Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 22, 1930, Page 12, Image 12

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Medford Mail Tribune
Daily and Sunda? - . ... "..m
rurmsnra djt
IJ-IT-H N. Fir 8U ' I MM
t iiiir
tI rr
a. 8UM1TES B1I1TII, Manafer
An Independent Nevipaper
Entered aa ireond elau mattrr at Medford,
Oregon, under Act of March 8, 1871.
eOBSC'lill'TluN BATES .
Br Mafl In Advance:
Paile, with Suidajr, fear fT.SO
-. Ilallr, with Bunda, month , TS
Pailr, without Bunday, year ... 6.60
. Dally, vithout Bunday, month 05
Sunday, one yea-. 2.01)
. By Carrier, In Adratice In Medford, Ashland,
Jarksomllle, Central Pulut, I'hoenll, Talent, Hold
Jill and on lllttlmayi:
llally, wltli Bunday, month .75
Dally, ullhout Bunday. month 05
llally, vithout Sunday, lua year 7.00
Daily, vltli Sunday, una year S.00
All terma, eanh In adtance.
Offlclal tuner ot the City of Medford.
Official paper of Jackaon County.
Heceltli run Leued Wire Berrlct
The Associated I'reM la eicliuhely entitled to
' " the use for nuliltealiun of all neva dispatehea
nfitfi- credited to It or otherwise credited In this paper,
Ifffoq tnd also to the local nem puMMied liereln.
All rlghta for publication of apeclal dlipitebea
bereln are alao reserred.
A. B. C. arerage circulation for all monliia
endiw Match St., was 4:123.
ndlnc March 1, 1U30, waa 4323.
Daily average dhulljutiun fur six montlis Ut
March 31, I:iO 11)73. .
I'resent press run, 4815..
' r Adrertlslrnt Itepresentatlrea
nrflrn In New York, I'lilcaeo, Detroit, San
Francisco, Lui Annrilea, Seattle, Portland
CPJIE TIMR mro we "calii'ti attention to what ilillsboro, Ore-
gun lias tloiio in milking its one cannery an nutstniKliiitf fin
cial success, mid a medium for ciuiiiiiunity b-tteriuent ami
Wc asked why ireilford, larger' and more favorably situated
in ninny ways, could not achieve n similar success in this portion
of the stikte.
That editorial was reprinted by the Ilillsboro paper, and
after reading it, Mr. Kdward Scliulmerich, president of the Com
mercial National Hank of that city, who was largely responsible
for the success of the enterprise, wrote to ,us, in part, as fol
lows: "It Is my Intention (o attend Hie OreEon nnnkcrs' Convention.
-which Is to he held in your city during the month of June. While
1 nm In Medford I will be pleased to give yon (Mulls ntt to the
methods used la making the Kay-MulliiK Company the successful
concern It Is today. I will also he pleased to appear before the
Industrial committee of the Medford Chamber ot' Commerce and
give Ihem tho benefit of our experience." , . .
Officials of the local Chamber of Cnniineree are enthusiastic
over this offer, and Mr. .Scliulnierich has been invited to give
it talk before the chamber's industrial committee, probably at
11 public, meeting, the time and place to be announced later.
AVe arc sure all the people of Southern Oregon will look for
ward to this address with the greatest anticipation ami interest
i ..1. ... .1 .1 1. , 1. . . .....
ii siMiiiiii no one 01 me most, important, events ot the year, as
iur as a deliiiile solution of our 'cannery problem is concerned
Quill Points
Being elected President made, al!
the uther seem sreater. But there
isn't any higher place than the top.
Personal Health. Service.
By William Brady, JLD.
Signed lettera oertalnlrc to Dentinal health and hrdenc. not 'to dhrift.' diurxhli tar beat meet
will be answered by It. itrady If a stamped lelf atldreed em elope b enclosed. Letters should be
fnvh nrontritv would rpturn if'bef nd Titti In Ink. Owing to tltc large number ot letters raeelfed only a rev can be answered
fm! i, .i w.t wmiiri . J ' No "9ly made 10 QuerlM 001 confirming lo in true Horn. Addresi Dr. WilUaa Bradj
1 w,v in cart or me wan xnoune.
or tneir holes ana again shout;
"Don't aell America short!"
