PAGE TWO - - - alEDFOKlJ MAIL TKIBUJiK, MEUbVliV, OKKHU-V .iA.xt nrJm r Tocal and -W.Personal i ij Todcy's-Hty public market w ' In keeplnc with the after holid-y ! Neason. The supply of produce j was not heavy and patronace i ulso llrht. The meat market an the usual heavy business and dre--ed poultry was also flirty sued de mand. You will be surprised how quick ly your cold l relieved by uin4 Colvljt's Cold Capsules, for si.K only at Colvig Drue, next door :o I'.ialto Theater. "' Uuest from a distance at M'I ford hotels include Mr. and Mrs. Ted i-eww and J. v. " - Vnrk Citv. F. A. Urott and ' ; .ii, nf ihlcaro. Mrs. Jam. Brwn tH Marcus and Charles O Donneil ! of Kutte. Mont., and Mrs. . !--.. ,v. Mixs Kathleen Kste. a eraduat-' of -The California (School of Coe-rooiolot-y in San Francisco, h.n accepted : position in The liot Inn a- an all-round operator spr ialiiine In flne'r wavine. facia i monicurine. ind would be iiiruiii". 1 lilenwd to mn-t her man) frien.V . :lt vi Martha Ilanlcy. niece tW. 1 Misa Alice Haniey. riturnru ".it.. vuerdav from eatcrn Oregan ; where she had spent the part rf- eral months on the ranch of he.- i- mil H.-inlev. Hemstitching, mcotlng. pleating. ! button making and hose mending . Handicraft Khop. ' Terry Roy Norval and Anna vi .n. coiiin both of Medfo:d. were married in Grants r-a i , d-iv hv C. E. I:usk. Justice of the; ...nee. Grants Pass Courier. Votice to patrons of Fichtnee't t'lrr- Havine taken over th:s; i.,. tines, vour continued patronat" ; I, solicited for this firm by Carl Fichtner. Prop. After having planned to bold -t I big wrestling mt.tch here next wen- j paM, WBO , city engineer ot nai i nesday night hn Kd (Stran . cjt). an aw commander of Hi; gler Lewis and Bob Kruse of Port-I National (iuard unit, was a hus.-j land. Mr. and Mrs. Thor Jetua-'nlp TU,nor in Medford yesterday! .., left todav for Portland I i.nion Club dance every 8a'. 1 m make arrangements tor lb- match, which will be held on later date, because of Lewis' - ability to be here next week '"I match will now be held January 1. Mr. and Mrs. Jensen plan ta huk In two or three days. For coughs and colds try CJ v:g Mentholated Pine Tar "and m.uv with Kucalvnius and Cod Uver (ill. Sold only at CoUr: Drugs, next door to Rlalto theater. S H.' H. Webber and V. Cnder- wood re visitor, in the city fr.ttn Crescent CTty.' Cel.. who arrivwl I v..h pMttriltr. It me write your fire Insurance. , Cart V. Tengwsld. Hotel Hollanl llldg. Phone . ' I amone the Oregon guests V. I Ue.iford hotels are U .U I-ovc. Mrs. F. A Wtlters of corvaiu. K. S. Sanon of Eucene. Mr. K. DoWndlng of North Ilend. Mrs. Grant Oreen of Astoria. Fred Mai kle of The Dalles. James Myers of Oregon City, and "the ' following from Portland: J. It. Povey. K. i o'Rrsdv. ft. n. Ingram. 'R. ' eed. I.' C. Clyde. R. :. N'txnn. I ii.,.. white James Mitchell. W O. Forbes. !!nry Wilson. It. li. Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Mat son. Mr. and Mrs. W. It. ISranson and Mr.'nnd Mrs. Fred Harris. If you ire proud of Medforrt's new airport and the new airways radio station, send your friends copies of the New Tear Mall Trib une of December 31, containing pictures and stories of both. tf C. E. Oatcs Is In Portland today, for which city he departed lul night, attending a meeting of the directors nnd advisory council )f the slate chamlier "f commerce. He will return to the city tomor row or Monday. lis Medford - made factory blocks. Metlford Fuel Co., Tel. 31. , Ui:f Cilifornla's decision to enforce the hunting law that no protectel gamo may be taken outside the state after being killed has caused much