Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 25, 1930, Page 5, Image 5

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SUNDAY. MAY 25. 1930.
Women's Interests and Activities
Edited By
Eva Nealon
p,E0. Convention i Greater Medford
Declared a Success Club Will Install
Officers Mondav
1 Local Rose Show to
Be Held June 3-4
. outJtamllns event in club
'L this week was the P. K. O.
kiH in Klamath Fa 11b I
Wednesday and Thurs-
jltendeil hy a group of local
of- Medford
ry of Cen
official dele
lledfold 1 chapter.
Installation of i.rfiivrs will lie
the loadlnif tenure of th,. program
at the meeting of the tlrealer
.Medford cl'.ili tomorrow afternoon
at Ht. MarkV (iuilil hull, which will
open t,t Itiiii o'clock. Officers
chosen fur the i-omlni; year are:
Mrs. A. .1. llanhy, prcKldent; Mrs.
N. .1. N'nrrlK, first vice present'
Mr. Ptell,, Mcni.-U. econd vl-e
president; Mrs. li. .;. f.reone.
treasurer: Mrs. Henry Hates, re
cording secretary; .Mrs. W. K.
Crews, rorrespondint! secretary and
Mrs. liose Hcheffelin. tist.tri..n .i
eveniiiK. ! parliamentarian.
.n as wen
."tions of the state
Urj 0 Furnas of
.. .Mrs. C C. Ooldsberr;
lrli point went as
' ,.f the Modi
Sr nicmhers from1' this city
Mrs T M1e. Mrs. J.
tive anil Mrs.' Katllleen Smith.
! rtlir.ES were held in the llolh
rhureh with a voting nt-
-i.nre of ul.out eighty
... io,nnuet Wednepilay
,1,, outstanding social event of the a short business mooting will
invention, covers ...... .... ; prcceoe tne Installation of officers
;0 men and women.
Mrs. a:le Wallnce of Ashland has
been Invited to ive an account
of the convention In Salem, which
she attended as representative of
tile southern district.
The remainder of the afternoon
will he spent playing bridge. Ilo
freshments will be served and .1
silver offering taken.
i Former Residents
Hum Itccltal
Announced ' - ,
Mrs Eve nenson, local dancing
uimctor, will present her pupils
, rectal of beautiful and var
,! numbers at the Fox Crator
Dn the evenings of June (ith uml
;lh, lietwecn suiuwn.
The inograin win no j in,
fifrman Art." a group number;
wecrow," a solo; a ...union.
Butterfly." soio; -Fireflies, a i Return to meat ord
,roui: "Adagio." a duet, for the i
first lime presented by local tal- I
rut III Meuioio. in- Ko(,j;,,s .,re welcoming
crate." a group; jih m ! ,nek
l!x," a- very effective. unusual j l
durt; ' i ne L giy . .ui;ivi.iib.
iiiuint group: "An Amorlcun In
dian," containing a, great deal of
rWacler work; i no uauei oi
Sea Nymphs," a group ot
lots; "Argentine Spanish I'un
TSnjto, a solo wiwi an las
dnating movements and , melody;
A Moorish Symbnll," duet. Novel
fhorus and tap routines, includ
ing such steps as tho Tip Toe step,
the Traveling Clime step. Kick Heel
stamp. Toe and Hoel, Succession
of Taps, and many other varieties
included in Buck dancing. Mrs.
lnson Is a firm believer in var
iety. It Js regretted that the stage
space tills year will be limited,
owing to recent sound fixtures in
jlalM.'and it is feared that the
work ' of the dancers may be
cramped in certain numbers on
ihis account. However, adapta
bility can also bo acquired. The
names of the dancers will be an
nounced next week, numbering
nbouu.thirly-elght girls and boys.
Tho Medford Garden club has
announced June 3rd and 4th as
the dates for their nnnual rose
siiow. I'lace for holding the ex
hibit anticipated euch year by all
tlower lovers has not been def
initely determined but. will be an
nounced at an early dute. The
show will not be restricted to roses,
but all flowers that are blooming
win he welcomed by the commit
tee chairmen and given a place
in the show. Ciardeners are ad
vised to start plodding their plants
to have them in full bloom by
June uril.
