
U'llne Portlund Telegram.) Then
on the other hand, they may play
,1.,. r .-like they do In tho daytime..
The country Js going to the dogs,
: ftnd the Hllver lining is tho hhhui
mice Ihnt It Is not one of tho
Itoston bulldogs. .
"It. Davenport of tho Spring
, Garden nroa hud a cow Wednes
day, due to being struck by light
ning" (Paisley . Items.) It dun't
seem possible
It.IlM fhoy 4fy tne ,am f ft h0g
1b more tender thun the right ham,
-The cause of this difference Is nt.
tr United to the scratching habits
ylli-'.of the hog whon still on foot. It
.vn ls clulineil that ,a hog does tho
"'.'Charleston when ho scrntches his
right hum, thus developing tough
u muscles, whereas ho shimmies dur
ing tho soratchlng of tho opposite
e hum. When this fact Is selcntlfl
rn ' cully proven ft left hum sandwich
'.V wl" command a nickel moro than
'..'.the right hnm sandwich. (Farm
'(Inurnnl.) '
Professor Culhertnon went out
In the country a Sunilny for n
ruininlrive end a riluner from Hume and
had the Thrilling Hensatlon of get
j'e tlngtuck in the mud.
ln Fuller, and Ada mson -went over
to look at Mr, Fullers Fnrm-liy
.J..Moin u. Mundny nftornoon, ami
going homo they sure gut In a
Imit ruin 'I i' - -' " ; .. i
.s-.' llnrrto Grlster and Jim am
baulli : Jinpiovliig In hellh utter
they bad the Flue.
.Mrs. Hunt and Dnughter went
Jyrlown- to Humhultlt a Huntluy to u
tl ' Fumlev reunion and .report n ler
i!( rlbel Rain. .-. '
f'-'U HtrawtwrriM arm ripe and fine,
-When we hear nny one soy 1 had
no chnnce we-feel like snylng yuti
-ItI"" ,n" ,B,r nni' "un "n,ne aml
ll the H hourn a day Just the- sniue
us the rest but did- not Improve
- - It '(lola'(Knn-) It.rH.tor). , ;
Jlfanwt 11im,-(
WtM PORTLAND, Ore., June 12. OP)
-,M1I One of those "meanest" kind of
'Ihlevei? showed up here today.
.Mr. B. Herren told polloe n Junk
.j,,,jlealer stole her son's largo ruhher
errvtt beach, (mil nrt It rolled upon, the
e'"Hlawlk and drove away - In his
"iiutomoblta.. . . ., -
.PORTLAND. Harold Cllfforn,
state game warden, sold that dur
Ing the summer 7,000 adult China
pheasnnla will be loosed.
f ABOUT ton hours from now a certain Lithuanian roui?h-
neck will join the envied ranks of our Anierieun millionaires.
Win, lose, or ilrnw, .Mr. Jack Sharke.v, whose real name is some
thing entirely ili'feri'iit, will be presented with a certified cheek
which will swell his bank account to seven figures. 1
Whileuill lines of American 'business, from prodiiein)' wheat
to automobiles and sleel inirots, has been in the doldrums, the
frmtle art of delivering a sleep-producinf; punch lias not lan
;uished. Ilvfore the closn of the year Mr. Sharkey's expert ac
countants will request ltim to pay an income tax on approxi
mntely a half million dollars; and this lad Schinelini', whom he
promises to amiihilnte, will find
cash income for !)30 will exceed that, of any of his fellow coun
tryiiien in irambur.
Accoi'dinu; to receiit statistics, the American people are on a
buyers' strike, particularly renardiiifj luxuries. Hut, judgm; by
reports from New York, tickets to a battle for a synthetic
world's heavyweight championship are regarded as necessities.
At least hundreds of thousands of dollars will be passed into
the box office and, regardless of the quality of tin; perform
ance;, there promises to be no serious complaint.
A ND in Medford, as iii all other parts of the country, practi
cally every radio will be turned in on the blow-by-blow re
ports from the Yankee stadium. Moralists may deplore, nnd
the righteous coiiipjain, but the fact remains that, we not oiily
like our carnage, but insist upon having it.
