Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 26, 1930, Page 8, Image 8

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    pa arc ktoiit
"I havu nover yet written the
imvfl I want tu. And it wf.H prob
ably le many yi(ts bofo.r I do,"
J'Mfwon Marnhall, 3fi year old nov
elist, whose fame an a writer has
followed the trail of hltt best
heller from continent to continent,
informed lib) friends today upon
return from Georgia to hiH old
home town. Here to visit his par
ents, Mr. and .Mrs, tJ. IC. Alarshali
of Hou t!i Oakdale, and many
friends, he Ik greeted with enthusi
U.HI11 its grout uh his latest books
and the same Ik returned In his
friendly smile and the Jovial tones
of bin voice.
. His most recent trips have been
an expedition Into the Arctic, far
beyond Alaska, with Kxplorer Hob
3ar(lett, and a tout through what
used to be known as (ierman KhhI
Africa. Hut associations with ice
bergs, tigers and leopards, who at
tacked tils gun bearer (of which
the press has written much) have
hot lessened his desire to visit
Medford and he Is glad to be home
again. . He plans to spend two o,r
three weeks here and it Is possible
.Mis. Marshall will Join him before
he completes bis stay.
1 "I'm not going anyplace" was
Ills first reply to questions. "I'm
just hero to visit." Urged to pro
fessional talk ho said "My last
book, 'Missionary,' which recently
run in (iood Housekeeping, and is
now In book form, Win. Lyon
1'helpH has described In a review
in Scribners as the host book I
have written." Then ho made the
statement first quoted regarding
his own feeling about his books
ami expressed a desire to write
fiomcthing different.
Two Remembered
' "The only things 1 have ever
written, which stand a chance of
surviving ure the two short stories,
"Klephant Remembers," and 'The
Heart of Little Chlkarl." They
Ktaml out above all the rest."
Asked if the novel he desire to
write will be something more like
them than his present books, he
(aid ho could not answer, "I am
waiting for the Inspiration. I have;
no Idea what It will be, but some,
expression of a phase of nature.";
"I have no intentions of writing1
mystery stories," he replied In an- 1
swer to the next (jueHtlon; "I'm i
Huru 1 won't do that." .
.New HUny Iteiuly
"Lonosomu River,'.' which ho has;
just completed, will start In next
nionth's flood Housekeeping. Ills
next story will bo based upon his
findings In Africa, whore ho visited
last summer. "It was a fine and
nd venturesome trip" ho added.
"Jlut 1 haven't time to tell you
about that now. My next big trip
will be into India. I plan to go
there next winter."
While in this city Mr. Marshall
will be. guest of many friends ns
well us his pHi-euts and brother,
Verno Marshall and family. He j
stoppod in ICugene on his way
south ami -was entertained by
fj'lendH oh the University of Oregon
campus, where he was formerly a
. '
. I.OH ANOKMOH, Cub, May 2ll.
(I') Me rt White, l!7. today holds
the unofficial world'a parachute
Jump record as the result of his
leap yesterday from an airplane
as It soared 2S( OHM feet above
the Mojave desert near Lancaster,
' Trusting his life to the silken
fabric nt a pninchute White
balled out of the plane piloted by
10a r I (tordon and hurtled through
the air from the hlghetl altitude
ever attempted by man. He said
he was unconscious from the
'time he leaped until somewhere
In mld-alr. and that he landed
safely exactly 28 minutes after
regaining his senses.
, The first state prize for May In
(ho monthly hnalt It poster contest,
eurrleil on by the Oregon State
Tuberculosis association was
awarded to Kb) red Charley, a stu
dent of the Hulte Creek school,
according tu information received
by Miss Augusta (Hover of the
county health department. The
winner Is it fifth grade student and
teopies of his poster will lie exhibit
ed throughout the state. Ills pte
turo will aim) appear on the
monthly calendar sent out by the
association. The boy was a student
of Mrs. Flossie Murray, who corn
Dieted her school yeur thero two
weeks ago.
, W. I C,
(8pl.) Memorial services were
held at the federated church on
Sunday mnrnlnK, May a (v. Kcv. .1.
M. Jnhnnun nove Ihe ariclreoii. The
inemhern or W. U. Harrison W. H.
,C attended.
On Memorial day the VV. H. C.
will hold their exerclen tit the Cen
tral Point cemeterv iw in o'clock
in the forenoon.
