Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 18, 1929, Page 4, Image 4

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    PAGl5 FOUR
Medpord Mail Tribune
Ptllr. iunda, WMklf
. IMtillrtirt kr
mnroRD mi.siiNa co.
si-ir-sg N. Mr 8L
ItoM Tl
AO Independent Nempipcr
Entered aa aeeond flew niliH t lledord,
Ortjon, under AU'61 piircll 8. 8t. -
Bf Will In Antinee: . '
unir, iia iureuy, tfir...;.'.;j...t.60
' tkUr, ails into, tm...'i..i.:
' ' 'Dillr. vithtHit Sunday, fear I-HO
pally, villwut BiliMlair, aonlb. .-. 1 :.05
Wnklj Hall Trunin, on Teat '.. 3.00
trior, am rear................. a.oo
Br Carrier, In Advance Iff Medford, Aiblaml,
aeeksowllle, Cenlral Tolnt, i'boenll, Talent, (lold
Hill and on lUtliors: , , . ..
Pally, llh Bundar, eonlh. '..I .IS
Iiillr, wliiiout Hunday, noolb -.BS
nuiy. allium Bundar, P Kr T.00
Dally. IID Sunday; on, rear 8.00
'AII terms, cub In edranee, - -
. 'i Aeeeirinx Full Leased Wirt Senlce
'YTm Associated I'rem Is eiclusiteljr entitled to
the use for publication of ill newt dlipaleba
credited to It or oUtervlse credited la U1I1 piper,
ikfl alio to the local ikwi published hereto.
All right for publlratloD of ipeclil dlipttcbti
berela ire also reserved.
'Ofrklil paper of the City of Medford.
Official paper of Jactuoo Comity.
A. B. C. amage circuit t loo for lis ontba
COdlm October 1, 1020, 41T4.
Daily a-erice distribution for tlx aoothl to
October lit, 1020, 4(111.
Present press run, 4825, ;f
AdTerthtrtt Rfpreientatlrea
orrieea In New York, Clileaio, Detroit,
friKlsco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland.
Ye Smudge Pot
By Arthur Perry
ft ccm8 that somebody its loving
tho farmer, besides thfn.Helven,
their wives, and candidates for of
fice. As a result, the farmer In
boct by- admirer who proclnfm
tho Farm Relief Act will skin him
Hllye, financially. Hipping the
li fd,o of tho tillers, haH heretpfore
uqder the prevailing economic Hyn
tejh, been the. oxclutdve right of
htoj present and audden udmfrcru,
It hut) been a pleasant and profit
able pastime, entailing no (treat
physical or mentnl effort, and they
resist being divorced from tho
VuUiilnB by loUd i vailn; coytitlsh
howls, and nlloKUAluiw of cruel, in
.human and .,ubutjlv,o . treatment.
Tho farmer Is tho uuckbonu of the
nation, functioning u, the little
finger of the nation. The vocal
chorda of the nation deslro to keep
him functioning ns tho lltllo fin
K while doing , backbono work
uH,.thcy reap the cream from IiIh
f forts.- Illustration: Tho . wcalthl
eswheut man never, saw a wlioat
field.. .. . . . i.
The wslter knowH absolutely
nothing about the Farm Holier act.
This iti tho extent of tho know
ledge of those-wlio Keo hi tho bill,
destruction find despair and a high
fevor.. However, i.tho president,
for(ltho .operation of- the mcoHuro,
ban- gathered a number oj long
1 lotid c(i gentH tllHtingulHhed fur
Ibeir buttincKH arumen. Not a
moniber of the Kami Jtoard )uih
initio an outHtandlng flzJo of
unyllihiK he tried, anil 1h not apt
to need the UHHlHtanco of a. lawyer
ln,(ho future. In their preliminary
inuvci they havfl. given ampls evl
ilenco they have an Inkling they
know what they are trylugvto do.
It will not be neceHMary to paint
the ( plow ImndleH pink, or uhu the
methoda of a aide hIiow barker, to
cut the farmer" Iooho from IiIh
lovers. -
Vllnrry TlmrriK li'ft tilt' liHilin-
tiidiii with IiIh wlfn niul u wildcat
TUCHilny. Tho wllilcul oHcupoil.
1'itlBlpy Nutfu.) When tho wllil.
catiHtnrtotl lio wan tulit ho hud tu
tuitt IiIh own chuncoB.
