f- : - , MEDFORD MAn. TRTBUXE MRDFOKD, OKMXiON. KI)l:s)A, .U NK DEATH BECKONS C V.)?,0. PAOHJ FIVE J'Hiu 4, li;;u . Forecasts Medlorcl nn.l vidnitv: Tonl-hl mi in rn urn Ti1 r MTDinnps VET. IS IUVVU1W i OF FOOTS CREEK I 0'gn: hnr lonicht and Thurs- a ,,,o er wllh ,,, M iMHt port ion i Kilt; risi , I ' "' interior Thursday Charles A. Wahl passed away at the Community hospital early Wed nesday moraine aged 7S years, !i months and at days. He had been ill for the past two years and sev eral days ago was brought to the hospital, i Mr. Wahl was born In Havaria, Germany.' August l(i. 1S51. Ho wa a retired railroad engineer, being In the employ of the Illinois Central I Railroad company for 33 years. He had been a resident of the Foots Creek district for the past 15 years. Mr. Wahl, a mau of fine character, leaves to mourn his loss a wife, Pauline, and three sons, Carl and Will of Waterloo, Iowa, and Fred Wahl of Medford. Friends desiring to pay their re spects to Mr. Wahl may call at lire Perl FuneraL Homo Thursday afternoon. The remains will be for warded Thursday evening to Water loo, Iowa for interment. Local Data. Temperature! Dee's" I . Highest (Last 12 hrs.) Lowest I Last 12 hi s.) Itel. humidity (IVt.i I'reciplation (In.; State of weather 1-owest ing, 51 decrees. CALLED TO REST " j IMward A. i'erry. a resident of Z, i Jut-ksnn county for me last six : llceu years m;,i a veteran of the Civii war. died at Ills resilience, .j i!l-l fleddy avenue, shortly before 51 noon today at the (lKe of K5 years. -rN -Mr. I'erry was born at Delfast, 14 r,l!Mulne. Noveber 10. 1S44. For 35 - 11 i years the family resided at Fargo, 03 TjX. I.. and in 1 !l 1 4 came to Oregon, Lt. Uain Cdy. ' rcxitling at Talent until moving to temperature this mom. i .Medfonl In laiiO. During the civil war he served Tivu Airplanes Visit An urniv t ell n: plane n at the airport tins route to Si,ii Diego forenoon, on from Seattle. and spent an liour or two here be fore continuing Its journey. A ityun plane, owned by. the Detroit Aircraft company, wn sa is""' at the port last evening. See Prill's Sheet Metal Works for radiator, fender and auto body repairing. Total preciptalion since Sept 1 !-'. 13.111 inches. 1.1 I t mmajinij KG Baking Powder temperatures a year alio today Highest. 113; lowest, 51. Sunset tMliiy7":42p7"n7 Sunrise Thursday, 4::hi a. m. Sunset Thursday, 7:42 n. m. Observations Taken at A, 120th M;ridian Tirr.e crrr. 1 r 3 in the litttli Maine Infuntry. ami . w.,. ... .... ...... ..U1 ...m.. ... lit'ltl membership in the John F. Uynulds Post (1. A. H. at Kiu-ru. X. I). IIIh illness was very brief and eumcK ns a shock to his fam ily and friends. li'.sideH his wife, Mary Perry, lie leaves one son and one daugh ter, Jena J'erry Ames of Medford, and Hubert K. l'orry of Chicago; also wix grandchildren, I-ucile, Margaret, Constance and Klennor Ames of Medford and Richard and William I'erry of Chicago. Kuneral announcement will fol low word from the son in Chicago. Conger iKunerdl parlors hi oharge. Olio MarHagf License The county clerk's office issued a marriage license this forenoon t m .inhn Kinnell Jr.. 23, of Rich- j mond. Calif., and to llollis Childs, ill, of the same city. .j The peasloys' new studio now : open, opposite new Holly theater City (Eas JlsSaEP in I 1- 1 JA VPi m I Vrmsmmml ttalier City 5 Mismarck "t Fioise G-t Denver so Same Price for over 5 38 years 2$ ounces for You save in using it. Use less than of high priced brands. . MILLIONS OF POUNDS " i USED BY OUR COVERNMENTj Des .Moines Fresno Helena Los Angeles Marshl'teld .. IMioenix Portland Red llluff S2 HoseliuiR 5S 4S 51 (IS 58 3S 12 IM 52 58 IS 51 Salt Lake City.. OS San Francisco .. lis 52 Santa Fe 715 -Hi Seattle Co 48 Spokane ti2 44 Walla Walla .... 6ii 50 WinnincK (10 10 W. J. flUTCHTSoN.Meteorolosiat. Cloudy f. Cdy. Cloudy P. Cdy. Cloudy Clear P. Cdy. Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear P. Cdv. P. Cdy. Clear Clear P. Cdy. Cloudy Clear Cloudy Truckman Injured POltTl.AND, Ore., June i.yP) Lawrenco Trill, 25, -of I-a Grande, Ore., received treatment In a hos pital hero today tor Injuries re ceived when his truck overturned on tho Columbia Itiver highway a 5 miles east of Portland. from Standard Will Wells, now ready HosiIii Cherry I'liklns I The picklnu of May Duke cher ries nasi been begun at tho West erlund orchards, Carl Y. Tcng wald. miinauer, said today. He indicated the crop would be forty per cent under aveniRe and said tho Royal Anno cherries will' be picked In a short time. For best srecn slabs, ask driver or call Medford Fuel Co., Tel. 63!. 