worry among Klamath sportsmen, who each yei.r over the state line by hundred, for deer. duck, pheasant aad qunil. Many are of the opinion that the matter will lie settled peacefully as It uas five year, ami when th Kitme controversy arose. Klama:h nonsmen have appealed to of leers . of the state game commission frj record as feeling that Mr. Ken. &decllon on the matter. (after his years of labor, had Jus. Now that the rush I over. brtn;Fot the organisation functioning In your fur work. ' nn RlVf UmntT.y and thut it could not do better service anrt netter prices. without his guni.ace ana enercy i n(!( mo.her Kmma FUher. one sls V. W. BnrtlMI. Taxidermist ar.d for at leat another year. Gram f,r wn(l .HOlher Kloyd and Furrier, IS N. rir St. z4t: James Koberta has returned j Klamath f ills to rontiniie his o!. : .ifter nwndlnK the holidays I"at Sinclair's Clearance 8.ile. It" his mother, Mrs. Emma Itoberts if j Imi-eri il Orchetr every sr. Tulent. I nlaht at Jacksonville. J4 ,-ml riht prices. fe Royal Two caes of scarlet fever were rtnh eoal for best results, l'hone t reported this week to the coun'.y 13. K. K. Samson Co. : j health unit, w hich heard of none Al Piche and Frank Ovelman. J la. week. The situation is deel u -who were fortunate on New Year's!. (0 t.e well under control by Dr. day In catrhlns a number of awl! t t- vllon. county physician, sised steelhead. plan to repeat :h"l Dynse's dance. Dreamland S-it. sceomiilUhmrnt tomorrow. Til!) , dec lac- fishinn la better than mow fishermen think. althouKh the wa -er Is hleh In the Rorue river. Reductions of i to SO durin; Sinclair's January Clearanc Sale : Donald Kaber. son of Mr. an-l Mrs. K. C. Kaber of Cenirsl Poin'.. was a visitor In Medford this fore noon, hobbling about on crutches. II. broVe his If seven weeks aio when playina footh.tll with thj Willamette university and sustain ed the Injury when In the mldt ft a scrlmroiie. He hopes to h-ve full use of his foot In another three weeks. Is h. leas soot. In thai itood eoal. Hansen Coat Co. Tel. tf Durin the storm of last nikh: the alron- wind blew out one the laiee window, above the roor: farins the street of Joe O'Brien's barber shop and the beauty n M Immediately adjolnlnic. In the Ho tel Medford bulldin. The bits ope: space waa boarded np and nA .ism was sent for. but It will take u k. Kefor It arrives and ks ptit Into plaoe. " Dvnt.'s dance. Dreamland RH 4 A marriage license ws issued fct tthe county clerk's uffiee this to' noon to Claude Cutler. 21. ,nl 'Elsie Landlnc. K. both of 1'hoenl. t A number of Medford and Jack 'json county officers plan 10 attend 'ithe. meeting of the Kouthern Ore- Jtaoa 1-aw Knforcement Officers a- - ociation at Klimalh Ktlls next Saturday, when a big wild Boo- hanquet will be served. The last me(in was h-ld in Ashland Hsi November and drew an exceniion- ially larse Lttendance. ' lte Medford - made- factory) ', block. Medford Fuel Co.. Tel. 31. H5ti; DynKe's dance. Dreamland Sat.! : 28ii ! Regular circuit court sessions j wilt b?sm here the third Mondavi of thu month. Circuit Judge H. O. j Norton old this forenoon, lie wan, in Medford today arraneinc II. , ' dock for h. jury sessions, a: , aoeat lor in jury --""". -; .hich several criminal case. " Will undoubtedly be tried. ljeKMn club dance every tat nlcht at Jacksonville. i t m. niM drlnalmd ravos how.. - iiiue mrd oeiusierea rayon nii--. 1 loreiKn IIIIUUKII .-CIC.a. nilir tOc nalr. now 2 nalrs for'. .... ..... i :c at Sine air's January Clearance.- c,,. C I I u in the automobile 1 Then the war started.