PA 0 T) Til rRT E RN i ''is'- 'EVERYONE IN SOUTHERN OREGON READS THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE" mm BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus BUSINESS DIRECTOR! Abstracts MEDPOUT) MAIJi TttTTUTNrc, MF.DFORn, OI.KfiONT. Tltm.ShAV, MAY 2' mm. 41 7:00 to 7:30 . in. Tho Throe Boys NHC service to KGO. 7:30 to 7:45 p.m. Amos 'n Andy NBC service to KGO. KHQ, KO.MO. KOW, KECA. 7:45 to 8:45 p.m. Standard Sym phony Hour NBC Rorvice to KGO, KHQ, KO.MO. KGW, KFI. S:45 to 11:00 p.m. Parks Slaters NBC service to KGO, KHQ, KOA. 9:00 to 9:30 p.m. Memory Lane NBC service to KGO, KHQ, KGW, KECA. 9:30 to 10:00 p.m. The Olym pians NBC service to KGO, KOA. 10:00 to 11:00 p. m. The National Concert Orchestra NBC service to KGO, KOA. 11:00 to 12:00 p.m. Dance Or-chpstra-NfiC service to KGO. ' 1 : ' Radio Program KMED (Mall Tribune Virgin Station) ' Thursday P. M. 5 to 6:30 Standard Flamo Gas Program. 5:110 to G Firestone Service 4- , Store, Inc C to 0:15 ISic; Pines Lumber Co. 0:15 to 0:0 News mid Mar- . kots by Mnil Tribune. 0:110 to 0:45 Jackson County Building & Loan Assn. 0:45 to 7 Farmers Exchange i- Co-operative. . v 7 to 7:15 Tom and Wash presented by Associated Oil Co. 8 Govt. Frost Forecast by Floyd Young. J Fridav A.M. ! s to b isreaitiast isews : Broadcast by Mall Tribune. S to 8:30 Children's Gold Bond Radio Halt Hour. S:0 to 8:45 Parker's' Potato Chlis. 8:45 to 9 Medford Ice & Cold Storage Co. 9 to 9:30 Monarch Seed and Feed Co. 9:30 to 10 Schilling & Co. 10 to 10:30 KIliart'B Book and Music Store Ashland. 10:30 to 11 Marcii Grocery. 11 to 11:30 Knders, Ca Asli- . land. .. . 11:30 to 12 Jacque Lenox. ! P. M. 12 to 12:30 Hubbard Bros., Inc. " 12:30 News Flashes by Mall Tribune.- - 12:30 to 1 The Palmor Music House. : . ' I to 1 : 30 Ivy Street Market. 1:30 to 2 lcwla Super Serv- Ice Station. 2 to 2:30 Mann's Dept. Store. 2:30 to 3 Brophy's Jewelers. 3 to3:30 Brunswick Brevi- ties. ' 5 to 5:30 Standard Flamo Gas Program. 5:0 to 0 Heebo Service Sta- tloii. Central Point. 0 to 6:15 Hlg Pines Lumber Co. 0:15 to 6:30 News and Mar- kets by Mail Tribune. 0:30 lo 7 Hnrwood Photo Service. 7 to 7:15 Tom and Wash presented by Associated Oil 8 . Co. - 8 Govt. Frost Forecast by i Floyd Young. - KLAMATH NEGRESS IS . INJURED BY BEATING KLAMATH KALI.M. Ore.. May 31 -- .UP) Mrs. William Brown, rtecresH. ' was in a honplinl tnday PTHOUSANDS"l BENEFITTED! 75 ol new patients sent by eld patients Cn anything more conclusively prove reuilts of Dr. Chas. J. Dean s non-Mirglcal treatment for Hemor rhoids, ColitU, FUtula, Constipa tion and other Rectal and Colon disorders than the fact that the majority of new patients are sent to us by former patients? Yet, we continue to make our remarkable GUARANTY as explained in our FREE book which may be had on request. Dr.CHAS. J.DEAN RCTAL W COLON CLINIC DTAH BMff. OPPOS COURT HOUSE nm & AUN,P0imArtD,0RtC0N wouse I OttOM I 2661 J TELEPHONE AT WATER i I AFFILIATED OF StATTLe, San Fp LW Los Ange AFFILIATED OFFICES FPANCISCl ELtS Insurance First Insurance .Agency r.-v A. L. HILL, Manager Phone 105 80 N. Central Medford, Oregon ui'bTEM1. I VsAMT YOJ 4WZ TO "bTCO THIb AR4UIM'- DO 1'OU'oE IT THAT? AM' I THlMK VOO'RE THE BOZO THAT "STARTED IT- IF YOU DO IT A5lW- 'U THROV ONE Q" THIIV! 0-ri AT THE NEBBS There's recovering from Injuries sho It); niioireii to h.