! edford Mail Tribune The Weather Forecast: Tonlghc ami Tuesday imst'ltlctl mill colder with snow tonielit. Temperature Highest yiwtonlny .10 Lowest tills fiioniliiur ..... !! To 3 p.m. yoilerilay (17 To 3 a.m. IhU morning 05 Dtllr Tnotr-roartb Tmt. U nrir-tiui 1h. MEDFORD, OK'KUON. .MONDAY. JANUARY (5. 1KW. Xo. '2W. Today By Arthur Briiban $1 a Day. $1 An Hour. Chicago and New York. ir Prohibition News Much. Buy Silverware, New. Copyright King Features Synd. Inc. New York unions complain that semi-skilled men working on subways, .nailing up rouuli forms for holding concrete, net "only" 05 cents an hour. Un ion labor thinks they ought to get $1.50 an hour. There has been progress since the day not long ago when only one man in the United States, n New England carpen ter, was nhlc to earn as much as $1 a day. And he worked 12 hours for that dollar. Chicago, "enjoying a wave if municipal economy," dis misses 1100 city employes and will request 1000 more to re sign. One huiidrcy and seventy nine employes are dropped from the health department, although the commissioner says ''my der jiartment is wrecked." Four hundred and seventy-three po licemen, young men recently engaged, are discharged, after six months' probation, which seems hard. .' Chicago's budget is over sfS.'i, 000,000. New York's budget is over $500,000,000, a considerable dif ference. From all over the United States, ('Meago included, men and women come to spend their money in New York shops, in creasing Nev York real estate values and taxes. That also makes a difference. If you printed half the pro hibition news you could print nothing else. Senator Borah denounces certain men as Unit ed States district attorneys, saying: "The man who drinks liquor in violation of law is un fit to serve as district attor ney.'" Perfectly true, but you must have district attorneys, and there not enough of the 100 per cent pure kind. -M- J'roliiliitinn, shockotl, learn thnt lifjuor found oil bonrd 11 coast guard patrol boat, cur ried for the delectation of off i tccrs or crow, was a supply of '"Golden "Wedding" whiskey thnt the coast guard had eon fiscated on board the ruin ship, "Flor Del Mar." AVhat will Senator Horah say to that? Senator Capper, from arid If titer's anything In sngiroMlnn rLzt" ; x: 1 UgWfiftWfKJ (Offff rrwrt . ill i i r&jw rsiM II i I 'iW (II lll-plny In town showiil iliiiikln' , resided on a farm near Forest wis, highball bolets. wine glaNWJ Grove, ended her life Saturday by rum cabinets, flasks, riyklall sliak-1 drinking a quantity of lye, Infor crs, an' lit tul. lU-uvern bridge mat Ion received here today Itidl- sn' iHikcp some homo are purtrjCaled. hard lilt. 111 l'paltii ond desii,idency wete (Copyright John F. Dlile Co.) 'advanced as causes. VALLEY TO E Forecast for Tuesday Snow and Colder Temperature Five-Inch Depth in M edford Registered Boon to Crops Two Feet Deep in Siskiyous Many Cars Find Ditch. The snow storm which began Saturday evening and has practi cally been continuous since up to 2 o'clock this afternoon, during which time five Inches accumulat ed in the ground, despite the fact that the snow was of the soft wet variety and much of It niched away fast, hlils fair to continue as the weather foreenst is for unset- i tied weather tonight and Tuesday, j with snow and colder temperature j tonight. This five inches in Medford nnd ' vicinity Is more snow than has i been peon here at one lime for i years past, and Is very, "very un- usual." In addition to this five 1 inches remaining on the ground j since ine storm siariea ?aiuraay evenins. in that time the snow that melted a way amounted to .62 of an inch of precipitation up to 5 a. m. today. lioon to Crops This snow storm, which despite its causing much Inconvenience, is generally regarded as a great boon for the various crops and to Insure j plenty of water for irrigation next j summer. t While five Inches of snow was accumulating in Med ford, forming slush on the pavements and side walks, making nuto traffic danger ous, and causing everyone to watch their steps to avoid falls, the snow was