til!; BRINGS jlUVW- - ! FOR KIDSL GROWNUPS MflDFoREi yrxrrj tribune. urET&QRP, QftEftoy, Nromv'Y, MAY "19.10. PXGE REVEN Mail Men of the Air Reach Huge Mileage V Km Bin Today is circus day! 1 sawdust trail leads out lh Central avenue where the wT Barnes circus Is showing. were on hand this "t Southern Pucllc yards to greet the arrival "1 circus train, as it, steamed "" . The unloading of the Ehtlv P"l""-'d wuBns down the ! . (,.m the train brought I u of Joy from the chlldl'-'n-W in spans of six and eight ihed In regular formation to lve their charge and draw it TL show grounds. . A feature he morning was the two olo- Ji teams of four elephants ' h harnessed like horses and 1 to pull the heaviest vehicles. t the circus grounds all was a ot biiHy activity as the roust- tauu erected the tented city. '.vas poles and stakes were .-.a on the ground to He quickly St into tall, flapping tent Al ' h the circus Is equipped with modern mechanical stake driv ings of workingmen swinging m4 hammers drove the "stubs" Zb a rhythmic cadence that was . delight to the onlookers-; : ' Lotus Takes Bntfil I Several persons were drenched Lhen the buth water of Jotus, OTnter hippopotamus, was chang j The huge cage in which the bust Is carried, was drawn up Honplde " fire hydrant where, mh the aid of a hose, the tank '" (inert. Despite the fact that te "hippo" was the center of y starlns crowd, she continued i'doze in her pool, seemingly un mindful of the sensation she was causing. e Busiest of the circus performers nre the Great Clretonas, a family ol slightly built, nimble acrobats. Recently Imported from Germany, they are Hiiid to have the most nutlonal high wire act in tho wrld performing 35 feet in the ilr at the top of the tent. Two lours' time is necessary to con duct the apparatus on which they do their tricks. Many at Matinee. Shortly after 2 o'clock the per hi i rled this afternoon It on audience estimated by the circus management nt appioxi mtely 6000. Judging from the Mention accorded each number on the long program, the boast of the Al 11. Uarnes circus mux It Is the highest type show in the world, seemed justified. The Barnes circus this year ap pears. under the banner of John Rlngllng, eastern railroad and cu !tw magnate nnd sowjier- 9f the Rlngllng Brothers-Barnum and Bailey circus. Mr. Rlngllng owns ill nt iha mnlnr circuses and has nlsed the standard of all of them to conform with his famous policy ol showmanship. Unlike the per formances of the Barnes circus 'In the past, animal acts form only spart of tho program this season, he balance of the show contain ing many feature and regular cir cus acts. Stuns nt 8 Tonight. Tonight the performance will Hart at 8 o'clock, with the doors open an hour earlier so that am ple lima Is allowed to view the menagerie. Tickets are on sale down town Six pilots, wh new the fi,-8t air mail on the Pacific- no,, ..,.... celebrating tho completion c ,,.' ' and one-quartor million miles of rugnt. which Is equivalent to 130 times aroun.l the i,i ... .. 32.500 houi-s these fliers 'h ive rcc istered during their aerial careo 18,000 hour, haw ben recorded when acting as Pacific coast flving postmen. The Hermw-siedfnrrt.' j,os Angeles line s the second largest mail-passenge,- line l thc United States. This sextette of blrdmen are still flying for Pacific Air iv..., unit of Hoeing .System. They tire Arthur Slarlniek, Charles Bowman, u.iipn irilen, Itussell Cunnlng ham. Holier Miller and Grown- 'IV- ler. Others who came iiflenvards and wiio could logically be called veterans are 13. I.. Kemellne Al C.illiousen, y. A. Donaldson. J. C. Jonnston and Hurry Crandall. H"w things progress aeronautic ally is illustrated by the change, in equipment and schedule during tho past three years. Some of these veterans flew planes having 110 horsepower motors. It took cour age to vault over the Tehachapis and the Siskiyous relying on an engine of that horsepower. Now all equipment is Boeing mall foiir-passengor planes, pow ered with 525-h.p. Hornets. Pa cific Air Transport pianos cruise at Ids miles an hour and the 1100 mlie course Is