- That ; i Heher C Miller's story of he; 'he happened to get into the Hr-, MM game. Always economical M hi, words, he put In no fancy de-i tails. Following the war. Mi'er , :-t Ct.M I went into commercial nj.m. y after the Pacific Air Transpp.t mIjuy began eperitions alone lhe coal three years ago. he join- ed the ollol start. ince men ha, wen flying regularly on "'i.ed on to a branch of the Ltd.'"8 'roMment of it pupi s had a Portlsnd-Medford. PortUnd-Seatt.-. t,)e manager mere gave . P' pP cos the last year lap, f the route. Tall, quiet andj,, to m e AmJ , ora in a ,lrange l" 1-5 Ir ua- B,"" Pas with Uns.uming. he is rated ts one ':, though it possible you mignt u'9 a per pupil cost of 2.4. tn, iit, on the P. A. T. fore. . I while Eagle Point with 14 had I'ortiana journal. Brill's Sheet Metai Works! for radiator, fende nder and auto body ; itsnn. but a n.-w I The old loc: hon. Kxpert operators. Medford uauty Khop. "Ask a friend." , lt captain John R. White of Grants I night t Jacksonville. 2s4 nvnee's dance. Dreamland Sat. j ?S4 j Mr. and Mrs. jonn J uooie. to r , oldest couple in e:- ern Oregon and parents of the first wnita child born in iiaser count?. hve celebrated their th weddx? ' anniversary. Send your friends in the east or middle west copies of the New Yet.r ' Mall Tribune, containing a reviw inf the prosperity and progress of (dford ar.d the valley the past y,ar. tf Turkey s.hoot. Eagle Point. Sun. 2b4 Tp1 Rlckerstaf f, Medford Lit I Klamath Falls boxing promoter, ar- . I nvea yesieruay ir .....-... ..... make arrangements for a card ne pians to irarm -.- month. He plans to feature lt- Pelkey of Oakland. Cal.. and Gene O'drady of Ashland, ami Willie Feldman of New York City and Tom Corhett of Sacramento. In t double main event. The date far is uncertain. .For Sale Kindling by the loan Bedford Fuel Co.. Tel. ill. i4itf "That rood coal." We giva green trading slump. Hansen Coal Co. Phono !. " Included among the CaHfornlaus registered at Medford hotels ar Mrs. Agnes J. Qulnn of Palo Alti. Joseph I -Oman of Los Angeles. Rav Olson of Lodl. W. N. Webber and A. Underwood of Crescent City. Thomas Penfleld of Modesto anc Lee Woods and family of Monterey. IloC, old-time dance. W. O. W. hall, every Saturday, night. 2S ISiegeM old-time dance. WalkeiV Central Point, sat. Jrfn. 4th. Rest of old-time music. 24 O. K. Marshall was among the Klamath Falls residents spending yesterday in Medford. . Blue Ilird pure silk hose, regu lar sue. now on si.le at 79c. at Sinclair's. Vera Mershon wishes to announce to hei friends that she has accept ed a r'Hion with the Emma Cllv.e Beauty Shop. Jack.' Ketr, Copco manager, was unanimously elected presldent rhalrmitn of the Josephine chap ter. Tied Cros. over his protest" agt Inst a fifth term, at the annual ee; Ing of the chapter in toe rourth cum Thursday afternoon. The meeting unanimously went on rasa Courier. Indies' and children's irint-r hatji are belnc sacrificed In price! zn P.oys' and youths' bib and wi.1m overalls, ages S to H. on sale at He at Sinclair's January Cleaning A total of J4 auto licenses I. r the first hilf of were issue l n th. sher'.tf's office yesterday.! and probably just as many will be j isstied today. AiMilicants are re aiinden to have their applicatlo properly filled out before present-j in them at the office, where St :lc Traffic Officer ltol-rt Phillips h bcea on duty for seven.l days. A simMai ruh Is also belns experi enced at the branch office main tained at Ashland. Everything in the baby depart ment is JO" lew during SlncUli' Jsnuary Clearance Sole. Hfc Imperial orWw-stra .very Sat. alsht at Jacksonville. !H R. K. Salter, representing the Xational Manufacturing company of Sterling. III. was a visitor Medford ludsy on on. of his an nual visits. Dressmaking- arjd remodeling at rhe Fshlo Shop. 4: M d f o r l Bldg. Tel. 1111. 