-ivn received from Dick Law, , ,.,.uftrt fin WDO Was aiieSiea Un a charge of beating her Xolice. In the County Court of the State of IW V-- THlM 0rb AT YOO - . J " j, , , ; V, ( . i)T' tl ':f ISMT THIS A ""s ACTS? NOU UX) IM THE V I GOOOWISMT DACLIWsA f HOWEV WOBDS CaMiM'-VVWEL.L JOLlET Z' IT WOlvj'T BE LOSJ& ; cS ' DEtotKJS A wowOERFU, KilSUT?tt AMD SEE THE. . . V j AMD IF VOL) DREAM, I J tSOM AM oilwvuu; HOW LOM(i WILL VP( MOVAJ DARLIMS BETOKIE -tq LOOK LIL'F IU-,T PFRFFCT LCOK ''RER-EC'T'ONJ OF BSELfT, i HOPE ITWILLBA sSoSl OOMDS uke A MAR,e OF oor M V! TME CURTAIM AJILL TO LOOK LIL ..USTPEPFECT LOOK: UQ 0 ;J ASA ONJE T, thS COW PASTURE ? V FALL OM TME LAST ACT POCKMEV K -XUer MOOM IS 4i ELSe 6e BEAUTIPUL: .4 i J,-J,5 R TA ROCKMEviN. S,MS-" 3HO 00 J MN EAliS AGE PULL- A ..TOR AM EM-CROOK : flimt is mt llL .! - v t; ( & hy face out mE-. so oft i . . fSiBliSxSlPpp t gW ? " TS - OF 5HAPE BEACH- MA'E- A MARSWMALLOlA : miimmimmmMmmmmmiimMmmiT i rX r?Aiir5fE ;' oor seem like comcrete : HEAoovEB- C 3i 1 r?K ' c ,S34- p ;fi(M: -, some citv ja y love with . sw-i is : . .j n ft? is ysMi . ucation or mis summons, saui pc in tho Matter of the Lstato of . ,.,()c1 0( four weekj) hf,lnB thl, tlmo Augustus Ingc. doeeiuica. rib , (or publication hereof, Notice Is hereby given . that the r nm undersicned has filed hlB l'lnal ini, Report and Account in the above entitled matter, and tho nbovo en-i,k titled Court has fixed Juno 2nd 1930. at 10 oclock a. m. In ine County Court room in, the Court House m Mecttord, Jackson L'ouniy, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing olvlectlcins to sain i-inaj AULUUIH.) UI1U mt- rn.:in-- i.iik thereof. C. H. QIIOVKK, Administrator. Notice of Sclzili-c. No. 100C-C, In the Circuit Court of' tho State of Oregon, for tho County of Jack-1 The State of Oregon, Plaintiff. vs. One 1927 Jtuick Coupe, 1030 Cali fornia License No. 7C41H.7, Mo tor No. 1850575, (Joseph C.el eon). Defendant. State of Oregon, County of Jack son, ss. To Joseph Gedeon. address un known, and to Georpo- KdwardB, Weed. California, and to whomever it may concern: In the name of the State of Ore Ron: You. and each of you, are thai th? somu 'properly: to KTT'r'Bufck Coupe, California Ijicense No. 7C1!M)7 for the year 1K30, Motor No. 18"Oo7n, Serial No , was ed'-by'the "sheriff Wk,- J " ,yU(. BH?'ahn,,l ill hiur ? . ,' " . ihhi..r L i seized Ci A z:ai ociock p. m. ol aiua, i" : ,"..;' 1. 1c County of Jackson. State of Oregon in tho vicinity of Main, Street in the City of Jledford In said county; that said 11)27 Bulck loupe ever since has been, and, now is In the possession an I cus- tody of said sheriff of Jackson County. Oregon, ond Is being pro-; ceeded against in the ahovo cn- titled Court for the forfeiture of he same for a violation of Omptcr 29 of the General Law of Oregon for 1923, the same heinff an net relfttinu to the forfeiture and alc of hoats, vehicleH ond other con veyances used In the unlawful transportation or posseHHlon of ln toxicatiriK liquor within the State of Oregon; and that all persons having or claiming any Interest in said 1927 Huick Coupe nre hereby required to . appear before the above entitled Court fn tho County Court House of Jackson County, Oregon, at Medford, Oregon, by Saturday, the 31st day of May. 1930, which said dny ha hereto fore been duly set by the above entitled Court as an