Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 23, 1930, Page 12, Image 12

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    REDFOTtl) M3HU TRIBUNE, MF.DFOltD, OlslKlOK, VKUUY, MAY 2:1, 1!tt0.
Two Seaters to Roar in 900-Mile Memorial Day Track Classic
WORTH $40,000
Tiny Motors Gone From Indianapolis
ling Mechanics Will Have
Place in Event Carbu
.retors Limited to Two
Per Auto.
Hy Claude Wolff
j(Apsoctated I'rewt Stuff Writer)
hazard, color, and glamor wilt
mark the 500-mile uuto nice May
JO'at JntiiunaiioJis speed way.
t Where 33 men dared death on
the gray-bricked, treacherous turns
the. last seven years, 80 wilt take
that chance this year in pursuit of
the l 10,000 prize money.
Victory will be worth 540,000
thta year. This includes the first
place money, and wide rl?iea. The
other prizes scale downward. Two
thoUHuml dollars at $tQ8 per lap,
wJU. be distributed.
; Tito riding mechanic, dramatic
figure of by-gone races who was
outlawed seven years ago, is back.
The number of cars that may start
ha' been raised from 33 to 40 and
tftotors may be four timed us targe
'.pi they were in the last Memorial
y. race.
j ;': Until Carburetors
iDnty two carburetors will be
permitted on a car, whether it has
four, six, eight, twelve or sixteen
cylinders. The blow that new rule
4oalt may be understood' when it
Is explained that many of the cars
used last year had from four to
eight carburetors on eight cylinder
Another factor demanding per
fect carburellon is the outlawing
ofj he super-charger, which drove
the gas into cylinder chambers.
Louie Meyer, winner in 1928 and
for' the last two years America's
d, riving champion, will gamble his
chances on a brand new IC-cylln-der
V-type racer. He ran second
last year. Hiding with him as the :
mechanic will be A id en Sampson,
mm- imanciai oacKer, wno win ne
gojfng in for his first taste of major
ftuto mobile racing. . .
) -) l)c Paolo Jteinndng
) Pete De Paolo, the only other
Indiana po Ha winner now active In
racing, will return from retirement
tarthis one race, lie has invited
italph Da Patina, his "uncle;" to
drive iho other racer of his two
car Btable,
V:Baconi Borzacchini, Italian who
mat an Kuropean record of 152,85
miles an hour for 10 kilometers.
Will drive his J6-cyiinder speed
$ter. i 1kii Moore, - Louie Schneider,
peacon Litz, Pete Kreis, Bob Mc
Donogh, Billy Arnold, Babe Htapp,
Russell isnowberger, the veteran
Lon Durny, Cliff Bergere, Tony
Guletta, and others of the younger
group will compete.. Bay Keech,
w$ip won. by some fine driving a
ye-4r ago, will be missed.. He was
k ft led at AUoona a month after hW
victory here.
r- -r -PV-x ,Ur IHO Dun u
AAjwy iA1 fi&, 1 -Alien
Lags- ' MlfZml I K
L of" i 'Vj V ( return
Deer ajid Bear Interesting Animals
Seen in Crater Lake National Park
he jein in CraUnr isfe imtimrM
Prk art varkff , aa4 iajt'rt'sj
s says Jiims ii- 5Jrrsi in his Ore-
ThP iwar, of vojtrsi it the
; Riiiid t those feav? visits ih
ist-fe. t'm- many years ho ars in-
j Legion Drum Corps to Head hm ut of bjrh. tup ai-
muls wvrt reiidii iimixi hy siie
sUaJi(;itfJ a? YfwiiiiU Haliai
park in Cafonda. H ay-s dr,
a t& a&Mt in ami mmiUfi lis'
iirk thiy and iiHslii.
