Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 31, 1929, Page 5, Image 5

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Informal Vote Shows Re
jection of Proposals By
Wisconsin Mentor Point
After Touchdown Con
tinues1 in Favor.
NEV yqKycSl. Of) The
football rules will stand as they
are If the Nat'Iohar Football
Coaches association has Its.way.";
By an informal vote of about 4
to 1 (he coaches, meeting: here In
annua session yesterday, rejected
i three chanKes In the code reconi
; mended by the association's rules
committee, heuded by Glenn Thtv
tlethwhlte 'University of Wiscon
sin coach. " "
The.most drastic ohange would
have .'abolished the . point after
touchdown, another suggested
classlfyjng penalties so that it two
fouls were called on the same piny,
one major and the other- minor,
instead of the ball reverting to 1h
original .position the difference' be
' tween the two penalties would he
assessed -The o-t h e t --proposed
change would have given a team
In possession of the ball within
five yards of" the sidelines the op
tion -of. putting it In piny 15 yaHs
from the stdollnes with the loss of
a down.': - . ; '
Majority Vote. .. I '
ll AH three suggestions died a.
' rapid death when R. W. P. Brown
of ' Brown, , pointing out that re
codification of the rules now was
practically, complete, moved ih:.t
no changes in the rules be made.
The decision, by upraised hand.,
showed a large majority opposed
to the changes. . .
' Officers elected were: Presi
dent, William A. Alexander. Clcor
gla Tech; vice-president. J. V. Mec
: han. New York University; second
. vice-president, Clarence W. Spefi,.-.
". Minnesota; secretary-treasurer, W.
II. Cowell, New Humpshlre. Rob
ert C. Zuppke, Illinois; Glenn W.
Warner, Stanford, and J. R. Suth
erland, Pittsburgh, were named to
. sit as ftn advisory committee with
the football rules committee.
Trained to perfection and eag'r
for the fray, two football teams
one representing the west and the
other the east, today were watch-
iha finnl hmiro of tho old VO;ll
slide by, prepared to battle it out
for supremacy in the New Yeai'i-
Shrine benefit spectacle at jvexar
Btadium here. .
The annual classic, which loan
ngo afsumed a national aspect,
will .hrlno- Inln nlav some of th''
mightiest football warriors in the
United States.
In the classic tomorrow will be, fnmn1 nnea na Kleletlt. the
nil-American tackle from Purdue:
' Cannon, Notre Dame's all-American
guard; Bronko Nogurssl.
Minnesota's dashing all-American
all-around linesman, and Glass
gow, the all-American halfback of
Iowa. There will be Hunting of
Gonzaga, whose puting brought
fume to his team aU season, and
Peters, Illinois sensational drop
kicker, and of course many other;!.
NEW YORK, Dec. 31. (P) Lo'"
. Little's successor as head coach of
football at Georgetown university
has been found In the person of
Tommy Mills, an assistant to Knulo
I Rockne at Notre Dame for the last
tfotlr years.
Mills' selection was announced
yesterday by the Rev Jos. O'Brien,
faculty director of athletics at
Georgetown. Mills remarked that
he would have nothing to say until
after he has had a chance to cott
ier with officials at Notre Dame.
Fights Last Night
(By tho Assoclnled Prei.)
NEW VOUK. Cen Jeby. New
York, outpointed Joey Lagrey, New
York, t); Steve Cotch, Hrooklyn.
N. V knocked out Kreddy Kelly,
Atlnntu, Oa., H. '
MAl.TIMOKE. fluster Ilrown.
Baltimore, stopped Hilly Kennedy,
New Orleans, (4).
Socko, Sioux Kails, stopped Dave
Saurs. Cnry, Inj.. (6).
OAKf.ANn," Cnl. Mux Ila'-l.
l.lvermnre, Cl knocked out Tony
Kuentes, (1): Wilson Yarho, Chi
cago, outpointed Jack Lee, Mo
desto, Cl.,- (1).'
SAN FHANCI8CO. Speedy TV -do,
Manila, knocked out Hobby
(larcln, Los Angeles, (J).
Howard Mtlhollnnd, manager of
KOO- for six years, has become
program director of the western
NIK' radio stations.
K " ' J CftlFORNiA - 1 V -- ' ,
h!t ouartet of 'ball toters
day. uansa, lvzv Aii-Amenca naif, ana oaunucr ro mny run
3on recognize no superiors when it comes to plunging.
I "' ' :'!
euciene. ore
Dec. 31. W
Eugene high school football fans
were indignant today over the rul
ing of the suite high school nth-!
letic ..association that only fullj
lime teachers may coach football
fans were indignant today over the
ruling of the slate high school ath
letic association that only full time
teachers may coach football teams
at schools which are members of
the association.