Committee chairmen nnmed are:
Entiles, .Mrs. C. C. Furnas; ar
rangements, Mrs. 10. N, Biden; ex
hibits, Mrs. C. A. Swigart. Other
chairmen and members of their
committee will be given out later,
Mrs. Leland Mentzer, president of
the club said yesterday.
Debutantes Plan Balls
Six Months in Advance
Plans for Vacation
Bible School Made
Strawberry Show
Planned by Bible
Class Tuesday
Miss Wilson Pledges. .
Alplut Phi Sorority
Miss Kllow Mne Wilson, tlntmh-
tpr of Mr. and Mrs.. II. G. Wilson
t this city, ha been pledged by
nrHhiv -national women's nor
iy at the University of Wash
ington, Seattle, according to news
rprelvert here the first part ot' the
wepk.i j
Miss Wilson, who is known here j
as one of Med lord h finest sop-(
ranos. is playing a prominent part!
In the musical activities at the !
northern university. She is also i
frequently heard in programs
liroatleast from stations, K.IR and j
o this rity. Mr. and
iiynii and daughter
lieth, and snn.s limner and liob
eit, who arrived from San Diego
the first nf the week. Whllo the
Ryans have boon bouse guests
this week of Mr. and Mrs. li. V.
Williams at their home on the
Old Stage Itnml, they will soon oc
cupy their ranch home in tho
Oriffin Creek region.
They were accompanied on their
return to Medford by Mr. and
Mrs. Weldon McIIee, who also plan
to make their home here. Mrs.
Mcliee, was formerly Miss Lenore
Birthday Party
Kvent of Week
Mrs. Riley 1). Tlensnn,
by Mrs. U. It. Hriggs, entertained
a few friends Tuesday evening,
honoring Mr. Henson's birthday,
flames and a musical program, in
cluding numbers by Miss Mildred
Burger, violinist. Miss Nancy
Briggs, vocalist. Miss Helen Wil
son, pianist, were enjoyed.
Refreshments were served by
the hostess and Mrs. Hriggs.
Guests present were, Mr. nnd Mrs.
C. L. McDonald, Mr. nnd Mrs. A.
W. Lingass, Misses Mildred Bur
ger, Nancy Brown Briggs, Natalie
Hamilton, Helen Wilson end
Messrs. William Oatmah, Stanley
Hice Ilcnson,
and Lowell Ring
Helms ltd urn
From California
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Helms of
near Ashland, have returned from
Dos Angeles and LunK Beach,
where they spent three months.
Their son Addison, ' and family
live at Dos Angeles. Their son
mending art school intbatclty.
! Roosevelt P.-T. A.
I State Organization
! Beginning with the Maypole
j da nee given by boys and girls of
j the 4th grade on the lawn at the
j Roosevelt school Friday afternoon
unui me. serving m ueucious re
ireshments, a largo number of
parents and friends were enjoy
ably entertained. Thin heing the
I..-. r ........ (..,.........
business was discussed, nnd by j
a three-to-one vote it was decid- j
ed to withdraw from tho State j
I'a rent-Teacher association. With ,
an organization of its own lioose- j
velt school hopes to do more good
toward betterment of child welfare
not only in their own school hut
all H-hools in Jackson county.
Knowing that all the Hcrvice clubs
of the elty take an active part
in child welfare It leaves only a
part of this work to parent-Teacher
associations. This organization
hopes to devote more time to
child problems instead of spend
ing ho much time going through
the regime of association busi
ness every meeting. In these
modern times we find It impera-
nsslsted I tlve t0 ftn'lve at shorter methods
or putting i n i H ts n UCI
Dolph l'hipps was elected presi
dent lor next year with Mrs. Daw
Pennington vice-president.
Mr. ninnel secretary, nnd Mi's.
vatn itichiirdson treasurer.
The graduating class presented
the following program. They were
guests for the afternoon with their
mothers acting as hostesses.
l'iano solo. Dorr Barrett.
