Me Tribune DFOED MAIL (1 Seconal Section jj Six Paget Second Section Six Pages ! - Twenty-Fifth Year PRODUCTION BASIS FOR TAXSOUGHT MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 23, 2930. erican Farm Bureau I Federation Will Present i Plan to Governors at Chi f cago Meeting Income Tax Seen Ultimate Aim. r i v By Frank I. Welter Associated Press Farm Editor WASHINGTON, May 23. (PJ Supported by farm leaders for the .tut decade, a plan to tax real es tate on its production value rather (bail its sale value is to be pre sented to tbe governors of the 48 stales, meeting in Chicago June 25. The conference was called by the national taxation committee of the American Farm Bureau federation. Federal officials and tax specialists have been invited. .The plan to be considered would upset a large part of the American u jjtenl of taxation. Whereas taxes lijjrlofore have been assessed on lit! capital value of property, it pro poses to make the assessment against the average net production ! value. Under the present system proi- i erty that is held at a loss pays pro portionate taxes with that which returns a profit, . Seek Legislation Efforts to obtain legislation per mitting the creation of a taxation system based on "ability to pay" are under way In Michigan, Mis souri, Illinois, Iowa, Colorado and a. few other states. In most cases admendment of the state constitu tion is required, which is a cumber eotne and tedious task requiring the support of public sentiment. 'The conference is expected FABRICK, BUTLER ILL SPORT LOW LICENSE NUMBERS SAI.K.M, Ore., May 23. (P) Juhn It. Moore. Portland, will have the distinction during the year ,lunu 30, 193(1, to July 1, 1931, ot driving an automobile with license plate No, !. That number was drawn for him at the an nual drawing late yesterday by the vehicle registration division. The new law bringing new li censes due July t instead of Jan uary 1 is effective fur the , first time. From now on license numbers will be awarded In the order ap plied for by car owners. Among the number drawn after No. 1 were: 2, John A. Lindgren, Clatskanic: 3, A. II. Daue, Clacka mas; 4, David W. Adamson, Prtne- vllle: 5. J. A, Hall. Myrtle Creek: B. Glenn L. Fabriek. Medford; 7, Fred M. Spooncr, Portland; 8, A, K. Simmons. Portland; . Frank Bradstreet. Riddle; 10, Arnel P. Butler, Medford. Meteorological Report May 2.1. 1030 Medford and vicinity: Tonight and Saturday cloudy:; warmer to night; cooler Saturday. Oregon: Cloudy, showera In ex treme north and extreme west por tion late tonight or Saturday; warmer tonight; cooler in interior1 Saturday. Local Data. ? 2 2 v' a- o.r 'launch a movement to obtain from the federal government a rule per mitting the deduction of state In come levies, as is done in the case of inheritance taxes. The -proposal simply is that where an individual now is paying both a state and federal Income tax, the ount -of the state tax would be lucted from the amount of the deral tax. The result would be a continuation ot state revenue from Income taxes but a decided reduc tion in federal revenue. Income Tax Aim Behind the plan is the thought that eventually would make it pos sible to shift from the. general proit erty tax to the Income tax as the chief means of support for state and local governments. If tho Inheritance-tax provision is- made to apply to income taxes, it is believed that state govern ments would adopt the income tax more generally because they then will have no fonr that industries I'liocnix will move into adjoining states ' Portland where no Income tax Is levied. It Temperature (degrees) 76 4t Highest (last 12 boors) 76 77 Lowest (last 12 hours) 35 4t ltd. humidity (per ct.) 21 81 Precipitation (Inches).. .09 .no State uf weather clear Clear Lowest temperature this morn- to ' degrees. Total precipitation since Sent. 1. 1929. 