' It may seem a far cry from the Yankee stadium to the' situa
tion in Knrope, but it really isn't. The elemental quality in bu-
lTiirii nature, that makes pri.e fighting a prosperous business, when
all nlhcr industries decline,' is the same quality that, makes the
sabre-rallling Mussolini the idol and successful dictator of his
r'ountry. - -
We can sign peace treaties and disarmament, pacts to our
hearts' content, but as long as the human animal thrills at tbe
prospect of a good fight, and not, only places the laurel wreath
on the brow, but the bank account at the hand of the success
ful fighter, the road to world peace is going lo remain a rocky
nni I tortuous one. ' ' '
CNATOR JiliOOKirART n ohjj'ction to Hit' nominniion or
Ilnufnnl MneNido'r iih mliiistor to Ciiiuulu'is 't'liiinictoristi( of
tlie iiuui. It. ih nlso t'lHiractcri.stitj of thu D(MiiKO,'ic Scliool to
which h bi'lonK.
Tho Iown Kcniitor docs not deny that the former commniider
of tho AniericHii Jjepon is well qiiiilified hy eharneler mid ex
perienee for this important post. Mo files no hill of exceptions
against him. ' . "
Ho falls luitdc upon the riht of personal privilege. ' I To de
clares that to hih the appointment of ItaeiVider would he "per
sonally offensive."
Why? Heeiiuse MaeNider is his personal enemy in Iowa poli
tics, he doesn't like him it, is entirely personal, ' not what
inifrht he dcirahlo for hi.s stute, his country, or relations with
our next' door noihborj but what
OCKATCU tho Hiirfaco'of all these professional trouhle-inakers"
and demaKOKiies like Senator, Jiroolthart, and you find the
colossal egotist and ruthless self-seeker within. Invariahlv thev
pretend to he interested only in
particularly the nhder-dog. ' '
SRIjVKS, whatever will thwart
enemies' add to fheir selfish prest
TTIIK astonishing thing in fact, one of tho most astonishing
thingfc in American polities is Ihe ease with which theso
demagogues get away with it, the surprising fashion in which
the people fall for it. ifay after
same old flim-flam, the same old
Small wonder it is becoming
men of ability nnd achievement to enter public life in this coun
try, when they see tliat methods ilny self-respecting man would
scorn are the methods which (exoott under exceptional circum
stances) can best he depended iipou to win. '
Heads Salem CTniiuulsslon. '
8ALKM, Or., Juno 111. (A)
Frank J. Derby has beon elected
chairman of Salem's new water
commission, which will- be in
chage of the work of Acquiring the
plant of ,tno Oregort-Washlnuton
Water Hervle company ns a mu
nicipal plant.
To Hold Heuiiton.
HAI.KM. Ore., Juno 1 3 .-(IP)
Tho fifth annual reunion and pic
nic or tno veiomit Steamboat-
men's association of the west will
be held tit Champoeg park Sun
day, June !!. Steamboat trans
portation will bo furnished be
tween Portland and Champoeg.
II 1 I V.,JtJX.I .. ... .... IIJ.JJJJJ.J. in . .
DOING ALL-nie UOKK - ,,. i, ,. - - ilf: SAILS OM Y0U-THS "RFCRee THS I 'f JsTV -v
Uni. fight:, j j-ain't or7 , J? ffejiM,." ''dCP-
g j I 1
consoliitioii in the fact that his
would lie pleasing to HIM. l
the welfare of the dear people,
' .' ' , '
or embarrass their personal
ige, or increase their pride or
, ' '
day and year after vear, the
"army game."
moro and more difficult to get
VOUTLAND. Dr. O. P. Willing.
Poriland'j wolfing dentist and
member of the Walker Cup team,
will talk over KOW between 10:1U
and 1 1 o'clock tonight.
UOSEIUnta. Mm. C. C. Miles,
75, Chle.o. Oil., suffered sevenl
broken rib and other Injuries who l
the car driven by her husband
turned over, following n collision
with an nutmoblle driven by It. K.
Keller of Pendleton,
Harold Clifford, state gamo war
den, said abandoned dams woul.l
either he removed or fish ladders
constructed nn them to Insure fu
ture aalmon runs.