Song. Slurs' of the Summer
Recitation: Tho Questions they
Ask ol' a Hoy. Harvey. Field.
A Tribute To Our Mothers: Amy
Dance, Minuet: Mary Powell.
An Appreciation of our Teach-
Howard (1 rover.
Farewell t'.reetmg,
I "j
At a meeting held In the Christ
Ian church Thursday evening, com-,
mlttees of the llaptlst, Presbyter-,
latl and Christian Hihle schools met;
and formulated plans for a Vaca
tion Hally llible school to be con- afternoon. May
Women's Bible class of the
1'lrst I'resbyterlan church will be
the guests of Mrs. Geo. 11. Kletd
at a strawberry festival Tuesday
What the Girl
Scouts AreDoing
By .Mrs. I). J. Willson
Anion lending (rlrls to Ik- presented In .ustern siKlfty unuwii
" .! .."xt ,7son ...I. Kleunm- lalvert (l.-fl) d .M..l.a
lug of
(iaibcr (right)
Officers Named to
Head Local D. A. R.
Mrs. Koppes Hostess
East Side Circle ,
ducted for two weeks In thm
Christian church, on South Oak-i
; dale, beginning June 1 til h, !
Tho school will convene rrom
il:tl0 to 11:30 each morning an. I
will be open to all children 111 the
city, from the age of four or kind
ergarten, through the Intermediate
Bible school age. Classes will be
especially adapted to various ages
nnd the work will be highly in
structive and distinctly christian
in chnracter.
Mrs. W. S. flilinore, present sup
erintendent of the Presbyterian
liible school, will bo superintend
ent .of the vacation school, assist
ed by the regular lllblo school
teachers of tho various churches.
Mrs. tlllmore Is a very accomp
lished leader in religious education,
having devoted n largo part of her
life to Ihis study. Her associates
are all well trained and highly con
secrated in their special classes.
Pnrents arc thus assured that
their rhltdren will be given pleas
ant and constructive Instruction,
as a most helpful way to spend
part of the long vacation hours.
It Is hoped that the parents will
co-operate In this worth-while un
dertaking: and see that the chil
dren are enrolled and helped to
attend regularly.
Hoyal Nelghlwi's
Plan I )a mi'
The Hoyal Neighbors Heneflt
card party was given at the W.
O. V. hail Thursday afternoon.
High score In bridge was won b'
Mrs. Prudence Plan. High score
in 500 by Mrs. Hamuelson. De
lightful refreshments, consisting o:
fruit salad and wufers, were serv
ed by the committee: Cora Powell
in the church
NOTHINGelsecan fkHf-ffi)
give quilt so much X WTOhfLIffS
pleasure as a Bulova iClWIl.rtT -watch.
For SHE knows X fflgjaaSXRfa'
that the Bulova, you give itSaSfSVf
her will retain its depend-
nble accuracy and its charm- 'jffiV . ' '-
ing beauty through the years. V ,
Piano solo. Virginia I.indley.
Those In the graduating class
are: Dorr Darrett, Amy Elliott.
Croat, Jean ill", vei.iu
nerthn King. Virginia
Lindley, Iji Verne .vici.ui,.
Mary Powell, liveiyn .
l,.t-ns Kloner. Hetty Vilm
Wheeler. John Wheeler
West. Hobert Purucker,
Mathenv.' Robert
l.lttrell. Dow
Lewis, Holier i .unn.
lull. Howard i.ruei. .......
Field Jr.. Raymond uiiuxi.e. u.
Hlchnrd Earnsinzer.
Miss .lulinston
Miss Vivian
Johnston, well
Officers to serve for the coming
year were elected at tho last meet
ing of the Crater Lake Chapter,
Daughters of the Americnn Revo
lution held at the home of Mrs.
J. J. Sleiger, 122 Oregon Terrace,
the regent, Mrs. H. O. Harding,
presiding. They are as follows:
Regent. Mrs. 13. O. Harding;
vice regent, Mrs. M. M. Morris;
recording secretary, Mrs. J. O.