13-.67 inches. Baker City 80 Bismarck 02 Boise 60 Denver 4X Des Moines 74 Fresno 84 Helena 54 Los Angeles .... XG Marshflold Bii 94 B4 Ited Bluff SB Is provided that where no income i Itosehurg 70 Temperature a year ago today! Highest 85; lowest 45. Sunset today," 7:32 pTJlT Sunrise Saturday 4:42 a. m. Sunset Saturday 7:33 p. m. Observations Taken at 5 A. M. 120th Meridian Time CITY. fv 1 3 tax 13 paid to the state Us equiva lent shall ho paid into the federal treasury. Vi DRASTIC CUT FOR XVi 1 1 rb purnmro UnLLLd UnLiwILO, I FOLLOWING COLD Suit I-iiko 5 Sun I'' run cisco,.. 7(t Sun tu Fo f!2 Seattle lit) Spokane fit) W'Hlffl WiiIIh tfti Winnipeg GS W. J. HUTCHISON, Meteorotogfat, 33 38 40 3t. 50 5G 32 CK 42 4H 52 44 4i 5 2 30 4H 4f 44 34 i CcJy. Clear Clear Clear P. Cily. Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear 1. Ccly. Clear Clear Cleat 1. Cdy. Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy Snow I TIIK DALLES, Ore., May 23. . CP) The Dalies cherry growertf . who up to today were receiving I conRratuIatlonH of vlaitorn from other fruit section) on having the bet prospects of any Pacific nnrlh f west district, and who had antici pated a record yield of 2500 tons, today after taking stock were prone to cut their estimates to 1500 torn. Cherries which had been sizing better than normally, were found suddenly to bo developing a pecu liar hlueish-yellow coloring. They re dropping heavily. Tho drastic cut in tonnage. It Ih said, may have rtxuKed from sub-zero weather of lBt January, or the recent long continued cool weather when night A friperatures closely approached jT4' frost line. OUNCANONTRiAL PORTLAND, JUNE 9 4 i 4 PORTLAND, Ore., May 23. UP) ' Robert Gordon Duncan, self styled Tfri-gon Wildcat" will be tried In District Judge Mears' court June 9 on a charge of electioneering on ' election day in violation of the state corrupt practices act. The ' te was set on motion of Duncan ; for a continuance from yesterday t sometime after June 1. j ,f Meanwhile the chamber of com- ! iBerce and war veteran organlza- Hons awaited word from Washing- : ten on their resolutions asking i tftiit the radio station over which j unran operated be silenced. I ALBA XV, Ore. Fred Berg man. Alliany, was knocked uncon scious when his automobile was struck hy another driven by II. It. Prccver. Albany Racers are coming back for revenge. Will they get it? ' Legion Speedboat Races Emigrant Lake SUNDAY R1TPSH AVIATRIX NEAR FINAL LAP r Haliloiik, where she landed last f 33, however, and the delay caused; nfght. ? to aiutnden thoughts of taking The English girl flyer, who is HiKl' laurels, hound from Knglnnd to Australia. ntendH to start at dawn tomorrow t , , , .... for Port Darwin, Australia, the last i ena 8eeta(s tn nats an p of her flight. It will take her anoes at the Hand Box and Shoe ovtr 50& nnies of sea. Box, 223 East 6th St. fiitee taiW- Ko, 62. ' SIXTEEN IN Ml KILLED TH APRIL Miss Johnson left Kngtand May , etl hats at clearance nrtces. 2.9sJ S. inlcmiiiiK to better the IS day JS.98 and up to tT.8; popular! KnRutnd to Australia record of ! priced hats St.SS and uo-. shoes S.U.KM, Ore.. Mav 23. WPl today In hpr itnv r,,i m. i , . V, VT .7 i vsium. ja-rsinis were killed and a-a ....... i.-itt ,,iu,tiK jsviif- Kiijigeus aiay f ATAJIISOEA. Java, May 23 (P) j Jonnson arrived here Bert Hlnkler. She had to make a injiired i,v mftinr vhiole t-i- Silvnts in Ortgon during April, says! Regular dance. Gold Hilt, Sat. : the monthly report ot T. A. Rat- ; tlrht. Dance till J fety. chief Eate traf fie In-twctor. ) The total number of accidents was i 5417S.4& anst tWs caliectedl $3ttt.7. WeviUt-eo stoin ears I recovere,! with a value of J7T. 5Ol:Ti.AXI. Hose trfici:t! annaiimvit a rvKtttta and pyrotechnic display f,-,r the nisht BIG PIHIS LUMBER CO. m i f t tffia-tty WE GIVE GREEN DISCOUNT STAMPS-ASK FOR THEM Month-End Bargains at the M. M. Store Final May Days Bring Worth While Savings in Every Department of This Big Store Startling Reductions Shirts Shorts MUNSINGWEAR Shirts and Shorts