I The Weather i ... Tonight and Tuesday, '"jfttl'ed with showers; mild MED L " , TUMT. VnnY, mfjL-Z m - - o IravlRAII FV MiliollKF i?. RQ I FAfl IM ROAD DISTRICT 1 UU LLnU 111 ford Mail .TRiBUfjE Temperature Highest yesterday 77 Lowest this morning 62 1'revlpltutton: To S p. m. yesterday .00 To 5 a. m. today 00 MEDFORD, OK1-X10N, MONDAY, MAY 1!), 1930. No. 58. CHOSEN F.OR $UPREME COURT, Europe United? Watch California. Ask a Conductor. a Sixty Feet Dee,p. dtrltht King Featursa Bynd. Ina 1 ltl-illllll. 1)11 lll'lllllf m ,tlic French government, slig hts a federation of European i .iiu...iiiniL'fi war. alone the IIIU '"v " jnes of our federation of 43 slates. ir imc sent nn outline of ltis .i. in :(! European states. Such a step, taken by the rich est, most powerful nation on iL. until I I1lnt. IM Of UTPIlt. im. portaucc .although, probably, nothing will come of it now. The idea is not new. Charle magne made it almost a reality Ilk scheme of pergonal eran- lar. More than 300 years ago jt was suggested by Henry the Fourth's great minister, Sully. Sully was a real political and military genius and "statesman. He restored the finances of France, made Henry turn Cath olic, for the good of Franco, al though he, Sully, retained his Protestantism until death. He saw, as every intelligent man docs, that Europe would grow in wealth, happiness and power- if co-operation could be made to replace war. , It is one thing to propose a wise move, another to wipe out a thousaud hatreds, suspicious Vmd jealousies, facial, political fcinu religious. ' If you cannot bring the north and south of Ireland together, Hen speaking the same lan niajie, and all Christians, how fan you unite Magyars and Belgians, French and Italians? Russia is left out of Briand's flans, necessarily, for giant Russia intends to play her own game. Britain has a federation of dominions, big enough, closely united, and feels that she can fount on this country. California is expected to sUw a gain of 2,000,000 popu !tion in the new , census, the greatest gain ever made by any 'atc in any docado. 'In fl if ''"jr. Dallies and children play ' Hie sunlight all the vear rond, and do not die. W the wise move in, from s'l directions, bringing with Hem enough to live on, quietly. With enough to live and face of mind there is no ex cuse for dying in California. Each new birth, each new ar m'al from the outside is practi cally l'ROFIT. ' jntlnued on Pago Four) mam, Bourbon Gubernatorial Can didates in Close Race As Near-Final Vote Can vassed Alford Leads Billings By 22 Votes. Oiiiiil-l official returns, .lilckxm rou my, for Kiivprmir on llii! Itepiililium ticket, ns i'iiniilliil laic today an-: Nnrhlad i74;i -'Hrtt Z.'.'Zismh ISCHIUM t gjn "' 27 l"'lll 4K GETS BIG VOTE Roscburg, North Umpqua River Area Complete Step for Highway to Cra ter Lake Area. With two precincts. Central Point and Trail, missing from the official count, Ed F. Bailey of Lane county was leading George Wilbur of Hood River far the Democratic nomination for governor zy 63 votes in this county: The total was: Bailey 380 Wilburg 317 Other Democratic governor totuls were : Hough 271 Piper 117 George Alford, incumbent, accord ing to figures compiled tills morn ing by County Clerk Delilah Stev ens Meyer, has a lead of 22 votes over Ralph Billings of Ashland for the county comniissionershlp. On the face of complete unoffi cial returns Saturday, Alford had a lead of 161, This was changed today, when the poll books showed that Ashland Doulevard precincts voted: Alford, 9; Billings, 108. The unofficial returns gave Alford 100, Billings 88. It will take the official count, inow under way, to decide the re- suit. Slight changes for both can didates will be made, if the Demo crats wrote in the name of either. The semi-official-count Is as fol lows: Alford ? 