answer day herein, and to defend against said proceedings, and that upon their failure so to do, a ludgment of for feiture of said 1927 Buick Coupe will he entered. This Notice hi Issued nnd given to you, and each of you. pursuant to an order duly made hy Jion. JI. D. Norton, presiding judge of the above entitled Court, on tho Dtb day of MAy, 1930. Witness my hand and the seal of said Court affixed at Medford, Jackson County, Oregon, thbj 6th day of May, 1930. DKLILIA STKVKNS MKYER, (Seal of the Circuit Court.) Sti in nmns. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County. City of Medford. a Municipal Cor poration, Plaintiff, vs. W. H. Humphrey: Paul Humphrey; Mark Humphrey: the unknown heirs of I Kmma Humphrey; Hugh A. Walker and Mrs. Hugh A. Walker, his wife: th un known heirs of Hugh A. Walker; Loren Moore and Ines Moore, his wife: also all other persons or parties unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest In the real entate de scribed in the complaint herein, Defendants. To W. H. Humphrey; Paul Hum phrey; Mark Humphrey; the un known heirs of L. Kmma Hum phrey; Hugh A. Wnlker and Mr). Hugh A. Walker. hi wife; the unknown heirs of Hugh A. WnllO-r: .',lo all other persons or parties unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, Hen or Interest In the reftl Y . ,:; i i i:. : , f ' " YOO Danger in Your Eyes, estate described In tho complaint herein, uerennanis in ine name Ol ine oiiiiu ol , . . u... : by reiiuired to appear and answer j I the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit on or oe !foro the last day of four weeks jfron) th0 (lllle of the (lrst nub. t 0 f t pIlllntlf'( w'n, am,iy t0 r.,., ,.. n, n. ,i,,;,i,i the Court for tho relief demanded in its complaint, to-wit: That a decree bo entered adjudicating any and alt right, title, estate, lien or claim which' you '"or any of you have or claim to nave In, to. upon tne ,., property situated in tho City of Medford, Jackson County, State of Oregon, described as follows, to-wlt: The North 57 feet of Lot One (1). Block Three (3): the Soulh 55 feet of the North 112 feet. Lot ne V,'. V'.ck ?''00 J3 'r South feet of .1-. (3): the North 5ti feet of the Soulh 1!13 feet of Lot One (1 , Itlock Three (3); the North 50 feet of the South 137 feet of L"i One (1), Tllock Three (3); tho North 5li feet of tho South SI feet of lot one (I). Block Three (3. all in West Medford, aerordinp to the duly recorded plat thereof, and declarinir any and all uch claims to he null and void, and decreeing that Raid Plaintiff is the owner In fee simple of said premises, and of the whole thereof, free and clear of any and all rinht, title, estate. r lmpro,'t 0( Ba"1 "''-' or nv of them that ch and all of the defendants herein, and each and all ncrsons claiminc or to j claim hy, through or under them. jrrS &Z2?t '"-"ting, attemptine to ostal.lls'.i, or claiming any right, title, estate. 41. nt(ir0fir in r to ..,, nvon lien or Interest in or to said ..- ,, - " p p -111 e to sa id , 1 b f iclcJ a . erty, or any portion thereof, and prem set at T, , t f ,h or(1 b. ratlon ot thl., .summons Is April 3m Tho , prp,.,.lho,, for p,,,,!,,.,,,,, nf ta .summons ocyxy& weeks. The dale of the fjrMt )lll!ica,,nn of thi summons j8 M ' lHt 030 iJARriv' C. SKYRMAN. Attorney for Plaintiff. Post Office Address: Medford. Oregon. