PAGE EIGHT JVrEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREfiOX, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 4. 19.10. MeDforI) MAIL Tribune Dallr and Sumhr Poblbbed by ,Wl " 1 MEDFORD PRINTINO CO." " 15-27-39 N. Fir 8t. pbOH f 6 ROBKITT W. m;ill,, Editor S. HUMrTER SMITH, Minacer An Independent Ntmpaper Entered u cond elasj raatter at Medford, Oregon, under Act ot Much 8, 1H19. 8lIU8('ItllTIUN BATES Br Mill Tn Adianee: Vtilj, ih Bimdajr, year $7.50 lully, Uh Bunday, month 73 Daily, without Sunday, year fl.SO Dally, without Sunday, month 65 Butxlay, one yea- 2.00 Uy farrier. In Advance In Medford, Aihland, Jarkinnville, Central I'uliit, I'lioenli, Talent, Gold Jill and on Ulliay: Dally, villi Sunday, month $ .75 Dally, without Sunday, month OS Dally, without 6urday, one year T.00 Dally, with Sunday, one year 8.00 All trrmi, nuh in advance. Omdal paper of the City nf Medford. UfBelil nancr of Jackson County, MBMKKK OK TUB ASSOCIATED FKKSS Keceivlnx Full Letted Wire Henlw The Aiioclated Press la exclusively entlllrd to the use fur pithlkatlon of all newt rihpatehej eredltrd to It or otherwise credited In tliii paper, IIhI also to the local urwn puljlblied lirreln. All ritfifc for publication of special dixpitehei btrrln are alio referred. Adwthfng Kppmentat l el MRMIIKIt OF AUDIT IIUltEAU OK CIRCULATION A. B. C, tteraie circulation fnr tlx nonthi ending March 31, 11(30, wu 4322. ndlng March 1, 1030, was 43112. Dully aterage dUirilmtion for tlx monttu to Marrh 31, 1:0 407R. I'restnt prest run, 4875. ' M KM It Kit OK THE UNITKD PRESS M. ('. MOOKNHBN tt COMPANY Office In New York, Chiraicu, Detroit, Frarichco, Ua Angelci, Seattla, Port land Ye Smudge Pot (By-Arthur Perry)? ,ny . The AnafchiHtrt of AmcrU'a are nrgiinl'lnir. "Krnm air I can liear tli 1h Ih a Kf'(l orKanizntioii, but I don't helonfj," is tho alibi of moin bera. Tho sporting editor of the Port land Oregonlan, has been barred from Iho alleged games of the al leged Portland ball team. The , sporting editor Is tho white-haired boy, who stood ott the burning deck, nnd hurled enenniums at the motley crew, when all hut him had fled. If the second -baseman's I rheumatism started to bother him, in ino dump cuimuo upsiaie, il was heralded to the world uh a "charley horse." If nn aged out fielder developed a spavin, he had "strained n tendon." When the collection at incompetents sunk to the lowest level of utter helpless ness, and became a standing Joke, ivith no place to nit down, he con tinued to rave about their prowess, in the manner of a Humdinger orator at. noon luncheon. The dis barment is the basest piece of in gratitude that has come to light on the Puclflo coast, In many a day. The sporting editor attended the atrocities, uncomplainingly for years, and Is u glutton for pun inhmont. However, ho Mill in sists on going to the ball park, anil calling tho perpetrators of what ho seen, n hall team. Hero Is Journalistic loyalty and devotion, unrewarded but heroic. Another ono of our promising young men Is looking askance at a black suit. Xotloe to tho World; Tho typo writer, user; hy yours truly, was built by U C. Hmltli & Pros., and they are generally credited with knowing what they weru doing. They are rated as oxperts when )t comes to typewriters, partloular ly 1j. C. Up to 10 days ago It was a well-behaved typewriter. Kveryhody, who comes in four feet (if tho contraption recently, has attacked it with a screwdriver, lightening this, and loosening that, nnd adjusting something else, caus ing tho machine to balk nn L'3 of tho 2(1 letters, and conduct Itself generally In an untypewriterly manner. If the rising young re pairmen Just can't subdue their mniilu for fixing typewriters that don't need fixing, they should sec I. O. Hmith. or ono of his broth ers, and get a job as a regular typewriter tlnkerer, nnd leave ours alone, or they will bo sorry. "Tho new milliner was motor lntc Hundny