'f Higfest old-time dince. Walkers Ceniril point. Kit Jan. 4;h. Iter! f old-time music. t' Bounty warrants were issued at the county clerk's office this fore noon to H- A. Tunibauko of Pho; nix for one coyote and one bobcat, and to A. D. Moore of Trail, twu coyoler. ' All day turkey shoot. Kagle Point Sunday. Lunch at buntalow. 24 me ure uepanmrni s i The fire department was calii-i last evenina to Oak l.rove tret ! to ext-nsulph a small roof fire it jihe Kred Sander dwelling. TO LETTER l An unmarried Rman over ,...,., i.h, 1. ,h. I i'., .,.. .h. ii.i!urM '?' "ula e '"e neaa 01 ; !""""'',;. ,j,i., ,.t Mrnrd.'?. ;'' J - - ' hn h, ,., a ,,,, r fiirtine with ... t. . . . " , . helped to pack U.t seaMn ! Miss K. It. Reynolds of Number i ,, ,,r, avenue. One. ISarn'fleud avenue, Withing-j " , IMVV i ... ... ........ I ' fc. TomrnvII noI. ana ,,, . wanlwl , know ajOU, h)m Wrlu. Uecember. the letter - (follows: T Mr. Tommy Mashburn: As . . . ,.,rt requested on a slip of paper found 4 ... in .h. in a case of fruit, bought in tne u..h..-t.r i .rket ,nd .... i-.,. u-.rii.t liar position and want- '. ed other interests. w j( , ! friend you want and what sex. '1 i m ft m.Alt. vt rurM, and an I audit clerk for the firm who got j your case of fruit, but would pass ; I you on to a male if that is wboj ou would rather write to. J'er- j ' haps you will tell me you are j j and your age. etc.. as It w as curi- J ous finding your message. Yours ; sincerely, (Miss) K. R. KeynoMs." j A little over 'a week ago, the local youth received a note from j ....... , ... i,...n j who found a similar note In a box1 of Newtown Pippins. Obituary i VESTAL"-1-James F. Vestal pass-leers led away at his home near Van- couver. Wash.. January' 2. '130, where he had made hTshome for the past four years. He had been in failing health for the past year and tor th liuit two months he h:il hen confltied In hit bed. vt.i . ,r i r,.le poin( Junf , Umf of hj af!it years. He leaves his wife. Dora j. Minnie C till wood: Hmb. Mollie Harvey Vestal, one small son.jKriu: Ester. Nellie Fick: Martha. James, also his father and mother. i Emerance Norris; Electa. Martha Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Vestal of Eaglet I) lUDininon : warden. Anna 1-ang- .... .i j t. . t A v... ilsr s-ntinpl Prnssl liniflev al. Alex Vul and Turn Ve-talJ all of Kacle I'olnt and one brother of Vancouver. Wash. The remains will be forwarded to Medford Hunday and funeral jen'k-cs w ill le held at the Perl Funeral Home Monday. January C. ut 2:00 p. m.. with Rev. C. E. Meil officiating. Interment - will ltk nlnce In lh t'eniral Point cemetery. Mr. Vestal was a grad-l uate of the Centra! Point high school, and of the Oregon State college, where he was very active In college affairs. SHORT Funeral services for the lute III la L. Short who pawed away at the home of her son, Hcnj. II. Short of Pitts View. Friday, at the age of SO years, will be held at the graveside in the Rocky Point cemetery Monday. Jan. Sth at Z I. m. The Women's. Relief Corps of Gold Hill, of which she was a memtter. will tuivo charge of cer vices. Conger funeral iarlor in charge of arrangements. FISIIKR James F. Killer, aged 3 years, passeil away at a local hospital in this city Friday. Jan. 3rd. after an Illness of several months. Tie was horn at Idaho Kails. Idaho. Oct. 14th. 190C. At the age of 1 years he. with his mother moved to Stockton. Calif.. from where he enlisted in the coat artillery of Cnited