65tf Miller I-oft, for Homo 11. L. Jliller, who has been hero from Burlingamo, Calif., to attended tho funeral of his broth er John Miller, of Jacksonville, left last nlRlit for his home. Setting hens are in demand by the Jackson County Came Protect ive association to hatch pheasant crks to Increase the number of such birds in Jackson county. A state name official has arrived to be in charge of the temporary game farm on tho' Moguelands property nenr Agate and coops have been set up for tho birds. So far 30 hens linve been ob tained and 30 more are necessary to make the present work a com plete success. An order for 0(10 pheasant eggs has been mado and they are expected to arrive at any time. Any sportsmen or others huv inir hens nre urged to .telephone Hert Noblitt 1598-J. The hens will he purchased at $1.25 each, but only large heiiH are desired. ld-ln. green plno slabs, largo or small loads. Valley' Fuel Co., Tel. 7B 344t( Tinfrlr Ofrhfr on Trip Ktate Traffic officer C. P. Tal ent, who is in charge of traffic work in Lake, Klamath, Juckson and..losephlne counties, loft today for Lnkcview and Klamath on u supervisory trip. Ashland Tid .. The Peasleys" new studio now open, opposite new Holly theatc; Leaves for lloine Mrs. L. Itifhardson left on the Shasta this noon for her horn" near Kaletn, following a two week!! visit with her parent, Mr. and Mrs. J. r. Slagle at tho Dodge ranen on llogue river. , ' Ask about this new STANDARD OIL COMPANY GAS SERVICE no gas mains needed hot water gas Refrig eration quick cooking anywhere. Families living in rural communities as woll as those "in the cities can now have GAS for cooking and heating a revolutionary contribution to rural life which the Standard Oil Company of California is making possible through STANDARD FLAMO CITY GAS SERVICE FOR COUNTRY HOMES. Families in the cities with every kind of commercial fuel to choose from use gas because it is quick, clean,1 8afo and economical. Rural families are now being given an equal opportunity to have modern gas ranges,' quick-heating gas plates, water heaters, lights, gas refrig erators and individual room heaters economically! ,Y This unprecedented new gas service docs not require the laying of gas mains. Your home installation for complete gas service can be made immediately. A simple gas-pipe connection between your kitchen gas stove and a steel container, housed out of doors in a locked metal cabinet is all there is to it! - These luteal Dealers Will Gladly Give You Details MEDFORD: Medford Furniture & Hardware Co. Robbins Furniture Co. Montgomery Ward & Co, JACKSONVILLE: Fick Hardware Co. ASHLAND: Simpson Hardware Co. CENTRAL POINT: Leever Hardware Co. For further Information send in l7io COUPON below, or ask any Standard Oil ltepresentative about fOiu MO ItEG. U. S. TAT. OFF. Citv Convenience for Your Country Home 16-ln. green Pino slabs, large or small loads. Valley Fuel Co., Tel. 7 0. B44U" Visitors from Seattle Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Curtis of ho attlo are guests at the home of Mrs. Curtis' sister and brother-ln-luw, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff llolul. , Flowers of all kinds for parties, bannuets, decorating, etc.i Call at 325 South Holly or Phono S90-L. 7(1, ! t S T A N BJ A II U Mall this coupon to C Ml'AN Y O I L 225 Bunh Street So Please send information uhout Standard Flumo Natural Gas for Household Uses. Nama OF CALIFORNIA n FrantlKO, California '. AiUlrcxx- 1 S. RUTH OV JACKSONVILLE, Kin., Juno 4. (P) Henomlnutlon of Mrs. Ituth llryiin Owen and Tom A. Yon, Democratic members of congress respectively rrom the fourth and third Florida districts, was indicat ed today by returns from yester day's primary. An unofficial tabulation of Silt out of 420 precincts gave Mrs. Owen 39,9(i0 votes to 10.MM) for DeVVltt T. lleen, Daytona ISeach at torney, who campaigned on a "wot" platform. of those of May, 1H29. Aviation shares continued unsottled. Standard Oil showed Increased activity. The . close was firm. Sales approximated 1 ,7(10,(100 shares. Today's closing prices for