evening with a strang er. He looked like a drummer. Tho home guard had better start sprucing up." Huge (Cal.) Say ings. Some more tit the editor's business. Tho opening "Aiiioh n' Andy" story of the season was Inflicted Tuesday In our midst, result lug In the usual female squeals and "Ah's." orrrK th rut (dallatln Nnws) As. has been announced In this department before 'twill soon bo lime for the children to bo coming homo from the uulworsltlcB nnd other places of amusement to nlldo In un der the family table and tune In Itudy Vnlee on the radio. Homo will havo degrees, while others won't even have n faint recollection. Uncle, us, was finally unscrewed from tho rumble sent late last night. Ho Is not nn flexible, us bo wan 74 yearn ngo. Once upon a tlmu n motorcycle was started, with spitting up n rouple of mnrhlno guns. The galoot told tho lady that she look', like the girl In the Camel clg nd. and now ,ho will speak to everybody In the county but him. "RICAU ""STATU MK.V TO Fl'I, MINATH" (Ued Hluff .News) It verves them rltflit for Uolni peo ple dlrtl Two unfailing signs of torrid weather and Rummer have appear ed, vl: house files and hot towels lrt Iho barbershops. Ore-ron Wentlier. Fair tonight and Thursday; cool er with light local frosts In th eftst tonight; rising temparaturo In Ibe Interior Thursday, tlentle northerly winds on The coast. I' Editorial Correspondence SA J-'IfAXcrSCO, C'iil.,.Jiinc i. Tt Iiiih been sunny mid hrilit In-re since we iimvi-d. Bui, tluiiiks to it sharp ind from the occfiii, rather cool. It luis been ii r;i 1 1 1 - mid biirkwiu'cl Spriiiff, everyon.' siiys. The clc vn tor hoys tor sonic renson take ii (treat interest in the weather perhaps heeansi! tliey see so little of it. One of them asked rather wistfully, "If it wasn't warm ami .dry up in Mcdl'nrd, Oregon." Our reply was, '' I's ually at this -time of year, lint it was cool and inclined to be showery when we left." "(luess the weathers' on the hum nil over this veur " was ) m,'!ft 1111 KiiRliHh Hpeaking pact and much about such matters bo . Ti ' ' i I "H many Hhips as they please, yond their ken that they haven't lil.s coiicliisKMi. However, he 111- Tyiilcal Herlslan demagogery. Hut time to iearn how to keep the pa rentis to L'( fisllill" on llis Viicil- wnfin ft (0"ich to sensing the drift tient comfortnblo. Tn our high- tioil in ()reroii. Iilte everyone olse he lind heard ol' Hnriie river ion;,' neiore lie lieiml 01 Medford. j A gubernatorial primary Is on thej wily ilfJWlt inn tr inn (in i-ai iiihk un the lata and lamented one In Ore gon. Young, the present governor, is opposed by the pink-cheeked and exuberant Mayor Kolph and Atlor- I ney Kills of l.os Angeles. Young is (liy, itoiiu is wet, I i n h is am phibious. The general fdeu seems to lie Young will win, although the Digest poll put San Francisco wet bight to one, and even 1,oh Angeles In the same column two to one. Tho reason uppnnrn to bo Young has been a good governor, while Kolph is too much of n professional greeter, and Kit! unpopular because he can't forget lie got one leg smashed up In the war. The situa tion simply demonstrates again that Personal Health Service ' ' ' By William Brady, M. D. Rtencd IH ten pertaining to penmnl hcnlfh am) livr.lene, rrnt to (llsci-te, diagnosis or t real merit 11 1 lie inswcrnl liy Pr. Itriily It a itflinM wlf addressed envflniw U enclosed. I.ilters nlnnilil lit brief inri written In Ink. IMw Id ths large mtmlier of teller recelfed only i few can tm tuisHrrnl hert. Nft rt-friy rati Iw ntnde lu querlm nul oinfcnnliqt to Instructions. Addresi Pr. William Brady In can of The Mall Trlliune. t mi:iici, WiiK of Dr. Douglas Vanderhoof of Rich mond, Vn., rend a paper on the medical cure of duodenal ulcer be fore the section on practice of medicine at tho annual session of the national med- I c a 1 association twe years a g o. and in closing the d I s c u .snion said: ' "In the current