1869 Billings 1847 Start Count . The official counting board. Mi ram F. Mcador, chairman, started Its labors this morning. Revised figures on the Republican governor ship contest are as follows: Norblad 1797 Corhett 1252 Joseph 614 Bennett fi- Jeffrey 69' Norblad's lead over Corbett, 542. Revised flgres made little change from Saturday's figures on the court house. Vote for the construc tion of a new court house was 5209 for. and 359 against. The vote on the site was as fol lows: Wimlilniflnn School .... 3!M0 Abe Martin ROSE BIT Ho. Ore. May (Spl.) My a vote o 1510 to 332, nearly five to one, voters of Uose burg and vkinitv nlomr tho v.irth Unipuuu river, immediately east of the city, approved the project for me formation of .a super-road dis trict muKiiUi. .i - uiiijiicic luhsu uuuun til the proposed Roseburg - Diamond Lake highway. at a special election Friday in connection with the pri maries. 1 - 1 Fourteen out of IS precincts vot ing on the measure returned favor able ballots. One ,Koseburg pre cinct turned In a vote of 214 yes , and 5 no. Opposition came largely ( from split precincts off the direct ! route of the road. The measure completely eclipsed the state Issues and brought out an 80 per cent vote in the district, as compared with about a 37 per cent vote in the rest of the county. The project was started more than two years ago, and came to a hearing early last year, when the highway commission was call ed upon to establish boundaries. A very vigorous, fight developed from communities outside of Rose burg and the territory directly af fected, resulting in the withdrawal of the application, and the filing of a new petition, with more limited boundaries described. The highway commission, fol lowing a second hearing, fixed the boundaries to Include the city of Roseburg and a narrow strip about 15 miles wide, extending from the city to Diamond lake. The district will have a valua tion of approximately $7,500,000. A 2-mill levy is to be voted to make a survey of the 22 miles yet to be built, the county court agreeing to advance the money to the dis trict, so that work can be started this summer. ETTOECKERT IS FILM TIRE wit fc Xjf . - 1 I HAS 4,308 LEAD mm Aaiooiatei Press Photo t Owen J. Robert of Philadelphia, special government counsel In the Teapot Dome and other ell cases, was selected by President Hoover (or the vaeancy on the United States supreme court. The selection Is to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Justice Jan ford, for which John J. Parker of North Carolina was rejected. KAY WILL NOT BE SALEM, Ore., May 19. Stato Treasurer T. B. Kay today declared thut under no circum stances would he become nn Inde pendent candidate for the gov ernorship. ; Since Friday's election Which resulted in the nomination of George VV. Joaeph there has been speculation whether Kay might not bo prevailed upon to run in dependently. Kay was looked upon as a candidate before the primary and as nn almost certain winner until physicians advised him not to run. because ot the recent surgical treatment. T Indians Beat Athena PENDLETON, Ore.. May 19. (ff) The Mission Indians defeated the Athena team In a county league baseball- game here' yosterdfty, 6 tt 0. Mission is leading the league. Oregon Wcallicr. Unsettled tonight and Tuesday, with shoWers. Fresh southerly winds on the coast. facing charges 1 PORTLAND, Ore, May 19. (P) Robert Gordon Dugan, unsuc cessful candidate for Republican nomination to congress from the third Oregon district, was arrested today charged with violation of the corrupt practice act. Ho was re leased on (300 bond. The specific charge Is delivering a radio cam paign speech on election day. IAIFMONIS : AS CONFEREES QUIT WASHINGTON, May 19. (fl) A-.iiiiml vote on the -tariff "bill was assured today when, the close votes of 43 to 41 and 43 to 42 relieved lis Republican conferees from fur ther ties binding them to the ex port debenture and legislative flex ible tariff amendments. Armory s;te 1635 Analvsls of the vole for governor shows that Norblad received 61S votes In the rural precincts. 828 in .Medford and 351 in Ashland. Corbett received 554 votes in Medford, 228 In Ashland and 470 in the country. Joseph received 341 votes in ru ral precincts. 