ORKfiOX. THURSDAY. MAY 1. 10. PAGE THREE FEATURES MUSIC PROGRAM AT HIGH MEDFORD MSIB TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ANOTHER HIT FOR GAYNOR FARRELL Medford high schools' latest no- I eoninllshment 1s tv Imse symphony ...u..v iviiui, uivj tuuitl iiuuuu.j Vuu M ...... llN. Jnnet Gntfnot'1 nnd Charles ; roll, being the1: wrliern fih'orlte juit on a ham and eg-slap-stlck farce, and we : would . x en- j thusiastic. Our inn Margaret ArnnldT-'inuHlc su pervisor for Medford public HcftfiUi. L;ist nlKht the Boys' and tifrla glee clubs appeared in at tractive red and Li'ick uniforms. i tunes as welLjis ballads. fuur. . N e v eiWeless luavl (-uynor we believe that while "High Society Ulues" may not rank as hlKh as either "Seventh Heaven" or "Sunny Side V'p" , in the h c a 1 e of artistic achievement, It will -not only please all Gaynor-Farrell fans, but may well prove to be ono of th almost profitable box office at tr;Wtion this appealing: pair have over put onQ For it has something of the ro- oMimunuL niK aml presented trul theref ore, in which they ap peared at the Craterian last night, can hard ly 0uiif:'O18 a legitimate- "cri- t i q u e. frankly a d m i t we are prejtt diffcl in their popular as a part or the heneiLproRram. ; The first violins were two frying pans fastened together In an j "artistic" manner, using as hows j everything from broomsticks to j yardsticks. The second violins ! were brooms, with a large part of I Wei the handle sawed off, anTjbows similar to those of the first violins, i The bass viols attri a; att. tton, as they were narrow boar with large reed clothes baskets attached. Coat hangers served as bows for these great instruments. A quartet of reed instruments played the chorus of "The Shep-j herd's Serenade." These horns had asQnany tlTjerent parts at-Qthj rtO of tne symphony. FunneM Qd horns from old Kdlson phono graphs i-Ked as horns. Oboes were made from pieces of old hose, .with plncher ctothQins as stops. The ironing board strfti with l(Jjine striiQ brought forth a 0:ic appeal of "Seventh Hea-0,um!,t'1' c melodies. m ven" with the comic-opera flavor of "Sunny Side lTp," unjLfn addi-j tlon a more general appeal than either, . in the excellent dominie; comedy, which supplQf rfrV p!y$ foundation, and Is superbly car-; ried out by "Willie Collier, , I t)oyce Com)ton, L-ouiffe DiCrJbl In tict it '4 lor tQ)B Cine th present revieler hn eti nn.ttlioft )mm ifc tflo screen t&a 4M wii'jal of tfco newly rich IoVft ctnifto, r. ait Mrs. Grattr, by th liwr if, lit-; tfcriiaM ad inimitable Uu. '14 MBtirt tfPii't wttM easily ; been poted tp "oaar-ptey-Ing." ibS eaMilI til at would Qiv ft8poirt4 tft fvmeda with out atAnvlag fnuie tar;. ttot theBv tv tAopoiigti aritsta wece convincing tarvugltout, cnade tne, bun oS evtry ituation, working ut ffffi rara restrain end fi M ill t" Kb fixuvl cUntas. Anornw outstanainO1 cftaroctei to th ia pert ornWnc was that t ttie . fount. toyd ty Ores or? Care wry momen t W v. lay e av absoloMly "In" the part, and UJte tttlefielb and Miss Focenda Rh(lutB;y rtrmed to go In easy Vav and ovtWtn it. Judging by 44) ia iormaare lart nigtt this alkap CJaye ahuuldt go far onfl one k at ttueaa daxst'bp a sur La bis own in fact, 1be aupport o .Tanett aod ('barley wa veil nign perfe-t, the flirio eLrTen, the pho tugrapAy heawfifol, tbe angatune t fill. ttp oftly crrtlclaio cou$ iaje v on US &a vltn the ercnaiio Vriar, wflo allowed the afory to and fith an alopeOieM fiV.tfi one kote to the hoiiCe nct door 4 .the home of the groom at itit! $ ri rnftrttls cgQQieilw nd to iisual nowt real closew the bill, which as ardt On y nor Far rell fan, o urge no other fans to miss. R. V. It. Three schools. HI Jackson county high of which MedforOia one. All members of the orchaVUi played kazoos, and (1)1 to the nody edited on the lise mnts. 0 6 0t ax paOl oft At !