Tho city onunril Iiuh firilorod
thu( 13-your-uld boya driving u
high puworod uulo without u
lloonuc. und ai-o-iintlor 12 ycai'H of
UKD when uUcmllrm u thoatnr.
intiejl bo hump at 9 o i lm k. or any
time thereafter they may feol like
your rorr. waa aHaallett latoyeM
teiilay ly a memln'r uf tho fair
"'X ho han a Iiihk ill ohm (iiii
eallol). .She di'tnanili'd a retrae
tioh that the Hald tlreHH wiih red.
Kh hcrowltli netH It. Tho dreaa
wiua not rod. It la tho color of a
Ni'sicnglne. .. . ....
California foutball., tcaniH haw
flKUred out tho .difference bctwocn
Sool) people at a riiiiiv and 4U.0UU
lieoule, and have allotted Damon to
OStl (nee (JAC), and none to the
Uo(6., for next year. The more
pooDle In th6 Mtodliim on a Ka'tur
day afternoon, the more miondu
llcki In tho aUiletlc fund, aeenu to
ho the theory. Hcxldex, tho OHC.
(noo OAC) aquud nlwaya offers
opponltlon, liuvc, moro than one
Hearing piny when they arrive ai
tho JO-jaid line, and are not henet
I'y.H horde ot campua polltlelann.
They try to play football, iimtead
uf IHilltlca. Oregon l Riven Ramea
with WunhhiRton, Jdnhn, OHt'.,
Montana, Gunauga, with an open
data for a content'. with tho foil
ami branch of Mohler'a Darber
college, .'.
I . M1.VKK8
Tho groat .man turned to mq and
wild, "Mining ha Bono to Holl lire
lant, ten nr. Do you know
what', the matter ? The cunfound
cd BUtomohllenl , They have, near
ruined Nevada. . Nnbodya' finding
inlnea any moro. Thene fancy ore
wouiH atlck cloae to the highway,
ao na to aparo their then. Over
Iwu-llilrdn or tho hlg mines In Ne
vada wore found hy -hurroe hunt
ing fur pram, or by their maatera
whp, apent half their Uvea hunting
fur Jhe atrayed burro,"
Fancy, acouta! .1 Well, the proa,
peatora ( had , changed, certainly.
Her were a ax-ore of them aurglng
about thla pit, All were dreaned In
nenil-lnllHary aiyle, With legging
and inanklnawn with nut a alnglo
beafd amongat theml
qn. are the julp-of-lhumb old
tlmera who prodded the burro,
ruralng meanwhile every tooth out
if their heniln, mid . braving .heel
WAVea that would hnve .daunted
Abertnego, (American Mercury',) '
f T will lip' vi'i-y iiili'W'KliiiV' (ti w;e Imw (lie nciv inx on ' ii'itaii
J. fiilill'ii wiirlis out in Offjrmt. .State offieiiils fxptict nearly a
million ilijllarx revenue from this tux, and the Ntritu levy on real
phipei'ty has, in ntitieipiitioii of this result, been reilueed liy a
like amount. J( the tax works out this way, it sluiulil he j;euer
ally npprovetl, ior it. will ai'enmpli.sli what has been a real need
air etpiulizatioh. of the tax burden, ami relief for the property
owner. ' f
' As was expeefed some owiiei'H of intangibles, subject to
the tax, ni-o eonijilainiii.'. They seem freuenilly to aree the tax
is jilst in theory, but they complain about 'certain of its provi-
s'ions-'-piti'tieuIarly (he item deelariiig stock losses not de
duttilile. '
In this as in most other thin;s, however, the proof of the
pudding is in the eating, and we believe the sensible course is
to (five the new system a fair trial, before e'oneludiiif; that it is
unjust or unworkable. If experience proves inequalities exist,
they can he removed by legislative action; und if no such in
equalities develop then all factions can unite on the support of
a system, which has demons! rated its worth. At any rate, we
believe that any attempt to invoke a referendum at the present
time would not only fail, but would injure the cause of sane und
sensible tax reform, for maiiy years to come. . '
'nifK jLilj-tlUHL'XK in the past opposed both a state in
M- come tax antl iiitanjihle tax, not because we questioned the
justice and propriety of such taxes in theory, but because we
believed tbut in ' 'practice ' until Washington and California
adopted similar taxes, they would Work an undesirable and nil-
necessary hardship upon Oregon. AVe maintained that Oregon
the least developed of the three states, should encourage people
of means to settle in this state and invest their-money, rather
than impose a tax against tbem. We still believe that reasoning
was sound. Hut now both California and Washington have
adopted taxes similar to this intangible tax, so an argument that
was valid in the past, is not valid today.