104 In Ashland anil 169 in Medford. About 21 per cent of the vote was cast in the county. Baseball Scores V.I.-W vmiuv M:iv 19. (P) Rain and cold weather took their heaviest loll of the year of the major leagues baseball schedule to day, wiping out all but two g.mies In the American league. The two games remaining were tn be played by the Drowns and Tigers l Detroit. American. First game: R. h- St. I-ouls Detroit " , " Stewart Mnd Kerrell; Herring. Sullivan. Page. Sorrell and H.v grave. Hay-worth. 'Blossom Time In a Great Coun try" is the title selected by the judges at the close of the contest for naming the motion picture of the Rogue River valley shown dur ing the past week at tne uratorian theater and IClta Heckert, of Route 2. .Medford, is winner of the $10 prize given by the Medford Mail Tribune to the author of the judges' choice. The contest ended at midnight Saturday and 74 titles were re ceived by the Judges: R. V. Wil liams, president of the Realty board: T. Raker, secretary of the chamber of commerce and Tom C'.lnn of the Fox Theaters. After long deliberation, necessitat ed by the excellent titles submit ted, the judges decided upon the one listed above. All titles entered In the contest, they stated this afternoon, Bhowed their authors did much thinking and also enjoyed the film, which will be released for publicity pur poses In nil sections of the Pacific coawt. One submitted by Mrs. Elizabeth S. Ross of Medford reads, "South ern Oregon's Pnradlse, Rogue River Valley." and is accompanied by the following poem. Roguo River Vnlley Through the broad fortlle valley, The Rogue wends Its way, I Like Raping flashing silver, In the flying of the spray. A paradise for sportsman, (Continued on Page 6. 8tory 1) Complete Unofficial Vote in Jackson County Primary On Governorship & Court House l'RECINCT GOVERNOR COURT HOUSIO lt , """d namo Is tlio " ""rt thins: a father kin ' hclllnit ... ,,. . , fLw.1, 'u niim nmufifi if,. chlM",n. WHy not mod It hi T"00' br. law ain murder? "Min t Kuu, H "Cat Eye Annie" Who Laughs at Prison Barriers Is Gone Again AfBl'RX. N- V.. May 19- Tat Eve Annie" Lillian McDow ell 48." notorious burglar and one of the most elusive characters of j the underworld when at liberty,, escaped from the women's prison here during the night. This was not the first time L"t Eye Annie" has surmounted seem ingly impossible obstacles gal" her freedom from Iron bars and .tone nails. Received at th? nrlon October 28. 1925. under a 10-yeir, sentence for grand larceny. he; escaped on May 10, 12. from ; solitary cell In which Incorrigible, prisoners were kept. Just one day hcfre her sentence In Buffalo. he made a sensational escape from; ,he Buffalo Jai'-nd had been cap-I tured because Vne ,.rind her, '"iTher escape last night, she cut, the wood around the lock In her cell door, on the second floor, from' there she went oown toe corrmor. tl, recpntion hall on the first floor. There she donned a light: topcoat and a fedora hat belong ing to Warden Frnk L. Heacox. And thus masquerading as a man. ehe fled. rrlson matrons munti on the table this morning a bundle, of knot'SId blanket strips, which "Cat Eye apparently left, believ ing to Warden Frank L. Heacox. over the wall. Warden Heacox said that "It al most was humanly Impossible" for anyone to scale the wall because there wa man at the front gate and at every wall corner, and nearchllghts played about the en tire enclosure. The fugitive wes not missed until 5:30 a. m. The woman was known as "Cat Eye" because of a peculiar cast in one eye. Antloch Applegatc Barron Bellvlew Hutto Falls '. Central Point N ! Central Point S Climax ! Derby Deter j Eagle Point ..: j Flounce Rock Foots ('reek j Hold 1 1 til j Griffin Creek Howard j Jacksonville North. Jacksonville South. Lake Creek Mound I Orchard Home 1 Perrydalo j Phoenix East j Phoenix West j Plnehurst Rogue Rivo'r Roxy Ann j Sums Valley j Sterling t Talent East j Talent West Trail I Union j Watklns I Willow Springs j Wlmer Medford N Mnlll.... Medford S Maln.... Medford N Central.l Medford H Central..! Medford N. H'rsldel Medford Newtown..) Medford 0akdalc.... Medford NE I Medford SE Medford East j Mrdrdrd SW Medford West j Medford NW -I 61 1 61 -I 51 .. J 31 ir. 18 Construct' fl ' X 3 3 .... 