Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 23, 1930, Page 5, Image 5

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! ! J . . . '. i " 7 " 1
is T 1
' KolloKg's ALL-BRAN Is Effective. Relief for Constipation.
i'v ' ' 'Also' Adds Jron to, the Blood i
Do you suffer from constipation?
il'Aro you .one of those who haVe
."tried one "vent pocket cure" after
' another and still have no sense of
'permanent relief? If so, this is
Vnig news to you! Kellogg's' ALL
"URAN is -natural, .effective rellof
''for both temporary and recurring
constipation. It is the original
and today "is included in the diets
f .of .millions of people who formerly
suffered from constipation.
'"'' Wheftroughago is' missing from
"food, constipation is tho ,conse
quencc.' '.The soft foods we eat to-day
scrdom include enough rough
age. The Simple necdssity. then. is
i to see to it that sufficient roughago
, is included, in pu. food,
? Kcllogg's ALLBRiAN is the bulk
vthat your system requires.
f'1'- Tn nrlflifinfi ' If.' In' rich In iron.
' Scjcntiflc research proves that
1 nearly" all this iron Is absorbed by
. thi system, building red blood and
Jrnging. '.thjglorious ,?olor .qjt,
) health to tlie complexion.
Kellogg' ALL-BRAN is posi
tively guaranteed. Your money will
he returned if you arc not satisfied.
Be sure to include it in reducing
diets as a preventive for both con
stipation nnd anemia. I
There are so many ways you can
cat Kcllogg's ALL-BRAN and en
joy it; In any form,' it is appetiz
inc. It is delicious with milk or
cream. Sprinkle it over cereals and
' : (By Mary Grelner)
After several weeks of written
reviews. submitted semimonthly,
under the supervision of Miss Mnry
Gilbert, tp the Mall Tribune, mem
bers of (he .Mermaid Tavern, book
club of the hlKh school, demon
strated to a largo number of In-
vilcd guests at St. Mark's guild
soups and notice the added flavor. ' ,a" 1111,1 "'k" "ley could do
Many people soak it.iri fruit juices.
Excellent in cooked foods. Your
grocer has Kcllogg's ALL-BRAN
in tho rcd-and-grcen package. It is
served in hotels, restaurants and
dining-cars. Ask for itl Made by
Kellogg in Battle Creek. .
Improved In Texture and Taste
t '" ...
Ab :
The Pig
Tail Market
The Best of Fresh and
i .......... . -i. , i ,
Smoked Meats '-
Free Delivery s, - South Central
. jv!,- ) FRYERS" " ?. i
Butter - Cheese - Milk - Eggs
4 All Kinds of Lunch Meats :;
Phono 325 r We Give S. & H". Trading Stamps
Jack -Worsham, " Prop.
In tho way of vocal expression.
Beginning the .evening with
group of songs beautifully render
ed by Mrs.. J, C. Collins, accompa
nied by Mrs. Carloton .lanes, .the
students presented an Interestingly
arranged program, taking In drama,
poetry ami prose
Mrs. Edna Vincent's Millay's po
etic fantasy, "Aria Da Capo," and
.loliu Mlddleton'H. "limbers' with
Its quiet reminiscences, were the
vehicles chosen for Interpretation
by Hie young writer-actors, and
presented under the direction' of
Jo-A une Smith. i
Tho cast In .the former included
Harriot Kayser, who played tthe
purt of Columbine; Clyde Davis,
in. tho role of Pierrot; Victor Dal
luiro, as Corthurmus; Koberf Nel
son, as Corydon, and Jewell Wad-
dell, as Tbyrsls. In the cast of
Embers " appeared Roberta
Stearns In the role of Mrs. Har
rington; Winifred Warner, as the
maid; John (teddy, as the son, Jas
per; ' and 'Charles Harness as the
middle-aged Mason King.
lletween plays the audience was
well entertained by Marguerite
Wntson, who presented selected
readings, and by William Dough
erty and Norrl8 Portor, who ran
tho gamut of vocal Intonation In a
group of Vacbel Lindsay's flexible
and rhythmic poems.
