Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 22, 1930, Page 14, Image 14

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Envoy to Canada
Anti-Saloon League En
r dorsement for New Jersey
Aspirant Voiced by Mc
Bride in Lobby Hearing
Home Brew Not Favored.
The "amen" of the Anti-Saloon
league to an cmloi'Mcmnnt by Hn
New JerHpy branch of the Knator
ial candidacy of KoprcHunlntlvn
Fort wrh ff'vcn to tho hi mite lobby
fotnmittco today by V. Hcott Ak
Bride. : C'hitlrman (faraway of th com
nilttcc Inquired, and tho Iiuikuo
Htipciintondont ttmtlfiod ho would
"nay amen" to tho hLhLc branch do
ciulon, "Ho you cndorHo tho manufac
ture and u ho of : homo brew?"
nuked Senator Will no, WlsconHln. ,
"No," McHrlde replied. "Neither
did I-'ort In IiIh h pooch In conicreHH."
Ho said ho had read Fort'a re
cent speech twice and added it J
was a "good speech. "
. Fort announced his candidacy
for the six year term on a prohibi
tion platform after Dwieht Morrow
and Joseph 8. FrollnRhuyson both
had come out tiRalnKt tho dry Inws
In seeking the Itcpubllcun nomina
tion. 1
McBrldo testified that John D.
Rockefeller, Hr and John 1),
Rockefeller, Jr., had contributed
.to the Antl-Haloon league. In 1921
the younKor flock ofpl lor gavo
920.000 and the elder $10,000. Jn
3025 both guvo 920,000 Jointly.
Tho leaKun Hiipei'intondnnt said
Henry Ford had never contributed
to tho leatfuo but liad HUpporlud
other prohibition work.
Co-Ed Smokers
Would Abolish
Campus Rules
Woman Leader of Gandhi
Followers Stages Dra
matic March On Forbid
den Heaps Indians Are!
Beaten With Clubs.
SKATTI.Ii. Wash., May 'it.
j. () University f Wanh-
iniiton co-eila want to ilo llielr
nmoklnS without restrictions.
Minn Elizabeth Kelly, chair-
man of tho women'ii mandiirds
! committee on tho campua, to-
j ilay petitioned MrH. Edith
Morion, acting lieuil Ul wvm- -r
en, to eliminato an order
aaylUK that women Bhall not
aiiioke on tho campus, In so-
lrority houses or anywhere
that would mane incui con- r
Mrs. Morton will rule on
tho petition tomorrow, she
N nnTurno PA7C : -. .
i ni u i ncno uhll jet - i ii
iTiinnnnu mno tJV&Ui household
nnUIMl Itnuo
Quick Pile Relief
V No Salves or Cutting
Hunt old MacNIder. Iowa banker,
former nHsbttant secretary of war
and fortner national cutnniaiidci
of tho American Legion, has been
Helecled as the new American min
ister to Canada.
The White Houso announced to
day thr Canadian Kovornment had;
communicated its upproval of the'
The lowan has long been a pro
ponent of Inland waterway! devel
opment, and is particularly inter
ested in the Great Lnkcs-Kl. Law
rence river development now pro
jected. Ho also has had a wide experi
ence In business. He never has
occupied a diplomatic post.
Pile KUfferers pan only k"1 unh'k.j
safo and lasting relief by removing
the cause bad blood circulation In
tho lower bowel. Cutting and
salves can't do this - an Internal
remedy must be used. MKM-itOli),
the prescription of Jr. J. H. ICon
hanlt, succeeds, boeause It removes:
this blood congestion and strength
ens the affected partH.
ilKM-lttllJ tablets as sold by
drugglstH everywhere, have sueh a
wonderful record for quick and
lusting relief, that Jarmln & -Wood
ulways sell them with guarantee of
money-bauk if they do not end all
PORTLAND, Ore, May 22. (A)
I. H. Moon, of ANhland, and
Arthur (.irant, federal prohibition
agents, whom city officials charg
ed with possession and transporta
tion of Mfiuor, today were granted
u delay of one month of their
trial. W. K. Newell, deputy fed
eral prohibition adminlH t r a t o r,
after their urrcHt, Issued a state
ment saying tho two men woro
working out of his office, but the
chief of police refused to drop tho
Moon and CI runt were found
driving tin automobile which police
said conlafned many gallons of
alleged ll(Uor.