States army. On account of falling health he was discharged from the ser vice. After leaving the service, the f ; m 1 ly moved to M e1 f ord , where It.rothy wide. One sifter. M rart reside In Stockton, are at the Calif. The remains t' Kuneral Pailor-s and the time of services will be announcvd l:tter. STKVENS Hohert Stevens. ac r 1 years, passed away at a local hospital Kriday. Jan. 3rd. He has made his home with friends near K)e I'oint but a short time, when he was taken suddenly ill. The remains ai-e at the Conner Kuneral Parlors where the funeral services will be announced upon th. arrival of his flither. JAUKSUN VILLt UMUKUH LADIES HAVE MEETING JArUHOXVlLLK, ire.. Jan. 4. The MtwUinary obeteiv of the Presbyterian rhureh met I niirway ai.ernoon u in nomrj of Mrs. Otto Nelderme-er. The tisuftl hour was sient at stodv j after h h a aortal time was enjoyed and lovely refreshment wire servel by the hostess. Tn Indies were present. ! HINT TRIS SPEAXER SLATED AS MANAGER STM' TOHK, Jan. 4 Th New York Kvenln World says to day that "from reliable sources" H had learned Trls HpaW will x.n be appointed mnnaicer of the rootT. eluh of the National leacu With Wilbert llnblnwn, presMnt msnniter. r-inftninc his artlvttie to esevwtive duties. PUPIL COST FOR JACKSON COUNTY SCHOOLS SHOWN ! i v,.--v.-: :;j An interesting comparison of the enrollment and pupil costs in the lid-class schools of Jackson county was made by Mrs. Sutanne Homes Carter, county sunntnd- ent. who was the main witness in the llulle Kails budget hearing be-' lore the boundary board in the ; court house Friday. I nder both , I direct and cross examination. Mrs. : tarter wa kept reeling off fu?- . 7" . mathematician swim. , Haf - a-snmiMpisnina nrMnniMi a - 1 1 ' " ' J r"rj:" . ' icnarts, were enmreu in me case as evidence. K-agle Point with 124 pupils, Sams Valley with 6S. Kogue River ' I h V,a. .-itK at wi,h ProsJt. "h S ,.nd witn .uS were tne o.s-; tricts compared, tneir enrollments. not varying in any greai .egree ,. two "" Prospect both ot which derive a ?reaI P0"10" ,n"r '"e8 trom '" "" 17r w" " I spile of the fact that their enroll e , ments are not as large as some of " . the other district. Prospect with only J1.067. and Rogue River with ! 1T4 students had only $1.23. Sams Vail had Valley with an enrollment of 6S a per cost of .i5. STARS INSTALLED AT JACKSONVILLE. Ore., Jan. t.- iSnecialt Auarel Chattier. N'o' 3. 0. K. 9 . held b inMic installation ' Thursday evening. January i. in the presence of a large number of .isitois and members. Lnla SjuI, ' bury acted as installing officer. Nellie W. Fick. marshal, and Vir ginia Fick. crganist. and Elisabeth , Hay, chaplain. The following offi- were installed: Worthy ma iron. Luella Dunningtan: associat matton. Lulu Saulshury: worthy pa tron. Vivian Wilson: Associate !a tron. Chas. CLiiwood: secretary, i Violet Wilson- tressnree-- Mvrrle Forbes: conductress.. Floine Set - erance: associate conductress. Dor othy Chit wood: chaplain,; Nellie s?l. and at tne Finney: marshal. .Minnie Biitclr: h was aged Salorgauist, Ruth Severance; Adah. A aplendid prcRram was rendered consisting of a vocal solo by Mrs. Johu R. Knfaht. accompanied by ; Mrs. Paske ci Medford; violin solo by John R. Knight, accompanied i by Mrs. Paske; baritone solo by George Wendt, accompanied by Mrs. Wendt. and a piano solo by Virginia Kick. The officers all wore corsages. The worthy matron-elect present ed tt.e Installing officers witfa bou quets of lovely carnations and the retiring worthy matron was pre sented witb a beautiful past ma tron's jewel by her worthy patron. Mr. Wilson, while the