literature (me often sees the, statement that the medical treat-j mi nt of duodenal ulcer Is fraught witli danger. In my whole experience, as I have out lined It here, I have never seen an Instance of hemorrhage or pe foratlon while the patient was un der treatment, with the exception on one patient treated more than 10 years ago. ... Of course med ical treatment will not cure 10(1 per cent of duodenal ulcers, hut my experience certainly leads me t i believe that an uncomplicated chronic duodenal ulcer Is curable hy medical treatment." The plnn .of treatment referro-l to has these features: 1. Frequent feeding, hourly In some cases, nix meals a day in or-! dinnry cases, nnd the patient Is ln-j strueted in all cases never to go without taking food. Vor between meals Dr. Vnnderhoof stmaesis glnss of sweei milk or a milk sbak with OKg. When that Is not con venient, a good xiihxlltutc is cream cheese with crackers and butler, 2. Diet. This Is liberal, beentlsn the .pMlent docs not have "liull- gesllon" but rather too much di gest I on. Pii t lent s a re a 1 1 it wed a liberal diet, except seven types pf food which should be avoided, as follows: All nelds, such ns vinegar; pickles and sour food. Uav fruits, especially apples, grapes and citrus fruits. Soups and meat extractives. Condlmetus and spices, such ns excessive salt, pepper, mus tard, horseradish, Intense sweets, such as hon ey, molasses, candy. Very coarse food, such us nuts. corn. MUTT AND JEFF It X'fA IN r SW6LL SUMMCfe feSefeT- IN A PUDDING. I'U (SoT TO 66T ( t?VSX COT 6F TrlSe BlRbS SoM WAV.' (i inTPn -, V "'uii ... j . r , vr crsi, I ii...-, 6,... ... J'.r'1'iiMlrllCBuV! Htf,iji,,,,rt,1,,,M 1 gffg5 Prohibition will never be an inHue until a national referemlifti mukeB it one. Nothing attractive in the theatri cal line. The new Columbia is dark, after two weekH of a rather Htaio comic opern, to open next week with Strictly Dishonorable. one of those "New York cukIh" re cruited trom darkest Hollywood. We auw the Duffy player in Crime at the Alcaar msi niKJit. Not bad. Not ho very good. Hut looking back over ten yean the DuflyH have made great stride one mayj't- not be thrilled but an evening with Answer. I should not advise o them Is never entirely wasted. sraduate nurse to bother her head 4 "Willie Hearst, In the Kxam-' 'or th physirlan to concern him inor, is lamlasting President Hoo- ! self about. A good nurse, in any ver mid tl:e Loudon naval treaty, j '"'. may ask the physician for Ah usual he Ih uppealing to the ! such information if shi needs it for prejudices and fears of the dear i the welfare of th patient, and not people and very likely will get ' In the least imiieril her reputation, away with it. He wants to return 'The main trouble with the nurses to the "Americanism of Coolidge" , graduating from highbrow institu aiid have Kuglutul and America tions these days is that they know j onions. i fch Iin oditori-U ) we nnvo leceiveu an etiitoi lai cnppeti rrom tne roruunu - leie - gram, tne otticint mouthpiece tor fieorge Jcsepii. We ijuote its con clusion: "Willi the nomination for tlie governorsliip in It in (Joh eph'sl pocket and with the practical assurance of election by an enl.husiaslic majority, Mr. Joseph should let the su preme court do the worrying." Why not? Success is what counts in this world.' If one wishes to he governor, and is certain lie can merely stand put and UK governor! why worry about such a trivial thing as one's past conduct, ori wash! time brooding over whether dial gen one publicly made aguinsl members nf the state supreme court were true or not. Fine. Let tho supremo court, worrv oyer unimportant things like that. U. W. it. ir(i; L i i.t i:it Alcohol In every form, espec ial iy sour wine, cider, grape juice. The best food for patients with' ulrer Is fat, such as cream, butter, olive oil; and the next best food Is albumin, of which patients arc advised to partake