DHAKA BANA, India, May 22.
(flt Kor tho second time since
succeeding to leadership of Muhat
ma Candhi's civil disobedlenco
campaign, Mrs. Kaurjlnl Naida was
arrested during a raid on the suit
deposits hero in which 10 of her
volunteers woro Injured and inuiiy
others arrested.
Today's raid was featured by a
strategic niovo by tho volunteers
who divided Into two bodies which
converged from different directions
upon the glistening piles of salt
symbolizing British authority.
Seeing the Indians separate their
forces, tho police concentrated
upon tho nearest group. These, i
however, broko into a run and out- i
distanced the constables until they
reached tho wire defenses of the
milt heaps. They surgod about I
these until tho police rushed up
and scattered them with blowB
from their long bamboo sticks.
Cry Hall let Native
With wild cheers and cries of
"hall our motherland," the volun
teers milled about the salt heaps
trying to lassoo tho wooden posts
of the projecting wire fence In
order to pull them from tho
They woro frustrated In this at
tompt, the police charging tho
yelling, struggling muss and re
peatedly hitting out with their
sticks. Tho volunteers did not
fight back, currying out tho in
struct Inns previously given thorn
by Mrs. Naldu.
By this time all avallablo
stretchers had been used and im
provised ones were needed to curry
away tho injured. It was then
that Mrs. Naldu, who had boon
looking on tho struggle from u dis
tance approached tho salt heaps
and was arrested together with
(laiKUil's son, Manila), who Is tho
third of tho Mahatmu's sons to bo
ItOSTOX. May 22. W) The
American Unitarian association
was on record today giving Its ap
proval to birth control.
A resolution recommending to
Unitarian churches and their
members that they consider "tho
fundamental social, economic and
eugenic importance of birth con
trol, to tho end that'they may sup
port all reasonablo efforts in their
communities for the promotion of
the birth control movement" was
udopted almost unanimously here
at tho 10th annual meeting.
Itev. Dr. Minot Simons, minister
of All Souls Unitarian church,
New York City, offered tho resolu
tion. -
'Hlrth control is here among the
well-to-do," he said, "but not
among the ill-to-do who need it
most, I do not know of a single
social worker who Is not in favor
of it."
Salem Welcomes Sun,
SAItlOM, Ore., May 22. (A1)
Warm atmosphere and sunshlno
wore welcomed today by fruit men.
Opinion in that tho heavy rains
of tho last several days huvo dono
no damage except to delay tho
strawberry crop. '
Visit at Cemetery Cut Short
By Rain Officials and
French War Widows
Greet Pilgrims.
I'ARIS. Miiy 22. (IP) "All well
and happy" was the phrase from
the official report sent to Paris
today of every one of the five
groups of American war mothers
visiting various -cemeteries in
CO.V. France, May 22.-rP) Nearly
two-thirds of tho American Ciold
Star mothers looked for tho first
time today on their soldier sons'
graves' in tho principal American
military cemetery here. There are
burled in this cemetery half o
America's war dead In this country.
The mothers came In motor cars
from historic Verdun, whore they
spent the nlltht resting from their
long drive from Paris.
The sky Itself was tinged with
sadness and rain cut short tho pil
grimage after an hour. . Many of
the mothers had brought evergreen
wreaths, some entwined with flow
ers, and others found wreaths ready
for them here. Some brought lit
tle American flags which, ' they
placed pn the graves. ,The moth
ers, almost 200 of them, went in
little groups to different parts of
the cemetery and there prayed at
the graves of their boys. Thero
was some sobbing and all were wet
eyed as they lived over again the
day their sons departed, and long
months of anguished waiting, anu
Frigidaire is sold with a
definite guarantee, backed
by General Motors.
And still more important
to you as a purchaser is
the fact that year after
year Frigidaire continues
to give satisfaction
long after the guarantee
' has expired,
if service should be re
quired it is rendered
instantly and without
removing the machine
from the premises.
no1151"" . atvay---
212-214 W. Main Phone 12
A. B. Cunningham
0. 0. Alenderfcr
word of death.
When after an hour, rainfall
camo, the mothers, hurried by ae-
tho saddest day of all when enme companytng officers to the hostess
house where they comforted eaoh were tired. Mayor Schleitcr and
other and had lunch. ' 0 1 h o r officials, as well as tha
All of tho mothers arrived at French war widows of tho region,
Verdun last night well, but many greeted them.
