' O ' ', II I IS 8 i PXGE SEC MEDTOTtT) MATL TRIBUNE, M"EPFORD, ' ORFlOX,- THURSDAY, MAY 22, 19.10.- vome to Medford 1 omorrow and Lelebrate i i PARADE TO SAY GOODBYE FEUS HELLO STRAWS Medford' March Will Mark ; 1 Donning of Straw Hats Here Shops Have Many Varieties. Felt lintH for mon will iln u nivun wbik tomorrow whon .Mcrifm-il rijlolimtra Hit third nnnuiil Vstniw , lial" ovont witii a Hhowy imnxlo ut jiioon IH which mm'p (linn unu hmi ili'od pociplo will phi llcljiato.:' : WII-" lflni I iHiiuea Ih cltull'mmi of tho jcominlttoe in churgo of tho Hlruw IliAt cololimtlon. , I- H. a. Mendonhnll lum cunli'lliut jfd Bonoiounly to tho buccosh of tho lrllv hat occuslon by iiluyliiB host ly uii iiiKiiiui?rH ui ino ounu anil jtlio boys who carry bannarx In tho parotic. They will all,, attend a (HHow at tho C'raterlan theatre an (the RUiwtH of Mannitel' Alolldonhall. r'VFor weeks mon'H finnlHhlnKM Hturea have had their Blraw hula ready for Introduction to tho molo (population of this city and tho , ltoiiue Kivor valley. Several dates I for 'straw hilt Bay 'havo loon set I only to he pottponed because of .unexpected ishowors. . Now that! summer seems to bo' definitely hpre to stuy nothing could pot- I peine tho uppcaraneo of straw W'Sdifear tpr the rbiUs. Women have boon wearing theirs for jlnnntlM. iliit -then, women carry UlulirollaN COtlHCloUH. Ho ut 111 o'clock tomorrow 20 Junior hlKii school boys will march up Alain street curryluK bunners which will proclaim tho end or the felts for this season. Following tho .procession of slogan bearers will march a band of 32 pieces and muny of Alcdford's, best dressed men wearing their new straws. Window Deploys Kvory men's shop In the.xity has specially . arranged window dis plays featuring tho nobbiest straw hats for jiicn., - s 'i'horo was a time when a straw lmt was Just a straw lint. Now adays one sees (Iokoiih of styles for various occasions In shopping .around tho town. .i- If a man hus tho face ami form ho will probably wear a Senate straw for dress during the sum mer. Ths typo looks much like tho good old sailor hat but It comes in a variety of straw weaves. The, hand is. wide and black. .; Novelty weave straws In green ami tun, combinations or tans and browns uro going to be i popular fa general wuai-,'actioylinK"lo tb'o local men's furnishings authorities. Tho best hats tor sport nro Vnnu mas with medium brims. LOCAL COUPLE RETURN FROM VISIT A6R0A0 Rev, and Mrs. McDonald Wearied By Long Trip and Glad to be Home ,.' Guests of Son in Turkey. Births Horn, to Mr. and JVlrs. OeorKo J. niiHlronB, Muy 1, at J'urukor'B maternity home, u 7Mi-iounil baby-boy. 70 (nuliiaio In Baker. IlAKKlt, On)., May 22. (P-i-A cImhm oft 7U whh Knifluatod to day , by tho linker high . w;boi, Dvun J. ,lt. Jewel of . tho Oregon Hlalu ml lew1 wuh Hponker. ; . - . Copper Taken From Smoke NKW VOltK. () in cupimr rolinlnn ftinnko I'nun rurimcea , 1b ho laduii with coppor i'uflt that' it trapppfl for removal of copper. . Hev. and AIi-h John U. McT)on altt arrived homo ycMtorduy noon utter an ahHcnno of . over ton muntliK, all hut the lata month or moro having been Hpent abroad. Since their arrival back In, New York In Kehrunry tho well known UWcdfonl .Couplo, tuivo , HponL tho ttintt -in -vimtlnfc relatlwa .. and frlcndH In varlouH plucva In the eaHt,- Hnuth. HouthwuKt, hou thorn California. Hfchmond and Kan KranclHCo, IravelhiK by auto. Mont of the thnn was Hpent In vlHlttnp Mr. McDonald'H hrothera In the Huuthprn Ktate.s and elHowhoro. , They wpeat part of JnHt week at Ulehnuind vlaltinK Thuman J'odd of that city, a former well known rancher In the Kokuo Klk vicinity, and hutt Hunday Mr. Mc Dunatd spoke on their IntercHtlnfi oxperlenceu abroad at tho Com munity MothodiHt .church, of Ulch mond. Tim! by Trip , . While both arc fooling well, when Interviewed after arrival hero yeHlerday afternoon they wcro very Ureal from their Ioiik NtKhtHeeliiK abroad and long uuto Journey aeioiutlio continent, even tho the latter wuh broken up with vMIh. both are Kind to net buck home, having bten '.surfeited with HlKhtBeoIng in European and Ani allc countries. , , , ,! ..' They will iienni'n herb for ' til Hiiort tlmo before irolntf to Kupene j to vl.slt their hou Wesley, after j which they will attend the state I'Yeo Iethodtst church conference , and return home again. KullowlngJ their return their future, plana are ! I "a yet undecided. I However, they enjoyed every minute of their travels which took, . them to far-off corners of the J world and to most of the countries; l bordering on the Mediterranean 1 sea, during which they made their hcadijunrtorM at Constantinople with their son Harold and family,! Harold being the foreign roprcsen-' tntlvo of a well known American f farm machinery company. . j Saw Miirh or Old World Mrs. Harold iict3ona:u was foT--morly Miss Lucille. Saumlertr, for I years a well known feature writer of tho Oregonlan, and who since i her residence . abroad flniH been foreign, correspondent' for that newspaper as well as a prominent New York, city newspaper.'