freely. In the form of milk, eggs and all kinds of cooked meat. 3. Medicines. Certain medicine are secondary in Importance in most cases, yet of great value when properly used, and only the Indi vidual physician can use medicines propevly, so we'll puss over this feature here, I. Prolonged treatment, The careful diet and other measures must be carried out faithfully for a period of two years. Letting up or careless indulgences of only a day or two will postpone healing nf the ulcer a month or two. . Obeying doctor's order. The number of medical cures Is largely In proportion with the intelligence of the patient, and his faithfulness in following instructions. Patients must report once each six months Tor examination. Including x-ray picture for checking progress. II. Proper treat meat for any other physical Impairment or troti- J hie the general examination dis- ' closes. I It Is fairly apparent that the ! euro of gastric or duodenal ulcer Is j "k? '.h" !'"r" "f ll'""ary tul, culo.sls, depending very much upon tho care the doctor gives the pati ent and the confidence the patient gives the doctor. -?l'i:sriS AM) AS'SWHItK . Trip to l-'.umpe. Two persons contemplate a sum- V" ' 1 -'""e. is u necessary or u inline (ii uiKe IVpnoltt or other InnenliitionH liofm-., a.i lit m- ! , is mere any preventive against sea sickness which doe.i not paralyre the stomach muscles temporarily and thus leave bad after effects? n. c. (i. Answer, Yes, anybody plan ning to visit in any foreign coun try should be Immunii'.ed agaln-t lyphold fever by hH w her family physlclnn. and do it NOW. Also vaccination against smallpox is re united. Travelers or tourism muv carry either iodin or n chlorln prep- Pays to Advertise MR. l! ) II AAIITT U&rTIMl JI 7 amtlnn', ini' 'the rnierKfrwy 'iIIhIii-! feotlon of drill kin k wntrVr. fieiifl , stamped cnvf-loM hurin your ad-' dress and ask for liiMtructlons fori prcveniinif MeatiickneHtt, also tour ing first aid packet miKKCHtions. What ii iniilnnlo .iiih )nlit tn lillOH. IIoa.sp tell rne tho normat Wooi count, also the normal blood pres sure for adults and how far eilhiT may vary without being fatal, 1 should appreciate the name of a Dok you consider best suited for u graduate nurse to study up on these and kindred subjects. re- ', reived my training number of I '' 1S "o ond havs been out of . nursing for some time X. X. F., ! about uch dftails. yiiey are points 'answers nurseH give t0 examina- ' U,n ",,ostion constitute a peren- , nial bouico of nmusement for the ; highltrow doctors. To my mind the joke Is on the highbrow doc tors who nsk the silly questions. Indeed, a large factor in the bl i bla they try to teach nurse-siudems in the highbrow three-year training ,m iLVn ,,,w 1 ' 7" T ed doctors on the staff for nlrin their great erudition before tlifsj admiring young ladies. A In't it th- j truth I ask any graduate nurse who is now dependent on the favor or trie nignnrows. iosii, I ought' t(t know lectured to many 1 TIIK VICSSFJ,. k; " liy .Mary (iraliam Homier "T had meant to take you yes terday1 where I nm now going to take you today,' ' began the Lit tle ltlaek Clock. John and Peg gy looked as though they did not unite know what the Clock mount. "I ooh that sound n bit puz zling?" the Lit tle illack Chick asked. Yes," he eontln ud. "1 suppose it docs. "Well, you see yesterday was the third of June, i ....i nnd as I ha d promised the day before that you were going tn see how the Indian boys took their icy cold baths In the winter I wanted to keep that promise. I had meant to lake you to tve something that ha ppened yen rs a go on a Jl rd o f June. "It doesn't make n ny d 1 f f er ence. I can take you there now Just ns well." They found themselves by some quaint, old-fashioned looking wharves, nnd some people were aroiiniK watching a boat steaming into the harbor, "I've turned tho time hack to June art In the year is 10," said the IJttlfr lihick