ijR 'rattp ajiSHa? parfe. The
f Y'-iHJie fee? ea U satae
rjw ijrt yar srsaeiJ, HiH bo-
: Anr nrrrnrh
rfOCeSSIOH SI HyHla:Si htmtvr -h rsrrfca tlteir; Use lwr rf i'mte? iark have l
f i n ' n -iivil$ with t-wsaismiiv fm'-iwlgnjifi i Kaids n
UrSU 3HU Uftnny UfiVcrS dota hccaMe f tl Wk of a swffi--er so)h After iijse dwrr n;ivo
2i O r . I erly to patrol ih ark. I jieratK la ia jsai, wlre iimy are
iraiu has t-oiiie fearfe, fcis'r, feJ smi mhairi by iarlsis, fey
sad, iu-cordaig Ui eaiUant& f park
jiujiie this Amtiiv;t 8ion s' !taUred J : the aaissals Ufrrfc A
vxnd uutbmud HuKwJmt re-lre ot thweo ape aajMontefttt-
-ftOTttn 4tfiit iiSMI WiH Sil'M ttS-Mt. W
iwoiap easy pn?y t llk'al liMBif-rs
1a thtv ia the aiiiirsitet-tcd
Tlje ife ?njir isirJs ?ilfr
Sass and Acorns &&r
Losses in Slanding Mis
sions Crowded for Lead
in Sesond Division. ;
. , . . ... J Tim- r la Crater? t?r rmme s ess. f h; e i6
Tito Memorta! Iay .nue at lit dtaaapoilx spewHvay
machines, lAmte Mtyi will rarr y bii finajMinl 1Jsw A'dea Saa-;mm, nn mvvhnnlr
the twviing of the new type- marh f in tttii (tef Ifi't) wiiii it(ic HfiiiteitU'r at the
de laolo fmrr right) 1h a former winner.
(aftovr) tN year will feature two-paftsttser
, vl" oyer
The annual field meet of the
it btj? patade thrtMg
The pantde wfU fii at.S p. j,
at the Chamber of Cotmtivrve j
balldias audMWiH Ie le tftrgU
ihe jttretts h: tho AtaeHsraa
gion Ne. lft-m Cat i
Harry G. Moore, chaimtan of ihv
regniia committee, aaataae,ed to
day. Ali the speedy mfi aad alit
wilt partk'ijjate-la the ariJe and
the oniboard rmhutiUuftM lii have
opportunity to "get a iin" oa
sunae of the favarltea hefare the
Umitx itkim iato aiia SSaaday at
p. in.
l'mmm la h, U'wrilaad ii
la ordr to eiean p a few de.- a sS iff fihi vaa pat Hp yesie.'-? ?faUiaJ
tails eara a vat'leas rales HaHerjiy iUveea taa ieiit'aas f Kiam-j . v.
which thf races will be geveraa i silt Kails aad the Medfni Mec-j, ais . .13
aad elateslflcatloa wf thf score or rlmni, fir the snsaershlji if 3u-U irwkivn .... 1
more bonis vxjietted to he watered nvaia, a hardaitiiaw third iiase-i liubirgh m
The kja?3se l-afOs Sar ssji Oafes,
vk'5jfs Weaesia taraeij ahiissi
aad iilis 5t fewir kite
aiafl TiUmae cat-balifi defeat-
Boy facout of the Jackson eoua'yj , !i Bedford llxehange. 2 t 4,
troops will be held next Saturday SSHlDinO SHU LOU GCnliCS Hit ) it alght in a one-siied contest.
- . t ne ter were tu arnica i- ih
Swat Stride As Shawkey iu. jimnio 8fntt
. . . ,,. , iti'iw third bngKi-r dlHtinsulshed
Ciub Drubs Athieiics 10-1 pilaff wu wh hvy hiit
, 'knocking tme halt t the ti f
and 20-13. Uho RrumlKtnml. Meheffel aad Clay
wuier it&turaat jntt ttM tKSitJt w wj iw u- t -
UHinhers. K. C. Saasliy, suiter ia-: park " Oafeis4' Hjkws, Taree
i iaiti, J.S
iBiia hy Jerry ioaovaa as4 HesS
Vi the hist Thssmlay 2ABie i
Jjjaye fey nhe iacs at Sst-sscfeB
d?as tae sliift t Klglii imH
the 3b iittxt at iamte, ifea
jVi ea4rs re d5ae4 by ih
'sb 5a tasr series Uh Uwv
ss 'SJsIobs, hat Easily sfHceei3l1 hy
33 j !!o333rmH4 set ihv eredU fr jica-
lcs, ? fee afa iaafeet Psjas
3 f l farsher ais ih& rMUtr with a
,5s i 1 try 3 to and 2 to 1,
I Jas ia ifea last feal
Isai ! aah wJsh eat already, aad
1 e pitched 84ad
U? In ieoBii vsi?sst
Ua i'srt&Mttl ssat asa hits, aa sF
Ut iNiffes1 Clrt3aa, iietd tag Stars ta
jifeT&e, fesit the tfisspns feaae
ivt, hJtfs t iake tveo mas es; ifee
?; eiiag& ixi win.