Expectations are, however, that
Charles (Shy) Huntington, former
University of Oregon star and later
head coach at the university, will
be retained as coach of the Eu
gene high, school next year.
Huntington has a teacher's cer
tificate and probably will be em
ployed as a full time teacher to
comply with the athletic associa
tion's ruling.. The feeling hero
indicated that Eugene had been
legislated against, but the proba
bility is that the school would not
withdraw from the association. .;
PORTLAND, Ore. ;Dec. il.lP)
John L. GhrV, secretary 'of the
Oregon High School Athletic as
sociation, denied that the associa
tion had rescinded any rule re
garding the Illegality of using
legal guardianship as a means or
evading eligibility rules of the as
sociation. The denial was issued following
nppearance in eastern Oregon
newspaiwrs to the effect that the
rule, when Hnker high was sus
pended from the state association
recently, had been repealed in the
sourse of the annual association
convention here over the week
end; -
Oary said the confusion prob
ably was due to the fact that -two
amendments to the constitution of
the state athletic body were pro
posed nt the convention, both of
them dealing with "legal guardian
ship," but no action was taken.
,r Ati'il NG "tpVl . Dec, 3l!f (P)
A Iormal aiutwnent Issued by the
federal farm board today denied
reports published In Rome eastern
papers to the effect that the board
has made an offer to buy the
bonds of the Sun Maid Itnlsln
Growers' association. j
'The fnrm hoard," the stntement
set forth, "has not purchased nnd
Is not going to purchase the bonds
of Sun Maid or any other co-operative.
Neither has It entered
Into any agreement as to what
price shall be paid for tho retire
ment of bonds of sun Mnld or nn
nther co-operative -organization? '
"' r. r '-'
ROriEHrnn, Ore,, Deo. 131. (JPi
Kdward iHoottyV Spelgnt, a re
cent resident of Sutherlln. was ar
rested by authorities last night nt
the request of Halem officials.
Speight was Indicted at Salem for
involuntary manslaughter. -
He Is alleged to have been in
toxicated when his car was wreck
ed Inst August. A child was killed
In the accident.
will do the heavy work In the big Rose
Laye, English songstress
Whiting, who glorifies the coast guard in "Heeds Up!" are listed aB
the foremost Ingenue and juvenile of the current musical shows on
the all-Broadway team picked annually by a danca magazine.. :y.
Gabby a Arm Has
Regained Ability
. :y to Heave Apple
Dec. 31. IP);
A new year's gift for William
Wrlgley. Jr., and the Chicago
Cubs the return- to life of
Leo "Gabby" Hartnett's 18,-
ooo throwing arm.
. . The arm thawent dead
during the HI20 training
pqviod nnd refused all season
to show signs of life while
the Cubs were battling their
way to the National league
championship, yesterday
functioned as of old. The pep
pery catcher who was rated
as the best? receive!' In the
senior- major league In 1928,
hauled off and fired a base
ball 200 times In a half hour
down to an' Imaginary second
KVANH VALI.HV, Ore, Uec. 31.
(Hpl.) Mr. und Mia. H. H. Moore
motored to Klamath Falln (.'hrlHl
nian morning to HHnd the day with
Mr. nnd Mrx. K. K. Griffl nnd
ion nnd daughter, Khran nnd Kdna
are wpfndlnn the ho)ldan vlnltlnR
fiiendn til their old home nt Pen
dleton. Frank Nenthnmer was trnnwaet
Inx buineV)i In Central Point imt
'' Mr. nnd Mrn. rirltow of Port
.land are visit Inn Mrn. DrltowH
Hon, J. M. Hm It h peter.
Mm. (ieoiKe Smith ha moved to
Applcatt? to vpend the winter with
her daughter, Mr. K. i'. Carls.
A pfK nnd turkey nhnot wan
Riven ut tl John Newman plaee
Hundny, Drc. 29th. ,
Tho danri held nt the Ornntre
hull nt Vlnier. on Chrlfdnum nlKht
wan well nttended. Another dance
In Minted for Jun. 4, 1930.
Mr. nnd Mrn. fleorite Inlow nf
AxhUind npent Chrlilmnn with
Mm. Inlow'H daughter. Mm, Frank
Nenlhnmer. t
Mr. Shei'han In hnek at work
hiilldinR n hirn for Frank Neat
hamer, after spending n few dnyn
vhUtrng retatlTeH'ft Yrekn, Calif.
base. Gabby Is eager for the i
193(1 season to arrive.