(Irev: corresponding secretary;
Mrs. II. F. W. Slillver; treasurers
Mrs. J. A. Perry; registrar, Mrs.
John JI. Cochran; chaplain, Mrs.
Helen A. Snedlcor; historian, Mrs.
C. C. Murray; directors, Mes
dnmes M. J. Norrls, F. L. Tou
Velle and F. CI. Thnyer.
A splendid paper on "Colonial
Onrdens," written by Mrs. A. M.
Chllders. who was nlisent because
nf illness, was read by Mrs. Wm.
W. P. Holt.
Mrs. Childcr's description of the
gardens of our ancestors, the ar
rangement, flowers and colors
which were favorites, the lovo and
pride with which they wore re
garded by their owners, was most
interesting and appropriate to the
season of tho year.
The paper closed with a beauti
ful tribute to the "Father ot Our
Country," and the well known gar
dens of Ml. Vernon.
During the social hour which
followed the guests enjoyed and
ndmired the lovely gardens and
parlors. All members are most
cordially invited, as this Is an an
nual event, tin' members are look
ing forward to a most enjoyable
alteriioon. Mrs. Thompson and
Mr. llodgklns will lie heard In a
vocal duet. J dinette Field will
read und Mrs. N. C. Chancy will
give a patier on "Church Prob
lonis In ltussla."
All ladles having birthdays In
the nionlh of May will be guests
of honor.
MlM. Newbury HostosH
To Crater Ijlkc ;ulld
Crater Uiko C.uild held an In
teresting meeting Monday eve
ning. Muy IS, at the home ot Mrs.
Don Newbury. Siskiyou Heights.
Mrs. Hellion C. Wilson, Mrs. Klully
Dynan and Miss Isabel Wlllslo act
ing as hostesses for the evening.
Miss Myrtle Tobey and Miss Wini
fred Andrews, members of the
(luild who leavo soon for n sum
mer In the Hawaiian Islands, wero
tho recipients of numerous clever
travel letters, telegrams and Mrs.
Dynan read an original poem ded
icated to them that was much
enjoyed. Hntertulning musical fea
tures were given by Miss l.alirn
Drury, Victor Dallnlro and Norris
Porter. The last meeUng of tho
year will bo hold at Jackson Hot
Springs, weather permitting, on
Monday, May 21!.
Surprise. Party
For Mr. lilluloro
A very pleasant surprise party
was given by n, group of friends
of Will Ollmore, aided by Mrs.
(lilmore, In honor of Mr. Clllmores
birthday last Monday night, :.t
their residence on North Orange
and lllanche Arnold. The earns street, 'j'lioso present were: nir.
..nmmlttee was composed of Mrs. nnd Mrs. W. F. Campbell, Mr. anil
Mr and Mrs. A. J. Johnston
303 Stark street, closed a very
successful year in teaching at
North Powder, Oregon, and Is re
turning the first of the week, to
spend the summer with her par
ents. She will spend a Tew days
enroute, visiting relatives at Ore
gon City. Miss Johnston has been
engaged to teach in Power City,
for the coming year.
popular daughter of (.rounds of the hostess. Mrs.
Stelger was assisted by Mesdames
W. M. Van Scoyoc, Kathleen
Smith, Fred King and Wilson
Miss I.ailiisiwi ll
Hero for Vacation
Miss Margaret Ijuinspach nr
rlved In Medford Wednesduy night
to spend her vacation. She com
pleted hersecond year of teaching
in Klamath county on May 9. On
The Pythian club win mevi. . .May iu, sue icn ioi- juhu.imi
mi' way of j.encl nno ine ..ii:i.mi;ic
next'f.aHH nnd visited with her sister,
, A large I Mrs. R. D. nines, ror n ween.
The last while there she went to Astoria to
nt the home of 'see Mrs. Vernon R. Day, formerly
nnd was a Esther Palmer, a former cinss-
I mate.
the home of Mrs. nose,
hrnuih. 40 Quince street
Tuesday evening. May 2
attendance is desireo
median was held
Mrs. C'has. Campbell
most enjoynble affair
Mrs. R. A. Koppes, 23 Rose nvo
nue, entertained members, of the
East Ode Circle of the First
Methodist Episcopal church Tuos
day afternoon,- Mrs. W. T. Berry,
vice president, presiding.