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Rale per word for first Insertion, 2c; Mth nitceeding insertion, lc; minimum 25e. Index your ids with For Sale, For Rent, etc, and count these wordi wull at each initial, telephone number, elc, at a word. Classified adj In advance and not laden over phone, unless adrtrtiw has monthly account. No allowance for phone errors. III0I.P WAXTKH MALI-: OH I'KMALK WANTED Well educated man or woman young enough to have pep, good appearance, pleasant nddreM, to sell the best lino of dresses and merchandise on mar ket today; very reasonably priced; commissions liberal: quality absolutely guaranteed by honorable men. ("all 1HI4-L for appolnttuents morning or after (I p. m. tf HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Woman to work In country home: easy place to work, llox 33, Tribune. 63 WANTED Girl for houwwork. 714 Meekman Ave. Tel. 121-W. tf WASTED SITUATIONS WANTED Dressmaking and re modeling. 104 E. 2nd Ht. 61 WANTED Housework by hour or day. Call 479-J. 62 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOP SALE OR TRADE A bar gain, Sams Valley store, stock ' ind fixtures, postofflce In store, living rooms adjoining, cold rooms, Ice room, atore rooms, hot and cold water, hath, toilet and sinks, automatic electric pump, gas pump, kerosene pump, oil room, garage, 4 acres land, - good market road, good local ity, doing good butlness, . . x OOW-r TAL' BACK TO ME OR I'LL THOW YOU OUT Of THE BUIL.DIM'- NUW L4' ' Jeanette WANTUD MlbCKIiliANEOTJS .uiuiiii! iiuu cuuijiu i" ,.,i. i.i..t l own homo at f!7 South. Grape i St. Lall evenings. ui WANTED Laundry. Will call for and deliver. - rhone 479-J. t2 HAVE your furnituro ro-uphol-1 stored, reglued, reflnlshed. A. N. Thlbaull, Phono 1IG9-K. 04 WANTED Hay to put un on shares. V. A. Pefflcy, 1517 W. Main. 54tf WANTED; Secondhand. goods' and Junk. Pat's, 1500 Prune, l'h. 647-L. 69 WANTED Local and long distnnce hauling.- Insured carriers. Spec ial stock moving equipment. Wo guarantee to save you money. Hnwlcy Transfer, 619 N. River side. Phone 1044-X. 73 WANTED Lawnmowers to Sharp en. I guarantee your lawnmow er to cut just as well as when new. Call and deliver free. The old Liberty Repair Shop, 19 N. Fir SL Chus. Flcher, Prop. Tel. 2i. ttf FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS KOlt KENT Un'go bedroom with 2 largo closets; also sleeping porch, suitable for 'I young men: references. Call evenings be tween 5 and 7 at 129 N. Oakland. Mrs. R. A. Holmes. tf FOR RENT Furnished rooms In the Palmer Wdg. Call 497. 01 FDR RENT Furnished sleeping room; also garage. 325 So. Riv erside Ave. tf FOR EXCnANOB FOIt EXCHANtil-: Excellent camp ground on Hedwond high way; 40 acres in nil, 30 acres of good standing timber; one con crete building 14x1(1 feet., storo with 3 nice living rooms. 0 cab ins, restaurant, garago 40x50 ft. Camp is completely equipped, light plant. Price F.ono. Want modern residence in Medford or 5 or 10-acr.o tract close in UP to $4,00(1. Charles A. Wing Agency. Inc., Medford, Ore. WILL EXCHANGE For diversi fied ranch or orchard, a Port land close In east side apartment house In walking distance of west side business district; brick con struction, full concreto basement, automatic oil furnace; 16 2, 3 - and 4-room apartmeirts; income $500 per month. DEAL & KNIGHT, 20. N. r.nrtlett. C2 WHEN you thinx ol real estate, Brown White. tf FOR REM JlOtSES FOIt RENT 5-rm. modern home, large sleeping porch. 