. v II .j They traveled much of the tlmo with ilarold whose territory asj foreign trade expert for his com- puny included the Kpropean coiin- tries - And -Home Asiatic - ones, and i thus .they- notomly- learned much about foreign trade conditions, but bad entrance tq many isolated places off the usual tourist patlt.fc Mr. i,nnd MrH. McDonald travolcd fo'r'.'nlne 'months, going into '.the' desert region far beyond thcr site iif .ancient Babylon. They jour-j neyed on tho Casi)lnn, Black, Med iterranean und Red seaH, and jour neyed by every means Known to man.., They .took In modern tittles -of the Orient and .ruins of pncjcirt etni)fres. - -" ' ' ; , Tells HowFat Men Can Lose Half a Pound a Day Here's u simple way to get rid of that corporation and quickly foci in bom bouy anu mind tne joy of liv ing. It's the afe way, too -for every day you continue this easy method of losing unwanted and unueeded flesh youH gain in energy, vigor j and endurance. Nine times in ten obesity msans Inactivity It means that your blood is stnrving for the six vital salts your internal organs need to keep you youthful, active, ambi tious and keen in mind. When you take one half tea spoonful of Kruschen Halts every morning in a glass of hot or cold water you ijel these six vital silt which modern foods and cooking do not supply. Start taking Kruschen Salts that's the common-sense way to reduce but don't take them with the idea that they possess reducing qualities in themselves. This Is what they do thev clean nut the impurities m vour hiood bv keeping , the bowels, kidnoys and liver In splendid .working shape and fill you with vigor and tireless enorgy you'd most forgotten, ex-, isted. The u rue for activity will be so markeii that even at the end of a hard day's Work yoifn fsSol Tdady for any social activity or reccea-. tion you can play as hard as you work. And after two weeks vour excess flesh stints to go you'll know it teei it see it tne scales win tell the story. As one, once corpulent man re marked "I feel so energetic that I want to get up with the lark aijd l'.m just as livoly a A cricket." . . KruHcneu Salts is not a -purgative or a cathartic, hut a real Bystem conditioner and for those who are the victims of constipation or tox emia, its daily use soon ,t moans blissful regularity. Get an 85 -cent bottle of Km- Hchen Salts lasts 4 weeks atj jarmin & Woods or any druggist in uip worm . DIRECT IMPORT Order From Italy ,.Ney, Snappy , STRAW HATS x ou oave uout $lvv Questions and Answers That Tell the Story of this Big Val ue in Men's New Straw Hats How do I nivo $1 You save -at least a .fl lill. 1 chiisi! "wc save you a "iniddli! . nmu'rt vrol'it" . ... tJiis being a direct import order. , ? ' - 'Are they the latest Mocks I Most 'assuredly they are. "Tru ciolo" they are called, 'and thev are 1DI10 blocks. ... GOOD FOR STYIUG GOOD FOR SERVICE . Art Hubbs - Manager t , DEPT. STORES -Vv : I nriHtm I 'ery soft and comfortable ou the head. Also light weight. You'll waiit them also, . . . , because THUV.bOX'T IMttiAK In three grades ... Sand and Tutty Shades Sand , and Putty s h a d e. s. Also silk lined. Kxtra fine grade. In white and light sand. 218 East Main St. Summery.. . 'youthful, ' uicsc genuine jueg horns. P r i ce d low enough so ill my enjoy their superiority'. $2.98 to $4.98 Once a luxury, but now within the reach of all. And them Panamas are genuine, too! $3.98 to $5.90 $1.29 $1.49 $1.98 L ... here's your style-right SOLAR STRAW ; . . there's a model for every face ... for every occasion . ... for every purse Splendid examples, these SOLAR he with summer attire .. to wear Tanama and I.eRhorns of what long ... ir. short, to give the utmost straw hats should be. Deftly styled. in hat satisfaction. SOLAR wearer to become the fate . . . to harmon- know they're correct! Sold exclusively by J.C. PEN NEY CO. e ET USB E YOUR H XT T E Here is the Straw you're looking fori , E very line of the brim and crown is correct for 1930. Of handsomely woven Sennit Straw, it's light as a ' . feather, yet firm enough to bold its shape! And ... it's easy fitting. . .COOL 1 ' You'll like the hat and you'll like the price! Ofher Splendid Straws $1.98 to $4.98 THE STYLE -FLEX FEATURE See the specially fine braid around the inside of the brim. It "gives" when pressure is exerted against it . . . insuring a high degree of comfort and the most accurate possible fit. t.S6Central- - Phbtoe 286 " ; kedforrirOre. Friday-Fish Day FRESH SALMON HALIBUT COD SHAD SHAD ROE FILLET OF SOLE SEA BASS V FOR SATURDAY Fryers, Hens, RabMts, Swift's Prime Steer ! Beef, Home Grown Strawberries, Full: Line ' Vegetables, Red Rock Cottage Cheese. Special Veal Loaf, lbfA'vV- 30c ; WEST SIDE MARKET -.... Free Delivery iPhcne 69 GusH. Samuels Van R Qilbert Classified Advertising Gets Results