We bear owners of intangible assets arc planning to move
from Oregon, to avoid Ibis tax. Mebhc so. lint if our informa
tion is correct they will find no relief on the coast, and in only
t( few states, including Florida, ami other commonwealth, many
niflc's away. '
AS to technical defects in the new law, they must be left, as
far as we are concerned, to the tax experts. JJut the gen
eral theory of the infaiigiblo tax we believe to be right, ami dc
servi'lig'of jio'puliir support. '
', 'Why should intangible property be exempt from taxation'
We' can see 'lib 'viilid reason. Let us suppose, for the sake of
argument, two men come to Oregon, each with if'ityHJO. Mr. A
puts his money in a ranch and acts as its manager. .Mr. U gels
a salaried position, rents k home and puts bis ifCityHH) in gilt
edged bonds. Is it right that .Mr. A should pay one or two thou
sand dollar's" A year iii Iiixch and Mr. It should' pay N'OTIllN'ff V
Obviously uii'ti And yet that, wils the sitmiUon under tlie old
system. Jt was an effort to remedy this injustice, tii'lessen Ihe
liiirrtejij ijtt real properly, by transferring a proper portion 'of it
to intangibles, Unit the new lax law was f rained. The old sys
telii penalized the man' who invested his mtiiie.v in Oregon, and
workod for the state's development, and in reality paid a bonus
to the mail wild invested iio money in Ibis stale, but drew liis
salary here, and profiled by investing, his money to promote de
velopment in the Kast.
We'iire inclined io'agrce with ('. C. Chapman of the Oregon
Voter, who' led the fight 'hi this state against the state income
tax (anil who incidentally has been idiaracterized formally years
as the mouthpiece of the business interests in this state), when
lie writes, uncut the new. intangible' tax as follows:
Oregon owners of IntniiKllilea hiivo u vuiloly of reiitioim for ru
liottluK tliolr Jtiatt lii-.oniu,frim' iiuniiKlbluH nud inlying the noinl
mil tax of G por cant on that Income.
. 'I'ltrumtiuiil iih an incentive la that or cltlitimahlp. Tho tax is
tint burdensome, ca'peclully us compared with the lionvy luxes
pnlil by tiingihlo property, especially, lout valuta... Tho benofila
ileilvcd rrom reHldcnco In thin state, tiro so grout that It will afford
a IItIII or )luu8iu-6 and autlsfuctloti to pay thla tux II' one atopa
tn think Whoru tho miinoy go to schools, higher education, out
sliito inatlttitioiiH und, in uniull part, to support n very good suuo
government, (Jonaclcntloiia peoplu will roport their Income und
thoau wlio me not an acutely coimclunllous will rod a lot bettor
to notch up a bit Into the class who nro linrtlciilur uhout tholr
own opinion of themaolvoH. -. . . v
A minor reason la thai of seir proloellon. Intangibles j-opmliul
under tho Incomo lax are thereby rcleaHcil Iroin the itaiiKnr of
being nKxnannil ut full vnlun mid laxml with tho full rate on prop
erly. Thoro'a n big dltferonco bolween imylug 0 per cent on
pilnclpul and S por cent on income. ,
In milking the return do not roiKut that dividends dmived from
atocka purchased tm margin lire taxable tho same ns illvidenila
from Block held in full ownership, or Internal on hnnda. Neither
profits nor leases In stock triinsactimm are taxuhlo or tlodiiclihlo.
Tho new tax Is In effect on liil'ft Incomo. und Is reportable und
payable In IIWii. Yon will got your report blank soon.
