Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 20, 1930, Page 4, Image 4

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- lly ilcnn Bubb. . '
(Associated. Vrem Oori'esjJbrtdent)
, TOKYO (P) The modern Jap
ntlPHe youth whose life has been
blighted, jumps from the roof of
a buslnCHs block, Instead of In
voking: the' honorable rlte'of harl
Kli'l, whlrh flKUi-en so prominently
in i the ' leifenits and history of
- Because of the earthquake dan
ger there are no real ftkyscraiiein
; m Japan, but Tokyo's new- de
partment stores, six, seven or
eight stories high, are lofty enough
for the youth who has been Jilted,
fniled In his examinations or Just
become tired. Within recent weeks
li dozen young men and girls
have leaped from the roofs of the
Matsuya or MutBuzakuya depart
ment stores. '
tiuicide hns an. honorable pluce
Ih the . Japanese code, quite nt
Varlnheo with ' occidental -Ideas.
. When defeat or dishonor loomed
It Wa the only way out ior- in
aatnurttl; loyal rotttlnerg' killed
themselves to follow their lords
in death; patriots died to empha
size a truth they believed vital tu
the national welfare.
Lovers threatened with separa
tion sought to enter Elysium to
gether by the .romantic idoublo
tulcldo known as sbinju ("the In
ner heart"), for wlikh for cen-
' turles they hnvo favored such
keauty .spots nt the Kogon water'
fall near Nikko, tho crater of
the active volcano Abo' In Kyushu,
tho rocky seashore near Ataml.
"fheso romantic places still claim
' tlielf toll of disappointed lovers.
' The' ' outstanding ' example of
' hnrnklrl in modern Japan, nnd nl
; most the last, was the death In
' 1918 'of General Count Nogl, tho
' captor of l'ort Arthur. Ho killed
: himself In tho classical mnnnor the
' tiight they burled his sovereign,
, tho Emperor Meljl. His wife, like
' it heroine of a feudal romance,
killed herself at tho same time: '
; Knai rllml nnt merolv to follow
his lord In death, but also, ho said,
to recall the nation from Its mod
ern slackness to tho old discipline
and loyalty. Nogl has been del
fled and a Rhrlno built for his
worship. i
. In the furore of 1024 over tho
ntuwago of the Arnffh-nti Immigra
tion law whlon' excluded Jnpnneso,
;an obscure 'patriot" killed him
self near the .American Kmbassy,
milting himself' ircfbiw thd' abdo
men In ' ft crude' attempt to perform-tho
classical rlto of hnrlklrl.
' 1 1 ' ' ' ". vl! '
Prison Doors Open For Preacher,
;. . . ihm mm mmxfy mvrr mm mmm "tJL '" !
' " o r " iT m TTrin '
" r, JlliQlIfffifilf:1:
j; I;, - - - " ' ' ''
LOM ANdKLKH. Mny 20,
Thn Rev. H. I (Hob) Kchulor, re
leaned from tho county jnil on a
Mute fiuprpino court writ of huhenn
corpus, left Los AiibpIph nt 4 n. m.
today by pitHHetiKer nlrplnne for
Dalian. Texan. Jle expectH to reilch
hlH floRtlnitUitn nt- 7:80 p. m. to
attend the cIohImk HeK.sion of the
nnnuitl conference of hln roliKlnuH
denomlnatlnn, the Methodist i:piH
copal. Tho preacher who walked out of
jail lato yoHlorday, hnd nerved flf-
teen days 6f a twetily dftvy sentence
for .Coiitenipt of court; Ifo posted
fTiOO pall pendlnp a henrlnff on
the writ, whlcn Ih BCheduled for
June 3. '
Ah pastor of Trinity Methodist
HplHCopal church. Houtli, He h ul or
openites a rudlo br'nnlleaHtinR Btn
t Inn. CrltlciHin,; made' In radio
Hpeeohes, if the actions of two hu
period court Judften In -the Julian
I'etroHeum- Corporation - criminal
canes, was tho bah is of the charges
upon which he wan convicted.
AXTYIIF;, Forres, Kcotland; My
20. (P; Sir William Gordon Gor-don-C'ummings,
81, 'died here to
dny. His death recall the famoun
Haccarut caee and the (aw eult in
connection with a house party in
190 at Tronhy Croaft attended by
King Edwanl, who was then
Prince of Walen.
Sir William, who wan the guest
of Mr. and Mth. Arthur Wilson at
Tranby Croaft, was accused of
cheating at cards.