much heavier in tho high hills! and in the mountains surrounding , the valley. Wires Jfmvn In the wnv. wf .jlriinnirfl nnuftod a . . number of minor accidents curred today thru autos skidding. Due to the snow causing wires to fall the Mail Tribune was without Associated Press service much of I today mainly been use of wires be ing down north of Grants Pass. The heavy snow accumulating on awnings broke down a number of such thruout the business dis trict. rinw in is iurt muuh oil ine M u- i clfic highway over the Siskiyou ' mountains was two feet deep, and j still falling heavily, causing auto Imffif some iUffiflilt v nlthnmrh the highway maintenance crew ! i worked all last night with rotary 1 snow plows to keep the road clear, j The deptli was said to bo nearly (Continued on Pae Eight) ON WOOL TARIFF WASHlNfiTON, Jnn. 6. (P) With the Democratic-Western Re publican coalition fnilinp to hold Its opposition forces ten:ite toiliiV voted In line the f-.-thJ in.; creases in tariffs on processed wind After nnnrnvlnii the raise from 40 to 4 5 per cent In the protec tive duty on wool yarn valued be tween $1 and 11.50 a pound, by 35to 2!. nn Increase from 3ti to 40 cents a pound In the compen sator v rate on yarn worth over fl.HO a pound, was approved with out a record vote. OAI.VKSTON. Tex.. .Ian. C. W) , Lieutenant C'lnrenre O. Mitchell and Kergenht Julius T. Illhoml. of the third nttnek group, Fort; Crockett, were killed today when I two nlrr lanes collided near here Two other airmen escaped by parachutes. The plant's had an altitude of about IS 00 feet when1 they lollidcd. ! ENDS LIFE WITH LYE PORTLAND, Ore.. Jnn. 6. (.TV cii x vhn St UK SNOWFALL SEARCHING FOR Aysvruttcii Prrita t'tiolo Members of the expedition searching for Lieut. Carl Ben Eielson and hit mechanic. Carl Borland, who disappeared off the northeast coast of Siberia while flying to the lot-bound fur ship, Nanuk. Left to right: MaJ. H. C. Deckard, W. J. McDonough, H. A. Oakes, Capt. Pat Reid, C. F. Mewt, Will Hughes, Samuel McCauley and Gifford Swartman. ICHAS.B.M00RES STATE PIONEER Active in Oregon Political, Historical and Educa- tional Circles for Half Century-Funeral Service in Portland. i POUTLAXD, Ore., Jan. 6. P Charles IS. Aloores, NO, Oregon pio 1 neer and for more than a half cen i tury active In political, historical land educational circles of tho state, died at the family residence -"" I e was born in Jienton coumy. Missouri, August C, 3841. and wart. J brought to Oregon in a coverii wagun ay ins m jo.u. i . Aiooros wan graduated 'from WU-J I trim. .It., ,rlin..uIt., I 1U7ll',ir1 studied law at the- University received his; (o'sree 01 nacneior iaw. jiu n- turned to Sulem to nrac-tice anil j became & trustee of the AVillam- ette university, a position he hjld i years lie was chairman of the Kcpuh- llcan central committee from 1!H2 until 1H14 and during that time was manager of President Taft'.i campaign In Oregon. In 1SS0 he served as chief clerk in the Oregon ihoti.se of representatives and two years later was appointed private secretary to Governor Moody. For Ifi years he was director an.l vice-president of the Oregon H!k toricul society. Besides his widow, he is surviv ed by one daughter, three sops, and a brother, A. N. Moores of Hnlcm. Funeral services will be conducted nt 2:30 o'clock tomor row afternoon in Portland. T DES. PORTLAND of ll5 J: r'lllll.l.H. It MlMlflMI I Mlchiiian. where he : She Is .Madame Maria Veron". "We lack funds, for most of 1 'onthei n ( aliroi nla narcotic ring white-haired woman luwyer and , nn working women In limited li- 1,1 ""I'Plylng (lope lo Taylor. SANTA MONICA. Cal.. Jan. li president of tho Krench league for , comes In offices, schools govern.! Jn t,u' n,hl Taylor was mur (Tl The bodies of Kenneth Hawks. Women's Hlghts. which numberH ment bureaus and factories; but 1 l'r,Ml- "cfner said he went to the motion picture director, and TIioj. j several hundred thousand mem- we are determined." Madame Ve-1 w"h H-inda and saw Iho per llanifi. i.!udlo piopetty man. Iw.i , i,Ms, all pledged to n militant pin; rone told tho