The Third Man In The
Personal Health Service
By William Brady, M. D.
Ilfned lettm pertaining to perioral health and hygiene, not to dlieut, dlagnotli or treatment
trill be ansvered by Dr. Brady if a stamped self atMrMd emalopt U tneloeod. Letltra abould tw
brief and written In Ink. Owing to the large number of letten reeelted only a few ean be amwered
bert. No reply can be mad to Qieriea not eoDiffniinx to Initructloni. Addrcaa Dr. William Brady
in cara of Tbe Mall Tribune.
So far uf I cun learn there" Ih her Hyphllls be active or Intent
no firlentfNc evidence that the diH-t Hie time the child Is born,
eime Hyphllls i or can he tranw- Most of the popular notions
that is, present at birth. The i Uef of pKyslcians was that so
Kerm of thevdisease must passjcaHed "Hutchinson teeth" spelled
from parent to" child; only when ; congenital ("heredltarv" svnhllis '
that oc curs tan the child be born
with the disease. It is true that
the disease in the newborn child
may escape recognition. But it is
present, If tho child ever mani
fests any evidence, even years
after birth. In other words, there
Is no such thing as inheriting a
vague taint or constitutional ten
dency which shows Itself only
adoriany years. The child has
syphilis at the time of birth, or
it has not., f t,
KUhernrent or both may con
tribute ,, th, dlsenye to offspring,
lief ore the 'discuvei-y of the germ
of the disease and the Wasser
mnnn blood test, doctors, observ
ing that In some rases tho child
had .. syphilis ...tho-. the . mother
seemed to be healthy, concluded
that it was possible for the father J
to transmit the disease to the1
child while the mother escaped In
fection. The old time doctors even
formulated a "law" which con
ferred a mysterious Immunity
upon the mother even tho her
suckling had Hyphllls. (This law
bore the name of the doctor who
conceived It; a psychologist may
tell you why I can't remember
tho name of the man now). The
Washerman reaction ban proved
that the mother of :a syphlltlt: fn
fnnt Is herseff syphilitic whether
' I. Stiff :
. iirew aim
II. I'tiHltlrti elce
trio imiIo
15. Siillmry
Kin n rt
14. Kill
H. Piiconrnffo
16. f'limiiuM
tin In I
17. lHntnnU
18. Kviritraen
ltt, KrtMiintly
SO. AlirttliiitTTit '
Mrf I)lfi-e
81. I.mimiiitfii of
tlie Hmhllilst
Herlil urvH
22. KiitlH'r
an. Tniiivt
2(1. Keuiii untlcr n
SH. Aniiullittlon l
!. Nnt !'.! '
Hi). Wltni'HH
33. Itunorbint
. fuoil lmriit.
81. Told nn on-
SS. onnlun Im-
fi7. Kxrltir,iiitlnn
8H. Illitli pultitr.l
Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle
sieiA -TTpiLiEiAn6iEiRiE
kkALaKE a pIIo r a l.
tie a p We a r sUla v a
FvISs e cHl ejrIIs i n
SwOw jl mSTIA mie n d
T E fttffi ATtIJb OlFr E S
fTTy" o tHs yTTT R tys p
store UnTy e sOrIe s
i r eDcITr eFtPm T
E E.Lce RLflllST E
"slelc It UHTETrTlMMTE eIp
All, Oreiit niimUur
iit. Moro
43. Artlclo
. Opvrn by
U. KlvrlMt-
4i, It on ma '
4U Clnss of nni
mala nurreil to
tlin Imllnns
z p 4 s y. t. ?.pf
25 tils IT Yjl : !
Z22 "I? ZT
. : ' ' ,
3o WT" 32 ' 35"
i--' . - - .
34 ' J5 1Z fv, -j7
42 4J "J44
' : I I I I t l I i I I. '
Ring Finishes Fourth
ml t ted to the about KvphlliH are wrong. To be
thlrd generation. J Kin with, surface or nltin manl
In fact, it 1 now : fe.stations nre ubyent In. the great
pretty well en-1 majority of cases of fyphilis. and
i n b 1 1 s hed that! the lay observer Ih likely to be
thin' diHeuHe IhJ deceived if he attaches any hIb
not hereditary. It I nificance to nkin rashes. Among
is, Ji;a We v e r, all kin rashes or eruj)tlons that
sometimes con-jure apparent to the ordinary eye,
genital that probably lens than one In a hun
howover, some- t drcd cases in syphiltic- . , .
times congenital! Anotlmr nhi iim. thnrn (i.'hA.