41 1 -I .... H 12 16 9 lfl 13 20 34 26 -HI 71 16 4 r, 23 35 1 9; 26 3 71 4 15 31 57 351 13 37! 2 701 53 59! 6Kj 161 49 64! 2.1 21 .... I --I 7 l .... II 21 21 4 .... I 21 01 4 II 16 2 13 5 24 12 41 6 2 19 6 3 1 .... 3! H .... 1 .... 7 6 l l 13 15 rl 26 21 1 8 91 13 171 ... i . 11 4 20 l" 9 27 25 l 71 3 10 01 B T.1 hi 31 B 41 l 51 25 18 I2 Jill 7 20 171 ml l'l 7 21 1l 23 71 12 111 25 I "I 32 33 41 I --I r, 4 21 14! 22 21! 22 221 12 141 17) 37 12 24 3 17 82 9 ..., 3 II I 2 13 12 31 1K ....! 41! 4II 4l III 55 inn! 511 llll 781 20 R7 109 4 6 22 42 24 00 1 52 111 I j 93 ' HI l - 1ll 105 47 3fi 75 l! 77 59 '() 32 38 67 117 69 K I'M 5II 1. 4 1 36 141 52 64 3II 27 lll 3 7 1 167 1 1 0 1 97 1 26 157 1 26t 6j 229 21 1 59 231 2651 13-11 3 l .... 71 111 i 3 H 12 l 3 28 B II 16 2 .1 2 3 2 41 13 21 2 II 31 2 2 31 7 37 j 19 5S 22 60 68 HI 1 1 4 1 6K 25 32 4S 33 4-1 63 74) 30 3U 68! 96 48 72 "I 38 r,i 2.1 14 87 59 2li 23 16! 41 1 3 131 6 Kill! 21 I5 5 6II II 131 170 41 23i 24 l 167 7 loj Ulj 122 14 107 127 4 40 18 4 221) 18 5 2171 2 10 49 98 Medford Total I 17 6641 149j 17! lf, H2H 21821 87!1483 865 Ashland Blvd Ashland K. ('entralj Ashland W Central Ashland Oak North East West Ashland NW Ashland Total. ,-...( Ashland Ashland Ashland Ashland 1 48 31 3, l S0 1! 1! 3! 32 6; 2! ! 18 31 i ) 16, 8! .... 1 23 4 I ..-! 221 4Q.... .... 9 2! 91 240 7! i 12 228 7 29" 15 "I l l 61 1U 10 .... 10 io4 3 r. 1 1 1271 75 96 87! 681 411 77 Kl ln 773" I3 HI4 r, h 78 66) 47 HII 67! 02 92 68 640" 3! 31 61 l --I 7 15 151 IN BALLOTS'! j Sixteen Cl :n Living at ome of Marion Father Complete Vote Except fori 16 Small Precincts Shows J Joseph 50,397, Norblad 46,089, Corbett 33,806, Hall 9324, Bennett 3658 SAI.KM. Ore.. May P A conna enumerator in Marlon county found a fam ily of 20 persona, man wlfo and IS children. The woman was a nocoml wife and the oUlewt child, 51. was a year younger than she. The hus band was Hire of ail the chit drmi, the youiiKest of whom was 7. Sixteen of the chil dren were lifted a unmarried mid were said to be living "at home." The father was 7 (! yea r old . The nn mo of the family and the location were not made public. 4 POHTLANI), Ore., May 19. (JP) With all count lea complete, ex cept for Id Uny, Hecludcd pre cincts, Senator tioorijo W. Joseph had a lead of votes over Governor A. W. Norblad for He publlcan nomination for povernor ot OreRon, as returns of Friday's primary election were tabulated at 1 p. in. today. The Democratic nominee, Ed ward F. Bailey, had a lead of 931 over George u, Wilbur. Tho figures were: , Ilcpubliran. GeoiRo W. JoHeph 50.307 A. V. Norblad 46.089 Henry L. Corbett 33.806 Charles Hall 9,324 J. E. Hennett 3.658 John A. Joffry 1,739 Democratic. Edward V. Halley 11,007 George V. Wilbur 10.076 Ed S. Piper 4,293 A. C. Hough 3,011 llatph E. Williams. Republican National committeeman, received 74.317 votes, while Charles P. Walker polled 46.294. Oswald West, present Demo cratic national committeeman, lost to Walter M. Pierce, former Gov ernor, who received 19,161 voteo to West's 10.670. James U. Campbell ot Oregon City won tho Republican nomina tion Urj justice of the supromo court, position 5 from 'George. S. Shepherd, Portland. Judge Camp bell received 71,057 votes, and Hhepherd 48,862. Justice Oliver P. Coshow was unopposed for Democratic nomlnatlnnv ri,J, .l SWISH IE 3000 LOSE HOMES IN ABAS Flood Waters Cause Heavy Damage 17 Negroes Killed by Tornado Oil Industry Heavy Loser in Inundation of District. IN OPENSJN CITY Southern Oregon and Nor thern California Masons Gathering for Three DaTs Session. INSTALLATION ENDS ME IN OF FEDERATION The tenth annual convention of tho Oregon Federation of BusinesB and Professional Women's clubs, In sosHlon in this city Friday and Hut u rd ay, closed at noon yes terday