'' e 5 i?Brsale?K CfSSH
!ms Hfea ? " c Ja h firasi iJK&vs
1 fefi MiioB itii aJy
UishM bs Hrst iace Sa the seesa
RnWMAN BFMliN I Baseball Standings j
uuiiiiiiiii iii.uiniiiu :
j4ftihlati S$ IS
j LI 11 1 llllllll til 14 I I11'1 iJii 2J
nil i iiii Uiii riiiii I s mmu si ss
I f Wi.S.U)Ki t jlinHywotai 1 S3
I iSiS!ij ...... 24
TUB DAUJiti, Ore.. Slay 23.
(At P. t!- HSngliain untl Honor Bon
net t, reiirGscntatlveK of the Jack
son County (iamfi I'rotwtive ass(i
cintion ant! the Grants 1'nns Izank
Walton league, were lioro toiiay in
tlie Intercut of the Kogue river
fishing constitutional amendment,
which ii is tro(iael to place on
the November baiiot.
They tave arranged to have lie
titions lor the measure circulated
here. .
While the southern OreRon
sportsmen reported to The Dalles-
Dldlite is the favorite a:ls "na Bn",""n ....
utm mm fir
rrtriftiji nrnnn tifin
fJ ION DON, May 2U. P) Tlie
ucceK8 tff the American hred horse.
The Scout It., In the Newmarket j
takc& yesterday, has raided the
possibility of nn American winning
the historic derby at Kpsom thiB
yar and at rfhe aamV time kIvIhk
WllUam Woodward of Xew York a
chance to win both the American
nd British derbies.
. "Wood ward's Gallant Fox, a half
brother of The Scout II., won the
Kentucky derby last Saturday.
,;Tn Scout IL had shown conBit
Bt Improvement recently and yes
terday defeated several other derby
candidates at Newmarket.
- The Scout'a success yesterday has
9ortene4 the betting odds against
im for theerhy -to; IS to 3, when
jftevloutdy he had been quoted ai
K3tr1, Dl6Hte Is the favorite a:
Iffii TO !:
-, Jmt In the last year or two the
rtte same commission ha been
planting a new gnme bird in the
Itcldfi of OreRon. the haff-domeBtl-Cted
guinea fowl- Sportsmen of
tlie HoKue river valley are par
ticularly intereted in the pro
rs of the experiment r many
btlteve the Riilnea wilt thrive in
tftc open and furnlh great sport
foe future fenerations. The farm
r are glad to welcome th"? harsh
Voiced bird' to the valley, as its
ratj'gus alarm-cry frtghns hawks
atld other predatory birds and anl
Ji!ftt and gives the domestic floe!:1
timely warning of approaching
v. Iioncers on the llogue nay that
fuinea fowl were very plentiful
lt the days before intensive culti
vation and irrigation and pro
vided much game for the table.
But guinea" disappeared, it long
With the Knme and native pheas
ant, which ftr now well-nigh ex
tinct. Oregontsn,
at the fairgrounds, beginning ai
1:30. All scouts have been nd-j
vised to be on the grounds ready!
for inspection at i o'clock. j
In tries have been imule by JO
troops, each of which Is confidf'nt 5
they will carry off (he silver cup
awarded the winning troop. Tho
cup waH won hint year by troop;
three of Med ford and has been ,lnj
their possession for the past year.
Kn tries have been sent in by 1
troops 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8 9 and 10 of.
Medford, 23 of Talf-nt. 5 4 of llea
gle, and troop 28 of: Kerhy. Therj
are 16 events in tlie cup compeli-j
lion which include fire by friction
sprints and dfasheF, d reusing rac
wail scaling, pny expresB, 4-ia-yard
relay, tug of war, pacing and
.signalling. Special exhibitions have
been arranged in archery and a
contest in hugiln, in addition to
the competitive events of the field
meet program.