Personal Health Service
Signed letten pertalnlnK to personal liraltb and liynlene, not to rJlteane dUgtxwIi or treatment
will be answered by f)r. Brady If ilamjwd, lelf-addreeiied enreloiie li eiwloied. Uttera almuld hi
brief sih! firlltrn In Ink. Oh lug to (lie laruo ntimber of Ictlen reeeired, only a ft can bearuwered
litre. No reply ran be made to uwrlea out conforming to liitructlonf. Addresi lir. William Urady
In cart of this newspaper. '
Tin-: milk max i:m i;hs phactk k
Our milk man, or at leant thoj
one who han been ours for Huveral
yoarn, has always delivered ' the
vry.f beat jnilk, croarri, butter,
cneeso, w cduld desire. It HecniH a
shame to . ff 1 v o
him the air now,
but I fear wo
nuiHt do ho in
hp If defenuo. The
milk man has -at
last entered the
practice of medi
cine. Ho makes
his bow by . In
forming us, alonK
with the b a (I i
Cream und Siikui'?
A doctor hero told mo to drink
coffee without milk and sugar, but
some years ago another doctor told
nip always to use cream In coffe
as that kills tho poiuon , , . Mrs.
O. A. li.
Answer. Perhaps your present
doctor meant to res'rict the fat and
earhohydriue in your present die;.
1 cun't give an opinion about that,
knowing nothing of your condition.
Hut for normal people, coffee may
lie taken with or without sugar,
t-ream, milk, egg, chicory, etc., as
one prefers. It Is ridiculous to
think that the addition of any oi'
these "kills the poison" in coffee.
news of the staggering total of thoj bocauso there Isn't any poison in
month's milk bill, that constipa-f coffee. But - I hereby warn you
tion is ono of the most fertile j nftt anv wretch who offers me cof-
sources of disease in the human eo without cream and sugar will
system. Kor years I have been have poison In him lead or some
trying to believe that constipation thlnn-
Is "nothing like that. But annar-i Sweet Alice In Sneakers.
I clerk in father's store, a little
Informal shop, and I have discard
ed leather shoes and taken t'j
weaiing sneakers. Everybody, In
tending Mike, the handsome cup
tells me my feet will get flat und
clumsy. Hut adopting sneak
ers I have found relief from foot
troubles. I read that the old Greeks
wore only flexible Mandals and had
tho nmiit hntiltlirill foot Kitnti
Quill Points
Scapegoat: Ono who is hlame!
for the sins and failures of others.
Synonym: Coach.
" South China Is determined to
show Russia she can't he bluffed
If it takes tho lust Manchuiian.
ently the milk man knows better.
And he follows up the announce
ment by assuring us that cathar
tics are temporary and If persisted
In, extremely harmful.
Of course our milk man knows
nothing about the subject upon
which he seeks to inform us. He
Is merely distributing some propa
ganda for a nostrum which he hns
undertaken to sell customers as a
sideline. Besides a commission on iecks in the quick repair shop
all he can sell, the milk man prob- across the street nave iunny reet.
ably draws a reasonable rate froinj',Jut tll(lV .n't wear sandals. I
the nostrum maker for distribut- I an. worried. Alice in Sneakers.
Ing the propaganda. Answer Fine for your feet.
The nostrum In Question I on? your neaun n everytliing. How
of the numerous preparations of!ure Mike's feet??
acidophilus bacillus. In recent (Copyright John P. Dllle Co.)
years acidophilus bacillus cultures
or products have been extensively;
exploited as an Improvement upon
the Bulgarian bacillus cultures orl
products that -enjoyed so much 1
popularity 10 or 20 years ago when
Metchnlkoff's theory was still cur-
ent and unexplnded. I do not
question the assertion that acid
ophilus products are more satis
factory for the purpose of favor
ing a vigorous lactic bacillus
growth in the Intestine; nor do I
doubt that such lactic bacillus fer
mentation in the Intestine Is whole
some and desirable. I do not wish
to imply that acidophilus prepara
tions should not bo prescribed by
physicinns for certain cases. I
simply give It as my opinion that
none of theso glorified substitutes
for buttermilk or sour milk Is
worth a tinker's dam for anybody
not under m ed I en 1 cn re. I chal
lenge bacteriologists and doctors
who have no commercial interest
concerned, to bring forward any
Hound scientific cvideiat'e that the
desirable vigorous lactic fermenta
tion In the Intestine can be "more
effectively maintained by tho use
of these fancy preparations than
it can be by the drinking of raw
fresh milk, buttermilk; soured milk
or skim milk, whichever or when
ever one likes. . . "
Our milk nmn's defection gives
me a pain, antl 1 menu a pain. Is
there no single line of business in
this nation that can succeed with
out taking advantage of health-ap-peal?