chapter pre sented both retiring matron an4 patron itb remembrances. The refreshment committee, un der the direction of Anna 1 -any ley and with her committee, served a banquet Id the hail, where the ta bles were prettily decorated in lolly and Yuletlde colors. Some clever after dinner talks were made and alt left for home feeling that this annual event was most enjoy able. HONOR 1. T. WILSON AT JACKSONVILLE DINNER! JACKSONVILLE. Ore.. Jan. 4 ISI ) A birthday dinner wjs given New Ttars dav at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L, T. Wilson, m honor of Mr. Wilson's T'-'th ttirtn day. Sixteen aruests were present, as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur West-and children. Hilly ami Het ty. Mr. and Mrs. Alttcrt Kyser and Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Doty li of Medford. Mr. and Mrs. V. T Wilson snd son Orviile, Mr. and Mrs. George Wendt and son Les tr and Mr. and Mr. L. T- Wils-n. Turkey dinner was served with nil the tnmmincs lncludine a birthday catte deorntd with 9 rfind'.-.. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Kl'H HKXT Kum. apt- carafe; nw mxmt. !SerTe Aj'is.. It- Quince. tf yon SA LK Will take Rood car as oart nayment on I-acr- su burban place. mi. from Phoe nix; 4-roon. molern houp. tjr ItuUy mtMlern. T'.al prir- $.". Se Charles A. Wine Ayom-y. Inc. i;.CKITlo.VAL value piano for fle cheap, t Atkdale. in used r so. ri:rrr twees M.izxnrd Seedlinc Oherrirs, -ft. trees 2 5 ct. Itinc. It ova I Anne Cherries. & l i ft. trees SO cts. Pear. Peaches, Apricots. Plums. 4 cts. Our tree are the bst. KAItNKS M'RSKRY, S nitle K. of Phoenix, Phone I-Y. Ft SALE Halrd alfalfa hav. Phone 4-i;-J. J" Wtl SALE PY OWNEK-Kift. class irriBateti land near Klam ath Kniu on tod hihsv. Abund.-nt water supply at rrry low price. Tracta .f 40 to lio acres at attractive term 9. Call or tt r ,te 1- JaoUts. ? 1 1 ("" St., Klamath Kails. Ore. :M;f Datfy Meteorological Rqrt January 4. 1J30 - Forecast Medford and vicinity: Tonight and Sunday rain: moderate temper. ature. Orrcon: Raia tonight and Sun day; moderate temijerature. Local Data. Temierature i fleas. I .. Highest iList 12 hrs. lowest 1 1 12 lira 36 3D 2 . 0 KeL humidity il'.i.l .. precipitation (Ins.) State of weather .-tloudy Lt. Kain Lo.est temperature this morn- in 3; decrees. ,ni . Drecipitaiion since Sept. 1 M ;61 jnchM Temperatures a year ago today: Highest. 35; lowest. 2. today. 4:53 p. m. Sunrise Sunday. 7:39 a. m. Sunset Sunday. 4.54 p. m. 'Observations Taken at 5 A. M. 120th Meridian Time ;t i. 2 1 CITV. ' " I . i 5 : . llaker City ... Bismarck Iloise Denver Des Moines . Fresno 4 32 54 5 . 3 6s . . 46 . T8 .... 54 74 50 52 42 34 Cloudy 1U 52 30 26 4!i 34 5 43 50 44 44 3S DS 20 3.i :;) D Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Clondv Clowdy Clear Raia Clear Rain Raia Rain P. Cdy. Ckwdy Clear Helena Los Angeles Marshfield .. Phoenixe. Portland : Ked Hluff Rosehutt; Salt Lake City. San Francisco . Santa Fe . Seattle Spokane Walla Walla .. Winnipeg 4 c;o 42 42 4K ' 58 Rain Clear . P. Cdy j:'Ya-fCHiso5cr, Meteorologist." RABBIT BREEDERS W :- ENJOY SURPRISE PARTY 1 JACKSONVILLE. Ore.. Jan. 4. Kaobit Breeders n.sooiation. which j j usually holds monthly- meetings in ; MeA ford, gave a urprine party ; New Year's eve at the .iome of Mr. ', and Mr W.