The Kovernment l always help
ful. It cheered while the people
blew up the bubble, and now
cheers while they hunt for joba.
People are at last beginnlnft to
unuoTHiund that an engineer 'fl Jiru
an engineer not a miracle worker.
Ye Smudge Pot
, (By Arthur Perry)
Half n peanut will Kitpply liruin
eneiity for an hour'a limd think
Intc, HclentlHlH rtny, nnd Hnnte of the
lucal reHiiltH lnillcnti) that 'the
peanut wiih rotten. . r . ,- ,
Thn Ioiib Hkltts fall to cover
Ihfi ct'oolteilncKK. ,
Juno tirldea and ugH will Huon
lie nmonKHt uh.
3.1 :
Tho condition of Eltu-ood Am
hrowe wti8 reported unimproved
Wednesdny. JIo in xtill confined
to hlB bed with a trained nurse.
(Ked llluff News.) A typo ot
journalism that cover up nothing,
In the Republican primary elec
tion, Senntor McNnry received n
flattering . complimentary,, vote.
Thin will Inspire tho senior seed-
Render to Increase his well-known
efforts to poster tho presldont, and
consort an much as posslhle with
his political foes, In order to ha
, Residential nrens report the
;.. , 103a crop of kittens is well under
uiiil way.
iiiivl;- ! '
- Tho truo value of horso sense Is
--:... clearly shown by tho fact that the
horse woh afraid of the automobile
"during . tho period. In . which tho
pedestrian laughed at It. (Luuls
llii -: vl" Times.) Correct.' Hut a mull
never snorts hysterically at a paper
. lack, i
Y'i 1,10 Kuberniitorinl fainpiiinn in this slate, this full, slioubl
be of unusual interest, I'niisuiil, boeaiise old jiarty lines
will he iibandoned and seraiubled, as never licfore.
'Ax It matter of faet. as the situation HOW stllllflu tlui trilili'.
jlional roles of the Republican and Deinoeralie eiimlidates nro
almost eniupletely reversed.
.. Jlousccleanlng Is all tho nige,
nnd the major portion ot tho Older
;.'. lllrls havo a Tuiltlsh towel wrap
.i,.. pi'd turban-wlso about their nog
ivt. Sins. - The menralks innul tho cur
pets with a broomhandlo, und miilto
a nolso like a machine gun com-
potlng with a motorcycle.
iiiK'i It Is announced that Oregon, In
'""' common with tho rest uf tho
',lu nation Is sufti'rlng from "unrest,"
" causing them to bo giddy In their
voting. It nniy bo thtit tho musses
,(! nro suffering from "rest," but, at
... , any rate, a spirit of orneryncss
.win seems to prevail, and thero Is a
' gentlo deslro to run a pitchfork
through somebody or unmnthlng,
for no reason at all. What the
disturbed souls need, U three fln
!,.,',., Rers of whiskey In a water glass,
. , ( with bubbles at tho top, and n
plere of leo clinking merrily. The
-- concoction is unconstitutional, but
kft would erndicato the civic blues,
"drlve mclanchuly away, and hush
vu",.'; "', th" Kloomy hlittherskltes who
,.,'vl hftVB shnrpenod their lead pencils,
i j." nnd cleured their throuts, to save
- - - tho young, the home, mid tho slate,
nnd elect Iholr matt In tho fall.
TherO should tin n "T.t bn.,i -Uwl.r
1- lklV " It i,.,.l,l K. 1. 1..
'peiiment," and cure n lot of
ii.hiiiheller-lhan-thou stuff. ,
.ani: BCIIOOL JJOAH1J" (Lakevlew
j',xpreHS.) llraxenness In educa
tional circles.
lo i,
i am
iThnmns A. Wnterman, the Ver
tn'int refugee, this week received
..... 4 gallons of nm pie syrup nnd 2
ni, cans of maple sugar, from his
,lii,inallvo heath. It Is much better
i,. than the Imitation maple syrup on
It the imllatlon buckwheat cakes of
these purts.