Is there no honest mer
chant who enn get along wil bout
engaging more or lews In the prac
tice of medicine? Is there no mc.
chundise that wilt Hell to intelliuenl
folk without the exrravtigfint prom
ise that the purchase of the goods
will -bring the customer "health!
Insurance ?' j
Homn Is a place where you eat
dinner scraps for supper and know
It. '
Modern life offers few examples
of "noblesse oblige," unless you
count1' tho fact that trucks give
flivver's room to p.iss
Well, sir; what a surprise!
Wheels keep right on turning, even
though figures on a tape uhunyc
from Jl40";to ttfi.
AC ROb fl
it Plnce to ill
ft. I'nrt f
t. lilgb OTOinfnln
li. To
15. l.lTcly Iniect
14. .'nature ,
16. Hfii da
17. Itultle
10. Aflcriionn
to. I.vave oat
Si. Sun uf Silh
S3. I.nlldlng .slice
SA. I'ertiilnlnR to
I be- par
2H. Jiertire
ti. llnrl forth
31, Individual per-
33. Trnniiiiitlnn of
the ptittt pur-
31. Noatrll
St. oih of nn
curly breed of ij. Storm
duart cnllloi 64, Ai far n
Tiir. . .
8K, ('reposition
40. Item) slander
it. rrlri out
42. tin lire t
17t i:ry niensnre
4. Anlnnil tlcvh
ut). One wlio
nil mica
Solution of Yesterday' Puzzlo
Oil L E R PO L QR)aJ pTeTlI
Lief! A S eUQ t I NG I t L
a t tieIn dTe rSng U IT 1 '1
s f elgnp o s t sffs a q
MglgtlK ORE AllA HOA
f in iiy ' RrnP. 1 V 1 I? E, N p
HER OflA EfnCMwlo PjMtgJ
ENO wlio 1 RfflP Q ETIS
IN njE o S E SI l A N A
RiAiSiiAlRlNlElElle N D E D
65. Jlnrnnonpr
ST. May wlnduir
60. F.Ter
fil. 1'rlnccly boose
of Itnly
S3. Uppnslle of
a it cn I Iter
CI. len
Flower stalk
08.. Ilcradct .
1. Mthe
5. (Jnptlrnle
3. Slnmeso coin
4. 'rout o. tbu
6. Asslmllnted
form of ud
fl. Mm bin
?. 1'ortlon
8. Dcrour
B. Onnccompa
10. Feminine nnma
11. Went by
10. True
J 8.. T but .11 abhr.
tit Htnlu of (tin
- Unions nbbr. -
4. mite raik
5. UOX ''
27. hlnd'nf soil
3d. Juunicy
33. Kutry In an
3ft. IMkIioi moun-
tn in in I lie
no rid
37. Itcvcrnge.
3H. hpcraden '
3D. I.nvcr In an
euguo ,
fl. Curd Kmp
43. Kind of anil
44. Sect plerc
40. Suspicious.
49, I'lant of the
Illy fnmllr
&1. Sun pod
fi6. Thing
9. Ad.lpftlTf, ter
mination Hi. Sguuru of type
Do You Remember?
(from flks ut. tho Jluil TiIIjuiil'.)
lircvinlH-r IN. UHU.
Jat-ksdn County Farm liurcua
f;xihani;o Ih incorporated.
Wit'i iiIiil'8 repulred, I'uku thi-ti-r
Is oiiiMii'il for IMoBiMitation of
rriio 'Taiior-.Maau lun." ;
Swiff & Co. of Chicugo aiinouneu
abandoning Wholesale grocery
trade. '
New Yor. Food Products com
pany with 1.(100. Otlll gallons of
whiskey on hiind, declures extra
dividend oS 1 V4 I'er cent.
J. s. c. Wellls, visitor here from
Nebraska, ' oes to Santa Hai tian
to return here with wife and sou,
to make permanent home, '
L . m.wm
Movement starts to establish air
plane mnll route from New York
to Kan Francisco.
Medford women advised not to
pay over $1.00 a dozen for eggs.
(From files of the Mail Tribune.)
Decemher lllol), 10.
Copenhagen. Com mittco of
Danish scientists finally decide? Dr.
Cook never reached North Pole.
Dr. S w e d e n b o r g wins suit
liiought against him for $17,600 by
Floyd Moore.
Sisters of Holy Name may build
$120,000 hospital In Medford.