ROSE BOWL GAME i'rtJtf i'Uvtt
Bowl flame at Pasadena, New
vihihi. nnu uun,iu
"Bitter Sweet," and Jack
May Coach Fordham
AMocltitril Vcm
Capt. John J. McEwan, formei
sll-Amerlcan center at West Point,
who was ousted as head coach at
the University of Oregon, Is men
tioned as a possible successor to
MaJ. Frank Cavanaugh at Fordham.
Warner Baxter in
Craterian Talkie
, i . ...
The wMp exonnpe of ihe wet
Ihnt wn, provide the .pletiirepque
locale for "llomnnee' nf KJ-j
Orande," the feature All-talking
Fox Moxletone. picture with War
ner Rnxter. Mary Duncan nnd Are
tnlo Moreno" which comes to th
Fox Craterlnn thejer tonmrrow.
Mnjedve peenert of the Itlo tlrand
refflon, plalnn dotted with enor
mous herdu nf cattle, and the rar
(irandeur of the old Mexican en
taten, Klve pictorial testimony to
the fflKf.ntlc ncnle on which Fox
Film ntaixed thin eompellinff ro
mantic picture of the Wit.
"Crnqiil.MUidor," title of the nov
el front which "Romance of Itl'i
Orntide" vtan adapted, rel.nten th"
triumph , nf mnn over country.
ThroiiRh It run, n puJufttlnp ro
mance nnd the Rrlpplntt ndven
(Ure of thoae dnrlfiti ploneern who
net nut to conquer an untamed
vWJlANY. ?e. V.r C. (.) Hunt
em look fi62n deer durlim the 1021
ennn In Nw York ntnle. accord
Inij to the return stubs of lli cnne,
v I
fctr-S X
Tickets for Rose Bowl Clas-1
.i. u;ho, Dram;m in !
oiu cu iiiyucoi i cuuum m
Five Years Rivals Romp j
Through Final Workouts!
' in Cool. i
lly Itu-scll ,1. Xculuml
Associated Press Sports Writer.
VASADKN'a Calif., Dec. 311
lP College football's capital,
shifted to this far southwestern
section of the country, hummed
with activity to
day as tile unde-
Ccttted ritlsburgh
l a n t h e r s and !
southern Califor
nia's Trojans
romped thru the
I I n u 1 workouts
p r e I i miliary to
the intersections!
classic that will
bring these pow
erful eastern and
western rivals to
gether on
car's day.
New j
Not since 192-1.
w h e n Stanford
and Notre Dame shared the an
nual Tournament of Roses plum,
has a forthcoming contest so
cuugbt the fancy of the football
faithful. The Rose Howl, sealing
around 70,0(11) persons, has been
sold out for days. 11 Is ttie first
time In five years that tickets have
been placed at the premium where
scalpers ll:ive .been able to moli
ili!i,' their forces.
Tliirty-lilree strong, tho Pitts
burgh warriors reached the scene
of coioliut yesterday and dug their
cleats into the same turf where
two years ago they lost to Stan
ford, 7-11. Lighter than tho Tro
jans, the Pitt boys Impressed the
onlookers with their gridiron
thoroughness. Dash nnd pep Is
woven into every nun'o uf the In
vading touchdown -seekers.
Rather cool weather brought a
smite from Conch Sutherland. It
will suit .lock perfectly if the sun
takes a vacation until after 1 the
rirst of the year. Sultry weather
has proved an added handicap to
many visiting teams in the pnst.
LOS ANOKUCH, pec. . 31. iPH
Stai;e ami Rerecn pluyerH f tho
nation today mourned tho piiHstim
of .Mrs. J.ydla Yeumnns Titus, fn
moiiH juHrtus , of 30 leurB np;n
whoBP death enterdny In Holly
wood rcrnlk'd memoriOH of a dny
lonjc punt when "Sully In Out-
Alley" was ut tho height of ill
It wuh l.ydlu Ycamann, then at
the peak of her HtaKe career, who
made tho hour famoUH In Kngland
and America. During the time of
her microns In England Hhe mna;
hefore Kinff Kdward VII nnd wuh
premntcd by hl mnJeHty with a
Bold bur pin on which the first
noten of "Hally" were Hhown In
EUREKA,'. Cal.. Dec. 3l.-U-(P)
Johnny Casanova, hero nf muny a
gridiron battle, lost his fight
against death here Inst night.
The 21-year-old Santa Clara uni
versity athlete succumbed In St.
Joseph's hospital last night from
InjutieH received In an automobile
accident near here Christmas dny.
1 1
STOCKTON, Cal., Dec. 31. P)
The ColleHO of the Pacific quin
tet nnfted out Oregon Hlnle'B hnnUnt
hall team here laHt nlRht, 2l to 24,
Led hy the npeedy nophoitiore,
"IJroeze" O'Dule, center , PuclNc
came from behind In the nerntid
half to stave otf a rally by the
Slalom and take the Rnme.
i VANCOUVER, n. C Dec. 31.