The Purity Leiiguo of America
announces its Intention to conduct
,n campaign of education to "curb
inning ... In Its major nsnnrt
This Is it good Idea, und will be
welcomed by members of both
sexes who hnvo experienced dim
. cully In "curbing their fiiitin. "
ens" ,,,le wrlr is going to enlist In the
..,.,cruntle, and will try to its i
r. , Uncle, 8. from flirting with tho
s. female help, who tell him Hint his
wniskers make him look dignified.
- Here Is a sturdy cltlxen who took
chew of tobacco after Kit l'nr
Colorado seoul, and chimed
Wt lnil"in" vu'h- hn they needed
chasing, bending his knee nnd
neck with gusto, to nge-old tricks.
-They stop flirting when they stop
AN fur lis tliern is tiny real dil'IVrcnee lictween tho two major
. parlies, (lie Jiepublieans represent, eonservalisut, Hie Deino
erals radicalism; the Republicans, n neneral iiiiiintenaiiee of
thttitnlils ipit);' the Democrats nn appcal to the'deer pec-pid"
n full reliance on that, tiinc-honnretl kIol'iiii, "Turn the rascals
oui!" ' " ! -- - - .
Hut, with tho "Li-raisin' " flcorKC .Toseph leadiiiL' ilie ponder
ous nnd Hlow-ninviii),' fi. (). . elephant : and the snne nnd eon-
servalivo Kdward Ilailcy leadiiifr the hurd-kicUiii; and pestifer
ous Dcmocratie donkey, the partisan rank and file will face the
familiar predicament of tho ehamclon on n Scotch plliid.
Mr. Joseph will inevitably appeal to "all Unit is bred iii the
Deinocrntie boncj and conver.sely Mr. Itailey will appeal tci
qvcrytliiiig that the typical Kepublican holds most sacred.
As n result, unless one or two independent candidates come
n to relieve the strain and clear Hit! titinnsnherc. the result in
November will be as difficult to nrctliet. liel'ore llm .,., t tl,n
csult last. Friday.
fV eonrsa it is the Rcneral belief now that notliinrj can beat
Joseph, just as it was tho fteneral belief n week aim that
notliiiiK could nominato him.
Hilt "fjenenil beliefs" have a pesky habit of blowiiiL' mi at
critical momciifs. what is true loilav m.t Mt i. ,.t ..n t,..v
tomorrow; tiio political psychology of Jlay is quito likely to
be totally different from the political psychology of November.
TlTirAT will be the Kticrl business situation, for example,'
"T fohr mouths hence? Will it be bcller of worse, Rood or
lad? Only those who KNOW tho answer to Ibis query can
lr t-a:. : !.. .... ' " ' !
....v-n mi; Jim ciccuuii is coming out. (
l lien there is the emotional factor. As the recent primary
demonstrated, people, as a whole, don't voto as they think, but
as they FKKU And human feelinp-R arc piivticulavly t?useeptible
to that old law of action and reaction, the inevitable HwlnVof
the pendulum, in this dunce of life. -
Will that pendulum, Which swung Mr. Joseph into Ihe ele
phant's howdah Ibis Sprin;', he swiimiii);' the same way next
Fall? Perhaps not. Only those who KNOW can also know who
will be the winner in November, '
DIjT whoever wins, this much is certain. The euhefnntnrinl
' eiim'piiitfii this year is oing lo be more excitiiiK and en-
There's still a skeleton In the
closet, but the skclcuui Is
daughter and the closet Ik call
ed n break fast mom.
One reason why hlp-flnck parties
VACCiXATlOX ' : t,
I have answered many queries
about vacclnntlon here, and now
and again I have given my opinion
ot tlte Inconsisten
cy of compulsory
vaccination. The
other day some
one sent me one of
those inisernble
tracts or pamph
lets used by cer
tain Interests of
ouestlonable char
ncter to propagate
anti - vaccination
ideas, nnd In- -it ono of my com
ments -on compulsory -vaccination
was accurately-tiuoteil; along with
Uie opinions or. sayings of a preci
ous crew of charlntuns nnd oppor
tunists of all sorts. At first bl'ish
seem universal Is because few of 1 1 wished I had worded my opinion
tho well-known commentators live
out In the sticks,
Ono way to keep from being at.
tacked as you sit in your in yo.jr
car on a lonely road at night is lo
keep tile cur moving.