- T. Wilson, the ocoa t sion being II r. Wilson's birthday. ; j All brought baskets laden with' ; 1 preparations for a banquet. Rabbit I 'ich thf of the asw-1 "w i"1'iM,c jPnawiy. was conspicuous, lne banquet the a.ocia- , tkn !"ceeled with their regular ' . . . adjournment of which the evening waK.spent In social enjoyment, j The party came as a complete surprise to Mr. and Mrs. Uilson. ; All left for their homes about mid- : night reporting a very happy time. I Members of the association pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Alt- , house. Mr. and Mrs. Carol Fisher, i Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Loom is. Mr. and ) Mrs. M. .1. Swing. Mr. and Mrc.j Sutherland, A. C. Aaron and Mrs. i Klla Rattello all of Medford: Mr.; ami Mrs. L. Woodford of Gold : Hill: Mrs. T. D. Carson and ; mie Burk of Phoenix and Mrs. Mamie NeLon and Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Wilson of Jacksonville. ;scrlpiinn was refilled o often mil XKW YK.UI PAHKIIS j became so popular that the druff- Copiea of the Xew Year Mall ' '-t wTlh originally 'llled U decided Tribune, givinc in pictures and I"" ' "P under the name Thox text Medford'. development dllr. inmd available to every ing the year 1:9. mailed at l' The, remarkable thine about cent per copy or S cents n-v. Thoxinr-. is that it relieves almost mailed. iin.-itallv yef ointains not hint; Bring or send your list of name. I harmful: I4, is pleasant tastini.-. accompanied by the amount, t,i , and sale for the whole family, ind this office . is b u a r a n t c e d to relieve sore lms "lce- . " throw, or couch in I . minute, or otk-e foe Ilhl i money Kick. Just ask f..r Thox- ... .. I ine. jr.c. "c and 1 '. Sold hy Bids will lie received for the pur- j,irmiT: Woods and all other good chae of material and equipment .trui: Mores, in the A.hU-nd Xatilorium and re- j moval of same from the property; j all bids subject to rejection if un satiffaclory. Write P. O. liox II Ashland. Oregon. 2M' Xotkf. At noon. Dee. Sis:. HJ9. I toi.k ! over the garage known as Ficht ner's Ciar.ise. situated at the cor ner of W. Cth St. and Fir St.. n the City of Medford. and will not be responsible for any debts in curred by Kd J. Aherin. operating as Fichtner's Garage. ?4 CARI. FICHTXER FOR SALE Jonathan Apples Packed and Wrapped $1.40 Pr box Come to Warehouse, End of N. Central Phone 1366 ROGUE RIVER CO. 1 SELF AID NEED OF ER-! .' 'The only sure aid for the far ' nifr be to- be obtained from the far mer himself. Organization, is the ; first step." declared ieorrTO A- Pal- SI i miter, of Hood River, master .of' 32 ' the state Gran ire who arrived. In I 1 j Medfont ttMtay and iu speakiOK be- : T'foro the. eujhi eranKerf fol the 1 , county, air. rammer, imi. bi M Mrr county ui Oregon ami is a urelens worker in the jnleret .of the farmer, is urging closer organization among Orange mem bers, and a close. -study of legisut- ;tion iuwille to be effected In favor rf relief. ' The adojrtinn of the -stale in come lax. u hich waj referred to ' the people uiter having leen paired once hy the letriirluture. is i the fini mK'P to ii brought about in the 1 merest of farmer, accord ing to Mr. miter, who explained thai this and the Intangible tax ; would reduce the property tax one million and one-half dollars. This bill will be upon the ballot in the 193a election, and should it 1 carry, collection of the income tax will Rt back to 192. : Another piece of 'possible lefjbi , lation abticrbim? the interest of the official, and covered by him in his Ualk throughout the state. s the . eU-ction of a lieutenant governor' ; Wiiu would, upon the death or a t governor take the place of that (executive instead of thi office re verting to the president of the renate. Mr. I'almiter'fi interest in jthis ariwes from the fact that the lieutenant governor is the popular choice of The people oh a whole, J while the presblent of the senate is J