following the breakfast and installation of officers, attended by 126 members in Grants Pass. Southern Pacific busses left Ho tel Medford at 7:30 In tho morn ing to carry membera of tho local club and delegates to the neigh boring city, where the following officer woro installed to govern the state organization for tho coming year: Miss Martha Gasch of Portland, president: Mrs. Maud Chapman. Medford, vice-president: Emma Drain of Eugene, second vice-president: May Griffin of Portland, correMpondlng secretary; Josephine Bothnmn of Corvallls, recording secrotnry, and Ora Iton ner of OreRon City, treasurer. Grunge fcerves Muni. Tables for the breakfast, which wan served by the Grants Pass club In tho Frultvalo Grange hall, near Grants Pass, were decorated in Iris and other spring flowers with tulip shaped cups for favor, in orchid, hluo and pink. The Medford club was repre sented on tho program by Miss ituth Severance and hor trio. Kev, II. J. Klmher of Grants Pass gavo the main address of tho morning. Following tho breakfast, and In Htallatton ceremony. Miss Beyler prosnnted Miss Oanch with tho gavel. (Continued on Page 6, Story 2) Tho spring reunion of Scottish Kite Masons opened In Medford this morning for a three-day ses sion with members of the lodge arriving from Klamath Falls, Chil oquln. Grants Pass, Butto Falls, Contral Point, Ashland. Lakovtew and all other regions of southern Oregon in Mich great numbers the officers managing the registration were unable to oheck the list of guostH this afternoon. Following urrival ot the evening train, which will bring guests from other sec tions, an official list of persons here to participate In the program will be given out. Tho Scottish Rite degreen wlM be conferred upon a class of 10, under the direction of fiiflklyou Tiortgo -of Perfection Una" SrtklJou' Chapter Rose Croix of this city nnd tho Eugene Council of Ka dosh No. 2 and Eugene Consistory No. 2 of Eugene. Thrso 10 candidates will go through from the fourth degree, Secret Master, to the 32nd degree, MaRter of the Hoyal Secret. They wore started through the fourth degree this morning and the In itiations will bo completed Wed nesday. - Dlimcrfl Ar FU'rved Truncheons nnd u nners are be ing served at noon and 6 o'clock In the Masonic temple by the ladles of tho Methodist Episcopal church during tho three days, for all guests and local Scottish Rite bodies, Local members are especially urged to drop In for these lunch eons and dinners, D. U Davidson, venerable master of the Siskiyou lodge of Perfection, stated- this morning. Persons serving on the Scottish Rite committees are: Reception committee 10. Taylor, 32nd de gree; H. H. Brown, 32nd degroo; K. M. C. Nell, 32nd degree; E. C. Jerome, 32nd degree. Entortaln ment Chan. A. Wing, 32nd de gree; Hugo M. Iang, 32nd degree; P. 8. Anderson, 32nd degree; 8. W. McOual, 82nd degree; E. C. Je rome. 32nd degree. Clnss Geo. W. Porter, 32nd degree; E. C. Je rome, 32nd degree; Walter C, Van Emon, 32nd degree; W. It. Loni gnn, 32nd degree; H. H. Brown, 32nd degree. Representatives of Venerable Master and Wise Master Michael Conrnd Suit, Lakevlow, 32nd degree; Will Leonard Loni gan. GrantM Pass, 32nd degree: Ralph Matt Farmer Chlloquln, 32nd degree; Walter C. VnnEmon, Klamath Falls. 32nd degree; H. C Stock, Ashland, 32nd degree; Emll Brltt, Jacksonville, 32nd degree, Tho reunion will re-open tomor row with a business mooting ut 8 o'clock, followed by conferring of tho fifteenth degree at 9 o'clock. Correspondent III SAhKM, Ore., May 19. fp Wayne A. Pottit, Salem correspond ent for the Oregonlan, 1b In a Port land hospital for a minor surgical operation. MTTLE ROCK. Ark., Muy 19. (A) One section of Arkansas was overrun with flood watera today with an estimated 3000 persons homeless and heavy property dam- ago and another section was recov ering from a tornado which kilted at least 17 negroes, and Injured a hundred or more. Flood waters spread over an area of fifty square miles In the south Arkansas oil fields, Inundut- Ing many