flown In 11 hours, including stops. I i at Jarmln and Woods' drug store, corner of .Main and Central, at tho same prices as prevail at th !,,.. grounds. U'Uu tonight the circus will en train for Poseburir where thv Will plav a similar ..n,.nr,,,,V tomorrow. LIQUOR CANDIDATE EAST OltAXdE, X. J., May 11), UP) The Ktv. J times K. Shields, state superintendent of the Anti Saloon league, believes that if DwiKht V. Morrow should be elected United States senator from New Jersey "within a week after he entered office he would be wet candidate for president," In an address lust night at the Swedish Methodist church, Mr. Shields said prohibition in New Jersey was doomed unless Hep. Franklin W. Fort was elected. Fort 1h a candidate for the Republican senate nomination against Morrow and Joseph S. Frelinghuysen. TWELVE COUNTIES PAY ALL FIRST HALF TAKES SALEM, Ore., May 19 W) Oregon counties that have paid In full their first-half state taxes are Multnomah, Clatsop, CbluniMa, Curry, Hood Iliver, Jefferson, Jose phine. Klamath, Morrow, l'olk. Union and Wallowa, according to State Treasurer Kay. The amount to date Is 1, 159.839.87. The total of first-half taxes, when all is paid will he $2.30,583.92. SALE OF PITS Tomorrow will mark the open-! ing of a sweeping five-day sale of, paints and roofing materials at the! Woods Lumber company, corner East Jackson and Genesee. This sale will feature special reductions on Lucas paints and Certain-teed1 roofing, and will continue until Saturday night. The Woods Lum ber company is closing out their' entire stock of Certain-teed roof-1 ing and this sale will enable themi to dispose of their present stock. ! 11. A. Case, special factory rep-! resentative for the Lucas Paint company and an authority on, paints and decorating, has been , secured by the Woods Lumber! company to assist those who pur-! chase at the sale in solving the!r painting problems. Southern Ore-! gon people are given tho oppor-l unity to avail themselves of Mr. Cases advice on their paint needs. BAKKH, Ore., May 19. CP) Mr. and Mrs. Pat Buker drowned in main Kagle creek, three miles from Sparta, yesterday while on a rhlti,, if l.i Uni-r1 of (ha nnnl. dent reached here today. Although! no one witnessed the tragedy, it is believed the two fell into the swif- , ly running stream while crossing a log. linker's body was found by a companion a short time after the accident, Mrs. Buker's body was not recovered until last night. lSuker had been employed at the postoffice here for several years. Barnes Circus Here Today Tft ' " ' ' - . ,, made ready for the two perform- Pi..u,. from the CUC B-ne, Circu. . Hy maoe, r.ninB ,o that all might be in " o'cloru ..u -i .nino an hour earlier. E ac TUESDAY IS THE END! Tl , V V Dresses Plains and prints Vdling at $10.75 to f25.00. CHOICE OF THE HOUSE $7.75 NOVELTIES A wide variety sell ing to $1.75. 3 for $1 Garter Belts Latest styles. Sold H 75c. 38c Silk Thread All colors; 100-yard spools. Keg. 15c. M t ' 2 ; - r sf Jf ft- TUESDAY WE MUST DRAW DOWN THE FINAL CURTAIN ON RUSSELL'S BIG Main and Bartlett Street STORE WE ARE FORCED TO GO! AND NOT A DOLLAR'S WORTH OF STOCK MUST REMAIN IF ANY REASONABLE PRICE WILL SELL IT LA ST GALL TO THE BUYING PUBLIC HERE AND THE PUBLICS LAST CHANCE TO GAIN BY OUR TREMENDOUS LOSSES Entire Remaining Stock Priced AT HALF LESS T With MANY Groups at SPECIAL LAST DAY REDUCTIONS Far Below Your Fondest Ideas of BARGAIN Mark Downs and Quality Values AND tian HALF BEACON Bath Robes Ono lot genuine Benron; fine quality, nt less than material costs. Choice $3.25 Zaza Silks A 3ri-lnch satlnlziMl fabric used Tor many purposes. Wanted sliudcs. Last :all price 1 lb. CHINA COTTON Full pound flncRt qunllty at Iorb than wholoHule cont. Regulur 75c 38c 4 SILK PARASOLS Clood nnnlltles. Heavily ribbed, and retailed up to f 10. Ijist call price ' ' $3.29 GOODBYE PRICES! It's Positively the n You Must Act TOMORROW WE A&URE YOU That tomorrow'! prleet will b fitting finish to the greatest and most complete oloaeout ale ever hold In Medford FOR YOUR SUP PORT AND PATRONAGE. . WE THANK YOU FIXTURES FOR SALE RUSSELL'S