Interpreting the numbers as a
sunken duet, the two talented young
high school orators not only suc
ceeded in drawing tholr audience
into the contagion of Lindsay's in
imitable , verse, but exhibited an In
tellgont understanding of the mood
in which this poet and his works
should be approached. Their selec
tions Included "Daniel," "The Sea
Serpent Chantey'; and (but famous
negro epic, "Tlio 'Congo."" '
' -n ' . - i
tffN vn,
- V- Ends
... '. ; t . ''i
. Don't inisB this opportunity ; .to save . on
"Tho Illafkhlril Pie," ly Clay
tuii WidOj -will 1)6 proHontetl In the
Junlui IiIkIi audlturlum tonight ut
H o'clock.
Tho newly oiKunlzcd . Junior
IliKh Di-amatlc cltih, under tho
tUi-ectlun of Mih. Kdllh Brown will
In thlH prcHontiition maku Hh ft rut
puhllu nppviirunco. Tho pluy 1h
biiKCtl upon tho old nurmiry rhyme
and hua nuiny novul us well uk
hunuirotm Inuldonts wovon Into tho
IntoreHtintr llttlo plot. Tom tiwom
Ih In chui'Ki of tho Hconcry.
Charaetoi-H nro na followH:
(.'hlof cook, Luclcn Hmlth; maid,
Ia MorloiJock; Bccond cook. Louie
HodKHon;, foathorf Jean QulHen
herry; iioathcr, J'atrlulu Carton;
huntHincn, Sabln AVIlloUKhby, Her
bert Nellmtn; herdHinen, Howard
Hi'lirecennoHt, Klmer MMIIotiKhby;
Htory toller, Alary HoHeborry;
KiitMttH, Mary KinneoB iMatbi'H,
Dorothy -her, Olffonl Ayres, Hob-
vi't -. Moyut-H,. Helen AtcColllHter
Itnbert Itnyd, StunU-y Kunzmau,
t'aljiarinc llniudt, Onu Hundrlck
uon, Waunlta WIIhom. .
iKlnu, Joseph l'lerce: queon
AK'ithu lUnhauan: licraldK, ltob
Vouiik. Itobert tiull; councilor,
Karl I'odersttn; poet laureato.
iLiolph JnneM; truinpetorH, Herbert
lUrper, Chamiucy Hrewer.
itithrr IntereHtinK featuroa will
bo selection by Senior IliKh
Kohnol ClrlH Limikuo . urcliQHtia.
harp Htilo by Hetty Stennett, and
Violin milo by ItoKur Kayner.
r An hitflrentinRt Mchutil wcblblt will
be held intiuodiatoly after tho play.
Tlje parcntn will bo in chargo of
thf varioaM eoneenxlonH.
Senior Reception
-Is Tonight ' , .
Viembertf uf the reception com-ml(,oe-were
jmlUiiK the fluinliln
touches In tho K.vmnnHlum thlH aft-
oinoon for the nonior reception,
which will he given at the ftenior
. . Police believe the shooting wuh
thin evening.
Perhaps the most unusunl, deco
rations have heen arranged, under
the direction of Merland Tollefuon,
than at any previous school affair.
A false celling of blue, with silver
stars is one of the arrangements.
The walls have been covered with
deep blue, with sliver futuristic de
signs. Designs In futuristic lineH have
been worked out -and placed over
the door, with lights hid behind
green shades, the light playing on
the silver. The stage has been dec
orated in modern designs also.
Patrons and patronesses of the
dance are Superintendent and Mrs.
15. H. Hedrick, Principal and Mrs.
C. O. Smith, Attorney and Mrs. C.
M. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. T. P.
Tollefson, Mr. and Mrs. Allen It.
Drury, Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Day,
Miss Maurine Carroll and Miss Ha
rie Ridings.
Med ford Group IletuniH
From Convention, p, K, O.
