Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 11, 1930, Page 7, Image 7

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Mann's Section
Eight Pages
Twenty-Fifth Year
mm m
Mann's Section
Eight Pages
No. 81.
Volume of Business Seven
Times That of Original
Store Present Store
Five Times Original Size
Fixtures Installed.
Tomorrow. Mann's Department
rtorc, 'n new aummor dress and
with Iho very latest fixture.!,
makes Its bow to southern Oregon
and northern California shoppers.
Tor the past few weeks carpenters
' Vve been busily Installing the-te
yjtw fixtures which will enable
Mann's to offer better service than
ever before to the shopping public.
What a contrast this new store is
to the Mann's store of 1910! It
was 20 yeara ago that John C.
Mann arrived In Medford from H
Paul. Minnesota, and, realizing
the expanding business field in
Medford. and the rich surround
ing country, opened a small store
In a portion of the same building
Manns big department store now
occupies. Tho store of twenty years
ago offered dry gootta and ready
to-wrar for women only and oncu
pled but 3.000 square feet of floor
space. Today l squnro reet
of space uro dovoted to this big
Glimpses of Fine Interior of Mann's Store Twelve Departments Are Featured
, Since, opening tho original
Mann's storo In Medford, In 1!H0,
Jolin Mann has -consistently ln
trcHHiMl his stocks and store apaoe
iwi, shortly after the close of the
h'orld war, a men's department
tvas added with entrance on Kant
IttaUi street. Not- onlyhave Mann's
Multiplied their floor' apace by
five, but tho Hiiloa have leaped to
the astonishing volume of seven
times the first year's business, and
Mann's now employs On an aver
age of 40 people.
Jolin P. Moffatt, manager of 'he
main floor store, and W. H. John
ilori. head of the clerical and
credit department, nro now asso
ctated with Mr. Mann In the
ownership of the big store.
In keeping pace with the Blow
ing business of Mfinn's, Harry S.
Hinman. an advertising man of
wide experience, was secured to
handle the advertising and mer
chandise display activities of the
store. Mann's have a reputation
throughout southern Oregon as
substantial and consistent adver
tisers and John C. Mann owes much
of his success In this city to his
rxfensive and unceasing advertis
ing. Mann's windows have won the
ronintendatlon of shoppers and
visitors to this city.
In appreciation of the patron
age on the part of Hogtic Illver
galley .shoppers, which has In-
llann's store offers special selling
f vents at frequent Intervals. Cen
tral avenue, on which Mann's have
their main entrance, and Kast
Main, the men's de par Uncut en
trance, have become one of Mod
ford's busiest shopping districts.
Mrs. Helen Hall Is
Head of Drapery
Section at Mann's
Mrs. Helen Hall, who Is In
'barge of the drapery department
" Mann's Department store, is re
sponsible for the
attractive appear
ance of many
looal homes
where ,. draperies
and other fea
tures of Interior
ecorallon are the
last word In col
or harmony.
After graduat-
Km PS University of
Oregon Mrs. Hall
'- 4, ,va employed at
Helen linn McMorran and
" Washburn's new
store In Ktlftene.
l at Powers In Eugene. Both
nd .Mrs. Hull are popular
fibers of Medford'n young mar
, and have made a wide
rcl of friends during their two
"ni In this city.
No matter how small or how
"t the house Mrs. Hall Is enp
l! woe'lng Just the correct
Jrlor decoration details. The
"""tanee of Mann's drapery de
triment consists of measuring
" Mtlmatlng for curtains and
P in addition to giving advice
"eerning arrangement and color
" . 1
SHIfr -rop Uft .nua,,., of Manns il ' fMffag1
S Lmf mr"" Z&P' ' main tor loaklni Kmnid thr tn- tlflljfm f ?JS2a I V " U JTIT
AljLm-- SStrAl tTtt uancc ln.hlss,,tlooft.H-.nro lJJl, 01,-. ' ZZ2&VJTA !T
Wfmm r7t&&4Sr .o toilet M.ods statlomn ., f 13OTfVl VlUU.. 'TjUl fJ0 '
rrl&SLm L ' m ' ' "if ! Ton tight n.Le goods yS'J0IftT!HJ 22?laj "fcr-ri '
I K i 4?XTrfJftT Wt ' !fl 1 set tlon lookiiig towiud tho im a- WlTTUi ' " SI i I I
' Vfj attractive V' e n t l a I avenue show 4( f
I iy8"-" ,, lii. 1' W" 'K thto section of Mann's store. In- ..-fAmmJ J-JH.'..
I r Wl X'Tr ""'' r- i"nk" Vn"' Jtj- & j 'T"i;r TlxJ
I 1:11 ,?(', kEfXf-s "kht c""1 ,u,""l,mnt "" 1,10 fT xx&r J$ ' "?"it J
I 4 Av k Ml"4 , - -i"' J3 .hlldu-ns a MS 4 to Id los ffir S 4 I Vjt!.4 Vfl
R it's I ' 1 and mlllliuiv maj l.c found on TT3' f F ' ' V - i i
rSjJa , I 1 4, ,t' ' 1 ' ' I this floor n well as Iho offlits M.J' S , ' ( ? fe CM
"" t." department looking toward boys' tdf . . TMli ' ' lla"ah TOawJ
wear balcony.
Mrs. Spaniol Has
Charge of Toiletries
Section at Mann's
w..Mw. iwi:intv ma v he only si In
deep, but it's better than no beauty
it( all.
Mrs. F
Spa niol.