Americanism: Piling up wealth
In sight of poor nnd desperate
neighbors; thinking it a sufficient
national defense to talk about
brotherly love.
You can't really break a natural
law. l(iu just break yourself and
the law remains as it was.
"Why not go tho whole hog ami
let stock exchange brokers say
whether n gold dollar is todiy
worth f2.10 or 14 cents.
Old Dobbin lied faults, but
he never scattered yon on the
highway just because ho met
ll onr-eyed horso at night.
Only a few people arc seriousiy
concerned about what wo are here
for, and they don't do anything but
talk about It.
llttlo differently, but when I
tried It over I found I had said
precisely what I meant and I
meant what I said.
But I want to say here that la
my opinion anybody who seeks to
avoid or escape- being vaccinated
against smallpox is foolhardy. It
is truo that any scratch, abrasion,
pia prick or trifling burn of the
skin may open the way for serious
or fatal septicemia, blood poison
ing. The vaccination wound is no
exception. Now und then some one
will suffer from such an accident,
unless the vaccination wound ,1s
intelligently cared for. But the
risk ot nay ill effect from the
vaccination wound Is Insignificant
compared with the risk one must
assume if one goes unvacclnated,
tkat no intelligent person will per
mit It to deter him from having
this protection. That Is my opinion
of vaccination, although 1 believe
compulsory vaccination is . not
justifiable except for Infants or
olhers not capable ot using ordi
nary Judgment. If vaccination
confers tho protection I believe it
does, I. am surely in no. danger
from my friend or associate who
doesn't believe in vaccination, so
why should J Insist that he be vnc-
clnated If he doesn't care to pro
tect himself that way? .,
Some years ago' there were sev
eral fatal cases of tetanus (lock
jaw) from Infection of tho vaccU
nation wound; ' the ' investigation
proved that some virus had -carried
the tetanus bacilli. . That was mDst
unfortunate, but. It scarcely deters
me from vaccinating my own loyed
ones. . 1 :, . i ; , . ,
'inese nntt-vacclnatlonists are
fond of one vicious argument that
muy have some weight in , the
Imagination of uneducated people
hut is absurd when you know any
thing about the disease in -question.
They imply that syphilis is
conveyed in vaccine virus. , That
assumption requires another,
namely, that there Is such a con
dition or disease as bovine syphil
id syphillls in the cow or calf.
A notorious charlatan found .-it.
very helpful to his line of humbug
to conjure up .some such idea, a
decade or more ago; he pretended
to tletect a slight taint of syphillis
In nearly every victim of his hum-,
bug diugnosis, nnd then hedged by
suggesting .that It was this vague.
Intangible "bovine syphilis.'' That's
tho kind of syphilis antlrvaocina
tiunists like to have gullible folk
imngine one can get - through vacv
cine virus.--. v ; i ,- . ,
Nobody knows . how long : -the
immunity conferred by vaccination
lasts. I believe one vaccination In
early life pretty well protects me
for life, though I should certainly
have another try, at it if. rtnt out.
break of smaUpox happened In my i
environment.,..;. . A1
Only aii.aoo persons had small
pox In the United States in 1925.
although there were 800,000 feeble
minded persons In the country
that year. Compulsory vaccination
is a great thing for children nnd
Could Any One Ask More
No mntter hdw busy my dnv is
started with "cheerio" over WOW
then "conies my paper and I turn
to Dr. Brady and absorb the know
ledge there offered and repeaj It
foe'v?rTn'whV wlirilsten ; . .
secret: One of our best surgeons
teada and quotes -you as religiously
fa I do. i. . (Mra. F. U.).i
. Answeri I's relighted. A lot of
people who. quote me are not so
religious about it
; Ono Happy Thought About
-,.-''- MelanelHdla '
; Somebody sends In a slipping of
an Item' referring to the suicide
of a gh-l aged i I. The girl's friends
remembered she had been depress
ed and they readily acquiesced in
the newspaper , verdict of suicide
while melnnchollo. and the melan
cholia, the, vulturouss friends con
clude, wns induced by an Inferior
ity, complex, , Try nnd explain that
away! ,. -: ".