Some records established at last
year's meet are apt to be broken
If the rumors of unofficial records
attained during: practice of the
various troops actually materialise
in Saturday's performance. There
is no admission charge for the meet
and the public fcnd parents and
friends of scouting avP invited bv
the committee to attend the meet.
in the meet, a meeting of tat i man ti the Tiaitwr iajjae. After; xv Vrk
J!;tn regatta cwHitaUtce ami ihe several hmrs arrise, it was tie vhit'ann tH
I-iiots will ie held at iie ciiiiiii- cidd that 3&eilf&r had st rhif t xtrkUm a
Iwr at i'inM-jTP boihiing at rlglu &n the rS of liwia,(3)3HBBB . . I2
p, m., Saturday, Mmtra iiHamiti eil. The evideace pr&&ms& Man-, inifeuejtliia S
drawing? fr r nd rttvrjBr Court I ail was inai h hri Attfitia
pn.ltittas in th fear vbsssns fhad vrif&ttttAiiee with lhvemn
tmH prohaidy will ie held aliln regard to piayiag n the Med-j HUUt&mi H4
! Ktnigntnt dam simrtiy team; thai a May ith at- Hatfeipfeia. ti
Starter V. T. iiitker'a fiK wmis lsf; tory amseffift! wejv t'levelnml 1
the entries bb their way i thc:h l?wataa t Ji tht Aidf;J j Xvw Vrnk i&
mu nlag fivt'-aiik' spriat- j iejun, ami inai on amy itu j5). iaiii
! Most f tie activities f the J
sHst l wo days itavs eewtert m
Hy Hugh S. FnHerion, Jr.,
Associated' i'resy Sports Writer
Since early season, IJafee
has been going better and better.
i tnaintahted their onaraatlne sia-
tion to perfection at center and j
! left field. Second liasemaa t:huck j
j.'i'ijoumjt proved a deep -well fwr i
several siiort fiie. ;
Jtui?j1 Iist night's victory was the
fourth consecutive, fat the tvtata
the hike, where sume f the ea-;
trants have been patting their
boats through peed tes?t in ex
pertathn of ahattrlns a few rec
ords Sunday. Tiiere has l)wn
yonut vary myterlaa aad were
Jive meehaah-ai work and testlag
gidng on the lust few dstys some
tite drivers seemins very n
iurtant for nay mm t cjbo near
their outfits.
Judging froai some os ihe per-
ami the Yankees have been improv-H"1 IfJ"??1, u?JT I n Ui a
mg meaiiiiy. Hut not until yester- i mul phicvn at Uic top of the
day did the Babe and his slugging , iist.
partner, I,ou Gehrl.?, itit their trt j IiPrt' Jinx refused io desert
form together io give a demon- "m iitst "d "" lvf a;
j j fast gatue lo tiold Seal. 4 to 3 i
t stration of the tiossi bi 1 Pit's tf liob i m i..i.
Itllth onennl Ul with his bie ! vu. Associated Oil
Hnrs- Kluiirpr. Hnany Tisoti!!i-
j Ai wwsw, "ISuScSj" Weieii, Sid
ti'C wtsti will line )J !iif!Bii
t.ah bSIkt In the fiasw It
C and fro-fr-a!! rvpnis, tiso rem-
clem signatures In (lie southern
Oregon counties, but they iroiioel
to circulate petitions throughout
the slate.
seam tomorrow
8J5ATTLK, May 23. (JPi Ore
on iitate colIeK, will break Into
crew r&einff tomorrow afternoon
when the Beaver elh meets the
first and second freshman tmat
of the t'niversity of Washington
nver a two mlfe course on take
Washintiion here. The O. H. t.
combfnathm was expecied' to take !
two workouts today to K?t the
"ffel" of a Washington oat and
oars. The Beavers did not bring
their shell with them.
suns on Wednesday when he hit
three hunte-runs In one game Yes- j
terday he performed a slightly f
lesser feat, hittins two homers ii j
one of a doubiehearder aa.ii
one in tiie second, while Itis mates
followed his example in hitting 1
hard and frequently to trounce tit; 5
Philadelphia Uhlettes by the dj-t
clsive scores of i to 1 and 20 to!
. s
In the two satns, the Yankees!
made 3Ii hits, f which nine we-e
homers while the Athletics mad
five foar-hasKers in the second
contest, j
Ciehriff Also Kits,
ehrif? emulated Hash's sreatl
feat by hiitins thre In this same,!