I Mrs. Rostel, Local Mr$. Merriman Heads Miss Eula Jacobs
Radio and Stage Star, ! Hosiery Department
Employed at Mann's
Mrs. Joe Murray Kostl, well
known bically as a capable aetrens,
of Mann's Big Store
a n cos
p.'rtment al I '
17 :'rm?T lX
ilioiitv on "in-
Uttle Theairo
group and radio
Mr, spaniol
,nd has had .-xten.-lve trainiiiit In
facial work with l""'""
beth Arden an.l H-l-na
liensteln preparations.
With new In'aii'j
Inn placed on n"' '
rally every week the
"h,ch 0es she sh....... - ' !;
rve her appe..r.iii.e. .Mann-
returned fro.n l-oriland ".'" '
" ,,,- additional Ma.mns m
Dorothy in.y faek-1 .
buys dresses
A wide acquaint
ance throughout
entire valley
Mrs. Host'fl
in selecting dross
es which nre ap
p r o p r I a t e for
wear In various
seasons by every
type if woman who patronizes
Mann's I'-ady-to-wfar department.
A I though Mrs. Host el has been
with .M-mti'i for only two yoars.
-it has had nine years of experi
eii" e In sr-llins waring apparel for
wnnmn. Sh v.-at employed at
M M. I X'partnif nt "tore for sev
eral yars during which she made
mn" fri'-nds for herself and the
A!th"iiah .ftnn't floor space has
niultiplb-d five tlrres within the Jo y-ars. tin' ousinev-s of this
cpiwing Mdfird institution has in-,i-nf4-i
s'ven time since 1!H0.
Homo, correct as to color and
length, are Just as Important arti
cles of the femin
ine ensemble as
the dress, accord
ing to Mrs. Irene
Merriman, who,
soils hose and un
derwear at Mann's
store. '
Mrs. Merriman
has beon em
ployed by Mann's
for more than five
years. having
tifen In the pa
tM n department
part at thHt timi .
Previous to her sales experience in
this city sh worked for the China
TnKKory in Oh k land. California,
and in a children's wer store. Mrs.
Merriman offers southern Oregon
the latest authoritative hosiery Information.
Apparel Authority on
Staff at Manns
Miss Kubi Jacobs Is another
popular saleslady In the ready-to-wear
at Mann's store,
being an author
ity on what's new
and smart in
blouses, sweaters
bathing suits, bed
room slippers and
house dresses.
Kor five years
Miss Jacobs has
served the public
throiiKh Mann't
department store.
Khe had consider-
a b 1 v experience
during that time in selling milli
nery and negligees to Medford
Miss Jacobs also assisted with
the annualp style show at Mann's
department store, particularly
with selecting costumes for models.
Mrs. Storey Popular
With Kiddies; Heads
Childrens Section
On an average of 40 people are
a.Mi'latod with Mann's Department
store one of Medfcrd's large pay- '
Five years ago Mrs. A. Htorey
came to Medford from New York
and since that
time has been em
ployed In the chil
dren's department
at Mann's store.
Hhe was with the
CollegiaH' Outfit
ting company in
the east.
Mothers de
pend upon the
common sense ad
vice which Mrs.
Htorey gives ill
regard to cloth
ing for their
youngster, clever little garments
for all seasons of the year; outfits
for play or dross-up wear and toys
are sold by Mrs. Htorey.
children arc Just hs fond of Mr?.
Htorey as are their mothers. That's
why they like to buy ther suits
und dresses at Maori's.
Miss Wynne Directs
Millinery Shop at
Mann's Store Here
Miss I.uclllo Wynne, milliner nt
Mann'M. has been In this city since
August, Hhe,
was formerly em
ployed In tho mil
linery department
at Lip man, Wolfe
& company of
Portland, and al-
' so nt the Wonder
I shop (n Htockton,
Mann's mill)
nery department
h..a If..
or attractive hats : , '
for every typo of
j woman, Just now
! Miss Wynne is featuring especially
smart models In all of the newest
shades In summer felts, straws und
Mrs. Hayes Active
in Planning Manns
Annual Style, Revue
There are J 5.(mjo mjuarc feet of
floor space utilized at Mgin'n for
wiles xpneo, iffiees. sto kroom and
advertising department.
Father's Day will be observed In
Medford next Hunday and Mann's
men's department is featuring a
! special array of appropriate gifts
; for dad. ,
Mann's augment their extensi-
j advertising with radio programs;
-over KMKD. i
Miss Kllen Curtis, Oxford, Kng
land, was awarded a niedul for sav
ing a dog and three puppies at the
risk of her own life.
Hays of the sun, concentrated by
passing through n fish bawl, set fire
to the home of Dr. Morris Zimmer
man of Newark, N, J.
8eize Sardines
NKW YORK, Juno 11. UP;
Customs agents today wore in
possession of 6,000 cases of Nor
wegian sardlneB, seized in a do
part ment of Justice, procedure
against what the government
charges Is a conspiracy tn restraint
of trade among Norwegian pack
ers. 4
There are 12 separate depart
ments at Mann's.
Mrs. Volla Hmlth Hayes, of tho
ready - to - woar department at
Mann's store, has
for tho past three
years fitted rillm
and stout women
of this valley with
everything from
evening gowns to
golf sweaters.
dCxtenslve ex
perience -with
such well known
concern as H.
Mchen and Wll
lards In Han Fran
cisco enables Mrs.
Hayes to buy and . '
sell Intelligently. Hhe was employed
as buyer (or the May Store, Inc,
In Kugone, Oregon, previous to
coming to Medford. ;
The success of Mann's annual
fashion shows Is largely due to Mr
Hayes' Ability as a costumor and
her completo knowledge of women's
clothes for all occasions.
Hundreds of shoppers from
northern California Journey to
Medford to shop at Mann's store.
Mann's mall order business tn the
California counties adjoining this
state Is growing; by leaps and
AH Southern Oregon Invited to Mann's "Open House" Thursday
i'.'S. .