in all styles, all ma terials, the very latest patterns. Plain white and colors. Fancy fabrics and specially- processed -- -Rayon by Mud eingwear. $1.00 S1.25 Men's Dress Shirts 98c Biff assortment 1.25 collar w eotUr liHlitl stylos !18. Men's Shirts $1.45 Beautiful fttst-eolorett full cut shirts. Sizes tiyi to 17, sfii.43. IN SPRING Coats Dresses Savings so worth while every woman In Med ford will come and supply hsr needs at thf nreat sale. Women's Spring and Summer LOW SHOES EXTRA SPECIAL White, Beige, Tan, Brown, Black and colors In fcfsi, palest or calf leathers. Pumps, ties, straps In fact any style, se or width included m this selling event. Every shea mean a saving of a dollar to yea. Better styles, Better qualities, Better prices $24.50 Printed Crepe Silk Presses $16.75 This lot centaina all dark ground prints, beau tiful colored figures, i sizes, S16.75. Exceptional Values in SPRING COATS $10.75 Printed Crepe Dresses $12.45 Big assortment of styles and siiea at this an usual pries, $12.45, 25c Fancy Marquisette Curtain Material 18c Colored Kiueks, .'ifS-ineti, tomorrow 1 8c Men's Rayon Unions 95c Hltte, lencli, fleslt. Sizes H-t to 4Ct, Summer Print Crepe Dressei : ; " ?890 You wilt eertafnfy be surprised. Sueh quali ties and styles are so unusual. You have not seen any dresses to equal them. Only $6.90. 59c Printed Shantung and Waffle Cloth 39c This k Kitttttve e!ose-tmt prU:v. Quantity ttttttttd tomor row, Erdnettre agents for Enna Jettick Health Shoes Only $6.00 Junior Enaa Jettick $5,00 AAAA to EEEE widths ARE PILED HIGH WITH Boys' Bargain Shoes Scout style, fiber soles 81.93 Grain Calf, fiber soles $2.98 Dress Oxfords, all leather $2.98 Men's Shoes Best . Quality Work Shoes tM to $2.98 Dress Shoes 12.08 to $3.93 Men's Chambray Work Shirts, 50c Slue or grey, sized 14'. 2 to 1?, triple stitched, full cut 50e Men's Socks Special 10c, 15c, 19c 27-inch Colored Outing 10c Extra outing value, suitable for quilts, gowns, pajamas, etc. Value equal to regular 15c quality. Fast Colored Cambric Print 15c Just received 2000 yards ot extra fine quaity wash prints for dresses, aprors and chil dren's wear. Full J6-lnch width, outstanding value, per yard, 15c, 50c Fancy Rayon Prints 39c Dainty colored rayr,n dress fabrics. 36 Inches wide, very special, 39c per yd. MONTH-END SPECIALS Beautiful Wash Dresses 98c Exceptional buy is colored wash dresses allows the M. M, Bargain Basement to pass on to you $1.50 dress values for only 98c. Indian Robe Blankets S1.98 Orc 'Hundred new pattern, robe b&tnkets gsJdt rose and blue for auto, camp nd home utc. Special iomorrowt $t,9& in our BASEMENTSTORE Big Savings on Children's and Misses Shoes You always pay less for shoes Jo tbe BE. M. Bargain Basement pe" paTr' """ Ub" 6'e' tt teM up to ' Ue Children low shoes, 5' to S tfM, $2.23; $2. Children's low shoes, tfo to tfM. 29s Children's low shoes, tt4 o 1 jjg. jj. f2m Women's Spring and Summer Low Shoes at sale prices tflra special special tomorrow. In beige, brown, patenter black kid $2.98; $J.48; $3.9S (Ml la fN rMj fjiiLi fJSb rMi BHMTMEKTSIbRE w Gowns Ifittiti i'mhreMtrmi effftt? jttmtts, intt!s-! or jnEtittt. Crepe Bloomers Women wash tf mtiiy kiiifele regulttr itutl extra sixes. 59 Scrim Curtains, 89c Excellent quality terim cur tains, colored; rayon borders of rose, gJW, green with; val ance and tfe-fcaskt. Equal to $t.5S qualities. Very s&ectei S9e. Boys' Dress Shirts Bettor sn!ii!(t and tes - prices. Stouset, light colors 49a Shtrtsv (tsnt colors. S0a Every eoat in our entire stock under Wg price redttetfott begmning tomorrow. -No matter what quality of coat wanted it can be fousd ' t in the M. M. stock at a big saving. " i ' Come Early Tomorrow $ 9.85 Coats".. 7M smi& z&M' $HM Coats . 10,08 Saving to yoa.L4 ?24.60 Coats 18. Saving to yoii. S. 6.12 A!i others fat proportion Van Raalte Combinations' Hiik (tv rayon fur shm;p strvtee. Sfatitis the test of fimta ami time. $3.25 to $4.95