The bis three of the Va-nkees J
It uiii, itzxerl anl ehrifi mad" i
IT of the hits, with some oaisldej
assistance from Jyn Jtr whiij
even Jiusty toike, tif iiiik-j
yoanKster of the club, made tiire
blows in the seeond same,
The douile defeat checHed ih'j
Phliadfdjiiila prospect n of ovritak-j
ins Washington's teawne leaders,
as the Senators ttk two game j
from tlie fJoston Ued Kox,
Collins and -Itotsh&ttser of the!
iirownjf save Cleveland seven hits
atandinss, W. I.
Mail Tribune A a
Associated till Z 8
Jenninss The 3
i'ost Office 2 1
Your Office iioy....2 2
tlates Auto 2 , 2
tJold Heal 2 2
Kfjerry Flour a ; 3
Medford 4
lnmports 0 i
nlrnrc tt the lafee bimI ril-
. . r . r tlttlm it
i B ' omiictd ! tonisht and lt!li
1 689 i !rt!in of r broadrai
.mi I K-vatm inK tho shore was tnrt-
,5S)9 ;-d today.
saa i Miiny iSnafs.
. One notatfte foatiirp o the raws
iji the ftirt that most I the -traiilK
will haw iw' hosts tx-
'(reti with liraad JaiUMmn
ieahorw -;i. AI ?fvvn'
i niiiuiat dHs.iM-ata t l-tahs-rr'
iirixp wlnnissB ratt, "fflnek Vrt
day." :.!- Hurley i''s,'r-
Htcill, tWO Wiii iiiiW AiiHiHy
idioln. iso will he hrre aicaiii Ur
the nHT, wilt wortS that their
iioat have I"o remadehd )Uid
are now eiijiahie of nltaiiiiiss a
ajieed wvernl tnHen an isuur S
wvH f Jiast swrfonnKntesf.
ils-ie ") ixtat. I he ;!! Will-
sent HtjwHjan t Klamath Fatis. ihicasw 12
tm certain hliKs. with ths im-i lij-troii . ....... AS
aVrsiaHdins that itwian -a t-i ttii t2
reilirn to .Miiforii; init Hjttm ar-
rivai at Khtimtih Fall iliwmaT f
was immediately faraished with
Boiforia anit rhiUnrd hy the matt-f
AHltoush Kianspth Kaii S't HKl""8 niiii Hs!sS s 5tac ta aas-hur teveps-W
a hard fisht fer Bstreaw, tlsey "' SJsj.iiiii- i ure
flBaiiv isracSmsslv posswdrit Msd-I ve-aiile iw iKis-li, . . ,
ford... sirhir rhdi! hy !i!laK tUm: Matty of tho 54 favorite are
man hack witit IMi. ! "Ihers re-
; . tired, hat tha aataeit at Hay ila-
i 1 'at- lsMac KesaitB
. S4i - I '..K.
Fisnsi- sasst-; R.
ea, I. aat in the world, tr eloja ; iilhiiai ..... , ii
to iSti.asa of jHore ijt jui? MtiHillyw?d ...... ? 38 .2.
a lijiirh, t'j-sanfe the ohi 3M-troi ! tays taimisana; 4whsta tn
AIMO.KOAY55, Slay 23.
Jpei"i!ii.) The nasenaU gsifi last
Sunday at irivii ijelwein -Jacksonville
a d irovoH wa very ia-
terestlns. JaeitssmvUie winuinj?, 27 j
la 11.
Ktdaad KfiiJHi of itycfi itjys aa
5 r-ismiii game; I?
I 5wrifeiHH , , 1
MiIi3fwii ,...... S
Ortmas aad Woodall;
ras, Jias and Jaan t'hevra-j
Ht. tUitvh msitm-iL Tammy Sill-.
8R0WNS8GHG SUNDAY iu"' Fra"& ockhart Ai Stodctom li. IT.
lieyer nm? liay Kee k remain j AageJes , T S
taenis f the roariK Jd Ktllij Wafea mrs aad ilaisj;
j in the S(aiiSht are M cltonmisn, Kjyijn, "Vifttst, Thorns and Kac5ste
de itti, Oaray aad fa Meyer, .
iha 2S-year-a3.1 naiianai ehampiwa? At ifesn FrancascGi H, 53,
fa th jjh tw yearf. faatT ttflwpaitss -. 55 i
the 132$ nu-t ranner- fcwt yetu'J Misisdoiw 3 11
33rawftB-boro -
i thrifier, 3eyer came from ns-f
to jisy
May 25 to jjisy taa
i Slants
i;.lniHinla; his prestige In thv
middk weight wrest has diviioat
j Wildcat iett of KtiKette, h ap
pears mre iminy mnt m a -lJlpr raaked nest to
ish matelt Kiinst Teddy Wt-s,i, t in viWVt Ki the first ta't
defatted i.(ff Joe ifi a reeeat Jf twt(S 4w hsve t
mutth at Kuseae. Yatjui Jos diJ tt lttt j wlii he ana
f the hluhlisht f he reUa.