The fuct that the then Prince of
Wales was a member of the party
was revealed when Sir William
vigorously - denied the charge of
cheating, liVlnglng action - against
Mrs. Wilson nnd four others for
alleged slander. The prince testi
fied at the trial. '
The hearing, which created n
great sensation in America' as well
a Knglnml, lasted several days
and resulted In a verdict for the
defendants. , '
Sir William's wife, whom ' he
married In" 1891, was Florence
Josephine darner, daughter of 'the
late Commodore Garner of the
New vorK Yacht club. She died
In l!i2. ' S
Sir William nnd Miss f'Gnrner
were married the day after the
verdict vh given. She had never
lost faith in him. , 1
Norblad Sends
to Geo. Joseph
Dies On Gallows
Up to.thft overage of post per
formances and uornupH a nil uonnr
litis to the addition of new ucis, ni
O. Barnes' cirrus played before 12,
DOO people here yesterday at after
noon and evenliiK shows. The ah
ence of tho umial long hill of wild
nnlmal acts, cut down since the
Htaow was purchased last year by
the RlnRlliiK Hrothers' circus com
bins, was noted and when the blK
attraction makes Its annual vIhU
here next year, It la probable that
(lie animal acta will be eliminated
From the opening pageant to the
closing spectacle, circus perform
ers went through routines with
clock-like regularity. Mabel Starke,
announced as the world's greatest
wild nnlmal trainer, wan feature
of the animal acts and attracted
rant attention when she appeared
in the cage with IB Bengal tigers,
all of which went through their
abort performance to the command
of their blonde mistress, who com
pleted the acts In a wrestling
match with it tlgor.
Direct from Germany, the Great
Gretanos, (high-wire performers,
Km....I. n nit undptntm'u
especially In closing their net when
five members of the youthful troupe.
walked across the wire three deep.
.Duiicltig homos supplied the us
ual aood entertainment and a
sninll army of clowns that wero
really funny did their bit to add
to tho euccesa of .tne-nig snow.
Tuuko, the giant elephant, did not
make Its appearance on the hippo
drome track, but remained chained
to stakes in the menagerie.' Many
bad the Impression that Tusko was
chained because he was a "killer,
hut while deemed dnngerotm, Tus
ko has never been the cause of a
death. - -
Baby tigers, born last March
and a baby camel, also- born last
March, were other Interesting at
tractions of the menagerie, which
filled vp a large tent with Cages
nnd roped off lulu.
The circus has been on tho rond
for two months and will continue
to show until the latter part of
October,- seeking; ' warmer dimes
When that season arrives.
The conference ' rerrort on the
f ISfi,37,770 agricultural appro
prlatlnn bill, adjusting differences
over senate amendments to the
measure, wa approved unani
mously" today Ky ; the hottw, '
alrort time nfter similar nrtlon had
Bllze Started By-Explosion
of Gasoline Destroys Saw
mill, Endangers Workmen
in Camp.' 'M
GllANTS PASS, Ore., May 20.
(P) 'Fire flKhtors under the direc
tion of Forester Ci D. Cameron to
duy were believed to bo bi'lngln;?
under control a forest fire
brolte out ywtterday in tho tilaklyou
nuttonal forest, Juat over the Uall-j
tornia stnte line. uirricuities in
establishing communication with
outside stntlons loft many details
of the flro incomplete. )
Th first forest fire.-of the ea-
on, it was ftid by the forestry de
partment hero to -have started1
from explosion of a drum of gaso
line. '
Hprendliiff rapidly under pres
Htire of a' seaward wind, the flames
moved rapidly Into ndjolnlnK na
tional forest land' after destroying
a small sawmill. :
Incomplete reports reaching tho
Grants Paw office f tho forfstiy
bureau Indicated that several work
men barely eseapeXl with their lives
when the gasoline, exploded.
. These reports suld the gasoline
can hnd been standing near a don
key anglne ustri 1n the loKff'n t
cam p. The fore of tho explosion
knocked sevrnl workmen down.
The logging camp was saved.
loss wilt not exeeed $10,000. the
forestry offlCo.hero believes. It din
was today reported falling In tho
vicinity -ot tho flro;
English Aviatrix Says Java
Sea Crossing Dreadful
.Experience Continues
Australia Hop. .
.- .. . .
' Associated frea Photo
BVDNBVV Nf-8.; May( 20. (A?)-j
Uerlln, K. H., former eastern ski- j
jumping- champion, was hanged '
here today for the slaying of
Uulills ItehhiVs, a . hotel night
clerk. I
He walked steadily from his cell
to the sallows, protesting his Inno-
cenee to the last. ' !