Asoclnted Press ln'"on ''epoiislble lenvlng tho prom nf lite lii victims of last Thursday's I form. her first nubile announcement of A f,'w "''nuios later Hands midair crash of two lllrplanes on- gagrtl in lllmlnK a movut thriller over Iho Pacific ocean, were recov - erod from the sunken wreckage of one of the planes today. I Nebraska bank loses $2000 TO BANDIT PAIR DK WITT. Neb.. Jan. . (CIM Two men held up the llonio Hin:" b.'ilik lirre toilny and craped wi'.it approximately .'0(i0. FLIERS LOST IN Hearty Breakfast I Down on the Farm j Makes Real Men , 4 C'lllCACSO. m Pickled red I ! i euhbiiKO and clu-oni me anion; ! I ho things which, taken ,iln- i 4 tifully for breakfast, make 4 men men In the open spaces. J This discovery was turned : up hern by a radio question- I naire, sponsored by WI.S, through which thousands of j farmers and others were ask- t ed to tell what they eat for L?- Ali- SENATOR DUNN. jASHLAND.SEEKS; REIijATION Stale Senator Ceoi'ite Dunn of has 174, students cnrojled. Tho AHhlimd, today announced his can- Hullo Falls enrollment Is 10S. , illdaiy for iho Hepuhllcan nomlna- Thouch no authentic informa tion for atate wmitor in the .May tlon to the effect has heen Klven, piimnry and will seek re-election it 1 reported that Iho ISlltto ViiIIh In the Novemher election district will appeal any reduction Senator Dunn Is one of the well- in tho budect. known nnd Influential figures In! Among tho Interesting items :n the Kfato sennte. having served two tho Ilulto Kails budget Is an nllow. ii.i-tnM In ihni Imilv hiivinir been once of $700 for fuel $500 for lite first elected in 1922. 1'revlous to that lime he had served one school. This Is twice as much fifl term In tho Mouse of Hepresenta- as is used at the poor farm, with lives In 18!i0. ft year-through use of fuel. Ilut'e During his senate service, Ash-; Kulls if located In the heart of n laud has secured the Southern . Umboi bolt, where wood is plen tlregtin Xormnl school nnd to ob-itlful. tain all that- Is possible for the; Oirliivrtra Oosls $7IMI. Normal Is one of the aims of Mr. I Another Item Is $700 salary for Dunn In seeking re-election this " orchestra leader." Transpor- scason. While In the senate Mr, niinn has served on the roads and high-1 ways committee, on the education committee, banking committee and fish and game committee and has , Introduced a considerable volume' of It'Kislntlon which hns heen fa vorably acted upon. To protect the JtuKiio Jtivcr, from unconlrolled power develop.1 mcnt which would ruin the stream as a sportsman's paradise, is one) t of the alms of Mr. Dunn who Is interested In the tentative Icgisla-! j i""n ! mans' association. rtiinouncemeni or Mr. uunn i his plans to be a candidate for the K.puhitcan nomination, Is mude at Uk request of his friends. Nu merous other candidates have been menuoncfi, mil it is anticipate!! that no further canditiates will declare for the primary nomlna- ,mn ' . , , . Andorra Have Kuimp. PARIS LU The Republic of Andorra will soon Issue lti own potdage stamps for the first "n"1- French Suffragists Announce Militant Campaign for Votes Ily Ilazrt Itcnvls, f Associated Press Staff Writer I'AltlS. Krance's Mrs. rank- hurst mss that 1030 Is going In be n fireworks year with Kronen militants unless the government shows signs of assisting women to get municipal voting rights. The newlv formed government of Andro Tanlleu with mnnifo.d 1 Internal questions pressing and i world Important foreign problems to face, has been given month of grace by tho "mllltnntes." Th president of the French After thnt the trouble slar'.i. League for Women's Hlghts says Tho femlnlnlsts are tired of using that her group feels It has Ihe n polite "If you plense" nnd gr-ltln i nupport nf millions nf women In nothing, says their lender. There-, other countries, fore, unless the government no's; "I know that we have true nnl they will change to a series of eager friends In America," she "gimmes." is.ild. "We will need their support. The fnr.lnlnlsts' big grievance i.i Itut we mui-t do our own fight present in that they cannot