National Leaders and Oregon Pioneers Hail-"
End of World Record Farm Tractor Mar athot
uIjM ".: ;.,,t
Top Light tractor operated by agricultural engineering department of Oregon State college for 20 days
ind nights greeted at the finish line on the campus by a pioneer pageant. Center Senator Charles L. McNary
Washington, D. C telephoning congratulations to President W. J. Kerr (insert). Governor A. W. Norblad
of Oregon stopping engine that had broken all world tractor endurance records. Bottom College co-eds pre
sent two drivers, Dick Wagner and D. Hiller, with wreathes as old 17 day record is broken.
ill . . . i .. : ...t
The history of effort! to close the
Kogue river to eommerdal fishing
anil a plea for cooperation In the
distribution of petitions to place
the river (.'losing bill, well know ,1
In HilllilllM'n fll-clKlti t-iMildotllM nil
Hie ballot at. the November elec-1
tion, were included in a short
speech T. K. Daniels mad j before
the Klwauls club thin noon. Sev
eral Kl wan la us agreed to aid In
soliciting signatures and placing
petitions in places where they wIM
do the most good.
Mr. Daniels declared that signa
tures are coming in rapidly from
all parts of the state ami there 1
even a good response In the coast
counties of Coos and Curry. uW'N
I a. a on signal tires a re needed i to
place to measure on the ballol, ;Pn
this number Is expected to bo ex
ceeded. The river closing In In the form
of a constitutional amendment and
no legislature can repeal It without
referring It to the people of thi'
state for n vote, giving the people
entire choice In the matter at all
j times.
t Plans of the Talent C range to
! entertain Klwnn'ls members an i
wives next Thursday night were
announced at least ,Mi people rep
resenting the club are expected to
bo present. There will be a small
charge for the evening meat at 8
o'clock, to be followed by a care
fully prepared program.
A golf tournament between th"
Ashland and Medfonl clubs on Dec
oration day afternoon was an
nounced by C. M. Kldd, who wild
1 ,"i players f nun the club were
planning to play, lie welcomes the
addition of more eUih members If
they care to take part, lit behalf
of the Jack con hotel, William
Clcmensott, manager, t 'arl Teng
wald announced that that estab
lishment has offered a big lovlnif
cup foik-the winning team.
Visiting Ktwanians I u c 1 u d e d
Charles Walker of Hoseburg, dis
trict governor; tte Kdwar o
Itoseburg, II. It. of
Crescent City, Frank Ihnwn of K;m
Kranciseo, It. It. Harding and U.
C. Haley of Ashland.
(Special. Among thoe enjoying
the special turkey dinner at the
Sunnyiddp Motel So till ay were Mr,
and Mi'M, .Moty and party of four
teen. M r. and M is. Hilton and
party of four. M r. and Mrs, Mart
Shepherd of Klamath Kali? and
Mr. Shepheitl H mother ,tf Ashland.
M.r and Min. Cleveland of Central
Point; Mr. and Mrs. hillock and
party of six. Dr. and Mrs. Oickk
and party of four of Ahlaud and
Charley Hyrd of Itutte Rilu and
Mr. and Mrs. liny. it Hinwn,
li:i)F()f?D ALU
Baseball Scores
II. :
Caraway and Autry;
I,. Howell. '
J !l
5 12
llrnwn an
New York 7 10 if
Itrown, llraNtou and Spencer:
(iiiiue., Uscnlicc and lleuDUKh.
u. ii. i:.
lluHlnn 0 K 0
Philadelphia . 'l I ;l
Itmisell, .Snlllh and llerry; (Iruvj
and Cochrane, PerMnH.
li. 11. V..
New Vork ' II 2 u
ll klyn - 7 8 0
I'MUslmnions. .Inhnsnn. I, it d it s
and O'Kurrell: 'anee, I'arinelte
atid Uelterry. t
It. 11. K.
St. I.ouIh 1(1 11 1
I'lttMllUfKh I 10 2
Shcrdel, Unilscy and V1Inip;
Perry, Krlrli.snn, ,ltttts anil llcmti
lev. 1 It. II. K.
I Unci n nit II (I 8 0
CIiIciihii 2 (i I
May laid Snkcfiirih; ItlnUc, Xcl
Hen, (inliTirn and lliirtnett.
CITTSIHMIfill. Pa.. Mav 1
-(.'Vt Robert C. Kirk. 'JO. of .
Niagara Kails. N. Y.. whos ! story!
.Saturday that bis bride and t heir j
disabled a uto noddle had dinap-1
pea red sent state pidlee, highway
patrolmen and policemen .from
Meral towns on a search through 1
the mountains, was taken to W ar-j
ren, Ohio, today to a nswor a .
charge of forgery,
Kirk, who had Ha lined he was
the son of an oi fieial of a con
densed milk company in Seattle.
Wash., admitted, police said, he
had used the story In the hope
of soliciting financial aid from
CIIU'AUO, May 20, (AV-Pctr
Plescia am ltiiiht went out the
mtng way--curtained Rtilomob'le
and blarfng pintnlM,
The roar of the ktlr's car faded
into the nteU, leaving behind. In a
dark alley leading otf YHt CtiHitd
avenue, the form ofl'lescla with
iMilletH In the brain, the jaw and
the shoulder.