eb-eted only within th: body, j The increase of appropriation ""i20 during the session, or SJ..0 a 'day to $iou for the duration of thf ifessson i another bill championed f by the official. Mr. I!miter will he the princi- fmi speaker Tuesday n.ght at the oint Grange, when the new hall im to be ddicated. He 1m take in the Talent. Cen- Point. Sam Valley. Live Oak and Jacksonville Granges before he' leaves for his home in the north. That Rogue River valley far mers are encouragingly progressive and generally sold on the idea of organization, was a final statement made, by the visitor. Heflrintr of motions, transaction .of routine matters and tentative Setting of cases for trial at the j FH(rUary term of circuit court, nas before Judge H. D. Norton to- uay. ah ot the actions constareii j were civil suits. . .. ! Tb c-snd jury will convene Speedy Relief for Sore Throat This Doctor's Prescription Requires No Gargling N wnser is it necessary "arBl an,1 ohoke srun nasiv iasi- I in metiicines to relieve sre: .kr. .. v... .., I i, .'. rn.r ..i.h ..f; relief with one swallow ia donor's precrip:ion. This pre- ACOMPLCn 6LEAKMAM JUDGE PREPARES FOR COURT TERM Monday, and a number of criminal u-.-ii i-t. H(-Terl uDon. Including the case of Pauline Plewk. churned with service station robberies, and Joe Lewis, alleged partner in crime. The cases of Jack Dono ghue and wife, and A. E. Johnson of Jackonville. accused of tortur ing Pat Hohan for purposes of rob bery, and attempted holdup of the Rex Cafe, their crime wave being climaxed with a shootinK affray with the police, will also be under consideration. olicf of Mcrtinr. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Jackson Coun'y ISuilding H Loan Association 1. h4.i. At So North Central Ave nue. Medford. Oregon, on Monday. January . 130. at 7:3 P. m JSC O. C. P.ofifii8. "'cretnrv. ALL SONG, DIALOG TANNED Youth itunts its stuff in a blaie if color to U blare of jazz.- Wi:h ANN PENNINGTON, ARTHUR LAKE JUNE CLYDE, DOROTHY REVIER GLOWING WITH NEW SONG HITS AND RESPLENDENT. BEAUTY LAST TIMES TONIGHT . ALL TALKING WARNER BAXTER "ROMANCE of RIO GRANDE" All Talking Comedy Fox Movietone New STARTS TOMORROW Continuous Shows Sunday ALL TALKING, m w air' a .t f I nc r And on impmsioned World surrender to the Mooic mf ia w aiw TUB Mm Ar.kunWnH LOVER MARIE Alio "KING OF THE W KONGO" Put a checking account to work for you in 1930! A Checking account at this bank (1) will save trips in paying bills. (2) will afford a convenient means of accumulating a ' little money. . (3) and will enhance your credit standing. In these and many other ways a Checking account is decidedly profitable Why not ' open your . account today! cii j The Jackson County Bank ESVABLISHED ldts Medvord, Oregon' 1 ' Commercial Savings Safe Dcxuit UEMtia inrAL rsEvn syjtiu ..... m m s tsar "Hoot Maws new Show at his Theatre t r . - 1 Cinema fan will enjoy the west. jern picture. "Hoof Murks." which Is the attraction tonight at the lia theatre. There are plenty of thrilU In this film and the settings con- : vey a true picture of the fast fad ing west. There will be the usual matinee at 1:30 no that the hil. I dren may enjoy "Hoof Marks." For Biinilay and Monday the lata has secured "Street of Illusion," : which has an exceptionally (jne cjsi headed by Virginia Valli and Ian Keith. : Tal-nt. Plans discussed f,,t' i rebulld'ne local llghtlii!- -.tP, T0M0RE0W only m I . I. .riT BI.MWaUl SINGING, MELODY , . if $K li 4 j 1 Continuous l :: 1 Shows Sunday tarf I - SALLY BLMPIC DRESSIER " TONIGHT :; ALL TALKING MARY NOLAN in "SHANGHAI LADY" Admission s ' mat. iu ana Eve. 10 and 35 Jin