i Answer-Thnnk heaven most of
lis have our Inferiority, complexes,
and only u few suffer from superi
ority ..complexes. Melancholia is a
form of insanity,, not mere loneli
ness, homesickness, friendless feel
ing or inferiority -complex. -Neither
Is there the slightest ground for
the y; po P u I a r -, notion :thnt
these -ordinary, anxioty or -worry or
disappointment spells, which most
of us have now and then, can or
do lend to Insanity. If the young
woman in this Instance really was
Insane .(as, I thing she must have
been before she could commit sui
cide), her depression and r.f prior
ity, complex, os her nlleged friends
described - it, were clearly symp
toms -or effects ot her. Illness and
riot. the causa of the tragedy. That
isn't a- very happy .thought, but it
is - konsoling. Here is tht happy
thought- I hope to .plant in every
reader's, mind: .It .is, excessively
rnre; (almost, unknown) .for a per
son, who... Is.-, nctually -. developing
any: form of. .Insanity? to- think so
himself; as a.rule he or she is the
veryi last to acknowledge insanity.
On the other hand,, it is quite' as
rnra. -for any, one, who suspects.
feajH or-.beieves ho .Is "going -in
sane" to go insane, . Ho -remember
"this when nnd if the melancholic
dqys, come. This is not the place
to; enumerate the real causes of
Insanity,' but inferiority complex is
not one of them, for If it were we
should all be. demented except
mnybe a few- morons.
Do Yon Remember? T
(From (lies -aCt Kit Mall Tribune.)
May 22, 1920 .
i Johnson leads field In early count
Oregon primary. Races for county
offices close. ; '
This, the city's annual cleanup
day, finds many men downtown
eager for election news, Instead ot
cleaning up.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Meeker
return from attending general con
ference of Metlio'llst church, anil
visit to old Iowa home.
Seats are all spld tor "The Pass
ing Show" at Page, theatre, which
arrived in 15 cars. on. June 1.
O. A. C. expert to hold milliner
classes In rural areas of county.
Mose EarkduH aail j. M. Keene
get vote each for president, in thfjtf'
own ward.
(From (lies of the Mail Tribune.)
. . . May 22, 1910
Smith Holly paving finished.
Mr. anil Mrs. T. E. Danlebi drlvo
to Yrekn in their new Cadillac.
The appearance of the new city
park is steadily Imprving.
New York. Dr. J; C. Fititmaurlce
declares "long hair, wadded on top
of their heads, cause of nervous
ness among fair sex." The doctor
la called "a freak fatltlist seeking
publicity:" ... i :.
Tho "bad men 'of the west
wouldn't have quit, either. It the
people had depended on tho fed
eral government to stop them.
'Correct this sentence: "The
young men of my day would hove
revered girls," snld the old guy.
"even If they had dressed as girls
do now."
Poppy Thoughts
Brisbane's Today
(Continued from page one)
(Continued from Page One) -
The Auxiliary's poppy work 'be
gtns in the late fall and early win-
tor when the manufacture- of the
popples is begun by disabled veter
ans In government hospitals and
in convalescent workshops main
tained by the Auxiliary.
Throughout the winter and the
spring months. tho disabled men are
given profitable employment shap
ing the little red flowers. The
program comes to a climnx In May
when, on the Saturday before
Memorial day In most communi
ties, the sale of the popples takes
place on the, streets.
A radio program will be broad
cast dally from station K.MKD un
til. Momorial day, under the au
spices of the local American Le
gion Auxiliary, as a part of the
poppy sale promotion work.
Miiii( than any held in this state for lllllliv n m it mi 'PI i.i
ntf.vspn.pfrn' should have it pint iciiliuly (,'ood time. For there
will be very little "boiler pbite" this year. Polilics should he
I'irst-piiKo stul'l", mosl of the time.
The list of unemployed seems to include the I'ool hitler.
And no nation can endure half-imprisoned mid hidf-free.
If "slant;" keens on eoverim' tnoei. l..i.,.;i .,..
won't he nny words left for eussin'l
The Ki'ent imniiid niertjer will occur in .Tune as usual,
t he iiinnnirinir director will lie 'decided upon Inter.