Police said Plescia had (marreled
with alcohol peddlers over terri
tory. . Papers In his pockets Indi
cated, too. that tho assassination
may have teaulted from attempts to
'muscle in" on the macaroni maim
fart m inQbusincH!.
A musical treat ia In store, for
I he local radio public tomorrow
nigjit wlu'ti the music department
of St. Maiy's uendenty presents a
radio recital over station KM15D.
The program, which will take placo
during (.'opto tour from It to 19
o'clock. Is mado up of n splendid
variety ol' selections, both vocal
iiimI instrumental, of special Inter
est, will be a number of harp solos
by Miss Golly Stennett und Miss Mrophy. The detailed pro
gram will he as follows:
Opening Chorus, "Down by the
Sea" Murzo
Choral Class
Piano solo, ''Homance," Pascal
Lucille Kisllnger
flurp solo, "In the Time of
Hoses'' Robinson
Klaine Hrophy
(loading. Selected
Su.ctte Stennett
Violin solo, "Spanish Dance'
'- (iastolle
Agnes Pttllner
IMtmo solo, "Klcgie" 'Nollol
Kin hie Urnphy
Harp solo. "Slumber Song;'....Katiro
Holly Stennett
Violin duo, "Serenade".... Piiclte
Klslo Louis Agncr Polluer
Piano solo, "Dwarf's tIold"..llerron
Mill'tli.i IV.4ni7
I larp solo, "Herceuso" Plnlt
Hetty Stennett j
Violin solo. "Kuinwiak"..Wienawskl i
Agnes Polities j
Heading Selected
Klaine Hrophy
Closing chorus, "Pond Lilies"
Forma n
Choral Class
CK.VTUAI. POINT. Ore.. May 2t'..
t Spl. ) . The senior play, "Why
Smith Left Home,' which was pre
sented by the senior class last Fri
day evening. Was well attended.
The pliy Wa.s considered one ofi
the best ever given by students
here, and each one taking part
deserves .toelal mention.
A tumbling stunt was put on by
eighth gra'fe girls between the first
ami second acts of the play and
during th last Intermission Koland
Casad. Oelbert Ayres and Hob
Thurman entertained, with a tum
bling Act.
SAI.KM. Ore.. Mny 21'.. l,Tl
Tht 1'nciflo Const Automohllo
soi'iudon will he Klvt'n n hPHt-liifc
hi'Tom C'tuVc A. I.t'c. mato Inyur-um-
'oiuini!?Uiipr. this nftorniHin
on lis Htllr:ition fr a Hfrnsf to
nponttfl in Orefron nn a inntor
t'tul. The apjilU'iuUtn t ttoiiiR
pi ntvMtNl tty lu- American Auto
mnt)H association ant various In
siuani'p Inlerestl, rontpntllng that
1)H at'l'lh-atn InttMxN lo ito :in In.
.uv.inre tu..lnof...
JJOI'A.N'TO, Ark., May 20. MP)
A litjuor and nnrcitlc feud of the
lowlands lying between the Tyron
za river und the MlKsitjuiiipl today
wa hlamed for the deaths of four
permjns. three of them memherH of
rival factions who met and shot it
out at a village carnival. The
fourth wir a bystander felled by a
stray bullet.
The dead:
C'lyde Keller, 33, alleged nar
cotic peddler.
Ira "Bluckle" Williams, 31, lead
er of one faction.
Walter Mobs, 38, member of
another clan.
George Laudermilk, 35, carnival
Kight other spectators in the
crowded carnival grounds were
wounded, two . perhaps fatally.
These Included Nathan oudders, a
farmer, shot In the mouth, his
wife, who faced the amputation of
an arm, and Jess Wright, a taxicab
driver, whose bullet shattered leg
was threatened with tetanus.
t'KXTHAL POINT, Ore., May 2iJ.
(Hp!.) Officers elected to head Uvj
student body of our local high
school for next year are as fol
lows: - President, Charles Taylor;
vice-president, Merle HedKopeth;
secretary, Dorothy Jones; treasur
er, Delmer Smith.
On Friday afternoon. May 23, the
tilrls league elected their officers
for next year, as follows: Presi
dent, Itha Mornington; vice-president,
I a la Can-; secretary, Helen
Lees; treasurer, Audree Carman.
which gutted the liner City of Hono
lulu at h(jr dock here apparently
was under control early today but
firemen continued to play streams
of water on the ship, which was
scuttled and allowed to settle. In 32
feet of water.
Ten fire fighters were taken to
a' hospital when they had become
exhausted or overcome by smoke.