This name was given to wedge
shaped upper incisors which nre
noticed. The old notion was that
thbi appearance of the second or
permanent teeth ( not the baby
or temporary teeth) constituted a
sign of congenital syphilis. We
know belter now. Such teeth are
commonly seen in persons who
have no stigma ,of syphilis what
ever nnd who give no reaction to
the Wassermann test. The latter,
of course. Is no proof that thero
Is no Hyphllls,, for under various
circumstances a negative Wasser
mann test may be obtained again
nnd again despite unmistakable,
active syphilis., , But whatever the
practice of 1 doctors In Hutchln
Mon's day, no physician today
would pin a diagnoHls of Hyphllls
on the presence of wedge, shaped
notched upper permanent Incisors.
flood dentists have long pbserved
such teeth in patients who Heemed
normal and healthy enough
that's as much as a good dentist
can say about tho .matter, of
course-. On the whole the present
medical vlnw is that such teeth ,
merely Indicate some disturbance!
or fault of nutrition in Infancy. I
Symptoms well known to phy-
sicians nnd not to he ment ioned j
hero, may occur in the early days
or weeks of life. In a good many
5. Scotrh rlft
6. Ktruliirt
7. Ooil nf war "
8. Smnii roDixl
0. Ann i Pre in-h
10. l)virlviii of
civic ritrlila -IS.
l:i. Itestrliln
18. Tcmtmriirr
19. l.tticu nil ma
SI. Vugetnlilpi
Si, Otit word fur
aloe .
U. Ulimigi
Si. Course trriiHK
S, Prim-fly
, Itnlltill tiKtllf,
30. 1'liifn ii f s nc
mic o
at. Kxrdmiiri-n
32, irniH nifiit
33. SeriiKlios
30. I'nllirtluiiv nf
SO. Omitie
40. Fnnt rovorlni:
41. Onrry
4S, Ximcnlliie
41. t'niipiT cnlns!
4t. JHnttt
4H. Ciitfllsh city
4V. O vii If 8
' ' DOWN
'' li 1lm '"typical '
t. KxIsHnff
nmong nntloiik
B. Nro re In cur-
lulu Humes
4. (trnnnilleiM
cusvh ot congenital ("hereditary")
syphilis, ,however, the first active
symptoms or signs-are noted be
tween the tenth nd fifteenth
years of age. ", - . - -
Hammer Toe.
I am troubled with hammer toe.
Second toe of right foot, is thero
any remedy for it. My 'doctor
says "cut tt off." M. B.
Answer In slight deformity the
application of a basket work ad
hesive plaster dressing to the
three toes In such way as to
Htralghten the toe will remedy it.
provided you adopt shoes that
do not crowd the toes. If the de
formity is greater, a division of
the contracted tendon under . the
bend of toe may be advisable,
with retention of the toe on a
splint for a week afterward. In
severe cases excision of the
joint, rather than amputation of
the toe is required.
Sleep, lalr Iacly, Sleep.
Is there such a thing as too
much sleeD? I am 18. Other
girls wtay out late, yet next morn
ing they seem to be k. o. I go to
bed early, and always have rings
under my eyes. ' They tell me I
would not have them if I went to
bed later. J. J. M.
Answer Don't you believe it,
lady. There Is no such thing as
too much sleep at night. If a
girl of your age wants to enjoy
tho best health and look her best,
sho must get her nine hours' sleep
every night. Moreover, she can't
'make up" on lost sleep; so the
wise plan is to have a fairly regu
lar nighty time and when .the
time comes be in your nighty.
.r , Too Tdite.
If It Is likely that thero Is In
sanity In one's family don't you
think It best for the sake of so
ciety and the children that one!
should not bring them into the
world? Mrs. P.