get fie ing." ARCTIC WASTES BUTTE FALLS TO APPEAL BUDGET RfltinftarV Rnarrf Pf,nQ.flpP 1 J ing Taxpayers' Plea for 3 r 3 Slash in School Expense r List Director May Be Scanned. StatUS Th . countv hounrijin- board oiinimi nrort toili.y Im cnn.Hilorniiin of tlie niipliuntlnn of Ilulto Falli tnxpnyora tor n rcilucllun In the Hi-houl liuilKi't. An early decision 1h nnticlpatod. ns It U noccwKnl'V to havo tho hutluct nuhmiltod to CUT IS RUMOR the rounly nsnossor for fixing o.an I'ttpiniiU'cl tnkonff from Nome the levy nnd ,.xtonlon on tho lux "evornl nBO' 11,0 tw0 others rolls. ' The hildBet n It now slan.ln proviclen S15.3UD.05 for operatln:; tho UutlG Kails schools the comlni year,, iwlce tho sum ankeil for bv otlieiWtrdclv tllslriet? .-ttan eounty savo KOKlle Hlver. whieh high school and $200 for the grade I , tatlon of pupils from other dl-- 1 trlets has a budget allowenco of This is lower than In pro- vl"s years, when there was ..n lnn",x fr" i"''' o n-nd lh llu"0 ?'nl"; "ohnols. At hc hearing last V rlday it wjih Known iiimc iniiio rtuift rn'iiuui I vohIs lend tho slate for schooln of 'the t h It-it pIiikh. with tt Veiirlv roHt of $L'03 per pupil. Prospect, also In a timber belt, Is second In tho county, with a yearly cost of $15R. Another phase of the Itutte KalU pltuallon that may be discussed nt fin nnelv lint a lu thn dill til- if I school directors maintaining re.d ' drn'e at other points but retain , IhK thlr Butte Kails residence, to serve on tho school board. Kuprem -nnrf rf(,,Hinn h..M thi- t h io Kin, nil i urniioi cninH iiojii n 11 "Itn practical nnd unsu' Isfnotory The boundary bonrd Is composed j of iUl(yRa Mex Hpnrrow, who 1m Pl,(rman of the board: Huperln-j i tendent of Schools Husunne Homes Ji'arter, secretary of the board, and , commissioner (leorge Alford nnd Victor llursell. Commissioner H.ir- j m.l has been unnble to attend, ' owin'r to lllncm, In bis Immediate' I fnmlly. j suffrage nticHtlon before Iho sen-j ate for discussion. Three times ia.ed by the chamber of deputic iml nvlci. vmerf ,i. in th ate, the bill giving women mu- nlclpal suffrage rights Willi men has failed to como up for a third vote In the senate. i ih mlllfi.ni.' ,i...i.fn. I,. ii,. i,.! ih.. wnr..,.ih u,. .u,..i ..r,.,.u. ns -he nddd: "We are not afraid to go to Jali. I havs been there several time,." STORM AND LUCK MOCK AIR RESCUE Eielson Searchers Wreck One Plane, Another Is Lost in Wild Country and Third Is Storm Bound at Nulato Two Open Planes Reach Siberia Before Blizzard. KAIKltANKS, AIiikIcu. Jan. 6. tV) Adverse luck. runnlnn; hand in liu ml with A laskn u storms, today conitnued to moi'k tiiu efforts of northoi n avliitors to Ml ago an aerial hunt for their lost comrades Ooiien Kiel son ami Karl Holland, who have lieeu missiiiK for nearly (wo months. Three powerful cabin planes, rushed here from Scat Mo and put at the disposal of Arctlc-tuirdened i'anadlan pilots, were down, one wrecked, one apparently lost and the other weather hound at Nulato, half-way between hero and Nome. Two open rnckptt planes o pern i- Jed by Pilots Joe t'rosson and liar !olrt l,luin- American filers, who (managed to reach North Cape, rsl,,orlu' f"'Nomo ,:0Cl'ntl'-nl,ao were held down because the we,l,nor f northeastern Siberia made flying Impossible. lCielson and itorland disappeared lust November 0 while flying from Teller to the fur trading ship Na- nuii. tho AantiK is frozen in the ic" ,,r'"' ""'"' ill Capo and now nerves as tho Siberian base for rescue operations, Oiio Piano Wrecked With one of tl;- cabin planes al ready smashed up as tho result of ' 11,1 ut niso uuiua to reach Nome. Arriving over tho mouth of the ICoyuk river, nt tho hend of Norton uay, ine iwp pumes. tyn .!! u,. niiiuniiK niir.zard and becaino Sep arated. The onn piloted by Matt Nlemenen and carrying Major H, Dccltard nnd Mechanic Ham Macau ley. retraced lis course back over the treacherous tundra to Nulato and landed. Tho other, piloted by Pat Held and carrying Mechanics William Hughes and Jim Hutchinson, failed to hIiow up either at Nome or Nulato. Although Keld's piano