oil fields camps and three or four small towns. The Red river bottoms of southwest Arkansas rapidly were being sub- Lmorged as hundreds of residents evacuated. . A tornado early yesterday struck the village of Elaine, and a large plantation. In Phillips county, ad jacent to tho Mississippi river, killing 17 negroes. Injuring a hun dred, and creuting a missing list ot six others. A million dollars worth of dam ago to the oil Industry was esti mated by Standard Oil company of Louisiana officials to have resulted from the overflow of Smackover' creek. The high water sent the Red Cross . nnd National . Guard troops Into the area with medical supplies, tents, cots, and blankets to care for the homeless. Rofugee camps were established at Smaokovor, 10 miles north of Eldorado. .' - . While Red Crosa officials grap pled with the situation at Smack -over,, the twirling waters of Red river further. west reached the top of levees and further rises were anticipated. ... The high water disrupted hlgh , wa. traffic. generally oven-the mi s and ; interrupted ; rail traffic In south Arkansas.' , Combined Medford nnd Ann I'd Totnlsj Grand Total., i 2i 62 if 782; 2521 llll III 1 8 j 4 273 1 1 7 8 J 9 6 5 U 5 1 2 123 , 10 4 0 276 69 MI7T7 6209 15l3490lTt "Horses, Horses," Yodels Autoist In Rough Ride Over Local Rails ALL BATTLE RUM DALLAH. May 19. () Declar Ing thero 1b ."no half way house" on tho road to national sobriety, the temperance committee ot the MolhodlHt Episcopal church, Houth today called upon the general pub lic and the press to Join with tho church In the fight against drink. "Today there la a serious chal lenge to prohibition as a principle and a policy," the report Bald. "The Uaue Is Joined. Shall the out lawed saloon be restored to Its former place, the clearing, house for the forces of unrighteousness" REFUSE TO PASS ON OF FALL WASHINGTON, May 19.(P The supreme court today refused to pans on the conviction of Albert B. Fall, former secretary .of the interior, of accepting a bribe of 1100,000 from Edward U Doheny. without waiting for ihe court of appeals of the District of Colum bia to pasfl on the case. Whether ho was drowning his sorrow over the result of the elec tion or celebrating tho coming of the circus today, E. M. Fowler, a traveling salesman won guilty of one of the most extraordinary drunks last evening in police his tory, for which he forfaited a $10 enfth ball put up with the police after his nrreiit, by failure to ap ppar In the city court today for trial. However, following his ar rest he paid $0 over to the South ern Pacific railroad company for damages to Its tracks. It seems that Fowler, In a very Joyful mood wan seen driving his car Sunday evening on and along the railroad track at Stewart avenue and 11th street, and as the car went humpety, hump over tho trncks and switches, damaging the latter and Itself, Fowler sang "Homes, Horses." Someone phoned the police station and gave a de scription and tho number of tho cur. Tho police then checked up on the cars In the city, located Fowler at a local hotel and placed him under arrest. A moro serious charge could not be placed against him because wit nemes who actually saw him driv ing on the tracks could not be found. Tho railroad officials esti mated the. damage done to the witches at $60, which Fowler paid. In his rough ride Fowler's car was damaged considerably, the most serious damage being the humping loose of the crank cam. Will Roger Say : BEVERLY Hills Miiy ljl. Buen reading these French men', books they lenvo after they arc' dead. It looks like some of Vm died just to start an argu ment. France awaits t h' e death of each ,ono to find out what he thought Of .the others. A "best seller" is the one that can dig up the most dirt. There ought to be a law in every country making a man read his, autobiography out loud before his enemies and nee what happens. As it is now a fellow can call you anything he wants to, and make you still madder by dying before you can get at him. Yours, - WILL ROGERS.