Answer Tho question comes
too late. I think It best that such
a person should, not marry. -
(Copyright. John F. Dille Oo.X
By Mary Graham ".Bonner
'John nnrt Pengjf httiln't seen any
heuvors bti'' thmr ""drive' Si-oimu
Hiiaver Meatlow.
"Well, there aren't so many of
them any more,'.'
said the Little
Black Clock, "but
turning the time
back as I did. you
should have seen
a few before they
started o f t i for
their summer hol
idays." i b "Summer, holl-'
..Jlays?" repeated
"Of course.
Well, come along
.with me, and you
win see."
The Little Black
Clock took John and Peggy to see
Ilia beav.ers. working as hard as
they could work.,
They were dragging sticks they
were building a splendid dam.
They knew how to pull down a
stout log so It would fall in just
the right position.
How very, ,very clever, they
were. And how very, .very hard
they worked.
Hut soon they saw the beavers
stop work.
"They're off now for their sum
mer holidays, just as I said," the
Little ltlack Clock remarked.
"But I thought they were al
ways working." aid John.
"We're nlways hearing about the
busy little beaver, and how hard
he works," said Peggy.
"He Is a hard worker," said the
Little Black Clock." but in the
summer he likes to take a rest and
wnnilor around nnd see what he
can sec that Is interesting."
"Oh, Little Black Clock, you're
so nice nnd fair! You don't just
tell us all the perfect things about
creatures but yon tell us how they
have vacations and holidays, too,"
John said.
"Of course," said the Little
Black Clock, "and that's what they
should do, too. Oh, that reminds
me 1 just thought of a visitor due
to arrive." .
Tomorrow "The Visitor"
' -'- 1 '
Angered when her husband ridi
culed her for being fat, lira. Wini
fred llulligan of. New York slashed
his neck wllh a razor but not fatally.
Quill Points
. Tt night be worse. People have
n't yet asked for a congressional
appropriation to pay their taxes.
Can you remember when the
graduate's parents boasted about
his diploma instead of his big lea
gue contract?
Perhaos old-timers were morel
afraid of hell because they weren't
so accustomed to it.
Nutiirt' Intention when she
ricvcloiMHl the kangaroo would
I Hi uiulerHUimt If tho
old ones could liunk to train
' their yomitf.
It took & lot more than wet-eyed
repentance to square the others
who tried to get rich In Wall street.
Now they're whispering thaU
Mussolini is crazy. It does seem
odd that he hasn't yet written any
, In (he old days a ruler lived I
dread of enemies. A president
doubtless feels that way about
some of his friends. i
Americanism: . Feeling outraged
because the darned common people
have tlie Impudence to think they
can take a drink . just because you
do. .
Medical men say modern life has
Increased craziness ten-fold, but
how do they tell which was which
In wltch-hurnlng days?
It takes n lot of money to run
a campaign. You spo, great an1
good men who handle. , tho funds
sometimes have personal debts to
pay.-. ' , . .
. No wonder a West Pointer pre
fers being .a coach. In the army
it would he years before he coul.l
sit back in a snfo .place, and say:
F-nt slowly, friend,
makes waist. '
That economist who says mod
erns have learned how to dispose
of all by-products never lived in
the plug tobacco belt.
The radio Is a wonderful ad
vertising medium. , It took ham
and. eggs five generations to con
quer America, and look at Amos
'n' Andy,. ...
Jumping from a plane probably
doesn't give you a new feeling it
you've ever- made a threatening
bluff ftnd had It called.
Now scientists say the desire to
paint pictures is the normal mind's
nearest approach to insanltay. Anl
we thought all the time those fel
lows just needed glasses.
Correct this sentence: "Don't
disturb yourself," said the husband
as he laid down bis book; "I en-
Joy answering the 'phone."
Brisbane's Today
(Continued from page one)
(Continued from Page One)
ncss tO' commit .. murder, , to
sonic place just inside the Arc
tic Circlo, where he will do use
ful hard work' for the rest of
his life, nnd you will ret results
that no electric clinir could
Commissioner Mulrooney's job,
protecting property and life in tho
world's biggest, richest city, is "a
business In itself." . He has under
him 19,000 men nnd a department
that speiKls $i0,000,000 a year.