Mrs. C: C. Furnas and' Mrs. C.
C. iOoldsberry, official delegates
from the Medford"Cbaptor to thy
state convention of P. 13. O., hold
In 'Klamath 'Falls this week, re
turned to Medford last evening
from the- neighboring city. M''S
T. W. Miles. Mrs. J. G. Love and
Mrs. Kathleen Hmlth, who also at
tended from the Medford chupt-j;,
have returned., v
They report a very- successful
convention and pleasant social
time. Meetings and banquets were
held In the beautiful McthodlM
church, and all delegates and vis
itors were well entertained by
Klamath Falls. the hOHteaschap
ter. There was a. 'votlnR attend
anco of ,about 80, Mrs. Furnas
stated this morning, and 200 pres
ent for the Wednesday banquet.
Tho convention opened Tuesday
morning and closed Thursday after
noon, t . . . .
Kresses Leave;,
For Chicago 1
Dr. and Mrs. .A F. W, -Kresso
left this . city,, yoHterduy. for .Chi
cago, where they plant to spend
six weeks of tho summer season.
Dr. Kresse will take special work
at tho -medical .institute there,
while Mrs. Kresse visits 'friends.
Rev. Claude B. Porter of thy
Presbyterian church was heard in
an ablQ and highly appreciated
address last night before the grad
uating cfass of the Jacksonville
high school.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Wood of
Prospect," accompanied by Mrs. C.
G. Mcndenhnll of this city, are
leaving tpday for a. short visit In
San -Fratfcisco.
Mrw. IlUHsell
To Visit Orient
Mrs. M. J I. ltussell, mother oft
Mrs. C. H. Paske of thl city, with
whom she has been visiting for the .
past year, leaves soon for tiaa
Francisco to sail one week from ;
tomorrow for Japan. She will huh'
via Honolulu to Toklo, where sho
will be joined by her daughter, MIsh
Mildred Jlussoll, who Is .an x-ray
technician in a hospital In that
They will make i tour of China
together and return to the Pacific
coast via tho northern route, stop
ping for a short time in Canada.
Mrs. Russell and daughter will
then como to this city to be guests
for a while of Dr. and Mrs. Paakc.
Mui( Teni'lierH Plan
Ijasl. MceUiic
Members of the Jackson county
chapter of the Oregon Music Teach
ers' association aro anticipating
their closing meeting for the year,
which will bo held at the Wagner
Creek summer homo of Mr. and
Mi's, i John White, Tuesday, June
10th. Klectlon of. officers; a dis
cussion of the year's work nnd a
picnic supper will bo enjoyed. Miss
Imogeno Wallace, president, and
Mrs. Rawles Moore, program chair
man, have been active in making
the regular" monthly programs in
teresting ftnd profitable.
Miss (iirfeu Feted
Prior to Tour
Miss Blanche Oiffcn. assistant
librarian at the City Library was
honor guest at an Informal party
given last evening by Miss Helen
Hlnck. Miss G If fen leaves next
week for Quebec to sail on thi
Km press of Franco .June 4th, for
a two months' tour of 'Europe.
She will visit France, Italy,
Switzerland and Germany, an J
plans to attend the presentation
of the Passion play at Oberammar-;
gau: ; "
Mrs. Shepard on Way to ;
Buenos Aires - 1
Mrs. Wj M. Shepard and children1
Balled for Buenos Aires on the Hrl-1
niander from San Francisco Wed-'
nesday of this week, according to
news received by friends hero.
Their cabin- was filled with flow
ers nnd several residents of Med
ford were at the California harbor,
to wish them hon voyage.
i lit. wi k. r-v i is
, of this deep-sea delicacy, even its
simplest recipes, makes it a perennial
favorite. Rich in food values and nat
ural iodine, that foe of goiter. Keep
the handy can handy. W it
CREAM TUNA M! one largo tablespoonful of bulltr
and one tablespoonful of flour with one cup of milt .