; A (J It OSS
,1. A cntiAinoruiilo
ii u in ber
& Trco tvllh
f ruifnint wo nd
13. WimiiioHcr
H. Mlsslnii in
I aSuuthrrn
stiit i tibhr. ,
16. VulilHc on
, riiuiiprt
17. Sluvft
18. (lurm.'in ex
flu ninth, n
20, l.iicoiiiuth
S3. Sun ifuil
3.1. Culliir fi lit ton
23. iN'tinieritl
28. Wire nirut-
u inn nit
27, l.iirao itorjicnt
2.. Fttel Joy
32. Smiiirpr iilnco
iifljnccnl tii a
33. Strlpnt equine 4(1. l.nriist
ti ii I in a I 4. Itlwrt Spanish
St. Wonl sift iilfy- .'ill. Clan
Itii; mure Mum 52, ; linn ire iiosl-
34. Armed contllrl U. Denial
!! r'Vn",r . 5;" "ny'" mnrcti
4. i-.iiinie tnhpr r6. UMi-ml
42. 11 null le to Hint r.s, Mcniihir
llif nnjr fitt. l.wNhtlra
45. liv: I ronch nNnitiiitus
Solution of Yesterday's Puzile
H I LonAvAsTWipgg
kJM IN A TO Rj ft ElM A
PjO P)g E Nlln Mil t
KSSIn. oJtH r a ns" i Ms
lkiiNlA PL SPHDlSl
e l w)H b. El rIHe
KrS3 tl a mHs pIrJa i nIeId
Le p fls t ePpTl Al Cl
ikA illTA KEJBE R RfoTRl
I j j e VJAPT F gMg
11(1 WN
1. I.egnil9
5. Alnke Into
liiw m
3. A hrotlier of
Oil hi
4. Typo aq-mrn
6. Nliie ciinr
8. Conceruliiff
7. Arcunnt huuk
H. city la trance
0. Otlicr
10. A tribe uf
11. Cmitinent
12. Onli-i of
13. Lptoar
St. Feni'.nfnt
ll u (tie
24. llnr.l: Soolch
2ii. I.nnbfn(rrlnss
tS. Sonthern
Hi). Semite
81 A liFKrenilnnt
ot Nuulu Mb.
32. Fair let
33. Ifnwl .
34. Interpurtj
JI7. Haaciili ,
41. Wnrslilp.
43. II ecu use
41. Illnui a
4ft. I'ullecmen
47. Kind of nr
row pulsun
i$, itlfcr m .
fil, Land! Scotch
r.:t. (irooK lettnr
67. Symbol tor
ndiyl , .
.TO thv Kdltori . . , .
; Hnvo been intcnrilnj? to write,
tfllliiK ynu how vory much 1 enjoy
your (HltloritilH, Thoy uro th first
tiling I roii (I und are t onliKht
onlnr, o broiul nnd ao expressive
and to the point.
Your editorlalH on the election
were especially good.
I have traveled nil over tho
western Rtntes nnd have heard
many compliments on The Mall
Tribune. Ivnow several people who
live In Onltiornln that tako tho
pnjwM "to read Hob lEuhl'H edito
rials." -
Jon't thJinpo your cohimn. It
Is the one paper that has realj
individuality! Keer it po. ' j
(.Mrs.) A. V. AM.K.V,
Medford, May 21.
1 2 . 3 4 K I6 17 s Y? ' " '2
73- 75 -
" 'S. t f
15 '
'f Ti Mis
Ml . i
-T-- ini.
, , . ,'l;"'
-" - Trt 5f"
Si ' Jf
the city of JtaffHlo, X. X., where
lie used to swim when the north
ern-part of the United Stntes
wns covered with water.
That tisli with the hinge In Its
neck was a necessary part of our
evolution, 11' you believe science.
Now we have Iilnsos all the way
down our necks, and all the way
down our Bpines to the last Joint
the os coccyx, all we have left ot
a tall we once carried around.
i China apparently means to he up
to ante in war. . The French au
thorities in Intlo China have seized
a shipment ot poison gas tor the
.Nanking government.