1124 W. Kith. Phone 1390-V. 63 FOR KENT 4-ronm house, good location; unfurnished. 692-V. 62 FOR RENT Small furnished houfo. 604 W. 1 (ith Ht. tf FOIt RENT Small house. Inquire 503 Ho. Central. 61 FOIt RENT New modern 6-room house, by owner. Phone 716-H. 49tf FOR RENT Cp-to-date 4-room duplex; electric r;,nge, fireplace, garage. 634 N. ISartlett. 5!)tf FeiR RENT Unfurnished 6-room houne. Phono 549-R. H3 FOR LEAKE 6-room modern bungalow on Orange St.. $40. Will sell elec. range and Friglil- alro on eay terms or will re move sn.-. Brown & White. Realtors, Holland Hotel Bldg. 62 tT03 RENT Unfurnished house, Everette Court; electrlo atove, Dlentv of bullt-lna. lcrae garage, Phone J38. J04tf FOR RENT Hoimi. Furnished or unfurnished. Brown wnue. 17tf IIOtJHKW FOR RENT and SALB tail U'v. . e - IF CilT VIS - POLIO V flWM oirv MK I riCKPH) VP ir xuun is uimoiimi " iatf - -- t FOR RUNT APAUTMKNTS FOR KKNT Atlractivo 3-room furnished duplex; reasonable. 414 So. Ivy. Ol FOIt RENT Well furnished stucco duplex apartment: clean, modern; adults. 713 Cedar St. 00 FOR RENT Apartments. Dandy -a-room apartments' close in. 9 K. Jackson St. 02 IFOR RENT 2-room furnished apt; prlvato entraco; adults. 315 N. Hnrtlett. Ht FOR RENT Furnished, largo downstairs apt; sleeping, porch; modern. Inquire Ulil So. drupe. 01 FOR RENT Clean, cozy furnished apartment; ad alts. Tel. 1433-X. CO rolt RENT Modern 4-room fur nished duplex: hardwood floor, garage. 905 W. 10th. tf FURNISHED APT. Light, water, piano, private shower and toilet. 217 W. 2nd Ht. 61 FO RRENT Apartments. Call in aftcrnoun and evenings. 107 Mis tletoe. Mtf FOR RENT Nicely furnished apartment, private bath, privato entrance. 618 So. Oakdale. B9tf FOR RENT Deslrahlo furnished apartment. Hotel tlrnhd. 64 FOR RENT S-room furnished apartment with garage. 324 Haven St. 61 FURNISHED 2 and 3-rm. apts. and garago. 004 W. loth. tt FOR KENT Furnished opt. Hard wood floors, steam heat, hot water. Frlgldalro ond garage. 603 So. Holly, overlings and Sundays. r.otf FOR KENT Furnished 3-room duplex opart., $20. 216 Haven. 60tf FOR RENT Furnished opt. with garago; adults. Tol. 1177, even ings. tf FOR RENT Modern furnished apt., downstairs; adults. 945 No. Harllntt. phone 768-M. 27tf FOR 8AIn AUTOMOBILES FOR HALE Htlldebakor Big 6 Coach; mechanically perfect; new rubber, trunk nnd extras. Price $325. Call at 407 King Ht. 63 GOOD USED CAKH You must see them to appreciate their condition and value 1926 Chev. Heilun, run 10.000. 1927 Essex Coupe; new tires. t929 Chev. Hedan; run 13,000. 1926 Dodge Coupe. 192H Chev. Roadster; fine shape. 192!) DeHoto Hedan; like new. 1927 Essex Coach: overhauled. 1926 Hudson Coach; big bargain. Also several good cars from $50 to $150 less than half price. AKMHItONO MOTORS, INC. 101 Ho. Riverside. , 67 FOR HALE Durant 60 Hedan; sae-rlfif-f, , leaving town. Bl6 W. 11th. $ ITHI-:l CAIl IIAnOAINH If you wont a. real value In a used car. one vou can depend on. come In and pick out on of the following: 192s Pontine Sport Rdstr.. $575.00 192S Dodge Coupe, standard shift 450.00 1928 Chandler 6 Sedan, a real value 475.00 1925 Overland Sedan 165.00 1927 Wlllvs-Knlght Hedan, only 12.000 miles 600.00 1924 Ford Coupe, nice shape 65.00 1926 Hoick Hedan 1927 Htudebaker Dictator 1925 Ht ii r Touring Star Light Delivery 4 50.