When ' cooled, add one small can of White Star 8nl
' Tuna; ioason to -the taste end serve on toast.
Ktudenls to Bo ,
lliMu-d, Radio IM'ograni
The vocal expression pupils of
Miss Sara VanMeter and n group
of piano pupils from the studio of,
Mrs. hi. K. Gore will give a charm-;
Ing program over KMF.D Sunday
evening, May '25, from 7 to 8.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Settlor of
San Francisco are guests In this
city f Mrs. Aether's mother, Mrs.
Charles M. Pctt. They plan to
spend a week In Medford. where
they are welcomed by many
friendH, as former residents nnd
members of the Medford high
school faculty.
Murphy, although a powerful Tam
many .-leader, was not greater than
tho three othora in Union Square,
so the flag pole is to commemo
rate American Independence.
Mr. Murphy, who had a sense of
humor, would approve of that1
Talkies have worried musicians,
making theatre orchestras unneces
sary. In Schenectady, witli tele
vision radio, the General Jilectric
Company has shown that one or-'
chestrn leader could -conduct a
thousand orchestras at the same
Musicians played In a theatre,
led hy "television' pictures of an
an exit
I ana
i -. -1 . t v -
Tli i wtick end will lie puckcil fill of pleasure ; miuiu'
lliijij; . doing vj-ry( minute. . .. (' ... , ,
i Be ready for every picture olmnce when it comes.
llrinu: yw expose,)! films heio for duvelopinir mid print
ing. You'll like our luh ruilc vorlmiuisliii.
rrompt altenlioii tQ-.Mnil Orders ,
Kodak and
. Supplies . ,
Photo i
J Ullh Bros. Am ' '''
.., A '
'&3V at a
lgi time
CliNTHAf. POINT, Oil',, May 23.
'(Spl.) On the afternoon of Thui-S-dny,
May 2 at tho Moderated
church, occurred the innrilaKc uf
Miw lOlb.alu'th Duncan. ilauKht.v
ir Mr. nnd Mi-k. i". (!. Duncan, tol orchestra conductor miles away.
Mr. Ilpi-nard .Winkler of I'ucatello,
i no liiiual imrty eutiM',d thol"'
ellllrell Im the Nli-nf,u ... M.,,, . i a
soIiu'h WeUdhiK March, played h.
Wllinn Hheley. Mrs. J. V. (Irlnies
It was aiiBKcstcd horo Ihc other
day that honks cost too much, anil
hook that can he manufactured
I for 10 cents ought not lo soil for
IE. oil. 'Ihree Dig puhlishora an-
sang "(), l'rnmlse Me," and "Into
too Dawn Willi You."
The Inldo was gowned In yellaw
satin and lace. Hhe Whs attended
hy her cousin, Misa Kltitalicth K'ott.
Mlw Kdlth Wlakler. slxtcr of tho
groom, -was maltl-of-honor. Kvcrett
Kaher acted as best man.
-Tho hrlde was given In man-lagc
hy her father. O. (1. Duncan. Unv'.
J. M. JohKson porforineil tho cero
niony. using the Impressive rln
After the wedding a reception
was held at the hooio of the bride.
Mrs. Winkler has been promin
ent In Central Point' social circles
and much Interested In church
work. She graduated from -the
Ioa Angeles lllhle Institute and tho
Southern Oregon Normal at Ash
land, she has been teaching ro-
cently In Idaho.
Brisbane's Today
(Continued from page one)
(Continued from Page One)
sNo Btn.R-toAmmi method on
I produce the fleTor tht Hill
I Bran.' eirhuiv procew Con
trolled Roiling can pro
duce. Every berry la roaated "'
Vvenly and a matchleaa, uni
i fotm flavpr ia the result.
Frtsh tram the orloinnl vacuum
pacts Eisily opened with the key'.
The "" movement In China,
attributed to Hussla, worries tho
Nanking government und threatens
permanent disturbance and war.
Premature transplanting of new
Ideas Into minds unprepared Is
dangerous. - ,
The Chinese, not ready for the
theories of Karl Marx or Keclus.
lake them too seriously.