was be lieved to be down In tho wild stretch of country between Nulato and Nome, no great npprehonslon was felt for tho three men aboard, aMsuinlng' that they had landed without mishap. The piano was well provisioned and tho men equipped with heavy clothing. Search Made Frank Dot-band t, Ntcmencn's flying companion, who a few days ago was withdrawn from the rescue work and ordered to tako a rest, took off from Nome yesterday and flew 200 miles inland hoping to sight Hold's plane. Lato last night, from Holomon, 3(1 miles from here, where ho was forced down, Dorbandt reported he hud not sighted the overdue plane. Nlemenen mude ready at Nulato to go In search of Held ot the first opportunity. SAYS ACTRESS WAS SLAYER OF KAN KHANI'IHCO, (.'111., .Ian. 0 t Copyrighted by the United I'ress) Oils Hefner, long-missing key wit ness In the William iJestnond Tay lor murder mystery found by a United I'ress reporter, tins repeat ed and amplified secret disclosures made to former Governor Richard son nnl the state prison hoard in 1920 which resulted In his release from Kolsnm to savo his life. Answering direct questions of FILM DIRECTOR ..-.i"10 I'nlted Cross representative. lll'rr",i' named Taylor s slayer us a : ""IV" picture celebrity. Hefner "I'1"1"'''' mixed with IMward Is""'!". employed by Taylor, In iho discovered the body. Hefner declared himself as still willing to go before tho grand Jury and uld In clearing up tho eight ye"J olrt. mystery. i-ur me paii inreo years lleiner has been living In nn unnamed California town under nn assumed name and supporting his wife and hlldren. The full statement named the slayer as the samo woman over heard by Henry Peiivey, tho young negro who succri-ilid Hands as v.'ib't, quoriellliig with Taylor. Held As Slugger 'V Aaiociattd I'resM Photo Lloyd Fathers, 25, it believed to be the "perfumed slugger,' who terrorized scores of women on the Pacific coast last year. He was ar rested in Janesville, Wis. SLAYER OF Family Troubles Blamed By Utah Youth for Shooting Estranged Wife, Mother and Stepfather Jammed Gun Thwarts Suicide Paroled for Former Shoot ing Scrape. KARMINOTON, Utah, Jan. A. (VP) Preston Thatcher, prosecuting attorney of Davis county, today prepared to file first degree mur der charges against Polbert flreen, 20, for the slaying of his young wife, her mother and stepfather, late Saturday night Clreen, who fled from tho sceno of tho killings while officers from three counties combed the valley for him, was arrested in bed at his Ogden, Utah, apartment a tew hours Inter nnd admitted the slny Ings, officers said. He said family troubles "drovo me to II." Tho pistol alleged to hnvo boon used In tho murders was found In Green's ovorcoat pocket. Ho of fered no resistance when officers entered his room. Tho shooting took place on a farm cast ot Uiyton, Utah, . six miles north of hero, where Green's wife hud gono to see her mother after a family quarrel. When Doi bort Green arrived, his wife, IS, was In lied Willi Mrs. James Qreen, her mother. Jatnes Green, D.jl hert's uncle nnd Mrs. Uelbe.-t Green's lcp-fi4ther, was In the kitchen. Shut Fiilhor J'lrsl. Dell crt Green first talked to his wife but sho refused a reconcilia tion, ho Bald, nnd ho then went t the kitchen and shot James Oreoi. Ho then went Into the bediouii and shot each woman once. James Green ran for help, but died In tho street a. short distance nway. Mrs. Hannah Green, 70, mother of James Green, nnd Lois Greon, 10. daughter of James Green, fled from tho houso but returned for the Infant daughter of Delbcr: flroen. Lois Green pleaded with her I'alf-slster's husband heforo leaving, but ho ngaln entered the bedroom nnd shot both women a second time. The slayer then drovo to his Og den npartment, using unfrequentel roads to avoid officers. Police and sheriff's officers immediately took up tho trull but failed lo locate tho suBpect for several hours. " told officers ho planned to kill himself, but the gun Jnmmed. Delbert Green served three months In tho state prison In 1928 for assault with Intent lo commit murder, but was paroled, lis