fit se lected stocks follow: Am. Can 141 Col. Cal ..: 8t Am. Tel. & Tel MO'i Anaconda aVi Curtlss Wright 8 General Electric (new) 83 General Motors Rd'A Kennicot Copper 47 Kadln Corporation bl Sears Roebuck 80'4 United Aircraft 7fi U. S. Steel 17(1 Mont. Ward 4fi'V, S. IV IM'i Int. T. & T. - IW , .,:, ,, ! ; i Classified ftrivorMplng gtw resnlfa Ranges Priced from 25 and up Now You Can Install 1 his Flamo Range In your country home and have all the conveniences of city gas. QUICK-CLEAN-SAFE and ECONOMICAL Flamo is the Standard Oil Company's regular city gas, "bottled up" for you people in the country, and delivered at your door. Flamo Ranges Also Come With Kitchen Heater Attached EXC HANCL TCUR OLD FU RNiTURE FOR HEW 217 West Main Phone 9 THE MARKETS CITY GAS COMFORTS E City K"S, used cook stoves to furnace by many families, Is now taklliK country homes by storm. Standard Flamo. condensed nat ural tns. Is rapidly heiuK Intro duced In the Medrord territory by the standard Oil company of Cali fornia. And there are mitihty few thlmH' that mm brinK more com fort tn folks in the country than this city wis, one of the quickest and cheapest fuels for every-day cooklnir ami heatlim ready for Instant uso without Installation of Kus mains. Ill usherliiK Standard Flamo In to suburban homes, the Standard oil company, one of the pioneers In ilevolopInK "home nas plants in offerlnir a product proven In j m'M'i'i of California, households duriiiK the past year. This new everywhere from fm. KaH, condensed to a liquid and stored In steel cylinders, is delivered In town or iiiIIcb out ' by company trucks. Two kus cylin ders, enclosed In an attractive cab inet, may ho lumalled outdoors and connected by ordinary pipinu. with modern uns ranues, water heaters nnd other mis appliances ihnl nican so much less huuse- keeplni; drudgery. Time was whon suburban wo men Just had to got used to onr rylr.Mr wood nnd shovnllnir ashes, but those duyn nre about to go out of stylo. With Standard Fla mo being dellverod everywhere and comparable to city gas in both quality and cost there's not much excuse any more for Rpond. lug long hours over a hot cook stove, for exorbitant fuel bills or late meals. From Juno 4 to Juno 8. Flamo week, the local dealers in Med ford and Jackson county handl ing Flamo will give away to each kiddy who calls a red, white and blue 18-lnch balloon. See dealer's name In nds. Tho company . will also put on a radio program each evening during thin Phipib ' week, hs ' well ' as movie wlldes at "the theaters. mHMMntv if Him nimtant Livestock . PORTLAND, Ore., Juno 4. (P) CATTLE Receipts 50, calvea 10. tiuotahly atcady. IOG8 Receipts vm, iuciuij ng ;I00 on contract. Steady with fecd- nles strong to shado lilghor. Feeder and atocker pigs, 00 to 1o pound, medium to choice, JlKi 3.25. SHEEP Receipts, 300. Looks steady. Produce PORTLAND, Ore., Juno 4 (I1) Butter and eggs, barely steady, un changed. Milk Ibutlerfat). poultry, coun try meats, onions, potatoes, wool. nuts, liny cascara baric unu HOPS' steady and unchanged. Portland Vlifit. PORTLAND, Ore., June A. UP) Open. High. Low. Close. July ...1.U374 1.03 l."2'4 1.112 Ut Sept. ..1.0414 104' 1.03 1.03 Cash Wheat: lllg llend Hluestem. hard white I -1 Soft white ' "2 Vi Western white 1"2 '4 Hard winter 1.00 Northern spring- 1.00'fc Western red 1 '! Oats: No.i 2. 3H-H,. white 29.00 Today's car receipts: Wheat 70. barley 1, flour 1, oalu 3. and FLflMO ic u fit ir Meals Wall Street Report Cook Your Licrht Your Home QUICK-CLEAN-LOW IN COST We Are Showing the Latest in Wedgewood Ranges -LIGHTING FIXTURES AND WATER HEATERS For Use by FLAMO Users NEW YORK. June 4 (tPr-Indi cation; of a stiffening of steel nricea appearing today quickly i checked the bear drive in the stock market which was Inspired yester day hv the report of a sharp cur- itallment of production by tT. 8. Steel. The market soon turneu firm, and gnlnts or a point ojktwo were recorded. A tew specifies made wide gains. I Oils developed notable strenglh. Motor haro were firm. Ford Vrt- lor has scheduled 1S0.0O0 unltsTor j.ir. in mm ipsm man .May. nrys er reiried May shipiueuis as I he largest of Ihe year, and 71 per cent MM In beauty and efficiency Wedgewood Ranges offer the greateet for your money. .See them. , ( fnraWT EDFORD FURNITURE & HDWL Cftj LMI dm A Reliable Place to Trade"