There was an unconfirmed report
that two members of the liner's
crew were missing but this could
not be checked during the night.
edison test today
SALHM, Ore., May 2ti. (fi)
Kleven Oregon high school boys
who huve shown unusual aptitude
in scientific studies will be exam
ined hero today before a board
appointed to select the Oregon
representative In the contest at
West Orange, N. J., for the lOdlson
scholarship. The boys all reached
Salem early in the day. They will
appear one at a time before the
board, ami it was not thought the
board's selection would he made
until late in the day. Leverette
Davis of Ashland Is an entrant.
. CKNTKAL POINT, Ore., May Zti.
(Spl.) Mr. and Mrs. Hich
ardson and daughter Krma went to
Klamath Kails Saturday morning.
On their return they will be ac
companied by Mr. Nancy Wilson.
Don't taU Chancas,be
ou buy Aspirin
looU lor the name
There Is a way to be SURE
iboul the Aspirin you buy. Look
or the name BAYER on package
vnc! the word GENUINE printed in
ed. It's your guarantee of purity,
afery and reliability.
Genuine Bayer Aipirin is what
,he doctors prescribe. It relieves
sain promptly, harmlessly. It doe
(tot depress the heart. Relieves
;olds, headaches, sore throat, pain
from various causes.
MAY 2fi, IflHO.
who wilj visit with lelatlves In this
Mr. and Mrs. J. Klllngsworth of
Portland, on their return from a
trip to California, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs- Cieorge March.
Mr. and Mrs. Alec Olson of Purl
land, who have been visiting at the
H. T. Pankey home, left for their
home Sunday morning.
Miss Dorothy Applegate of Ash
land spent .the week end with her
sister, Mrs. Leo Potter.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Case and fam
ily of -Pijspect are visiting with J
Mr. Case's sisters, Mrs. Lee Cald-j
well and Mrs. Theo. cllass.
Miss Edith Caley of lOugene lass-
ed away at her home on Kriday, !
May 23. Funeral services will be
held on the afternoon of May 'Jti.'
This is the famous Caterpillar No. 10
that made the record at Corvallis
Just think! This little tractor ran continuously
for 481 hours and 5 minutes (a little over 20
days), traveled 1011 miles and established an of
ficial world's record for ECONOMY, STABIL
ITY and EFFICIENCY. Come in and let us go
more into detail on what the CATERPILLAR
No. 10 will do for you.
Miller'SanfoMl Tractor Co.
OF 50
See These
J. C. Barnes, So. Central
Wing Agency, Inc., N. Front
E. C. Corn, So. Riverside
Sq,. Ore. Realty Co.,
N. Riverside
Brown A White, Holland
Hotel Bldg.
R. V. Williams. Liberty Bldg.
Charles Ray, Medford Bldg.
in J3ugcne. Miss Caley hart been
In very poor health for a number
of years. She lived In Central
Point some time ago and will bo
remembered as a sister of Mrs. td
March, who formerly lived here.
Mr and Mrs. Cecil Cockran ot
Ventura, Cal., are visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cock
ran. r ird Davis of Salem islted
the Jesse Kkh'ardson home last
Thursday and Friday. Ho return
ed on Saturday, accompanied by
his wife and children, who have
been visiting hero for two weeks.
Mrs. Davis was formerly Christine
Mr. and Mrs. .Harry Copenger
arrived home on Friday from Port
land, where they attended grand
Is It . .
South Grape Street, Medford
Klamath Falls, Eugene and Roscburg
DOWN $10 A
Interest at 6 Per Cent Clear Titles
and Title Insurance
Members of the Medford
Walter L, m.,
mcu, Ding,
Earl S. Tumy, Liberty Bldfl.
Carl Y. Tengwald, Holland
Hotel Bldg.
J. W. Wakefield, Palm Block
C. S. Butterfield. Medford
Natl. Bank. Bldg.
Jackson Co. Abstract Co
lodge as delegates from tl, in,.
I. o. O. F. and Itebekal, 0Z '
Mrs. Dick Hay arrived home oi
Sunday morning from attendin'.
fjrund lndao An n ilr,lD..n,.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Adams
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hud a""
ams and; two sons of Ventura ('"
arrived in Central Point on Tlnir,'
day night and are at the Ki-in'k
Adams home. They were calle.l
home by the death of their mother
and grandmother, Mrs. Ada Adam,
Robert Kylo of Medfoid paH,j
away at his home Saturday v
24. Mr. Kylo was well know,', n
Central Point, having moved Iip,..
In 106 and making his hum,. ..
his farm east of town until ij'
He was a member of Central p0"n'.'
lodge Xo. 135. A. F. & A. M.
Realty Board
Carter Boggs, No. Central
Thomas Realty Co., lm
W. M. Holmes, Nash Hotel
Wold & Wold, No. Riverside
Deal A Knight, No. Bartlett
Fox Realty Co.. No. Bartlett
H. 0. F-arkhurst, No- Cen,ral