(A') Ktifreshed by a twodny lay
off, Victoria's Cubs showed a tlioli
snnn1 fans here Inst nlitht nit Im
protred learn when they buttled
thrniiKh CO minutes ol torrid hockey
to lose to the Vancouver I. Ions in
a Taclflc Coast leiiKiie game, Ihrnn
Koals to two.
Killed lly runner.
VIKNNA. llee. SI. (A') lx-oiold
l-'anlo. purlner 111 tbe . widely
known Vienna textile firm r Ito
kcnbniier and flrlf, wim nllot dead
In-his orflce today by hlw fellow
pininer, Franz Knrcxait. Karw-'ia
committed suicide.
Iai. ilp I'oor Sailor.
KN'OXVIM.K, Tenn. (CP.)
Uoyd Hiifwitt'h, scion of t'herokee
Indian chiefs, recently left the res
ervation In North Carolina to see
the world, and landed in the
fnlted Htntes navy here, to see
It thromih a port hole,
IL.A $k
Major of Army Air Reserve
and James C. Stovall Will
Conduct School and Re
pair Shop Aerial Maps
to Be Made.
Major C. 11. Kckerson and James ;
I C. Stovull of the Ki-lierson Hying
1 Service have accepted an offer It) ,
take charge of the flying school. ;
ground school, local aerial taxi ;
service and repair shop on the
Medford municipal airport. They ;
will also conduct other ventures j
for the promotion of nvlntlan. j
such as a flying club, glider club
and a chapter or the American Air
Cudots. Members of Oils organiza
tion, consisting or boys, build scale (
models nnd llyliig models of all'-1
planes to compel a for rulings and ;
prizes at local, stale, national and j
international meets. I
Tho Kckerson Hying Service Is
distributor In Oregon for Arrow
planes and dealer for Waco planes.
The corporation nt present has
equipment consisting or ono Arrow
sport training plane for primary ,
instruction anil one nam iaiier-
wing 220 Tor advanced work, lloth
or these ships are licensed by the
department of commerce.
Eckerson War Teacher
The Instructor for the flying
school Is Major Kckerson, who
holds a transport llconse uml air
plane and englnu mechanic license,
lie received 1.1s training ill Kelly
Held, where he was Instructed dur
ing the war. lie is n major in the
army air reserve. During his M
years of flying experience he has
not had even u minor crash while
In the capacity of pilot.
James C. Stovall. who Is rinnn
cial backer of the organization, has
just completed eight hours of solo
instruction and will receive his lim
ited commercial license early In the
spring". ,Ho recently took his tuns-j
ler's degree In geology from liie
University of Oregon and plans to
do extensive aerial mapping from :
his Arrow plane of Ilia southern j
part of Oregon. i
Trainmen Killed
VANCOUVHK, 11. C, Oec. 111.
1.. I. Hobs, engineer nnd C. II.
Reese, hrnkeman, worn killed when
n Canadian National railway freight
train was wrecked yesterday by a
rock slide at Tloslon liar, II. C,
cast ol here.
KUCiK.NK. Permission has been
received from tho federal radio
commission lor KOHIC ut Kugone
to resume hrondcnsllng.
Hail 1930
Here's .the pi nee
where you don't linvc
to wait for a haircut
or shave.
Bates Bros.
Barber Shop
(Six Chairs on Saturdnys)
Wishing All
Our Patrons
MwlMuriti mi
Fly by Weight
leper pound
Lnrije C-Placc Ti'iivelnir Cab Monoplane, pow
ered with Wright IHH) horsepower motor. Li
censed Pilot and Plane.
Medford's New Municipal Airport
The large eahin monoplane will take parties of
live at .f 12.00 per hour per passenger to any
point desired during the week except Sundays.
Do Not Forget the Beautiful
Crater Lake Trip
Arrangements can he made with Mr. Hold at
the Medford Hotel or at the Airport
Once more, on New Year's Day, we
are reminded of the generous pat
ronage accorded this corporation by
Southern Oregon people. We re
solve to serve you faithfully and
efficiently during 1930 as we have
endeavored to do during the past
year. . . ;
Southern Oregon Gas Corp.
Start the New Year
We are R'iviiitf nvyay nn Alarm Clock. Hank
to every person willing to purchase some
of our JL Nertes installment stock.
Dividends Guaranteed at 6
Begin 1930
with a SAVINGS Account
Southern Building &
.Loan Association
125 E. Sixth St. Tel. 1224
Happy New Year
' May 19H0 bring yrn prospenty thrn
out the year ia our wish.