Clock to John and Peggy, 'Yes. it looks very different from our time." Peggy said. "Why is everyone so interested in watching that vessel coming into port?" asked John. "Why shouldn't they lip?:; the Little Plack ( lock returned. "Well, It's only an ordinary old steam vessel." John answered. Not so ordinary," said the IJt- mll(.k noek. ' That's the first Ul v....,., ... r..l..n - . ' . In I tost on first irom Kngland the very so it Is n sight to behobl.' '"Well, then It Is!" agreed John heartily. Tomorrow "tltme riowcrs." , Dairy Train hi Salcni. S A 1 .1 : M . Ore.. Juno I . (P) A nine-car dairy demonstration trail , sponsored by the.Hpokane, Portland Se.ittle'railroad and Oregon Stale college, will bo In Salem today for n series nf demonstrations to local dairymen. Io.msch or l udent-mirson. (CiipyilKht Jiihn F. Dlllo Co.) I - Sundown ' PAGIN6 MR. MuTT- ISAV, THIS MlSTR MUTT TtVS.W'fce: PAGING MJST"tee A Ue&Y IMPORTANT PA,6lfO& AUGUSTUS MUTT,! rAUTT, PAGING ' '"'.v "' .... ri.n mam t ' GNTL.MAN: If aVA I I " T M 1 NJSi.ri is.i'iniw. J I Ait 11 Quill Points O. Kindness! What crimes are committed by parents In thy name. Well, our parents told us we would go to hell for reading dime novels. And look where we are now. The flivver has faults, but it will ftlu-nvu nffnrd It tilfifft Of I refuge where nobody will insist i un ..lavin,, bridire. A kid is smart. If Dad says "yes," that's sufficient. But he never ncceptn Dad's "no" as final until he auks his mother. There's always a bright side. IJving in jail is unpleasant, but it's one way to Hell stuff to tho American Mercury. An important citizen Is ono who can't see you when lie's busy ami gels mad If yon can't see hint when you'i-o busy. Xo treaty can please everybody, but It can't be far wrong If every body feels cheated. There's lone consolation. If Senators remember the answers dining nn investigation, they'll hilVO n '"'oUy ood education, Any law can be enforced with force enough. Put Alas! When you tin xinner's hnml von lust jhnve n hand-tied sinner. Americanism: Selling groceries, heal tli insurance and fire Insur ance to crooks; charging honest men more to make up the deficit. Xow that Jugs, pots and Jars can be wicked, it just means that many more tilings to lie about. Another explanation of crime fs that kids are hard to control after, one of them licks the lenrbcr. MAIL TRIBUNE DAILY CROSS-WORD ACROSS 1. Tufted plant ft. Jb'm 10. Citln'i brother 11. f-'HIIHIUS Itullan family 15. Scene of action 16. Fx 1st 17. Hour 18. Nominee! 21). Aire SI. Cumpnss point Si, Cunning S:i. Hitter vetch St. TwIMs nut of ono's nriisp SA. Affirmative :mi. I'nnntlcnl :i2. Homnn lirome .11. itirlU)S :ts. iioveruire :iu. Jierniunt 43. Joint In the M across 41. Kqaalltj 41. Nothing I.".. Not bright 47. Aim! not 4. lllhllral character 0, Wax olnt- in a tit A2. Unit S. Croat or of SIllTlOl'k Holmes S3. Dt'Ncrter .'ill. It cm rued !H. I, Imh Oil, Artistic country Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle R A PilElMll iRlsnAfslE 0 R A U 0 EPTT C Af W S C A R E &hJjElA VgR S 5 O LMJOIlJXA R A R CflHM STV E N Lkl 0 BDI fl IS A P T E ELlW I Tfr YUT I E AjL sjopg RgfclB A L L p; "j H Mj 1 v f" SANE RITmT 1 n c p g P-LA S TER 2THe E YlAlPlaslLlnflEUflllA 62. Weaken 66. !(lilu turn lust 67. iMirorer CM, Numeral "I. Interpreter Co mo up 7(1. Alrt comb. form 77. Arcuslumt vn r. 7S. Klcctrlfled "articles ' 711. Alllro 811. NrmulKli Kcnilemnn v i2 p i4 i vK 1 7 v w r " i" i' '3 '4 'S 1;.7t 7 7 $f . . 'io TZ-21 .