The trap was sprung at 1:12!
a. m., and after an inquest the:
body was turned over to a j
minister for hurial. j
rtobbery wn said to have been 1
tho motive for tho crime. T.efore j
he died ltehherg mid that "Km- !
mett Sloane could tell all nbout
It." The man known as Slnnne
was identified as 'Anderson. : " J
SAl.KM. Ore.. May ZO. -r MP).
Typhoid fever . contracted from
drinking untreated water furnish
ed by the. employing company, was
not an accident. Buys the supreme
court. Therefore, Alberta' Hlair,
whose husband. Horace Newton
Blair, died from typhoid as a re
sult of drinking Rogue river water,
cannot get, compensation from th
state industrial accident eommis
sion. 1
The court made this decision to
day, reversing Judge Percy R.
Kelly of the circuit court for Ma
rion county.
Blair was employed by O. ' X.
Pierce & Co.; In the construction
ot a bridge across Hague river at
Gold Hill. Although the company
had arranged for the workmen to
get treated water, three of them
preferred to drink from a hose that
brought water directly from the
river. All three became 111 with
typhoid and Blair died.
judge Kelly ruled that "his con
tracting the disease while so em
ployed was an accidental Injury
which arose out ot and in the
course of his employment."'
The supreme court does not s
Other opinions Included:
II r Whetstone vs. Itogue River
Valley 'canal company, appellant;
appeal from Jackson county: ap
peal from Judgment for damage?!;
decree ot Judge C. . M. Thomas
modified. ;
Gotham Barbers '
' Stage a Strike
to Shorten Day
NEW YORK. May 20. '
(PiObtaining a shave or a
haircut In downtown Mnnhat-
tan was n matter of some
difficulty today with 000 of
the approximately 1000 bar-
bers in that section on strike.
The strikers, who are mem-
bers of the Journeymen Mar-
beis' International Union, are
seeking to enforce the clos-
ing of shops at 9 p. m., on
Saturdays, instead of 10. -
Today is their fifty.(ifth
anniversary, Mr. jintl m,8i D '
al.wturi of 3'1 'a..1 ... '
formed their irlemls th m
That Is, Mr. Lawton told tUe ni.J
to the Scottish Rite- Masons '
iomuuik mo iiiing reunion In inj
cltv.- anil . lln 1,. ..... . ,u '!
, " ......u suy8 (
i county, Iowa, in is?5. thp "', "
In Vlorirnr.! ' vr J. n'Ml
l.oon livlnir han , , "U'iia
though they have added fve "1
..........if, uniuversarv
they aren't tired of matrimm,.. ..
the Rogue River valley.
Their three children also live
southern Oregon. Thev nr. ,
Myrtle FVjrhea of Jacksonville, M, j
Medford. "
CoqUllle.. Knapp & Ou, ,
ceived contract for Improvln- itir
4 4
BALEM,. Ore., . May 20. (fP)
Clovernor Norblad late yes
terday sent the following tele
Kram to George W. Joseph of
Portland, who was the suc
cessful candidate for the re
publican nomination for gov
ernor in Friday's election:
"Now that practically all
the votes have been counted.
It Is apparent that you- arfr
tho republican nominee i for.
governor. Please accept my
SAMARANO, Java. May 20. (JV)
A pretty goltien hnired girl of 23.
as directly from London as nn nlr
))lnne could bring Iter, dropped In
hero today nnd over n cup of coffee
at tho airdrome restaurant told the
British colony guthered around her
how she crossed tho Java seu.
Hor name, Amy Johnson, meant
almost nothing to the Kngllsh rob
ber growers and sugar planters who
live side by side with Hollanders
here, hut tho apparition of a girl
In a flying suit striving to bent
Ilert HlnUler'n 16-dny record from
Kngland to Aiistrnlln excited their
admiration and curiosity.
She looked tired hut she smiled
cheerfully as sho described the
Java Bea crossing from Singapore
ns "dreadful! dreadful! 1 thought
I would never make It." Heavy
tropical storms made her change
her dlroctlon nnd height, nnd long
distances were flown only n lew
l'cet ubnve sen level. -' '
"1 want so very much to rest,"
she said.
She headed for Sourahayn, which
she reached at 1:20 p. m. She left
Croydon May 0.
Favorable Industrial nnd finan
cial conditions prevailed In. tho
Hnnr terrttory last year.
Frank: Howard, operator of ; a
service station at the "corner t(
North Utversldo and Fifth street,
was taken to the Sacred Heart hos
pital this afternoon to receive
treatment for a fractured knee,
sustained In a fall into the grease
pit, while working on an nuto, ac
cording to report.. . .)