Booster Note: "Orchardists are
so prosperous, diamonds are got
ing scarce In Medford Jewelry
It is estimated It airplanes -will
appear at the big uviation meet
in Los Angeles, in January.
treacherous luggage to travel' with
a treacherous dry. '
It might be a-good idea, while!
framing a constlt'itlunul amend-!
ment, to tack on a rider telling
federal Judges what it means. i
Correct this sentence: "I think
I lie old way of raising children was
better," snld he. "'und I'm not in
timating that my 'own excellence
proves the point." , .
New YorkerM v.:m can't se
lecl! IIik worst nf 211 clly noises
must live where nobnily Is
lonniiiiK Ihe flilillr.
. Th:T sinful downfall of the right
onus $.n't new. The only man good
enough to save from tho flood got
drunlt when It was uver.
"(live Diitl xiuiiolliinjr rosll'iil for Clirlslniiis." To In- sine.
Slipper to rest liis fopl, iin, litl'lo faiuily fonspinicy to ivst
his pookotlioolt.
' If Won't dii fov'nll Vo'iu'crns to firtorrr.,T li tlierc's no iMi'mpc.
titfoil wlio will py tlm riulio's ml.-noul tenor? .
vri:sTKNs axi) AxswKits
i t'nlln C'lin't Happen.
Our twn-mnntlls-otfl baby Is
troubled very much with rollc. Is
there any cure for It. or Is there
nnytlilhg tbut will relieve the pain
temporarily? A. I,. F.
Answer. Sometimes I think the
best treatment would be anestbel
iKiitlon of the parents' or more
likely the neighbor .who brings tho
charge., against - the Infant. I've
worried through kiiiiio pretty try.
Ing miur.lls: I've given imtlent ear
to a lot of highly technical ple.vl
Ing by grannies i.nd well meaning
busytiodles; I've withstood some
ponderous opinions of pompous old
dnetors: ami my present belief is
that eollc does not happen. In
every alleged ease of eollc I huv
encountered In n reasonably vhi-I.m!
prlvato and hospital practice 'in
city and country, the poor Infant
was actually suffering from im
proper care or lack of caru. Wi-oim
food, unwarranted doping - Willi
medicine:, linoninfortablo, usuitllv
excesslve clothing, noise and bright
llghi;at(or bedtime: hunger: thirst:
tinrleanlinos those are some of
tho common conditions that are
rpvered by that moan alibi, "coll.-."
America dotes on buth tubs, hut
you'll notice that aillhors still dem
onstrate their hero's superiority by
giving him li' bath eVry day.
Americanism:' liuylng books wo
don't read: attending opera we
can't appreciate; paving for a room
With u bath and not taking the
"Please como nguln," Santa Haiti,
"antl If I'm ho busy that 1 can
hardly talk to you, I'm nuro you'll
find my place Interesting. Don't
forget to hang up your utockingH."
John und Peggy laughed. Ah
though they would forget anything
like that! Santa C'laus wan laugh
ing, too. .And Iiih eyes wore
twinkling very brightly. It even
seemed as though his dog, Great
Uoy, wan grinning. He opened IiIh
mouth In wueh a funny way!
Ah long aH they lived, too, they
knew they wbu'Uril'cvi6r"furget''h(w
Kanta'H eyes Hintled and twinkled!
-"Tho Gliml.")'
Brisbane's Today
(Continued from Page On) '
Tho tumult and the .shouting
dies; 'the heroes and the crow-Is
depart. .Still stands the big game's
Hacrmcfc-r-a opnpieu back and lei:
and heart, . .
vVouliI prolmlily net'd liiiulinj;
pliiucs only every 500 miles.
' -'IMiiuy reii'ieniber erossint,' the
necaii on steamers in the last
eentury with sails . stretehed,
eiiptains not relying on
They don't do that any
Women's Hoke
I $1.00 Pair
The Wall Si root crash did not ; ss
takt: all' tho money. A .New Yorker, Silk from top to toe With
(, French Heel
A iiolcil psyrlirilugist mi
in mi lire the illMtvcry that men
arei ..s 1 1 1 1 c r nftcr (lurk. hut.
(loctu'l tell which night club
he vIMtcri.
A dun. was yellow enough
blame Kve. but ho dtiln't tuko '
when his .soft tinap ended.