was convicted of shooting a cousin of hit wife. PORTLAND. Ore., Jan. t.lP) A. (1. Rushlight, former mayor o' Portland nnd slate legislator, who suffered a henrt attack while a' tendlng tho funeral of the lots Governor I. L. Patterson at Sil-1 lem. died today. I Rushlight, mnyor of Portland from 1911 lo 191 J. nnd three times elected to the house of represen-1 tnilvos In the stnto legislature from Miiltnomuh county, was born in j Golden, Colo., Kehrunry 24, 1S"I. When he was two years old his, InmilH tnitrwl f ftroirun find Illl4 'suite was his homo over since. YOUNG WIFE CONFESSES STORM HITS m NORTH OF G. PASS Miles of Wire Leveled Rail and Highway Traffic Interrupted District Be tween Glendale, Grants Pass Bears Brunt Rain Falls in Southern Cali fornia. SAN KKAXCISCO, Cul.. .Ian. li. (P King Winter spread dis while mantel over tho uortliv.est stales today as California Ir.oked up into clear skies after a general wetting yesterday that extended In southern Calilornia for tho fii'Ht time in four months. Unsettled and colder weather was promised for the northwest for today Willi a cold wave predict ed for the eastern portion Tues day. More snow was predicted over the mountains of Idaho, Ore gon and Washington with the ridge of high pressure extending east ward to Montana. In southern Oregon a storm of blizzard-like proportions swept over the Cascade mounatins and tore down miles of telephone and telegraph wires, interrupted rail and highway traffic and daposited a heavy mantle of snow in lite highlands. Reports indicated the district between Glendalo and Grunts Pass, Ore., received lit" brunt of the storm. Hnin fell ill Portland. Snow in Seattle In Seattle snow started fulling lato yesterday hut ceased late al night niter coating the streets with a two-inch blanket. Automobiles had difficulty, but there was no Interference with street railway travel. A trace of snow fell In Tacoma, wlille communities north and north oast of there reported between three "nnd tour -(inches.' V Siiokune' nnd vicinity received a trace of suow while the mountniis east ward received an abundnnt share. Telegraphic communication be tween eastern Canada and Vancou ver, B. C, was disrupted by a sleet, snow and rain storm in Kraser val ley, east of Vancouver. . . Fair Weather South Except in the extreme north por tion nnd in Ihe Sierra Nevada mountains, California was promised generally fair and colder weather. Local frost b In the San Joaquin, Sacramento and Santa Clara val leys were predicted but It was not believed Bmudge pots would be nec essary to protect orchards. Thu weather bureau expected unsettled conditions to prevail In extreme northern California and promised more snow for the Sierra Nevadas, where temperatures wore falling. Southern California, which re ceived Its first wettlns In four months, recorded precipitation ranging from one-halt to 1..11 Inches. Storm Moves East The rain storm moved eastward during the night, however, nnd sunny skies were ugnin promised by Ihe weather bureau. Tho rain extended as rar south as the moun tain summits west of the Imperial valley, giving San Diego one-halt Inch of precipitation. At Truckee, Cnl., snow plows were put Into use as the blizzard, which deposited more than a foot of snow, continued unabated. In the Yosomlte valley the first snow nf the season fell, closing roads but marking, the opening ot winter sports. All ronds In Ihe vicinity of Ta hoe City, Cal., wore blocked by th.i heavy snows. Sixteen Inches of snow tell overnight. Will Rogers Says: HHVKWVY iniil.S, Cnl., Ian. 6. Another fire in WiiHliintoii. It just allows yon coiiKrpHsmen nre not yet competent to carry matches. If all these fires liad li n p p e n - ed d it r i n it the previous it 1 mini s t r a t i o it, we c o n 1 1 d have laid it to the fact they were tryiiiR to "smoke" Cal vin nut. Tim papers said there was hoiiio valuable doc uments likely to have been lost in the fire. The only thinn prevented it, 'there wasn't any. They were two hours putt inn it out, , A lief 1 in speech must have caught fire. Yours, WILT, TtOCiKKS.