Fiance suggests that Germany
supplied tne poison gas. The Ger
man foreign office denies it.
The important - thing Tor this
peace loving country is the proof
that, when war comes, fighters
turn naturally to poison gas.
London, which often knows more
about our nffalrs than we know,
says money will be even cheaper
than it was. The bank rata may
be reduced to 2V4 Per cent.
Paris r&ports money "unlendable."
If only that had been the case last
October, when the sky was the limit
and everything going up. Then
people wanted money and had to
pay 15 nnd 20 per cent to borrow
it. Now they don't want it nnd
can get it for almost nothing.
Bombay reports 200 more Injured
In another ot many Hintft salt
Mrs. Naidu. poetess, rnnlnr-inir
Gandhi, now in Jail, as leader of
me mnuus, has been nrrested with
Gandhi's son.
Gandhi promised to provoke ar
rests until all the jails and other
buildings are full, nnd wonders
what Britain will do then. It Is a
difficult question.
If you put a million Hindus in
jail; there would be 219.000.000 left
to carry on Gandhi's "civil disobedi
ence" campaign.
Gandhi tells an Interviewer that
India demands "full freedom."
Propagandists for tho Indian revo
lution in America say that before
Britain took control of India it was
a great and free nation. History
provides little Information- to that
effect. . i
1 M
Would the administration and
Congress tell the nntion whnt. If
Horse, belonging to H. Williams
of Gold Hill drops, dead on Main
. ., . 8KV..CITIES ;.,. ;.
Byi.Mnry. il1lluil)l Bollucr.
After -.the- Little. lacki Clock had
taken them to the Air hotel an.)
had let them take shower baths
from the famous cloud showers, he
suggested that
they take, a trip
nt night up In the
They thought
that wns a thrill
in,r idea and thoy
started off. The
Little Black
Clock had turned
the time' ahead
many years, anti
there ' were a
number of Air
hotels and Air
p i c nic grounds
and A i r plny-
'. lr ..'.. 'grounds. - r
As they rode along through the
air it was tho strangest, most won
derful sight to sqe the lights gleam
ing from these different hotels an.l
places up in the air. .
Sometimes they would go through
a dark cloud and when they were fc
out of it they would' once again sea
the twinkling lights from the win
dows of the great hotels.
.Jow nnd again they looked at the
earth below.. There were. ' some
beacon lights to be seen, and dim
ly, faintly, they could see the scat
tered lights along the streets ot
towns and villages but the bright
est lights were nil up In the air.
Far above them they could see
the stars. They looked very small.
It wns like a Fairyland with thn
enrth below nnd Its flickering lights
and the air through which i they
were flying nnd its gay lights, and
above them the twinkling lights of .
the stars. - ...
They flow and they flew nnd the.-
flew, and pretty soon the air and
the many lights nnd the hum of the
motor made them feel very drowsy.
j ney must have landed -very-,
gently, for they did not remembcr
anything nhout it only that they
slept so well nfter . that glorious
ride. . .
It wns so queer nnd funny, as
John said, to see the world when it
was new nnd when things were
just being discovered, nnd it seem
ed so unreal when tho ClorjU turn
ed the time forward Into tho future.
Tomorrow "Tlio Imp."
anything, they propose to doi nhout
Muscle Shoals?
There power goes to waste'wnrth
millions a year.
That power could produce fer
tilizer that farmers need.
If an Individual or corporation
possessed and failed to use such
vnst potentialities ot wealth, insan-
uy experts would be called.
POhrtAJJU; Ore., May' ii'. m
Kdwln w. I-ovcJoy. I'nltrd Htlites
. jnpervtwtf Of radio, nhnourWcd lo-
'lny that lightning itrttr-k the
f!.i00 toilitpment 1n tilt, federal ov.
ernmrnl'n monitoring station on
riHilirll etPKl ymtetdny, hurled In
upwlni' Ttohwt lindKberg In Ihe
"nnr destroyed 'he loop In
pn of the master receive. J
ur iviuii , .
rr'p A", -nte CHiNese Y but why sHoutp The. ry N as a tATTfr of fact. ' rJ , By BUD FISHER