- wi 0 comin accaava iaaiiat on tie eta meajical coa ts ti !'! coaduiail Wat e if r't8 Ciroe. al;om SDm--land ollt'.Ln the ol aateHKa cite toorna nient, ttte gita c)09) b4 QPtvtiat the cogtest numbgrs hdA cesente them admirably. Beigt clairt bow-tie with underlay of tropical tan. $2.98 o o i Beige claire d, Mith luard calf and o fi8viraitrffl rtp fdore worfi: on the plana' tor ths atate doriventtuft of Buaineaa and froi'ess lonal Women's club to h held in this iiry Stay 16, 1? and 18 was given menibera of the local club at the luncheon today noun at Hotel Hoi land, when Mrs. Mandi hapmao. preaident. read a letter from the editur of the iegon Basin esa Woman. Much piute of tlt wu ajraady done tJx Sledforj cluft. and Mia. Alice t'upnin in particular, vaa es pressed In the letter. The ttedford jfisa e of t h i tegun Daainesa Woman, which will be distributed here during the connttun will he "chuog tit-ll" trf m for nu tton con cern tog the Eogue ,tlie valley and adverti8emeni from focal firms, the editor announces. SENSORS SEKiNG fosi-aoLi HMi i luiol seiiiiif n already .i'klTi i3itiii. io Ttinnt, (l o(8 only ior t! siinir, s ra(liiioii aiiprnichea. W. lj. Van loan, placement director of the school, has been assist ii a num ber in ohtniniidemployment. A complete record of previous jobs held, type of work done, scho- nre Included in the list ol OreKonffS"""1 """". . u 1. 1 u , j...i i... .u.elinullily as well as general abll- . JPttoro IStfgu iire wl' W Ueljj truft, $3.90 tmt UsitSmt (ucibj, fiitso ta,oli o O O o Eccfticgiiy of operation is an imrjtrtant part of every business Ors is no) different Low Prices tempered with Quality and Value cari n& hs maintacdo without abolishing every imxs&z&E&Sy ofctktad expense o o o o o o tffe atifig l&o Pitmen cm to Yo o o . . o . o O $M result the prices you eojpy feete Vvetyifaty aire lower than any you eve expected to for the Value yaut receive for your money o Beig claire kid, With trimminfc of lun Un btige cl. . $3.98 In all-white SH, or comb toed with three blendiag ihdes for IMiucd, , ':.'.-;.-.-v chic. $A-90 onifJigli and 1 1 Northwest Association of Second ary and Hli;her rVchools. There were 227 applications from schools fully approved schools were required to raise standards before being placed on the list. O;on has 54 accredited high schools and the remaining number are divided among Mon tana, Idaho, Utah, Nqil Wash Qgton and Alaska. w O The Jackson county schools ac credited are: Medford. Glenn Smith, prlncfpal;QVshland. O. A. Hrlscoe. principal; Central Point, H. P.. Jewet, principal. 8YAHS.VXLL EM MAKE V4LLEY HOME - Mr. nnd Mrs. Luke Ryan. tho f sold their property In Meilford nnrt moved to Onlifornla. will re turn to Medford soon to renldo. They have purchased IhroiiRh It. V. Williams the Huffheck plare of TO acres on Crlffln creek nnd will make that their home. Mr. Itvan has returned to California and thev expert to arrive here prior to June 1.' llynns were pioneers In .InrkMon countv nnd are Bind they nie ROInc'to "return home." 1 ity, is available, making It easier to find KomeoniQuitert 0 the posi tion. n rollowlng a comiileO stMy of re quireniQls. and quallfiratinna of different students available, rec ommendations are made by Mr. Van Inn to those seeklnK omployes. The placement director is avail able for conferences at the busi ness man's Wice each day and in formation concerning job analysis and qualifications of applicants may he obtained at any time. ( Air Cadets Killed SAM ANTONIO, Texas, May 1. (P) Flying