Devotions were led by Mrs. K.
C. Koppen, who also offered pray
er,: Hlble lesson, 1)1 Psalm. Other
numbers were songs, "One Swect-
lvtAnleinn Through" and "Face to
Face." Mrs. S. L. Leonard offer
ed hrayer at the close of the pro
ridring tho social hour, Mrs.
Koppes, assisted by Mrs. O. V.
Myers and Mrs. .1. W. Smylle,
served refreshments of pio and
Unions I.iilcrlaln
(imsts Kitnii lxs Angeles
Mr. nnd Mrs. Tom Dolon of
I West Side had as their guests re
cently, their two nephews, jock
and Andy Schweinfurter of Los
Angeles. These two young men
were enroute home from Seattle
after having spent several weeks
on bourd a passenger steamer of
tho Dollar IJne as members of
the ship's orchestra.
They visited the Orient, making
stops nt Shanghai, Yoyohnmn,
Honolulu and Manila. After vis
iting nt home they expect to sign
up for un around tho world
While here the boys furnished I
the music nt a . dancing party at
Phil Thurston's Monday evening
and wero highly appreciated as
Scthcrs Jtctuin
For Visit Jlcro
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Scther of
San Francisco ure guests In Med
ford this week of Mrs. Hcthor's
mother, Mrs. Charles M. Pelt.
Itoth are former residents of Med
ford and members of the high
school faculty and will be mucn
entertained by local friends during
their stay here.
I Miss Lunetta Ooodwln left this
! city yesterday for Eureka, cul..
where she will be at tho Adrlenno
store during the nbsenro of Miss
j Paloma Rondlemnn, manager, who
.'lives soon I'lr nan r i in. ...
Dorothy Scrlpter and Mrs. Katie
An old fashioned hard time bene
fit dnnro will be given at the W.
O. W. hall next Thursday evening,
sponsored by tho Hoyal Neighbors,
curds will also he In order for
those that do not care to dance.
Light refreshments will be served,
Wcnotuili Club
KllJOVH Oirds
Members of the Wenonah club
met at the home of Hlanche Hina
bargor for n card party Thursday
afternoon, May IB. There wero
three tables of bridge and two n
five hundred In pluy. Mablo
Quackcnbush won high score In
bridge and Blanche Rlnabnrgcr
low. nnd Carrlo Nulnea held high
score In five hundred with Eethel
lluertle holding low.
Lovely refreshments were serv
ed by tho hostess, assisted by
Fidells Piatt and Neltlo Purdln.
The next mooting, which will be
a covered dish luncheon, will bo
nt the home of Nellie Purdln on
Thursday, June
Mrs. W. C. McCuiston, Mr. (loo
Yonchnm, Mr. and Mrs. Hen Mol
ler, First Sergeant and Mrs. Clustnv
Weston and daughter Katllerlne.
Miss Frances Moller and Major
Wm. M. Coplnn. of Portland,
(lames and stories made tho evi
nlng a huppy one, completed with
a dainty lunch.
IxhiiI Musicians
To Attend stuto Meet
The annual state convention of
the Oregon Stale Music Teachers'
association will bo held In Salem,
Juno 16 and 17. An excellent pro
gram of Inspirational lectures and
discussions will bo provided' nnd
two fine concerts are scheduled.
Dr. C. S. Sherman of ' Wlllamotto
university will lecture on "Psychol
ogy nnd tho Mind;" Joseph Bnrls
soff, concert master of the Los
Angeles symphony orchestra, and
assistant conductor, will be heard
In a lecture and also In a violin
recital; and Olga Steeb, nationally
known pianist, will also be heard
In recital. A group of Medford
teachers will attend. 1
The Olrl Scout book shelf at th
public library Is now ready, states
Miss Woolse'y, th librarian. This
hook shelf is downstairs In the
basement, nnd through this ar
rangement will be available to all
(llrl Scouts and interested girls, no
matter what their ages. Hooks will
be added to this shelf from time
to time, and In a few years at
tills rate, should constitute a
young library In Itself.