QUANTS PASS. Ore., May 22,
(flt Mrs. J. 15. Korstenson, ISngle
wood, Cal was in a hospital heroj
today, injured seriously as me
result of an automobile accident
near hero lato yesterday. Three
other members of tho party, in
cluding an infant, were uninjured
when tho Korstenson machine
skidded on wet pavement.
r J-lalk alM&iit
air- eunhmned
pi 1 i ng c o m lb vt
and mileage'
ff aren't -seen anything
tint li fon it oat a tons on
these new M?cteral Tires"
Yours, Jp
We Sell Only the "Best"
of everything, including
Texaco New and Better
Gasoline and
Texaco Golden Motor Oil
High Pressure Greasing
new. We had them 6 years ago.
But they gave out too soon cost too
much per mile. Then the manufac
turers added mileage made your
present "balloon style" tires big,
fat fellows but stiff. Too much
material. Hard riding.
" Now what these Federal engineers
have done is this: They have com
bined that wonderful air-cushioned
riding comfort and long
mileage in the same tire for the
first time.
In this new-type Federal you get a
12 larger cushion of air. You
get a longer, stronger yet more
flexible side wall. You get a new
rim-wide, full-contact Tread.
And to give you lowest com
fort cost per mile you get an excess
of mileage. Now that's some tire.
Nothing finer in quality, beauty,
. comfort and long life has ever
been made.
And to prove how we stand we
sell the new-type Federals on a
"Money-back" Guaranty. If you
are not satisfied, after 30 days'
use, return them. We'll replace
your old tires free of charge and
refund your money.
Lik an athlete in the pink of
condition. Mperd, strength and
tnnilna In perfect balance
Texaco Super Service
North Riverside at Jackson
Phone 1294
'"':'.' u MID
' " 'j ' "
' I IfwAllw? ?V'l,' the '3US motoT thal ome
'' WjWWH! y onscored through 60,000 gruol-
Tifty yt Z li ' ""9 miles. No checkered flog i)
Wv 1 ' T flashes WIN to the tractor snab- ;
' X ; !'! sttiif '"9 logs through :ho mud. No
H awrA tA l sport page heralds your own mo-
W At nL'' w'len speedometer trips
s tf y"- i miles past the change-oil marb
? trouble-free.
fJf 1-4A1fflfTT'V flJr Bul ty w!nnin9 these every-doy
gjJjfiAp-l L sZ-!Sjfo 'WTOfjffff tests, Cycol has earned the solid i J2i ffi r V?S,'
Rli-'V'HM- iSltMKafffclM faith of thousands of users. Cycol ; -MAJSl
jsj- 4- IfTr ITT! ri-rlll I nnu mipmuinetr '-ft' J.
These five steps make these
truths possible:
I. The nw Edeleonu tratmnl:
procetf remove! 14 more impurities
than does the commonly used acid
treating method hence Cycol givei
more lubrication more protection for
your motor. Cycol is a pure oil.
7. Cycol is distilled under high vac
uum methods. No vital elements are
weakened. All
fractions are
uniform. Cycol will not evaporate,
thin, or.break down.
3. The closest of fractionation dur
ing distillation rejects light volatile
fractions and heavy, gummy elements.
No motor oil forms less carbon than
Cycol Motor Oil.
4. Cycol is made only From spe
cially selected crude oils. They are
the bus motor that comet
unscored through 60,000 gruel
ling miles. No checkered flag
flashes WIN to the tractor snak
ing logs through Lho mud. No
sport page heralds your own mo
tor when the speedometer trips
miles past the change-oil marb
. But by winning these every-day
tests, Cycol has earned the solid
faith of thousands of users. Cycol
has won the West. In spite of new
oils that come and go, in the face
of clamorous claims of competitors
the use of Cycol increases.
separately trans
ported and sep
arately stored at the refinery.
3. Only the "heart cut" the first
choice crudes are used in mailing
Cycol gives complete, unfailing lub
rication, yet no oil is more economi
cal, for Cycol hat "Endurance Beyond
Belief." The price of Cycc4 it bul 23
cents per quart.
FREE lJ30 Associated Rood Mops at the red, green and cream station and garage. Ask for your copy.
a,f.ti w -vca wwazutanLrwM
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