No other injuries have ns yet
been reported from the hospital,
tt-here ho was undergoing ' nn , ex
amination thU afternoon.
Proud. Ships Pass Chief As
Fighting Planes Roar
Above-Crews Line Rail
for Honor. '
PHILA'DKM'HIA May 20:--tP)
Early hallotlriK on today's pri
mary for United States senntor.
governor and other offices was
heavy In ppots, reports from dif
ferent parts of the state indi
cated. The' weather wns cloudy with n
threat of rain In some parts, but
the temperature was mild.'
Ono of the important develop
ments was the announcement by
Senntor JoHOph K. tlrundy, candi
date for the senate seat he now
holds by appointment, that he
had voted for Olfrord Plnchot for
the Republican nomination for
governor. The senator made the
announcemeht nt his home potlltiK
place In Hrlstol, where he was
holding the window book, check
in off voters ds they went to
the polln, a job ho has been doing
for 4 0 years. 1 .
In Philadelphia, voting was
quiet and fairly heavy In some
districts. There was nn army of
watchers on duty.
Virginia Capes, May 20. (vP) Its
flags whipping in a smart breeze
ns It ploughed into foam a calm
blue sea, the United States fleet
passed in review todny before Its
commander in chief, President
Standing uncovered nt the rail
of the new cruiser Salt Lake City,
the president saw a great modern
I at ni ml a of the sea and air pass In
Mine nnd circle in maneuver. '
j Overhead the giant dirigible Los
j Angeles floated in silvery majesty,
jthe center or a roaring squadron
i of the skies. AM about her were
ttlie fighting planes loosed from
j their b Ives on the aircraft carriers
! Saratoga and Lexington.
On the surface the passing line
j Included the proudest of the 'battle-'
j ships, cruisers, destroyers nnd hnlf
'submerged submarines.
v As the surface craft passed the
Salt Lake City, their crews lined
the rail while the ships bands play
ed the national anthem.
NEW YORK, M iy 20. (P)
Xow comes the motored para,
chuto. Henry Bushmeyer, prqfe.
sional jumper, is working on de
vice that he hopes will enable him
to fly JO miles or so after leaping
from a plane. -
Albany. Plans completed for
construction of new stago terminal
)in 11(1 i tic nn Mum 11 ton nrnt.nrlv nt
'post of approximately $15.01)0.
"A Special Showing ojff ; ' '
u i , AND ;
:;::. m-nj;: ; ? - ; ...;!-
offering Oriental Rug Luxury at
American Rug Prices
Here Are the Prices
9 foot l.v 12 foot
G foot bv 9 foot
$96.00, r V
4 ft. G iiiohos bv 1 ft. C) inolios
$53.00 -
3G inches' bv 63 inches
27 inches bv 54 inches
These richly . colored ami
finely made American made
rugs have a real , Oriental
origin Yon will..; bo-.pleased,
with their beauty, for these
rugs , are . worthy of the rug.
craftsmen of the Orient! You
are. cordially, invited to see
this display in. our windows
and in our. store.. ,'"f v "?" 1
" . BooDlh (a
tTkjLrir. linotl no
(or valuable premiums
JUST the thintt you nred tm1 want Tar ,
yuurtrlf your home. Toyi,tuo,for
the youiHWter. All are now irniir N
foe AlpitM UbeU. Buy Onni of Alpine .
Milk t llnie. Save the Uhebfor your
choice ot humltetti of bmutiful and
pnictical article ahovn in ttm Pre
ntlura FMet. Write for jroiir ropy to
dy. Al4ne Milk, Premium lrpf..
luS Mi Ion B. Sen Frmocitro, Cat.
! ' . , . , ' I and in our store.. '
3G inches by 63 inches I
" I
I - fit . - ' '
I 'Si nicies oy o uicnes Your ' JMVwY
15,5 1 , CrTdit 'jBgjm
Home Builders, Attention!
I . : , ::
We offer you the following: When you buy your Building Materials from us you
may include AH Hardware, Paints, Oil, Plumbing and Electrical Equipment.
OUR PLAN: You select your needs from the REGULAR DEALERS IN MED
FORD, whoever you prefer. We will give you an order upon them. After you
have ok'd their bill we will add it to ours. This is an added service hv
Cor, 3rd arid N. Fir Sts. v
J. H. Cooley, Pres. and M
Phone 629
been taken by the senate. Tfie
bill now goes to the president.
.... w..