Hmever AI Stevens' and imtefe
Weieh's lmts aw nJ exaetiy
piayed his ntdiity here in defeating
tith Watkins tw o straight falis, and
Jmal fiOis thoKh he did it heiter
tin. a lete, who nn-t him here
shrt Utae before,
lete attempted to obtain stverai
airplsae spina aa the Indian, hat
he is expected to im marc sarei
fi in his match with Waters.
First piaee in th S-J!fWn thf, rfaKerous spin. Waters
Is eoti.ias direct from Coiaiiihas,
far a series of matches in the
while t. i-oals hunched five of fts
hlows itff Clint hrown la one in
ning for a 3 to 2 vietory. fieorce
1'hie of IJetroit nave Chicago hat
six hits fur a 6 to 1 triumph.
Cards In 1ead.
saws and will jjive a j,wI arroant
of !hnlw. Wllb verai dark
hars?s" in the offiaK ti' a eertain
ttiess itini none of the r&tvn H1
ie derided at the stitrtiRK line.
i Cincinnati Keds their seventh w;; thfl firRt uf whMl m iflj
sight defeat, 4 to 2 whfie the MpdfoP(K ,Jptff a fjJ
! lowing in Medford and fans ar?;
expeeted to ha present from ali j
parts of the county, Ui view af thej
ahiilty uf the wrestler, hth of s
i wham are exhoider of tim worlds
middleweight chmpiahip, j
Itay Prishie, Medford wrtiei :
j wiii appear in lh special evni, :
t Q
IIAKKR. Ore., Mnjf -After
pummeiing his
gue passed Into "tho hands of tii'f
Ht. lrOiiis Card inn Is hh they gave
Itoston Jiraves were heating out
Iirookiyai S to 5,
Brooklyn found old Socks Sei
hold a hit too maeh aw he pitched
hi eight complete panic of th
season and d ro ve in the winning
run himself with a slnle in the
ninth inning. It was Helha.ld
sixth victory. , " , , . la keeninK witti the recent an
Chuck Klein, leading home-run naaacemeat that thh year's mt
hitter of the Ntionl league IsM i j AA1 j t kfT( slf toarnament will include
reason, found the range in ij'?!J l PlflfrllX aiedftl competition fr ihe 15-
Polo grounds in the m innlngj LUUllI I Lfl 1 wllw .Chandler Ka friendship trophy,
to decide a s.rgce hetween thi Htfs Hagua Valley Oolf eluh re-
Phillies find the N'ew York OianAj ft PA PI $ If APPPHA t(ive3 a letter recently from the
in which homers were almst il 1 LJiL 1 1L L L y aoKiatian.
hit a feaiari? bs thr-y sere In th; ft 1 11 1 1 j f f Th hAter fts fartfe ihnt siaec
American league lhiideijjhiit-Ne. itlv4I f lm Ul 1 11 IV e trophy was suggested or jr.ota-
Vork gim- Klein's homer, with 5 i ja'tftian, there havtt itenn Keverai
on on has. gave iha lk.iiles a 1 9 'Enthusiastic goifer and adn.1rf
Iff in S vietury. I The Timhcr kague has her rt- Air. Kk who have vinntwred
The Chicago Cuhs likewise did . Kftjj ! on the Hoaihsra utmniit amka fntrihuiioH rf!rd the
some range finding t make 13 league lyem, Aresdy they hav pieh of the trophy. It is f'itt
hits good for a 12 to 5 vietory overs paj-aify rfjsri)tfffi (ha Hand tctn however, thai the trophy would
the Pittsburgh Iirates. ' Uiy &eeann three of their idavers he mare representative ff th don-
utiti Kitoclui iittv& iee.t r wcra many in nuatier aaa
smnnd the ring for two rounds 0verai mmhers ef tb; represented all cial In the state,
with vicious Ieft ml rights to the Medford team to Join the Aberdeen; H Is suggested rather than to
fce and hodyJohnay Carlson, hih, iayfl Husines Manager .HIU av tha ciah ppraJriata tha
Porthind hit TTvownie Ttuskirfc. Hall has relailiated hy grahMng (ney, memhers partieipat
IfndiMon while the latter was on OBrleil arid. Uowermstj from thj in purchase of ihs traphy 19
his knees and Hefer Ming Mr- Kli HK jnwkin ramrihutions not to
Kim nwarded thWnt to liusklrk i THff Hest has receive! savaral wl an dollar ach, taniflhuUuns
on a fnui in h sixth round of ajfJaUpHwit nffer in leava the Med-1 maihd i iiww i. Hiirb
?3 a- ,.uu,a i ,t here fn-t ford e a itut so far has lurjied b eas.naaa i
opponent night
caaimlttft Itox 4$f IJugene,
where to wis it and ieat a flacfe j ,:
of great drH1enft. Mejer had loaisiaad .