(1(1 Hedan 4 50.00 100.(10 76.00 HANUEItHON MO Toil CO. Your Oakland and Pontine Denier 5' 8ot Vol) "bAiu lAbT 'WEEK "YOU'D TAKE M itvl'oURAMCE Hfc l YOU LL BS ill j in-ciiM VOL) OOM'T I JO'oT DROPPED It-.)- I'M CjOiNCi SiHOPPlWO- I MEED OME MOWEY- WELL- I'M OUT OF HERE I'LL-Vf' bOMETHlM1 TO YOU- MOT FIT TO Pr?lt)T- LEAVE OR You'll bs 1 :?r !frti? FOR SALE rOUIVTRY i-v.,v nn.. - l-l.,IK-,..,.l i-m-bni-nlH Mumn T. Knlpe, Kagle l'olnl, FOR SALE Haired Rocks and lllnck Minorca baby chicks. Ready now. 508 Hamilton Ht. 61 FOR HALE Jersey Olant baby chicks, 15c each. Eggs 60c set ting. Phono C. A. DeVoe. tf FOR SAtilt LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Dairy cows, $75 to $100. W. T. Wright, Central Point, ore. 04 FOR SALE Team horses, wolght 3000; team mules, wt. 2300; ono pack mule; all young, gentlo and true. One Fordson tractor, tine largo hay cutter, good shape, cheap: 2l,i mlies below Apple guto store. H. E. Hansen. 62 WE ARE BUY1MO all kinds nf livestock for slaughtering; also . chlckons, dressed veal and pork. Rogue River Meals, Inc., Box 016. Tel. 1659. 1520 No. Riv. 19tf FOR SALIC REAIj USTAT15 FDR QIIIOK. HALM Within six minutes of town, 5 beautiful acres with small new house, ga rage and chicken run; nbovo frost line: plenty of water. Own er compelled to return east; $1200 takes It. llox 21, Mall Tribune. ' 63 FOR SALE 6 RMS. AND SLEEP ING PORCH, large lot, garden, garage, good location. Itepns sessed on contract. Total prlco $2200; terms. CARL V. TENGWALD. Hotel Holland llldg. Phono 993. FOR SALE 25 acres, most of which Is Bear creek bottom bind: 7 ncres In alfalfa, 14 lu grain. 4 acres of pasture; only V mile from town; small 5-room house, barn 30x30; 1 team, harness and Implements go with place. Price - $5.0od: $2,000 cash, balance on terms to suit responsible parties.. .See Charles A. Wing Agency, lntt 03 FOIt SALE Little farms closo In: City water, electricity and all of a city's conveniences without tho high tax; comfortablo 4 und 6 room houses with water to tho kitchen sink. Wo sell these to responsible parties on terms llko rent. No down payment other than tho regular monthly rental. WOLD & WOLD, 10 No, ltlvorsldo. 6Rtf FOR HALE 5 acres, well Improv ed; good location. Tel. 423-X. 61 FOR BALK) HOMES) YOUR OPPORTUNITY to own a beautiful homo in Glenn oak sub division; 6 rooms; hardwood floors, basement, furnace, ga rage, lot 70x140, 7 beautiful oak trees; ready to move in: $500 down, balance llko rent. Phone 105 or 395-lt. 6llf FOR HALE 6-rm. modern home; hardtvood floors, l-uilt-lns, double constructed: on Pacific highway 2 acres ground; $5000; terms. 4-ROOM box house, 2 acres 1 A. alfalfa. 1 A. fruit trees electric pumping plant for Irri gation: good well, fine soli: close to Medford; $1000; $300 down, balance terms. J. C. BARNES, Phone 409. 15 Ho. Central. 6I FOR iALE 4-room modern cot tage; good location. Might take car for down payment. 582-Y. 66 FOR HALE OR TRADE Desirable bouse and lot In Medford for acreage, for few dovs only. F A- Petfley, 1617 W. Main. 54tf FOR HALE 6-room now home; acre of berries and garden, .)H;.i. nargnin, easy terms, Hlsklynu Holghts extension. Keene Drive, Phone 744-R. tf RESPONSIBLE PARTY CAN BUY 6-rnom house and 8 large lots for nothing down and pay like rent. Hco OWNER, 10 N. Riv erside. J(l WAITING - HAMD SOME OVEF FOR SAI.15 MISCiaiTiANEOUS FOR SALE 2 barber Chairs, llox (IS, Routo, 4, Medford. 