A man at work can't !iiuir up
as he could while watehlng tho
ticker,' ami what wilt the bootleg
gers do then, poor things?
birds of a feather flock to
Vou'd naMil'alty 'XpM'l
MUTT AND JEFF Meet the Prime MinUter of Stall
SA T A 'S I ' 1 1 1 F.St ' A I i:s
lly Mary firnliani itoniier
"Santy,"-. I'9ggy began, "most of
tho elilldren I know, or a good
many of ihem. anvway, live in
apartments, and vou come to 'see
them just tho th
Kit 111... 11 (l IV fin
vnu get down! steatll.
without chlm- llonircr.
novs?" I .
"M y 1 e a r," I
Santa Claus re- j
nllod. "I h a w .
those apartments 'Monday, nought . a tliamonil for j
being built sbmo SlOn.'iOII for soino cieserving lady, j
time ago. When i Perhaps it was a broker, not a cus-
they stiti-ted to , tonior, that bought It.
build them I said i If you nro looking Tor a present,
to myself: and can't think what tn gjvc, u
V h a tl No . Fifth nvenue Jeweler lias for hiiIo
chimneys for mo , at $7"0,(ii)ii a necklace of Oriental
to gn down to nearls. irnod rolor.
visit i ho chllilren!- . aa
on Christmas Kve? Well, I'll have j The recipients of llio $lon,(Hil) i
to hoc about that!' ' " diamond und the J750.WHI nocklnce '
"And I did. I saw that they i probably will not enjoy their girts '
wercl.ulldlng fii-o-oscniios on those 'as much iis some girl in Ohio will
houses every apartment had Us ' enjoy getting a small ring with a
flrc-eseape. sio when I gn to such moss agate set in It.
places I simply go . dovn that i , , -
way!" ; r tlow rich Is this country with
"Oh. I am so glnd Jo have that ' " growing billions of Income n
iiucstlon answered,'' I'eggy said.- yenr? One state, .New York, curries i
And then they mild good-bye. to 1 more than eighteen thousand mil-1
Santu Claus. and tho J.lttle Black "on dollars of Insurance and one;
Clock told him that perhaps : lift' city spends five hundred million!
would bring thorn again. - i dollars a year. Within 'twenty
Oh, may we come?" Peggy j years the Incomo of the l ulled i
's"el. ! States has Increased by lens of bll-
"We'd love to, Santa." John lions. The onrnlnirs nf tl.n ,..... I
' family are almost $401111 a year. I
. . TF
First Insurance
A. L. HILL, Minagar..
Phona 105 80 N. Central
Medford! Oregon
iHfLLf? Ptlf(SVRorV ' ' nun i.'.. i-a.iiso I I ..- r- , . . , 1 , ; - - - ..''
mArouIt: fDeARHuTT-lF ou Lootc f I AIN'T Wo oSG T,NG,-r2 -Wou '
'' '';V
juuius clotts Pittsburgh vwRitcj -
'I auuavs uKfe to HcAf VouR uotce
"' - . TVt? TUmf aii.'T J
New York. J. P. Morgan cffecU
big copper merger. Total output
annually will be over 200,000,000
pounds. ,
What once would have been a com
fortable fortuno is now. a yearly
No wonder foreign nations want
us in tho Lctiguo of Nations, their
World Court, or In something that
would create u hold on Uncle Sum
und his pouketbook.
j '
in our American .specialty, crimo,
usually unpunished, you read "Girl
found (lead In cub near home."
And St. Joseph, Mich., tells uf a
fugitive, from murder supposed tn
he connected with the wholesale
butchery In Chicago. :
.The peoplo hud alnioHt forgotten
about tliRt Incident.
Half a, dozen men, compelled to
stand with tholr faces to the wall,
were mowed down with machine
guns, called "choppers," by racket
eers that uso them.
Hlg Business becomes always big
ger and so much the better for Big
nuHiness und tlie littlu man.
Hlgger business culls for greater'
ability, creates higher wages.
If the peoplu have brains they
will not allow Hlg Business to uo-
como oppressive.
And If they haven't brains, Hlg
Business will teach them to think.
They'll liuve to.
The United Slates Stciel ('orpoiii
lion will buy tho Atlas Portland
Cement Coinpny, ono of -tho big
gest concerns In tho United States.
.-United States Steel already lias
gigantic cement plants,' but wants
to grow si 111 bigger.