-.m Wi IT" 24 25 xzrzfkz wr 4& Hf& Si 1;,S2 st sf Zo ir 35" 3J" W Zs T Zf ZTTfjT Ji 2 JTJT j? li To jr LouJeR The. dictionary InT like a Hpee lairt. AVhen' ft rtrerV 'yoU'"to an other word, it doesn't chart'Q you anything for the advice. - In a few weeks now those who bought iun lamps last winter will he hunting a place in the shade. Kvery ttiwir lias a few slick..; fellows wliit know some dis tant place where they can buy supplier cheaper than at home una all of them arc failures. You can guess the population if the town If the sports page calls two .games in a row a "win ning ytreak." You needn't wait for a candi date's "declaration of principles" if you know what the majority of voters believe in. ' , A field of clover will rid n farm of adult malaria mosquitoes. And to make the young ones leave in disgust, you might plant spinach. Correct this sentence: "I know she adores housekeeping," said the gossip, "for tho swap dishes in her bath room are full of frag ments." . Brisbane's Today (Continued from page one) (Continued from Page One) 1... ,.;U... nminnminf, rli. vnrcps ana remiimiiijcs, iimt'ss tlirmioli litiytilioiyTft'citin; tlu li'0ii'i't.v rijrlits minors. Wet and dry politics create strange contrasts. In New Jersey, DwiKtat W. Mor row.' ambassador-to .Mexico, im n nins In the Republican senatorial primaries as a wet, drinks nntliini; alcoholic, has nothing to drink in his house. . .One New .Jersey candidate for PUZZLE1 IS. At any time 1.1. Sm ii lie r 111, Coloring matters 21. Type of onto mobile S3. .State or the Union: abbr. S6. Higher , 27. i'erceire 2U. Siamese men- uro of longtli 30. Fast 31. Texas mission n. Staid as. Now departure lit). Mountain pierced lij Iho Hlmpion tunnel 37. withered 40. I'll ua 41. Deep liolo 40. Disordered 411. sick SI. Knock SI. Fish &7. Threo.topA 81. Dill ' t . sloth DOWN ' 50, High winds i. .M on sure w Men,s rt S. Ulnclnl ridges 6.1. Surface 3. Succulent trull 64. Young snlmnn 4. Obstinate 110 Sheet of glass ,uunuiinces w. Ancient slave 6, Southern 70, Fit one Inside another 73. Jiirk in crib bane 73. Wine cask 74. Mountain comb, form 75. l.oiur tnlet consignation 7. I,n Ir 8. Finishes . Krery Uaj 10. Wing 11. Crush with Iho Icetli HCRC'S A TIMG rNM A MtGftPrtoMC. Bf. MAke THfcee Mofee circuits ACH TIMJ 3 the senate, running as a sail and serious dry, 'is said fo 'Hve heeif when prohibition came in. owner of the "finest whiskey cellar In three states," New Jersey being one of the three states. Concerning the two candidates of whom you hear most, Morrow and Frelinkhuysen, the wisest poli tician in New Jersey saya: "FreJyinghausen has no chance at all. Fort is the man for Morrow to watch. Fort will probably be nominated, because the Republican party in New Jersey is 60 per cent prohibition. Morrow., on the other hand, would he by far the hardest I man for Simpson, the Democratic candidate, to beat." The man quoted knows New Jer-i sey politics. , Sixty-five years old yesterday, KinE.Ceorge remained in Bucking-1 ham palace while his eldest son j and heir apparent,, the Prince of Wales, took the royal salute at the "dipping of the colors." The Duke of Connaught, son of Queen Vic toria, uncle of the king, SO years old, stood straight and vigorous us ever. King George has not the health Englishmen usually have at (!5. His physical condition undoubtedly re flects the responsibility, anxiety and sadness with which he bore the burden during the great war. Bishop James Cannon, Jr., of the Methodist Episcopal church, South, expressed indignation because the senate lobby committee yesterday insisted on probing his '"private j aliatrs, including nis asctmies aganst Alfred K. Smith in IU28. . The bishop said he had nothing to conceal, but resents "persecu tion," nnd declared that the com mittee was trying to "impair his I influence, as the wet and Roman j Catholic press has been trying to do Son two years. Tho bishop appeared before the committee on crutches; PHOENIX THIMBLE CLUB WILL . MEET ON FRIDAY FHORNIXV - Ore.. June 4. (Special) The Thimble club will meet at the home of Mrs. Lil lian Coleman nn Friday afternoon of tills week. Mrs. Cora Chand ler nnd Mrs. Lillian Coleman are hostesses. All members nf the Neighbors of AVoodcrnft are in vited to attend this meeting. The total winnings ot the race horse Zev .were $272,00S. New Method of Treating la