Much better If they would stick
to Cofuclous for a few more cen
turies. !
: t'nlon Siiinre, In New York, is
to have a high flag pole costing
SSO.rtuo, erected hy the "Charles f.
Murphy Memorial Committee." Mr.
Murphy was a Tammany leader of
considerable imwer, Pfsassesalng
tho fnculty of sayl
Ing hla word
Inouuce Unit they will cut fiction!
prices In half, selling ?! novels.
If somebody would print the hesl ;
scientific hooks for GO cents a vol-1
iiiiio that would ho even hotter!
news. J
4 '!
Yesterday In a most solemn cere-1
mnnlal Vnpo Pius obsorveu the!
"holy hour" contonary. -Descending
from his apartments in the Vatican,
surrounded bv members nl' the ec
clesiastical and lay court, the pope '
entered the basilica at St. Peter's
and remained kneeling for one hour
In meditation.
- The "holy hour" nrch-confrater-nlty
was established one hundred
years ngo In memory of the hour !
of agony In the Garden of ties
themane, preceding tile crucifix
Now It Is celebrated bj Catholics
all over the world.
Mules to I let uni Home.
Mr. nnd Mrs. .1. T. I.lttle. of
Dixon. 111., who have spent seve
ral weeks In Medford enjoying the
scenery, climate and many friends,
leave tomorrow for their home.
Itoih any Medford and the coun
try look better and more pros
perous thnn on any previous visit.
Easy to get
JUST think of all the beautiful and
practical article that are now tfiran
awar for your Alpine Milk Label, and
you'll Wart aaving th.m today. .
; Never be without a upply of thia
rich and creamy evaporated tmlk.
tJrtl rr Aran uf Atnitu i l. .
er, pifsassesa ngi i' 57. "l ,,me
ng little and keen your rocf 1 "'"""ted Premium
and K9,p Folder your. re.. Write to Alpine
The flag pole which w . h. i L": .,.m VH. loos Mimioo
erected in Murphy, honor wllti' 4 "n ",naKO-California,
domlnale monument, to Washing- Tt . fl SS1 -
! in-J-, A .. i.lvu., ag.i,.U i, ,T.
on sivmiil ihittmhl, tin
Citrus granulated. Only one Llbby's fancy Alaska ,red.-
. , selling expense at Santfords.
Large pkg.
You save on salmon at Santfords.
Ghirardelli's, tho very best at
Santfords saving.
1-lb. can
l-lb. can
Tuna Fish
Sperry's drifted show. Save Fancy whUe stp- ,he ehick.
next week at Santfords.
49-lb. sack ....
en of the sea, at Santfords
saving. :
Del Monte brand, at Sant
. fords wonderful saving.
6 g. cans
Corn Meal
Sperry's; eastern, each sack
guaranteed. It's fresh, at Van Camp's at Santfords sav-
10-ib. sack
-. ing next week.
Per pound .
" Mlk
Your choice of Carnation, Al
pine or Borden's, at Sant
fords everyday saving.
Med, bizc can
G tall cans..
You Jy 0rHy
1 ' v
One Selling
AT -
Can you afford to pay more next week?
Extra quality. Buy the gal
lon size and save at Sant
fords. -
Mr. Stewart's, at Santfords
saving price.
Strictly fresh Halibut, Sal
mon, Sole or' Black Bass-
No. 10 can ....
Large bottle
Your chloe at Santfords
Per pound
Extra quality large oval catu.
Save at Santfords next week.
Per can
Extra quality In small cans.
Buy at Santford saving price
C cans
Medium weight, mild cure, at
8antford saving.
Per pound
Fancy Rcy Anne' in heavy
rup. Save at Santfords. .
lg. Vi can...
Potato Chips
waxed bag
Fancy quality In waxed bags.
. Save at Santfords. -
Farcy quality in hull.. Bring
your pail to Santfords-
6 pkgs
Per pound