Tho Olrl Scouts are to march
in tlie Memorial Day parade next
Friday and these are the directions
as given us bv Colonel Paine, who
has charge: He on the Washing
ton school grounds by 9:15 o'clock,
Friday morning. Parade starts at
11:30, so be there early In order to
complete marching arrangements.
We want every Medford Ctrl Scout
to como and march in tho par- .
Troop No. 4 met at the home
of .Miss Winifred Andrews, their .
leader, on Cottage street, a week
niro Friday, and had u lovely party.
Nearly twenty were present, and
the gathering took the place of
the regular meeting.
Somo of the Olrl Scout nature
notebooks are reaching gigantic
proportions these days with over
a hundred -pressed und mounted
und garden flowers. The major
specimens in each of both wild,
und garden flowers. The major
problems seem not to be the gath
ering and pressing of the plants
but in getting tho proper identifi
cation. Homo ot the specimens
have been labeled "mysterious
vine." "sweet Anna," "wild sorl."
"column .vine," "blue loopln."
"bridle roth,' do you know what
they should have heen'called?
Here are the word to the ''Aunt
Jemima" song:
Aunt Jemima, look nt your Undo
down In the duck pond
Learning how to swim!
First he does the breast stroke
Then he does the side, '
Now he's under the water
Swimming against tho tidel
Kltu I. Hilbbs '
Tent MHH
Elta D. Hubbs Tent, Daughters
of Veterans, met at the Armory
Friday evening in regular session.
In nddltion to routine business,
Mrs. Grace Schade was Installed
as guide for the department of
Oregon, and will attend the state
convention at Eugene In June, In
that capacity.. As usual the mem- ,
iiors of the Tent 'will attend . the
memorial servlco at the Lutheran
church Sunday. Muy 25, and wilt
take part In the exercises , and
parade Memorial Day. ,
Mrs. Minnie Albnugh, a mem
ber of Moro L. Tauner Tent,
Itenverton, was a guest at the
meeting and spoke briefly to the
members. '
The tent will have Its next
meeting on June 13th at the arm
ory. .
PATRICIA Engnind dutl proof
movamac t
I ENOBE ArdidciIlT enrd Jo'
!..!. l'ie-llbdor. $29"
movement '
-OLCTTE F.tquUlte ct with Mk
nm4H dcconiioni 15 jewel Bulov"
" ntt complete with $1'7 0
UiStee flexible bracelet , J I
Anns! FY 141. whd white gotd
meni J t
0 o
SINCE 1918
For a Limited Time Only A
Hair Dryer, Sanitor
Sanitizing Compound
Eureka Standard and Junior
All for $73.00
Here i an offer that makes even more attractive this unmatched
cleaning combination the famoua E-ureka Standard for floor cover
ings, with the powerful, light 4W lbs.) Eureka Junior for cleaning
auto's, stairs, upholstery, everything "above the floor."
Small Down Payment Easy Terms
Medford Electric Stote
Medford Bldg Phone 00
l'opulnrity for n woman in so orton simply a matter of
time . . . time to do the ftrueious little things if life that
menu so much in inakiiiK nnd-Ucepiii(? friends. For those
thiiiKH the woman who does her own housework finds
time, if she is wise, by employing electrioiil servants to
aid her.
No matter how Ini'Ke, no matter how trivial the household
tusk, there is an electric appliance to cut the work in two.
And whether a woman docs her own cleaning, her own
cooking . . , or merely supervises the work of her house- ;
hold . . . she owes it to herself to investigate the possibili
ties of electricity in her home.
Visit your denier today . . . nsk questions . . . you'll be
amazed lo lenrn what electricity can do to conserve your
lime and energy at such n inntlcnite cost,
"Yur Partniri rittBU In Pritrtu" . .
Boost Jackson County Use More Dairy Products