Only Effective Remedy Found A' HOME TREATMENT GUARANTEED RESULTS Everyone knows that piles and hemorrhoids are caused by swollen, dilated veins, but until the new method of internally treating piles was perfected nothing seemingly would selieve except an operation, Now, thanks to the chemists of to day, piles and hemorrhoids should soon be a thing of the past. Only a nerson whn hnn snfTprpil long and terribly with piles can imagine how glorious it is to be free of such troubles, yet it can be done now. The chemists said "Why can't we put a coating on a pill that when swallowed will not dissolve until it reaches the bow els? Then let it melt into a heal ing, soothing, pain banishing liq uid that will help nature banish all signs of the trouble. Research re sulted in the making of Colac Pile Pills and tests in thousands of cases prove it almost infallible. As one sufferer recently said "It is the only thing that ever helped me. For years I suffered terribly with piles. Could not work, stand up or lie down in comfort. It dis couraged me to get no relief. Then one day a druggist friend told me about Colac Pile Pills something entirely new and I was desperate enough to try anything. To make a long story short, I got relief in two days and was cured in five, and haven't had a touch of piles since." Mrs. John Quinlan, Glens ?J$Z-Jl- Y- -WHY SUFFER ANY MORE? Similar cases in thousands of In stances have responded promptly ...X i . 1 , uBK"s are authorized to refund money if any ' user isn't relieved. Each bottle i pears the name and is backed up ' by the nationally kn of the Colac Chemical Co., Brent- ' wood. Md.. who trlAillv mn;i - r..n i !fj bot"e in P,ain wrapper to any : HM receipt oi 75c in I stamps i if , your druirvia, k.n. ' them.; ........ MR, MUTT IS BtING PAG6t AGAIM. IT NILL fee luoRTH tVJLTIVTING Tne ACQUAIMTANCti So "PROMINC A 6C.NTLCMAA)! Do You Remember? i TEV YEARS AGO TODAY (Prom files ot thSMail Trlbuno.) Juno 4. fl20 Class of 69 graduate from M9. ford high school. Will J. "Warner slated for. post mastership. Chicago Will Hays announces O. O. P. platform "will he a Bacotl obligation to the people." Hottest clay of year with nier. cury at 89. ,. . . Forest nirplane putrol to Btart as soon as funds arrive. All-alisorhlng topic of convcr. sation in city is gasoline short, age. Harry' Manning, "Medford Car uso," to depart for Grants I'usi TWENTY YEARS AGO TODA1 (From files of the Mall Trlbulf' 1 ' - Juno 4,- 19IM Wind delays aviation meet Oakdale park. - Plans completed for new school in Queen Anne park. Extra, sleepers to carry locil folks to Itose Festival at Tort land. John R. Allen of New York anil M ed f ord ".fined 30 cent s, gi vei $100," for benefit cnrnlval at Asy land.1 Medford school bonds sell at premium. Tho II. C. Kentner company has Installed a huge electric sign. ,iivt Jimr.i.-a iVUIII MIC(!l lOOK IIK( State street, Chicago. . Sour Stomach? Will never give J'ou any "more trouble If you take ar tablespoonfut of Tanlac before each medl and bedtime. You'll be amazed at the way Tanlac1 ends sourness and distress by prevent-. ing formation of gases and acids. It' must help or you get your money back,; Tr w; vEitNON 617 Park, Medford Vou are Invited to present this coi pon at the Mail Tribune office ana receive two FREE TICKETS TO A TALKING PICTURE PROGRAM AT THE As a Subscriber Guest of the MAIL TRIBUNE WATCH THIS 8PACE. If you an a subscribed to the Mall Tribune youriame may appear here tomor row! Only subscribers' names will be published and, during the dura tion of this offer, all subscriber, will be given an opportunity to en joy FREE shows as GUESTS OF THIS PAPER. NOW PLAYING ) "Young Man of Manhattan" i i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiy WATER LILIES Our catalog tells you how to grow and care for them BAUER'S AQUATIC GARDENS 701 Marlon Ave., Portland, Ore. Phone SEIIwood 1419 By BUD FISHER PAGING MR. A. M I IT T I