62 WILL TRANKFER contract on small bungalow piano to sonio responsible person who will pay out balance on low monthly pay ments. Will sncrlflco all money already paid. Vory high grado make, in beautiful walnut finish. This Is worth Investigating. Mr. Phillips, caro Mail Tribune. 63 FOIt KALE Fnlrbank ti Morso imnip, back-bar and showing. I'al's Secondhand store. tl-l FOR HALE Boo supplies, arch Seed Co. Mon ic FOR SALE Ekonomy Dairy Fly Hprny is guaranteod to kill Hies. Monarch Heed Co. tf FOR SALE Flowering plants, colons, fuchtas, geraniums, all colors, from 10c to 25c postpaid. L. M. Greene, Prospect, Oro. 01 WHEAT and rolled barley, 2o a lb., $:I5 a ton; baled alfalfa, lu a lb., $17 k ton. Phono C. A. DoVoe. lf FOIt HALE Madrono, clllck feeds cost less, uro butter. Monarch Heed Co. tf FOR SALE Hay salt, 60 lbs. 65c. Monarch Heed Co. tf UNDERWOOD Typewriter Agency. Hunstrand Adding Muclilne Agcy, Hales Rentals Service 34 N. Central. Phono 112. Rebuilt machines, all makes. 66tf FOR SALE Wagons. Will trado for wood. Valley Fuel Co. Phono 76. 60lf FOR HALE New farm wagon, 10 h. p. cngino and drag saw. Tel. eai. tf FOR HALE Berry cups and crates. Monari-b Heed Co. 46tf FOR BALE Furnituro. Buyer ns. sumo payments. 413 North Ivy, Phono 745-.I. 46lf BALED HAY. Tol. 408-R-8. 84 HEAVY green Pino slabs, largo loads, 4 14 tiers; freo kindling with 3 largo loads. Valley Fuel v.o., 1'iiono vs. ' 3&up FOR SALE 10.000 common brick 3,000 Wlllamlna rug faco brick at cost In carload. Can be seon at new Holly Thentor building Earl H. Fohl, agent. 33tf FOR SALE Tomato, cabbage, pepsor plants. C, Carey, Phone Oll-J-1. lilt' FOR SALE Front door In splen did condition, complete with look and hinges; small glass windows In top; 8-ft. 6-ln. by 6-ft. -ln. Phone 390-L ot evenings. tf WE PAY CASH for mohair, wool, hides, pelts and Junk. Medford Bargain House, Phone 1063, 27 No. Grape. i tf FOR BALIS Lumber. A quantity of 2x4s in 10, 12 and 14-foot lengths. A bargain If you can use them. Porter Lumber Co. tf FOR SALE loxt brooder house, all matorials complete, windows, doors, roofing lumber end nails for $40. Phone 124. tf FOR BALK Used sewlnif ma chin; all'makes, $6 up; terms if desired. All makes rented - and repaired. White Sewing Machine Co.. 14 North- Bartlett. lltf FOR garden and field plowing, sand, gravel and sediment, TeL 913-J. Samuel Ratman. IlUSINEHS DIRICtTOIlT Accountant WILSON AUDITING COMPANY Tax and Corporation Counselors, Auditors and Accountants, E. M. Wilson, C. P. A.; Leland J. Knox, C. P. A.; Lloyd Showers. Liberty Bldg. Phone 17-R. Bicycles BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP Work guaranteed. Aulo locks and keys for nil cars. 19 N, Fir HI. Tel. 881. I kjiir c-Mif: I I MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Au- j slracts o( Titlo. Title Insurance, i ! Rooms 3 and 5, No. 82 North Central Ave., upstairs. rr .TACK SO V CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title and Title Insur- 1 nncc. Tho only com plete Title System in Jackson County. Chiropractic Physician DR.- I-!. W. HOFFMAN Chlro- practlo Nerve Specialist. Office hours 9 to 12; 2 to 6. 203-204 Liberty Elds. Office phone 680; Res. phone 790-H. - DR. JOUETT P. BR AY Suite 308, Medford Rtdg., for chiropractlo service. Thursdays by appoint ment. Office Tel. 1230. Civil Engineer C. A. NUTTER Registered Civil Engineer, logging 'engineer, tim ber cruiser. 