Cadets Raymond RowrW anl Honiamln VIl.tt-nrM, TIMnn IrVI students In the (jplvanced flying school at Kelly field, were Instnnt ly killed yesterday when a bomber in which they were maklnfQ flight crashed sotitheastOf Handera. Allot Columbia Fund (5'ASHINGTON. May 1. The war departmentrtjpday anprov ed allotment of $30.0(!u for a study mouth of the Snake river. The to(t tal cost will be $72,000, of which Si:is.onn nlready has been nllolted. FIRS! DAVIS FAMILY Summer COLDS : Almost everybody knows how 'payer Aspirin breaks up a cold h.. ti.T,v nnt nrpvent it? Take a HERE 10 BUy:IWNCHS1iS,?.rS Read the proven directions irc every package for heauhes, pain, etc. ; lave , and L. Pv. llatd nnd fafiiiljr nrrived from Arcadia. Cal will purchase a" ranch refiJ-nce here. Thin In the first family that rnmed direct ns a result of the work of Karl Pnvis, who repre sents the Chamber nf Commerce nnd the (lenity board. O T o 1 M' cl:i O-lf. b4Mtl fvitli tr.ical ; o 0 .o . oCluIdren) Dre88e fiC'lcvorly gTylfit niijno en semhics. Hjzo 7-T2. (JBir bs$ prico nlc 11 450i! (lu tjjl" Mt. flopyy, Mit . r. v nrclotli or colorfiiPi prptoO'f siniicks. AH sizes o o EtWt-nd Slsttr Wool jerso suits for litt) yen rs and rnyon tots 1 to $2.49 Coolie Coats for Girls 0ilorful crppp in nltnwt ivc designs. 79c Beach Robes Striped flu nnc bench wnir. or rrowiip si.ps. rolips for Cliildrpn $1.98 to $2.98 Sport Osf of da for H(atd$ mid whit itppe Assy' o widlfls. (? Ti ii, wliilp or in conibinii . tioii polors. i EleWnl Porccli., in i ii in t ii r-s in Imtli suits mid Qilh pow der siO. New novidly. ,98c o O Vesj and Bloomers Children 'h sOs: fino gallop rnyon. 49c o Collars and Cuffs Lapp, orKiindip, linen mid pique. A splendid varii'ly lo xelcpt from. 49c to S1.98 rfainsook Gowns import ed Ilimd inudi I'orlo 1 i c ii ii. H (iinlity iiiiinsook. I'liilid 98c "a ' O fi0 iw. wi jn m w'-";is' a iia o ANKLET SOK For Misses tnd Children The jolliest of colors in these anklet sock that ajc sturdy enouglrjo withstand the jolliest of . play hours I Smart patterns and gay shades for tho young miss who wears them for school. Complete range of sizes. Mothers will buy them by dozeq pairs at these ffiv prices I 19C and 25C ' Q : Values in Piece Goods Soiesette .Prints or Plain, yd 33c "Gladio" Percale. Yd. ..... . i. . 15c Slipsheen. Plain Colors. Yd. 39c "Rondo" Fast Color Prints. Yd. . . . 25c Lingerie Crepe. Plain Colors. Yd.. . 19c All Silk Imported Pongee. Yd. .... 33c Honor Muslin. Bleached or un- " bleached. Yd 12Jc Belle Isle Muslin. YL . . . . , 10c 36-inch Fast Color Broadcloth. Yd. . 49c O 5fcat aw eatn l'(lJ(0?K. All O CO) fU 1 i I l'opulfr colors. Hoys' sixes i QAttUi ' suits Fine '. quality . nainsook, full cut, riirefully uiiido. P 49c to 89c Shorts and Shirts Fenliil'iiiK side tips, plastic tops, elastic! baekH. lirond cloth or rnyon. 49c to 79c "Waverly" Caps Sold pxidiiHively in J, C. I'emipy (!o. stores. NpwpkC piitterns. Broadcloth Shirts Colliir littntdied; vnt dy ed nnd nil pxclusivfi put. terns. Shirt values that are supreme in value. $1.98 Vine (!tiiM, ribked, solid e'l Rtlf socks.' ' ' Golf Knickers Aplendid nrrny and all wool fabrics. $3.9jto$7.90 Boys' Wash Suits Many new novelty ideas. All fast color materials. 49c to $3.98 Children's Play Suits lllno deninr, Whftki, or stif el blue StripeiUUtypes for boys or Rirls. Sizes 2 to 8 years. , t 79c Luggage For that vacation trip. Suit cti.ttililndstohes, hand bags, auto trunks. GREATER MEDFORD CLUB presents "HELLO THERE! Friday, May 2 Armory Be Sure to Ool U:C D E P A RENNEY-OO R T .ME N T S T O )4 R V,E j GREATER MEDFORD CLUB presonts " ', "HELLO THRE,,IN ? Friday, May 2 Armory It's a worthy cab Oo! 1