He. Is an, able citizen.
President-elect Julio Prestes de
Albuquerque, of Brazil, coming to
visit us, will be welcome every
where. As head of Brazil's govern
ment, he represents a gigantic em
pire, magnificently typical of the
wealth and greatness In America.
Larger than the United States,
with one water power much more
iwwerl'ul than N'lngara, a soil of
fertility Indescribable, diamond
mines whose blue-while products
surpass all others, and, most im-
Do Yoo Remember?
(From files of;thp MIV.TJrlbupe.)
' June VJt, 1920
Chicago Warren G. Harding
nominated for presidency pn 10th
ballot, and greets admirers in his
shirt sleeves.. .Calvin A. Coolige of
Massachusetts, running mate.
Elks abandon Fourth of July
j picnic and celebration plans.
, - Rev. b. K. L.eacn accepts pas
itorate of Baptist church.
I Washington. Senntor- W. G.
Harding, O. O. P. presidential
cnoice an. wilt; greeicu ny iiirong
at capltol.
Forest plane patrol ordered to
start June 25. . ... .
ebbs as popular local
(From files of tho Mali Tribune.
Juno 12, 1IM0
John R., Allen of New York and
this city, nnnounces 'I am through
with Ashland. Ashland, rejected
application for trolley franchise. ;
New water system finished , by
July , 1 5.
Paving1 stnrtR on Tenth street.
Woodvfllo suffers from' '''n.usic
MeYlfohl defeats' Jacksonville, S
to 5, In fast game.
. "Safe and . Sane. Fourth" urged
by Greater, .Metlfprd club. ,
"Daniels for Duds"
employs 12
clerks during sale." '
portant, an intelligent, patriotic,
hard working .people, our i guest
from Brazil speaks for a nation of
whose friendship this country may
be proud. ,
What will be the future, of a na
tion Ii5 times as big 'as England
its soil Ii5 times as fertile, with
one magnificent p;a;enu 10011 lo 3.
000 feet high, seven times as big
as France, nnd a river so wide you
can sail out of sight of land on
fresh water? Brazil, rich.- power
ful, progressive for national de
fense, relies largely on airships,
sure sign .of intelligence. -
Brazil's, flying sc'.iool, with its
field In the surhurbs ot Rio de Ja
neiro, is one of the finest In the
world. . .
Chicago is proud, and" says:' "I
not only WILL, Jmt I DID." Chi
cago's population In the new cen
sus Is 3,370,753, an increase ot 072,- '
048 In ten years.
Second among the cities of the
nation, Chicago starts on Its -fourth
million. Evei7hody In Chicago
north south, west or out on the
lake, is sure that New York will
be passed nnd forgotten before
To prove It, ticker tape and con. '
fettl In showers came from win
dows all over downtown Chlcnfifv X1
yesterday. '
Wall Street continued its sorrow
festival yesterday, stocks dropping,
bears using unpleasant rumors In
their battle against prices. One ni
dealt with an Imaginary attack on
mor concerned a big bank, another
the lire of the President. Results
achieved by so much lying wero
not great, a few stocks dropping
from one to elght points.. v
Grbvor Alexander, famous hnsn-
ball pitcher,' is "uncondtionally re
leased" by the Philadelphia Na
tional league club. ,It means that
his day is. done., ,' , Jxli ...
He has been playing baseball
since 1011, or 19 years, and the
other players called him ."Old
Such Is fame, when you acquire
it with arms, legs, physical
You are old and passed by after
19 years of work.
It Is otherwise when you make
your reputation with your head.
Then, after 19 years, you are. If yon i
amount to anything, just beginning.
And you may even have value after
50 years of work. ..
Henry Ford says that "more than
evei 'business nnd industry must
depenn on older men. When he
was young he talked to old men.
got their advice and paid attention
to it .. ..
He is right about Ihe lm
of old men, but when you- drive
around the works with him;, you
find on the front sent, In the per
son of his manager, Mr. Sorensen,
a YOUNG mnn, with the energy of
lwu sieiim engines.
Yonng men for enorav 'old mnn
iui iiiietiHiu.
Old men to direct, yonng .men
to DO.