irtfiWin itt-er t-- ..... ai-f i
owner tf a sarajj a ssot tfie- i
,-t'iianh; aaJ iaitcn iy ilia raeln?;
) hug. Just isefore the race, he Kotf
ehitnea ts ?uy a ew frwm ited
i Chafer who Ima. two' hiraelf aniSi;
waatl i pafi with oae of iheai,il
Meyer aol-d isia Interest, in I he j;a-
rsfjstf hy 5as 4 .stance tsdphaae
iHmgM jh ear and wn the raee,
-5 4 4
Jisr5 sfi imtardl. ;
Alan J.Qould
er-j. ..,.' .
It mi.y t laeaa so i'ii t
the pnhih- tit iiirBe, pirking Us
ftarct ; way tifrsaigh trafih; at
Ihimdiay nd J-rty-seend street,
hut It Is itiitly igaifhaat ta the
awtotmddie rating wrld thai the
roar f twa-eateii nniehines. In-:
stead ot tiio Wftspit huxx of single
aea -qra mw can le distintiy i
heard around the hrick ieeiiway
t indianaptilis. e tav it R ,
tha word of Stave ilnngiin, tlto;
latihtaapolia kid hiiaseif,. that the;;
real oration of iwo-jsentlng racing;
nmrhines io the faaiaas 5Sa-iaiie
aweppaisaei thl May fit;as a
iteais4itico tn the atittnnohlie
apeed world,
"Where were the fainra drivers
trained in tii i4 days?' e
wjaaded Mr, ilannegan. "Why
risiii heside th afeed kings of ;
their time in the mechanic' seat.;
io tho past seven year, af isngtfi
aealed yaeers, the result ha heen ;
t red aea the Bsssfew of f if
elasa drivers, The hoy either had
to go oat and drive, with the
ehaace of hein huaiial off ihrtt
hn-k f extiieneet r reiuaia 'R .
tite groand
First Insurance
A, i., HiLL, fi8.f
PfeB 5 SO H, Ccstnl
1 Medford, Oregon
Peta de iaolo ieas ne the ntr
ing game a a jnthanie for hf
aneie,- ltaljh da laiaia, 3ele he- ;
cnm nnilonnl dsamfdon in 1S25.
when he set the Jmiianannlis rec
ord af iai tniies jwr hoar, and
reflated in 12", Nfw he has two
ears entered for the 1130 raee,
ana of whieb ha lans tt ffer
to Cnela itaiitii I
'H$mf af ihe drivers. like lajhf
McUnough, don't waai io ie fth-
ercd hy njeehaaifs. They pefer
to jtlay ioae Jsaads . . . Then)
there !tn Ouray toa 22.ijaun1
veteran, whajse nrinel difficulty
In finding a maR?e mali
enough bo hi maehlno wont le;
over -weigh ied
Na other ciae f the auto.;
racing world can euai tlia drama
f th fftmauK ?ts6-n?iitMfnaHa
day whirl at ff:ia?isnii Aa-
aawliy, it drnw the iis;esi crwdj
of any r$s seeeia in Anieri-1
Like 'Em
for a real
Emigrant Lake
C P if ff
y. 5 1 m
ill ,32it?T
Mil' . ii ..?
cf th CSS wssh !BS j