826 So. Central Ave. Phone 10C9-X. 310 Elect rlo Motor Repalrinff L. C. SCIIAFER Armature wind ing, electric motor repairing. Comnlote stock bearings and brushes. 33 N. Central. Phones B'.'Ps:S55 uu-j-z; uenu-ai i-oint in, in Eyo Specialists DR. D. A. CHAMBERS, Optome trist. EyeB examined. Glassos fitted. 404 Medford Bldg. Tel. 188. 362tf Expert Window Cleaners LET GEORGE DO IT Tel. 1171. Houso Cleaning, Floor Waxlnn. Oriental Rug Cleaning, specialty l'arin Loans LOANS Oet your Land Bank loans through the Rogue Rlvor Assn. See mo before getting a loun. J. R. Bowen, Rogue River. FARM LOANS Long term, 6V4 Interest. Federal Land Bank. Percy A. Bray, Secy.-Troas., Medford N. F. L. A. Phone 66. Financial WE LEND MONEY to worthy people to pay their honost debts Pacific Coast Credit Association, 423 Medford Bid., Medford, Ore, Freight Transportation LONG DISTANCE HAULING Medford-Klumath Truck Line Daily service. Bonded carriers, Special rates on load lots. Autl Freight Terminal, 36 S. Fir. Tel 1083. . , Goncral Contractor A. E. WOOLVERTON Genera) Contractor; oement work, foui dntions, sidewalks. 16 N, Riven sldo. Phone 1392. 'Luivn Mowor Grinding; ' LAWN MOWER GRINDING, ad) Justing, greasing. Called for; do ,. Ilvored for $1.00. Joo Rinardt '' Cyolory, 28 S. Bartlett. Tel. 1468, Money to Loan 6 i Long; Time . Real Estate Morlgag-o Loans; I'lioue 133 Commercial Finance Corp. Medford, Oregon DO YOU NEED MONEY 7 W make short time loans. All trans actions confidential. 657-J. Bam lstor JcChrlslnor.317 Liberty Bid Monuments THE OREGON ORANITB CO.- Monuments. E. A. Hicks, Gen erat Manager; P. M. Kershaw; Sales Munagor, 308 N. Front St. lVrsonnl Loans. PRIVATE MONEY to loan. Good securities bought. Money loaned on mortgages. Room 3, Sparta Bldg. PuinlltiB; nnd Pnporhangini; M. A. BLISS & COMPANY Paint ing, paperhanging and Interior finishing. 302 Crater Lake Ave. PhonoJl604. 41 Piano Instruction FRED ALTON HA1GHT Teacher of Piano. Modern Classical and popular methods.-- Special sup plemental course in popular music for beginners, any ago, or those who piny. Successfully taught, also, by mall; Arranging. Song lyrics act to music. Haight ' Music Studio, 318 Liberty Bldg., Mod ford, Ore. Phono- 72. Printers nnd Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. Has tho best equipped printing office In Southern Oregon. Bookbind ing, loose -leaf ledgers, bllllnjf systems, etc. Portland prices. 87 N. Fir St. Radio Service RADIO SERVICE on any make radio. II, O. Purucker, Ht South Grape street. Office Phone 13$ i Res. 1442. , 181 Band and Gravel C. A. HARTLEY Sand and Gravel plnnt. . Clean washed sand and gravel; crushed gravol, all sixes. Phone plant 1203 or office 127. Spraying IF YOU want a good Job of spray ing done on your trees and shrubs at a reasonable price, Tel, 1039. $63 Storage WAREHOUSING Storage, Dlstrl , button. Medford Warehouse, lit South Front St. Phone lit. Transfer EADH TRANSFER A STORAGB) CO. Office ill N. Fir Street. Phone 316, Prices right. Bervlee guaranteed. DAVIS TRANSFER A STORAGB. Service guaranteed. 20 8.. Grape Ht., Phone 644, or residence 1060, Upholstering THIBAULT Maker of overstuffed Furniture made to order; re upholstering. We estimate, show samples. Phono ttt-R, 1